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  • 8/9/2019 Schuman FAQ



    100 frequently asked questions

    Types of traineeship

    1) Q: What is the difference between the traineeships for universitygraduates and training placements (apart from the scholarship)?

    2) Q: What is the duration of the different types of traineeship offeredat Parliament?

    ) Q: What is the difference between the general and the !ournalismoption? "an # apply for both?

    $) Q: %re &!ournalism option' tass different from &general option'tass?

    ) Q: What is the &programme of traineeships for people withdisabilities' and what ind of tass are involved?

    *) Q: "an # apply for both a university graduate traineeship and atraining placement?

    +) Q: "an # apply both for a university graduate traineeship (generalor !ournalism option) and for the programme for people with disabilities?

    ,) Q: "an # apply both for a training placement and for theprogramme for people with disabilities?


    -) Q: .ow do # apply for a traineeship?

    1/) Q: What are the general conditions for admission?

    11) Q: Who can apply for a traineeship at the 0uropean Parliament?

    12) Q: "an # apply for a traineeship at the 0uropean Parliament if #have already completed a traineeship for university graduates or a paid

    training placement at a 0uropean institution?


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    1) Q: # am not a national of a ember tate of the 0uropean 3nionor of an applicant country4 "an # apply for Parliament's traineeshipsprogramme?

    1$) Q: What is the application procedure for third5country nationals

    from non5applicant countries?

    1) Q: #s there a ma6imum age limit for applicants?

    1*) Q: # have completed my studies (minimum three years' duration)but have not yet received my diploma4 "an # nonetheless apply for auniversity graduate traineeship?

    1+) Q: What are the deadlines for applying?

    1,) Q: #s it necessary to go through the official procedure or areunsolicited applications also possible?

    1-) Q: "an # send the application by post?

    2/) Q: 7o # need to send any supporting documents when applying?

    21) Q: .ow will # now that the 8raineeships 9ffice has received myapplication?

    22) Q: What should # do if # have not received a confirmationmessage?

    2) Q: .ow can # trace a lost registration number?

    2$) Q: hould # contact the 8raineeships 9ffice to chec the status of my application?

    2) Q: "an # change my application?

    2*) Q: "an the 8raineeships 9ffice inform me earlier to enable me tomae any necessary preparations (finding accommodation universityapproval visa application)?

    Online application form

    2+) Q: What should # bear in mind when applying online?


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    2,) Q: Where can # find more details about traineeships and theconditions for admission?

    2-) Q: #s the online application sufficient at the first stage of theprocedure?

    /) Q: #s the application form available in all the 03 languages?

    1) Q: What is meant by an &undergraduate course'?

    2) Q: What type of education should # include in the &postgraduatestudies' field?

    ) Q: .ow will # now which departments to choose?

    $) Q: .ow should # apply for a traineeship in one of the 0uropeanParliament;s #nformation 9ffices?

    ) Q: %re preferences regarding places of wor taen intoconsideration?

    *) Q: "an # submit more than one application to increase mychances of being selected?

    +) Q: What should # do if # have made a mistae in my application?

    ,) Q: .ow many times can # reapply for future traineeship periods?#s there any limit?

    Selection procedure

    -) Q: .ow are trainees selected?

    $/) Q: What are the stages of the procedure?

    $1) Q: #f my application is re!ected will it be possible to find out why?7o you compile lists of applicants' scores?

    $2) Q: "an # obtain feedbac on my application to increase mychances for the ne6t round?


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    $) Q: "ould my application be reconsidered by departments other than the two for which # e6pressed a preference?

    $$) Q: # have been placed on a waiting list4 What are my chances of being offered a traineeship?

    $) Q: What is the ne6t stage in the procedure if # am preselected?

    $*) Q: When should # send supporting documents?

    $+) Q: "an # postpone the start of my traineeship until a later date?

    $,) Q: "an # defer my acceptance of the traineeship to a futureintae? #n other words if # am selected can # wait until a later period

    before doing the traineeship?

    $-) Q: Will the results of the selection procedure be published?

    Recruitment procedure

    /) Q: Will # receive an official letter of admission?

    1) Q: 7o the copies of supporting documents need to be certified asauthentic copies of the originals?

    2) Q: # have not yet received my postgraduate diploma4 hould #send it at a later stage?

    ) Q: 7o # have to send copies of certificates concerning mylanguage sills?

