transitional islamic state of afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン...

添付資料 添付資料目次 添付資料 1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン ..................................................................................... 1 添付資料2 ドイツ‐コソボ................................................................................................... 2 添付資料3 ドイツ‐ジンバブエ ........................................................................................... 4 添付資料4 カナダ‐アメリカ ............................................................................................. 15 添付資料5 メキシコ‐アメリカ ......................................................................................... 23 添付資料6 メキシコ‐アメリカ ......................................................................................... 34 添付資料7 コスタリカ‐アメリカ...................................................................................... 36 添付資料8 マレーシア‐アメリカ...................................................................................... 42 添付資料9 フィリピン‐アメリカ...................................................................................... 48 添付資料10 オーストラリア‐東チモール ....................................................................... 54 添付資料11 ミクロネシア‐オーストラリア.................................................................... 58 添付資料12 オランダ‐アンティル諸島 ........................................................................... 69 添付資料13 イタリア‐サンマリノ .................................................................................. 72 添付資料14 ロシア‐ウクライナ...................................................................................... 80 添付資料15 クウェート地域条約...................................................................................... 86 添付資料16 イズミル協定................................................................................................. 99 添付資料17 ワイガニ条約............................................................................................... 109 添付資料18 バマコ条約 .................................................................................................. 134 添付資料19 OECD理事会決定 ........................................................................................ 157 添付資料20 バーゼル条約............................................................................................... 188 添付資料21 バーゼル条約等の参加国一覧 ..................................................................... 246 添付資料22 環境省令第41号 ....................................................................................... 251 添付資料23 EU廃棄物輸出入に関する理事会規則 (EEC) No 259/93 .......................... 253 添付資料23 米国RCRAの輸出入部の抜粋...................................................................... 331

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Page 1: Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構



添付資料 1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン .....................................................................................1

添付資料2 ドイツ‐コソボ...................................................................................................2

添付資料3 ドイツ‐ジンバブエ ...........................................................................................4

添付資料4 カナダ‐アメリカ .............................................................................................15

添付資料5 メキシコ‐アメリカ .........................................................................................23

添付資料6 メキシコ‐アメリカ .........................................................................................34

添付資料7 コスタリカ‐アメリカ......................................................................................36

添付資料8 マレーシア‐アメリカ......................................................................................42

添付資料9 フィリピン‐アメリカ......................................................................................48

添付資料10 オーストラリア‐東チモール .......................................................................54

添付資料11 ミクロネシア‐オーストラリア....................................................................58

添付資料12 オランダ‐アンティル諸島 ...........................................................................69

添付資料13 イタリア‐サンマリノ ..................................................................................72

添付資料14 ロシア‐ウクライナ......................................................................................80

添付資料15 クウェート地域条約......................................................................................86

添付資料16 イズミル協定.................................................................................................99

添付資料17 ワイガニ条約...............................................................................................109

添付資料18 バマコ条約 ..................................................................................................134

添付資料19 OECD理事会決定 ........................................................................................157

添付資料20 バーゼル条約...............................................................................................188

添付資料21 バーゼル条約等の参加国一覧 .....................................................................246

添付資料22 環境省令第41号 .......................................................................................251

添付資料23 EU廃棄物輸出入に関する理事会規則 (EEC) No 259/93 ..........................253

添付資料23 米国RCRAの輸出入部の抜粋......................................................................331


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Page 3: Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構

添付資料 1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン

Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構 外務省 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan presents its compliments to the German Embassy and has the honor to state the following:

アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構外務省はドイツ大使館に賛辞を示すとともに、以下のことを述べる光栄を有します。 Referring to the diplomatic note No 181 of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, dated 6 July, 2002 the Afghan side declares the following:

2002 年7月 6 日付、ドイツ共和国大使館外交覚書 181 号に関して、アフガニスタン側は以下のように宣言する。 1. It shall be agreed that hazardous waste accruing or to be accrued in Afghanistan, will be allowed to be

brought to the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of disposal according to environmental requirements.

1. アフガニスタンで発生している、または発生することとなる有害廃棄物を、環境上の要請に照らして処理する目的でドイツ連邦共和国へ持ち込むことが協定される。

2. The provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control

of the importation of hazardous waste in and out of the European Union and the Federal Republic of Germany asserting control ever the importation of hazardous waste remain unchanged. Also, notification is especially necessary to states through which waste is transited. This agreement provides for no obligations for the German government to accept the waste.

2. 有害廃棄物の輸入に対する規制を主張する、欧州連合とドイツ共和国への、およびそこからの有害廃棄物の輸入の監督と規制に関する、1993 年 2 月 1 日の欧州評議会規則(EEC) No. 259/93 の規定は変わらないままである。また、とりわけ廃棄物が通過する国への通告も必要である。この協定はドイツ政府が廃棄物を受け入れることを義務づけるものではない。

3. The central office of the government of Afghanistan will grant the necessary support for the implementation of this agreement, and will especially take care that the competent authorities of the Government of Afghanistan take under consideration their own national provisions toward the implementation of the required authorizations of this agreement. 3. アフガニスタン政府中央事務所はこの協定実施のために必要な支援を与え、アフガニスタン政府の

当該官庁がこの協定に必要な権限付与を行うために自国の規定を考慮するよう特に配慮する。 4. This agreement will be written in German and English, with either wording equally binding. 4. この協定はドイツ語と英語で書かれ、双方の表現が同等の拘束力を持つ。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees on the afore mentioned points 1 to 4 and declares that this agreement on the importation of hazardous waste from Afghanistan to the Federal Republic of Germany is effective from today. 外務省は前述の 1 から 4 までについて合意し、アフガニスタンからドイツ共和国への有害廃棄物の輸入に関する本協定が本日から有効であることを宣言する。 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan

アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構 外務省

09. Nov. 2002 2002 年 11 月 9 日


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15 February 2000

2000 年2月 15 日

Mr. Rainer Baake State Secretary in the Federal Ministry For the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany Alexanderplatz 6 11055 Berlin ドイツ共和国環境自然保護原子力安全副大臣 Mr. Rainer Baake 殿 11055 ベルリン アレクサンダー広場 6 Reference: WA Ⅱ 1-45031-KOSOVO 参照:WA Ⅱ 1-45031-KOSOVO

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3 December 1999, which reads as follows:

1999 年 12 月3日付の貴職からの次の書簡を受領したことを確認する光栄に浴します。 “I have the honour to propose on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany the following Agreement, which will be notified to Commission of the European Communities in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No.259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community, with regard to shipments of waste generated by the KFOR/NATO troops from Kosovo to the Federal Republic of Germany:

「ドイツ連邦共和国政府に代わって、国際安全保障部隊/NATO によってもたらされた有害廃棄物のコソボ


運搬の監督と規制についての 1993 年 2 月 1 日の欧州評議会規則(EEC)No.259/93 に従って欧州共同体委

員会に通知される、次の協定を提案する光栄を有します。 It is hereby agreed that wastes that have been or are being generated during the deployment of KFOR/NATO troops may be shipped from the Kosovo to the Federal Republic of Germany for the purpose of environmentally sound management.

1 国際安全保障部隊/NATO 軍の配置期間に発生し、また発生するであろう廃棄物が、環境的上適正な処

理のためにコソボからドイツ共和国へ搬送されることをここに協定する。 1. The provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of

shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community and the pertinent provisions of shipment of waste in the Federal Republic of Germany shall remain unaffected. In particular the necessary notifications shall be made, involving also the states of transit. Noting in this Agreement shall be deemed to represent an obligation for the Federal Republic of Germany to accept the waste in question.

2 欧州共同体内部での欧州共同体への、欧州共同体からの、廃棄物の運搬の監督と管理についての 1993年 2 月 1 日の理事会規則(EEC)No.259/93 および、ドイツ共和国内における廃棄物の運搬について関連


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る規定もドイツ共和国がこれらの廃棄物を受け入れる義務を示すものとは見なされない。 2. The KFOR/NATO troops in the Kosovo shall provide assistance as may be necessary to implement this


3 コソボにおける国際安全保障部隊/NATO 軍はこの協定の実施のために必要な援助を提供する。 3. This Agreement shall be concluded in the English and German languages, both texts being equally authentic.

4 この協定は英語とドイツ語によって締結され、双方の本文をひとしく正文とする。 If the KFOR/NATO troops in the Kosovo agree to the proposals contained in paragraphs 1 to 4 above, this Note and Your Note in reply shall constitute an Agreement between the KFOR/NATO troops and the Federal Republic of Germany, which shall enter into force on the date of your Note in reply.”

コソボにおける国際安全保障部隊/NATO 軍が上記 1 から 4 項までに含まれる提案に合意する場合は、この

覚書と貴職の回答覚書を国際安全保障部隊/NATO 軍とドイツ共和国のあいだの協定とし、貴職の回答覚書


I am pleased to inform you of my acceptance on behalf of the Kosovo Force of your Note which, together with this Note in reply, constitute an Agreement which enters into force on the date of this reply.


安全保障部隊に代わって、謹んで通知致します。 Accept, Minister, the assurance of my highest consideration. 貴大臣に敬意を表します。 Klaus Reinhardt General Dr..Klaus Reinhardt 軍司令官


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添付資料3 ドイツ‐ジンバブエ The Federal Minister of Economics Bonn, [ 3 May 1994] of the Federal Republic of Germany ドイツ連邦共和国連邦経済相 ボンにて、1994 年 5 月 3 日 Dear Minister, 大臣閣下 I have the honour to propose to you the following Agreed Declaration between the Ministry of Economics of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Zimbabwe in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention of 22 March 1989 on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (Basel Convention): 1989 年 3 月 22 日付け有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分の規制に関する条約(バーゼル条約)第

11 条にもとづきドイツ連邦共和国経済省及びジンバブウェ共和国通商産業省の間での下記合意宣言を謹ん

で提案いたします。 1. This Agreed Declaration applies to the transport of substances listed in Annex 1 and Annex 2 to this Agreed Declaration from the Republic of Zimbabwe to the Federal Republic of Germany for processing in a German facility. 本合意宣言書は、その付属書 1 及び 2 に列挙された物質をドイツ連邦共和国の施設で処理するために行わ

れるジンバブウェ共和国からドイツ連邦共和国への上記物質の運搬に適用される。 2. Prior to the first transport of substances listed in Annex 1 to this Agreed Declaration, the Federal Republic of Germany shall nominate to the Republic of Zimbabwe a list of facilities which may be operated under the law of the Federal Republic of Germany for the environmentally sound processing of substances listed in Annex 1 to this Agreed Declaration and which guarantee the environmentally acceptable disposal of the wastes arising during the processing or shall communicate whether a certain facility, to which a certain substance to be described in detail in each case is to be transported, fulfils these conditions. 本宣言書付属書 1 に列挙された物質の初回の運搬に先んじて、ドイツ連邦共和国はジンバブウェ共和国に




かを伝達するものとする。 In addition, the list or communication shall name for each facility those substances which can be processed in an environmentally sound fashion in that facility. さらに上記リスト或いは伝達では、各施設において環境上適正な方法で処理可能な物質名が示されるものと

する。 3. The Federal Republic of Germany confirms that, in the case of facilities listed in para. 2 of this Agreed Declaration and with regard to the substances listed in Annex 1 to this Agreed Declaration, there are no objection to the continuation of transport on the basis of the legal stipulations in force notified in Annex 3. ドイツ連邦共和国は、本合意宣言書の規定 2 に列挙された諸施設及び本合意宣言書付属書 1 に列挙された

諸物質に関しては、付属書 3 で通知される施行中の法的規定に基づく運搬の継続に異議がないことを確認す

る。 The Federal Republic of Germany confirms that, in the case of the substances listed in Annex 2 to this Agreed Declaration, there are no objections to the continuation of transport on the basis of the legal stipulations in force notified


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in Annex 3. ドイツ連邦共和国は、本合意宣言書付属書 2 に列挙された諸物質に関しては、付属書 3 で通知される施行

中の法的規定にもとづく運搬の継続に異議がないことを確認する。 4. If new legal arrangements enter into force in one of the states participating in the Agreed Declaration which result in changes for the transport of the secondary raw materials listed in Annex 1 and Annex 2 to this Agreed Declaration or which necessitate additions to this Agreed Declaration, it will inform the other participating state. This can also refer to the lists of substances themselves. 本合意宣言書付属書 1 及び 2 に列挙された二次原材料の運搬に変更を生じ、或いは本合意宣言書への追加の


その旨他方の国に通知するものとする。この規定は物質リスト自体に関する場合にも適用されるものとする。 To the extent that it proves necessary to include other substances in this Agreed Declaration, the participating states will also endeavour to make the relevant addition. さらに本合意宣言書に他の諸物質を含める必要性が判明した場合、両当事国は当該追加のため努力するもの

とする。 5. The two states participating in this Agreed Declaration agree that this Agreed Declaration shall have the function of another agreement as defined in Article 11 of the Convention of 22 March 1989 on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (Basel Convention). 本合意宣言書の両当事国は、本合意宣言書が 1989 年 3 月 22 日付け有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその

処分の規制に関する条約(バーゼル条約)第 11 条に規定された別協定の機能を果たすことに合意する。 Should you approve of this proposal, this letter and your letter of reply stating your agreement will form an Agreed Declaration between our two ministries which shall enter into force on the date of your reply. 本提案を閣下が承認されるならば、本状及び合意する旨の閣下の回答状は、回答の日付で効力を発生する両

国二省間の合意宣言書を成すものとします。 Accept, Minister, the assurance of my highest consideration. 大臣閣下、閣下に対する当方の 高の敬意をお受け頂きたく存じます。

ANNEX 1 AMBER LIST OF WASTES (1)() 付属書 1 黄色(琥珀色)廃棄物リスト(1)()

ex 2619 00 Dross, scalings and other wastes from the manufacture of iron and steel (2)() 鉄鋼の製造から排出されるドロス、スケール、その他廃棄物 (2)()

2620 19 Zinc ash and residues 亜鉛の灰及び残滓 2620 20 Lead ash and residues 鉛の灰及び残滓 2620 30 Copper ash and residues 銅の灰及び残滓 2620 40 Aluminium ash and residues アルミニウムの灰及び残滓 2620 50 Vanadium ash and residues バナジウムの灰及び残滓 2620 90 Ash and residue containing metals or metal compounds not specified elsewhere Residues from alumina

production not specified elsewhere 別項で指定されていない金属または金属化合物を含む灰及び残滓 別項で指定されていないアルミナ生産からの残滓 2621 00 Other ash and residues, not specified elsewhere

Residues arising from the combustion of municipal wastes 別項で指定されていないその他の灰及び残滓 自治体廃棄物の焼却から生じた残滓


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2713 90 Waste from the production/processing of petroleum coke and bitumen, excluding anode butts 石油コーク及びビチューメンの生産/処理から生じた廃棄物、ただし陽極端を除く。

Lead-acid batteries, whole or crushed 鉛蓄電池、原形または破砕済み Waste oils unfit for their originally intended use 所期の用途に適さない廃油 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions 油と水又は炭化水素と水の混合物又は乳濁物である廃棄物 Wastes from production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints, lacquers, varnish インキ、染料、顔料、塗料、ラッカー及びワニスの製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, glues and adhesives 樹脂、ラテックス、可塑剤及び接着剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Wastes from production, formulation and use of reprographic and photographic chemicals and processing materials not otherwise listed 写真複写用及び写真用の化学薬品、及び別項で列挙されていない現像剤の製造、調合、使用か

ら生じた廃棄物 Single use cameras with batteries 電池付き使い捨てカメラ Wastes from non-cyanide-based systems which arise from surface treatment of metals and plastics 金属及びプラスチックの表面処理から生じた非シアン化物系システムの廃棄物 Asphalt cement wastes アスファルトセメント廃棄物 Phenols, phenol compounds including chlorophenol in the form of liquids or sludges フェノール、フェノール化合物。液体または汚泥形態のクロロフェノールをも含む。 Treated cork and wood wastes 処理したコルク及び木材の廃棄物 Used batteries or accumulators, whole or crushed, other than lead-acid batteries, and waste and scrap arising from the production of batteries and accumulators, not otherwise listed 鉛蓄電池以外の使用済み電池または蓄電池(原形または破砕済み)、別項で列挙されていない

電池及び蓄電池の生産から生じた廃棄物及びくず ex 3915 90 Nitrocellulose ニトロセルロース ex 7001 00 Glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses 陰極線管のガラス及びその他活性ガラス ex 4110 00 Leather dust, ash, sludges and flours 皮革の粉じん、灰、汚泥、粉 ex 2529 21 Calcium fluoride sludge ふっ化カルシウムの汚泥

Other inorganic fluorine compounds in the form of liquids or sludges 液体または汚泥形態のその他無機ふっ化化合物 Zinc slags containing up to 18 weight percent zinc 18 重量パーセントまでの亜鉛を含有する亜鉛スラグ Galvanic sludges めっき汚泥 Liquors from the pickling of metals 金属の酸洗いから生じた液体 Sands used in foundry operations 鋳造作業で使用される砂 Thallium compounds タリウム化合物 Polychlorinated naphtalenes ポリ塩化ナフタレン Ethers エーテル Precious metal bearing residues in solid form which contain traces of inorganic cyanides 微量の無機シアン化物を含有する固体貴金属含有残滓 Hydrogen peroxide solutions 過酸化水素溶液 Triethylamine catalyst for setting foundry sands 鋳造用砂を沈殿させるためのトリエチルアミン触媒

ex 2804 80 Arsenic waste and residue 砒素廃棄物及び残滓 ex 2805 40 Mercury waste and residue 水銀廃棄物及び残滓

Precious metal ash, sludge, dust and other residues such as: 貴金属灰、汚泥、粉じん、その他残滓。たとえば、

- Ash from incineration of printed circuit boards - 印刷回路基盤の焼却から生じた灰 - Film ash - フィルム灰

Waste catalysts not on the green list グリーンリストに掲載されていない触媒廃棄物 Leaching residues from zinc processing, dusts and sludges such as jarosite, hematite, goethite, etc. 亜鉛精錬の過程から生ずる浸出残滓並びにジャロサイト、赤鉄鉱、針鉄鋼等の粉じん及び汚泥、

その他。 Waste hydrates of aluminium アルミニウムの水和物の廃棄物 Waste alumina アルミナ廃棄物


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Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following: 下記のいずれかを含有する、構成要素とする、或いはそれにより汚染された廃棄物。

- Inorganic cyanides, excepting precious metal-bearing residues in solid form containing traces or inorganic cyanides


ものを除く。) - Organic cyanides - 有機シアン化物

Wastes of an explosible nature, when not subject to specific other legislation 他の特定の法規が適用されない爆発性の廃棄物 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals 木材保存用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生じた廃棄物 Leaded petrol (gasoline) sludges 有鉛石油(ガソリン)汚泥 Used blasting grit 使用済み爆破グリット Chlorofluorocarbons クロロフルオロカーボン Halons ハロン Fluff - light fraction from metal shredding 金属の破砕から生じた綿毛状軽量破片 Thermal (heat transfer) fluids サーマル(熱伝導)液 Hydraulic fluids 油圧液 Brake fluids ブレーキ液 Antifreeze fluids 凍結防止液 Ion exchange resins イオン交換樹脂

Wastes on the amber list which will be re-examined as a priority matter by the Review Mechanism of the OECD 黄色リストに掲載されており OECD の審査機構により優先事項として今後再検討される廃棄物

Organic phosphorous compounds 有機りん化合物 Non-halogenated solvents 非ハロゲン化溶剤 Halogenated solvents ハロゲン化溶剤 Halogenated or unhalogenated non-aqueous distillation residues arising from organic solvent recovery operations 有機溶剤の回収作業から生じたハロゲン化または非ハロゲン化水性蒸留残滓 Liquid pig manure; feces ブタの糞尿 Sewage sludge 下水汚泥 Household wastes 家庭廃棄物 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and phytopharmaceuticals 駆除剤及び植物用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products 医薬品の製造及び調剤から生じた廃棄物 Acidic solutions 酸性溶液 Basic solutions 塩基性溶液 Surface active agents (surfactants) 表面活性剤 Inorganic balide compounds, not specified elsewhere 別項で指定されていない無機バライド化合物 Wastes from industrial pollution control devices for cleaning of industrial off-gases, not specified elsewhere 工業排気ガスをクリーニングする工業用汚染防止装置から生じた廃棄物で、別項で指定されて

いないもの。 Gypsum arising from chemical industry processes 化学工業プロセスから生じた石膏

(1)() The indicative 'ex' identifies a specific item contained within the harmonized customs code heading. 'ex' は、調和化税関コードの見出しに含まれている特定項目を表す。 (2)() This listing includes ash, residue, slag, dross, skimming, scaling, dust, sludge and cake, unless a material is expressly listed elsewhere. 上記リストには、物質が別リストに明記されていない限り、灰、残滓、スラグ、ドロス、スキミング、



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ANNEX 1 ED LIST OF WASTES 付属書 1 赤色廃棄物リスト

Wastes, substances and articles containing, consisting of or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and/or polychlorinated terphenyl (PCT) and/or polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), including any other polybrominated analogues of these compounds, at a concentration level of 50 mg/kg or more ポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)、ポリ塩化テルフェニル(PCT)、またはポリ臭化ビフェニル(PBB)(これ

ら化合物に類似したその他のあらゆるポリ臭化化合物をも含む)、或いはこれらの任意の組み合わせを 50 mg/kg 以上の濃度で含有し、構成要素とし、或いはそれにより汚染された廃棄物、物質、及び品目。

Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following: 下記の何れかを含有し、構成要素とし、或いはそれにより汚染された廃棄物 - Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan - ポリ塩化ジベンゾフラン類 - Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin - ポリ塩化ジベンゾダイオキシン類 Asbestos (dusts and fibres) 石綿(粉じん及び繊維) Ceramic based fibres similar to those of asbestos 石綿繊維に類似したセラミック系繊

維 Leaded anti-knock compound sludges 有鉛アンチノック化合物汚泥

Wastes on the red list which will be re-examined as a priority matter by the Review Mechanism of the OECD 赤色リストに掲載されており OECD の審査機構により優先事項として今後再検討される廃棄物

Waste tarry residues (excluding asphalt cements) arising from refining, distillation and any pyrolitic treatment 精錬、蒸留、熱分解の処理から生じた廃棄物タール残滓(アスファルトセメントを除く) Peroxides other than hydrogen peroxide 過酸化水素以外の過酸化物

ANNEX 2 REEN LIST OF WASTES (1)() 付属書 2 緑色廃棄物リスト (1)()

A. METAL AND METAL-ALLOY WASTES IN METALLIC, NON DISPERSIBLE FORM (2)() 飛散性を有しない形状の金属及び金属合金廃棄物(2)() The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys: 下記貴金属及びその合金の廃棄物及びくず

7112 10 - Of gold 金 7112 20 - Of platinum (the expression 'platinum' includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and

ruthenium) プラチナ(プラチナ、イリジウム、オスミウム、パラジウム、ロジウム、ル

テニウムを含む) 7112 90 - Of other precious metal, e.g., silver その他貴金属。たとえば銀。

NB: 1. Mercury is specifically excluded as a component of these metals. 水銀は上記金属から特に除外される。

2. Electrical assemblies wastes and electronic scrap shall consist only of metals or alloys 電気アセンブリ廃棄物及びエレクトロニクス製品のくずは金属または合金からな

るもののみを対象とする。 3. Electrical scrap (meeting specifications laid down by the Review Mechanism).

電気製品くず(審査機構の規定した仕様を満たすもの) The following ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel: 下記の鉄廃棄物及びくず: 鉄または鋼鉄の再溶融くずインゴット

7204 10 - Waste and scrap of cast iron 鋳鉄の廃棄物及びくず 7204 21 - Waste and scrap of stainless steel ステンレススチールの廃棄物及びくず 7204 29 - Waste and scrap of other alloy steels その他合金鉄の廃棄物及びくず 7204 30 - Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel すずメッキ加工した鉄または鋼鉄の廃棄物及びくず 7204 41 - Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, filings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles 旋削屑、削り屑、切り屑、フライス加工廃棄物、やすりかけ屑、裁断屑、掘削屑。束ね

られているかどうかを問わない。 7204 49 - Other ferrous waste and scrap その他鉄廃棄物及びくず 7204 50 - Remelting scrap ingots 再溶融くずインゴット

ex 7302 10 - Used iron and steel rails 使用済み鉄鋼製レール


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The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys: 下記非鉄金属及びその合金の廃棄物及びくず

7404 00 - Copper waste and scrap 銅廃棄物及びくず 7503 00 - Nickel waste and scrap ニッケル廃棄物及びくず 7602 00 - Aluminium waste and scrapex アルミニウム廃棄物及びくず 7802 00 - Lead waste and scrap 鉛廃棄物及びくず 7902 00 - Zinc waste and scrap 亜鉛廃棄物及びくず 8002 00 - Tin waste and scrap すず廃棄物及びくず

ex 8101 91 - Tungsten waste and scrap タングステン廃棄物及びくず ex 8102 91 - Molybdenum waste and scrap モリブデン廃棄物及びくず ex 8103 10 - Tantalum waste and scrap タンタル廃棄物及びくず

8104 20 - Magnesium waste and scrap マグネシウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8105 10 - Cobalt waste and scrap コバルト廃棄物及びくず ex 8106 00 - Bismuth waste and scrap ビスマス廃棄物及びくず ex 8107 10 - Cadmium waste and scrap カドミウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8108 10 - Titanium waste and scrap チタン廃棄物及びくず ex 8109 10 - Zirconium waste and scrap ジルコニウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8110 00 - Antimony waste and scrap アンチモン廃棄物及びくず ex 8111 00 - Manganese waste and scrap マンガン廃棄物及びくず ex 8112 11 - Beryllium waste and scrap ベリリウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8112 20 - Chromium waste and scrap クロミウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8112 30 - Germanium waste and scrap ゲルマニウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8112 40 - Vanadium waste and scrap バナジウム廃棄物及びくず ex 8112 91 Wastes and scrap of: 下記の廃棄物及びくず

- Hafnium - ハフニウム - Indium - インジウム - Niobium - ニオブ - Phenium - フェニウム - Gallium - ガリウム - Thallium - タリウム

ex 2805 30 Thorium and rare earths waste and scrap トリウム及び希土類廃棄物及びくず ex 2804 90 Selenium waste and scrap セレン廃棄物及びくず ex 2804 50 Tellurium waste and scrap テルル廃棄物及びくず


2620 11 Hard zinc spelter ハードジンクスペルター Zinc containing drosses: 亜鉛を含むドロス - Galvanizing slab zinc top dross (> 90 % Zn)

-厚板の亜鉛めっきに伴い上部に生ずるドロス(亜鉛の含有率が 90%を超えるもの) - Galvanizing slab zinc bottom dross (> 92 % Zn)

-厚板の亜鉛めっきに伴い下部に生ずるドロス(亜鉛の含有率が 92%を超えるもの) - Zinc die cast dross (> 85 % Zn)-亜鉛のダイカストドロス(亜鉛の含有率が 85%を超えるもの) - Hot dip galvanizers slab zinc dross (batch) (> 92 % Zn)

-厚板の溶融亜鉛めっき(連続工程でないもの)に伴い生ずるドロス(亜鉛の含有率が 92%を

超えるもの) - Zinc skimmings - 亜鉛のスキミング

Aluminium skimmings アルミニウムのスキミング ex 2620 90 Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining 精錬前段階の貴金属及び銅の処理から生じたスラグ


ex 2504 90 Natural graphite waste 天然黒鉛の廃棄物 ex 2514 00 Slate waste, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise スレートの廃棄物(粗削りしてあるかないか又はのこぎりでひくことその他の方法により単に


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切ってあるかないかを問わない。) 2525 30 Mica waste 雲母廃棄物

ex 2529 21 Feldspar; leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite; fluorspar - containing by weight 97 % or less of calcium fluoride

長石、白榴石、ネフェリン及びネフェリンサイアナイト、ほたる石 - 97 重量パーセント以

下のふっ化カルシウムを含有するもの。 ex 2804 61 Silica wastes in solid form excluding those used in foundry operations 固体シリカ廃棄物。鋳造作業で使用されたものを除く。 ex 2804 69


Including, but not limited to: 下記を含む。ただしこれらに限らない。 3915 Waste, parings and scrap of plastics: 下記プラスチックの廃棄物、切りくず 3915 10 - Of polymers of ethylene エチレン重合体 3915 20 - Of polymers of styrene スチレン重合体 3915 30 - Of polymers of vinyl chloride 塩化ビニール重合体 3915 90 Polymerized or co-polymerized: 下記の重合体または共重合体

- Polypropylene - ポリプロピレン - Polyethylene terephthalate - ポリエチレンテレフタレート - Acrylonitrile copolymer - アクリロニトリル共重合体 - Butadiene copolymer - ブタジエン共重合体 - Styrene copolymer - スチレン共重合体 - Polyamides - ポリアミド - Polybutylene terephthalates - ポリブチレンテレフタレート - Polycarbonates - ポリカーボネート - Polyphenylene sulphides - 硫化物ポリフェニレン - Acrylic polymers - アクリル重合体 - Paraffins (C10-C13) - パラフィン(C10-C13) - Polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons) - ポリウレタン(クロロフルオロカーボン

を含まないもの) - Polysilozalanes (silicones) - ポリシロザレン(シリコン) - Polymethyl methacrylate - ポリメタクリル酸メチル - Polyvinyl alcohol - ボリビニールアルコール - Polyvinyl butyral - ポリビニールブチラル - Polyvinyl acetate - ボリビニールアセテート - Fluorinated polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon, PTFE) - ふっ化ポリテトラフルオロエチレン

(Teflon, PTFE) 3915 90 Resins or condensation products of: 下記の樹脂製品または凝縮製品

- Urea formaldehyde resins - 尿素ホルムアルデヒド樹脂 - Phenol formaldehyde resins - フェノールホルムアルデヒド樹脂 - Melamine formaldehyde resins - メラミンホルムアルデヒド樹脂 - Epoxy resins - エポキシ樹脂 - Alkyd resins - アルキド樹脂 - Polyamides - ポリアミド


4707 00 Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard: 下記の紙または板紙の廃棄物及びくず 4707 10 - Of unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard 無漂白クラフト紙または板紙、ダンボール紙または板紙 4707 20 - Of other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not colored in the mass その他の紙または板紙で、主として漂白ケミカルパルプから作られたもので、全体を着色し

たものを除く。 4707 30 - Of paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar printed matter) 主として機械パルプから作られた紙または板紙(たとえば新聞、雑誌、及び類似の印刷物) 4707 90 - Other, including but not limited to: その他。下記を、ただしこれらに限らず含む。


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1. Laminated paperboard 1. 積層した板紙 2. Unsorted waste and scrap 2. 分別されていない廃棄物及びくず


ex 7001 00 Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses ガラスくず、その他ガラス廃棄物。陰極線管のガラス及びその他活性ガラスを除く。 Fibre glass wastes ファイバーグラス廃棄物


ex 6900 00 Wastes of ceramic which have been fired after shaping, including ceramic vessels 成形後炉で焼いたセラミックの廃棄物。セラミック容器を含む。 ex 8113 00 Cermets waste and scrap サーメットの廃棄物及びくず

Ceramic based fibres not otherwise listed 別項で列挙されていないセラミック系繊維 H. TEXTILE WASTES 繊維製品廃棄物

5003 Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock): 絹の廃棄物(繰糸に適しない繭、糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。) 5003 10 - Not carded or combed カード及びコームのいずれもしてないもの。 5003 90 – Other その他のもの 5103 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock: 羊毛、繊獣毛又は粗獣毛の廃棄物(糸くずを含むものとし、反毛した繊維を除く。) 5103 10 - Noils of wool or of fine animal hair 羊毛又は繊獣毛のノイル。 5103 20 - Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair 羊毛又は繊獣毛のその他のもの 5103 30 - Waste of coarse animal hair 粗獣毛のもの 5202 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock): 綿の廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含

む。) 5202 10 - Yarn waste (including thread waste) 糸くず 5202 91 - Garnetted stock 反毛した繊維 5202 99 – Other その他のもの 5301 30 Flax tow and waste 亜麻のトウ及び廃棄物

ex 5302 90 Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) 大麻(カナビス・サティヴァ)のトウ及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。) ex 5303 90 Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of jute and other textile bast fibres

(excluding flax, true hemp and ramie) ジュートその他の紡織用靱じん皮繊維(亜麻、

大麻及びラミーを除く。)のトウ及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。) ex 5304 90 Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of the genus

Agave サイザルその他のアゲーブ属の紡織用繊維のトウ及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反

毛した繊維を含む。) ex 5305 19 Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of coconut ココやしのトウ、ノイル及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。) ex 5305 29 Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa

textilis Nee) アバカ(マニラ麻又はムサ・テクスティリス)トウ、ノイル及び廃

棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。) ex 5305 99 Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of ramie and other vegetable textile

fibres, not elsewhere specified or included ラミーその他の植物性紡織用繊維のトウ、ノイル及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を

含むものとし、他に該当するものを除く。) 5505 Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres: 人造繊維の廃棄物(ノイル、糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。)で、次のもの 5505 10 - Of synthetic fibres 合成繊維のもの 5505 20 - Of artificial fibres 人造繊維のもの 6309 00 Worn clothing and other worn textile articles 中古の衣類その他の繊維製品 6310 Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables

of textile materials: 使用されたぼろ及びくず(ひも、綱若しくはケーブル又はこれらの製品のものに限る。)(紡

織用繊維のものに限る。) 6310 10 – Sorted 分別したもの


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6310 90 – Other その他のもの I. RUBBER WASTES ゴムの廃棄物

4004 00 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granules obtained there from ゴム(硬質ゴム以外)、及びこれから得られた顆粒の廃棄物、切りくず 4012 20 Used pneumatic tyres 使用済み空気タイヤ

ex 4017 00 Waste and scrap of hard rubber (for example, ebonite) 硬質ゴム(例えば、エボナイト)の廃棄物又はくず


4401 30 Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms 木くず(丸太状、ブリケット状、ペレット状その他これらに類する形状に凝結させてある

かないかを問わない。) 4501 90 Cork waste: crushed, granulated or ground cork

コルクくず及び破砕し、粒にし又は粉砕したコルク K. WASTES ARISING FROM AGRO-FOOD INDUSTRIES 農業食品産業から生じた廃棄物

2301 00 Dried, sterilized and stabilized flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption but fit for animal feed or other purposes; greaves



はその他目的には適しているもの。脂肪滓。 2302 00 Bran, sharps and other residues, whether or not in the form of pellets derived from the shifting,

milling or other working of cereals or of leguminous plants 穀類または豆科植物の夾雑物除去、製粉またはその他作業の結果生じたふすま、シャープ

またはその他残滓で、ペレット形態であるかどうかを問わない。 2303 00 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues, beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar

manufacture, brewing or distilling dregs and waste, whether or not in the form of pellets スターチ製造からの残滓及び類似の残滓、ビートパルプ、バガスその他砂糖製造からの廃

棄物、醸造または蒸留からの残り滓及び廃棄物でペレット形態であるかどうかを問わない。 2304 00 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the

extraction of soya-bean oil, used for animal feed 動物用飼料に使用される豆油抽出から生じたオイルケーキその他固体残滓で、臼挽き後か

ペレット形態かどうかを問わない。 2305 00 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the

extraction of ground-nut (peanut) oil, used for animal feed 動物用飼料に使用される臼挽きナッツ(ピーナッツ)油抽出から生じたオイルケーキその

他固体残滓で、臼挽き後かペレット形態かどうかを問わない。 2306 00 Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the

extraction of vegetable oil, used for animal feed 動物用飼料に使用される植物油抽出から生じたオイルケーキその他固体残滓で、臼挽き後

かペレット形態かどうかを問わない。 ex 2307 00 Wine lees ぶどう酒かす ex 2308 00 Dried and sterilized vegetable waste, residues and byproducts, whether or not in the form of pellets, of

a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included 飼料用に供する種類の乾燥し又は殺菌した植物の廃棄物、残滓及び副産物(ペレット状で

あるかないかを問わないものとし、他に該当するものを除く。) 1522 00 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes デグラス及び脂肪性物質又は動物性若しくは植物性のろうの処理から生ずる残滓。

1807 00 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste カカオ豆の殻、皮その他のもの L. WASTES ARISING FROM TANNING AND FELLMONGERY OPERATIONS AND LEATHER USE

なめし皮及び毛皮の製造操業及び皮革の使用から生じた廃棄物 0502 00 Waste of pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair or of badger hair and other brush-making hair 豚の剛毛及び体毛、アナグマの体毛、その他のブラシ製造用体毛の廃棄物 0503 00 Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material

馬の体毛廃棄物。支持材を使って或いは使わずに層状にまとめられているかどうかを問わない。 0505 90 Waste of skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, of feathers and parts of feathers


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(whether or not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation


毛及び羽毛の一部分(端が切断されているかどうかを問わない)及び綿毛からの廃棄物。 0506 90 Waste of bones and horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated

with acid or degelatinized 未加工で脂肪が除去され前準備だけ行われ(形状に合わせて切断されていない)酸処理ま

たはゼラチン除去処理が行われた骨及び角芯部の廃棄物 4110 00 Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of

leather articles, excluding leather sludges 皮革又は合成皮革の切り屑その他廃棄物で、皮革製品の製造に適さないもの。皮革汚泥を除く。


8908 00 Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste


み荷が適切に撤去されたもの。 Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids 排水・排油済みの動力車両残骸

0501 00 Waste of human hair 人毛の廃棄物 ex 0511 91 Fish waste 魚類の廃棄物

Anode butts of petroleum coke and/or bitumen 油コーク/ビチューメンの陽極端片 Flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) gypsum 排気ガス脱硫(FGD)用石膏 Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings 建物の解体から生じた石膏ウォールボード及びプラスターボード廃棄物

ex 2621 Coal fired power station fly ash, bottom ash and slag tap (3)() 石炭焚き発電所の飛灰、ボトムアッシュ、スラグタップ (3)()

Waste straw 藁廃棄物 Broken concrete 破砕コンクリート

Spent catalysts: 下記の使用済み触媒 - Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts - 液体接触分解(FCC)触媒 - Precious metal bearing catalysts 貴金属含有触媒 - Transition metal catalysts 遷移金属触媒 Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed

ペニシリン生産から生じた不活性化菌糸体で動物用飼料に使用されるもの。 2618 00 Granulated slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel 鉄鉄の製造から生じた細粒スラグ

ex 2619 00 Slag arising from the manufacture of iron or steel (4)() 鉄または鋼鉄の製造から生じたスラグ (4)()

3103 20 Basic slag arising from the manufacture of iron or steel for phosphate fertilizer and other use 鉄または鋼鉄の製造から生じた塩基性スラグで硫化肥料その他用途に使用されるもの。

ex 2621 00 Slag from copper production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications


建設及び研磨用途のため工業仕様(例えば DIN 4301、DIN 8201)に従って加工されるもの。 ex 2621 00 Neutralized red mud from alumina production アルミナの生産から生じた中性化赤泥 ex 2621 00 Spent activated carbon 使用済み活性炭

Sulphur in solid form 固体の硫黄 ex 2836 50 Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9) シアン化カルシウムの生産から生じた石灰(pH が 9 未満のもの)

Sodium, calcium, potassium chlorides ソーダ、カルシウム、塩化カリウム Waste photographic film base and waste photographic film not containing silver

写真フィルムベース廃棄物、及び銀を含有しない写真フィルム廃棄物 Single use cameras without batteries 電池を抜いた使い捨てカメラ

ex 2818 10 Carborundum 炭化珪素


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宛先はすべて「秘書」宛てとしてください。 電信宛先: 「TRADEMIN」 電話番号: 730081/2/3/4/5/6/7 702731/791823/4/5/6/7 参照番号: 1/25/1/9/68 工業商業省 Private Bag 7708 Causeway, Zimbabwe 31st May 1994 1994 年 5 月 31 日 The Honourable Dr. Gunter Rextrodt The Federal Minister of Economics of the Federal Republic of Germany Dear Minister ドイツ連邦共和国経済省大臣 Dr. Gunter Rextrodt 閣下 RE: WASTES SHIPMENTS AGREEMENT 廃棄物運搬協定の件 I have great pleasure Honorable Minister to approve and cordially agree with your proposed Agreed Declaration between your Ministry of Economics of the Federal Republic of Germany and my Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Zimbabwe in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention of 22 March 1989 on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous waste and their disposal (Basel Convention). 1989 年 3 月 22 日付け有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分の規制に関する条約(バーゼル条約)第

11 条にもとづくドイツ連邦共和国経済省及びジンバブウェ共和国工業商業省の間での合意宣言書に関する

閣下の提案に対し、大臣閣下、私は喜んでこれを承認し心からこれに同意するものであります。 This letter of my approval and your letter of proposal therefore form an Agreed Declaration between our two Ministries on this day of my reply. 私の承認を表明した本状及び閣下の提案を述べられた書状は、従って本日私の回答の日付をもって両国両省

間の合意宣言とされます。 Accept Minister, the assurance of my highest consideration. 大臣閣下、閣下に対する当方の 高の敬意をお受け頂きたく存じます。 Yours faithfully 敬具 HERBERT MURERWA (DR) ACTING MINISTER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE HERBERT MURERWA (DR) 工業商業省大臣代行


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添付資料4 カナダ‐アメリカ

Canada - U.S.A. Agreement カナダ‐アメリカ合衆国協定 Each year, millions of tonnes of wastes are generated as by-products of industrial and municipal activities. Significant portions of these wastes contain toxic chemicals such as acids, phenols, arsenic, lead and mercury, which threaten health or the environment if improperly handled. Although it may be impossible to eliminate wastes entirely, efforts are being made to reduce their generation at the source, and to divert more towards recycling and recovery operations. Those wastes that still remain are managed through a variety of methods intended to reduce the environmental and human health risks. Some wastes are managed and disposed on-site; others are shipped off-site where they can be managed in an environmentally sound manner using such operations as physical, chemical, biological, or thermal treatment followed by disposal in a secure landfill site. 産業及び都市活動の副産物として毎年数百万トンの廃棄物が生成される。これらの廃棄物のかなりの






った操作を用いる環境上適正な方法での管理が可能な現場から離れた場所に輸送されるものもある。 Canada and the United States both recognize the environmental and economic benefits of minimizing the distances that wastes must travel to reach such off-site facilities. As a result approximately 800,000 tonnes of hazardous wastes and over one million tonnes of non-hazardous wastes cross the Canada-U.S.A. border annually, on their way to nearby environmentally sound recovery, recycling, treatment or disposal facilities. カナダとアメリカ合衆国の双方は、そうした現場から離れた施設までの廃棄物の輸送に必要な距離を


用、処理、処分を行う近くの施設へ向かう途中で、年間約 800,000 トンの有害廃棄物と、100 万トンを

超える無害の廃棄物がカナダ‐アメリカの国境を越えている。 This booklet contains the consolidated text of the 1986 “Agreement between the Government of Canada and Government of the United States of America Concerning the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste”, it’s 1992 amendment incorporating “other wastes”. Other wastes are defined to include Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) that is sent for final disposal or for incineration with energy recovery, and residues arising from the incineration of such waste, as defined by the Parties’ respective national legislation and implementing regulations, but excluding waste covered under paragraph (B) of the Article 1 of the Agreement. Article 1(b) defines hazardous waste. The Agreement sets out specific conditions for the export, import and transit of hazardous and other wastes between the two countries, and ensures that transboundary movements are handled safely and are exported and imported only to facilities that are authorized by importing jurisdiction. The original Agreement was signed by then Canadian Environment Minister and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator on October 28, 1986 and came into effect November 8, 1986. The agreement recognizes that for other wastes, an alternative tracking scheme may replace the manifest system used for hazardous wastes. 本小冊子には 1986 年の「有害廃棄物の越境移動に関するカナダ政府とアメリカ合衆国政府のあいだの

協定」と、「その他の廃棄物」を包含する 1992 年の修正の協定文が収められている。その他の廃棄物の

定義には、両締約国其々の国内法と施行規則によって定義される、協定第 1 条の項目(B)が適用さ

れる廃棄物を除く、 終処理又はエネルギー回収を伴った焼却のために送られる都市廃棄物と、その




されている。当初の協定は当時のカナダの環境大臣とアメリカ合衆国の環境保護庁長官によって 1986年 10 月 28 日に署名され、1986 年 11 月 8 日に発効した。協定ではその他の廃棄物について、有害廃



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The Agreement takes into account international recognized principles required to control the transboundary movement of waste, including that: 協定では越境移動を規制するために国際的に承認された次のような原則が取り入れられている。

• the exporting country agrees to provide the importing country with adequate and timely information prior to any proposed shipment, giving the importing country an opportunity to consent or object to such import; 輸出国は輸入国に、そのような輸入に同意または異議を唱える機会を与える

ために、提案される運搬に先立って適切で時宜を得た情報を提供することに合意する。 • the two countries agree to cooperate to ensure that transboundary movements are tracked from the

point of origin to the final destination, in accordance with the Agreement and domestic laws and regulations; 両国は、協定および国内法令および規則に従って、国境を越える移動が開始

地点から 終目的地まで追跡されることを保証するために協力することに合意する。 • the exporting country agrees to permit re-entry of any wastes that may be returned by the importing

country; and,輸出国は輸入国によって返還される廃棄物の再入国を許可することに合意し、 • the two countries agree to manage waste within their own jurisdiction, in accordance with their

domestic laws and regulations. 両国は国内法および規則に従って、廃棄物を自国の管轄内で

処理することを合意する。 Furthermore, since Canada is a Party to the Basel Convention, it believes that the Agreement, together with Canada’s supporting regulatory framework, is consistent with the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, and its Article 11 that allows for bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements or arrangements, notwithstanding the Convention’s general prohibition on transboundary movements between Parties and non-Parties. By implementing these provisions and bilaterally reviewing them on a regular basis, the Agreement greatly contributes to the environmentally sound management of transboundary movement of wastes. 更に、カナダがバーゼル条約の締約国であるために、この協定は協定を支援するカナダの規制枠組み



り決めを認める条約第 11 条に適合するとカナダは考えている。こうした規定を実施し、2カ国間で定

期的に見直すことによって、協定は廃棄物の国境移動の環境上適正な処理に大きく貢献する。 Both countries have regulations to implement the obligations under the Agreement as they pertain to hazardous wastes. Canada is in the process of developing regulations to address other wastes, that will obligate the Canadian regulated community to submit notifications containing the information in Article 3(b), which will then be forwarded to EPA for review and consent or objection as required by Article 3(c). The U.S. has not yet established requirements controlling imports or exports of other wastes. 両国は有害廃棄物に関する協定の下での義務を履行するための規則を有する。カナダはその他の廃棄


ように、検討と同意または異議のために EPA へ転送される。アメリカ合衆国はその他の廃棄物の輸出

入規制のための要件をまだ定めていない。 Environment Canada and EPA are considering a new initiative to introduce an electronic tracking system (e-notice and e-manifest) for transboundary movements between Canada and the United States which will help to ensure faster and more efficient document processing while improving border security and environmentally sound management. カナダ環境省と EPA はカナダとアメリカ合衆国間の国境を越える移動について、迅速でより効果的な

文書処理の確保に役立つ一方で国境警備と環境上適正な管理を向上させる、電子追跡システム(e 通

告と e マニフェスト)を導入する新たな動きを検討している。 (Note: This is a consolidated text of the 1986 Agreement and its 1992 Amendment for public use only, and does not constitutes an “official” text) (注:ここに記載された文章は、1986 年の協定および 1992 年の修正文を編集した公共目的のものであり、「正式」本文ではない)


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Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America Concerning the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste and Other Waste

The Government of Canada (Canada), and the Government of the United States of America (the United States), hereinafter called "The Parties":

有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する カナダ政府とアメリカ合衆国政府間の協定

カナダ政府(カナダ)とアメリカ合衆国政府(アメリカ合衆国)は下文では「両締約国」と言う。 前文

RECOGNIZING that severe health and environmental damage may result from the improper treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste and other waste; 有害廃棄物とその他の廃棄物の不適切な取り扱い、貯蔵、処分によって重大な健康および環境上の損

害が生じることがあることを認識し、 SEEKING to ensure that the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste and other waste are conducted so as to reduce the risks to public health, property and environmental quality; 有害廃棄物とその他の廃棄物の取り扱い、貯蔵、処分が、公衆衛生、財産および環境の質への危険性

を減らすために行われることを保証するよう努力し、 RECOGNIZING that the close trading relationship and the long common border between the United States and Canada engender opportunities for a generator of hazardous waste and other waste to benefit from using the nearest appropriate disposal facility, which may involve the transboundary shipment of hazardous waste and other waste; アメリカ合衆国とカナダのあいだの緊密な貿易関係と長い共通の国境によって、有害廃棄物とその他


施設を利用することで利益を得る機会が生まれることを認識し、 RECOGNIZING further that the most effective and efficient means of achieving environmentally sound management procedures for hazardous waste crossing the United States-Canada border is through cooperative, efforts and coordinated regulatory schemes; アメリカ合衆国‐カナダ間の国境を越える有害廃棄物の環境上適正な管理手続きを実現する も有効

で効率的な方法が、共同の努力と調整された規制枠組みによるものであることをさらに認識し、 BELIEVING that a bilateral agreement is needed to facilitate the control of transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and other waste between the United States and Canada; 有害廃棄物とその他の廃棄物のアメリカ合衆国とカナダのあいだの国境を越える移動の規制を促進す


REAFFIRMING Principle 21 of the 1972 Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm, which asserts that states have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other states or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction; 国連憲章および国際法の原則に従って、自国の環境政策と自国の管轄または規制区域で行われる活動


諸国が自国の資源を利用する主権を持つことを強く主張する、ストックホルムで採択された 1972 年の

国際連合人間環境会議の宣言の原則 21 を再確認し、 TAKING into account OECD Council Decisions and Recommendations on transfrontier movements of hazardous wastes, the UNEP Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Waste, and resolutions of the London Dumping Convention, 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する経済開発協力機構(OECD)委員会の決定と勧告、国連環境


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Have agreed as follows: 次のとおり協定した ARTICLE 1 Definitions 第 1 条 定義 For the purposes of this Agreement: この協定の適用上 (a) "Designated Authority" means, in the case of the United States of America, the Environmental Protection Agency and, in the case of Canada, the Department of the Environment. (a)「指定された当局」とは、アメリカ合衆国の場合には環境保護庁をカナダの場合には環境庁をいう。 (b) "Hazardous Waste" means with respect to Canada, hazardous waste, and with respect to the United States, hazardous waste subject to a manifest requirement in the United States, as defined by their respective national legislations and implementing regulations. (b)「有害廃棄物」とはそれぞれの自国法令と施行規則で定義される、カナダについては有害廃棄物をい

い、アメリカ合衆国についてはアメリカ合衆国のマニフェストの要件の対象となる有害廃棄物をいう。 (c) "Country of Export" means the country from which the shipment of hazardous waste and other waste originated. (c)「輸出国」とは、有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の運搬が開始される国をいう。 (d) "Country of Import" means the country to which hazardous waste and other waste is sent for the purpose of treatment, storage (with the exception of short-term storage incidental to transportation) or disposal. (d)「輸入国」とは、処理、貯蔵(運搬に付随する短期の貯蔵を除く)または処分のために有害廃棄物お

よびその他の廃棄物が送られる国をいう (e) "Country of Transit" means the country which is neither the country of export nor the country of import, through whose land territory or internal waters hazardous waste and other waste is transported, or in whose ports such waste is unloaded for further transportation. (e)「通過国」とは、輸出国でも輸入国でもなく、その領土または内水を通過して有害廃棄物及びその

他の廃棄物が運搬され、又はその港でそうした廃棄物が更なる運搬のために荷降ろしされる国をいう (f) "Consignee" means the treatment, storage (with the exception of short-term storage incidental to transportation) or disposal facility in the country of import and the name of the person operating the facility. (f)「荷受人」とは、輸入国の処理、貯蔵(運搬に付随する短期の貯蔵を除く)または処分施設および

その施設を運営する者の名をいう。 (g) "Exporter" means, in the case of the United States, the person defined as exporter, and in the case of Canada, the person defined as consignor, under their respective national laws and regulations governing hazardous waste and other waste. (g)「輸出者」とは、有害廃棄物及びその他の廃棄物を管理する、それぞれの締約国の法令と施行規則の


をいう。 (h) “Other waste” means Municipal Solid Waste that is sent for final disposal or for incineration with energy recovery, and residues arising from the incineration of such waste, as defined by the Parties’ respective national legislation and implementing regulations, but excluding waste covered under paragraph (b) of this Article. (h)「その他の廃棄物」とは、両締約国のそれぞれの法令と施行規則によって規定された、 終処分ま




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ARTICLE 2 General Obligation 第 2 条 一般的義務 The parties shall permit the export, import, and transit of hazardous waste and other waste across their common border for treatment, storage, or disposal pursuant to the terms of their domestic laws, regulations and administrative practices, and the provisions of this Agreement. 両締約国は国内法令、規則、行政慣例およびこの協定の規定に従って、処理、貯蔵または処分のため

の有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の共通の国境を越える輸出、輸入および通過を認める。 ARTICLE 3 Notification to the Importing Country 第 3 条 輸入国への通告 (a) The designated authority of the country of export shall notify the designated authority of the country of import of proposed transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and other waste. (a) 輸出国の指定された当局は、計画された有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の国境を越える運搬に

ついて輸入国の指定された当局に通告する。 (b) The notice referred to in paragraph (a) of this article may cover an individual shipment or a series of shipments extending over a twelve month or lesser period and shall contain the following information: (b) 本条の項目(a)に規定される通告は個別の運搬と 12 ヶ月以内にわたる一連の運搬に適用され、次


(i) The exporter's name, address and telephone number, and if required in the country of export, the identification number.

(ⅰ) 輸出者の名、住所および電話番号、および輸出国で求められた場合には認識番号 (ii) for each hazardous waste and other waste type and for each consignee: (ⅱ)それぞれの有害廃棄物と他の廃棄物のタイプおよびそれぞれの荷受人について

(1) A description of the hazardous waste and other waste to be exported, as identified by the waste identification number, the classification and the shipping name as required on the manifest in the country of export;

(1) 輸出される有害廃棄物および他の廃棄物の記述、これは輸出国におけるマニフェスト上で求

められる廃棄物認識番号、分類および運搬名によって識別される (2) The estimated frequency or rate at which such waste is to be exported and the period of time over which

such waste is to be exported; (2) そうした廃棄物が輸出される想定頻度または程度、およびそうした廃棄物が輸出される期間 (3) The estimated total quantity of the hazardous waste and other waste in units as specified by the manifest

required in the country of export; (3) 輸出国で求められるマニフェスに指定された単位での有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物

の推定総量 (4) The point of entry into the country of import; (4) 輸入国への入国地 (5) The name and address of the transporter(s) and the means of transportation, such as the mode of

transportation (air, highway, rail, water, etc.) and type(s) of container (drums, boxes, tanks, etc.): (5) 輸送者の名および住所および、輸送手段(航空機、ハイウエー、鉄道等)および容器の

タイプ(ドラム缶、箱、タンク他)などの輸送方法 (6) A description of the manner in which the waste will be treated, stored or disposed of in the importing

country; 6) 輸入国において廃棄物が取り扱い、貯蔵、または処理される方法の記述 (7) The name and site address of the consignee; (7) 荷受人の名と場所の住所 (8) An approximate date of the first shipment to each consignee, if available.

(8)可能であれば、それぞれの荷受人への 初の運搬が行われる大体の日付 (c) The designated authority of the country of import shall have 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice

provided pursuant to the date of receipt of the notice provided pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this article to respond to such notice, indicating its consent (conditional or not) or its objection to the export. Such response will be transmitted to the designated authority of the country of export. The date of receipt of the


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notice will be identified in an acknowledgement of receipt made immediately by the designated authority of the country of import to the country of export.

(c) 輸入国の指定された当局はこの条文の項目(a)および (b)に従って規定される通告を受領した日に

従って規定される通告を受け取った日から 30 日以内に、当該の輸出に対する同意(条件付きまたは無



確認において確定される。 (d) If no response is received by the designated authority of the country of export within the 30 day period

referred to in paragraph (c) of this article, the country of import shall be considered as having no objection to the export of hazardous waste and other waste described in the notice and the export may take place conditional upon the persons importing the hazardous waste and other waste complying with all the applicable laws of the country of import.

(d) 本条の項目(c)で規定する 30 日の期間内に輸出国の指定された当局が回答を受け取らない場合に



が行われる。 (e) The country of import shall have the right to amend the terms of the proposed shipment(s) as described in the notice. (e) 輸入国は通告に記述された、提案された運搬の条件を修正する権利を有する (f) The consent of the country of import, whether express, tacit, or conditional, provided pursuant to paragraphs (c) and (d) of this article, may be withdrawn or modified for good cause. The Parties will withdraw or modify such consent insofar as possible at the most appropriate time for the persons concerned. (f) 本条の項目(c) および (d)に従ってなされた輸入国の同意は、明示のものであろうと暗黙のもので


両締約国は可能な限り関係者にとって も適切な時点で、そうした同意を撤回または修正する。 (g) For the purposes of this Article and Article 5, manifest-related requirements may, with respect to other waste, be substituted by alternative tracking requirements. (g) 本条と第 5 条の適用上、マニフェストに関連した要件はその他の廃棄物について代替の追跡要件

に置き換えることができる。 ARTICLE 4 Notification to the Transit Country 第 4 条 通過国への通告 (a) The designated authority of the country of export shall notify the designated authority of the country of transit of the proposed shipment of hazardous waste and other waste at least 7 days prior to the date of the shipment. The notice shall include the information specified in paragraph (b) of Article 3, with the following exceptions: (a) 輸出国の指定された当局は計画された有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の運搬について運搬の日

の少なくとも 7 日前までに通過国の指定された当局に通告する。通告には、次の例外を除いて、第 3条項目(b)に掲げられた情報が含まれる。

(i) The points of entry into and departure from the country of transit shall be provided in lieu of the entry point(s) into the country of import; and

(i) 通過国への入国および通過国からの出国地点が輸入国への入国地点に代わって通告され、 (ii) A description of the approximate length of time the hazardous waste and other waste will remain in the

country of transit and the nature of its handling while there shall be submitted instead of a description of the treatment, storage, or disposal of the waste in the country of import.

(ii) 有害廃棄物及びその他の廃棄物が通過国に留まる凡その期間の記述及び、通過国内での取り扱

いの性質が、輸入国における廃棄物の取り扱い、貯蔵、または処理の記述に代わって提出される。 ARTICLE 5 Cooperative Efforts 第 5 条 協力して行う取組み


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1. The Parties will cooperate to ensure, to the extent possible, that all transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and other waste comply with the manifest requirements of both countries.

1 両締約国は、すべての有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が両国のマニフェス

トの要件に従って行われることを可能な範囲内で保証するために協力する。 2. The Parties will cooperate in monitoring and spot-checking transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and

other waste to ensure, to the extent possible, that such shipments conform to the requirements of the applicable legislation and of this Agreement.

2 両締約国は、そのような運搬が適用される法規とこの協定に従って行われることを可能な範囲内


検査に協力する。 3. To the extent any implementing laws and regulations are necessary to comply with this Agreement, the Parties

will act expeditiously to issue such laws and regulations consistent with domestic law. Pending such issuance, the Parties will make best efforts to provide notification in accordance with this Agreement where current regulatory authority is insufficient. The Parties will provide each other with a diplomatic note upon the issuance and the coming into effect of any such laws and regulations.

3 施行されている法令及び規則をこの協定に従ったものにする必要の程度まで、両締約国は国内法に


現在の規制当局が十分に活動できない場合も、両締約国はこの協定に従って通告を行うために 善の

努力を払う。両締約国はそのような法と規則の公布および発効の時点で、外交覚書を互いに送付する。 ARTICLE 6 Readmission of Exports 第 6 条 輸出の再承認 The country of export shall readmit any shipment of hazardous waste and other waste that may be returned by the country of import or transit. 輸出国は輸入国または通過国によって返還される有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の再入国を認める ARTICLE 7 Enforcement 第 7 条 執行 The Parties shall ensure, to the extent possible, that within their respective jurisdictions, their domestic laws and regulations are enforced with respect to the transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and other waste. 両締約国はそれぞれの管轄の中で、有害廃棄物及びその他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動の、運搬、貯

蔵、処置および処分について自国の国内法令及び規則が執行されることを、可能な範囲内で保証する。 ARTICLE 8 Protection of Confidential Information 第 8 条 秘密情報の保護 If the provision of technical information pursuant to articles 3 and 4 would require the disclosure of information covered by agreement(s) of confidentiality between a Party and an exporter, the country of export shall make every effort to obtain the consent of the concerned person for the purpose of conveying any such information to the country of import or transit. The country of import or transit shall make every effort to protect the confidentiality of such information conveyed. 第 3 条および 4 条に従った技術情報の提供が、一方の締約国と輸出者のあいだの秘密保持の合意に適



うな情報の機密性を守るためにあらゆる努力を払う。 ARTICLE 9 Insurance 第 9 条 保険 The Parties may require, as a condition of entry, that any transboundary movement of hazardous waste and other waste be covered by insurance or other financial guarantee in respect to damage to third parties caused during the entire movement of hazardous waste and other waste, including loading and unloading. 両締約国は通関の条件として有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、積み込み及び

積み降ろしを含む有害廃棄物およびその他の廃棄物の移動全体のあいだに引き起こされる第 3 者への


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損害について、保険またはその他の金銭的保証で保障されることを要求することができる。 ARTICLE 10 Effects on International Agreements 第 10 条 国際協定への効力 Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to diminish the obligations of the Parties with respect to disposal of hazardous waste and other waste at sea contained in the 1972 London Dumping Convention. この協定中のいかなる規定も、1972 年のロンドン条約中に含まれる航海中における有害廃棄物および

その他の廃棄物の処分についての両締約国の義務を削減するとは見なされない。 ARTICLE 11 Domestic Law 第 11 条 国内法 The provisions of this Agreement shall be subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the Parties. この協定の規定は両締約国に適用される法令と規則に従う ARTICLE 12 Amendment 第 12 条 修正 This Agreement may be amended by mutual written consent of the Parties or their authorized representatives. この協定は両締約国又は、その権限を与えられた代表者の相互の書面による合意によって修正される ARTICLE 13 Entry into Force 第 13 条 発効 This Agreement shall enter into force on November 8, 1986 and continue in force for five years. It will automatically be renewed for additional five year periods unless either Party gives written notice of termination to the other at least three months prior to the expiration of any five year period. In any five year period, this Agreement may be terminated upon one year written notice given by one Party to the other. この協定は 1986 年 11 月 8 日に発効し 5 年間有効となる。いずれかの 5 ヵ年の有効期間の満了の少な

くとも 3 ヶ月前にいずれかの締約国が相手方に書面による終了の通告をしない限り、協定は自動的に

さらに 5 年間更新される。いずれの 5 年の有効期間においても、この協定は一方の締約国から相手方

への 1 年の予告期間をおいた書面による通告によって終了する。

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. 以上の証拠として、それぞれの政府から正当に委任を受け、下名はこの協定に署名した。 DONE at Ottawa, in duplicate, this 28th day of October, 1986, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic. 1986 年 10 月 28 日に、オタワで、等しく正文である英語およびフランス語により本書 2 通を作成した。 (the original 1986 Agreement was signed by then EC Minister) (当初の 1986 年の協定は当時の EC 大臣によって署名された) ____________________________________________________ For the Government of Canada カナダ政府のために (the original 1986 Agreement was signed by then EPA Administrator) (当初の 1986 年の協定は当時の EPA 長官によって署名された) ____________________________________________________ For the Government of the United States of America アメリカ合衆国政府のために


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添付資料5 メキシコ‐アメリカ


国境地域の環境の保護と改善のための協力に関する アメリカ合衆国とメキシコ合衆国との間の協定附属書Ⅲ


有害廃棄物と有害物質の国境移動に関する アメリカ合衆国とメキシコ合衆国との間の協力についての協定


The Government of the United States of America ("the United States'), and the Government of the United Mexican States ("Mexico11) ("the Parties"), Recognizing that health and environmental damage may result from improper activities associated with hazardous waste; アメリカ合衆国政府(「アメリカ合衆国」)とメキシコ合衆国政府(「メキシコ」)(「締約国」)は健康と環

境上の被害が有害廃棄物に関連した不適当な活動に起因することがあることを認識し、 Realizing the potential risks to public health, property and the environment associated with hazardous substances; 有害物質に関連した公衆衛生、財産、環境への潜在的な危険性を理解し、 Seeking to ensure that activities associated with the transboundary shipment of hazardous waste are conducted so as to reduce or prevent the risks to public health, property and environmental quality, by effectively cooperating in regard to their export and import; 有害廃棄物の輸出および輸入について効果的に協力することで、有害廃棄物の国境を越える運搬が公衆

衛生、財産、環境の質への危険性を軽減または防止するように行われることが確保されるよう努め、 Seeking also to safeguard the quality of public health, property and environment from unreasonable risks by effectively regulating the export and import of hazardous substances; 有害物質の輸出と輸入を効果的に規則することで、公衆衛生、財産、環境の質を理不尽な危険性から守

るよう努め、 Considering that transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and hazardous substances between the Parties, if carried out illegally and thus without the supervision and control of the competent authorities, or if improperly managed could endanger the public health, property and environment, particularly in the United States/Mexico border area; 両締約国間の有害廃棄物と有害物質の国境を越える運搬が、不法に、また結果として権限のある当局の


国境地域における公衆衛生、財産、環境を害する恐れのあることを考慮し、 Recognizing that the close trading relationship and the long common border between the Parties make it necessary to cooperate regarding transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and hazardous substances without unreasonably affecting the trade of goods and services; 両締約国間の密接な貿易関係と長い共通の国境のために、商品とサービスの貿易に不当に影響を及ぼす

ことなしに、有害廃棄物と有害物質の国境を越える運搬について協力が必要となることを認識し、 Reaffirming Principle 21 of the 1972 Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,


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adopted at Stockholm, which provides that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction; 国連憲章と国際法の原則に従って、自国の環境政策と、その管轄区域と規制の範囲内での活動が他国ま


の資源を開発する主権を持つことを規定した、ストックホルムで採択された 1972 年の国際連合人間環境

会議の宣言の原則 21 を再確認し、 Recognizing that Article 3 of the Agreement between the Parties on Cooperation for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment in the Border Area of 1983 provides that the Parties may conclude specific arrangements for the solution of common problems in the border area as annexes to that Agreement; 国境地域の環境の保護と改善に関する 1983 年の両締約国間の協定第 3 条が、締約国は協定の附属書とし

て共通の問題の解決のために具体的な合意を締結することができることを規定していることを認識し、 Have agreed as follows: 次のように協定した。 ARTICLE I Definitions 第Ⅰ条 定義 1. "Designated Authority" means, in the case of the Unfted States, the Environmental Protection Agency and, in the

case of Mexico, the Secretariat of Urban Development and Ecology through the Subsecretariat of Ecology. 1「指定された当局」とは、アメリカ合衆国の場合には環境保護庁、メキシコの場合にはエコロジー官房

を通した都市開発およびエコロジー事務局をいう。 2. "Hazardous .waste" means any waste, as designated or defined by the applicable designated authority pursuant to

national policies, laws or regulations, which if improperly dealt with in activities associated with them, may result in health or environmental damage.



す結果となることのある廃棄物をいう。 3. "Hazardous substance11 means any substance, as designated or defined by the applicable national policies, laws or

regulations, including pesticides or chemicals, which when improperly dealt with in activities associated with them, may produce harmful effects to public health, property or the environment, and is banned or severely restricted by the applicable designated authority.




いう。 4. "Activities" associated with hazardous waste or hazardous substances means, as applicable, their handling,

transportation, treatment, recycling, storage, application, distribution, reuse or other utilization. 4 有害廃棄物または有害物質に関連する「活動」とは、規定されるそうした取り扱い、運搬、処置、

再生利用、貯蔵、活用、流通、再使用その他の利用のことをいう。 5. "Country of export11 means the Party from which the transboundary movement of hazardous waste or hazardous

substances is to be initiated. 5「輸出国」とは、有害廃棄物または有害物質の国境移動が開始される締約国のことをいう。

6. "Country of Import11 means the Party to which the hazardous waste or hazardous substances are to be sent. This does not include "transit11, as meaning transport of hazardous waste or hazardous substances through the


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territory of a Party without being imported through its Customs under applicable laws and regulations. 6「輸入国」とは、有害廃棄物または有害物質の送付先の締約国のことをいう。適用される法令と規則の


意味する、「通過」これには含まれない。 7. "Consignee" means the facility in the country of import which will ultimately receive the hazardous waste or

hazardous substances. 7「荷受人」とは、有害廃棄物または有害物質を 終的に受け取る輸入国内の施設をいう。 8. "Exporter" means the physical or juridical person, whether public or private, acting on his behalf or as a contractor

or subcontractor expressly or implicitly defined as exporter under the national laws and regulations of the country of export which specifically govern hazardous waste or hazardous substances.



業者または下請け業者としてとして活動する、自然人または法人をいう。 9. "Banned or severely restricted11 means final regulatory action, as designated or defined by the applicable

designated authority, pursuant to national policies, laws or regulations. 9「禁止または厳格に制限された」とは、国の政策、法令、規則に従って適切な指定された当局によっ

て指定または定義された 終的な規則措置をいう。

a) Prohibiting, cancelling or suspending all or virtually all registered uses of a pesticide for human health or environmental reasons.

a) 人間の健康または環境上の理由で、農薬のすべての、またはほぼすべての登録された使用を禁

止、中止、停止すること。 b) Prohibiting or severely limiting the manufacture, processing, distribution or use of a chemical for human

health or environmental reasons. b) 人間の健康または環境上の理由で、化学物質の製造、処理、販売、使用を禁止または厳格に制

限すること。 ARTICLE II General Obligations 第Ⅱ条 一般的義務 1. Transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and hazardous substances across the common border of the Parties

shall be governed by the terms of this Annex and their domestic laws and regulations. 1 両締約国の共通の国境を越える有害廃棄物または有害物質の国境を越える運搬は、本附属書の条項

および締約国の国内法令と規則によって管理される。 2. Each Party shall ensure, to the extent practicable, that its domestic laws and regulations are enforced with respect

to transboundary shipments of hazardous waste and hazardous substances, and other substances as the Parties may mutually agree through appendices to this Annex, that pose dangers to public health, property and the environment.

2 それぞれの締約国は、公衆衛生、財産、環境に危険をもたらす有害廃棄物または有害物質および、


可能な程度まで、その国内法令と規則が執行されることを確保する。 3. Each Party shall cooperate in monitoring and spot-checking transboundar shipments across the common border of

hazardous waste and hazardous substances to ensure, to the extent practicable, that such shipments conform to the requirements of this Annex and its national laws and regulations. To this effect, a program of cooperation in this area should be concluded through an Appendix to this Annex, including the exchange of information resulting from the monitoring and spot-checking of transboundary shipments which may be useful to the other Party,


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3 各締約国は、共通の国境を越える有害廃棄物または有害物質の国境を越える運搬が本附属書の要件




によって締結さる。 HAZARDOUS WASTE 有害廃棄物 ARTICLE III Notification to the Importing Country 第Ⅲ条 輸入国への通告 1. The designated authority of the country of export shall notify the designated authority of the country of import of transboundary shipments of hazardous waste for which the consent of the country of import is required under the laws or regulations of the country of export, with a copy of the notification simultaneously sent through diplomatic channels. 1 輸出国の指定された当局は、輸出国の法令または規則の下で輸入国の同意が求められる有害廃棄物


の指定された当局に告知する。 2. The notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be given at least 45 days in advance of the planned

date of export and may cover an individual shipment or a series of shipments extending over a twelve-month or lesser period and shall contain the following information for each shipment:

2 本条の第 1 項に規定された通告は、輸出予定日の少なくとも 45 日前に行われ、個別の運搬または 12ヶ月またはそれより短い期間に及ぶ連続した移動に適用するものとし、それぞれの移動についての以

下の情報を含む。 a) The exporter's name, address, telephone number, identification number and other relevant data required in

the country of export. a) 輸出者の名、住所、電話番号、識別番号、輸出国で求められるその他の関連データ。 b) By consignee, for each hazardous waste type: b) 荷受人ごとに、それぞれの有害廃棄物のタイプに関して

i) A description of the hazardous waste to be -exported, as identified by the waste identification number(s) and the shipping description(s) required in the country of export.

i) 廃棄物識別番号によって識別される輸出される有害廃棄物の記述と、輸出国で求められる移

動についての記述。 ii) The estimated frequency or rate at which such waste is to be exported and the period time over which

such waste is to be exported. ii) そのような廃棄物が輸出される予測頻度と程度、およびそのような廃棄物が輸出される期間 iii) The estimated total quantity of the hazardous waste in units as specified by the manifest or documents

required in the country of export. iii) 輸出国で要求されるマニフェストまたは書類に掲げられる単位での、有害廃棄物の予測総量。 iv) The point of entry into the country of import, iv) 輸入国への入国地点 v) The means of transportation, including the mode of transportation and the type of container involved. v) 運搬手段と関係の容器のタイプを含む運搬方法。 vi) A description of the treatment or storage to which the waste will be subjected in the country of import. vi) 廃棄物に対して輸入国で行われる処置または貯蔵の記述 vii) The name and site address of the consignee. vii) 荷受人の名と場所の住所

3. In order to facilitate compliance with the requirements of the importing country for the exporter to provide information and documents additional to those described in paragraph 2 of this Article, the designated authority of the exporting country will cooperate by making such requirements for information and documents known to the exporter. To that end, the country of import may list such additional required information and documents in appendices to this Annex.


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3 輸出者についての、本条の第 2 項に述べられたものへの追加情報と文書提供に関する輸入国の要件へ



書の別表に掲げることができる。 4. The designated authority of the country of import shall have 45 days from the date of acknowledgement of receipt

of the notification provided in paragraph 1 of this Article within which to respond to such notification, indicating its consent, with or without conditions, or its objection to the export.

4 輸入国の指定された当局は本条の第 1 項に規定された通告受領の確認の日から 45 日以内に、そのよ

うな通告に回答し、条件付もしくは無条件での同意または輸出への異議を表示する。 5. The country of import shall have the right to amend the terms of the proposed shipment contained in the

notification in order to give its consent. 5 輸入国は同意に当たって通告中に計画された運搬の条件を修正する権利を有する。 6. The consent of the country of import provided pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article, may be withdrawn or modified at any time, pursuant to the national policies, laws or regulations of the country of import. 6 本条の第 4 項および第 5 項に従ってなされた輸入国の同意は、輸入国の政策、法令または規則に従っ

て何時でも撤回または修正することができる。 7. Whenever the designated authority of a country of export requires notification of or is otherwise aware of a

transboundary shipment that will be transported through the territory of the other Party, it shall, in accordance with its national laws and regulations, notify that Party.

7 輸出国の指定された当局が、相手締約国の領土を通過する国境を越える運搬の通告を要求し、または

何らかの方法でこれを知ったときは常に、自国の法令と規則に従って相手締約国に通告する。 ARTICLE IV Readmission of Exports 第Ⅳ条 再輸出の許可 The country of export shall readmit any shipment of hazardous waste that may be returned for any reason by the country of import. 輸出国は何らかの理由で輸入国によって変換される有害廃棄物の運搬を再許可する。 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES 有害物質 ARTICLE V Notification of Regulatory Actions 第V条 規制措置の通告 1. When a Party has banned or severely restricted a pesticide or chemical, its designated authority shall notify the

designated authority of the other Party that such action has been taken either directly or through an appropriate intergovernmental organization.

1 締約国が農薬または化学物質を禁止または厳しく制限したときは、その指定された当局は直接または


る。 2. The notice referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain the following information, if available: 2 本条の第 1 項で規定された通告には、入手が可能であれば以下の情報を含む。

(a) the name of the pesticide or chemical that is the object of the regulatory action; (a) 規制措置の対象である農薬または化学物質の名。 (b) a concise summary of the regulatory action taken, including the timetable for any further actions that are

planned. If the regulatory action bans or restricts certain uses but allows other uses, such information should be included;


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(b) 計画されている更なる措置の予定表を含む、取られた規制措置の簡潔な概要。規制措置によっ

て一定の使用を禁止又は制限されるが、他の使用は認められる場合は、そのような情報を含める。 (c) a concise summary of the reason for the regulatory action, including an indication of the potential risks to

human health or the environment that are the grounds for the action; (c) 措置の根拠である人間の健康と環境への潜在的な危険性の表示を含む、規制措置が取られた理

由の簡潔な概要 (d) information concerning registered pesticides or substitute chemicals that could be used in lieu of the banned

or severely restricted pesticide or chemical; (d) 禁止または厳しく制限された農薬または化学物質に代わって使用することができる、登録され

た農薬または代替の化学物質に関する情報 (e) the name and address of the contact point to which a request for further information should be addressed.

(e) 詳細な情報の要求を申し出る場合の連絡窓口の氏名と住所 ARTICLE VI Notification of Exports 第Ⅵ条 輸出の通告 1. If the country of export becomes aware that an export of a hazardous substance to the country of import is

occurring, the designated authority of the country of export shall notify the designated authority of the country of import.

1 輸入国への有害物質の輸出が行われていることを輸出国が知った場合には、輸出国の指定された当局

は輸入国の指定された当局に通告する。 2. The purpose of such notice shall be to remind the country of import of the notification regarding regulatory action provided pursuant to Article 5 and to alert it to the fact that the export is occurring. 2 そのような通告の目的は、輸入国に第 5 条に従ってなされた規制措置に関する通告に気付かせ、輸出

が行われているという事実を輸入国に警告することである。 3. The notice referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain the following information, if available: 3 本条の第 1 項で規定された通告には、入手可能な場合には以下の情報が含まれるものとする。

(a) the name of the exported hazardous substance; (a) 輸出された有害物質の名称 (b) for banned or severely restricted chemicals, approximate date(s) of the export; (b) 禁止または厳しく制限化学物質についての輸出の大まかな日付 (c) a copy of, or reference to, the information provided at the time of the notification of the regulatory action; (c)規制措置の通告が行われたときに提供された情報のコピーまたはこれについての言及 (d) name and address of the contact point for further information.

(d) 詳細な情報のための連絡窓口の氏名と住所 ARTICLE VII Timing of the Notifications 第Ⅶ条 通告の時期 1. Notification of regulatory actions, required pursuant to Article 5, shall be transmitted as soon as practicable after

the regulatory action has been taken, and in any event not later than 90 days following the taking of such action. 1 第 5 条に従って求められる規制措置の通告は、規制措置がとられた後に可及的速やかに、またいかな

る場合にもそうした措置が取られてから 90 日以内に送付される。 2. When a Party has banned or severely restricted chemicals or pesticides prior to the entry into force of this Annex,


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its designated authority shall provide an inventory of such prior regulatory actions to the designated authority of the other Party.

2 締約国が本附属書の発効に先立って化学物質または農薬を禁止し、または厳しく制限していた場合に


る。 3. Notification of exports required pursuant to Article 6, shall be provided at the time the first export of a hazardous

substance is occurring to the Country of import following the regulatory action and should recur at the time of the first export of the hazardous substance each subsequent year to that country.

3 第 6 条に従って求められる輸出の通告は、規制措置が取られた後に有害物質の輸入国への輸出が 初

に行われようとしている時点で行われ、その後有害物質のその国への毎年の 初の輸出が行われた時

点で繰り返して行われる。 4. When the hazardous substance being exported has been banned or severely restricted prior to the entry into force

of this Annex, the first export following the regulatory action shall be considered to be the first export following the provision of the inventory referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.

4 輸出されている危険物質が本附属書の発効に先だって禁止または厳しく制限された場合、規制措置が

取られた後の 初の輸出が本条の第 2 項で規定された一覧表の提供後の 初の輸出と見なされる。 ARTICLE VIII Compliance with Requirements in the Importing Country 第Ⅷ条 輸入国の要件の順守 In order to facilitate compliance with the requirements in the importing country for the import of hazardous substances, the designated authority of the country of export will cooperate by making such requirements, including expected information and documents, known to the exporter. To that end, the country of import may list such requirements, information and documents in appendices to this Annex. 有害物質の輸入に関する輸入国の要件の順守を促すために、輸出国の指定された当局は、期待される情


のような要件、情報および文書を本附属書の別表に掲げることができる。 ARTICLE IX Readmission of Exports 第Ⅸ条 輸出の再許可 The country of export shall readmit any shipment of hazardous substances that was not lawfully imported into the country of import. 輸出国は輸入国に合法的に輸入されなかった有害物質の運搬を再許可しなければならない。 GENERAL PROVISIONS 総括規定 ARTICLE X Additional Arrangements 第Ⅹ条 追加取り決め 1. The Parties shall consider and, as appropriate, establish additional arrangements to mitigate or avoid adverse

effects on health, property and the environment from improper activities associated with hazardous waste and hazardous substances. Such arrangements may include the sharing of research data as well as the definition of criteria regarding imminent and substantial endangerment and emergency responses, and may be included in appendices to this Annex.

1 両締約国は、有害廃棄物および有害物質に関した不適切な活動からの健康、財産、環境に対する悪影



定義の共有が含まれる場合があり、本附属書の別表に含めることができる。 2. The Parties shall consult regarding experience with transboundary shipments of hazardous wastes and hazardous


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substances and, as problems are identified in the special circumstances of the United States-Mexico border relationship may include through appendices to this Annex, additional cooperation and mutual obligations aimed at achieving when necessary a more stringent control of transboundary shipments, such as provisions to bring uniformity in those relating to both hazardous wastes and hazardous substances regarding compulsory notification to and consent by the importing country for each transboundary shipment, as may become permitted by new national laws and regulations adopted by the Parties.

2 両締約国は有害廃棄物及び有害物質の国境を越える運搬についての経験に関して協議し、アメリカ





てのより厳格な規制の実現に向けた追加的な協力と相互の義務を両者の関係中に加えることができる。 ARTICLE XI Hazardous Waste Generated From Raw materials Admitted In-Bond 第VI 条 保税倉庫への貯蔵が認められ原材料から発生する有害廃棄物 Hazardous waste generated in the processes of economic production, manufacturing, processing or repair, for which raw materials were utilized and temporarily admitted, shall continue to be readmitted by the country of origin of the raw materials in accordance with applicable national policies, laws and regulations. そのために原材料が利用され当面認められた合理的な生産、製造、処理、または修理から生じる有害廃


される。 ARTICLE XII Information Exchange and Assistance 第ⅩⅡ条 情報交換と援助 1. The Parties shall, to the extent practicable, provide to each other, mutual assistance designed to increase the

capability of each Party to enforce its laws applicable to transboundary shipments of hazardous waste or hazardous substances and to take appropriate action with respect to violators of its laws.

1 両締約国は、各締約国が有害廃棄物または有害物質の国境を越える運搬に適用される法令の執行と、


行可能な程度まで相互に提供する。 (a) Such assistance may generally include: (a) そのような援助には一般的に次のものが含まれる。

(i) the exchange of information; (i) 情報交換 (ii) the provision of documents, records and reports; (ii) 文書、記録、報告の提供 (iii) the facilitating of on-site visits to treatment, storage, or disposal facilities; (iii) 処置、貯蔵、処分施設の現地視察の促進 (iv) assistance provided or required pursuant to any international agreements or treaties in force with respect

to the Parties, or pursuant to any arrangement or practice that might otherwise be applicable; (iv) 両締約国に関して有効な何らかの国際協定または取り決めに従った、または別途適用される

取り決めまたは実践に従って提供され、または要請される援助 (v) emergency notification of hazardous situations; and (v) 危険な状況についての緊急通告、及び (vi) other forms of assistance mutually agreed upon by the Parties,

(vi) 両締約国間で相互に合意された他の形の援助 (b) Save in exceptional circumstances, requests for assistance made pursuant to this Article shall be submitted in

writing and translated into the language of the requested State. (b) 例外的な状況を除いて、本条に従ってなされる援助の要請は書面で、要請を受ける国の言語で

提出される。 (c) The requested State shall provide the requesting State with copies of publicly available records of

government departments and agencies in the requested State. (c) 要請を受ける国は、要請を受けた国の政府省庁の広く入手可能な記録のコピーを要請する国に


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提供する。 (d) The requested State may provide any record or information in the possession of a government office or

agency, but not publicly available, to the same extent and under the same conditions as it would be available to its own administrative, law enforcement, or judicial authorities.

(d) 要請を受ける国は政府省庁が保有するどのような記録または情報も提供することができるが、


件の下で利用可能である、 2. The Parties may establish in an appendix to this Annex a cooperative program relating to the exchange of scientific,

technical, and other information for purposes of the development of their own respective regulatory mechanisms controlling hazardous waste and hazardous substances.

2 両締約国は、有害廃棄物と有害物質を規制するそれぞれの規制メカニズムの開発のために、科学的、

技術的その他の情報交換関連した協力プログラムを、本附属書に定めることができる。 ARTICLE XIII Protection of Confidential Information 第ⅩⅢ条 秘密情報の保護 The Parties shall adopt procedures to protect the confidentiality of proprietary or sensitive information conveyed pursuant to this Annex, when such procedures do not already exist. 本附属書に従って伝えられた、所有者の秘密または機密情報を守るための手続きがまだ存在しない場合

に、両締約国はそのような手続きを導入する。 ARTICLE XIV Damages 第ⅩⅣ条 損害 1. The country of import may require, as a condition of entry, that any transboundary shipment of hazardous waste or

hazardous substances be covered by insurance, bond or other appropriate and effective guarantee. 1 輸入国は入国の条件として有害廃棄物と有害物質の国境を越える運搬に保険、保証金その他の適当で

有効な保障が適用されることを求めることができる。 2. Whenever a transboundary shipment of hazardous waste or hazardous substances is carried out in violation of this

Annex, of the national laws and regulations of the Parties, or of the conditions to which the authorization for import was subject, or whenever the hazardous waste or hazardous substances produce damages to public health, property or the environment in the country of import, the competent authorities of the country of export shall take all practicable measures and initiate and carry out all pertinent legal actions that they are legally competent to undertake, so that when applicable in accordance with its national laws and regulations the physical or juridical persons involved:

2 本附属書、両締約国の法令と規則、輸入承認の条件に違反して有害廃棄物と有害物質の国境を越える




行動を開始し、それを実施する。 a) return the hazardous waste or hazardous substances to the country of export; a) 有害廃棄物または有害物質を輸出国へ返還する。 b) return in as much as practicable the status quo ante of the affected ecosystem; b) 影響を受けたエコシステムを実行可能な限り回復する c) repair, through compensation, the damages caused to persons, property or the environment c) 補償によって人、財産または環境がこうむった損害を修復する

The country of import shall also take, for the same purposes, all practicable measures and initiate and carry out all pertinent legal actions that its authorities are legally competent to undertake. The country of export shall report to the country of import all measures and legal actions undertaken in the framework of this paragraph, and shall cooperate with the country of import, on the basis of this Annex or of other


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bilateral treaties and agreements in force between the Parties, and to the extent permitted by its national laws and regulations, to seek in its courts the satisfaction of those matters covered in subparagraphs a) to c) of this paragraph. 輸入国もまた同一の目的で実際的な措置を取り、その当局が法的に着手する資格を持つあらゆる法的

行動に着手し、それを実施する。 輸出国は本項の枠組みの中で取られたすべての措置と法的行動を輸入国に報告し、本附属書または両


その法廷で本項のサブパラグラフ a)から c)に含まれる事項を満足させることを求めて輸入国と協力す


3. The provisions of this Annex shall not be deemed to abridge or prejudice the Parties' national laws concerning transboundary shipments, or liability or compensation for damages resulting from activities associated with hazardous waste and hazardous substances.