    $) Q: # have been selected for the !ournalism option and have a

    diploma in !ournalism4 7o # also need to send published articles to provemy !ournalistic sills?

    ) Q: 7o # have to provide translations of supporting documents?

    *) Q: 7o supporting documents have to be sent by registered mail?

    +) Q: Will # be sent confirmation that the 8raineeships 9ffice hasreceived my documents?


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    ,) Q: # no longer have the application form or the confirmationmessage4 "ould the 8raineeships 9ffice locate my application form andsend me a copy to sign?

    -) Q: # have got married since # submitted my application for a

    traineeship for university graduates4 Will that be relevant if # amselected?

    */) Q: y place of residence has changed since # applied for atraineeship4 Will that be relevant if # am selected?

    *1) Q: Will # sign a contract with the 0uropean Parliament?

    *2) Q: "an my traineeship be e6tended? #f so for how long?

    The traineeship

    *) Q: %re all trainees based in

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    +$) Q: What is meant by &special leave'?

    +) Q: What should # do if # fall ill during my traineeship?

    +*) Q: Will my traineeship involve any duty travel?

    Financial aspects

    ++) Q: %re trainees insured?

    +,) Q: %m # entitled to allowances if # am offered a trainingplacement?

    +-) Q: 7oes the 0uropean Parliament cover the cost of travel frommy place of residence to the place where # am to do my traineeship?

    ,/) Q: Will Parliament cover the costs of my daily commuting to andfrom wor?

    ,1) Q: 7o # have to have a ban account in the country of assignment?

    ,2) Q: #s it possible to obtain an advance on the scholarship onarrival?

    ,) Q: 3nder what circumstances would # be entitled to the householdallowance during my traineeship?

    ,$) Q: Will # be entitled to unemployment benefit after # havecompleted my traineeship in the 0uropean Parliament?

    ,) Q: What is the amount of the scholarship paid by the 0uropean


    ,*) Q: #s a traineeship considered to be employment? Will # bee6empted from paying social security contributions in my homecountry?

    ,+) Q: #s the scholarship sub!ect to ta6ation?

    ,,) Q: Will my traineeship period count towards my pension



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    ,-) Q: 7o # have to terminate my current employment for the durationof the traineeship?

    -/) Q: #s any other grant e4g4 from a university or an orphan'sallowance considered income?

    -1) Q: What is the procedure for going on &mission'?

    -2) Q: What is the procedure for claiming reimbursement of missione6penses?

    Career prospects

    -) Q: What are my prospects of securing employment at the0uropean Parliament after the traineeship?

    Some statistics

    -$) Q: .ow many applications does the 0uropean Parliament receiveeach year and how many are accepted?

    -) Q: Which countries do the trainees come from?

    -*) Q: Where are trainees usually based?

    -+) Q: #s it easier to get a traineeship in some places than in others?

    -,) Q: %re there more university graduate traineeship opportunities or more training placements?

    Study visits

    --) Q: What is the purpose of study visits?

    1//) Q: What is the procedure for study visits?


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    Types of traineeship

    1) ! "hat is the difference #et$een the traineeships for university %raduates and trainin% placements &apart from thescholarship)'

    A: The traineeships for university graduates are open only to graduates from

    universities or from other colleges regarded as equivalent Their purpose is to

    ena!le trainees to supplement the "no#ledge #hich they acquired during their 

    studies and to familiarise themselves #ith the activities of the $uropean %nion

    and& in particular& the $uropean 'arliament

    Training placements are intended for young people #ho have gained the post(

    secondary school diploma corresponding to university entrance level& eg the

    A!itur )*$+& the !accalaur,at )-.& /T+& the matura )'/& AT+& or have reached an

    equivalent level of higher or technical education 'riority is given to young

     people #ho are required to complete a traineeship as part of their course of 


    () ! "hat is the duration of the different types of traineeshipoffered at arliament'

    A: Traineeships for university graduates and on the traineeship programme for 

     people #ith disa!ilities last five months This period cannot !e e0tended Thereare t#o set periods: 1 arch ( 31 uly and 1 cto!er ( 2 -e!ruary