3 本附属書の規定は、国境を越える運搬に関する両締約国の自国の法令、または有害廃棄物と有害物質


考えられない。 ARTICLE XV Effect On Other Instruments 第ⅩⅤ条 他の法令文書への効果 1. Nothing in this Annex shall be construed to prejudice other existing or future agreements concluded between the

Parties, or affect the rights or obligations of the Parties under international agreements to which they are Party. 1 本附属書中のいかなる規定も、両締約国の間で締結される既存または将来の他の協定を犯し、または

両者が締約国である国際協定の下での両締約国の権利または義務を犯すものとは解釈されない。 2. The provisions of this Annex shall, in particular not be deemed to prejudice or otherwise affect the functions entrusted to the International Boundary and Water Commission, in accordance with the 1944 Treaty on the Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande. 2 本附属書の規定は、特に 1994 年のコロラド川およびティファナ川およびリオグランデの水の利用に関


ぼすものとは考えられない。 ARTICLE XVI Appendices 第ⅩⅥ条 別表 Any appendices to this Annex may be added through an exchange of diplomatic notes and shall form an integral part of this Annex. 本附属書の別表は外交覚書の交換によって付加することができ、附属書の不可欠の部分を構成する。 ARTICLE XVII. Amendment 第ⅩⅦ条 修正 This Annex, and any appendices added hereto, may be amended by mutual agreement of the Parties through an exchange of diplomatic notes. 本附属書とこれに付け加えられた別表は、外交覚書の交換による両締約国の合意によって修正すること

ができる。 ARTICLE XVIII Review ⅩⅧ条 見直し The Parties shall meet at least every two years from the date of entry into force of this Annex, at a time and place to be mutually agreed upon, in order to review the effectiveness of its implementation and to agree on whatever individual and joint measures are necessary to improve such effectiveness. 協定履行の実効性を見直し、そうした有効性を改善するためにどのような個別および共同の措置が必要

かについて合意するために、両締約国は附属書の発効の日から少なくとも 2 年ごとに、相互に合意した


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時間と場所で会合する。 ARTICLE XIX Entry into Force 第ⅩⅨ条 発効 This Annex shall enter into force upon an exchange of diplomatic notes between the Parties stating that each Party has completed its necessary internal procedures. 本附属書は、それぞれの締約国が必要な国内手続きを完了した旨の外交覚書を両締約国間で交換した時

点で発効する。 ARTICLE XX Termination 第ⅩⅩ条 終了 This Annex shall remain in force indefinitely, unless one of the Parties notifies the other in writing through diplomatic channels of its desire to terminate it, in which case the Annex shall terminate six months after the date of such written notification. Unless otherwise agreed, such termination shall not affect the validity of any agreements made under this Annex. 締約国の一方が終了の要望を外交ルートを通して書面で相手方に通告しない限り本附属書は無期限に有

効であり、通告があった場合にはそうした書面による通告の日付から 6 ヶ月後に附属書は終了する。他

の合意がなければ、そうした終了によって本附属書の下でなされた合意の有効性に影響することはない。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Annex. 以上の証拠として、それぞれの政府によって正当に権限を与えられた下名は本附属書に署名した。 DONE at Washington, in duplicate, this twelfth day of November, 1986 in the English and Spanish languages, both texts being equally authentic. ワシントンで、正副 2 通に、1986 年 11 月 12 日に、ひとしく正文となる英語およびスペイン語の両テキ



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添付資料6 メキシコ‐アメリカ

BORDER 2012: U.S.-MEXICO ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM 国境 2012 米墨環境プログラム (このプログラムでバーゼルに関係するのは目標 3 の目的 1、2 のみ) GOAL #3: REDUCE LAND CONTAMINATION Annex III of the La Paz Agreement establishes the importance of cooperation between the United States and Mexico on issues related to hazardous waste and hazardous substances in the border region. The Hazardous and Solid Waste Workgroup was active in the Border XXI program. The Workgroup assessed hazardous and solid waste problems in the border area, improved the monitoring of the transboundary movements of hazardous waste in the border region, identified the hazardous waste generators and management facilities in the region and established a system to notify its counterpart country of new facilities. The Border 2012 Policy Forum for Hazardous and Solid Waste will continue and expand these efforts with the following objectives: 目標第 3:土地汚染の減少 ラパス協定の付属書Ⅲでは、国境地域における有害廃棄物と有害物質に関係した問題についてのアメリ

カ合衆国とメキシコ間の協力の重要性が規定されている。国境XXI プログラムでは有害および固形廃棄




および固形廃棄物に関する国境 2012 政策フォーラムは、次の目的を持ってこうした努力を継続し、拡大

する。 OBJECTIVE 1 By 2004, identify needs and develop an action plan to improve institutional and infrastructure capacity for waste management and pollution prevention as they pertain to hazardous and solid waste and toxic substances along the U.S.-Mexico border. Starting in 2005, the plan will be implemented and concluded by 2012. Waste “management capacity” (both institutional and in terms of infrastructure) means having the techniques, organizations, expertise and technology to effectively handle and dispose of waste. Where a lack of capacity is identified, the Border 2012 program will work to develop the needed capacity to ensure the appropriate management of waste. 目的1 2004 年までにニーズを明らかにし、アメリカ合衆国‐メキシコ国境沿いの有害および固形廃棄物および


のアクションプランを作成する。アクションプランは 2005 年にスタートし、2012 年までに実施されて

終了する。 廃棄物「処理能力」(制度、基盤施設の両面)とは廃棄物を効果的に扱い処分するための技巧、組織、専


の確保に必要な能力を開発するために国境 2012 プログラムが取り組む。 OBJECTIVE 2 By 2004, evaluate the hazardous waste tracking systems in the United States and Mexico. During the year 2006, develop and consolidate the link between both tracking systems. Currently, both the United States and Mexico have their own, separate computer systems for tracking the movement of hazardous waste across the border. If these systems were linked it would lead to a better exchange of information,


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and to a more complete and effective tracking of the movement of hazardous wastes across the U.S.-Mexico border. 目的2 2004 年までにアメリカ合衆国とメキシコで有害廃棄物追跡システムを評価する。2006 年中には、両国の

追跡システムのリンクを作り上げて一元管理する。 現在、アメリカ合衆国とメキシコの双方は、国境を越えた有害廃棄物の移動を追跡する別々の自国のコ


リカ合衆国‐メキシコ国境を越えた有害廃棄物移動のより完全で効果的な追跡につながる。 OBJECTIVE 3 By 2010, clean up three of the largest sites that contain abandoned waste tires in the U.S.-Mexico border region, based on policies and programs developed in partnership with local governments. Piles of scrap tires are an environmental problem because they pose a risk to health and the environment from emissions from tire fires, which are difficult to extinguish, and because they serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. The Border 2012 program intends to put the tires which are cleaned up to productive use, such as having them recycled or reused. 目的3 2010 年までには、地方政府との提携によって作成した政策とプログラムに基づいて、アメリカ合衆国‐

メキシコ国境地域の放置された廃棄タイヤが存在する 大敷地のうちの3ヶ所を片付ける。 消火の難しいタイヤ火災からの放出物が健康と環境への危険性をもたらし、現地が蚊の繁殖地となって

いるため、スクラップタイヤの山は環境上問題である。国境 2010 プログラムでは、片付けられたタイヤ

を再生または再利用するなど、生産的な用途に向けることを意図している。 OBJECTIVE 4 By 2004, develop a binational policy of clean-up and restoration resulting in the productive use of abandoned sites contaminated with hazardous waste or materials, along the length of the border, in accordance with the laws of each country. By 2007, apply this policy at least once in each of the four geographic regions. There are a number of contaminated sites in the border region that are of concern to both countries. Mexico and the United States will develop a policy on having sites cleaned up and restored to productive use. The policy also will identify priority sites in the border area. 目的4 2004 年までには、それぞれの国の法律に従って、長い国境に沿って有害廃棄物又は有害物質で汚染され

て放棄された場所の建設的な使用につながる、片付けと回復の二国間政策を作成する。2007 年までに、

4 つの地理的区域のそれぞれで少なくとも 1 度、この政策を適用する。 国境地域には両国の懸念対象となっている多くの汚染された場所が存在する。メキシコとアメリカ合衆




Page 38: Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構

添付資料7 コスタリカ‐アメリカ



POR CUANTO: 共和国大統領及び外務大臣は、

Mediante la Nota número 133 de 12 de julio de 2002 del Excelentisimo Senor John J. Danilovich Embajador

de los Estados Unidos de América y la nota número 657-2002 OAT-PE de 13 de setiembre de 2002 (Nota de respuesta) de la senora Elayne Whyte Gomez Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto a.i. se formalize un Acuerdo por canje de Notas para la modificacion del Acuerdo sobre el Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos entre el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América.

Constituido mediante la Nota número 130 de 30 de setiembre de 1997 del Excelentisimo Senor Peter Jon de Vos a la sazon Embajador de las Estados Unidos de América y la Nota DM-560-97 de 17 de noviembre de 1997 (Nota de respuesta) del Senor Fernando F. Naranjo V. a la sazon Canciller de la República de Costa Rica アメリカ合衆国大使ジョン・J. ダニロビッチ氏の 2002 年 7 月 12 日の外交文書No.133 及びコスタリカ共

和国外務大臣エライネ・ホワイト・ゴメス氏の 2002 年 9 月 13 日の外交文書No.657-2002-OAT-PE(回答

文書)により、アメリカ合衆国大使ピーター・ジョン・デ・ボス氏の 1997 年 9 月 30 日の外交文書No.130及びコスタリカ共和国外務大臣フェルナンド・E. ナランホ・V. 氏の 1997 年 11 月 17 日の外交文書




consideranda: 以下の内容を考慮した上で、すなわち、

1 - Que el Cnnvento de Basilea sobre el Control de Ios Movimientos Tnuisfronerizos de los Desechos

Peligrosos y su Eliminacion, hecho en Basilea, Suiza el 22 de marzo de 1989 conocida como Convenio de Basilea del cual Costa Rica es Parte proporciona una cstructura para controlar el trafico international de desechos peligrosos. 1-コスタリカが加盟当事国である、バーゼル条約の名称で知られる 1989 年 3 月 22 日にスイスのバーゼ



2 - Que dicho Convenio en su articlo 11. parrafo I contempla la posibilidad de que Estados que no sean Parte de este Convenio, como es el caso de los Estados Unidos de América, puedan celebrar un Acuerdo con un Estado Parte, para el movimiento transfronterizo de desechos peligrosos. con tal que dicho Acuerdo no menoscabe el manejo ambientalmente racional de los desechos peligrosos. y que las elausutas que estipule tal Acuerdo no sean menos ambientalmente racionales que las previstas por este Convenio. 2-前記条約がその第 11 条 1 項において、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関してアメリカ合衆国など




3 - Que el Acuerdo sobre el Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos entre el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América meneionado, se formalize mediante la Nota número 130 de 30 de septembre de 1997 del Excelentisimo Senior Peter Jon de Vos a la sazon Embajador de los Estados Unidos de América y la Nota DM-560-97 de 17 de novicmbre de 1997(Nota de respuesta) del Senior Fernando F. Naranjo V. a la sazon Canciller de la República de Costa Rica.


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する協定」が、当時のアメリカ合衆国大使ピーター・ジョン・デ・ボス氏の 1997 年 9 月 30 日の外交文

書No.130 及び当時のコスタリカ共和国外務大臣フェルナンド・E. ナランホ・V. 氏の 1997 年 11 月 17 日

の外交文書DM-560-97(回答文書)を通じて定められたこと、 4 - Que de conformidad con los principios generales que rigen el Derecho de los Tratados un convenio

internacional puede ser enmendado por acuerdo entre los partes. 4-条約法を規制する一般原則に従って、国際条約が加盟当時国間の合意によって改正できること、及び、

5 - Que ambas Partes han convenido en celebar el presente Acuerdo mediante la modalidad de canje de notas de acuerdo a la expresado en los considerandos anteriores. Par tanto. 5-当事国双方が、前記項目の内容に基づく外交文書交換の方法で本協定を結ぶことに同意したこと、 En uso de las facultades conferidas por los articulos 146 y 140, incisos 10) y 12) ite la Constitucion Politica. 以上を考慮した上で、憲法の第 146 条及び第 140 条の項目 10)及び 12)により付与された権限を行使し


以下の内容を発令する。 Articulo 1 - Promulgar teniendolo coma vigente, para todos los efectos Internos y externos el Acuerdo mediante Canje de Notas constituido por la Nota número 133 de 12 de julio de 2002 del Excelentisimo Senor John A. Danilovich Embajador de los Estados Unidos de América y la Nota numeco 657-2002-OAT-PT de 13 de setiembre de 2002 (Nota de respuesta) de lit sefiora Elayne Whyte Gomez Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto a.i. el cual modifica el Acuerdo sobre el Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos entre el Gobietno de La República de Costa Rica y el Gabierno de los Estados Unidos de América mencionado, cuyos textos son las siguientes; 第 1 条-アメリカ合衆国大使ジョン・J. ダニロビッチ氏の 2002 年 7 月 12 日の外交文書No.133 及びコス

タリカ外務大臣エライネ・ホワイト・ゴメス氏の 2002 年 9 月 13 日の外交文書No.657-2002-OAT-PE(回






CERTIFICA: 外務省外交政策局の条約顧問室の室長であるホルヘ・アルトゥロ・アギラル・カスティジョは、

Que de conformidad con nuestros archivos das seis fotocopias adjuntas, identificadas con el sello de este Ministerio, son fieles y exactas a los textos originales de las Notas número 133 de 12 de Julio de 2002 del Excelentisimo Senor John J. Danilovich, Embajador de los Estados Unidos de América y la número 657-2002-OAT-PE (nota de respuesta) de la Seniora Elayne Whyte Gomez, Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto a. i que constituyen el presente Acuerdo bajo la modalidad de canje de notas que modifica el Acuerdo sobre el Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos entre el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica y el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América formalizado mediante las notas número 130 de 30 de setiembre de 1997 del Excelentisimo Senor Peter Jon de Vos, a la sazon Embajador de los Estados Unidos de Amélica y la número DM-560-97 de 17 de noviembre de los 1997 del Senor Fernando E. Naranjo V. a la sazon Canciller de la República de Costa Rica. 当外交政策局の記録ファイルに基づいて、当外務省の印により識別された添付の写真複写 6 枚が、アメ

リカ合衆国大使ピーター・ジョン・デ・ボス氏の 1997 年 9 月 30 日の外交文書No.130 及びコスタリカ共

和国外務大臣フェルナンド・E. ナランホ・V. 氏の 1997 年 11 月 17 日の外交文書DM-560-97(回答文書)


移動に関する協定」を改正する外交文書交換方式の本協定を定めるアメリカ合衆国大使ジョン・J. ダニ

ロビッチ氏の 2002 年 7 月 12 日の外交文書No.133 及びコスタリカ外務大臣エライネ・ホワイト・ゴメス

氏の 2002 年 9 月 13 日の外交文書No.657-2002-OAT-PE(回答文書)の原文に忠実かつ正確な写しである



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Se extiende la misma, para los efectos legales correspondientes, en la Oficina Asesora de Tratados de la .Direccion General de Politica Exterior el veintitres de setiembre de dos mil dos. 2002 年 9 月 23 日に外交政策局の条約顧問室にて法律上の当該目的のために同外交文書を発行する。

La Viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto 外務省副大臣

Sun Jose, 13 de setiembre de 2002 Nota No. 657-2002-OAT-PE

サンホセ、2002 年 9 月 13 日 外交文書No.657-2002-OAT-PE

Excelentisimo Senor: 拝啓

Tengo el honor de dirigirme a Vuestra Excelencia en occasion de avisar recibo de su atenia Nota No. 133

de fecha 12 de Julio de .2002, que dice lo Siguiente: 下記内容の2002年7月12日付けの貴殿からの通達No.133を受け取りましたこの機会に貴殿へ本状をお


"Su Excelencia; 「書簡をもって啓上致します。

Tengo el honor de referirme al Acuerdo sobre el Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos. entre

el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica del 30 de Setiembre y 17 de noviembre de 1997 (el Acuerdo), 1997 年 9 月 30 日及び 11 月 17 日の「コスタリカ共和国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府間における有害廃棄物


El parrafo 11 del Acuerdo establece establece una fecha de expiracion de cinco anos a partir de la fecha de entrada en vigencia del Acuerdo a menos que ambas paries lo extiendan por escrito. Consecuentemente el Acuerdo expiraria el 17 de noviembre del 2002. 協定の 11 項は、当事者双方が文書により延長を決定しない限り、同協定の発効日から 5 年後を期限日と

定めています。したがいまして協定は 2002 年 11 月 17 日に期限切れとなります。 Tengo el honor de proponer en nombre del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, que el parrafo 11

del Acuerdo sea enmendado a fin de que el Acuerdo termine al momento de entrar en vigencia la Convencion de Baselea sobre el Control de Movimientos Transfronterizos de Desechos Peligrosos y su Disposicion (Convencion de Basilea) para los Estados Unidos de América. Todas ras otras disposiciones del Acuerdo deben permanecer igual. アメリカ合衆国政府の名において、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動とその処分の規制に関するバーゼル


を目的として、同協定の 11 項の改正を提案する光栄を有します。なお協定の他の規定は全て現在のまま

とします。 Excelentisimo Senor John J. Danilovich ジョン・J. ダニロビッチ閣下 Embajador de los Estados Unidos de América アメリカ合衆国大使 San Jose サンホセ


Page 41: Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構

Si esta propuresta es aceptable para el Gobierno de Costa Rica, tengo el honor de proponer que esta nota y la

nota de aceptacion en respuesta de su Excelencia, constituya una extension y enmienda del Acuerdo, el cual entrara en vigencia en la fecha de la nota de su Excelencia. この提案がコスタリカ政府にとって受諾可能であれば、本外交文書及び閣下からの受諾に関する回答書


Le ruego aceptar, Excelencia ras seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideracion." ここに重ねて閣下に対する敬意を表します。」

Sobre el particular tengo el honor de informar a Vuestra Excelencia de que la propuesta anterior es aceptable

al Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica, con la salvedad de que el presente Acuerdo bajo la modalidad de canje de notas entrara en vigencia en la fecha en que el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica, comunique por la via diplomatica el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América, el cumplimiento de las formalidades de su ordenamiento juridico. 本件に関して私は貴殿に対し、本協定が外交文書交換方式のもとで、コスタリカ政府がその法令手続き



Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar a Vuestra Exceicencia las Seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideracion, 敬具

Elayne Whytr Gommez Ministra

エライネ・ホワイト・ゴメス 大臣


San Jose, July I2. 2002 サンホセ、2002 年 7 月 12 日

Nota No. 133 外交文書No.133 Excellency 書簡をもって啓上致します。 I have the honor to refer to the Agreement on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Costa Rica of September 30 and November 17.1997 (Agreement). 1997 年 9 月 30 日及び 11 月 17 日の「コスタリカ共和国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府間における有害廃棄物

の国境を越える移動に関する協定」(以下「協定」と呼ぶ)に関して言及する光栄を有します。 Paragraph 11 of the Agreement establishes an expiration date of five years from the date of date of entry into, force of the Agreement unless extended in writing by broth parties. Accordingly, the Agreement shall expire on November 17, 2002. 協定の 11 項は、当事者双方が文書により延長を決定しない限り、同協定の発効日から 5 年後を期限日と

定めています。したがいまして協定は 2002 年 11 月 17 日に期限切れとなります。

His Excellency Roberto Tovar Faja Minister of Foreign Affairs: Republic of Costa Rica


Page 42: Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構

コスタリカ共和国 外務大臣 ロベルト・トバル・パラ閣下

I have honor to propose, on behalf of the Government of the United States of America that; paragraph 11 of the Agreement be amended so that the Agreement terminates upon the entry into force of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal Basel Convention for United States of America. All other provisions of the Agreement remain unchanged. 本使は、アメリカ合衆国政府の名において、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動とその処分の規制に関する


せることを目的として、同協定の 11 項の改正を提案する光栄を有します。なお協定の他の規定は全て

現在のままとします。 If this proposal is acceptable to the Government of Costa Rica, I have the honor to propose that this note and your Excellency’s favorable note in reply shall constitute an extension and amendment of the Agreement which shall enter into force on the dale of your Excellency’s note. この提案がコスタリカ政府にとって受諾可能であれば、本外交文書及び閣下からの受諾に関する回答書

簡を協定の延長と改正と定め、閣下の書簡の日付をもって発効することを提案する光栄を有します。 Accept Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration, ここに重ねて閣下に対する敬意を表します。

Johon J. Danilovich Ambassador ジョン・J. ダニロビッチ大使

TRADUCCION NO OFICIAL 非公式の(スペイン語への)翻訳文

San Jose. 12 de Julio de 2002 サンホセ、2002 年 7 月 12 日

Nota No. 133 外交文書No.133 Su Excelencia: 書簡をもって啓上致します。

Tengo el honar de referirme al Acuerdo sobre el Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos entre

el Gobierno de los Estado Unidos de América y el Gobierno de la República de Costa Rica, del 30 de setiembre y 17 de noviembre de 1997 (el Acuerdo). 1997 年 9 月 30 日及び 11 月 17 日の「コスタリカ共和国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府間における有害廃棄物

の国境を越える移動に関する協定」(以下「協定」と呼ぶ)に関して言及する光栄を有します。 El parrafo 11 del Acuerdo establece una fecha de expiracion de sinco anos a partir de la fecha de entrada en

vigencia del acuerdo a menos que ambas partes lo extiendan por escrito. Consecuentemente el Acuerdo expiraria el 17 de noviembre del .2002. 協定の 11 項は、当事者双方が文書により延長を決定しない限り、同協定の発効日から 5 年後を期限日と

定めています。したがいまして協定は 2002 年 11 月 17 日に期限切れとなります。

Excmo. Senor Roberto Tovar Faja コスタリカ共和国 Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto 外務大臣 de la República De Costa Rica ロベルト・トバル・パラ閣下

Tengo el honor de proponer, en nombre del los Estado Unidos de América, que el parrafo 11 del Acuerdo sea enmendado a fin del que el Acuerdo termine al momento de entrar en vigencia la Convencion de Basilea sobre el Control de Movimientos Transfronterizos de Desechos Peligrosos y su Disposcion (Convencion de Basilea) para los Estado Unidos de America. Todas las otras disposiciones del Acuerdo deben Permanecer igual.


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る時点で協定を終了させることを目的として、同協定の 11 項の改正を提案する光栄を有します。なお協

定の他の規定は全て現在のままとします。 Si esta propuesta es aceptable para el Gobielno de Costa Rica, tengo el honor de proponer que esta nota y la

nota de aceptacion en respuesta de su Excelencia constituya una extencion y enmienda del Acuerdo el cual entrara en vigencia en la fecha de la nota de su Excelencia この提案がコスタリカ政府にとって受諾可能であれば、本外交文書及び貴殿からの受諾に関する回答書


Le ruego aceptar, Excelencia, las seguridades de rni mas alta y distinguida consideracion. ここに重ねて閣下に対する敬意を表します。 John. J. Danilovich Embajador ジョン・J. ダニロビッチ 大使 Articulo 2, ― Rige a partir de su publicacion 第2条-本協定はその公示日から発効される。 Dado en la Presidencia de la Republica ― San Jose, a los veintitres dias del mes de setiembre de dos mil dos. 共和国大統領府にて-サンホセ、2002 年 9 月 23 日。 ABEL PACHECO DE LA ESPRIELLA – EL Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culta, Roberto Tovar Faja ― 1 vez. ― (Solicitud No. 3470). ― C-50500. ― <76000). アベル・パチェコ・デ・ラ・エスプリイジャ-外務大臣ロベルト・トバル・パラ-1 回-請求 No.34704-C50500-76000


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添付資料8 マレーシア‐アメリカ




マレーシアからアメリカ合衆国への有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する 両国政府間の協定書

The Government of the United Stales of America (the United States) and the Government of Malaysia (Malaysia), hereinafter referred to as 'the Parties. ' アメリカ合衆国政府(以下「米国」という)及びマレーシア政府(以下「マレーシア」という)(以下両

者を「当事国」という)は、 Recalling the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (the 'Basel Convention'); 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約を想起し、 Recalling Article 4(5) of the Basel Convention, which provides that a party shall not permit hazardous wastes to be exported to a non-party; 締約国から非締約国への有害廃棄物の輸出禁止を規定したバーゼル条約第 4(5)条を想起し、 Recalling also Article 11(1) of the Basel Convention, which provides that, notwithstanding Article 4(5), a party may enter into an agreement with a non-party provided that such agreement does not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by the Convention and that such agreement stipulates provisions not less environmentally sound than those provided for by the Convention; バーゼル条約第 4(5)条にも関わらず、下記協定においてバーゼル条約の要求する有害廃棄物の環境上適


が非締約国と協定を結んでよいことを定めた同条約第 11(1)条を想起し、 Have agreed as follows; 以下の通り合意する。 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 第 1条 定義 For purposes of this Agreement: 本協定の目的においては、 (a) 'competent authority' means, in the case of the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and in

the case of Malaysia, the Malaysian Department of Environment of the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment.


術環境省環境局をいう。 (b) 'hazardous wastes' means those materials that are defined as hazardous wastes under either U,S. or Malaysian

law. 「有害廃棄物」とは、米国或いはマレーシアの法律の下有害廃棄物と定義された物質をいう。

(c) 'management' means the collection, transport and disposal (including recycling and recovery) of hazardous

wastes, including after-care of disposal sites.


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所の事後の管理を含む。 (d) 'environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes' means taking all practicable steps to ensure that,

hazardous wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes.



とることをいう。 (e) 'contract' means the contract between the exporter and the intended facility of the United States for

environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes. 「契約」とは、有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理のための輸出者と米国の対象施設との間の契約をい

う。 (f) 'exporter' means any person under the jurisdiction of Malaysia who arranges for hazardous wastes to be

exported. 「輸出者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸出を行う者であってマレーシアの管轄の下にあるものをいう。

(g) 'importer' means any person under the jurisdiction of the United States who arranges for hazardous wastes to be

imported. 「輸入者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸入を行う者であって米国の管轄の下にあるものをいう。

ARTICLE 2 PURPOSE 第 2条 目的 The purpose of this Agreement is to provide a framework for the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes that are shipped from Malaysia to the United States for management. 本協定の目的は、マレーシアから米国へ処理のため運搬される有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動のための

枠組みを提供することにある。 ARTICLE 3 GENERAL OBLIGATION 第 3条 一般的義務 The Parties hereby undertake to comply with the terms and conditions applicable to them under this Agreement, in particular with regard to transboundary movements of hazardous wastes undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, and acknowledge that with regard to such movements Malaysia shall be bound by the relevant provisions of the Basel Convention. 両当事国はここに、取り分け本協定に従い企てられた有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関し本協定の下


連諸条項に拘束されることを確認する。 ARTICLE 4 NOTICE AND CONSENT 第 4条 通知及び同意 1. The competent authority of Malaysia shall notify in writing the competent authority of the United States of proposed transboundary shipments of hazardous wastes to be carried out under this Agreement. マレーシアの権限のある当局は、本協定下で実行される計画された有害廃棄物の国境を越える運搬につ

いて米国の権限のある当局に文書で通知するものとする。 2. The notice referred to in paragraph 1 above may cover an individual shipment or a series of shipments extending over a twelve month or lesser period where the hazardous wastes in question have the same physical and chemical characteristics and are shipped regularly to the same facility via the same customs office of exit in Malaysia and the same customs office of entry in the United States. If any information in the notice changes, then a new notice shall be


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provided. 上記 1 の規定で言及された通知は、これら有害廃棄物が同一の物理的化学的特性を持ちマレーシアの同

一の出国税関及び米国の同一の入国税関を通って同一の施設に定期的に運搬され 12 カ月以下の期間に


行われるものとする。 3. The notice referred to in paragraph 1 above shall contain the declarations and information, written in the English language, specified in Annex V A of The Basel Convention. 上記 1 の規定で言及された通知には、バーゼル条約付属書V A に規定された申告及び情報が英語で記載

されるものとする。 4. With respect to materials that are defined as hazardous wastes under U.S. law:

米国法の下有害廃棄物と定義された物質に関し、 (a) the competent authority of the United Stales shall, in accordance with applicable U.S. law, respond to the

competent authority of Malaysia in writing, consenting to the shipment with or without conditions, denying permission for the shipment, or requesting additional information. The competent authority of the United States shall make best efforts to respond within 30 days of receipt of the notice.



米国の権限のある当局は通知の受領から 30 日以内に回答するよう 善の努力を果たすものとする。 (b) the consent of the competent authority of the United States, including a conditional consent may be withdrawn or

modified for good cause; in such case, the United States shall notify Malaysia as soon as possible. 'Good cause' means the introduction of new facts or developments that render incomplete the prior basis for consent or conditional consent.



同意または条件付き同意の以前の根拠を不完全なものとする新たな事実或いは展開の導入をいう。 5. With respect to materials that are defined as hazardous wastes under Malaysian law, but not under U.S. law: マレーシア法の下有害廃棄物と定義され米国の法の下ではそのように定義されていない物質に関し、

(a) the United States shall not object to the import of materials that are not hazardous wastes under U.S. law. This

provision shall serve as the U.S. written confirmation for. imports of materials that are not hazardous wastes under U.S. law. This provision shall not apply to wastes which are contaminated by other materials to the extent that they are regulated as hazardous wastes under U.S. law or to materials that are prohibited from import under U.S. law.




止された物質には、本規定は適用されないものとする。 (b) where information provided in a notice under paragraph 1 above is based on fraudulent or inaccurate

information, Article 7 of this Agreement may apply. Further, the United States reserves the right to rescind non-objection to these imports.

上記 1 の規定の下で通知された情報が偽りの或いは不正確な情報にもとづく場合、本協定書第 7 条


保する。 (c) nothing in this paragraph precludes the United States from taking enforcement action against appropriate


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persons or vessels (liability in rem) for violation of U.S. law. 本規定は、米国が米国法違反を理由として当該の者或いは船舶(対物的責任)に対して強行措置を

取ることを妨げない。 6. Malaysia shall not allow a transboundary shipment to commence until:

マレーシアは下記の時まで国境を越える運搬の開始を許可しないものとする。 (a) its competent authority has received confirmation from the exporter of the existence of a contract between the

exporter and the intended facility in the United States specifying: 輸出者と米国内の対象施設との間の契約書の存在に関する下記を明記した輸出者からの確認書がマ


(1) the environmentally sound management of the hazardous wastes in question (which would be satisfied by specifying that the hazardous wastes will be managed in accordance with applicable U.S. law): and


されたならば本要件が満たされる)。及び、 (2) alternative arrangements, including which party to the contract is to pay for alternative arrangements for the

proper management in an environmentally sound manner of the hazardous wastes in question in the United States or Malaysia in the case where the intended facility cannot or will not accept the hazardous wastes; and



(そのためにいずれの契約当事者が支払うかに関する取り決めをも含む)。及び、 (b) in the case of materials that are defined as hazardous wastes under U.S. law, its competent authority has received

from the competent authority of the United States written consent to the shipment. 米国法の下有害廃棄物と定義された物質の場合、米国の権限のある当局の運搬同意書がマレーシア


7. Malaysia shall not allow a transboundary shipment if it has reason to believe that the hazardous wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner. マレーシアは、これら有害廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理されないと判断する理由がある場合、その

国境を越える運搬を許可しないものとする。 8. The management of hazardous wastes, once subject to the jurisdiction of the United States pursuant to this

Agreement shall be subject to applicable U.S. law. 有害廃棄物の処理は、本協定に従いいったん米国の管轄に従属したならば米国の適用法に従うものとす

る。 ARTICLE 5 COOPERATIVE EFFORTS 第 5条 協力の努力 1. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure, to the extent possible, that all transboundary movement of hazardous wastes pursuant to this Agreement comply with applicable tracking document and manifest requirements. 両当事国は本協定の下での有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動すべてが、追跡文書ならびにマニフェストに

関する適用諸要件を満たすよう可能な限り協力するものとする。 2. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure, to the extent possible, that transboundary movements of hazardous wastes pursuant to this Agreement conform to the requirements of applicable law of both Parties and of this Agreement. 両当事国は本協定の下での有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、両当事国の適用法及び本協定の諸要件を



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ARTICLE 6 DUTY TO RE-IMPORT 第 6 条 再輸入の義務 In the event a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the contract and provided that the alternative arrangements specified in the contract for the proper management in an environmentally sound manner of the hazardous wastes in question cannot be made (irrespective of whether the United States has given its consent), Malaysia shall, by itself or through the exporter, ensure that the wastes in question are taken back into Malaysia within 90 days from the time that the competent authority of the United States has so informed the competent authority of Malaysia. 契約諸条件に従った有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が完了できず、これら有害廃棄物の環境上適正な方



知が行われてから 90 日以内に自ら或いは輸出者を通じてこれら廃棄物を自国に引き取ることを確保す

る。 ARTICLE 7 ILLEGAL TRAFFIC 第 7 条 不法取引 1. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes not in accordance with this Agreement as a result of conduct on the part of the exporter, Malaysia shall ensure that the hazardous wastes in question are taken back by the exporter, or, if necessary, by itself, to Malaysia, or, if impracticable, are managed pursuant to the provisions of the Basel Convention, within thirty days from the time that Malaysia receives notice about the illegal traffic or such other period of time as the parties may agree. To this end, the Parties shall not oppose, hinder, or prevent the return of those hazardous wastes to Malaysia. 輸出者側の行為の結果本協定に従わない有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が行われた場合、マレーシアは

不法取引に関する通知を受け取ってから 30 日以内或いは両当事国が合意した別の期間内に、これら有害




害してはならないものとする。 2. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes not in accordance with this Agreement as a result of conduct on the part of the importer, the United States shall take appropriate enforcement measures to require the importer to manage the hazardous wastes in question in an environmentally sound manner as soon as feasible from the time the illegal traffic has come to the attention of the United States. To this end, the Parties shall cooperate, as necessary, in the management of the hazardous wastes by the importer in an environmentally sound manner. 輸入者側の行為の結果本協定に従わない有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が行われた場合、米国は不正輸



法に従った有害廃棄物の処理において必要に応じ協力するものとする。 3. In the case where responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be assigned either to the exporter or to the importer, the Parties shall cooperate to ensure that the hazardous wastes in question are managed as soon as possible in an environmentally sound manner in the state of export, the state of import, or elsewhere as appropriate. 不法取引の責任が輸出者或いは輸入者のいずれにあるか決定できない場合、両当事国はこれら有害廃棄


確保するよう協力するものとする。 ARTICLE 8 INSURANCE 第 8 条 保険 The United States may require, as a condition of entry, that any import of hazardous wastes be covered by insurance or other financial guarantee in respect of damage caused during any part of the entire movement of hazardous wastes, including loading and unloading, and in case an alternative arrangement for its management in an environmentally


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sound manner or its return to Malaysia is necessary. 米国は有害廃棄物のいかなる輸入についても入国の条件として、また環境上適正な方法による有害廃棄



いはその他財務的保証が付保されるよう要求することができる。 ARTICLE 9 AMENDMENT 第 9 条 改正 This Agreement may be amended by written consent of the Parties. 本協定書は両当事国の文書による同意によって改正することができる。 ARTICLE 10 ENTRY INTO FORCE 第 10 条 効力発生 This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and shall remain in force until the date upon which the United States becomes a party to the Basel Convention. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon written notification, such termination to take effect six months following the date of notification. 本協定書は調印とともに効力を生じ、米国がバーゼル条約締結国となる日まで効力を保つものとする。

いずれの当事国も文書の通知によって本協定を終了させることができ、この終了は通知の日から 6 カ月

後に有効となる。 In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. 上記の証として、各当事国政府の正規の権限を持つ下記署名者は本協定書に調印する。 Done at Kuala Lumpur in duplicate, this 10th day of March ,1995. 1995 年 3 月 10 日、クアラルンプールにて正副 2 通を作成。 For the Government of the For the Government United States of America: of Malaysia: アメリカ合衆国政府 マレーシア政府 を代表して を代表して Mr. John S. Wolf, Dato' Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar, Ambassador of the United States Director General, of America to Malaysia Department of Environment,


Mr. John S. Wolf, Dato' Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar, マレーシア駐在 アメリカ合衆国大使 マレーシア環境省長官


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添付資料9 フィリピン‐アメリカ




TO THE UNITED STATES, フィリピンから米国への有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する


The Government of the United States of America (the United States) and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (the Philippines), hereinafter referred to as "The Parties," 米国政府(「米国」という)とフィリピン共和国政府(「フィリピン」という)に対し、以下「両締約国」

といい、 RECALLING, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (the "Basel Convention'); 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動およびその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約(「バーゼル条約」という)

を想起し、 RECALLING, Article 4 (5) of the Basel Convention, which provides that a Party shall not permit hazardous wastes or other wastes to be exported to a non-Party; 締約国は有害廃棄物またはその他の廃棄物の非締約国への輸出を許可してはならないと定めるバーゼル

条約の第 4 条(5)を想起し、 RECALLING, also Article 11 (1) of the Basel Convention, which provides that, notwithstanding Article 4 (5), a Party may enter Into an agreement with a non-Party provided that such agreement does not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by the Convention and that such agreement stipulates provisions not less environmentally sound than those provided by the Convention; また、第 4 条(5)に関わらず、締約国は非締約国との間で協定を締結することができるが、ただし当該



ーゼル条約の第 11 条(1)を想起し、 HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 次のとおり協定した。 ARTICLE 1 Definitions 第 1 条 定義 For purposes of this Agreement: 本協定の目的において (a) "Competent authority" means, in the case of the Philippines, the Environmental Management Bureau of the

Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and in the case of the United States, the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


環境保護庁をいう。 (b) "Hazardous Wastes" means those materials that are regulated as hazardous wastes under either Philippine or

United States law.


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をいう。 (c) "Management" means the collection, transport and disposal, recycling, treatment and disposal of hazardous

wastes. 「処理」とは、有害廃棄物の収集、運搬、リサイクル、処置、および処分をいう。 (d) "Environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes' means taking all practicable steps to ensure that

hazardous wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes,



いう。 (e) "Contract" means the legally-binding agreement between the exporter and the importer for environmentally

sound management of the hazardous wastes. 「契約」とは、有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理に関する、法的拘束力のある輸出者と輸入者間の

契約をいう。 (f) "Exporter" means any person under the jurisdiction of the Philippines who arranges for hazardous wastes to be

exported. 「輸出者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸出を手配する、フィリピンの管轄下にある者をいう。

(g) "importer" means any person under the jurisdiction of the United States who arranges for hazardous wastes to be imported. 「輸入者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸入を手配する、米国の管轄下にある者をいう。

ARTICLE 2 Purpose and Scope 第 2 条 目的および範囲 The purpose of the Agreement is to provide a framework for the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes that are shipped from the Philippines to the United States for environmentally sound management. 本協定の目的は、環境上適正な処理のためフィリピンから米国へ運搬される、有害廃棄物の国境移動に

対し、その枠組みを定めることである。 ARTICLE 3 General Obligations 第 3 条 一般的義務 The Parties hereby undertake to comply with the terms and conditions applicable to them under this Agreement, in particular with regard to transboundary movements of hazardous wastes undertaken pursuant to this agreement, and acknowledge that with regard to such movements the Philippines agrees to apply relevant provisions of the Basel Convention not included herein. 両締約国は、ここに、特に本協定に従って行われる有害廃棄物の国境移動に関して、本協定に基づき両


バーゼル条約の関連規定を適用することに同意することを確認する。 ARTICLE 4 Notice and Consent 第 4 条 通知および同意 1. The competent authority of the Philippines shall notify in writing the competent authority of the United

States of the proposed transboundary shipments of hazardous wastes to be carried out under this Agreement. フィリピンの権限のある当局は、本協定に基づき行われる有害廃棄物の計画された国境を越える

運搬について、米国の権限のある当局に、書面にて通知するものとする。 2. The notice referred to in paragraph 1 above may cover an individual Shipment or a series of shipments extending over a twelve - month or lesser period where the hazardous wastes in question have the same physical and chemical characteristics and are shipped regularly to the same facility via the same customs office of exit in the Philippines and the same customs office of entry in the United States. If any information in the notice changes, then a


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new notice shall be provided. 上記第 1 項に規定する通知には、個々の運搬、またはこれらの有害廃棄物の物理的、化学的特性


同一の施設へ定期的に運搬される、12 ヶ月を越えるまたはそれより短い期間にわたり行われる一


には、新たに通知を送付するものとする。 3. The notice referred to in paragraph 1 above shall contain the declarations and information, written in the English

language, specified in Annex V of the Basel Convention. 上記第 1 項に規定する通知には、バーゼル条約の附属書V に明記される、英語で記載された宣言およ

び情報を含むものとする。 4. With respect to materials that are regulated as hazardous wastes under United States law; 米国の法律下において、有害廃棄物として規制される物質に関して、

(a) The competent authority of the United States shall, in accordance with applicable United States law, respond to the competent authority of the Philippines in writing, consenting to the shipment with or without conditions, denying permission for the shipment, or requesting additional information. The competent authority of the United States shall seek to respond within 30 days of receipt of this notice.



を、書面にて回答するものとする。米国の権限のある当局は、本通知を受領後 30 日以内に回答す


(b) The consent of the competent authority of the United States, including a conditional consent, may be withdrawn or modified for good cause: in such case, the United States shall notify the Philippines within (30) days of the United States Competent Authority'* discovery of the good cause. "Good cause" means the introduction of new facts or developments or the discovery of fraudulent Information that render incomplete or invalid the prior basis for consent or conditional consent.



30 日以内に、フィリピンに通知するものとする。「正当な理由」とは、先の同意または条件付の



5. With respect to materials that are regulated as hazardous wastes under Philippine law, but not under United States law: 米国の法律ではなく、フィリピンの法律下において、有害廃棄物として規制される物質に関して、以


(a) The United States shall not object to the import of materials that are not hazardous wastes under United States law. This provision shall serve as the United States written confirmation for imports of materials that are not hazardous wastes under United States law. This provision shall not apply to wastes which are contaminated by other materials to the extent that they are regulated as hazardous wastes under United States law or to materials that are prohibited from import or restricted under United States law.







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(b) Where information provided in a notice under paragraph 1 of this article is based on fraudulent or inaccurate information, Article 6 of this agreement may apply. Further, the United States reserves the right to rescind non-objection to these imports.

本条第 1 項に基づき通知において提供された情報が、偽りのまたは不正確な情報に基づくものであ

る場合、本協定の第 6 条を適用することができる。さらに、米国は、これらの輸入に対して反対し

てはならないとする規定を無効にする権利を有する。 (c) Nothing in this paragraph precludes the United States from taking enforcement action against appropriate

persons or vessels (liability in rem) for violation of United States law. 本項のいかなる規定も、米国が、米国の法律に違反した適当な者または船(対物的責任)に対して


6. The Philippines shall not allow a transboundary shipment to commence until: フィリピンは、以下までは国境を越える運搬の開始を許可してはならない。

(a) Its competent authority has received written official confirmation from the exporter of the existence of a contract between the exporter and the importer in the United States specifying: その権限のある当局が、輸出者から、以下を定める輸出者と米国の輸入者間の契約の存在に関す


(i) The environmentally sound management of the hazardous wastes in question by the importer (which would be satisfied by Specifying that the hazardous wastes in question will be managed in accordance with applicable United States law); and


従って処理されることを明記することにより満たされる)について、また (ii) Alternative arrangements, including which party to the contract is to pay for alternative arrangements

for the proper management in an environmentally sound manner of the hazardous wastes in question in the United States or the Philippines in the case where the importer cannot or will not accept the hazardous wastes; and




(b) In the case of materials that are defined as hazardous wastes under United States law, its competent authority has received from the competent authority of the United States written consent to the shipment



7. The Philippines shall not allow a transboundary shipment to commence if it has reason to believe that the hazardous wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner フィリピンは、これらの有害廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理されないと信じるに足りる理由がある

場合、その国境を越える運搬の開始を許可してはならない。 8. The management of hazardous wastes, once subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, shall be subject to

applicable United States law. 有害廃棄物の処理は、米国の管轄権に服した場合、米国の適用法に従うものとする。 ARTICLE 5 Cooperative efforts 第 5 条 協調的努力


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1. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure, to the extent possible, that transboundary movements of hazardous wastes comply with applicable tracking document and manifest requirements.


要件に適合するよう協力するものとする。 2. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure, to the extent possible, that transboundary movement of hazardous wastes

conform to the requirement of applicable law of both Parties and of this Agreement 両締約国は、可能な限りにおいて、有害廃棄物の国境移動が、両締約国の適用法および本協定の要件

に適合するよう協力するものとする。 ARTICLE 6 Illegal Traffic 第 6 条 不法取引

1. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes not in accordance with this Agreement as a result of

conduct on the part of the exporter, the Philippines shall ensure that the hazardous wastes in question are taken back by the exporter, or, if necessary, by itself, to the Philippines, or are managed pursuant to the provisions of the Basel Convention, within thirty days from the time that the Philippines has received notice of the illegal traffic or such other period of time as the Parties may agree. To this end, the Parties shall not oppose, hinder, or prevent the return, of those hazardous wastes to the Philippines. 輸出者側の行為の結果として有害廃棄物の国境移動が本協定に違反する場合、フィリピンは、フィ

リピンが不法取引の通知を受領後 30 日以内もしくは両締約国が合意したその他の期間内に、これら




い。 2. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes not in accordance with this agreement as a result of

conduct on the part of the importer, the United States shall take appropriate enforcement measures to require the importer to manage the hazardous wastes in question in an environmentally sound manner as soon as feasible from the time the illegal traffic has come to the attention of the United States. To this end, the Parties shall cooperate, as necessary, in the management of the hazardous wastes by the importer in an environmentally sound manner. 輸入者側の行為の結果として有害廃棄物の国境移動が本協定に違反する場合、米国は、適当な強制



応じて、輸入者が環境上適正な方法で有害廃棄物を処理することに対し協力するものとする。 3. In the case where responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be assigned either to the exporter or to the importer,

the Parties shall cooperate to ensure that the hazardous wastes in question are managed as soon as possible in an environmentally sound manner.



る。 ARTICLE 7 Insurance 第 7 条 保険 The United States may require, as a condition of entry, that any Import of hazardous wastes be covered by insurance or other financial guarantee in respect of damage caused during any part of the entire movement of hazardous wastes, including loading and unloading, and in case an alternative arrangement for its management in an environmentally sound manner or its return to the Philippines is necessary.


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フィリピンへの返還が必要な場合に、保険またはその他の財務保証の適用を求めることができる。 ARTICLE 8 Dispute Settlement 第 8 条 紛争の解決 Any dispute between the Parties to this agreement arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled amicably through diplomatic channels. 本協定の解釈または履行を原因として本協定の両締約国間に生じた紛争は、外交ルートを通じて友好的

に解決するものとする。 ARTICLE 9 Amendment 第 9 条 改正 This Agreement may be amended by the written consent of the Parties. Any such amendment shall enter into force in accordance with the provision on entry into force in Article 10. 本協定は、両締約国の書面による同意をもって改正することができる。当該改正は、第 10 条における効

力発生に関する規定に従って効力を生じるものとする。 ARTICLE 10 Entry Into Force 第 10 条 効力発生 This agreement shall enter into force on the date of the latter written notification by the Parties through diplomatic channels, indicating that its domestic legal requirements for entry into force have been complied with. However, the Parties agree to give provisional effect to this agreement prior to its formal entry into force. 本協定は、国内の効力発生に対する法的要件が遵守されていることを示す、後に外交ルートを通じて両


その正式な効力発生の前に、本協定に仮の効力を与えることにおいて合意する。 ARTICLE 11 Validity and Termination 第 11 条 有効期間および終了 This Agreement shall remain In force indefinitely, unless terminated In writing by either. Party through diplomatic channels. Termination shall take effect one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of notification. 本協定は、いずれかの当事者が外交ルートを通じて書面により終了しない限りは、無期限に有効に存続

するものとする。終了する場合は、通知の日付から 180 日後に終了するものとする。 In witness whereof. the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments have signed this Agreement. 以上の証拠として、下名は、各々の政府より正当な権限を受け、本協定に署名した。 Done at Manila, in duplicate, this 20th day of SEPTEMBER 2001, in duplicate copies in the English language, both texts being equally authentic, 2001 年 9 月 20 日に、英語で作成されたともに等しく正文である 2 通の写しに、マニラにて署名した。




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添付資料10 オーストラリア‐東チモール


TIMOR) REGULATIONS 2003 - SCHEDULE 1 2003年有害廃棄物規則(輸出入の規制)(東チモールからの輸入)- 付属書 1

Bilateral arrangement between Australia and the Democratic Republic of East Timor

オーストラリアおよび東チモール民主共和国との間の二国間取り決め (regulation 5) (第 5 規則) Text of Australian Government note 36/2002 of 31 October 2002 2002 年 10 月 31 日付けオーストラリア政府覚書 36/2002 本文 The Australian Embassy to the Democratic Republic of East Timor presents its compliments to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of East Timor and has the honour to refer to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, done at Basel on 22 March 1989 (`the Basel Convention'). 東チモール民主共和国駐在オーストラリア大使館は同国外務国際協力省に敬意を表し、1989 年 3 月 22日にバーゼルで締結された有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動およびその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約

(「バーゼル条約」)に謹んで言及する。 The Australian Embassy has the further honour to advise the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation that, by virtue of Article 4, paragraph 5 and Article 11 of the Basel Convention, Australia, as a party to the Basel Convention, may only import hazardous wastes or other wastes from a non-party pursuant to an arrangement with that non-Party that does not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes as required by the Basel Convention. オーストラリア大使館はさらに同省に対し、バーゼル条約第 4 条第 5 項および第 11 条の下オーストラリ



できることを謹んで伝達する。 The Australian Embassy has the honour to propose that, until such time as the Democratic Republic of East Timor may become a Party to the Basel Convention, the importation to Australia of hazardous wastes from the Democratic Republic of East Timor be pursuant to the following arrangements: オーストラリア大使館は、東チモール民主共和国がバーゼル条約締結国となる時までオーストラリアに

よる同国からの有害廃棄物の輸入が下記取り決めに従うよう謹んで提案する。 1. Transboundary movements of hazardous waste between Australia and the Democratic Republic of East Timor (hereinafter referred to as `the parties') will be regulated by any relevant national legislation in force in the two states. 1. オーストラリアおよび東チモール民主共和国両国(以下「両当事国」という)間の有害廃棄物の

国境を越える移動は、両国で施行されているあらゆる国内関連法規の規制を受ける。 2. The competent authority in Australia is Environment Australia. The relevant national legislation in Australia is the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Act 1989 . 2. オーストラリアにおける権限のある当局はオーストラリア環境自然文化遺産省である。オースト

ラリアにおける国内関連法規は 1989 年有害廃棄物(輸出入規制)法である。


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3. Environment Australia is responsible for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification, as provided in national legislation. Environment Australia will immediately notify East Timor of any amendment to its legislation. 3. オーストラリア環境自然文化遺産省は国の法規の規定の下、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動の通


記法規に修正が行われた場合ただちにこの修正を東チモールに通知する。 4. An export of hazardous waste from the Democratic Republic of East Timor to Australia may not take place until the shipment concerned is granted an import permit issued by the Australian Government. 4. 東チモール民主共和国からオーストラリアへの有害廃棄物の輸出は、当該の運搬についてオース


5. All arrangements in relation to the import of hazardous waste into Australia must not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes, as required by the Basel Convention. 5. オーストラリアによる有害廃棄物の輸入に関するいかなる取り決めも、バーゼル条約の要求する

有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を損なってはならない。 The Australian Embassy has the further honour to propose that, if the foregoing is acceptable to the government of the Democratic Republic of East Timor, then this note, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation's note in reply to that effect, will together constitute an arrangement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Democratic Republic of East Timor concerning the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes that will come into effect on the date of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' note in reply. もし上記が東チモール民主共和国政府に受諾されるならば、本覚書および外務国際協力省のその旨の回


取り決めとするよう、オーストラリア大使館は謹んで提案する。 The Australian Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration. オーストラリア大使館はこの機会を借りて、外務省に対し 大の配慮を改めて確約する。 Text of Democratic Republic of East Timor Government note MNEC/363/2002 of 4 November 2002 2002 年 11 月 4 日付け東チモール民主共和国政府覚書MNEC/363/2002 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation presents its compliments to the Australian Embassy and has the honor to refer to the Embassy's Note No. 36 of 2002, which reads as follows: 東チモール民主共和国外務国際協力省はオーストラリア大使館に敬意を表し、下記の通り述べられた

2002 年の同大使館の覚書第 36 号に謹んで言及する。 `The Australian Embassy to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and has the honor to refer to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, done at Basel on 22 March 1989 (`the Basel Convention'). 「東チモール民主共和国駐在オーストラリア大使館は同国外務国際協力省に敬意を表し、1989 年 3 月 22日にバーゼルで締結された有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動およびその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約

(「バーゼル条約」)に謹んで言及する。 The Australian Embassy has the further honor to advise the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation that, by virtue Article 4, paragraph 5 and Article 11 on the Basel Convention, Australia, as a party to the Basel Convention, may only import hazardous wastes or other wastes from non-party pursuant to an arrangement that non-Party that


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does not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes as required by the Basel Convention. オーストラリア大使館はさらに同省に対し、バーゼル条約第 4 条第 5 項および第 11 条の下オーストラリ



ることを謹んで伝達する。 The Australian Embassy has the honor to propose that, until such times as the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste may become a Party to the Basel Convention, the importation to Australia of hazardous wastes from Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is pursuant to the following arrangements: オーストラリア大使館は、東チモール民主共和国がバーゼル条約締結国となる時までオーストラリアに

よる同国からの有害廃棄物の輸入が下記取り決めに従うよう謹んで提案する。 1. Transboundary movements of hazardous waste between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (hereinafter referred to as `the Parties') will be regulated by any relevant national legislation in force in the two states 1. オーストラリアおよび東チモール民主共和国両国(以下「両当事国」という)間の有害廃棄物の

国境を越える移動は、両国で施行されているあらゆる国内関連法規の規制を受ける。 2. The competent authority in Australia is Environment Australia. The relevant national legislation in Australia is the Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Export and Imports) Act 1989 . 2. オーストラリアにおける権限のある当局はオーストラリア環境自然文化遺産省である。オースト

ラリアにおける国内関連法規は 1989 年有害廃棄物(輸出入規制)法である。 3. Australia's competent authority is responsible for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification, as provided in national legislation. Australia's competent authority will immediately notify Timor-Leste of any amendment to its legislation. 3. オーストラリアの権限のある当局は国の法規の規定の下、有害廃棄物の国境を超える移動の通知


る当局は上記法規に修正が行われた場合ただちにこの修正を東チモールに通知する。 4. An export of hazardous waste from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to Australia may not take place until the shipment concerned is granted an import permit issued by the Australian Government. 4. 東チモール民主共和国からオーストラリアへの有害廃棄物の輸出は、当該の運搬についてオース

トラリア政府から輸入許可が下されない限り行うことができない。 5. All arrangements in relation to the [import] of hazardous waste into Australia must not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous waste, as required by the Basel Convention. 5. オーストラリアによる有害廃棄物の[輸入]に関するいかなる取り決めも、バーゼル条約の要求

する有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を損なってはならない。 The Australian Embassy has the further honor to propose that, if the foregoing is acceptable to the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, then this note, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation's note in reply to that effect, will together constitute an arrangement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste concerning the Transboundary movement of hazardous wastes that will come into effect on the date of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' note in reply. もし上記が東チモール民主共和国政府に受諾されるならば、本覚書および外務国際協力省のその旨の回




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The Australian Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consideration.' オーストラリア大使館はこの機会を借りて、外務省に対し 大の配慮を改めて確約する。」 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation has the honour to advise that the foregoing content of the mentioned note is acceptable to the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, with the request of permission to be present one of our representative during the starting of the movement of Hazardous wastes, from Timor-Leste. 外務国際協力省は、東チモール民主共和国政府が上記覚書の上記内容を受諾する旨、わが国よりの有害

廃棄物の移動開始時にわが国の代表者 1 名を立ち会わせる許可の要請とともに謹んで伝達する。 The Embassy's note and this reply note will together constitute an arrangement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of Australia concerning the Transboundary, movement of hazardous wastes that will come into effect on the date of this note. 大使館の覚書および本回答覚書は併せて、この回答覚書の日付で発効する両国政府間の有害廃棄物の国

境を越える移動に関する取り決めとされる。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Australian Embassy the assurances of its highest consideration. 東チモール民主共和国外務国際協力省はこの機会を借りて、オーストラリア大使館に対し 大の配慮を



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添付資料11 ミクロネシア‐オーストラリア

Department of Foreign Affairs Of the FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA

ミクロネシア連邦 外務省

September 1, 2004 2004 年 9 月 1 日 MEMORANDUM: 覚書 TO: Acting Secretary, Department of Justice 宛先: 司法省長官代行 Acting Secretary, Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs

保険教育社会省長官代行 FROM: Acting Secretary 送付者:長官代行 SUBJECT: Persistent Organic Pollutants project (POPs) - Phase II 表題: 残留性有機汚染物質プロジェクト(POP)-第 2 段階

For your information and case of reference, please find herewith a signed MOU for the subject project between the Government of the FSM and the Government of Australia relating to the Second Phase of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Project. As implementing agencies, I would urge you to pay particular attention to your areas of responsibility. ご参考までに、残留性有機汚染物質プロジェクトの第 2 段階に関して FSM(ミクロネシア連邦諸



ことを推奨いたします。 Please feel free to share disseminate the document to all relevant authorities. どうぞお気軽に本文書を全関連当局へ配布してください。

Lorin S. Robert ロリン S. ロバート Attachment: 添付: Xc: FSM Embassy, Fiji Xc:フィジー、FSM 大使館






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太平洋島嶼国における残留性有機汚染物質プロジェクトの第 2 段階に関する オーストラリア政府とミクロネシア連邦諸州政府間の了解覚書

1 GENERAL 第 1 条 一般事項 THIS MEMORANDUM expresses the understandings of the Government of Australia (GOA) and the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia (GOFSM) (the Parties) concerning the responsibilities, and contributions respectively, of the Parties with regard to the Second Phase of the Persistent Organic Pollutants in Pacific Island Countries Project, The Project is located in and aims to assist the Governments of the Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, the Republic of the Fiji Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, (the participating PICs) through the collection and safe disposal of stockpiled scheduled persistent organic pollutants and intractable pesticides. The Project is described in Annex 1 of this Memorandum. 本覚書は、オーストラリア政府(GOA)とミクロネシア連邦諸州政府(GOFSM)(両当事者)の


おける残留性有機汚染物質プロジェクトの第 2 段階に関する各々の責任および貢献に関する了解



バル、バヌアツ、[参加 PIC(太平洋島嶼国)]の政府に設置され、蓄積された指定残留性有機汚


すものである。本プロジェクトについては、本覚書の附属書 1 にて説明されている。 2 EXECUTING AUTHORITIES 第 2 章 執行当局 The Executing Authorities for the Project will be: 本プロジェクトの執行当局は、以下のとおりとする。 For the GOFSM: The Environment Protection Agency

GOFSM:環境保護庁 For the GOA: The Australian Agency for International Development of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (AusAID).

GOA:オーストラリア外務貿易省の国際開発庁(AusAID) AusAID may engage, in consultation with the Environment Protection Agency of GOFSM, suitably qualified contractors to carry out any part of its commitments under this Memorandum. AusAID は、GOFSM の環境保護庁と協議の上、本覚書に基づくその約束のあらゆる部分の実行に

関して、適任の契約者を雇うことができる。 3 DEFINITIONS 第 3 章 定義 For the purposes of this Memorandum 本覚書の目的において、 a) "Project Activity" means any activity carried out cooperatively in relation to any or all of the

components of the Project described in Annex 1 to this Memorandum; 「プロジェクト活動」とは、本覚書の附属書 1 に記載されるプロジェクトの構成要素の

一部または全部に関して、協力して実行する活動をいう。 b) "Australian contractor" means any contractor contracted by Aus AID on behalf of the GOA to

implement the Project; 「オーストラリアの契約者」とは、プロジェクトを実施するため、AusAID が GOA を代

表して契約した契約者をいう。 c) "Australian Project personnel" means Australian nationals or permanent residents; persons who are


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not nationals or permanent residents of the FSM; and persons who are nationals or permanent residents of the FSM who are employed on a Project Activity under this Memorandum and whose fees are wholly funded from the contribution of the GOA to the Project Activity, This does not include employees of the GOFSM who are facilitating access to collection and clean up sites.


に雇用され、その報酬が GOA のプロジェクト活動に対する出資によって全面的にまかな

われる、オーストラリア国民または永住者、FSM の国民や永住者でない者、および FSMの国民または永住者をいう。ただし、これには、回収および現地清掃を行いやすいよう

に援助を行う GOFSM の職員は含まれない。 d) "Australian Project supplies" means equipment, material and other goods supplied for the

execution of the Project, the costs of which are wholly funded from the contribution of the GOA to the Project; and,


れ、その費用が GOA のプロジェクトに対する出資によって全面的にまかなわれる、機器、

材料、およびその他の物品をいう。 e) "intellectual property" will have the meaning provided for in Article 2 of the Convention

Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, done at Stockholm on 14 July 1967, as amended on 28 September 1979.

「知的財産」は、1967 年 7 月 14 日にストックホルムにて署名され、1979 年 9 月 28 日に

改正された、世界知的財産権機関の設立に関する条約の第 2 条に定める意味を有する。 4 MANAGEMENT 第 4 章 管理 Responsibility for the oversight of the Project will be vested in a Project Coordinating Committee (the Committee) which will meet in Australia unless otherwise mutually determined among the Partner Countries and whose membership will include but not be limited to the following appointees: プロジェクトの監督責任は、オーストラリアで会合を開くプロジェクト調整委員会(Project Coordinating Committee )(「委員会」という)に帰属する。ただし、パートナー国の間で他に相互

に決定した場合にはこの限りではない。当該委員会の構成員には、以下の被任命者等が含まれる。 ・ a representative of SPREP SPREP(南太平洋地域環境計画)代表者 ・ a representative of Aus AID AusAID(オーストラリア国際開発庁)代表者 ・ a representative of the Department of Environment and Heritage, Australia オーストラリア環境遺産省代表者 ・ a principal of the Australian Managing Contractor オーストラリアの処理契約者の代表者 ・ two representatives of the participating PICs. 参加 PIC の 2 人の代表者 AusAID will chair the meeting. The Committee will meet annually and on completion of the Project. Its functions will include: 本会合の議長は、AusAID が務める。本委員会は、年 1 回および本プロジェクト終了時に会合を開

く。本委員会の役割には、以下が含まれる。 ・ monitoring Project implementation through consideration of Progress Reports and Annual Work

Plans. 進捗状況報告書(Progress Reports)と年間作業計画(Annual Work Plans)の検討を通じた、

プロジェクトの実施状況の監視。 ・ advising GOA and Partner Governments on Project progress and recommending changes in the


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Project components, budget and future direction. GOA およびパートナー政府に対する、プロジェクトの進捗状況に関する助言と、プロジェ

クトの構成要素、予算、および今後の方向性の変更に関する勧告。 5 CONTRIBUTIONS 第 5 条 貢献 The contribution of the GOA is detailed in Annex 2 to this Memorandum. The contribution of the GOFSM is detailed in Annex 3 to this Memorandum. Disbursement of Australian contributions will be subject to normal Australian annual parliamentary approval of appropriations. GOA の貢献については、本覚書の附属書 2 にて詳述されている。GOFSM の貢献については、本

覚書の附属書 3 にて詳述されている。オーストラリアの貢献における拠出金については、年に 1度行われる通常のオーストラリア議会の予算承認に従う。 6 FACILTATlON 第 6 条 支援 The GOFSM will provide personnel and facilities necessary to enable Australian Project Personnel to efficiently and economically carry out the Project activities and without limiting the generality of this paragraph such contribution will include: GOFSM は、オーストラリアのプロジェクト要員が、効率的かつ経済的にプロジェクト活動を行


には、以下が含まれる。 (a) access to Environment Protection Agency personnel The Environment Protection Agency will act

as key counterpart agency for the Project and will facilitate interaction with other local agencies; 環境保護庁職員への連絡。環境保護庁は、本プロジェクトの主な対応機関としての役割を

果たし、他の現地機関との対話を促進する。 (b) facilitation of collection activities and site clean-up as required; 必要に応じて、回収活動および現地清掃の円滑化を図るための支援。 (c) provision of Environment Protection Agency personnel to facilitate access to collection and clean up sites as required by the Australian Managing Contractor; オーストラリアの処理契約者の要求に応じて、回収および現地清掃の作業を円滑化するた

めの、環境保護庁職員の配備。 (d) all necessary approvals and authorities for carrying out Project Activities; 本プロジェクト活動を実行するために必要な承認および許可のすべて。 7 EVALUATION 第 7 条 評価 An evaluation of progress of the Project may be made at times arranged between, and mutually convenient to, the Parties. Such an evaluation will be carried out by a joint investigation team appointed by the Parties, and independent of staff involved in the Project. 本プロジェクトの進捗状況に対する評価については、両当事者間で取り決めの上相互にとって都


関わるスタッフとは関係のない共同調査チームが行う。 8 SUPPLIES 第 8 条 供給 (a) The GOFSM will exempt from import duties and other taxes (or pay such duties thereon) all

Australian Project supplies. GOFSM は、オーストラリアのプロジェクト供給物のすべてに対し、輸入関税およびそ

の他の税(またはの税金の支払)を免除する。 (b) The GOFSM will facilitate movement of Australian Project supplies by providing access to

appropriate and secure customs and wharfage facilities in the first port of discharge of the Australian Project supplies in FSM and will facilitate expeditious transport of such supplies from the first port of call of the particular aircraft or vessel in FSM to the Project site.

GOFSM は、FSM におけるオーストラリアのプロジェクト供給物の 初の陸揚港におい


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ラリアのプロジェクト供給物の移動の円滑化を図り、また FSM からプロジェクトの現地

へ向けた特定の航空機または船舶の 初の寄港地からの、当該供給物の迅速な輸送が円

滑に行われるよう図る。 (c) Australian Project supplies will be available for the unrestricted use of the Project and will not be

withdrawn from such use without the full consent of the Australian Project personnel, オーストラリアのプロジェクト供給物は、本プロジェクトに対して無制限に使用するこ


することはできない。 (d) Subject to the provision of paragraph 8(a) no concessions of any kind will be available in respect

of the Project Activities or to the Australian Project personnel in respect to taxes and duties which normally form part of the purchase price of goods and services which are purchased from or located within FSM.

第 8(a)項の規定に従い、FSM 内でまたは FSM 内にある物品およびサービスを購入し


ラリアのプロジェクト要員に対して、いかなる種類の特権も与えられない。 9 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 第 9 条 知的財産 (a) All intellectual property rights attached to the Australian Project supplies and which are vested in

the GOA, will be retained by the GOA. GOA に帰属するオーストラリアのプロジェクト供給物に付随する知的財産権はすべて、

GOA が保有する。 (b) The GO A hereby grants to GOFSM a non-exclusive, royalty-free licence in respect of the

intellectual property rights owned by the GOA and subsisting in Australian Project supplies, for the sole purpose of the Project goal and purposes as defined in Annex 1 to this Memorandum. Such licence will continue until otherwise arranged between both Governments.

GOA は、本プロジェクトの目標という唯一の目的および本覚書の附属書 1 に定める目的

において、ここに、GOFSM に対し、GOA が有するおよびオーストラリアのプロジェク


る。当該ライセンスは、両政府間にて別段の取り決めが行われるまで継続する。 (c) In accordance with the cooperative nature of the Project, any intellectual property rights developed

through Project Activities will be jointly owned by participating governments. 本プロジェクトの協力的性質に基づき、プロジェクト活動を通して開発された一切の知

的財産権については、参加政府によって共同で所有する。 (i) Where such intellectual property is likely to be of substantial commercial value, both

Governments will enter into a further arrangement providing for the equitable apportionment of profits, royalties or licence fee relating to such intellectual property.



な分配に関して規定する。 (ii) Such an apportionment will be made taking into account the following factors:

当該分配については、以下の要素を考慮する。 A the intellectual contributions of each country; 各国の知的貢献、 B the contribution of intellectual property, materials, research effort and preparatory work of

each country; 各国の知的財産、材料、研究努力、および準備作業に対する貢献、 C the facilities provided by each country; and


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各国が提供した施設、並びに D such other relevant considerations as may be mutually determined by participating

Governments. 参加政府によって相互に決定した他に考慮すべき関連事項。

10 CLAIMS RELATING TO PROJECT ACTIVITIES IN FSM 第 10 条 FSM におけるプロジェクト活動に関するクレーム (a) The GOFSM will release the GOA and its employees from all actions, suits, proceedings,

claims and demands whatsoever which the GOFSM may have now or in future against them or any of them in relation to toss or damage resulting from or consequent upon the Project Activities.

GOFSM は、現在または将来、プロジェクト活動によって発生した損失または損害に関

し、GOFSM の全部またはそのいずれかに対して提起された一切の訴訟、手続、クレー

ム、および請求から、GOA およびその職員を解放する。 (b) The GOFSM will indemnify and will at all times hereafter keep indemnified the GOA and its

employees against: GOFSM は、現在および将来、以下について、GOA およびその職員を常に補償する。

(i) all actions, suits, proceedings, claims and demands whatsoever which any other party may have now or in future against them or any of them in relation to loss or damages resulting from or consequent upon Project Activities; and



および請求、並びに (ii) any claim for contributions which any party may have now or in future against any of them in

respect of any such actions, suits, proceedings, claims and demands. 当該訴訟、手続、クレーム、および請求に関し、現在または将来、いずれかの当事者の

一部に対して提起された、貢献に対するクレーム。 (c) The release and indemnity referred to in subparagraphs 10(a) and (b) will not apply where it has

been mutually decided by the Parties that a claim arises from gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

第 10(a)および(b)号に規定する解放および補償は、クレームが重大な過失または故


れない。 (d) AusAID will ensure that the Australian Managing Contractor and all Australian Project personnel

are insured against damages which may result from their acts or omissions in the course of carrying out Project Activities in FSM.

AusAID は、オーストラリアの処理契約者およびオーストラリアのプロジェクト要員が、

FSM におけるプロジェクト活動の実行の過程においてその作為または不作為によって生

じた損害に対して、確実に保証されるよう図る。 11 SETTLEMENT OF DIFFERENCES 第 11 条 意見の相違の解決 Both Parties will consult to amicably resolve without unreasonable delay any differences arising under or in relation to this Memorandum. 両当事者は、本覚書に基づきまたはこれに関連して意見の相違が生じた場合、不当に遅滞するこ

となく協議し、これを友好的に解決する。 12 AMENDMENTS 第 12 条 改正 Amendments to this Memorandum may be made at any time by an arrangement in writing between the Parties. 本覚書は、両当事者間の書面による取り決めにより、いつでも改正することができる。


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13 COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION 第 13 条 開始および期間 This Memorandum will take effect from the date of its signature and the Project will be deemed to have commenced from that date. The Australian contribution to the Project and all commitments given herein will cease on 31 December 2006 or on such other date as may subsequently be arranged between the Parties. 本覚書は、その署名の日付に発効し、本プロジェクトも当該日付において開始すると見なされる。

本プロジェクトに対するオーストラリアの貢献、および本覚書におけるすべての約束は、2006 年

12 月 31 日に、または両当事者間で後に取り決めた他の日付に終了する。 ANNEXURES to this Memorandum form an integral part of it. 本覚書の添付物は、その不可分の一部をなす。 SIGNED at PALIKIR, POHNPEI, FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA, in triplicate, this 30th day of August . 2004. 2004 年 8 月 30 日に、ミクロネシア連邦諸州ポンペイ パリキールにて、3 通に署名した。

For the Government of Australia: オーストラリア政府 Signature of Representative 代表者署名 Printed Name of Representative 代表者氏名 Australian Ambassador to the FSM 駐 FSM オーストラリア大使 Official Title of Representative 代表者正式役職名

For the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia: ミクロネシア連邦諸州政府 Signature of Representative 代表者署名 Printed Name of Representative 代表者氏名 Deputy Secretary 副長官 Official Title of Representative 代表者正式役職名


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1. BACKGROUND 背景 This disposal project is the second phase of an Australian-funded project developed in conjunction with the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to manage persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Pacific Island countries (PICs). Phase I of the project, which was implemented between April 1997 and April 2000, created an inventory of hazardous chemicals, and facilitated a discussion of management options for obsolete chemicals and containers in PICs. Although many obsolete agricultural and other chemicals can be disposed of safely locally, others cannot. 本処分プロジェクトは、太平洋島嶼国(PIC)における残留性有機汚染物質(POP)を処理するため、南太





である。 2. PROJECT GOAL AND COMPONENTS プロジェクトの目標および構成要素 The overall goal of the POPs in PICs Project is to reduce the threat posed by Persistent Organic Pollutants and related chemicals toward the environment and human health in PICs. This Memorandum relates only to Phase II of the POPs in PICs Project. The purpose of Phase II of the Project is to dispose of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and PCB-contaminated solvent from transformers, small quantities of PCB-contaminated soil, stockpiled organochlorine pesticides including scheduled POPs and other intractable pesticides (mainly organochlorines and organophosphates), and unidentified pesticides considered likely to fall into those categories, in participating PICs. PIC におけるPOP のプロジェクトの全般的な目標は、残留性有機汚染物質および関連化学薬品がPIC の環


ジェクトの第2段階のみである。 本プロジェクトの第 2 段階の目的は、参加 PIC におけるポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)、変圧器の PCB 汚染



不特定の農薬を、処分することである。 The project will be managed by the Australian Managing Contractor (AMC), GHD Pty Ltd, in association with the South Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP). The AMC will manage the implementation of the project, subsequent to the inventory stage, including the clean up, shipping and disposal elements, with SPREP performing an in-country liaison and facilitation and external quality assurance role. 本プロジェクトは、オーストラリアの処理契約者(AMC)であるGHD Pty Ltd.が、南太平洋地域環境計画



おける役割を果たす。 The four project components are; 本プロジェクトの4つの構成要素は、以下のとおりである。 1. In-country identification and confirmation of POPs for removal, in-country facilitation and overall quality


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assurance, 国内における取り除くべきPOPsの特定および確認、国内支援、および全般的な品質保証。 2. POPs collection, packaging and shipping to disposal facility, POPsの回収、梱包、および処分施設への運搬。 3. POPs destruction, POPsの破壊。 4. Project and Contract Management. プロジェクトの契約管理。 The first component has been completed in collaboration with SPREP. The other three components will be implemented by the AMC, GHD Pty Ltd, with specified inputs from SPREP which are covered by a separate MOU. このうち、第 1 番目の要素は、SPREP の協力のもとに終了済である。その他の 3 要素については、別の覚

書に記載するとおり、AMC、GHD Pty Ltd.が、SPREPより特定の情報を得て実施する。 3. IMPLEMENTATION

実施 Component 1 要素1 To undertake a detailed inventory of PCBs and PCB-contaminated solvent from transformers, smaH quantities of PCB-contaminated soil and stockpiled organochlorine pesticides including scheduled POPs in the participating countries. 参加諸国における、PCBおよび変圧器のPCB汚染溶剤、少量のPCB汚染土壌、並びに指定POPsを含む蓄

積された有機塩素剤の詳細な目録の作成。 Component 2 要素2 To collect and package materials for safe transport to Australia. オーストラリアへの安全な輸送に向けた、物質の回収および梱包。 Component 3 要素3 To oversight the safe destruction of the materials. 物質の安全な破壊処分の監督。 Component 4要素4 To have Project management systems in place and implemented that 適切なプロジェクト管理システムの設定と、以下の実施。

(1) ensure that contracted outputs are delivered on time, to standard, and within budget; 契約上の廃棄物が、期限どおり、基準に沿って、予算内で確実に引き渡されるようにすること、 (2) enable the Australian contractor to respond promptly to changing requirements; オーストラリアの契約者が要件の変更に対して速やかに回答できるよう図ること、 (3) facilitate the participation of stakeholders in Project affairs; and 関係者のプロジェクト業務への参加を助けること、および (4) provide timely and accurate reporting.



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ANNEX 2 附属書2

CONTRIBUTION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA オーストラリア政府の分担 The total financial contribution for the Pacific region by the GOA as outlined in the Project Design Document dated April 2003 is estimated at AUD 5.8 million for the duration of the Project. Disbursement of the Australian contributions will be subject to the normal Australian annual parliamentary approval of appropriations. 2003年4月付のプロジェクト設計文書(Project Design Document)に概要が記載されるとおり、GOAの太


される。このオーストラリアの貢献における拠出金については、年に 1 度行われる通常のオーストラリア

議会の予算承認に従う。 The contribution of the GOA to the Project will provide for GOAの本プロジェクトへの貢献により、以下が提供される。

(a) implementation of all components of the Project which are to be carried out by GHD Pty Ltd; GHD Pty Ltd.が実行する、本プロジェクトの全要素の実施、 (b) SPREP's costs, other than the cost of employing the Pollution Prevention Coordinator and the

Environmental Law Officer, as set out in the MOU between GOA and SPREP dated 8 May 2003; and 2003 年 5 月 8 日付の GOA と SPREP 間の覚書に定める、汚染防止コーディネーター(Pollution

Prevention Coordinator)および環境法オフィサー(Environmental Law Officer)の雇用コスト以外の、

SPREPの費用、並びに (c) reasonable transport costs of GOFSM employees required to facilitate access to Project Activity sites. プロジェクト活動現場へのアクセスを円滑化するために必要な、GOFSM職員の合理的な輸送費。

ANNEX 3 附属書3


The contribution of the GOFSM to the Project will be as outlined in the Project Design Document dated April 2003. In summary: GOFSM のプロジェクトに対する分担は、2003 年 4 月付プロジェクト設計文書の概要のとおりである。以

下要約である。 1 Facilitation 支援

(a) Facilitation of access to sites, facilitation of approvals and authorities and the provision of personnel required to facilitate the in-country collection and clean up operation;


円滑に推進するために必要な要員の配備。 (b) Facilitation of customs clearances of Project equipment including ensuring its tax-free or duty-free status; 免税資格の確保を含む、プロジェクトに使用する機器の通関手続きに関する支援。 (c) Facilitation of immigration clearances and visa issuance where required; 必要な場合、入国手続とビザ発行に関する支援。 (d) Facilitation and support in the acquisition of any other relevant permits (such as road, transport, storage,

port access, etc); その他適切な許可の取得に関する支援(道路、輸送、保管、港の立入り等)。


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2 Other Contributions その他の貢献 (a) Identify counterpart staff who will facilitate Project Activities; プロジェクト活動の支援にあたる対応スタッフの特定。 (b) Identify counterpart points of contact in technical and policy management line agencies in consultation with

SPREP; SPREPと協議の上、技術上の対応窓口と政策の管理実行機関の特定。 (c) Assist with development of the community consultation strategy to be developed and facilitated by SPREP; SPREPによって開発、円滑化が図られるコミュニティの協議戦略の開発の補助。 (d) Implement public awareness activities for affected communities in consultation with SPREP; SPREPと協議の上、影響するコミュニティに対する一般認識活動の実施。 (e) Assist with local travel and equipment arrangements (for example, charters, government equipment, etc); 現地における移動および機器に関する手配の補助(チャーター、政府の機器等)。 (f) Facilitate and support the securing of appropriate secure storage of materials prepared for sea collection; 海域での回収のために準備された材料の適当、安全な保管の確保に関する支援および補助。 (g) Ensure that materials are not added to collections of materials without consultation with and agreement of

GHD Pty Ltd; and GHD Pty Ltd.に相談することなく、またその同意を得ることなく、物質が回収物質として追加

されないようにすること。 (h) Other contributions as mutually arranged between the two Governments from time to time. 両政府間で、随時、相互に取り決めたその他の貢献。


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添付資料12 オランダ‐アンティル諸島

The Minister of Public Health and Social Development of the Netherlands Antilles オランダ領アンティル諸島 公衆衛生・社会開発大臣 andおよび the State Secretary for Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment of the Netherlands, オランダ 住宅・空間計画・環境副大臣 whereas: 前文 Hazardous waste poses a risk to human health and the environment when it is not managed responsibly. Collecting hazardous wastes separately makes environmentally sound management possible. 有害廃棄物は確実に処理されない場合、人の健康および環境に危険性をもたらす。有害廃棄物を分別収集

することによって環境上適正な処理が可能になる。 In the Netherlands Antilles, landfilling is the only method available for disposing of several categories of hazardous waste collected separately. These wastes could be disposed of more efficiently or treated for recovery in the Netherlands. オランダ領アンティル諸島においては、分別収集されるいくつかの分類の有害廃棄物を処分するためには


たは回収のための処理が可能である。 The Basel Convention of 22 March 1989 on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal (“the Basel Convention”) entered into force for the Kingdom of the Netherlands on 15 July 1993. Currently, the Basel Convention applies only to the Netherlands, but the Netherlands Antilles have expressed the desire to be included. 1989 年 3 月 22 日の有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動とその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約(「バーゼル条


適用されていないが、オランダ領アンティル諸島はこの適用対象となりたいという要望を表明した。 Under the Basel Convention, the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is permitted only if: バーゼル条約の下では有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動は次の場合に限って認められる。

• the exporting country does not have environmentally sound technologies and facilities with which to dispose of the waste; • 輸出国に廃棄物を処分するための環境上適正な技術及び施設がない • they are shipped under conditions that cannot reasonably endanger human health and the environment; • 有害廃棄物がまず確実に人の健康及び環境を危うくする可能性のない状況の下で運搬される • disposal in the country of import takes place in an environmentally sound manner. • 輸入国における処分が環境上適正な方法で行われる

The Basel Convention is implemented in the European Union in Council Regulation (EEC) 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community (“the Regulation”). The provisions of the Regulation apply to all waste importation into the Netherlands. バーゼル条約は、欧州共同体内部での、欧州共同体への、欧州共同体からの、廃棄物の運搬の監督と規制


「規則」の規定はオランダへのすべての廃棄物の輸入に適用される。 Article 19, paragraph 1 and article 21, paragraph 1 of the Regulation provide that the import of wastes for disposal or recovery in a Member State of the European Community from a State that is not a party to the Basel Convention is permitted only if there is a bilateral agreement or arrangement between the Member State or the Community and that


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country. 規則の第 19 条 1 項および第 21 条 1 項では、バーゼル条約の当事国でない国からの欧州共同体の加盟国に

おける処分または回収のための廃棄物の輸入は、加盟国または欧州共同体とその国のあいだの 2 国間の協

定または合意がある場合に限って認められることが規定されている。 Under article 19, paragraph 2 and article 21, paragraph 2 of the Regulation, Member States of the European Community are authorised to conclude bilateral agreements or arrangements for the disposal or recovery of specific waste in exceptional cases where the waste will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in the country of dispatch. 規則第 19 条 2 項および第 21 条 2 項の下では、送り出す国において廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理され

ないこととなる例外的な場合に、特定の廃棄物の処分または回収のために 2 国間の協定または合意を締結

することを、欧州共同体の加盟国は認められている。 An agreement or arrangement based on article 19, paragraph 2 and article 21, paragraph 2 of the Regulation must be compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with article 11 of the Basel Convention, and must guarantee that the waste will be disposed of in a facility where hazardous wastes can be managed in an environmentally sound manner. 規則第 19 条 2 項および第 21 条 2 項に基づく協定または合意は、委員会規則に適合し、バーゼル条約の第

11 条に従い、有害廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理されることが可能な施設内で処分されることを保障し

なければならない。 The current agreement expires on 27 August 2005. It has been invoked several times and is expected to be applied again in the coming period. 現在の協定は 2005 年 8 月 27 日に失効する。協定はこれまで数回にわたって発動され、次期にも再度適用

されることが期待されている。 In compliance with article 19, paragraph 2 and article 21, paragraph 2 of the Regulation, the draft of the agreement was sent to the Commission of the European Communities on 22 June 2005. 規則第 19 条 2 項および第 21 条 2 項に従って、協定草案が 2005 年 6 月 22 日に欧州共同体委員会に送付さ

れた。 have agreed as follows: 次のとおり協定した。 1. For the purposes of this agreement, “hazardous wastes” are hazardous wastes that are discharged in the

Netherlands Antilles, collected separately and cannot be managed in an environmentally sound manner there, but can be thus managed in the Netherlands and may be imported under the applicable plan on hazardous wastes in the Netherlands.

1 この合意の適用上、「有害廃棄物」とは、オランダ領アンティル諸島で排出され、分別収集され、そ



ある。 2. Without prejudice to the requirements of the Basel Convention and the Regulation, specifically the prior

informed consent procedure, the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes from the Netherlands Antilles to the Netherlands in exceptional cases, as determined by the Minister of Public Health and Social Development, is permitted for a period of two years, commencing on the day after this agreement is signed by both signatories.

2 バーゼル条約と規則、特に事前に告知された同意手続きの要請の義務を犯すことなく、例外的な場


生および社会開発大臣の決定により、この協定が両署名者によって署名された日から 2 年間認めら



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3. Waste that is shipped in accordance with this agreement must be sent to a facility in the Netherlands that has all the licences or discretionary permits required to store, process, treat or destroy hazardous wastes.