    Training placements last !et#een one and four months if they are not

    compulsory and may !egin on 1 anuary& 1 ay or 1 eptem!er

    f the traineeship is compulsory& its duration and dates correspond to those

    indicated !y the educational esta!lishment These traineeships may !e e0tended

     !y a ma0imum of t#o months

    *ifferent hours may !e #or"ed !y trainees involved in childcare activities

    )crche traineeships+

    The periods of #or" are indicated in Article 26 of the nternal .ules 8overning

    Traineeships and tudy 9isits

    *) ! "hat is the difference #et$een the %eneral and the +ournalism option' Can , apply for #oth'

    A: The ournalism option has !een designed for those #ho have studied& or 

    acquired e0perience in& ournalism They must !e a!le to demonstrate their 

     professional e0perience as evidenced either !y #or"s pu!lished& or !y

    mem!ership of a ournalists; association in an $% em!er tate& or !y a


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     ournalism qualification recognised in $% em!er tates or in applicant


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    4) ! 5o$ do , apply for a traineeship'

    A: To apply for a traineeship& you must complete the online application form

    availa!le at:

    http:??###europarleuropaeu?a!outparliament?en?==7cecd1cc?Traineeshipshtml& specifying

    your choice of traineeship

    As applications must !e su!mitted using the online application form& #e #ould

    advise you not to #ait till the last day !efore applying& in order to avoid

    overloading the system

    10) ! "hat are the %eneral conditions for admission'

    A: Trainees must:

    )a+ !e nationals of a em!er tate of the $uropean %nion or of an applicant


    )!+ !e aged 1 or over on the traineeship starting date@

    )c+ have a thorough "no#ledge of one of the official languages of the $uropean


    )d+ not have !een a#arded any other traineeship or have !een in paidemployment for more than four consecutive #ee"s at the e0pense of the

    $uropean %nion !udget@

    )e+ for trainees in the field of childcare& a declaration proving no criminal record&

    issued in the last year at their most recent place of residence A declaration

    specifically issued to individuals having contact #ith children is required if such

    a document e0ists in the country in question

    11) ! "ho can apply for a traineeship at the 6uropean

    arliament'A: Traineeships for university graduates:

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    Traineeships for university graduates are also open to people #ith disa!ilities

    #ho are graduates of universities or equivalent institutions and people #hose

    qualifications are !elo# university level

    1() ! Can , apply for a traineeship at the 6uropean arliament if ,have already completed a traineeship for university %raduatesor a paid trainin% placement at a 6uropean institution'

    A: o

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    education 'riority is given to young people #ho are required to complete a

    traineeship as part of their course of study

    1) ! , have completed my studies &minimum three years/duration) #ut have not yet received my diploma9 Can ,nonetheless apply for a university %raduate traineeship'

    A: f you have completed your studies !ut not yet received an official degree

    certificate& you can still apply to do a university graduate traineeship if you

     provide a formal statement from your university confirming your degree result

    12) ! "hat are the deadlines for applyin%'

    A: Applications for traineeships for university graduates& including traineeships

    for people #ith disa!ilities& must !e su!mitted online !et#een 15 August and 15

    cto!er )at midnight+ for traineeships !eginning on 1 arch& and !et#een 15arch and 15 ay )at midnight+ for traineeships !eginning on 1 cto!er

    nline applications for training placements starting on 1 anuary& 1 ay or 1

    eptem!er must reach us at least three months !efore those starting dates

    13) ! ,s it necessary to %o throu%h the official procedure or areunsolicited applications also possi#le'


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    concerning the traineeship and a copy of your application in pdf format& a paper 

    version of #hich #ill !e requested from you if #e offer you a traineeship

    (() ! "hat should , do if , have not received a confirmationmessa%e'

    A: f you have not received a confirmation message your application may not

    have !een successfully delivered 'lease try to resend it

    .emem!er to tic" the !o0 for the declaration on your honour Bhen the

    EDonfirm; !utton appears& you can su!mit your application

    (*) ! 5o$ can , trace a lost re%istration num#er'

    A: 'lease contact the Traineeships ffice using the Dontact form on the #e!site

    to recover your registration num!er

    (-) ! Should , contact the Traineeships Office to check the statusof my application'

    A: o

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    data entered #ill !e lost Be therefore recommend reading carefully the

    Enternal .ules 8overning Traineeships and tudy 9isits in the ecretariat of the

    $uropean 'arliament;  and all of these -requently As"ed Huestions !efore

    completing the application form

    (3) ! "here can , find more details a#out traineeships and theconditions for admission'