3 この協定に従って運搬される廃棄物は、有害廃棄物を貯蔵、加工、処理、または破壊するために必

要とされるすべての免許または任意の許可を有するオランダの施設に送られなければならない。 4. This agreement will end if the application of the Basel Convention is extended to include the Netherlands

Antilles. 4 バーゼル条約の適用がオランダ領アンティル諸島まで広げられた場合にはこの協定は終了する。

A draft of this agreement was sent to the Commission of the European Communities in accordance with article 19, paragraph 2 of the Regulation. This agreement will also be sent to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention in accordance with article 11, paragraph 2 of that Convention. この協定の草案は規則第19条2項に従って、欧州共同体委員会に送付された。この協定はまたバーゼル条

約第11条2項に従ってバーゼル条約事務局へ送付される。 This agreement will be published in the Official Journal of the Netherlands Antilles and in the Government Gazette of the Netherlands. この協定はオランダ領アンティル諸島の官報とオランダの官報に公表される。 Done in duplicate in the Dutch language and signed in The Hague on 29 June 2005 and in Willemstad on 25 August 2005 オランダ語で正副2通が作成され、署名は 2005年6月29日にハーグで、 および、 2005年8月25日にウィレムスタットで行われた [signature] [signature] 〔署名〕 〔署名〕 P.L.B.A. van Geel J.P.E. Theodora-Brewster State Secretary for Housing, Spatial Planning Minister of Public Health and and the Environment Social Development (The Netherlands) (Netherlands Antilles) P.L.B.A. van Geel J.P.E. Theodora-Brewster 住宅・空間計画・環境副大臣 公衆衛生・社会開発大臣 (オランダ) (オランダ領アンティル諸島)


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添付資料13 イタリア‐サンマリノ


San Marino, 21 settembre 2000

Accodo tra il Governo della Repubblica italiana ed il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino

per lo smaltimento secondo metodi ecologicamente corretti dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi

prodotti in territorio sammarinese 'Entrata in vigore: 21 giugno 2001,


サン・マリーノ 2000 年 9 月 21 日 イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府間における

サン・マリーノ領域内で発生した特殊廃棄物及び 有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理のための協定

2001 年 6 月 21 日施行





イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府間における サン・マリーノ領域内で発生した特殊廃棄物及び

有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理のための協定 前文 Il Governo della Repubblica Italiana ed il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino, イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府は、 Vista la nota prot. n, 172/98 in data 25 febbraio 1998 a firma del Segretario di Stato per il TeiTitorio, l'Ambiente e l'Agricoltura della Repubblica di San Marino, con la quale si richiede di pervenire ad un'intesa al fine di trasferire i rifiuti speciali e i rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino presso impianti nel ten'itorio della Repubblica Italiana, rappresentando, a tal fine, che le ridotte dimensioni e le caratteristiche del territorio della Repubblica di San Marino nonché l'alta densità abitati va impediscono di realizzare impianti di smaltimento dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi idonei ed adeguati al fabbisogno, e detemlinano, di conseguenza, una situazione di eccezionale difficoltà nella gestione dei rifiuti; サン・マリーノ共和国領土、環境、農業秘書官の署名による 1998 年 2 月 25 日第 172/98 号に則







Page 75: Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan...添付資料1 ドイツ‐アフガニスタン Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs アフガニスタン・イスラム移行行政機構

Visto il prospetto riassuntivo allegato alla nota suddetta, concernente la valutazione previsionale di massima di produzione di rifiuti speciali e di rifiuti pericolosi nella Repubblica di San Marino; 前文に提示された摘要を考慮し、サン・マリーノ共和国内の特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物の総体と

しての生成の事前予測に関して; Nel rispetto della normativa comunitaria vigente in materia; この件に関しては地方自治体の現行の規定を留意し、 Visto l'Accordo tra il Governo della Repubblica Italiana ed il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino sulla cooperazione nel campo della protezione dell'ambiente, firmato a Roma il 16 marzo 1994, con paliicolare riferimento all'articolo II, punto 4, e IV; 1994 年 3 月 16 日ローマにてイタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府は環境保護の分野

での協力に関して結んだ協定のうち特に第2条 4 項と第4条の言及を考慮し、 hanno convenuto quanto segue 次の通りに決定した。

ARTICOLO 1 第 1 条 Fatto salvo quanto previsto all'al1icolo 2, è consentita l'importazione e lo smaltimento nel ten'itorio della Repubblica Italiana di rifiuti speciali e di rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino. I rifiuti speciali e i rifiuti pericolosi importai dalla Repubblica di San Marino devono essere sottoposti ad attività di smaltimento in impianti autorizzati ai sensi della normativa vigente nella Repubblica Italiana e nel rispetto della stessa. La Repubblica di San Marino stipula intnse con le Regioni della Repubblica Italiana e preferibilmente con quelle più vicine al sou tenrritorio, al fine di ridurre i movimenti dei rifiuti e consentire lo srnaltimento degli stessi in uno degli impianti appropriati più vicini al luogo di produzione, in attuazione del principio comunitario di prossimità. 第2条にて想定されたことを例外とし、サン・マリーノ共和国領域内の特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄

物のイタリア共和国領域内への移動及び処理が認められる。 サン・マリーノ共和国からの特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物の移動はイタリア共和国の現行の規定と

その遵守により権限を与えられた廃棄業者の処理施設に委ねられねばはらない。 廃棄物の移動を 小限度にし、近接の地方自治体の原則に則り、廃棄物の処理を発生場所に近い



ARTICOLO 2 第 2 条 E' vietata l'importazione nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana dei rifiuti prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino contenenti PCB (policlorodifenili, policlorotrifenili, monometiltetraclorodifenilmetano, monometildiclorodifenilmetano, monometildibromodifenilmetano, nonché ogni miscela che presenti una concentrazione complessiva di qualsiasi delle suddette sostanze superiore allo 0.005% in peso ). イタリア共和国領域内へサン・マリーノ共和国内で生成されたPCBを含む廃棄物の移動を禁ずる。



む 0.005%以上の濃度を示すあらゆる化合物も同様である。)

ARTICOLO 3 第 3 条 Le importazioni nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino sono soggette alle procedure stabilite dalle vigenti normative


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comunitaria ed italiana. Ove ne ricorrano le condizioni, le Autorità competenti di destinazione possono stipulare con la Repubblica di San Marino accordi relativi alI' uso della procedura di notifica generale prevista dalla normativa comunitaria vigente. イタリア共和国領域内へのサン・マリーノ共和国領域内で生成された特殊廃棄物及び有毒廃棄物


ARTICOLO 4 第 4 条 I rifiuti speciali ed i rifiuti pericolosi in uscita dalla Repubblica di San Malino devono viaggiare accompagnati dal formulario di identificazione previsto dalla vigente normativa italiana. サン・マリーノ共和国から特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物を移動する際、現行のイタリア共和国の規


ARTICOLO 5 第 5 条 l trasportatori che effettuano operazioni di raccolta e di trasporto dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino e importano tali rifiuti nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana devono essere autorizzati secondo la normativa vigente nella Repubblica di San Marino. I predetti soggetti, qualora effettuino anche operazioni di trasporto all'interno del territorio italiano,. devono essere iscritti all'Albo Nazionale delle imprese che effettuano la gestione dei rifiuti. A tal fine le Sezioni regionali dell' Albo provvedono ad iscrivere, alle condizioni previste dalla normativa vigente, i trasportatori della Repubblica di San Marino che ne facciano richiesta. サン・マリーノ共和国領域内で生成された特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物の収集及び運搬を行う者及


定により承認を受けなければならない。 前述の者は、イタリア共和国領域内での運搬も行う場合は、廃棄物管理を行う国家事業者名簿に



ARTICOLO 6 第 6 条 I rifiuti oggetto del presente Accordo ultrodotti nel territorio della Repllbblica Italiana devono essere gestiti secondo metodi ecologicamente corretti. L' Autorità competente di destinazione è autorizzata a vietare l'introduzione dei rifiuti nella zona di giurisdizione se ha motivo di ritenere che non possa essere soddisfatta la predetta condizione. イタリア共和国領域内に搬入される、この協定の対象となる廃棄物は環境上適正な方法に従って



ARTICOLO 7 第7条 Le importazioni dei rifiuti di cui al presente Accordo nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana sono soggette al deposito, a favore della Repubblica di San Marino, di una garanzia finanziaria o di un'assicurazione corrispondente che copra le spese di traspo - compresi gli eventuali casi di spedizioni di rifiuti non conformi alle clausole del documento di accompagnamento o del contratto e di traffico illecito di rifiuti -, nonché le spese di smaltimento o di recupero e gli eventyali costi per la bonifica dei siti inquinati connessi alle predette operazioni. この協定においてイタリア共和国への廃棄物の輸出はサン・マリーノ共和国による経済面での保



る汚染区域の浄化のために必要とされる費用も同様に負担される。 Le Autorità della Repllbblica di San Marino provvederarulo allo svincolo della polizza fideiussoria solo dopo aver ricevuto il certificato di avvenuto corretto smaltimento da parte della competente Autorità di


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destinazione. サン・マリーノ共和国の権限により、仕向地の権限の有る当局から適切な処理を実行したことを


ARTICOLO 8 第 8 条 Per nutto quanto non previsto dal presente Accordo, si applicano le disposizioni che regolano il trasporto transfrontalìero di rifiuti. この協定にて想定されていないもの全てに関して 越境移動する廃棄物を管理する措置を実施す


ARIICOLO 9 第 9 条 Il presente Accordo, e le eventuali modifiche ad esso apportate, saranno notificati alla Commissione europea a cura del Ministero del!' Ambiente della Repubblica Italiana entro tre mesi dalla data di entrata in vigore. この協定と、必要に応じて行われる改正はイタリア共和国環境省の監修により、施行日より三ヶ


ARTICOLO 10 第 10 条 Il presente Accordo entrerà in vigore alla data di ricezione della seconda notifica con cui il Governo della Repubblica Italiana e il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino si saranno comunicati ufficialmente l'avvenuto espletamento delle rispettive procedure interne all'uopo previste. この協定は第二通告を受理した日付から効力を生じ、イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和

国政府は公式に、必要に応じて各国内での定められた手続きを遂行したことを報告しあう。 Il presente Accordo può essere modificato consensualmente per Scambio di Note/Lettere tramite la via diplomatica. Le modifiche così concordate entrerarnno in vigore con le stesse procedure previste dall'Accordo per la sua entrata in vigore. Il presente Accordo rimarrà in vigore per un periodo indeterminato, fatta salva la facoltà di ciascuna delle Parti di denunciarlo per iscritto all'altra Parte con notifica non inferiore a sei mesi. La denuncia dell'Accordo non inciderà sui diritti e sugli obblighi da esso derivanti nel periodo precedente alla denuncia. この協定は合意に基づいて、外交機関を介して声明/書簡の交換により改正される。合意に基づ

いた改正は、施行中である協定にて想定された手続きを経て、採択される。 この協定は無期限に施行されるが、書面によりもう一方の締約国へ6ヶ月以内に通告し協定破棄

を申し出る当該国の権限はのぞかれる。 In fede di che i sottoscritti Rappresentanti, debitamente autorizzati dai rispettivi Governi, hanno firmato il presente Accordo. 下名は各政府により正当な委任を受けてこの協定に署名した。 Fatto a San Marino, il 21 SETIEMBRE 2000 in due originali entrambi nella lingua italiana e facenti ugualmente fede. イタリア語の2部の原文はひとしく正文とし、サン・マリーノにて 2000 年 9 月 21 日作成された。

Per il Governo della Repubblica Italiana イタリア共和国政府

Per il Governo Della Repubblica di San Marino サン・マリーノ共和国政府


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San Marino, 21 settembre 2000

Accodo tra il Governo della Repubblica italiana ed il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino

per il recupero secondo metodi ecologicamente corretti dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi

prodotti in territorio sammarinese (Entrata in vigore: 15 giugno 2001)


サン・マリーノ 2000 年 9 月 21 日

イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府間における サン・マリーノ領域内で発生した特殊廃棄物及び 有害廃棄物の環境上適正な再生利用のための協定

2001 年 6 月 15 日施行





イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府間における サン・マリーノ領域内で発生した特殊廃棄物及び 有害廃棄物の環境上適正な再生利用のための協定

Il Governo della Repubblica Italiana ed il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino, イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府は、 Vista la nota prot. n. 172/98 in data 25 febbraio 1998 a filma del Segretario di Stato per il Territorio, l'Ambiente e l'Agricoltura della Repubblica di San Marino, con la quale si richiede di pervenire ad un'intesa al fine di trasferire i rifiuti speciali e i rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio sammarinese presso impianti in territorio italiano, rappresentando. a tal fine, che le ridotte dimensioni e le caratteristiche del territorio della Repubblica di San Marino nonché l'alta densità abitativa impediscono di realizzare impianti di smaltimento dei rifiuti predetti idonei ed adeguati al fabbisogno e determinano, di conseguenza, una situazione di eccezionale difficoltà nella gestione dei rifiuti; サン・マリーノ共和国領土、環境、農業秘書官の署名による 1998 年 2 月 25 日第 172/98 号に則


害廃棄物の移動を事前に通知することが要求されるものとし、 その目的の為にサン・マリーノ共和国の狭小な面積と土地の特徴に加え、住居の高い密集性が特


に著しい困難を生じせしめていることを表明する。 Visto il prospetto riassuntivo allegato alla nota suddetta, concernente la valutazione previsionale di massima di produzione di rifiuti speciali e di rifiuti pericolosi nella Repubblica di San Marino;


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しての生成の事前予測に関して; Nel rispetto della normativa comunitaria vigente in materia; この件に関しては地方自治体の現行の規定を留意し、 Visto l'Accordo tra il Governo della Repubblica Italiana ed il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino sulla cooperazione nel campo della protezione dell'ambiente, firmato a Roma il 16 marzo 1994, con particolare riferimento all'articolo II, punto 4, e IV; 1994 年 3 月 16 日ローマにてイタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和国政府は環境保護の分野


hanno convenuto quanto segue: 次の通りに決定した。


E' consentita l'importazione nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino e destinati ad essere sottoposti ad attività di recupero, in impianti autorizzati ai sensi della normativa vigente nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana. A tal fine la Repubblica di San Marino stipula con le Regioni della Repubblica Italiana tenendo conto, per quanto possibile in relazione alla tipologia dei rifiuti da recuperare ed alla situazione degli impianti specializzati ed appropriati esistenti, dell'obiettivo di ridurre i movimenti dei rifiuti. サン・マリーノ共和国領域内の特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物のイタリア共和国領域内への移動及び

処理が認められる。 サン・マリーノ共和国からの特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物の移動はイタリア共和国の現行の規定と

その遵守により権限を与えられた廃棄業者の処理施設に委ねられねばはらない。 この目的のために、再生利用する廃棄物の分類と現存の適切な施設と特殊施設に関し 大限度の

配慮をし、廃棄物の移動を 小限度とする意図のもと、サン・マリーノ共和国はイタリア共和国


ARTICOLO 2第2条 Le importazioni nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino sono soggette alle procedure stabilite dalle vigenti normative comunitaria ed italiana. Ove ne ricorrano le condizioni, le Autorità competenti di destinazione possono stipulare con la Repubblica di San Marino accordi relativi all'uso della procedura di notifica generale prevista dalla normativa comunitaria vigente. イタリア共和国領域内へのサン・マリーノ共和国領域内で生成された特殊廃棄物及び有毒廃棄物

の移動は現行のイタリア共和国及び地方自治体の規定により定められた手続きに則り行う。 もしその条件を出訴する場合は、権限を有する仕向地の当局はサン・マリーノ共和国と地方自治


ARTICOLO 3第3条 I rifiuti speciali ed i rifiuti pericolosi in uscita dalla Repubblica di San Marino devono viaggiare accompagnati dal formulario di identificazione previsto dalla vigente normativa italiana. イタリア共和国領域内へのサン・マリーノ共和国領域内で生成された特殊廃棄物及び有毒廃棄物


ARTICOLO 4 第4条 I trasportatori che effettuano operazioni di raccolta e di trasporto dei rifiuti speciali e dei rifiuti pericolosi prodotti nel territorio della Repubblica di San Marino e importano tali rifiuti nel territorio della Repubblica


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Italiana devono essere autorizzati secondo la normativa vigente nella Repubblica di San Marino. I predetti soggetti, qualora effettuino anche operazioni di trasporto all'interno del territorio italiano, devono essere iscritti all' Albo Nazionale delle imprese che effettuano la gestione dei rifiuti. A tal fine le Sezioni regionali dell'Albo provvedono ad iscrivere, alle condizioni previste dalla nornlativa vigente, i trasportatori della Repubblica di San Marino che ne facciano richiesta. サン・マリーノ共和国領域内で生成された特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物の収集及び運搬を行う者及


定により承認を受けなければならない。 前述の者は、イタリア共和国領域内での運搬も行う場合は、廃棄物管理を行う国家事業者名簿に



ARTICOLO 5 第5条 Per la raccolta, il trasporto, nonché per il riciclaggio ed il recupero nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana di determinate tipologie di rifiuti speciali e di rifiuti pericolosi prodotti sul proprio territorio, la Repubblica di San Marino può stipulare specifiche convenzioni con enti o imprese che operano sul territorio della Repubblica Italiana, ed in particolare con consorzi, anche obbligatori. 当該国で発生した所定の分類による特殊廃棄物及び有害廃棄物のイタリア共和国領域内における



ARTICOLO 6 第6条 I rifiuti oggetto del presente Accordo introdotti nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana devono essere gestiti secondo metodi ecologicamente corretti. L'Autorità competente di destinazione è autorizzata a vietare l'introduzione dei rifiuti nella zona di giurisdizione se ha motivo di ritenere che non possa essere soddisfatta la predetta condizione. イタリア共和国領域内に搬入される、この協定の対象となる廃棄物は環境上適正な方法に従って



ARTICOLO 7 第7条 Le importazioni nel territorio della Repubblica Italiana dei rifiuti di cui al presente Accordo sono soggette al deposito, a favore della Repubblica di San Marino, di una garanzia finanziaria o di un'assicurazione corrispondente che copra le spese di trasporto - compresi gli eventuali casi di spedizioni di rifiuti non conformi alle clausole del documento di accompagnamento o del contratto e di traffico illecito di rifiuti -, nonché le spese di smaltimento o di recupero e gli eventuali costi per la bonifica dei sìti inquinati connessi alle predette operazioni. Le Autorità della Repubblica di San Marino provvederanno allo svincolo della polizza fideiussoria solo dopo aver ricevuto il certificato di avvenuto corretto recupero da parte della competente Autorità di destinazione. この協定においてイタリア共和国への廃棄物の輸出はサン・マリーノ共和国による経済面での保



る汚染区域の浄化のために必要とされる費用も同様に負担される。 サン・マリーノ共和国の権限により、仕向地の権限の有る当局から適切な処理を実行したことを


ARTICOLO 8 第8条 Per tutto quanto non previsto dal presente Accordo, si applicano le disposizioni che regolano il trasporto transfrontaliero di rifiuti.


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ARTICOLO 9 第9条 Il presente Accordo entrera in vigore alla data di ricezione della seconda notifica con cui il Governo della Repubblica Italiana e il Goberno della Repubblica di San Marino si saranno comunicati ufficialmente I’avvenuto espletamento delle rispettive procedure interne all’uopo previste. この協定は第二通告を受理した日付から効力を生じ、イタリア共和国政府とサン・マリーノ共和

国政府は公式に、必要に応じて各国内にて定められた手続きを遂行したことを報告しあう。 Il presente Accordo puo essere modificato consensualmente per Scambio di Note/Lettere tramite la via diplomatica. Le modifiche cosi concordate entreranno in vigore con le stesse procedure previste dall’Accordo per la sua entrata in vigore e saranno preventivamente notificate alla Commissione europea. この協定は合意に基づいて、外交機関を介して声明/書簡の交換により改正される。合意に基づ

いた改正は、施行中である協定にて想定された手続きを経て、採択される。 Il presente Accordo rimarra in vigore per un periodo indeterminato, fatta salva la facolta di ciascuna delle Parti di denunciarlo per iscritto all’altra Parte con notifica non inferiore a sei mesi. この協定は無期限に施行されるが、書面によりもう一方の締約国へ6ヶ月以内に通告し協定破棄

を申し出る当該国の権限はのぞかれる。 La denuncia dell’Accordo non incidera sui dirtti e sugli obblighi da esso derivanti nel periodo precedente alla denuncia. 協定の破棄通告は、破棄通告以前の期間に協定により派生する権利と義務に影響を与えない。 In fede di che i sottoscritti Rappresentanti, debitamente autorizzati dai rispettivi Governi, hanno firmato il presente Accordo. 下名は各政府により正当な委任を受けてこの協定に署名した。 Fatto a SAN MARINO, il 21 SETTEMBRE 200 in due originali entrambi nella lingua italiana e facenti ugualmente fede. イタリア語の2部の原文はひとしく正文とし、サン・マリーノにて 2000 年 9 月 21 日、作成され

た。 Per il Governo della Repubblica Italiana イタリア共和国政府として Per il Governo della Repubblica di San Marino サン・マリーノ共和国政府として


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添付資料14 ロシア‐ウクライナ (ウクライナ語)

Угода між Урядом України і Урядом Російської Федерації

про співробітництво в галузі переробки ртутьвмісних відходів

(укр/рос) 28 травня 1997 року




Уряд України і Уряд Російської Федерації, далі "Сторони", базуючись на положеннях Базельської конвенції про контроль за транскордонними перевезеннями небезпечних відходів та їх видаленням ( 995_022 ), керуючись законодавствами України та Російської Федерації та загальновизнаними нормами міжнародного права, зважаючи на досвід, набутий в галузі переробки ртутьвмісних відходів, усвідомлюючи високий ступінь екологічної небезпеки забруднення навколишнього середовища ртуттю, погодились про таке:


の規制に関するバ-ゼル条約の条項(995 022)に基づき、またロシア連邦及びウクライナの法律並びに



Стаття 1 第1条

Сторони будуть розвивати і зміцнювати взаємовигідне і рівноправне співробітництво в галузі переробки ртутьвмісних відходів, оптимізації виробництва і споживання ртуті.



Стаття 2 第2条

Співробітництво між Сторонами здійснюється за такими основними напрямками:

переробка ртутьвмісних відходів російських підприємств на Микитівському ртутному комбінаті (Україна, м. Горлівка);

участь у розробці та реалізації державних програм і заходів Сторін, спрямованих на оптимізацію виробництва і споживання ртуті,

переробку ртутьвмісних відходів; взаємодія в галузі стандартизації, метрології і сертифікації ртутьвмісних відходів, умов їх зберігання та перевезення; обмін інформацією, організація навчання спеціалістів. 双方の協力は、下記の主な分野で実施される:








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Стаття 3 第3条 Співробітництво в рамках цієї Угоди здійснюється відповідно до законодавств України і Російської Федерації шляхом укладання договорів (контрактів) між безпосередніми виконавцями. В разі потреби за такими договорами (контрактами) компетентними (уповноваженими) органами Сторін проводиться спільна або інша експертиза, видаються відповідні дозволи (ліцензії) на переробку токсичних відходів екологічно обгрунтованим способом. 本協定枠内の協力は、直接の実行者が協定(契約)を結ぶ方法で、ロシア連邦及びウクライナの法律に



イセンス)を交付する。 Постачання ртутьвмісних відходів з Росії в Україну і їх переробка здійснюються відповідно до нормативних актів, чинних в Україні і в Російській Федерації, на основі письмового повідомлення Державного комітету Російської Федерації по охороні навколишнього середовища і згоди (дозволу) Міністерства охорони навколишнього середовища та ядерної безпеки України. ロシア連邦から水銀含有廃棄物のウクライナへの納入は、ロシア連邦環境保護国家委員会への書面によ


において有効である法令にしたがい、行われる。 Перевезення ртутьвмісних відходів, їх упаковка і маркування здійснюється відповідно до правил перевезення небезпечних вантажів, чинних у сполученні між Україною і Російською Федерацією. 水銀含有廃棄物の輸送、その梱包及びマ-キングは、ロシア連邦とウクライナ間の交通で有効である、


Стаття 4 第4条 На всі ртутьвмісні відходи складаються паспорти (сертифікати), що містять відомості про фізичні і хімічні характеристики, а також про склад цих відходів. Такі паспорти (сертифікати) є невід'ємною складовою частиною повідомлень і дозволів, згаданих вище в статті 3, а також договорів (контрактів) на поставку і переробку відходів. 全ての水銀含有廃棄物に対し、物理的及び化学的特性並びに廃棄物の成分に関するデ-タが含まれる仕


廃棄物納入及び処理協定(契約)の不可分の構成部分である。 Російські постачальники ртутьвмісних відходів зобов'язані забезпечити відповідність фізичних і хімічних характеристик та складу відходів, що постачаються, зазначеним у паспортах (сертифікатах). В разі поставки відходів з порушенням цієї умови, і якщо зазначені відходи не можуть бути перероблені способом, що відповідає вимогам охорони навколишнього середовища, Російська торона забезпечує їх повернення на свою територію. ロシア側納入者は、納入される廃棄物の物理化学特性及びその成分が仕様書(証明書)記載のものと一



Стаття 5 第5条

Російські постачальники ртутьвмісних відходів перед їх пред'явленням до перевезення повинні застрахувати свою відповідальність за можливу шкоду, що може бути заподіяна перевізнику, третім особам і навколишньому середовищу при перевезенні ртутьвмісних відходів, відповідно до законодавства Російської Федерації. ロシア側の水銀含有廃棄物納入者は、それを輸送に出す前に、ロシア連邦法にもとづき、水銀含有廃棄




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Стаття 6 第6条

Координація взаємодії Сторін в рамках цієї Угоди здійснюється з Української Сторони - Міністерством промисловості України і Міністерством охорони навколишнього природного середовища та ядерної безпеки України, з Російської Сторони - Міністерством економіки Російської Федерації і Державним комітетом Російської Федерації по охороні навколишнього середовища. 本協定に関する双方の行動調整は、ロシア側からはロシア連邦経済省とロシア連邦環境保護国家委員会


Стаття 7 第7条

Спори щодо тлумачення та застосування цієї Угоди підлягають розв'язанню шляхом консультацій та переговорів. Всі зміни і доповнення повинні здійснюватися в письмовій формі за взаємною згодою Сторін. 本協定の解釈及び適用に関する争議は、協議及び交渉の方法で解決をはかるものとする。あらゆる変更


Стаття 8 第8条 Ця Угода набуває чинності з моменту одержання останнього повідомлення про виконання кожною із Сторін необхідних для цього внутрішньодержавних процедур. 本協定は、このために必要な国内手続きが完了した旨、双方各々が 終通知を受け取った時から発効す


Ця Угода припиняє дію за закінченням шести місяців з дати, коли одна із Сторін письмово повідомить іншу Сторону про свій намір припинити її дію. Положення цієї Угоди після закінчення строку її дії будуть застосовуватися до контрактів між підприємствами і організаціями обох країн, укладених, але не виконаних в період її дії. 本協定は、双方の内一方がその効力を停止する意向であると、他方に書面で通知した後、6ヶ月経過する



Стаття 9 第9条

Вчинено в м. Києві 28 травня 1997 року в двох примірниках, кожен українською і російською мовами, при цьому обидва тексти є автентичними. 本協定は1997年5月28日キエフ市で、ウクライナ語とロシア語で各々二部作成され、両文とも同一効力


署名 За Уряд України ウクライナ政府代表

С. Тігіпк За Урядо Російської Федерації ロシア政府代表

В. Сєро Збірник "Україна - Росія. 1990 - 2000


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(ロシア語) Соглашение

между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Украины о сотрудничестве в области

переработки ртутьсодержащих отходов (Киев, 28 мая 1997 года)




Правительство Российской Федерации и Правительство Украины, именуемые далее Сторонами, основываясь на положениях Базельской конвенции о контроле за трансграничной перевозкой опасных отходов и их удалением ( 995_022 ), руководствуясь законодательствами Российской Федерации и Украины и общепризнанными нормами международного права, принимая во внимание опыт, накопленный в области переработки ртутьсодержащих отходов, сознавая высокую степень экологической опасности загрязнения окружающей среды ртутью, согласились о нижеследующем: ロシア連邦政府とウクライナ政府(以下“双方”)は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分の

規制に関するバ-ゼル条約の条項(995 022)に基づき、またロシア連邦及びウクライナの法律並びに一



Статья 1第1条

Стороны будут развивать и укреплять взаимовыгодное и равноправное сотрудничество в области переработки ртутьсодержащих отходов, оптимизации производства и потребления ртути. 双方は、水銀含有廃棄物の処理並びに、その生産及び使用の適正化に関し、互恵及び対等の協力を発展


Статья 2第2条 Сотрудничество между Сторонами осуществляется по следующим основным направлениям: переработка ртутьсодержащих отходов российских предприятий на Никитовском ртутном комбинате (Украина, г. Горловка); участие в разработке и реализации государственных программ и мероприятий Сторон, направленных на оптимизацию производства и потребления ртути, переработку ртутьсодержащих отходов; взаимодействие в области стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации ртутьсодержащих отходов, условий их хранения и перевозки; обмен информацией, организация обучения специалистов. 双方の協力は、下記の主な分野で実施される:







Статья 3第3条

Сотрудничество в рамках настоящего Соглашения осуществляется в соответствии с законодательствами Российской Федерации и Украины путем заключения договоров


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(контрактов) между непосредственными исполнителями. В случае необходимости по таким договорам (контрактам) компетентными (уполномоченными) органами Сторон проводится совместная или иная экспертиза, выдаются соответствующие разрешения (лицензии) на переработку токсичных отходов экологически обоснованным

способом. 本協定枠内の協力は、直接の実行者が協定(契約)を結ぶ方法で、ロシア連邦及びウクライナの法律



(ライセンス)を交付する。 Поставка ртутьсодержащих отходов из Российской Федерации в Украину и их переработка осуществляется в соответствии с нормативными актами, действующими в Российской Федерации и в Украине, на основе письменного уведомления Государственного комитета Российской Федерации по охране окружающей среды и согласия (разрешения) Министерства охраны окружающей природной среды и ядерной безопасности Украины. ロシア連邦から水銀含有廃棄物のウクライナへの納入は、ロシア連邦環境保護国家委員会への書面によ



Перевозка ртутьсодержащих отходов, их упаковка и маркировка осуществляются в соответствии с правилами перевозок опасных грузов, действующими в сообщении между Российской Федерацией и Украиной. 水銀含有廃棄物の輸送、その梱包及びマ-キングは、ロシア連邦とウクライナ間の交通で有効である、


Статья 4第4条 На все ртутьсодержащие отходы составляются паспорта (сертификаты), содержащие сведения о физических и химических характеристиках, а также о составе этих отходов. Такие паспорта (сертификаты) являются неотъемлемой составной частью уведомлений и разрешений, упомянутых выше в статье 3 настоящего Соглашения, а также договоров (контрактов) на поставку и переработку отходов. Российские поставщики ртутьсодержащих отходов обязаны обеспечить соответствие физических и химических характеристик и состава поставляемых отходов указанным в паспортах (сертификатах). В случае поставки отходов с нарушением этого условия, и если указанные отходы не могут быть переработаны способом, соответствующим требованиям охраны окружающей среды, Российская Сторона обеспечивает их возврат на свою территорию. 全ての水銀含有廃棄物に対し、物理的及び化学的特性並びに廃棄物の成分に関するデ-タが含まれる仕






Статья 5第5条

Российские поставщики ртутьсодержащих отходов до их предъявления к перевозке должны застраховать свою ответственность за возможный ущерб, который может быть причинен перевозчику, третьим лицам и окружающей среде при перевозкертутьсодержащих отходов в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации.


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Статья 6第6条 Координация взаимодействия Сторон в рамках настоящего Соглашения осуществляется с Российской Стороны Министерством экономики Российской Федерации и Государственным комитетом Российской Федерации по охране окружающей среды, с Украинской Стороны - Министерством промышленности Украины и Министерством охраны окружающей природной среды и ядерной безопасности Украины. 本協定に関する双方の行動調整は、ロシア側からはロシア連邦経済省とロシア連邦環境保護国家委員会


Статья 7第7条

Споры относительно толкования и применения настоящего Соглашения подлежат разрешению путем консультаций и переговоров. Все изменения и дополнения должны осуществляться в письменной форме по взаимному согласию Сторон. 本協定の解釈及び適用に関する争議は、協議及び交渉の方法で解決をはかるものとする。あらゆる変更


Статья 8 第 8 条 Настоящее Соглашение вступает в силу с момента получения последнего уведомления о выполнении каждой из Сторон необходимых для этого внутригосударственных процедур. Настоящее Соглашение прекращает действие по истечении шести месяцев с даты, когда одна из Сторон письменно уведомит другую Сторону о своем намерении прекратить его действие. Положения настоящего Соглашения после истечения срока его действия будут применяться к договорам (контрактам) между предприятиями и организациями обеих стран, заключенным, но не исполненным в период его действия. 本協定は、このために必要な国内手続きが完了した旨、双方各々が 終通知を受け取った時から発効す





Статья 9 第 9 条 Совершено в г. Киеве 28 мая 1997 года в двух экземплярах, каждый на русском и украинском языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу. 本協定は1997年5月28日キエフ市で、ロシア語とウクライナ語で各々二部作成され、両文とも同一効


(Подписи) 署名

ウクライナ政府代表 ロシア政府代表

Московский журнал международного права. 1997. N 4. С. 275 - 277. 雑誌「国際法モスクワジャ-ナル」、1997年、№4、p275~277


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添付資料15 クウェート地域条約



クウェート地域条約 前文 The Government of the STATE OF BAHRAIN, The Imperial Government of IRAN, (since 1979 - Islamic Republic of Iran) The Government of the REPUBLIC OF IRAQ, The Government of the STATE OF KUWAIT, The Government of the SULTANATE OF OMAN, The Government of the STATE OF QATAR, The Government of the KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, The Government of the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, バーレーン国政府、 イラン帝国(1979年以降はイランイスラム共和国)政府、 イラク共和国政府、 クウェート国政府、 オマーン国政府、 カタール国政府、 サウジアラビア王国政府、 アラブ首長国連邦政府は、 REALIZING that pollution of the marine environment in the Region shared by Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, by oil and other harmful or noxious materials arising from human activities on land or at sea, especially through indiscriminate and uncontrolled discharge of these substances, presents a growing threat to marine life, fisheries, human health, recreational uses of beaches and other amenities, バーレーン、イラン、イラク、クウェート、オマーン、カタール、サウジアラビアおよびアラブ首長国連




つあることを認識し、 MINDFUL of the special hydrographic and ecological characteristics of the marine environment of the Region and its particular vulnerability to pollution, 本地域の海洋環境の水界地理学的・生態学的特殊性および汚染に対する特段の脆弱性に留意し、 CONSCIOUS of the need to ensure that the processes of urban and rural development and resultant land use should be carried out in such a manner as to preserve, as far as possible, marine resources and coastal amenities, and that such development should not lead to deterioration of the marine environment. 都市と農村の開発プロセスおよびその結果としての土地利用が可能な限り海洋資源と沿岸の快適性を保全

する方法で行われ、かつこのような開発が海洋環境の劣化を導かないことを確保する必要性を認識し、 CONVINCED of the need to ensure that the processes of industrial development should not, in any way, cause damage to the marine environment of the Region, jeopardize its living resources or create hazards to human health, 工業開発プロセスがいかなる形でも本地域の海洋環境に損害をもたらさず、その生物資源を危機に陥れず、



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RECOGNIZING the need to develop an integrated management approach to the use of the marine environment and the coastal areas which will allow the achievement of environmental and development goals in a harmonious manner, 調和的方法で環境目標と開発目標の達成を可能とするような海洋環境および沿岸区域の利用に導く総合的

管理手法の開発の必要性を認識し、 RECOGNIZING ALSO the need for a carefully planned research, monitoring and assessment programme in view of the scarcity of scientific information on marine pollution in the Region, 本地域の海洋汚染に関する科学的情報の乏しさに照らして慎重な計画にもとづく研究・監視・評価プログ

ラムの必要性を認識し、 CONSIDERING that the States sharing the Region have a special responsibility to protect its marine environment, 本地域を共有する諸国がその海洋環境を保護する特別な責任を負うことを考慮し、 AWARE of the importance of co-operation and co-ordination of action on a regional basis with the aim of protecting the marine environment of the Region for the benefit of all concerned, including future generations, 将来の世代をも含むすべての関係者の利益のため本地域の海洋環境を保護する目的の下での地域的な協力

と行動調整の必要性を認識し、 BEARING in mind the existing international conventions relevant to the present Convention, 本条約に関連する既存の国際的諸条約に留意し、 HAVE AGREED as follows: 以下の通り合意した。 ARTICLE I Definitions 第 I条 定義 For the purpose of the present Convention: 本条約の目的においては、 (a) "Marine pollution" means the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy into the

marine environment resulting or likely to result in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to marine activities including fishing, impairment of quality for use of sea-water and reduction of amenities; 「海洋汚染」とは、海洋環境への人による物質またはエネルギーの直接的もしくは間接的な導入であっ


および快適性の低下などの有害な結果をもたらす或いはその可能性の高いものをいう。 (b) "National Authority" means the authority designated by each Contracting State as responsible for the

co-ordination of national efforts for implementing the Convention and its protocols; 「国家当局」とは、各締結国が本条約とその議定書を実施する国家的努力の調整責任者として指定した

当局をいう。 (c) "Organization" means the organization established by the Contracting States in accordance with Article XVI; 「機構」とは、第XVI条に従い締結国によって設立された機構をいう。

(d) "Secretariat" means the organ of the Organization established in accordance with Article XVI; 「事務局」とは、第XVI条に従い設立された機構の機関をいう。 (e) "Action Plan" means the Action Plan for the Development and Protection of the Marine Environment and the

Coastal Areas of Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates adopted at the Kuwait Regional Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Areas, convened from 15 to 23 April 1978.

「行動計画」とは、1978 年 4 月 15 日乃至 23 日にわたり招集された「海洋環境と沿岸地域の保護および開



めの行動計画」をいう。 ARTICLE II Geographical Coverage 第 II条 地理的範囲


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(a) The present Convention shall apply to the sea area in the Region bounded in the south by the following rhumb lines: from Ras Dharbat Ali (16o 39'N, 53o 3'30"E) to a position 16o 00'N, 53o 25'E; thence through the following positions: 17o 00'N, 56o 30'E and 20o 30'N, 60o 00'E to Ras Al-Fasteh (25o 04'N, 61o 25'E). (Hereinafter referred to as the "Sea Area"). 本条約は、Ras Dharbat Ali (北緯16o 39'東経53o 3'30")より北緯16o 00'東経53o 25'、およびこの位置から北

緯17o 00'東経56o 30'、北緯20o 30'東経60o 00'を経てRas Al-Fasteh(北緯25o 04'東経61o 25')に至る航程線を

南方境界とする本地域内の海域に適用される。 (b) The Sea Area shall not include internal waters of the Contracting States unless it is otherwise stated in the

present Convention or in any of its protocols. 上記海域には、本条約またはそのいずれかの議定書で別段の規定がない限り、締結国の内水面は含まれ

ないものとする。 ARTICLE III General Obligations 第Ⅲ条 一般的義務 (a) The Contracting States shall, individually and/or jointly, take all appropriate measures in accordance with the

present Convention and those protocols in force to which they are party to prevent, abate and combat pollution of the marine environment in the Sea Area. 締結国は、上記海域における海洋環境の汚染を防止・軽減しこれに対抗するため、本条約および締結国


共同的に講ずるものとする。 (b) In addition to the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Pollution by Oil and other

Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency opened for signature at the same time as the present Convention, the Contracting States shall co-operate in the formulation and adoption of other protocols prescribing agreed measures, procedures and standards for the implementation of the Convention. 本条約とともに署名のため開放される「石油その他有害物質による汚染に対抗する緊急時の地域協力に


議定書の作成と採択に協力するものとする。 (c) The Contracting States shall establish national standards, laws and regulations as required for the effective

discharge of the obligation prescribed in paragraph (a) of this article, and shall endeavour to harmonize their national policies in this regard and for this purpose appoint the National Authority. 締結国は本条 (a) に規定された義務の効果的な履行に必要とされる国家的諸基準と法規を確立し、これ

に関して自国の国家政策を調和させるよう努め、このために国家当局を任命するものとする。 (d) The Contracting States shall co-operate with the competent international, regional and sub-regional

organizations to establish and adopt regional standards, recommended practices and procedures to prevent, abate and combat pollution from all sources in conformity with the objectives of the present Convention, and to assist each other in fulfilling their obligations under the present Convention. 締結国は本条約の目的に従いあらゆる汚染源による汚染を防止・軽減しこれに対抗するための地域基準、


地域的および地方的管轄諸機構と協力するものとする。 (e) The Contracting States shall use their best endeavour to ensure that the implementation of the present

Convention shall not cause transformation of one type of pollution to another which could be more detrimental to the environment. 締結国は本条約の実施によって或る種類の汚染が環境に対しさらに大きな損害を及ぼす別の汚染に転化

することのないよう、 善の努力を払うものとする。 ARTICLE IV Pollution from Ships 第Ⅳ条 船舶による汚染 The Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures in conformity with the present Convention and the applicable rules of international law to prevent, abate and combat pollution in the Sea Area caused by intentional or accidental discharges from ships, and shall ensure effective compliance in the Sea Area with applicable international rules relating to the control of this type of pollution, including load-on-top, segregated ballast and crude oil washing procedures for


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tankers. 締結国は意図的なまたは事故による船舶からの排出により引き起こされる本海域の汚染を防止・軽減し



制に関する国際的適用規則の本海域における効果的遵守を確保するものとする。 ARTICLE V Pollution Caused by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft 第Ⅴ条 船舶および航空機からの投棄による汚染 The Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate and combat pollution in the Sea Area caused by dumping of wastes and other matter from ships and aircraft, and shall ensure effective compliance in the Sea Area with applicable international rules relating to the control of this type of pollution as provided for in relevant international conventions. 締結国は船舶および航空機からの廃棄物およびその他物質の投棄により引き起こされる本海域の汚染を


の種の汚染の規制に関する国際的適用規則の本海域における効果的遵守を確保するものとする。 ARTICLE VI Pollution from Land-Based Sources 第Ⅵ条 地上の汚染源による汚染 The Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate and combat pollution caused by discharges from land reaching the Sea Area whether water-borne, air-borne, or directly from the coast including outfalls and pipelines. 締結国は、地上で排出され水系または大気を経由して或いは沿岸(下水放流口とパイプラインをも含む)


る。 ARTICLE VII Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Bed of the Territorial Sea and its

Sub-Soil and the Continental Shelf. 第Ⅶ条 領海の海底およびその地下並びに大陸棚の探査と開発から生じる汚染 The Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate and combat pollution in the Sea Area resulting from exploration and exploitation of the bed of the territorial sea and its sub-soil and the continental shelf, including the prevention of accidents and the combating of pollution emergencies resulting in damage to the marine environment. 締結国は、領海の海底およびその地下並びに大陸棚の探査と開発から生じる本海域の汚染を防止・軽減


適切なすべての措置を取るものとする。 ARTICLE VIII Pollution from other human activities 第Ⅷ条 その他の人間活動による汚染 The Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate and combat pollution of the Sea Area resulting from land reclamation and associated suction dredging and coastal dredging. 締結国は、土地開拓および関連するポンプ浚渫と沿岸浚渫から生じる本海域の汚染を防止・軽減しこれ

に対抗するため、適切なすべての措置を取るものとする。 ARTICLE IX Co-operation in dealing with pollution emergencies. 第Ⅸ条 汚染緊急事態への対処における協力 (a) The Contracting States shall, individually and/or jointly, take all necessary measures, including those to

ensure that adequate equipment and qualified personnel are readily available, to deal with pollution emergencies in the Sea Area, whatever the cause of such emergencies, and to reduce or eliminate damage resulting therefrom.