    A: The Enternal .ules 8overning Traineeships and tudy 9isits in the

    ecretariat of the $uropean 'arliament;& #hich provide more information a!out

    traineeships& are availa!le on our #e!site in all the official $% languages

    (4) ! ,s the online application sufficient at the first sta%e of theprocedure'


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    A: o f you are interested in a future traineeship at the $uropean 'arliament

    and still satisfy the conditions for admission you can reapply for each ne#


    Selection procedure

    *4) ! 5o$ are trainees selected'

    A: Trainees are selected !y those departments #ishing to ta"e on trainees for a

    given traineeship period election is made according to the professional

     !ac"ground required& ta"ing into account the tas"s to !e assigned to a trainee

    #ithin the range of the departments; proected activities and the a!ility to

    accommodate trainees in a given period

    '.TAT: 8iven the very high num!er of applicants& your application #ill

     !e sent only to the departments in #hich you have e0pressed an interest

    -0) ! "hat are the sta%es of the procedure'

    A: Applicants have to apply online #ithin the specified deadline The only

    e0ception #ill !e for people #ith disa!led #ho are una!le to access the online

    application form n that case the applicant should contact the Traineeships

    ffice using the Dontact form on our #e!site to request the application form in

    Bord format& #hich the applicant can then send !y e(mail and?or ordinary mail


    After the deadline the Traineeships ffice verifies the eligi!ility of the



    f your application is not eligi!le you #ill !e informed !y e(mail

    shortly after the deadline for applications


    $ligi!le applications are considered !y the departments of the various

    directorates(general& depending on #here the applicants; #ould li"e to

     !e !ased


    T#o to three months !efore the starting date& applicants #ill !e

    informed a!out the outcome of the procedure )unsuccessful& #aiting

    list& preselected applicants+


    'reselected applicants #ill !e as"ed to confirm their participation and

    send all the supporting documents to the Traineeships ffice& together 

    #ith the printed and signed copy of their application form


    nce the preselection has !een completed& and provided your file is

    complete and admissi!le& you #ill !e sent an admission letter and

    certain useful information


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    Applicants on the #aiting list #ill not !e contacted again unless

    selected applicants have declined the traineeship offers

    Applicants #ho apply under the Eprogramme of traineeships for people #ith a

    disa!ility; and #ho are preselected on the !asis of merit and s"ills #ill also !e

    required to provide the follo#ing documents:

    1 a document certifying your disa!ility& recognised in a em!er tate of the

    $uropean %nion or in an applicant country@

    2 a duly completed reasona!le accommodation form@

    3 a diagnosis of the disa!ility and a medical summary dra#n up in $nglish or

    -rench !y the e0amining doctor& sent in a in a sealed envelope mar"ed


    'lease note that any information provided a!out a disa!ility #ill !e treated instrict confidence and #ill !e used only !y $uropean 'arliament staff responsi!le

    for assessing the possi!ility of a reasona!le accommodation for the purpose of 

    ma"ing the specific adaptations in the #or"place and helping #ith the search for 

    accessi!le housing& transport and assistance

    -1) ! ,f my application is re+ected= $ill it #e possi#le to find out$hy'

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    A: o 8iven the very high num!er of applicants )over === for each period+

    #e cannot send all of the applications to every unit in 'arliament;s ecretariat

    Be have to apply certain selection criteria& including having applicants specify

    t#o preferred departments

    --) ! , have #een placed on a $aitin% list9 "hat are my chancesof #ein% offered a traineeship'

    A: f the selected applicant has accepted the proposed traineeship& no further 

    action #ill !e ta"en on your application ther#ise& or if the selected applicant

    eventually fails to complete the traineeship& #e #ill approach applicants on the

    #aiting list& #ho #ill !e contacted in order of merit

    -) ! "hat is the ne;t sta%e in the procedure if , am preselected'

    A: f you are preselected& #e #ill send you a traineeship offer !y e(mail

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    -or compulsory training placements& if the traineeship dates are not "no#n at

    the time of enrolment& please contact us using the Dontact form on our #e!site

    -3) ! Can , defer my acceptance of the traineeship to a futureintake' ,n other $ords= if , am selected can , $ait until a later period #efore doin% the traineeship'

    A: %nfortunately& for administrative and !udgetary reasons& there is no

     possi!ility of deferring acceptance of a traineeship f you are una!le to ta"e up

    our offer& the proposed traineeship #ill !e offered to another applicant #hose

    name is on the #aiting list

    -4) ! "ill the results of the selection procedure #e pu#lished'