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(b) Any Contracting State which becomes aware of any pollution emergency in the Sea Area shall, without delay,

notify the Organization referred to under Article XVI and, through the secretariat, any Contracting State likely to be affected by such emergency. 本海域における汚染緊急事態を知った締結国は、第XVI 条に規定された機構に遅滞なく通知し、かつ当該

緊急事態の影響を被る可能性の高い締結国にも事務局を通じて遅滞なく通知するものとする。 ARTICLE X Scientific and technological co-operation 第Ⅹ条 科学協力および技術協力 (a) The Contracting States shall co-operate directly, or, where appropriate, through competent international and

regional organizations, in the field of scientific research, monitoring and assessment concerning pollution in the Sea Area, and shall exchange data as well as other scientific information for the purpose of the present Convention and any of its protocols; 締結国は本海域の汚染に関する科学的研究、監視および評価の分野で直接的に、或いは場合に応じ国際


的情報を交換するものとする。 (b) The Contracting States shall co-operate further to develop and co-ordinate national research and monitoring

programmes relating to all types of pollution in the Sea Area and to establish in co-operation with competent regional or international organizations, a regional network of such programmes to ensure compatible results. For this purpose, each Contracting State shall designate the National Authority responsible for pollution research and monitoring within the areas under its national jurisdiction. The Contracting States shall participate in international arrangements for pollution research and monitoring in areas beyond their national jurisdiction. 締結国はさらに、本海域におけるあらゆる種類の汚染に関する国家的研究プログラムと監視プログラム




その国家的管轄権を超える区域における汚染の研究と監視のための国際取り決めに参加するものとする。 ARTICLE XI Environmental assessment 第ⅩⅠ条 環境影響評価 (a) Each Contracting State shall endeavour to include an assessment of the potential environmental effects in any

planning activity entailing projects within its territory, particularly in the coastal areas, which may cause significant risks of pollution in the Sea Area. 各締結国は、本海域の大きな汚染リスクの原因となり得る自国領土内取り分け沿岸区域のプロジェクト

を伴う計画活動すべてに、環境影響評価を含めるよう努めるものとする。 (b) The Contracting States may, in consultation with the secretariat, develop procedures for dissemination of

information on the assessment of the activities referred to in paragraph (a) above. 締結国は事務局との協議の下、上記 (a) で規定された活動の評価に関する情報伝搬の手続きを開発する

ものとする。 (c) The Contracting States undertake to develop, individually or jointly, technical and other guidelines in

accordance with standard scientific practice to assist the planning of their development projects in such a way as to minimize their harmful impact on the marine environment. In this regard international standards may be used where appropriate. 締結国は、その開発プロジェクト計画が海洋環境への有害な影響を 小限とする方法で作成されるよう


る旨約束する。 ARTICLE XII Technical and other assistance 第XII条 技術支援およびその他支援 (a) The Contracting States shall co-operate directly or through competent regional or international organizations

in the development of programmes of technical and other assistance in fields relating to marine pollution in


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co-ordination with the Organization referred to in Article XVI. 締結国は、海洋汚染関連分野における技術支援およびその他支援のプログラム開発において、第XVI 条

に言及された機構との調整の下直接的に或いは地域的又は国際的管轄諸機構を通じて協力するものとする。 ARTICLE XIII Liability and compensation. 第ⅩⅢ条 責任と補償 The Contracting States undertake to co-operate in the formulation and adoption of appropriate rules and procedures for the determination of: 締結国は下記を決定するための適切な規則および手続きの作成と採択に協力することを約束する。

(a) Civil liability and compensation for damage resulting from pollution of the marine environment, bearing in mind applicable international rules and procedures relating to those matters; and 海洋環境の汚染からもたらされた損害の民事責任と民事補償。これについてはこれら事項に関

連する国際的な適用規則・手続きが念頭に置かれるものとする。 (b) Liability and compensation for damage resulting from violation of obligations under the present Convention

and its protocols. 本条約とその議定書の下での義務の違反から生じた損害の責任と補償。

ARTICLE XIV Sovereign immunity 第ⅩⅣ条 国家主権免責 Warships or other ships owned or operated by a State, and used only on Government non-commercial service, shall be exempted from the application of the provisions of the present convention. Each contracting state shall, as far as possible, ensure that its warships or other ships owned or operated by that state, and used only on Government non-commercial service, shall comply with the present Convention in the prevention of pollution to the marine environment. 国家が所有または運用し政府の非商業的役務のためにのみ使用される軍艦およびその他船舶は本条約諸


舶に本条約を遵守させるものとする。 ARTICLE XV Disclaimer 第ⅩⅤ条 否認 Nothing in the present convention shall prejudice or affect the rights or claims of any Contracting State in regard to the nature or extent of its maritime jurisdiction which may be established in conformity with international law. 本条約のどの規定も、国際法に従って確立される締結国の海事管轄権の性質または範囲に関し締結国の

権利或いは請求権を損なわずこれらに影響も及ぼさないものとする。 ARTICLE XVI Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment 第ⅩⅥ条 海洋環境保護のための地域機構 (a) The Contracting States hereby establish a Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment,

the permanent headquarters of which shall be located in Kuwait. 締結国はここに「海洋環境保護地域機構」を設立し、その常設本部をクウェートに置く。

(b) The Organization shall consist of the following organs: 機構は下記機関から構成されるものとする。 (i) A Council which shall be comprised of the Contracting States and shall perform the functions set forth in

paragraph (d) of Article XVII. 全締結国で構成され第XVII条 (d) に規定された機能を果たす理事会。

(ⅱ) A Secretariat which shall perform the functions set forth in paragraph (a) of Article XVIII; and 第XVIII条 (a) に規定された機能を果たす事務局。

(ⅲ) A Judicial Commission for the Settlement of Disputes whose composition, terms of reference and rules of procedure shall be established at the first meeting of the Council. 紛争解決司法委員会。この組成、委任事項、および手続き規則は理事会の第 1 回会議で決定される



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ARTICLE XVII Council 第ⅩⅦ条 理事会 (a) The meetings of the Council shall be convened in accordance with paragraph (a) of Article XVIII and

paragraph (b) of Article XXX. The Council shall hold ordinary meetings once a year. Extraordinary meetings of the Council shall be held upon the request of at least one Contracting State endorsed by at least one other Contracting State, or upon the request of the Executive Secretary endorsed by at least two Contracting States. Meetings of the Council shall be convened at the headquarters of the Organization or at any other place agreed upon by consultation amongst the Contracting States. Three-fourths of the Contracting States shall constitute a quorum. 理事会の会議は第XIII 条 (a) および第XXX 条 (b) に従って招集されるものとする。理事会は年 1 回定



開催されるものとする。定足数は全締結国数の3/4とする。 (b) The chairmanship of the Council shall be given to each Contracting State in turn in alphabetical order of the names of the States in the English language. The Chairman shall serve for a period of one year and cannot during the period of chairmanship serve as a representative of his State. Should the chairmanship fall vacant, the Contracting State chairing the Council shall designate a successor to remain in office until the term of chairmanship of that Contracting State expires. 理事会の会長職は各締結国が英語国名のアルファベット順に交代で担当するものとする。会長の任期は1


主宰する締結国は自国の会長職の任期が終了するまでの任期で後継者を指名するものとする。 (c) The voting procedure in the Council shall be as follows: 理事会の議決手続きは下記の通りとする。 (i) Each Contracting State shall have one vote;

各締結国はそれぞれ1票の議決権を持つ。 (ⅱ) Decisions on substantive matters shall be taken by a unanimous vote of the contracting states present and

voting; 実体的事案に関する決定は、出席して投票した締結国の全会一致の賛成投票によって行われるもの

とする。 (ⅲ) Decisions on procedural matters shall be taken by three-fourths majority vote of the Contracting States present

and voting. 手続き的事案に関する決定は、出席して投票した締結国の 3/4 の賛成投票によって行われるものと

する。 (d) The functions of the Council shall be: 理事会は下記機能を持つものとする。 (i) To keep under review the implementation of the Convention and its protocols, and the Action Plan referred to in

paragraph (e) of Article I; 本条約とその議定書および第I条 (e) に言及された行動計画の実施の審査を常時継続すること。

(ⅱ) To review and evaluate the state of marine pollution and its effects on the Sea Area on the basis of reports provided by the Contracting States and the competent international or regional organizations; 締結国および国際的または地域的管轄機構から提供された報告書にもとづき本海域における海洋汚

染状態とその影響を審査し評価すること。 (ⅲ) To adopt, review and amend as required in accordance with procedures established in Article XXI, the annexes

to the Convention and to its protocols; 第XXI条で確立された手続きに従い本条約とその議定書の付属書を必要に応じ採択、審査、および

修正すること。 (ⅳ) To receive and to consider reports submitted by the Contracting States under Article IX and XXIII;

第 IX条およびXXIII条の下締結国から提出された報告書を受取り検討すること。 (ⅴ) To consider reports prepared by the Secretariat on questions relating to the Convention and to matters relevant to

the administration of the Organization; 本条約に関連する諸問題および機構運営に関連する諸事案について、事務局の作成した報告書を検



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(ⅵ) To make recommendations regarding the adoption of any additional protocols or any amendments to the Convention or to its protocols in accordance with Articles XIX and XX; 追加の議定書の採択或いは本条約またはその議定書の修正に関し、第XIX条およびXX条に従い勧

告を行うこと。 (ⅶ) To establish subsidiary bodies and ad hoc working groups as required to consider any matters related to the

Convention and its protocols and annexes to the Convention and its protocols; 本条約とその議定書およびこれらの付属書に関連する事案について検討を行うため、必要に応じ補

助的機関および臨時の作業グループを設立すること。 (ⅷ) To appoint an Executive Secretary and to make provision for the appointment by the Executive Secretary of

such other personnel as may be necessary; 事務長を任命すること、および事務長が必要に応じ他の要員を任命するための規定を設けること。

(ⅸ) To review periodically the functions of the Secretariat; 事務局の機能を定期的に審査すること。

(ⅹ) To consider and to undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the purposes of the Convention and its protocols. 条約とその議定書の目的達成に必要な追加的行動を検討し実行すること。

ARTICLE XVIII Secretariat 第ⅩⅧ条 事務局 (a) The secretariat shall be comprised of an Executive Secretary and the personnel necessary to perform the following

functions: 事務局は事務長および下記機能を果たすために必要な要員で構成される。

(i) To convene and to prepare the meetings of the Council and its subsidiary bodies and ad hoc working groups as referred to in Article XVII, and conferences as referred to in Articles XIX and XX; 第XVII 条で言及された理事会、その補助機関および臨時作業グループの会議、ならびに第XIX 条

とXX条で言及された会議を招集し、これら会議を準備すること。 (ⅱ) To transmit to the Contracting States notifications, reports and other information received in accordance with

Articles IX and XXIII; 第 IX条およびXXIII条に従って受領した通知、報告その他情報を全締結国に伝達すること。

(ⅲ) To consider enquiries by, and information from, the contracting states and to consult with them on questions relating to the Convention and its protocols and annexes thereto; 締結国からの問い合わせおよび情報を検討し、本条約とその議定書およびこれらの付属書に関する

諸問題について締結国と協議すること。 (ⅳ) To prepare reports on matters relating to the Convention and to the administration of the Organization;

本条約に関する事案および機構の管理に関する事案について報告書を作成すること。 (ⅴ) To establish, maintain and disseminate an up-to-date collection of national laws of all States concerned relevant

to the protection of the marine environment; 海洋環境保護に関する関連締結国全ての国内法の 新の集成を確立し、維持し、かつ伝搬すること。

(ⅵ) To arrange, upon request, for the provision of technical assistance and advice for the drafting of appropriate national legislation for the effective implementation of the Convention and its protocols; 本条約とその議定書が効果的に実施されるよう、要求に応じ適切な国内法規作成のための専門的支

援および助言の提供を手配すること。 (ⅶ) To arrange for training programmes in areas related to the implementation of the Convention and its protocols;

本条約とその議定書の実施に関連する諸分野の訓練プログラムを手配すること。 (ⅷ) To carry out its assignments under the protocols to the Convention;

本条約の議定書の下での自己の任務を果たすこと。 (ⅸ) To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Council for the implementation of the

Convention and its protocols. 本条約とその議定書の実施のため理事会から指示されたその他機能を果たすこと。

(b) The Executive Secretary shall be the chief administrative official of the Organization and shall perform functions that are necessary for the administration of the present Convention, the work of the Secretariat and other


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tasks entrusted to the Executive Secretary by the Council and as provided for in its rules of procedure and financial rules. 事務長は機構の 高運営責任者であるものとし、本条約の運営に必要な機能、事務局の作業、ならびに


する。 ARTICLE XIX Adoption of Additional Protocols 第ⅩⅨ条 追加議定書の採択 Any Contracting State may propose additional protocols to the present Convention pursuant to paragraph (b) of Article III at a diplomatic conference of the Contracting States to be convened by the Secretariat at the request of at least three Contracting States. Additional protocols shall be adopted by a unanimous vote of the Contracting States present and voting. いずれの締結国も第III条 (b) に従い本条約への追加議定書を3締結国以上の要求で事務局が招集した締



ARTICLE XX Amendments to the Convention and its Protocols 第ⅩⅩ条 本条約とその議定書の修正 (a) Any Contracting State to the present Convention or to any of its protocols may propose amendments to the

Convention or to the protocol concerned at a diplomatic conference to be convened by the secretariat at the request of at least three Contracting States. Amendments to the Convention and its protocols shall be adopted by a unanimous vote of the Contracting States present and voting. 本条約およびいずれかの議定書の締結国は、3締結国以上の要求で事務局が招集した外交会議で本条約


国の全員一致の賛成投票により採択されるものとする。 (b) Amendments to the Convention or any protocol adopted by a diplomatic conference shall be submitted by the

Depository for acceptance by all Contracting States. Acceptance of amendments to the Convention or to any protocol shall be notified to the Depository in writing. Amendments adopted in accordance with this article shall enter into force for all Contracting States, except those which have notified the Depository of a different intention, on the thirtieth day following the receipt by the Depository of notification of their acceptance by at least three fourths of the Contracting States to the Convention or any protocol concerned as the case may be. 外交会議で採択された本条約またはいずれかの議定書の修正は受託者により全締結国にその受諾を求



の 3/4 以上の受諾の通知を受託者が受け取ってから 30 日目に、受託者に異なる意図を通知した締結国を

除く全締結国に対して効力を生ずるものとする。 (c) After the entry into force of an amendment to the Convention or to a protocol, any new Contracting State to the

Convention or such protocol shall become a Contracting State to the instrument as amended. 本条約またはいずれかの議定書の修正が効力を発生した後、本条約または当該議定書の新規の締結国

は修正後の当該文書の締結国となるものとする。 ARTICLE XXI Annexes and Amendments to Annexes 第ⅩⅩⅠ条 付属書およびその修正 (a) Annexes to the Convention or to any protocol shall form an integral part of the Convention or such protocol.

本条約またはそのいずれかの議定書の付属書は、本条約または当該議定書の不可欠の一部をなす。 (b) Except as may be otherwise provided in any protocol, the following procedure shall apply to the adoption and entry into force of any amendments to annexes to the Convention or to any protocol. いずれかの議定書に別段の規定がある場合を除き、本条約またはいずれかの議定書の付属書の修正の採

択と効力発生には下記手続きが適用されるものとする。 (i) Any Contracting State to the Convention or to a protocol may propose amendments to the annexes to the

instrument in question at the meetings of the Council referred to in Article XVII;


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本条約または議定書の締結国は第 XVII 条に言及された理事会の会議で当該文書の付属書の修正を

提案することができる。 (ⅱ) Such amendments shall be adopted at such meetings by a unanimous vote;

上記修正は上記会議で全会一致の賛成投票によって採択されるものとする。 (ⅲ) The Depository referred to in Article XXX shall communicate amendments so adopted to all Contracting States

without delay; 第 XXX 条で言及された受託者は上記の通り採択された修正を遅滞なく全締結国に通知するものと

する。 (ⅳ) Any Contracting State which has a different intention with respect to an amendment to the annexes to the

Convention or to any protocol shall notify the Depository in writing within a period determined by the Contracting States concerned when adopting the amendment; 本条約または何れかの議定書の付属書の修正に関して異なる意図を持つ締結国は、当該修正の採択

の時関連締結諸国の決定した期間内に受託者に文書で通知するものとする。 (ⅴ) The Depository shall notify all Contracting States without delay of any notification received pursuant to the

preceding sub-paragraph; 受託者は上段の規定に従い受け取った通知を遅滞なく全締結国に通知するものとする。

(ⅵ) On the expiry of the period referred to in sub-paragraph (iv) above, the amendment to the annex shall become effective for all Contracting States to the Convention or to the protocol concerned which have not submitted a notification in accordance with the provisions of that sub-paragraph. 上記 (iv) に規定された期間の満了とともに、付属書の修正は同段の規定に従い通知を行っていない

本条約または関連議定書の締結国すべてに対し効力を生ずるものとする。 (c) The adoption and entry into force of a new annex to the Convention or to any protocol shall be subject to the

same procedure as for the adoption and entry into force of an amendment to an annex in accordance with the provisions of this article, provided that, if any amendment to the Convention or the protocol concerned is involved, the new annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to the Convention or the protocol concerned enters into force. 本条約またはいずれかの議定書の新規付属書の採択と効力発生は、本条の規定に従った付属書修正の


与する場合、新規付属書は当該修正が効力発生して後初めて効力を生ずるものとする。 ARTICLE XXII Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules 第ⅩⅩⅡ条 手続き規則および財務規則 (a) The Council shall, at its first meeting, adopt its own rules. 理事会は初回の会議で理事会規則を採択するものとする。

(b) The Council shall adopt financial rules to determine, in particular, the financial participation of the Contracting States. 理事会は、取り分け締結国の財務的参加を決定するため、財務規則を採択するものとする。

ARTICLE XXIII Reports 第ⅩⅩⅢ条 報告書 Each Contracting State shall submit to the secretariat reports on measures adopted in implementation of the provisions of the Convention and its protocols in such form and at such intervals as may be determined by the Council. 各締結国は本条約とその議定書の規定の実施に当たって採用した措置に関する報告書を、理事会の決定し

た形式と時間間隔に従い事務局に提出するものとする。 ARTICLE XXIV Compliance Control 第ⅩⅩⅣ条 準拠規制 The Contracting States shall co-operate in the development of procedures for the effective application of the Convention and it protocols, including detection of violations, using all appropriate and practicable measures of detection and environmental monitoring, including adequate procedures for reporting and accumulation of evidence. 締結国は、探知と環境監視のために適切かつ実践的なあらゆる手段を用いて本条約とその議定書の効果的


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積のための適切な手続きも含む。 ARTICLE XXV Settlement of Disputes 第ⅩⅩⅤ条 紛争の解決 (a) In case of a dispute as to the interpretation or application of this Convention or its protocols, the Contracting

States concerned shall seek a settlement of the dispute through negotiation or any other peaceful means of their own choice. 本条約またはその議定書の解釈或いは適用に関して紛争が生じた場合、当該締結国は交渉或いはその

選択したその他平和的手段により紛争解決に努めるものとする。 (b) If the Contracting States concerned cannot settle the dispute through the means mentioned in paragraph (a) of

this article, the dispute shall be submitted to the Judicial Commission for the Settlement of Disputes referred to in paragraph (b) (iii) of Article XVI. 締結国が紛争を本条(a) に規定された手段で解決できない場合、紛争は第 XVI 条 (b) (ⅲ) に規定され

た「紛争解決司法委員会」に付託されるものとする。 ARTICLE XXVI Signature 第ⅩⅩⅥ条 署名 The present Convention together with the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency shall be open for signature in Kuwait from 24 April to 23 July 1978 by any State invited as a participant in the Kuwait Regional Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Areas, convened from 15 to 23 April 1978 for the purpose of adopting the Convention and the Protocol. 本条約は「石油その他有害物質による汚染に対抗する緊急時の地域協力に関する議定書」とともに、本条


護および開発に関するクウェート地域全権大使会議」に招聘された国による署名を求めて、1978年4月24日より7月23日までクウェートで開放されるものとする。 ARTICLE XXVII Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Accession 第ⅩⅩⅦ条 批准、受諾、承認または加入 (a) The present Convention together with the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Pollution by

Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency and any other protocol thereto shall be subject to ratification, acceptance, or approval by the States referred to in Article XXVI. 本条約は「石油その他有害物質による汚染に対抗する緊急時の地域協力に関する議定書」およびその

他議定書とともに、第XXVI条で言及された諸国による批准、受諾、または承認を条件とする。 (b) As from 24 July 1978, this Convention together with the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in

Combating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency shall be open for accession by the States referred to in Article XXVI.


る議定書」とともに、第XXVI条で言及された諸国の加入を求めて開放されるものとする。 (c) Any State which has ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to the present Convention shall be considered as

having ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency. 本条約を批准、受諾、承認し或いはこれに加入した国は、「石油その他有害物質による汚染に対抗する

緊急時の地域協力に関する議定書」批准、受諾、承認し或いはこれに加盟したものと見なされる。 (d) Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Government of Kuwait

which will assume the functions of Depository. 批准、受諾、承認または加入の文書はクウェート政府に預託されるものとし、同政府は受託者の任務

を引き受けるものとする。 ARTICLE XXVIII Entry into Force


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第ⅩⅩⅧ条 効力発生 (a) The present Convention together with the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Pollution by

Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of at least five instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the Convention. 本条約は「石油その他有害物質による汚染に対抗する緊急時の地域協力に関する議定書」とともに、

本条約の批准、受諾、承認または加入文書が少なくとも 5通預託された日から90日後に効力を生ずる。 (b) Any other protocol to this Convention, except as otherwise provided in such protocol, shall enter into force on the

ninetieth day following the date of deposit of at least five instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, such protocol. 本条約のその他議定書は、当該議定書に別段の規定がある場合を除き、当該規定書の批准、受諾、承

認または加入文書が少なくとも5通預託された日から90日後に効力を生ずる。 (c) After the date of deposit of five instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, this

Convention or any other protocol, this Convention or any such protocol shall enter into force with respect to any State on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit by that State of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. 本条約またはその他いずれかの議定書の批准、受諾、承認または加盟文書が少なくとも 5 通預託され


預託日から90日後に本条約または当該議定書が効力を生ずるものとする。 ARTICLE XXIX Withdrawal 第ⅩⅩⅨ条 脱退 (a) At any time after five years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, any Contracting State may

withdraw from this Convention by giving written notification of withdrawal to the Depository. 締結国は本条約の効力発生日から 5 年後以降いつでも受託者に脱退通知書を送って本条約から脱退す

ることができる。 (b) Except as may be otherwise provided in any other protocol to the Convention, any Contracting State may, at any

time after five years from the date of entry into force of such protocol, withdraw from such protocol by giving written notification of withdrawal to the Depository. 本条約の議定書に別段の規定がある場合を除き、締結国は議定書の効力発生日から 5 年後以降いつで

も受託者に脱退通知書を送って議定書から脱退することができる。 (c) Withdrawal shall take effect ninety days after the date on which notification of withdrawal is received by the

Depository. 脱退は脱退通知が受託者に受領された日から90日後に有効となる。

(d) Any Contracting State which withdraws from the Convention shall be considered as also having withdrawn from any protocol to which it was a party. 本条約を脱退した締結国は、当事国となっていた全議定書からも脱退したものと見なされる。

(e) Any Contracting State which withdraws from the Protocol concerning Regional Co-operation in Combating Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Pollution Emergency shall be considered as also having withdrawn from the Convention. 「石油その他有害物質による汚染に対抗する緊急時の地域協力に関する議定書」から脱退する締結国


ARTICLE XXX Responsibilities of the Depository 第ⅩⅩⅩ条 受託者の責任 (a) The Depository shall inform the Contracting States and the Secretariat of the following: 受託者は全締結国と事務局に下記を通知するものとする。 (ⅰ) Signature of this Convention and of any protocol thereto, and of the deposit of the instruments of ratification,

acceptance, approval or accession in accordance with Article XXVII; 本条約とその議定書の署名、および第XXVII条に従った批准、受諾、承認または加入文書の預託。

(ⅱ) Date on which the convention and any protocol will enter into force in accordance with the provision of Article XXVIII;


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第XXVIII条の規定に従い本条約とその議定書が効力を生ずる日。 (ⅲ) Notification of a different intention made in accordance with Articles XX and XXI;

第XX条およびXXI条に従って行われた異なる意図の通知。 (ⅳ) Notification of withdrawal made in accordance with Article XXIX;

第XXIX条に従って行われた脱退の通知。 (ⅴ) Amendments adopted with respect to the Convention and to any protocol, their acceptance by the Contracting

State and the date of entry into force of those amendments in accordance with the provisions of Article XX; 本条約およびいずれかの議定書に関し採択された修正、締結国によるその受諾、および第XX 条の

規定による修正効力発生の日付。 (ⅵ) Adoption of new annexes and of the amendment of any annex in accordance with Article XXI.

第XXI条に従った新規付属書の採択およびいずれかの付属書の修正の採択。 (b) The depository shall call the first meeting of the Council within six months of the date on which the

Convention enters into force. 受託者は本条約の効力発生日から6カ月以内に理事会の初回会議を招集するものとする。

The original of this Convention, of any protocol thereto, of any annex to the Convention or to a protocol, or of any amendment to the Convention, to a protocol or to an annex of the Convention or of a protocol shall be deposited with the Depository, the Government of Kuwait who shall send copies thereof to all States concerned and shall register all such instruments and all subsequent actions in respect of them with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. 本条約、その議定書、これらの付属書、或いはこれらすべての修正の原本は、受託者であるクウェート



IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention. 上記の証として、下に署名した各国政府の正規の権限を持つ全権大使は本条約に調印した。

Done at Kuwait this twenty-fourth day of April, in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight in the Arabic, English and Persian languages, the three texts being equally authentic. In case of a dispute as to the interpretation or application of the Convention or its protocols, the English text shall be dispositively authoritative.





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添付資料16 イズミル協定 Protocol on the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動による地中海の汚染の防止及びその処分に関する議定書 Adopted in Izmir, Turkey, on 1 October 1996, not yet in force 1996年10月1日にトルコ、イズミルにおいて採択。まだ発効はしていない。 前文 The Contracting Parties to the present Protocol, 当該議定書の締約国は、 Being Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution, adopted at Barcelona on 16 February 1976 and amended on 10 June 1995, 1976年2月16日にバルセロナにおいて採択され、1995年6月10日に改正された地中海汚染防止条約の締

約国であり、 Conscious of the danger threatening the environment of the Mediterranean Sea caused by the transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous wastes, 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及び処分によって引き起こされる地中海の環境に対する脅威の危険性を意

識し、 Convinced that the most effective way of protecting human health and the marine environment from the dangers posed by hazardous wastes is the reduction and elimination of their generation, for example through substitution and other clean production methods, 有害廃棄物によってもたらされる危険から人の健康及び海洋環境を保護する も効果的な方法は、これら


意し、 Recognizing the increased will for the prohibition of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal in other States, especially in developing countries, 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分を他の国特に開発途上国において行うことを禁止したいとの

意思が増大していることを認め、 Taking into account the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and especially Principle 14 which declares that States "should effectively cooperate to discourage or prevent the relocation and transfer to other States of any activities or substances that cause severe environmental degradation or are found to be harmful to human health", 1992年の環境と開発に関するリオ宣言、特に諸国が「深刻な環境悪化をもたらすか、人間の健康に害があ


効果的に協力すべきである」と宣言している原則14を考慮し、 Aware of the growing international concern regarding the need to ensure that pollution originating in one State is not transferred to other States and, consistent with this objective, of the need to reduce transboundary movements of hazardous wastes to a minimum as far as possible, with the ultimate aim of phasing out such movements, 一の国で発生した汚染が他の国へ移転しないようにすることの必要性について国際的な関心が高まってい

ること、並びにこの目的に従い、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動を可能な限り 小限度とし、これらの移

動の段階的削減を究極の目的とすることの必要性を認識し、 Recognizing also that any State has the sovereign right to ban the entry, transit or disposal of hazardous wastes in its territory, いずれの国も、自国の領域において有害廃棄物の搬入、通過又は処分を禁止する主権的権利を有すること

を認め、 Bearing in mind the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982, 1982年の国連海洋法条約の関連する規定を念頭に置き、


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Taking into account also the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, adopted on 22 March 1989, in particular Article 11, and decisions I/22, II/12 and III/1 adopted by the First, Second and Third Meetings respectively of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention, 1989年3月22に採択された有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約特に

第11条、及びバーゼル条約の締約国会議の第1回、第2回、第3回会合でそれぞれ採択された決議 I/22、II/12及び III/1を考慮し、 Taking into account further that many States, among them Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, have taken legal measures and entered into international agreements consistent with the Basel Convention to ban transboundary movements of hazardous wastes, for example, the IVth ACP/EEC Convention signed in Lomé on 15 December 1989 by the European Economic Community and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, and the Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa, adopted under the auspices of the Organization of African Unity on 30 January 1991, 更に、多くの国、中でもバルセロナ条約の締約国が有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動を禁止するために法的




国境を越える移動及び処理の規制に関するバマコ条約を結んでいることを考慮し、 Recognizing further the differences in levels of economic and legislative development among the various Mediterranean coastal States, and realizing that hazardous waste should not be allowed to be transported in order to take advantage of such economic or legislative disparities to the detriment of the environment and of the social well-being of developing countries, 更に、さまざまな地中海沿岸諸国の間の経済及び立法発展の水準の違いを認め、開発途上国の環境及び社


べきではないことを理解し、 Bearing in mind also the fact that the most effective way of dealing with the threats represented by wastes for human health and the environment consists in decreasing or even prohibiting the transfer of activities which generate hazardous wastes, 廃棄物に代表される人の健康及び環境についての脅威に対処する も効果的な方法は、有害廃棄物を発生

させる活動の移転の減少又は禁止にさえあることを念頭に置き、 Have agreed as follows: 次のとおり協定した。 Article 1 DEFINITIONS 第1条 定義 For the purposes of this Protocol: この議定書の適用上、 (a) "Convention" means the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution, adopted at

Barcelona on 16 February 1976 and amended on 10 June 1995; 「条約」とは、1976年2月16日にバルセロナにおいて採択され、1995年6月10日に改正された地中

海汚染防止条約をいう。 (b) A "Party" means a Contracting Party to this Protocol in accordance with Article 29, paragraph 1, of the Convention; 「締約国」とは、条約の第29条1の規定に従うこの議定書の締約国をいう。

(c) "Wastes" means substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of national law; 「廃棄物」とは、処分がされ、処分が意図され又は国内法の規定により処分が義務付けられている物質

又は物体をいう。 (d) "Hazardous wastes" means wastes or categories of substances as specified in Article 3 of this Protocol; 「有害廃棄物」とは、この議定書の第3条に規定する廃棄物又は物質の分類をいう。

(e) "Disposal" means any operation specified in Annex III to this Protocol; 「処分」とは、この議定書の附属書 IIIに掲げる作業をいう。


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(f) "Transboundary movement" means any movement of hazardous wastes from an area under the national jurisdiction of one State to or through an area under the national jurisdiction of another State or to or through an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State, provided at least two States are involved in the movement; 「国境を越える移動」とは、有害廃棄物が、その移動に少なくとも二以上の国が関係する場合において、



過して、移動することをいう。 (g) "Approved site or facility" means a site or facility for the disposal of hazardous wastes which is authorized or

permitted to operate for this purpose by a relevant authority of the State where the site or facility is located; 「承認された場所又は施設」とは、場所又は施設が存在する国の関係当局により、有害廃棄物の処分のた

めの作業を行うことが認められ又は許可されている場所又は施設をいう。 (h) "Competent authority" means one governmental authority designated by a Party to be responsible, within such

geographical areas as the Party may think fit, for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous waste, and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification;



政府当局として締約国によって指定されたものをいう。 (i) "Clean production methods" means those which reduce or avoid the generation of hazardous wastes in conformity

with Articles 5 and 8 of this Protocol; 「無公害生産方法」とは、この議定書の第5条及び第8条に従う有害廃棄物の発生を低減又は回避する方

法をいう。 (j) "Environmentally sound management" of hazardous wastes means taking all practicable steps to ensure that

hazardous wastes are collected, transported and disposed of (including after-care of disposal sites) in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes;



るために実行可能なあらゆる措置をとることをいう。 (k) "Area under the national jurisdiction of a State" means any land, marine area or airspace within which a State

exercises administrative and regulatory responsibilities in accordance with international law in regard to the protection of human health or the environment;


及び規制上の責任を遂行する陸地、海域又は空間をいう。 (l) "State of export" means a Party from which a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is planned to be initiated

or is initiated; 「輸出国」とは、有害廃棄物の自国からの国境を越える移動が計画され又は開始されている締約国をいう。 (m) "State of import" means a Party to which a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is planned or takes place

for the purpose of disposal therein or for the purpose of loading prior to disposal in an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State;



をいう。 (n) "State of transit" means any State, other than the State of export or import, through which a movement of hazardous

wastes is planned or takes place; 「通過国」とは、輸出国又は輸入国以外の国であって、自国を通過する有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が

計画され又は行われているものをいう。 (o) "Exporter" means any person under the jurisdiction of the State of export who arranges for hazardous wastes

to be exported; 「輸出者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸出を行う者であって輸出国の管轄の下にあるものをいう。 (p) "Importer" means any person under the jurisdiction of the State of import who arranges for hazardous wastes to be

imported; 「輸入者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸入を行う者であって輸入国の管轄の下にあるものをいう。


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(q) "Generator" means any person whose activity produces hazardous wastes or, if that person is not known, the person who is in possession and/or control of those wastes; 「発生者」とは、その活動が有害廃棄物を発生させる者をいい、その者が不明であるときは、当該有害廃

棄物を保有し又は支配している者をいう。 (r) "Disposer" means any person to whom hazardous wastes are shipped and who carries out the disposal of such wastes; 「処分者」とは、有害廃棄物がその者に対し運搬される者であって当該有害廃棄物の処分を行うものをい

う。 (s) "Illegal traffic" means any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes as specified in Article 9; 「不法取引」とは、第9条に規定する有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動をいう。 (t) "Person" means any natural or legal person; 「者」とは、自然人又は法人をいう。 (u) "Developing countries" means those countries which are not Member States of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 「開発途上国」とは、経済協力開発機構(OECD)の構成国ではない国をいう。 (v) "Developed countries" means those countries which are Member States of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); 「先進国」とは、経済協力開発機構(OECD)の構成国である国をいう。 (w) "Organization" means the body referred to in Article 2 (b) of the Convention. 「機関」とは、条約の第2条(b)に規定する団体をいう。 Article 2 PROTOCOL AREA 第2条 議定書の地域 The Protocol area as referred to in this Protocol shall mean the area as defined in Article 1 of the Convention. この議定書に規定する議定書の地域は、条約の第1条に定義される地域をいう。 Article 3 SCOPE OF THE PROTOCOL 第3条 議定書の適用範囲 1. This Protocol shall apply to: この議定書は以下について適用する。

(a) Wastes that belong to any category in Annex I to this Protocol; この議定書の附属書 Iに掲げるいずれかの分類に属する廃棄物。

(b) Wastes that are not covered under paragraph (a) above but are defined as, or are considered to be, hazardous wastes by the domestic legislation of the State of export, import or transit;


有害であると定義され又は認められている廃棄物。 (c) Wastes that possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex II to this Protocol;

この議定書の附属書 IIに掲げるいずれかの特性を有する廃棄物。 (d) Hazardous substances that have been banned or are expired, or whose registration has been cancelled or refused

through government regulatory action in the country of manufacture or export for human health or environmental reasons, or have been voluntarily withdrawn or omitted from the government registration required for use in the country of manufacture or export. 禁止されている又は失効している有害物質、又はその登録が人の健康又は環境上の理由から製造国


の使用に必要な政府登録から自発的に取下げ又は削除されている有害物質。 2. Wastes which derive from the normal operations of ships, the discharge of which is covered by another international instrument, are excluded from the scope of this Protocol. 船舶の通常の運航から生ずる廃棄物であってその排出について他の国際文書の適用があるものは、この

議定書の適用範囲から除外する。 3. The generator, the exporter or the importer, depending on the circumstances, shall bear the responsibility for checking with the competent authorities of the State of export, import or transit that a particular waste, prior to its transboundary movement, is not subject to this Protocol. 発生者、輸出者又は輸入者は、状況に応じて、特定の廃棄物がこの議定書の対象とならないことを、国境



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Article 4 NATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF HAZARDOUS WASTES 第4条 有害廃棄物に関する国内の定義 1. Each Party to the Convention shall, within six months of becoming a Party, inform the Organization of the wastes,

other than those listed in Annex I to this Protocol, considered or defined as hazardous wastes under its national legislation, and of any requirements concerning transboundary movement procedures applicable to such wastes. 条約の締約国は、締約国となった日から6箇月以内に、廃棄物の機関に対し、この議定書の附属書Ⅰ


し、かつ、その廃棄物について適用する国境を越える移動の手続に関する要件を通報する。 2. Each Party shall subsequently inform the Organization of any significant changes in information it has provided

pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article. 締約国は、更に、1の規定に従って提供した情報に関する重要な変更を機関に通報する。

3. The Organization shall inform all Parties of the information it has received pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. 機関は、1及び2の規定に従って受領した情報をすべての締約国に通報する。

4. The Parties shall be responsible for making the information transmitted to them by the Organization under paragraph 3 of this Article available to their exporters. 締約国は、3の規定に従い機関によって送付された情報を自国の輸出者に対し利用可能にする責任を有

する。 Article 5 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 第5条 一般的義務 1. The Parties shall take all appropriate measures to prevent, abate and eliminate pollution of the Protocol area which can

be caused by transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous wastes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及び処分によって引き起こされる恐れのある議定書の地域の

汚染を防止、除去及び排除するための適当なあらゆる措置をとる。 2. The Parties shall take all appropriate measures to reduce to a minimum, and where possible eliminate, the generation

of hazardous wastes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の発生を 小限度とし、可能な場合には有害廃棄物の発生を排除するための適当

なあらゆる措置をとる。 3. The Parties shall also take all appropriate measures to reduce to a minimum the transboundary movement of hazardous

wastes, and if possible to eliminate such movement in the Mediterranean. To achieve this goal, Parties have the right individually or collectively to ban the import of hazardous wastes. Other Parties shall respect this sovereign decision and not permit the export of hazardous wastes to States which have prohibited their import. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動を 小限度とし、可能な場合には地中海におけるこれらの移



止している諸国への有害廃棄物の輸出を許可しない。 4. Subject to the specific provisions relating to the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes through the territorial sea of a State of transit, referred to in Article 6.4 of this Protocol, all Parties shall take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures within the area under their jurisdiction to prohibit the export and transit of hazardous wastes to developing countries, and Parties which are not Member States of the European Community shall prohibit all imports and transit of hazardous wastes. 通過国の領海を通過する有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する特定の規定に従い、この議定書の第6.4



成国ではない締約国は、有害廃棄物のすべての輸入及び通過を禁止する。 5. The Parties shall cooperate with other United Nations agencies, relevant international and regional organizations in

order to prevent illegal traffic, and shall take appropriate measures to achieve this goal, including criminal punishment measures in accordance with their national legislation. 締約国は、不法取引を防止するため他の国際連合機関、関連する国際的及び地域的な機関と協力し、こ



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Article 6 TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT AND NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES 第6条 国境を越える移動及び通告手続 In exceptional cases, unless otherwise prohibited, when hazardous wastes cannot be disposed of in an environmentally sound manner in the country in which they originated, transboundary movements of such wastes can be allowed if: 例外的な場合として、特に禁止されていない限り、有害廃棄物をその発生国内において環境上適正な方


とができる。 1. The special situation of the Mediterranean developing countries which do not have the technical capabilities nor the

disposal facilities for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes is taken into consideration. 地中海の開発途上国が、有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理のための技術上の能力又は処分施設を有してい

ないという特殊な状況が考慮される場合。 2. The competent authority of the State of import ensures that the hazardous waste is disposed of in an approved site or

facility with the technical capacity for its environmentally sound disposal. 輸入国の権限のある当局が、有害廃棄物を承認された場所又は施設においてその廃棄物の環境上適正な

処分のための技術上の能力を用いて処分することを確保する場合。 3. The transboundary movement of hazardous wastes only takes place with the prior written notification of the State of

export as specified in Annex IV to this Protocol, and the prior written consent of the State(s) of import and the State(s) of transit. This paragraph does not apply to conditions of passage through the territorial sea, which are governed by paragraph 4 of this Article. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、この議定書の附属書 IVに規定する輸出国の書面による事前の通告、

及び輸入国及び通過国の書面による事前の同意がある場合に限り行われる場合。この規定はこの条の4の規定が規律する領海の通過条件には適用されない。 4. The transboundary movement of hazardous wastes through the territorial sea of a State of transit only takes place with the prior notification by the State of export to the State of transit, as specified in Annex IV to this Protocol. After reception of the notification, the State of transit brings to the attention of the State of export all the obligations relating to passage through its territorial sea in application of international law and the relevant provisions of its domestic legislation adopted in compliance with international law to protect the marine environment. Where necessary, the State of transit may take appropriate measures in accordance with international law. This procedure must be complied with within the delays provided for by the Basel Convention. 通過国の領海を通過する有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動は、この議定書の附属書 IVに規定する輸出国に




をとることができる。この手続にはバーゼル条約の定める遅滞内に応じなければならない。 5. Every State involved in a transboundary movement ensures that such movement is consistent with international safety standards and financial guarantees, in particular the procedures and standards set out in the Basel Convention. 国境を越える移動に関係するあらゆる国は、これらの移動が国際安全基準及び財政保証、特にバーゼル

条約に規定する手続及び基準に適合することを確保する。 Article 7 DUTY TO REIMPORT 第7条 再輸入の義務 The State of export shall reimport the hazardous wastes if the transboundary movement cannot be completed by reason of impossibility of performance of the contracts relating to the movement and disposal of the wastes. To this end, any State of transit shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return of those wastes to the State of export after being properly informed by the State of export. 輸出国は、有害廃棄物の移動及び処分に関する契約の履行が不可能であるために有害廃棄物の国境を越え

る移動を完了することができない場合、有害廃棄物を再輸入する。 Article 8 REGIONAL COOPERATION 第8条 地域協力


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1. In conformity with Article 13 of the Convention, the Parties shall cooperate as far as possible in scientific and technological fields related to pollution from hazardous wastes, particularly in the implementation and development of new methods for reducing and eliminating hazardous waste generated through clean production methods. この条約の第13条に従い、締約国は有害廃棄物による汚染に関する科学的及び技術的分野において、特


いて、可能な限り協力する。 2. To this end, the Parties shall submit annual reports to the Organization regarding the hazardous wastes they generate

and transfer within the Protocol area in order to enable the Organization to produce a hazardous waste audit. このため、締約国は、機関が有害廃棄物の監査を行えるようにするために、議定書の地域内で発生及び

移転させた有害廃棄物に関する年次報告を機関に提出する。 3. The Parties shall cooperate in taking appropriate measures to implement the precautionary approach based on

prevention of pollution problems arising from hazardous wastes and their transboundary movement and disposal. To this end, the Parties shall ensure that clean production methods are applied to production processes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物及びその国境を越える移動及び処分から生ずる汚染問題の防止に基づく予防手段


程に適用されることを確保する。 Article 9 ILLEGAL TRAFFIC 第9条 不法取引 1. For the purpose of this Protocol, any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes in contravention of this Protocol or

of other rules of international law shall be deemed to be illegal traffic. この議定書の適用上、この議定書又は他の国際法の規則に違反するいずれの有害廃棄物の国境を越える

移動も、不法取引とする。 2. Each Party shall introduce appropriate national legislation to prevent and punish illegal traffic, including criminal

penalties on all persons involved in such illegal activities. 締約国は、不法取引を防止し及び処罰するため、これらの不法活動に関与するすべての者に対する刑事

罰を含む適当な国内法令を制定する。 3. In the case of illegal traffic due to the conduct of the generator or the exporter, the State of export shall ensure that the

wastes in question are taken back by the exporter or the generator or, if necessary, by itself, into the State of export within 30 days from the time the illegal traffic has come to its attention and that appropriate legal action is taken against the contravenor(s). 発生者又は輸出者の行為の結果として不法取引となる場合には、輸出国は、輸出国に当該不法取引が通


国に引き取り、違反者に対して適当な法的措置をとることを確保する。 4. In the case of illegal traffic due to the conduct of the importer or disposer, the State of import shall ensure that the

wastes in question are eliminated according to environmentally sound methods by the importer within 30 days from the time the illegal traffic has come to the attention of the State of import; if not possible, the State of export shall ensure that the wastes are taken back by the exporter, the generator or, if necessary, by itself into the State of export. The competent authorities of the importing or exporting States shall ensure that legal proceedings according to this Protocol are taken against the contravenor(s). 輸入者又は処分者の行為の結果として不法取引となる場合には、輸入国は、当該不法取引を輸入国が知




て行われることを確保する。 5. In cases where the responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be assigned either to the exporter or generator or to the

importer or disposer, the Parties concerned or other Parties, as appropriate, shall ensure, through cooperation that the wastes in question are disposed of as soon as possible in an environmentally sound manner either in the State of export or the State of import or elsewhere as appropriate. 不法取引の責任を輸出者若しくは発生者又は輸入者若しくは処分者のいずれにも帰することができない




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6. The Parties shall forward, as soon as possible, all information relating to illegal traffic to the Organization, which shall distribute the information to all Contracting Parties. 締約国は、できる限り速やかに、不法取引に関するすべての情報を機関に送付し、機関はその情報をす

べての締約国に配布する。 7. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure that no illegal traffic takes place. Upon request, the Organization shall assist

Parties in their identification of cases of illegal traffic and shall circulate immediately to the Parties concerned any information it has received regarding illegal traffic. 締約国は、不法取引が起こらないことを確保するよう協力する。要請に応じ、機関は不法取引の事実を

確認するため締約国を援助し及び不法取引に関して入手した情報を関係締約国に対し直ちに送付する。 8. The Organization shall undertake the necessary coordination with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention in relation to the effective prevention and monitoring of illegal traffic in hazardous wastes. Such coordination shall be mainly based on: 機関は、バーゼル条約の事務局と有害廃棄物の不法取引の効果的な防止及び監視に関する必要な調整を

行う。これらの調整は主として次に基づいて行われる。 (a) Exchange of information on cases or alleged cases of illegal traffic in the Mediterranean and coordination of action

to remedy such cases; 地中海における不法取引の事実又は事実疑惑に関する情報の交換及びこれらの事実を改善するための

行動の調整。 (b) Providing assistance in the field of capacity-building, including development of national legislation and of

appropriate infrastructure in the Mediterranean States with a view to the prevention and penalization of illegal traffic in hazardous wastes; 地中海諸国における有害廃棄物の不法取引の防止及び刑罰のための自国の法令及び適当な社会基盤の

発展を含む、能力開発の分野における援助提供。 (c) The establishment of a mechanism to prevent and monitor illegal traffic in hazardous wastes in the Mediterranean. 地中海における有害廃棄物の不法取引を防止及び監視するための仕組みの確立。

Article 10 ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 第10条 開発途上国への援助 The Parties shall, directly or with the assistance of competent or other international organizations or bilaterally, cooperate with a view to formulating and implementing programmes of financial and technical assistance to developing countries for the implementation of this Protocol. 締約国は、直接又は関係国際機関若しくは他の国際機関の援助の下で又は二国間で、開発途上国がこの議

定書を実施するための財政的及び技術的援助のプログラムを策定し実施するために協力する。 Article 11 TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION 第11条 情報の送付 The Parties shall inform one another through the Organization of measures taken, of results achieved and, if the case arises, of difficulties encountered in the application of this Protocol. Procedures for the collection and distribution of such information shall be determined at the meetings of the Parties. 締約国は、機関を通じて相互に、講じた対策、達成された結果、及び該当する場合が生じたときはこの議

定書の適用に関する問題点を通報する。これらの情報の収集及び配布の手続は、締約国の会合で決定する。 Article 12 INFORMATION TO AND PARTICIPATION OF THE PUBLIC 第12条 公衆への通報及び公衆の参加 1. In the exceptional cases in which transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is permitted under Article 6 of this

Protocol, the Parties shall ensure that adequate information is made available to the public, transmitted through such channels as the Parties deem appropriate. 有害廃棄物の国境を超える移動がこの議定書の第6条の規定により許可される例外的な場合には、締約


する。 2. The State of export and the State of import shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol and whenever

possible and appropriate, give the public an opportunity to participate in relevant procedures with the aim of making known its views and concerns.


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を表明することを目的として関連する手続に参加する機会を公衆に与える。 Article 13 VERIFICATION 第13条 検証 1. Any Party which has reason to believe that another Party is acting or has acted in breach of its obligations under this

Protocol informs the Organization thereof, and, in such an event, simultaneously and immediately informs, directly or through the Organization, the Party against whom the allegations are made. いずれの締約国も、他の締約国がこの議定書に基づく義務に違反して行動し又は行動したと信ずるに足


かつ速やかに、直接又は機関を通じ、申立ての対象となった当該他の締約国にその旨を通報する。 2. The Organization shall carry out a verification of the substance of the allegation through consultation with the Parties

concerned and submit a report thereon to the Parties. 機関は、関係締約国との協議を通じて申立ての内容を検証し、それに関する報告書を当該関係締約国に


Article 14 LIABILITY AND COMPENSATION 第14条 責任及び賠償 The Parties shall cooperate with a view to setting out, as soon as possible, appropriate guidelines for the evaluation of the damage, as well as rules and procedures in the field of liability and compensation for damage resulting from the transboundary movement and disposal of hazardous wastes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及び処分から生ずる損害に対する責任及び賠償の分野における

規則及び手続、更に損害を評価するための適当な指針をできる限り速やかに定めるため、協力する。 Article 15 MEETINGS 第15条 会合 1. Ordinary meetings of the Parties shall take place in conjunction with ordinary meetings of the Contracting Parties to

the Convention held pursuant to Article 18 of the Convention. The Parties to this Protocol may also hold extraordinary meetings in conformity with Article 18 of the Convention. 締約国の通常会合は、この条約の第18条の規定に従って開催されるこの条約の締約国の通常会合と併せ

て行われる。この議定書の締約国は、この条約の第18条の規定に従う特別会合も開催してもよい。 2. The functions of the meetings of the Parties shall be, inter alia: 締約国会合は、特に次の任務を遂行する。

(a) To keep under review the implementation of this Protocol, and consider any additional measures, including in the form of annexes; この議定書の実施の見直しを常に行い、附属書の形を含むあらゆる追加的措置を検討すること。

(b) To revise and amend this Protocol and any annex thereto, as appropriate; 適当なときはこの議定書及びその附属書を見直し及び改正すること。

(c) To formulate and adopt programmes, methods and measures in accordance with the relevant Articles of this Protocol; この議定書の関連する条に従い、プログラム、方法及び措置を策定し及び採択すること。

(d) To consider any information submitted by the Parties to the Organization or to the meetings of the Parties in accordance with the relevant Articles of this Protocol; この議定書の関連する条に従い、締約国が機関又は締約国会合に提出した情報を検討すること。

(e) To perform such other functions as may be appropriate for the application of this Protocol. この議定書の適用について適当であるところに従い、他の任務を遂行すること。

Article 16 ADOPTION OF ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMES AND MEASURES 第16条 追加的プログラム及び措置の採択 The meeting of the Parties shall adopt, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority, any additional programmes and measures for the prevention and elimination of pollution from transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal. 締約国会合は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分による汚染を防止し及び無くすための追加的



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Article 17 FINAL CLAUSES 第17条 終条項 1. The provisions of the Convention relating to any Protocol shall apply with respect to this Protocol. いずれかの議定書に関連する条約の規定を、この議定書について適用する。

2. The rules of procedure and the financial rules adopted pursuant to Article 24 of the Convention shall apply with respect to this Protocol, unless the Parties to this Protocol agree otherwise. この議定書の締約国が別途に合意した場合を除き、この条約の第24条の規定に従って採択された手続規

則及び財政規則を、この議定書について適用する。 3. This Protocol shall be open for signature at Izmir on 1 October 1996, and at Madrid from 2 October 1996 to 1 October

1997 by any State Party to the Convention. It shall also be open on the same dates for signature by the European Community and by any similar regional economic grouping of which at least one member is a coastal State of the Protocol area and which exercises competence in the fields covered by this Protocol. この議定書は、1996年10月1日にイズミルにおいて、1996年10月2日から1997年10月1日まではマ



分野において権限を行使する類似の地域経済団体による署名のために開放しておく。 4. This Protocol shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval

shall be deposited with the Government of Spain, which will assume the functions of Depositary. この議定書は、批准され、受託され又は承認されなければならない。批准書、受諾書又は承認書は、ス

ペイン政府に寄託する。スペイン政府は寄託者の任務を負う。 5. As from 2 October 1997, this Protocol shall be open for accession by the States referred to in paragraph 3 above, by the

European Community and by any grouping referred to in that paragraph. 1997年10月2日より、この議定書は3に規定する国、欧州共同体及び3に規定する団体による加入のた

めに開放しておく。 6. This Protocol shall enter into force on the thirtieth (30) day following the deposit of at least six (6) instruments of

ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the Protocol by the Parties referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article. この議定書は、この条の3に規定する締約国による議定書の少なくとも6通の批准書、受諾書又は承認

書、又は加入書の寄託の日の後30日目の日に効力を生ずる。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Protocol. 以上の証拠として、下名は、各自の政府により正当に委任を受けてこの議定書に署名した。 DONE at Izmir on this first day of October 1996 in a single copy in the Arabic, English, French, and Spanish languages, the four texts being equally authoritative. 1996年10月1日にイズミルにおいて、等しく正文であるアラビア語、英語、フランス語及びスペイン語に



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添付資料17 ワイガニ条約

Status Report現状報告書





有害廃棄物および放射性廃棄物のフォーラム島国諸国への輸入を禁止し、 かつ南太平洋海域内における有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動および処理を規制する条約

Adopted at Waigani, Papua New Guinea


16 September 1995 1995年9月16日


The Parties to this Convention: 本条約の締約国は、 Conscious of their responsibility to protect, preserve and improve the environment of the South Pacific for the good health, benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations of the people of the South Pacific; 南太平洋における現在および将来に亘る各世代の人々の健康、利益および喜びを確保するため、同海域の

環境を保護し、保存しかつ改善する自らの責任を自覚し、 Concerned about the growing threat to human health and the environment posed by the increasing generation of hazardous wastes and the disposal of such wastes by environmentally unsound methods; 有害廃棄物の発生の増加および環境に不適正な方法によるかかる廃棄物の処分によって引き起こされる、

人の健康および環境に対する脅威の増大を懸念し、 Concerned also about the dangers posed by radioactive wastes to the people and environment of the South Pacific; また、放射性廃棄物によって引き起こされる、南太平洋の人々および環境に対する危険について懸念し、 Aware that their responsibilities to protect, preserve and improve the environment of the South Pacific can be met only by cooperative effort among all peoples of the South Pacific based on an understanding of the needs and capacities of all Parties; 南太平洋の環境を保護し、保存しかつ改善する諸国の責任は、南太平洋の全ての人々が、全締約国のニー

ズと能力を理解した上で、共に努力しなければ決して達成し得ないものであるという認識に立ち、 Taking full account of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States adopted in Barbados on 6 May 1994; 1994年5月6日にバルバドスで採択された「小開発途上島国諸国の持続可能な発展に関する行動プログラ

ム」を十分に考慮し、 Noting with concern that a number of approaches have been made to certain Island Countries of the South Pacific by unscrupulous foreign waste dealers for the importation into and the disposal within the South Pacific of hazardous wastes generated in other countries; 無節操な海外の廃棄物取扱い業者により、他の諸国で発生した有害廃棄物を南太平洋地域に輸入しかつ同




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Concerned by the slowness of progress towards a satisfactory resolution of the issues surrounding international trade in goods which have been banned, cancelled or refused registration in the country of manufacture for human health or environmental reasons; 人の健康または環境上の理由から製造国において登録を禁止され、取り消されまたは拒否された物品にお

ける、国際取引を取り巻く問題の十分な解決に向けた取り組みの遅れを懸念し、 Recalling their commitments under existing regional treaties and arrangements for the protection and preservation of the environment of the South Pacific, including the Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region, signed in Noumea on 24 November 1986, the Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution Emergencies in the South Pacific Region, adopted by Parties on 25 November 1986, and the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, signed in Rarotonga on 6 August 1985; 南太平洋の環境の保護および保存に関する現行の地域条約および取り決め(1986年11月24日にヌメアに


国によって採択された「南太平洋海域の緊急汚染対策における協力に関する議定書」、および1985年8月6日にラロトンガ島において署名された「南太平洋非核地帯条約」)に基づく諸国の責任を想起し、 Further Recalling the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal adopted by the Conference of the Plenipotentiaries on 22 March 1989, and noting decisions of its Conference of the Parties including Decision II 12 of 25 March 1994; さらに、1989年3月22日に全権大使会議によって採択された「有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動およびその


約国会議の決議に留意し、 Desiring to conclude an agreement under Article 11 of the Basel Convention; 「バーセル条約」の第11条に基づく協定を結ぶことを希望し、 Mindful of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste and recognising the need for its strict observance in the South Pacific Region; 放射性廃棄物の国際的な国境を越える移動に関する国際原子力機関(IAEA)倫理綱領を十分に考慮し

つつ、南太平洋海域におけるその厳格な遵守の必要性を認識し、 Noting as well the preliminary negotiations on a Convention on the Safe Management of Nuclear Waste; 核廃棄物の安全な処理に関する条約の予備交渉にも留意し、 Further Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), the Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes adopted by the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by Decision 14/30 of 17 June 1987 and the Recommendations of the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (formulated in 1957 and updated biennially); さらに、「国連人間環境会議の宣言(1972年ストックホルム)」、1987年6月17日付け決議14/30によ



に更新)を想起し、 Recalling also Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro on 14 June 1992, which reaffirms that effective control of the generation, storage, treatment, recycling and reuse, transport, recovery, and disposal of hazardous wastes is of paramount importance for proper health, environmental protection and natural resources management and sustainable development; また、国連環境開発会議により1992年6月14日にリオデジャネイロにおいて採択された「アジェンダ21」(有害廃棄物の発生、保管、処理、リサイクルおよび再利用、輸送、回収、および処分の効果的規制は、

適切な健康、環境保護および天然資源の処理ならびに持続可能な発展のために も重要である旨を再確認

したもの)を想起し、 Resolving to prohibit the importation of hazardous wastes into Pacific Island Developing Parties, and to regulate and facilitate the environmentally sound management of such wastes generated within the Convention Area; and 有害廃棄物の太平洋諸島開発途上締約国への輸入を禁止し、かつ条約対象区域内で発生したかかる廃棄物



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Resolving also to prohibit the importation of all radioactive wastes into Pacific Island Developing Parties while at the same time recognising that the standards, procedures and the authorities responsible for the environmentally sound management of radioactive wastes will differ from those in respect of hazardous wastes. また、全ての放射性廃棄物の太平洋諸島開発途上締約国への輸入を禁止することを決意すると共に、放射


ものとは異なることを認識し、 Have agreed as follows: 以下の通り合意した: ARTICLE 1 Definitions 第1条 定義 For the purposes of this Convention: 本条約において、 "Approved site or facility" means a site or facility for the disposal of hazardous wastes which is authorised or permitted to operate for this purpose by a relevant authority of the Party where the site or facility is located; 「承認された場所または施設」とは、有害廃棄物を処分するための場所または施設であって、当該場所ま

たは施設がある締約国の関係当局がこの目的のために使用することを承認または許可した所を意味する。 "Area under the jurisdiction of a Party" means any land, marine area or airspace within which a Party exercises administrative and regulatory responsibility in accordance with international law in regard to the protection of human health or the environment; 「締約国の法域」とは、締約国が、人の健康または環境の保護に関し、国際法に則って行政上および規制

上の責任を行使する陸地、海域または空域を意味する。 "Authorised transboundary movement" means a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes to which the consent of the Parties concerned has been given in accordance with the provisions of this Convention; 「承認された国境を越える移動」とは、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動であって、本条約の規定に基づい

て関係締約国の同意が与えられたものを意味する。 "Basel Convention" means the Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, 1989; 「バーゼル条約」とは、「有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動およびその処分の規制に関する条約(1989年)」を意味する。 "Carrier" means any person who carries out the transport of hazardous wastes; 「運送者」とは有害廃棄物の運搬を行う者を意味する。 "Cleaner production" means the conceptual and procedural approach to production that demands that all phases of the life-cycle of a product or process should be addressed, with the objective of prevention or minimisation of short and long-term risks to humans and to the environment; 「清浄生産」とは、生産に対する概念的および手続き的取り組みであって、人および環境への短期的およ

び長期的リスクを予防しまたは 小限にとどめるために、製品または工程の耐用期間のあらゆる段階にお

いて取り組まなければならないものを意味する。 "Competent authority" means any one governmental authority designated by a Party to be responsible within such geographical areas as the Party may think fit for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification, as provided in Article 6 of this Convention; 「権限のある当局」とは、締約国が適当と認める地理的区域内において、本条約の第6条の規定に従って


に対し回答する責任を有する一の政府当局として締約国によって指定されたものを意味する。 "Convention Area" shall comprise: 「本条約区域」は以下のものから構成されるものとする:

(i) the land territory, internal waters, territorial sea, continental shelf, archipelagic waters and exclusive economic zones established in accordance with international law of: 国際法に基づいて設定された以下の陸地区域、内水、領海、大陸棚、群島水域および排他的経済水域:


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• American Samoa • Australia • Cook Islands • Federated States of Micronesia • Fiji • French Polynesia • Guam • Kiribati • Republic of Marshall Islands • Nauru • New Caledonia and Dependencies • New Zealand • Niue ・ 米サモア ・ オーストラリア ・ クック諸島 ・ ミクロネシア連邦 ・ フィジー共和国 ・ 仏領ポリネシア ・ グアム島 ・ キリバス共和国 ・ マーシャル諸島共和国 ・ ナウル共和国 ・ 仏領ニューカレドニアおよび保護領 ・ ニュージーランド ・ ニウエ

• The Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

• Republic of Palau • Papua New Guinea • Pitcairn Islands • Solomon Islands • Tokelau • Tonga • Tuvalu • Vanuatu • Wallis and Futuna • Western Samoa; ・ 北マリアナ諸島 ・ パラオ共和国 ・ パプアニューギニア ・ ピトケアン島 ・ ソロモン諸島 ・ トケラウ諸島 ・ トンガ ・ ツバル ・ バヌアツ共和国 ・ ワリー・エ・フトゥーナ諸島 ・ 西サモア

(ii) those areas of high seas which are enclosed from all sides by the exclusive economic zones referred to in sub-paragraph (i);

副条項(i)に規定する排他的経済水域によってあらゆる方向から囲まれた公海域 (iii) areas of the Pacific Ocean which have been included in the Convention Area pursuant to Article 2.6;

第2条の6に基づいて本条約区域に含まれた南太平洋の区域 "Countries concerned" means countries of export, import or transit whether or not Parties to this Convention; 「関係諸国」とは、本条約の締約国であると否とに関わらず輸出国、輸入国または通過国を意味する。 "Days" means calendar days unless otherwise specified; 「日」とは、別段の規定がない限り暦日を意味する。 "Disposal" means any operation specified in Annex V to this Convention; 「処分」とは、本条約の附属書5に記載された作業を意味する。 "Disposer" means any person for whom hazardous wastes are destined and who carries out the actual disposal of such wastes; 「処分者」とは、有害廃棄物の送付を受け、かつかかる廃棄物の実際の処分を実施するものを意味する。 "Domestically prohibited goods" means substances or products which have been banned, cancelled or refused registration by government regulatory action, or voluntarily withdrawn from registration in the country of manufacture, for human health or environmental reasons; 「国内的に禁止された物品」とは、人の健康または環境上の理由から、製造国において、政府の規制措置


する。 "Environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes" means taking all practicable steps to ensure that hazardous wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes;


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よび環境を守るように処理されることを確保するあらゆる実行可能な措置を講じることを意味する。 "Exporter" means any person under the jurisdiction of the exporting Party who arranges for hazardous wastes to be exported; 「輸出者」とは、輸出締約国の法域にあって有害廃棄物の輸出を行う者を意味する。 "Exporting Party" means a Party from which a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is planned to be initiated or is initiated; 「輸出締約国」とは、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が実施されるべく計画されまたは実施される出荷側

締約国を意味する。 "Focal point" means the entity of a Party referred to in Article 5 of this Convention responsible for receiving and submitting information as provided for in Articles 7 and 14; 「中央連絡先」とは、第7条および14条に定める情報の受領および提出を担当する、本条約第5条に規定

の締約国の機関を意味する。 "Forum Island Countries" means all Members of the South Pacific Forum with the exception of Australia and New Zealand; 「フォーラム島国諸国」とは、オーストラリアとニュージーランドをのぞく、南太平洋フォーラムの全て

のメンバーを意味する。 "Generator" means any person whose activity produces hazardous wastes or, if that person is not known, the person who is in possession and/or control of those wastes; 「発生者」とは、その活動が有害廃棄物を生む者、または、その者を特定できない場合、そうした廃棄物

を所持および/または管理している者を意味する。 "Hazardous wastes" means wastes as specified in Article 2 of this Convention; 「有害廃棄物」とは、本条約の第2条に記載された廃棄物を意味する。 "IAEA" means the International Atomic Energy Agency; 「IAEA」とは、国際原子力機関を意味する。 "Illegal traffic" means any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes as specified in Article 9 of this Convention; 「不法取引」とは、本条約の第9条に記載された有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動を意味する。 "Importer" means any person under the jurisdiction of the importing Party who arranges for hazardous wastes to be imported; 「輸入者」とは、輸入締約国の法域にあって有害廃棄物の輸入を行う者を意味する。 "Importing Party" means a Party to which transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is planned or takes place for the purpose of disposal therein or for the purpose of loading prior to disposal in an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State; 「輸入締約国」とは、自国における処分を目的として、またはいずれの国の法域にもない地域における処


国を意味する。 "London Convention" means the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972; 「ロンドン条約」とは、「廃棄物その他の物質の投棄による海洋汚染防止条約(1972年)」を意味する。 "Management" means the prevention and reduction of hazardous wastes and the collection, transport, storage, and treatment or disposal, of hazardous wastes including after-care of disposal sites; 「処理」とは、有害廃棄物の防止および削減、ならびに有害廃棄物の回収、輸送、保管、および処理また

は処分であって、処分場所の事後手当を含むものを意味する。 "Other Party" means a Party listed in Annex IV or any Party which is accepted by the Conference of the Parties to be an Other Party in accordance with the procedures established pursuant to Article 13.4(g); 「その他締約国」とは、附属書4に記載された締約国または、第13条の4(g)にしたがって設定された手

続きに基づき、締約国会議が「その他締約国」として認めた締約国を意味する。 "Pacific Island Developing Party" means a Party listed in Annex III or any Party which is accepted by the Conference of the Parties to be a Pacific Island Developing Party in accordance with the procedures established pursuant to Article 13.4(g);


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定された手続きに基づき、締約国会議が「太平洋諸島開発途上締約国」として認めた締約国を意味する。 "Party" means a Party to this Convention; 「締約国」とは、本条約の締約国を意味する。 "Person" means any natural or legal person; 「者」とは、自然人または法人を意味する。 "Precautionary principle" means the principle that in order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by Parties according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation; 「予防原則」とは、環境を保護するため、締約国により、その能力に応じて広く予防的手段が講じられな



らない。 "Radioactive wastes" means wastes which, as a result of being radioactive, are subject to other international control systems, including international instruments, applying specifically to radioactive materials; 「放射性廃棄物」とは、放射性があることの結果として、特に放射性物質に適用されるその他の国際的規

制制度(国際文書を含む)の適用対象となる廃棄物を意味する。 "Secretariat" means the Secretariat established pursuant to Article 14 of this Convention; 「事務局」とは、本条約の第14条にしたがって設定された「事務局」を意味する。 "SPREP" means the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; 「SPREP」とは、「南太平洋海域環境プログラム」を意味する。 "Transboundary movement" means any movement of hazardous wastes from an area under the jurisdiction of any Party, to or through an area under the jurisdiction of another Party, or to or through an area not under the jurisdiction of another Party, provided at least two Parties are involved in the movement; 「国境を越える移動」とは、いずれかの締約国の法域からの有害廃棄物の移動であって、別の締約国の法

域を 終仕向地とするものまたは同法域を通過して他の仕向地に出るもの、もしくは別の締約国の法域以

外の区域を 終仕向地としまたは同区域を通過して他の仕向地に出るものを意味し、少なくとも2つの締

約国が当該移動に関与しているものという。 "Transit Party" means any Party, other than the exporting Party or importing Party, through which a movement of hazardous wastes is planned or takes place; 「通過締約国」とは、輸出締約国または輸入締約国以外の締約国であって、有害廃棄物の移動が計画され

または行われる国を意味する。 "Vessels" and "Aircraft" mean waterborne or airborne craft of any type whatsoever. This expression includes air cushioned craft and floating craft, whether self-propelled or not; 「船舶」および「航空機」とは船または飛行機(その種類を問わない)を意味する。この表現には、エア

クッション・クラフトおよび浮きクラフト(自力推進式か否かを問わない)が含まれる。 "Wastes" means substances or materials which are disposed of, or are intended to be disposed of, or are required to be disposed of, by provisions of national legislation. 「廃棄物」とは、処分され、または処分が計画され、もしくは国の法令の規定により処分することを求め

られている物質または材料を意味する。 ARTICLE 2 Scope of the Convention and Area of Coverage 第2条 条約の範囲および適用区域 Scope of the Convention 条約の範囲 1. The following substances shall be "hazardous wastes" for the purposes of this Convention: 以下の物質が本条約における「有害廃棄物」に当たるものとする:

(a) Wastes that belong to any category contained in Annex I of this Convention, unless they do not possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex II of this Convention; and


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の特性も保有しないものを除く)、および (b) Wastes that are not covered under sub-paragraph (a) above, but which are defined as, or are considered to be, hazardous wastes by the national legislation of the exporting, importing or transit Party to, from or through which such wastes are to be sent. 上記副条項(a)の適用廃棄物以外の廃棄物であって、かかる廃棄物が送付される輸出側、輸入側または

通過締約国の国の法令によって有害廃棄物と定義され、またはそのようにみなされているもの。 2. Radioactive wastes are excluded from the scope of this Convention except as specifically provided for in Articles

4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.5 of this Convention. 放射性廃棄物は、本条約第4条の1、2、3および5に特別に規定されている場合を除き、本条約の範

囲から除外される。 3. Wastes which derive from the normal operations of a vessel, the discharge of which is covered by another

international instrument, shall not fall within the scope of this Convention. 船舶の通常の運行から生じる廃棄物であって、その排出が別の国際文書の適用対象になっているもの

は、本条約の範囲に入らないものとする。 4. Nothing in this Convention shall affect in any way the sovereignty of States over their territorial sea, the sovereign

rights and jurisdiction that States have in their exclusive economic zones and continental shelves, and the exercise by vessels and aircraft of all States of navigational rights and freedoms, as provided for in international law and as reflected in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other relevant international instruments. 本条約のいかなる規定も、国際法に規定され、1982年の海洋法に関する国連条約およびその他の関係



て影響しないものとする。 5. Nothing in this Convention shall affect in any way the rights and obligations of any Party under international law

including under other international agreements in force. Such agreements include the London Convention as amended; the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, including in particular Articles 31, 210 and 236 thereof; the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, 1985, including in particular Article 7 thereof; and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973. 本条約におけるいかなる規定も、国際法に基づく締約国の権利義務(その他の有効な国際協定に基づ




まれる。 Area of Coverage 適用区域 6. A Party may add areas under its jurisdiction within the Pacific Ocean between the Tropic of Cancer and 60 degrees

South latitude and between 130 degrees East longitude and 120 degrees West longitude to the Convention Area. Such addition shall be notified to the Depositary who shall promptly notify the other Parties and the Secretariat. Such areas shall be incorporated within the Convention Area ninety days after notification to the Parties by the Depositary, provided there has been no objection to the proposal to add new areas by any Party. If there is any such objection the Parties concerned will consult with a view to resolving the matter. 締約国は、北回帰線と南緯60度の間、東経130度と西経120度の間の太平洋における自国の法域を、




とする。かかる異議があった場合、関係締約国は当該問題を解決すべく相談を行うものとする。 ARTICLE 3 National Definitions of Hazardous Wastes 第3条 有害廃棄物に関する国の定義


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1. Each Party shall, within six months of becoming a Party to this Convention, inform the Secretariat of the wastes, other than those listed in Annex I of this Convention, considered or defined as hazardous under its national legislation and of any requirements concerning transboundary movement procedures applicable to such wastes.



に適用される国境を越える移動手続きに関する要件について事務局に通告するものとする。 2. Each Party shall subsequently inform the Secretariat of any significant changes to the information it has provided

pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article. その後、各締約国は、本条の第1項にしたがって自国が提供した情報に変更が生じた場合、その旨を事

務局に通告するものとする。 3. The Secretariat shall forthwith inform all Parties of the information it has received pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of

this Article. 事務局は、本条の第1項および2項にしたがって自らが受領した情報を直ちに全締約国に通告するもの

とする。 4. Parties shall be responsible for making the information transmitted to them by the Secretariat under paragraph 3 of

this Article available to their exporters, importers and other appropriate bodies. 締約国は、本条の第3項に基づいて事務局によって自国に伝えられた情報を、その輸出者、輸入者およ

びその他の適当な機関に提供する責任を負うものとする。 ARTICLE 4 General Obligations 第4条 一般的義務

1. Hazardous Wastes and Radioactive Wastes Import and Export Ban 有害廃棄物および放射性廃棄物の輸出入の禁止

(a) Each Pacific Island Developing Party shall take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures within the area under its jurisdiction to ban the import of all hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes from outside the Convention Area. Such import shall be deemed an illegal and criminal act; and 各太平洋諸島開発途上締約国は、自国の法域において、本条約区域外からの全ての有害廃棄物およ


する。かかる輸入は違法かつ犯罪行為とみなされるものとする。 Each Other Party shall take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures within the area under its jurisdiction to ban the export of all hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes to all Forum Island Countries, or to territories located in the Convention Area with the exception of those that have the status of Other Parties in accordance with Annex IV. Such export shall be deemed an illegal and criminal act. 各その他締約国は、自国の法域内において、全フォーラム島国諸国または本条約区域における領域(附属




2. To facilitate compliance with paragraph 1 of this Article, all Parties: 本条の第1項の遵守を促進するため、全ての締約国は:

(a) Shall forward in a timely manner all information relating to illegal hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes import activity within the area under its jurisdiction to the Secretariat who shall distribute the information as soon as possible to all Parties; and 自国の法域内における違法な有害廃棄物および放射性廃棄物の輸入行為に関し、その全ての情報を遅

滞なく事務局に送付し、同事務局はその情報を出来るだけ早く全締約国に配布するものとし、かつ (b) Shall cooperate to ensure that no illegal import of hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes from a non-Party

enters areas under the jurisdiction of a Party to this Convention. 本条約の締約国の法域には、非締約国からの有害廃棄物および放射性廃棄物のいかなる違法な輸入も

決して発生しないように協力するものとする。 3. Ban on Dumping of Hazardous Wastes and Radioactive Wastes at Sea


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(a) Each Party which is a Party to the London Convention, the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, 1985, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea or the Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping, 1986, reaffirms the commitments under those instruments which require it to prohibit dumping of hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes at sea; and




かつ Each Party which is not a Party either to the London Convention or the Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the South Pacific Region by Dumping, 1986, should consider becoming a Party to both of those instruments. ロンドン条約または投棄による南太平洋海域の汚染の防止に関する議定書1986年のいずれの締約国で

もない各締約国は、そうした両法的文書の締約国になるよう検討しなければならない。 4. Wastes Located in the Convention Area 本条約区域にある廃棄物

Each Party shall: 各締約国は: (a) Ensure that within the area under its jurisdiction, the generation of hazardous wastes is reduced at its source to a

minimum taking into account social, technological and economic needs; 自国の法域内において、社会的、技術的および経済的ニーズを考慮しながら、有害廃棄物の発生がそ

の発生者において確実に 小限に抑制されるようにするものとし、 (b) Take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to ensure that within the area under its jurisdiction, all

transboundary movements of hazardous wastes generated within the Convention Area are carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Convention; 自国の法域内において、本条約区域内で発生した有害廃棄物の全ての国境を越える移動が本条約の規


し、 (c) Ensure the availability of adequate treatment and disposal facilities for the environmentally sound management of

hazardous wastes, which shall be located, to the extent practicable, within areas under its jurisdiction, taking into account social, technological and economic considerations. However, where Parties are for geographic, social or economic reasons unable to dispose safely of hazardous wastes within those areas, cooperation should take place as provided for under Article 10 of this Convention; 有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理をするための十分な処理および処分用施設を、社会的、技術的および



来ない場合、本条約の第10条の規定に基づく協力がなされるものとし、 (d) In cooperation with SPREP, participate in the development of programmes to manage and simplify the

transboundary movement of hazardous wastes which cannot be disposed of in an environmentally sound manner in the countries in which they are located. Provided that such programmes do not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by this Convention, they may be registered as arrangements under Article 11 of this Convention; SPREPと協働し、有害廃棄物であってその所在国において環境上適正な方法で処分できないものの国



基づく取り決めとして登録することが認められ、 Develop a national hazardous wastes management strategy which is compatible with the SPREP South Pacific Regional Pollution Prevention, Waste Minimization and Management Programme; SPREP南太平洋海域汚染防止、廃棄物 少化および処理プログラムに対応した自国の有害廃棄物処理



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(e) Submit to the Secretariat such reports as the Conference of the Parties may require regarding the hazardous wastes generated in the area under its jurisdiction in order to enable the Secretariat to produce a regular hazardous wastes report; 事務局が有害廃棄物定期報告書を作成できるようにするため、自国の法域において発生した有害廃棄

物に関して締約国会議が要求する報告書を事務局に提出するものとし、 (f) Subject to Article 11 of this Convention, prohibit within the area under its jurisdiction hazardous wastes from

being exported to or imported from non-Parties within the Convention Area; and 本条約の第11条を前提として、自国の法域内において、有害廃棄物の本条約区域内における非締約

国への輸出または同国からの輸入を禁止するものとし、かつ (g) Take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to prohibit vessels flying its flag or aircraft registered in

its territory from carrying out activities in contravention of this Convention. 自国の旗をかかげる船舶または自国の領域において登録された航空機が本条約に反する行動を取る


5. Radioactive Wastes 放射性廃棄物

(a) Parties shall give active consideration to the implementation of the IAEA Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Wastes and such other international and national standards which are at least as stringent; and 締約国は、放射性廃棄物の国際的国境を越える移動に関するIAEA倫理綱領、および少なくとも同

様に強制的なその他の国際規格および国家規格の実行を積極的に検討するものとし、かつ (b) Subject to available resources, Parties shall actively participate in the development of the Convention on the Safe

Management of Nuclear Waste. 利用可能な資源を前提に、締約国は、核廃棄物の安全な処理に関する条約の作成に積極的に参加する


6. Domestically Prohibited Goods: 国内的に禁止された物品

(a) Subject to available resources, Parties shall endeavour to participate in relevant international fora to find an appropriate global solution to the problems associated with the international trade of domestically prohibited goods; and


当な世界的解決策を見つけるため、関連の国際フォーラムに参加するよう務めるものとし、また (b) Nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted as limiting the sovereign right of Parties to act individually or

collectively, consistent with their international obligations, to ban the importation of domestically prohibited goods into areas under their jurisdiction.



のではない。 ARTICLE 5 Competent Authorities and Focal Points 第5条 所轄機関および中央連絡先 1. To facilitate the implementation of this Convention, each Party shall designate or establish one competent authority

and one focal point. A Party need not designate or establish new or separate authorities to perform the functions of the competent authority and the focal point. 本条約の実施を促進するため、各締約国は、権限のある当局1箇所と中央連絡先1箇所を指定または設


は別々の当局を指定または設定する必要はない。 2. The competent authority shall be responsible for the implementation of notification procedures for transboundary

movement of hazardous wastes in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this Convention.


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の実施について責任を負うものとする。 3. The focal point shall be responsible for transmitting and receiving information in accordance with the provisions of

Article 7 of this Convention. 中央連絡先は、本条約の第7条の規定に基づく情報を送受信する責任を負うものとする。

4. The Parties shall inform the Secretariat, within three months of the date of the entry into force of this Convention for them, which authorities they have designated or established as the competent authority and the focal point.


機関を指定または設定しかを事務局に通告するものとする。 ARTICLE 6 Notification Procedures for Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes between Parties 第6条 締約国相互間における有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する通告手続き 1. The exporting Party shall notify, or shall require the generator or exporter to notify, in writing, through its competent

authority, the competent authority of the countries concerned of any proposed transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. Such notification shall contain the declarations and information specified in Annex VI A of this Convention, written in a language acceptable to the importing Party. Only one notification needs to be sent to each country concerned. 輸出締約国は、有害廃棄物の計画された国境を越える移動について、自国の権限のある当局を通じて書



入可能な言語で書かれているものとする。通告は一回のみ各関係国に送付する必要がある。 2. The importing Party shall acknowledge within reasonable time, which in the case of Other Parties shall not exceed

fourteen working days, the receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. The importing Party shall have sixty days after issuing the acknowledgement to inform the notifier that it is consenting to the movement, with or without conditions, denying permission for the movement or requesting additional information. In the event that additional information has been sought, a new period of twenty one days recommences from the time of receipt of the additional information. 輸入締約国は、妥当な期間(その他締約国の場合は、営業日で14日を超えない期間)内に本条の第1項




から起算されるものとする。 3. The exporting Party shall not allow the transboundary movement until it has received: 輸出締約国は、以下のものを受領するまで当該国境を越える移動を認めてはならない: (a) Written consent of the importing Party; 輸入締約国の書面による同意、

(b) Written consent from every transit Party; 全ての通過締約国からの書面による同意、

(c) Written consent of every non-Party country of transit; 全ての非締約通過国の書面による同意、

(d) Written confirmation from the importing Party of the existence of a contract between the exporter and the disposer specifying the environmentally sound management of the wastes in question; and


の、輸入締約国からの書面による確認、および (e) Written confirmation from the exporter of the existence of adequate insurance, bond or other guarantee

satisfactory to the exporting Party. 輸出締約国にとって満足の行く十分な保険、保証証書、またはその他の保証が存在することについて

の、輸出者からの書面による確認 4. Each transit Party shall acknowledge within reasonable time, which in the case of Other Parties shall not exceed fourteen working days, the receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. Each transit Party shall have sixty days after issuing the acknowledgement to inform the notifier that it is consenting to the movement, with or


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without conditions, denying permission for the movement or requesting additional information. In the event that additional information has been sought, a new period of twenty one days recommences from the time of receipt of the additional information. 各通過締約国は、妥当な期間(その他締約国の場合は、14就業日を超えない期間)内に、本条の第1項に




新たな期限が起算されるものとする。 5. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, where the wastes are legally defined as or are considered to be hazardous wastes only: 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動の場合であって、当該廃棄物が法的に単なる有害廃棄物と定義されまたは

そのようにみなされている場合: (a) By the exporting Party, the requirement at paragraph 10 of this Article, that any transboundary movement shall

be covered by insurance, bond or other guarantee shall be as required by the exporting Party; or 輸出締約国により、全ての国境を越える移動は保険、保証証書またはその他の保証によって担保さ

れているものとするという本条第10項の要件が、要求通り満たされているものとし、または (b) By the importing Party, or the transit Party, the requirements of paragraphs 1, 3, 4, and 6 of this Article that apply

to the exporter and exporting Party, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the importer or disposer and importing Party, respectively; or 輸入締約国または通貨締約国により、輸出者および輸出締約国に適用される本条第1項、3項、4項および6項の要件が、輸入者または処分者および輸入締約国にそれぞれ準用されるものとし、また

は (c) By any transit Party, the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article shall apply to such Party.