    A: o The results of the selection procedure #ill not !e pu!lished The eligi!le

    applicants #ill !e informed of the results of the selection procedure !y e(mail

    Recruitment procedure

    0) ! "ill , receive an official letter of admission'


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    -) ! , have #een selected for the +ournalism option and have adiploma in +ournalism9

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    0) ! 7y place of residence has chan%ed since , applied for atraineeship9 "ill that #e relevant if , am selected'


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    A traineeship is not compati!le #ith university tuition during #or"ing hours

    ) ! Can , do a part:time traineeship'

    A: o All applicants #ho are accepted for a traineeship must #or" full time&

    #hich at the $uropean 'arliament means 375 hours a #ee"

    *ifferent hours may !e #or"ed !y trainees involved in childcare activities

    ) ! "ho $ill #e responsi#le for me durin% my traineeship'

    A: Trainees are under the responsi!ility of a supervisor for the entire duration of 

    their traineeship

    2) ! , $ould like to kno$ more a#out the tasks involved in my

    traineeship pro%ramme9 "ho should , contact'

    A: To o!tain more information a!out the tas"s to !e entrusted to you during

    your traineeship& please contact your supervisor at the e(mail address indicated

    in our traineeship offer

    3) ! Can you provide me $ith names and addresses of other trainees $ho $ill #e doin% their traineeship at the same timeas me'

    A: As a rule& #e are not allo#ed to pass on the personal details of other traineesFo#ever& #e can do so if trainees agree to communicate their details to other 

    trainees or interested !odies

    4) !

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    guarantee that this #ill al#ays !e possi!le Trainees should loo" for 

    accommodation #ell in advance The $uropean 'arliament cannot !e held

    responsi!le if a trainee fails to find adequate accommodation in the designated

     place of #or"

    21) ! ,s there a dress code at the 6uropean arliament'

    A: There is no particular dress code 'lease ma"e sure& ho#ever& that #hatever 

    you #ear is neat and clean en #ould !e #ell advised to !ring at least one suit

    for any missions to tras!ourg

    2() ! "ill , need a visa'

    A: f you are not a national of an $% em!er tate you #ill need a multiple visa

    in order to enter the country #here you #ill do your traineeship The position

    may also depend on your current status and #hether you are currently living inyour home country or a!road 'lease contact the em!assy or consulate of the

    country concerned )the one in #hich you are to do your traineeship+ in the

    country #here you have legal residence

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    Financial aspects

    22) ! Are trainees insured'


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    'ayment for the ourney to the place of #or" #ill !e made at the !eginning of 

    the traineeship and for the return ourney a fe# #ee"s after the end of the


    30) ! "ill arliament cover the costs of my daily commutin% toand from $ork'

    A: o Transport costs incurred during your traineeship are not paid !y the

    $uropean 'arliament

    31) !

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    trainees outside Celgium or /u0em!ourg& the amount of the scholarship is

    #eighted to reflect the higher or lo#er cost of living in the relevant countries

    Trainees on a traineeship for people #ith disa!ilities #ho incur additional costs

    as a result of their disa!ility can apply for an additional payment of up to 5=> of 

    the scholarship& on presentation of appropriate supporting documents

    3) ! ,s a traineeship considered to #e employment' "ill , #ee;empted from payin% social security contri#utions in myhome country'

    A: A traineeship at the $uropean 'arliament is not considered employment

    *uring your traineeship you do not contri!ute to any social security scheme&

    either on an $% !asis or in the country #here you are assigned

    As far as social security contri!utions in your country of origin are concerned&

    you should as" your national administration a!out the rules on traineeships

    32) ! ,s the scholarship su#+ect to ta;ation'

    A: eeting your ta0 o!ligations is entirely your responsi!ility The scholarship

    is not su!ect to an $% ta0

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    A: Cefore you go on mission& the relevant department dra#s up a mission order

    The directorate(general authorises missions a #ee" in advance of their start date

    An advance on the mission e0penses may !e paid on request

    ourneys should !e made using the most appropriate and most cost(effective

    means of transport@ for e0ample& !y train in second class or !y plane in economyclass A flat(rate payment #ill !e made to your !an" account to cover hotel and

    su!sistence costs )meals& transport+

    Trainees are entitled to an advance of 7=> of the e0pected costs )e0cluding

    transport+ Bhere trainees are authorised to travel on mission during the last 15

    days of their traineeship& they are not entitled to an advance

    4() ! "hat is the procedure for claimin% reim#ursement of 

    mission e;penses'

    %pon return& trainees complete a declaration of e0penses and have it signed !y

    their supervisor The declaration of e0penses must !e sent #ithin 1= calendar 

    days of the end of the mission After 15 calendar days have passed& any amounts

    advanced #ill !e automatically recovered from the trainee

    The !alance is paid after the declaration of e0penses has !een received and


    Career prospects

    4*) ! "hat are my prospects of securin% employment at the6uropean arliament after the traineeship'

    A: Traineeships do not give trainees the right to future employment in the

    $uropean 'arliament fficials are recruited on the !asis of the open

    competitions organised !y $'@ contract staff are employed on the !asis of the

    calls for e0pression of interest pu!lished !y $' -or further information on

     o!s& consult the $uropean 'arliament #e!site http:??###europarlepec?

    Some statistics

    4-) ! 5o$ many applications does the 6uropean arliamentreceive each year and ho$ many are accepted'

    A: n 2=11& the $uropean 'arliament received 7 413 applications to do a

    university graduate traineeship )including 423 applications under the


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     programme of traineeships for people #ith a disa!ility+ and 2 54G applications

    for a training placement nly 373 applicants for graduate traineeships& 1

    applicants under the disa!ility programme and 166 applicants for training

     placements #ere accepted

    n 2=12& the $uropean 'arliament received 465 applications to do a universitygraduate traineeship )including 2G4 applications under the programme of 

    traineeships for people #ith a disa!ility+ and 2 477 applications for a training

     placement nly 431 applicants for graduate traineeships& 24 applicants under 

    the disa!ility programme and 147 applicants for training placements #ere


    Translation traineeships are managed !y the *irectorate(8eneral for Translation

    n 2=12 there #ere 6 26G applications received and 177 translation trainees #ere


    4) ! "hich countries do the trainees come from'

    ost trainees come from $% em!er tates Third(country nationals from non(

    applicant countries may do traineeships at the $uropean 'arliament& although

    the num!er #ho do so may not e0ceed 1=> of the total num!er of traineeships

    4) ! "here are trainees usually #ased'

    A: ost trainees are !ased in Crussels Fo#ever& appro0imately 1=> of trainees

    #or" in /u0em!ourg& and a fe# may occasionally !e assigned to administrative

    units in tras!ourg Traineeships are also offered at the nformation ffices inthe em!er tates

    42) ! ,s it easier to %et a traineeship in some places than inothers'

    A: The li"elihood of securing a traineeship is roughly the same in every place of 

    #or" The directorates #hich receive the largest num!er of applications accept

    the largest num!er of applicants& and those #here demand is less accept fe#er 


    43) ! Are there more university %raduate traineeshipopportunities or more trainin% placements'

    A: There are more traineeships for university graduates

    Study visits

    44) ! "hat is the purpose of study visits'


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    A: They are designed to provide citiJens aged 1 or over #ith opportunities for 

    more detailed study of specific su!ects relating to $uropean integration

    There is also an opportunity to carry out research at the /i!rary or Fistorical

    Archive of the $uropean 'arliament )in !oth cases only in /u0em!ourg+

    100) ! "hat is the procedure for study visits'

    A: The ma0imum duration of a study visit is one month Anyone #ho has

    already completed a $uropean 'arliament traineeship must #ait si0 months

     !efore applying for a study visit

    There are three options:

      f you are interested in a study visit at the $uropean 'arliament;s /i!rary&send an e(mail to: tudy9isitKepeuropaeu& putting /i!rary(

    /u0em!ourgKepeuropaeu in copy@


    f you are interested in a study visit to the $uropean 'arliament;s Archive&

    send an e(mail to: tudy9isitKepeuropaeu& putting Arch(

    nfoKepeuropaeu in copy@


    -or any other study visit& send a request !y e(mail to

    tudy9isitKepeuropaeu at least t#o months prior to the date of the visit

    t #ill !e ascertained #hether the relevant $uropean 'arliament departments or  !odies are a!le to accommodate the applicants& #ho #ill !e informed #hether 

    their application has !een successful

    n accordance #ith the rules in force& the $uropean 'arliament #ill not meet

    costs of any nature incurred !y visitors

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]