通過締約国により、本条第4項の規定がかかる締約国に適用されるものとする。 6. The exporting Party may, subject to the written consent of the countries concerned, allow the generator or the exporter to use a general notification where hazardous wastes having the same physical and chemical characteristics are shipped regularly to the same disposer via the same customs office of exit of the exporting Party, via the same customs office of entry of the importing Party, and, in the case of transit, via the same customs office of entry and exit of the Party or Parties of transit. 輸出締約国は、関係諸国の書面による同意を前提に、発生者または輸出者に、物理的および化学的特性が



が出来る。 7. The countries concerned may make their written consent to the use of the general notification referred to in paragraph

6 of this Article subject to the supply of certain information, such as the exact quantities or periodical lists of hazardous wastes to be shipped. 関係諸国は、出荷される有害廃棄物の正確な分量または期間リストといった特定情報を供給することを

条件に、本条第6項に規定する包括的通告を使用することに書面による同意を与えることが出来る。 8. The general notification and written consent referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this Article may cover multiple

shipments of hazardous wastes during a maximum period of twelve months. 本条第6項および7項に規定する包括的通告および書面による同意は、 大12ヶ月間、有害廃棄物の複

数回の運搬に適用することが出来る。 9. Each transboundary movement of hazardous wastes shall be accompanied by a movement document which includes

the information listed in Annex VI B. The Parties to this Convention shall require that each person who takes charge of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes sign the movement document either upon delivery or receipt of the wastes in question. They shall also require the disposer to inform both the exporter and the competent authority of the exporting Party of receipt by the disposer of the wastes in question and, in due course, of the completion of disposal as specified in the notification. If no such information is received by the exporting Party, the competent authority of the exporting Party or the exporter shall so notify the importing Party. 有害廃棄物の各国境を越える移動は、附属書6Bに記載された情報を記載した移動文書を伴うものとする。



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出者は輸入締約国にその旨通告するものとする。 10. Any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes shall be covered by insurance, bond or other guarantee as may be

required or agreed to by the importing Party or any transit Party. 有害廃棄物の全ての国境を越える移動は、保険、保証証書またはその他の保証であって、輸入締約国ま


ARTICLE 7 Transmission of Information 第7条 情報の送信 1. The Parties shall ensure that in the case of an accident occurring during the transboundary movement of hazardous

wastes or their disposal which is likely to present risks to human health and the environment in other States and Parties, those States and Parties and the Secretariat are immediately informed. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動中またはそれらの処分中に、他の諸国および締約国における


らびに事務局に通告することを保証するものとする。 2. The Parties shall inform one another, through the Secretariat, of: 締約国は、事務局を通じ、以下について相互に連絡を取り合うものとする:

(a) Changes regarding the designation of competent authorities and/or focal points, pursuant to Article 5 of this Convention; and 本条約の第5条に基づく権限のある当局および/または中央連絡先の指定に関する変更、および

(b) Changes in their national definition of hazardous wastes, pursuant to Article 3 of this Convention. 本条約の第3条に基づく有害廃棄物の自国における定義の変更

3. The Parties, consistent with national laws and regulations, shall set up information collection and dissemination mechanisms on hazardous wastes to enable the Secretariat to fulfil the functions listed in Article 14. 締約国は、自国の法令および規則との整合を取った上で、事務局が第14条に記載された機能を果たすこ

とが出来るようにするため、有害廃棄物に関する情報の収集および普及メカニズムを設定するものとする。 ARTICLE 8 Duty to Re-import 第8条 再輸入の義務 1. The exporting Party shall adopt appropriate administrative and legal measures to ensure that when an authorised

transboundary movement of hazardous wastes cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the contract or of this Convention, the wastes in question are returned to it by the exporter. To this end, the importing Party and the transit Party or Parties shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return of those wastes to the exporting Party. 輸出締約国は、有害廃棄物の承認された国境を越える移動を、契約または本条約の条件にしたがって全



廃棄物の輸出締約国への返還に反対し、及びその返還を妨害し又は防止してはならない。 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, where an authorised transboundary movement of

hazardous wastes cannot be completed within the terms of the contract or the terms of this Convention, the exporting Party need not re-import those wastes provided that alternative arrangements are made for the disposal of the wastes in a manner which is compatible with the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by this Convention and other international legal obligations. Such disposal shall take place within ninety days from the time that the importing Party informed the exporting Party and the Secretariat, or such other period of time as the Parties concerned agree. 本条第1項の規定に関わらず、契約の条件または本条約の条件の範囲内で有害廃棄物の承認された国境




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局に通告した日から90日以内、または関係締約国が合意するその他の期間内に行われるものとする。 ARTICLE 9 Illegal Traffic 第9条 不法取引 1. For the purpose of this Convention, any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes shall be deemed to be illegal

traffic if: 本条約において、以下の条件を満たした場合、有害廃棄物の全ての国境を越える移動は不法取引とみな

されるものとする: (a) Carried out without notification, pursuant to the provisions of this Convention, to all countries concerned;

本条約の規定に基づく、全ての関係諸国への通告なしに行われた場合、 (b) Carried out without the consent, pursuant to the provisions of this Convention, of a country concerned;

本条約の規定に基づく、関係国の同意なしに行われた場合、 (c) Consent is obtained from countries concerned through falsification, misrepresentation or fraud;

偽造、虚偽記載または不正行為によって関係諸国から同意を得た場合、 (d) The contents do not conform in a material way with the supporting documentation;

内容が重要な点で裏付け書類と一致しない場合、 (e) It results in deliberate disposal of hazardous wastes in contravention of this Convention, other relevant

international instruments and of general principles of international law; or 本条約、その他の関係国際文書および国際法の一般原則に反する有害廃棄物の意図的な処分となる

場合、または (f) It is in contravention of the import or export bans established by Article 4.1.

第4条の1によって設定された輸入または輸出の禁止に違反する場合。 2. Each Party shall introduce or adopt appropriate national legislation to prevent and punish illegal traffic. The Parties shall cooperate with a view to achieving the objects of this Article. 各締約国は、不法な取引を防止しかつ処罰する適当な自国の法令を導入または採択するものとする。締約

国は、本条の目的を達成するために協力するものとする。 3. (a) In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as the result of conduct

on the part of the exporter or generator, the exporting Party shall ensure that, within thirty days from the time the exporting Party has been informed about the illegal traffic or such other period of time the countries concerned may agree, the wastes in question are either: 輸出者または発生者の行為の結果として不法取引とみなされる有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動の場合、


が合意するその他の期間内に、これらの廃棄物が: (i) taken back by the exporter or generator or if necessary by itself into the exporting Party; or, if impracticable,


能な場合、 (ii) otherwise disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this Convention;

本条約の規定に基づいて処分されることを保証するものとする。 (b) In the case of paragraph 3(a)(i) of this Article, the Parties concerned shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return

of those wastes to the exporting Party. 本条第3項(a)(i)の場合、関係締約国は、それらの廃棄物の輸出締約国への返送に反対し、それを妨害

し、または阻止してはならない。 4. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as a result of conduct on the

part of the importer or disposer, the importing Party shall ensure that the wastes in question are disposed of in an environmentally sound manner by the importer or disposer or, if necessary, by itself within thirty days from the time the illegal traffic has come to the attention of the importing Party or such time as the countries concerned may agree. To this end, the importing Party and the exporting Party shall cooperate, as necessary, in the disposal of the wastes in an environmentally sound manner. 輸入者または処分者の行為の結果として不法取引であるとみなされる有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動の



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正な方法で処分されることを保証するものとする。 5. In cases where the responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be assigned either to the exporter or generator or to the

importer or disposer, the Parties concerned or any other Parties, as appropriate, shall ensure through cooperation that the wastes in question are disposed of as soon as possible in an environmentally sound manner either in the exporting Party or the importing Party or elsewhere as appropriate. 不法取引の責任を、輸出者または発生者、もしくは輸入者または処分者のいずれに帰することも出来な



とする。 6. The Secretariat shall undertake the necessary coordination with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention in relation to

the effective prevention and monitoring of illegal traffic in hazardous wastes. Such coordination shall include: 事務局は、有害廃棄物における不法取引の効果的な予防および監視について、バーゼル条約の事務局と

の必要な調整を引き受けるものとする。かかる調整は以下の内容を含むものとする: (a) Exchanging information on incidents or alleged incidents of illegal traffic in the Convention Area and on the

appropriate steps to remedy such incidents; and 本条約区域における不法取引の発生または発生疑惑およびかかる発生を是正する適当な手段に関する

情報の交換 (b) Providing assistance in the field of capacity building including development of national legislation and of appropriate infrastructure in the Pacific Island Developing Parties with a view to the prevention and penalization of illegal traffic of hazardous wastes. 有害廃棄物の不法取引を予防しかつ処罰するための、太平洋諸島開発途上締約国における国の法令およ

び適当なインフラの整備を含む、能力の構築面における援助の提供。 ARTICLE 10 Cooperation Among Parties and International Cooperation 第10条 締約国相互間の協力および国際的協力 1.The Parties to this Convention shall cooperate with one another, non-Parties and relevant regional and international

organisations, to facilitate the availability of adequate treatment and disposal facilities and to improve and achieve the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes. Such facilities shall be located within the Convention Area to the extent practicable taking into account social, technological and economic considerations. 本条約の締約国は、相互間、非締約国、および海域内ならびに国際的な関係機関と協力して、十分な処



ものとする。 2.To this end, the Parties shall: この点において、締約国は:

(a) Upon request, make information available, whether on a bilateral or regional basis, with a view to promoting the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes, including harmonisation of relevant technical standards and practices; 要求あり次第、有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を促進するため、2国間または海域内ベースで、関係

技術規格および実務の調和作業を含む情報の提供を行うものとし、 (b) Cooperate in monitoring the effects of hazardous wastes and their management on human health and the

environment; 人の健康および環境に対する有害廃棄物およびその処理の影響について、協力してモニタリングする

ものとし、 (c)Cooperate, subject to their national laws and policies, in the development and implementation of new

environmentally sound and cleaner production technologies and the improvement of existing technologies. Such cooperation shall be with a view to eliminating, as far as practicable, the generation of hazardous wastes and achieving more effective and efficient methods of ensuring their management in an environmentally sound manner, including the study of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the adoption of such new and improved technologies;


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ことを目指して行われるものとし、 (d) Cooperate, subject to their national laws and policies, actively in the transfer of technology and management

systems related to the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes. They shall also cooperate in developing the technical capacity and infrastructure of Parties, especially those which may need and request technical assistance in this field; and 自国の法令および政策を前提に、有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理に関する技術および処理システムの



らに (e)Cooperate in developing appropriate technical guidelines and/or codes of practice. 適当な技術的指針および/または倫理綱領を作成することにおいて協力するものとする。

3.The Secretariat shall encourage Other Parties and other concerned developed countries to take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know-how to Pacific Island Developing Parties, to enable them to implement the provisions of this Convention. Other Parties undertake to cooperate with the Secretariat in this regard. 事務局は、太平洋諸島開発途上締約国に本条約の規定を実行させるため、その他締約国および他の関係



この点において事務局と協力するものとする。 4.Taking into account the needs of developing countries, Parties shall encourage cooperation with international

organisations in order to promote, among other things, public awareness, the development of rational management of hazardous wastes, and the adoption of new technologies which are environmentally sound, including cleaner production technologies. 開発途上国のニーズを考慮し、締約国は、とりわけ、有害廃棄物に関する一般の認識、合理的処理の開


るものとする。 ARTICLE 11 Bilateral, Regional or Multilateral Agreements or Arrangements 第11条 2国間、地域内、または多国間の協定または取り決め 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.4(g), Parties to this Convention may enter into bilateral, regional or

multilateral agreements or arrangements with non-Parties regarding the transboundary movement and management of hazardous wastes provided that such agreements or arrangements do not derogate from the provisions of Article 4.1 or from the environmentally sound management of such wastes as required by this Convention. 第4条の4(g)の規定に関わらず、本条約の締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動および処理に関し、



ないものとする。 2. The Parties shall notify the Secretariat of any bilateral, regional or multilateral agreements or arrangements referred to

in paragraph 1 of this Article and those which they have entered into prior to the entry into force of this Convention for them, for the purpose of controlling transboundary movements of hazardous wastes which take place entirely among the parties to such agreements or arrangements. 締約国は、2国間、域内、または多国間の協定または取り決めであって、本条の第1項に規定するものお



のとする。 3. The provisions of this Convention shall not affect transboundary movements of hazardous wastes which take place

pursuant to such agreements or arrangements provided that such agreements or arrangements are compatible with the


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environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by this Convention. かかる協定または取り決めが本条約の要求する有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理に適合している限り、本


及ぼさないものとする。 ARTICLE 12 Liabilities and Compensation 第12条 責任と補償 The Conference of the Parties shall consider the preparation and adoption of appropriate arrangements in the field of liability and compensation arising from transboundary movements of hazardous wastes in the Convention Area without prejudice to the application and further development of relevant rules of international law. 締約国会議は、国際法の関係規則の適用およびさらなる整備に影響を与えることなく、本条約区域におけ



ARTICLE 13 Conference of the Parties 第13条 締約国会議 1. A Conference of the Parties to this Convention is hereby established. The first meeting of the Conference of the Parties

shall be convened not later than one year after the entry into force of this Convention. Thereafter, ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at regular intervals to be determined by the Conference at its first meeting. The quorum for meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be two-thirds of the Parties. ここに本条約の締約国会議を設定する。締約国会議の第1回会議は、本条約の発効後1年以内に開催さ


開催されるものとする。締約国会議の会議の定足数は締約国の3分の2とする。 2. The Conference of the Parties shall adopt by consensus at its first ordinary meeting, or as soon as practicable thereafter, Rules of Procedure. It shall also adopt by consensus financial rules, including the scale of contributions of the Parties to this Convention to the regular budget. 締約国会議は、その 初の通常会議時またはその後出来るだけ早い時期に、総意により、「手続き規定」


って採択するものとする。 3. The first meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall consider the adoption of any additional measures in accordance

with the Precautionary principle relating to the implementation of this Convention. 締約国会議の 初の会議は、本条約の実施に関する予防原則にしたがって、追加的措置の採択を検討す

るものとする。 4. The Conference of the Parties shall keep under continuous review and evaluation the effective implementation of this

Convention, and in particular, shall: 締約国会議は、本条約の効果的な実施について継続的な見直しおよび評価を行うものとし、特に:

(a) Promote the harmonisation, at high levels of protection, of appropriate legislation, policies, strategies and measures for minimising harm to human health and the environment; 人の健康および環境に対する害を 小限にとどめるための適当な法令、政策、戦略および措置の、

高い保護レベルでの調和を促進するものとし、 (b) Consider and adopt, where necessary, amendments to this Convention, and its annexes, taking into consideration,

inter alia, available scientific, technical, economic and environmental information; とりわけ、入手可能な科学的、技術的、経済的かつ環境的情報を考慮の上、必要に応じて本条約お

よびその附属書の修正を検討かつ採択するものとし、 (c) Examine and approve the regular budget prepared by the Secretariat in accordance with Article 14;

第14条に基づいて事務局が作成する通常予算の検証および承認を行うものとし、 (d) Consider and undertake any additional action that may be necessary for the achievement of the purposes of this

Convention in the light of experience gained in the operation of the Convention and developments elsewhere; 本条約の運営において得た経験およびその他の進展に照らし、本条約の目的の達成に必要な追加措

置を検討かつ開始するものとし、 (e) Consider and adopt protocols as necessary;


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必要な議定書を検討かつ採択するものとし、 (f) Establish and/or designate such subsidiary bodies or agencies as are deemed necessary for the implementation of

this Convention; and 本条約を実施するために必要とみなされる補助組織または機関を構築および/または指定するもの

とし、かつ (g) Determine and adopt appropriate rules and procedures for the acceptance of new Parties to this Convention in

accordance with Article 23 and Annexes III and IV. 第23条および附属書3ならびに4に基づく本条約の新しい締約国の承認に関する適当な規則および

手続きを決定かつ採択するものとする。 3. Any State which is eligible to become a Party to this Convention may be represented as an observer at meetings of the

Conference of the Parties. Any other State or any body or agency, whether national, regional or international, governmental or non-governmental, with an interest in the subject matter of this Convention which has informed the Secretariat of its wish to be represented as an observer at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties, may be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object. The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties. 本条約の締約国になる資格のある全ての国は、締約国会議の会合にオブザーバーとして出席者を派遣す




れた規則および手続きが適用されるものとする。 ARTICLE 14 Secretariat 第14条 事務局 1.A Secretariat for this Convention is hereby established. The functions of the Secretariat shall be to: ここに本条約の事務局を設定する。事務局の機能は以下の通りとする:

(a) Arrange and service meetings of the Parties to this Convention; 本条約の締約国の会合を準備かつ開催し、

(b) Prepare the regular budget of the Conference of the Parties, as required by this Convention; 本条約の要件に基づいて締約国会議の通常予算を作成し、

(c) Prepare and transmit reports based upon information received in accordance with Articles 3, 4, 7, and 11 of this Convention; 本条約の第3条、4条、7条および11条に基づいて入手した情報をベースに、報告書を作

成かつ送信し、 (d) Prepare and transmit information derived from meetings of subsidiary bodies and agencies established

under Article 13 of this Convention or provided by relevant inter-governmental and non-governmental entities; 本条約の第13条に基づいて設立された補助組織および機関の会合から導き出された情報、

または関係政府間および非政府団体によって提供された情報を準備かつ送信し、 (e) Ensure coordination with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention and other relevant international and

regional bodies, and in particular to enter into such administrative arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its functions; バーゼル条約およびその他の関係国際組織および域内組織の事務局との調整を図り、特に、

その機能を効果的に果たすために必要な行政上の取り決めを締結することを保証し、 (f) Communicate with the competent authorities and focal points established by the Parties in accordance

with Article 5 of this Convention as well as appropriate inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations which may provide financial and/or technical assistance in the implementation of this Convention; 本条約の第5条に基づいて締約国が設定した権限のある当局および中央連絡先、ならびに




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(g) Compile information concerning approved sites and facilities available for the disposal of hazardous wastes and means of transport to these sites and facilities and to circulate this information; 有害廃棄物の処分のために利用できる承認された場所および施設、ならびにこれらの場所

および施設への輸送手段に関する情報を蓄積すると共に、この情報を配布し、 (h) Receive and convey on request to Parties information on available sources of technical and scientific

expertise; 技術的および科学的専門知識の入手源に関する情報を入手すると共に、要求あり次第締約

国に伝達し、 (i) Receive and convey on request to Parties information on consultants or consulting firms having the

necessary technical competence in the field which can assist them with examining a notification for a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, the concurrence of a shipment of hazardous wastes with the relevant notification, and/or whether the proposed disposal facilities for hazardous wastes are environmentally sound, when they have reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner; 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する通告、関係通告による有害廃棄物の運搬の同意、





要求あり次第締約国に伝達し、 (j) Assist Parties to this Convention in their identification of cases of illegal traffic and to circulate

immediately to the Parties concerned any information it has received regarding illegal traffic, and to undertake the necessary coordination with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention as provided for in Article 9.6; 不法取引の特定において本条約の締約国を支援すると共に、入手した不法取引に関する情


との必要な調整を開始し、 (k) To cooperate with countries concerned and with relevant and competent international organisations

and agencies in the provision of experts and equipment for the purpose of rapid assistance in the event of an emergency situation in the Convention Area; 本条約区域において緊急事態が発生した場合に迅速に支援するため、専門家および装置の

提供において関係諸国および関係・所轄組織ならびに機関と協力し、 (l) To report the information prescribed in paragraph 2 of this Article, to the Parties to this Convention,

before the end of each calendar year; and 本条第2項に記載された情報を、各暦年の年末までに本条約の締約国に報告し、かつ

(m) To perform such other functions relevant to the purposes of this Convention as may be determined by the Conference of the Parties. 締約国会議が決定する本条約の目的に関するその他の機能を果たす。

2. The Secretariat shall transmit to the Parties, before the end of each calendar year, a report taking into account material provided by Parties under Article 4.4(f) and 7.3 on the precious calendar year, containing the following: 事務局は、第4条の4(f)および7条の3に基づいて締約国が提供した前年(暦年)に関する資料を加味し

た報告書であって以下の内容を記載したものを、各暦年の年末までに締約国に送信するものとする。 (a) Information regarding transboundary movement of hazardous wastes in which Parties have been involved,

including: 締約国が関与した有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する情報であって、以下について記載した

もの: (i) the quantity of hazardous wastes exported, their category, characteristics, destination, any transit country and

disposal method as stated in the notification; 通告書に記載された、輸出有害廃棄物の分量、それらのカテゴリ、特性、仕向地、通過国および

処分方法、 (ii) the amount of hazardous wastes imported, their category, characteristics, origin, and disposal methods;


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輸入有害廃棄物の分量、それらのカテゴリ、特性、原産地、および処分方法、 (iii) disposals which did not proceed as intended; and 意図した通りに進まなかった処分、および

(iv) efforts to achieve a reduction of the amount of hazardous wastes subject to transboundary movement. 国境を越える移動にかけられる有害廃棄物の量を削減しようとする努力。

(b) Information on measures adopted by Parties in the implementation of this Convention; 本条約の実施において締約国が採用した措置に関する情報、

(c) Information where it is available on the effects on human health and the environment from the generation, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes in the Convention Area. The information may take the form of statistical data; 本条約区域における有害廃棄物の発生、輸送および処分からの人の健康および環境への影響に関す

る、入手できる限りの情報、 (d) Information on accidents occurring during transboundary movements, treatment and disposal of hazardous

wastes and on measures undertaken to deal with them; 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動、処理および処分中に発生する事故、およびそれを処理するために

行われた措置に関する情報、 (e) Information on environmentally sound treatment and disposal options operated by Parties; and 締約国によって運用された環境上適正な処理および処分に関する情報、および

(f) Information on measures undertaken by Parties for the development of cleaner production technologies for the reduction and/or elimination of the production of hazardous wastes. 有害廃棄物の生成を削減および/または排除するための清浄生産技術を開発するために、締約国が

行った措置に関する情報。 3. The Secretariat's functions shall be carried out by SPREP. 事務局の機能はSPREPによって行われるものとする。

ARTICLE 15 Revolving Fund 第15条 回転基金 The Conference of the Parties shall consider the establishment of a revolving fund to assist on an interim basis in case of emergency situations to minimise damage from disasters or accidents arising from transboundary movement or disposal of hazardous wastes within the Convention Area. 締約国会議は、本条約区域における有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動または処分から生じる災害または事故

による損害を 小限に抑えるため、緊急事態が発生した場合に一次的に支援するための回転基金の設立を

検討するものとする。 ARTICLE 16 Amendments to this Convention 第16条 本条約の修正 1.Any Party may propose amendments to this Convention. 全ての締約国は本条約の修正を提案することが出来る。

2. Amendments to this Convention may be adopted only at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which at least two-thirds of the Parties are represented. The text of any proposed amendment to this Convention shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption. The Secretariat shall also communicate proposed amendments to the Signatories to this Convention and to the Depositary for their information.




に計画修正案を通告するものとする。 3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Convention by

consensus. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall, as a last resort, be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of Parties present and voting, each Party having one vote, and shall be submitted by the Depositary to all Parties for ratification, approval or acceptance.


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締約国は、本条約の全ての計画された修正について、総意により合意に達するよう 善を尽くすものと



で採択され、批准、承認または承諾のため受託者により全ての締約国に提示されるものとする 4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of amendments shall be deposited with the Depositary.

Amendments shall enter into force between Parties having accepted such amendments on the ninetieth day following the date of receipt by the Depositary of the instruments of at least three-fourths of the Parties to this Convention. Thereafter the amendments shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after the date on which that Party deposits its instrument.



発効するものとする。その他締約国については、その後、当該締約国が自国の法的文書を預託した日の90日後に当該修正が発効するものとする。 5. For the purpose of this Article, "Parties present and voting" means Parties present and casting an affirmative or

negative vote. 本条において、「出席して投票した締約国」とは出席して肯定または否定票を投票した締約国を意味す

る。 ARTICLE 17 Protocols to this Convention 第17条 本条約の議定書 1. The Conference of the Parties may, at any ordinary meeting, adopt protocols to this Convention. 締約国会議は、いずれかの通常会議において、本条約の議定書を採択することが出来る。

2. The text of any proposed protocol shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption


れるものとする。 3. The procedure specified in Article 16.3 shall apply to the adoption of, and any amendments to, any protocol. 第16条の3に記載された手続きは、全ての議定書の採択および修正に適用されるものとする。

4. The requirements for the entry into force of any protocol or subsequent amendments to such protocol shall be established by that protocol.

議定書または同議定書に対するその後の修正の発効要件は当該議定書によって設定されるものとする。 5. Decisions under any protocol shall be taken only by the Parties to that protocol. 議定書に基づく決定は当該議定書の締約国によってのみなされるものとする。

ARTICLE 18 Adoption and Amendment of Annexes 第18条 附属書の採択および修正 1. The annexes to this Convention shall form an integral part of this Convention and, unless expressly provided

otherwise, a reference to this Convention constitutes, at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto. Such annexes shall be restricted to scientific, technical and administrative matters. 本条約の附属書は本条約の不可分の一部を構成し、別段の明示規定がない限り、本条約の引用は同時に

その附属書の引用を構成する。かかる附属書は、科学的、技術的及び行政的事項に限定されるものとする。 2. The following procedures shall apply to the proposal, adoption and entry into force of additional annexes, or

amendments to annexes, to this Convention: 本契約の追加的附属書または附属書の修正の提案、採択および発効には、以下の手続きが適用されるも

のとする。 (a) Such additional annexes or amendments to annexes shall be proposed and adopted according to the

procedure laid down in Articles 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 of this Convention; かかる追加的附属書または附属書の修正は、本条約の第16条の1、2および3に記載され

た手続きに基づいて提案かつ採択されるものとし、 (b) Any Party that is unable to accept such additional annexes or amendments to annexes, shall so notify

the Depositary, in writing, within six months from the date of the communication of the adoption by


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the Depositary. The Depositary shall without delay notify all Parties of any such notification received. A Party may at any time substitute an acceptance for a previous declaration of objection and the annexes or amendments to annexes shall thereupon enter into force for that Party; and かかる追加的附属書または附属書の修正を承諾できない締約国は、受託者による採択の通




正は当該締約国に対して発効するものとする。 (c) Upon the expiration of six months from the date of the circulation of the communication by the

Depositary, the annexes or amendments to annexes shall enter into force for all Parties to this Convention, which have not submitted a notification in accordance with the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) above



るものとする。 3. If an additional annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to this Convention or to any protocol,

the additional annex or amended annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to this Convention or to the protocol enters into force. 追加的附属書または附属書の修正が本条約またはいずれかの議定書の修正に関係している場合、当該


のとする。 ARTICLE 19 Verification 第19条 検証 1. Any Party which has reason to believe that another Party is acting or has acted in breach of its obligations under this Convention may inform the Secretariat thereof, and in such an event, shall simultaneously and immediately inform, directly or through the Secretariat, the Party against whom the allegations are made. All relevant information should be submitted by the Secretariat to the Parties. 別の締約国が本条約に基づくその義務に違反する行為をしているかまたは同行為をしたと疑うに足る理由



諸国に提示しなければならない。 1. The Conference of the Parties shall consider the adoption of a protocol dealing with detailed procedures and

arrangements for the verification of alleged breaches of obligations under this Convention. 締約国会議は、本条約に基づく義務の申し立てられた違反を検証するための、詳細な手続きおよび取り決

めに関する議定書を採択することを検討するものとする。 ARTICLE 20 Settlement of Disputes 第20条 紛争の解決 1. In case of a dispute between Parties as to the interpretation or application of, or compliance with, this Convention or

any protocol thereto, the Parties concerned shall seek a settlement of the dispute through negotiation, mediation or any other peaceful means of their own choice. 本条約またはそのいずれかの議定書の解釈または適用もしくはその遵守について締約国間に紛争が発生


決するよう努めるものとする。 2. If the Parties concerned cannot settle their dispute through the means mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article, the

dispute, if the Parties to the dispute agree, shall be submitted to arbitration under the conditions set out in Annex VII of this Convention or to the International Court of Justice. However, failure to reach common agreement on submission of the dispute to arbitration or to the International Court of Justice shall not absolve the Parties from the responsibility of continuing to seek to resolve it by the means referred to in paragraph 1.


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免除されるわけではない。 3. When ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Convention, or at any time thereafter, a Party may declare

that it recognises as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation: 本条約を批准し、承諾し、承認しまたはそれに加盟登録した時、またはその後いつでも、締約国は、同


宣言することが出来る。 (a) Arbitration in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex VII; and/or 附属書7に記載された手続きに基づく仲裁、および/または (b) Submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice. 国際裁判所への紛争の提起。

Such declaration shall be notified in writing to the Secretariat which shall communicate it to the Parties. かかる宣言は事務局に書面で通告され、事務局はそれを締約諸国に伝達するものとする。

ARTICLE 21 Signature 第21条 署名 1. This Convention shall be open for signature by the Members of the South Pacific Forum at Waigani, Papua New

Guinea, on 16 September 1995. 本条約は、1995年9月16日、パプアニューギニアのワイガニにおいて、南太平洋フォーラムのメンバーが

自由に署名できる状態になっているものとする。 2. This Convention shall remain open for signature by the Members of the South Pacific Forum from 22 September

1995 until 21 March 1996 at the South Pacific Forum Secretariat, Suva. 本条約は、1995年9月22日から1996日3月21日まで、南太平洋フォーラムのメンバーが自由に署名でき

る状態で、スバ所在の南太平洋フォーラム事務局に保存されるものとする。 ARTICLE 22 Ratification, Acceptance or Approval 第22条 批准、承諾または承認 This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by Members of the South Pacific Forum. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Depositary. 本条約は、南太平洋フォーラムのメンバーによる批准、承諾または承認を条件とする。批准、承諾または

承認の法的文書は受託者に預託されるものとする。 ARTICLE 23 Accession 第23条 加盟登録 1. This Convention shall be open for accession by Members of the South Pacific Forum from the day after the date on which the Convention is closed for signature. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary. 本条約は、署名が閉鎖された日の翌日以降も、南太平洋フォーラムのメンバーによる加盟登録が可能な状態にし

ておくおくものとする。加盟登録の法的文書は受託者に預託されるものとする。 2.Other States not members of the South Pacific Forum which have territories in the Convention Area may accede to the Convention. In addition, other States which do not have territories in the Convention Area may also accede to the Convention pursuant to a decision of the Conference of the Parties under Article 13.4(g). 南太平洋フォーラムのメンバーではないが本条約区域に領域を有する他の諸国は、本条約に加盟すること


基づいて本条約に加盟することが出来る。 ARTICLE 24 Entry into Force


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第24条 発効 This Convention shall enter into force thirty days from the date of deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession and thereafter for each State thirty days after the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. 本条約は、10番目の批准、承諾、承認または加盟文書の預託日から30日で発効するものとし、その後は、

国ごとに、その批准、承諾、承認または加盟文書の預託の30日後に発効するものとする。 ARTICLE 25 Reservations and Declarations 第25条 留保および宣言 1. No reservations or exceptions shall be made to this Convention. 本条約に対してはいかなる留保を付することも、また、適用除外を設けることも認めないものとする。

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article does not preclude a signatory or Party when signing, ratifying or acceding to this Convention, from making declarations or statements, however phrased or named, with a view, inter alia, to the harmonisation of its laws and regulations with the provisions of this Convention, provided that such declarations or statements do not purport to exclude or to modify the legal effect of the provisions of this Convention in their application to that Party. 本条の第1項は、署名者または締約国が本条約に署名し、それを批准し又はそれに加盟した場合に、と



らの適用において本条約の規定の法的効果を排除したり修正したりすることを意図していないものとする。 ARTICLE 26 Withdrawal 第26条 脱退 1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Party, that Party may

withdraw by giving written notification to the Depositary. 本条約が締約国に対して発効した日から3年経てば、当該締約国は、受託者に書面通告を出すことによ

り、いつでも脱退することが出来る。 2. Withdrawal shall be effective one year after receipt of notification by the Depositary, or on such later date as may be

specified in the notification. 脱退は、受託者が通告を受けてから1年後、または当該通告に記載されたその後の期日に発効するもの

とする。 3. Withdrawal shall not exempt any withdrawing Party from fulfilling any obligations it might have incurred under this

Convention, whilst a Party to this Convention. 脱退は、脱退締約国が、本条約の締約国であった間に本条約に基づいて発生した義務を果たすことを免

除するものではない。 ARTICLE 27 Depositary 第27条 受託者 The Secretary General of the South Pacific Forum Secretariat shall be the Depositary of this Convention and of any protocols thereto. 南太平洋フォーラム事務局の事務局長は、本条約およびその全ての議定書の受託者になるものとする。 ARTICLE 28 Registration 第28条 登録 This Convention, as soon as it enters into force, shall be registered by the Depositary with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in conformity with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations. 本条約は、発効次第、受託者により、国連憲章の第102条に基づいて国連事務総長に登録されるものとす

る。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised to that effect, have signed this Convention: 以上の証として、正当な署名権限を有する下記署名者が本条約に署名した。


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For the Government of Australia For the Government of the Cook Islands For the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia For the Government of the Republic of Fiji For the Government of the Republic of Kiribati For the Government of the Republic of Nauru For the Government of New Zealand For the Government of Niue For the Government of the Republic of Palau For the Government of Papua New Guinea For the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands For the Government of Solomon Islands For the Government of Tonga For the Government of Tuvalu For the Government of Vanuatu For the Government of Western Samoa オーストラリア政府を代表して クック諸島の政府を代表して ミクロネシア連邦の政府を代表して フィジー共和国の政府を代表して キリバス共和国の政府を代表して ナウル共和国の政府を代表して ニュージーランドの政府を代表して ニウエの政府を代表して パラオ共和国の政府を代表して パプアニューギニアの政府を代表して マーシャル諸島共和国の政府を代表して ソロモン諸島の政府を代表して トンガの政府を代表して ツバルの政府を代表して バヌアツの政府を代表して 西サモアの政府を代表して

16 September 1995 17 September 1995 17 September 1995 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 - 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 - 16 September 1995 16 September 1995 1995年9月16日 1995年9月17日 1995年9月17日 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 - 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日 - 1995年9月16日 1995年9月16日

DONE at Waigani, Papua New Guinea, on the sixteenth day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety five, in a single original in the English language. 以上、1995年9月16日、パプアニューギニア、ワイガニにおいて、英語の単一正本として作成された。


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添付資料18 バマコ条約

Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within Africa (1994)




Preamble 前文

The Parties to this Convention, この条約の締約国は、 1. Mindful of the growing threat to human health and the environment posed by the increased generation and the

complexity of hazardous wastes, 1. 有害廃棄物の発生の増加及び一層の複雑化によって引き起こされる人の健康及び環境に対する脅威の増

大に留意し、 2. Further mindful that the most effective way of protecting human health and the environment from the dangers posed

by such wastes is the reduction of their generation to a minimum in terms of quantity and/or hazard potential, 2. 更に、これらの廃棄物によってもたらされる危険から人の健康及び環境を保護する も効果的な方法は、

これらの廃棄物の発生を量又は有毒性の面から 小限度とすることであることに留意し、 3. Aware of the risk of damage to human health and the environment caused by transboundary movements of hazardous

wastes, 3. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動によって引き起こされる人の健康及び環境に対する損害の危険性を認識

し、 4. Reiterating that States should ensure that the generator should carry out his responsibilities with regard to the transport

and disposal of hazardous wastes in a manner that is consistent with the protection of human health and environment, whatever the place of disposal,

4. 諸国が、処分の場所のいかんを問わず、発生者が有害廃棄物の運搬及び処分に関する責務を人の健康及

び環境の保護に適合する方法で履行することを確保すべきであることを繰り返し述べ、 5. Recalling relevant chapters of the Charter of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) on environmental protection,

the African Charter for Human and Peoples' Rights, Chapter IX of the Lagos Plan of Action and other Recommendations adopted by the Organization of African Unity on the environment,

5. アフリカ統一機構(OAU)憲章の環境保護に関する該当する章、アフリカ人権憲章、ラゴス実行計画の

第 IX章、並びにアフリカ統一機構が採択した環境に関する他の勧告を想起し、 6. Further recognizing the sovereignty of States to ban the importation into, and the transit through, their territory, of

hazardous wastes and substances for environmental and human health reasons, 6. 更に、人の健康及び環境上の理由により、有害廃棄物及び有害物質の自国領土への輸入及び自国領土の

通過を禁止する諸国の主権を認め、 7. Recognizing also the increasing mobilisation in Africa for the prohibition of transboundary movements of hazardous

wastes and their disposal in African countries, 7. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分をアフリカ諸国において行うことの禁止に向けた動きが増

大していることも認め、 8. Convinced that hazardous wastes should, as far as is compatible with environmentally sound and efficient

management, be disposed in the State where they were generated, 8. 有害廃棄物は、環境上適正かつ効率的な処理と両立する限り、これらの廃棄物の発生した国において処

分されるべきであることを確信し、 9. Convinced that the effective control and minimisation of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes will act as an

incentive, in Africa and elsewhere, for the reduction of the volume of the generation of such wastes,


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9. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動を効果的に規制し 小化することが、アフリカその他においてこれらの

廃棄物の発生量を削減する誘因となることを確信し、 10. Noting that a number of international and regional agreements deal with the problem of the protection and

preservation of the environment with regard to the transit of dangerous goods, 10. 種々の国際的及び地域的な協定が危険物の通過に関する環境の保護及び保全の問題を取り扱っている

ことに留意し、 11. Taking into account the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm,

1972), the Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes adopted by the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by Decision 14/30 of 17 June, 1987, the Recommendations of the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (formulated in 1957 and updated biennially), the Charter of Human Rights, relevant recommendations, declarations, instruments and regulations adopted within the United Nations System, the relevant articles of the 1989 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal which allow for the establishment of regional agreements which may be equal to or stronger than its own provisions, Article 39 of the Lome' IV Convention relating to the international movement of hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes, African intergovernmental organizations and the work and studies done within other international and regional organizations,

11. 国際連合人間環境会議の宣言(1972年ストックホルム)、国際連合環境計画(UNEP)管理理事会が






廃棄物の国際的移動に関するロメ第 IV協定の第39条、アフリカの政府間機関、並びに他の国際的及び地

域的な機関において行われた活動及び研究を考慮し、 12. Mindful of the spirit, principles, aims and functions of the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and

Natural Resources adopted by the African Heads of State and Government in Algiers (1968) and the World Charter for Nature adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations at its Thirty-seventh Session (1982) as the rule of ethics in respect of the protection of the human environment and the conservation of natural resources,

12. アルジェーにおいてアフリカ国家及び政府首脳によって採択された自然及び自然資源の保全に関する


の保全に関する倫理的規範として採択された世界自然憲章の精神、原則、目的及び機能に留意し、 13. Concerned by the problem of transboundary traffic in hazardous wastes, 13. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える取引の問題について懸念し、 14. Recognizing the need to promote the development of clean production methods, including clean technologies, for the sound management of hazardous wastes produced in Africa, in particular, to avoid, minimize and eliminate the generation of such wastes, 14. 特に有害廃棄物の発生を回避し 小化し無くすため、アフリカで発生する有害廃棄物の適正な処理に向

けたクリーン技術などクリーンプロダクション方式の開発を促進することの必要性を認め、 15. Recognizing also that where necessary hazardous wastes should be transported in accordance with relevant international conventions and recommendations, 15. 必要な場合には有害廃棄物が関連する国際条約及び国際的な勧告に従って運搬されるべきであること

も認め、 16. Determined to protect, by strict control, the human health of the African population and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from the generation of hazardous wastes, 16. 有害廃棄物の発生から生ずることがある悪影響からアフリカに住む人の健康及び環境を厳重な規制に

よって保護することを決意し、 17. Affirming a commitment also to responsibly address the problem of hazardous wastes originating within the Continent of Africa, 17. アフリカ大陸内に端を発する有害廃棄物の問題に責任をもって対処するとの公約も確認し、 HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 次のとおり協定した。


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Article 1 Definitions 第1条 定義 For the purpose of this Convention: この条約の適用上、 1. "Wastes" are substances or materials which are disposed of, or are intended to be disposed of, or are required to be

disposed of by the provisions of national law; 1. 「廃棄物」とは、処分がされ、処分が意図され又は国内法の規定により処分が義務付けられている物質

をいう。 2. "Hazardous wastes" means wastes as specified in Article 2 of this Convention; 2. 「有害廃棄物」とは、この条約の第2条に明記するとおりの廃棄物をいう。 3. "Management" means the prevention and reduction of hazardous wastes and the collection, transport, storage, and treatment either for the reuse or disposal, of hazardous wastes including after-care of disposal sites; 3. 「処理」とは、有害廃棄物の防止及び削減、並びに有害廃棄物の収集、運搬、保管、及び再利用又は処

分のための処理をいい、処分場所の事後の管理を含む。 4. "Transboundary movement" means any movement of hazardous wastes from an area under the national jurisdiction of any State to or through an area under the national jurisdiction of another State, or to or through an area not under the national jurisdiction of another State, provided at least two States are involved in the movement; 4. 「国境を越える移動」とは、有害廃棄物が、その移動に少なくとも二以上の国が関係する場合において、



移動することをいう。 5. "Clean production methods" means production or industrial systems which avoid, or eliminate the generation of hazardous wastes and hazardous products in conformity with Article 4, section 3 (f) and (g) of this Convention; 5. 「クリーンプロダクション方式」とは、この条約の第4条3項(f)及び(g)に従い有害廃棄物及び有害製品

の発生を回避する又は無くす、生産システム又はインダストリアル・システムをいう。 6. "Disposal" means any operation specified in Annex III to this Convention; 6. 「処分」とは、この条約の附属書 IIIに掲げる作業をいう。 7. "Approved site or facility" means a site or facility for the disposal of hazardous wastes which is authorized or permitted to operate for this purpose by a relevant authority of the State where the site or facility is located; 7. 「承認された場所又は施設」とは、場所又は施設が存在する国の関係当局により、有害廃棄物の処分の

ための作業を行うことが認められ又は許可されている場所又は施設をいう。 8. "Competent authority" means one governmental authority designated by a Party to be responsible, within such geographical areas as the Party may think fit, for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification, as provided in Article 6 of this Convention; 8. 「権限のある当局」とは、締約国が適当と認める地理的区域内において、この条約の第6条の規定に従


告に対し回答する責任を有する一の政府当局としてその締約国によって指定されたものをいう。 9. "Focal point" means the entity of a Party referred to in Article 5 of this Convention responsible for receiving and

submitting information as provided for in Articles 13 and 16; 9. 「中央連絡先」とは、この条約の第13条及び第16条に規定する情報を受領し及び提供する責任を有す

る第5条に規定する締約国の機関をいう。 10. "Environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes" means taking all practicable steps to ensure that

hazardous wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes;

10. 「有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理」とは、有害廃棄物から生ずる悪影響から人の健康及び環境を保護す


いう。 11. "Area under the national jurisdiction of a State" means any land, marine area or airspace within which a State

exercises administrative and regulatory responsibility in accordance with international law in regard to the protection of human health or the environment;

11. 「一の国の管轄の下にある地域」とは、人の健康又は環境の保護に関し、国際法に従って一の国が行政



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12. "State of export" means a Party from which a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is planned to be initiated or is initiated;

12. 「輸出国」とは、有害廃棄物の自国からの国境を越える移動が計画され又は開始されている国をいう。 13. "State of import" means a State to which a transboundary movement is planned or takes place for the purpose of

disposal therein or for the purpose of loading prior to disposal in an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State; 13. 「輸入国」とは、自国における処分を目的として又はいずれかの国の管轄の下にない地域における処分

に先立つ積込みを目的として、自国への国境を越える移動が計画され又は行われている国をいう。 14. "State of transit" means any State, other than the State of export or import, through which a movement of hazardous

wastes is planned or takes place; 14. 「通過国」とは、輸出国又は輸入国以外の国であって、自国を通過する有害廃棄物の移動が計画され又

は行われているものをいう。 15. "States concerned" means States of export or import, or transit states, whether or not Parties; 15. 「関係国」とは、締約国であるかないかを問わず輸出国若しくは輸入国又は通過国をいう。 16. "Person" means any natural or legal person; 16. 「者」とは、自然人又は法人をいう。 17. "Exporter" means any person under the jurisdiction of the State of export who arranges for hazardous wastes to be

exported; 17. 「輸出者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸出を手配する者であって輸出国の管轄の下にあるものをいう。 18. "Importer" means any person under the jurisdiction of the State of import who arranges for hazardous wastes to be

imported; 18. 「輸入者」とは、有害廃棄物の輸入を手配する者であって輸入国の管轄の下にあるものをいう。 19. "Carrier" means any person who carries out the transport of hazardous wastes; 19. 「運搬者」とは、有害廃棄物の運搬を行う者をいう。 20. "Generator" means any person whose activity produces hazardous wastes, or, if that person is not known, the person

who is in possession and/or control of those wastes; 20. 「発生者」とは、その活動が有害廃棄物を発生させる者をいい、その者が不明であるときは、当該有害

廃棄物を保有し又は支配している者をいう。 21. "Disposer" means any person to whom hazardous wastes are shipped and who carries out the disposal of such

wastes; 21. 「処分者」とは、有害廃棄物がその者に対し運搬される者であって当該有害廃棄物の処分を行うものを

いう。 22. "Illegal traffic" means any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes as specified in Article 9 of this Convention; 22. 「不法取引」とは、この条約の第9条に規定する有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動をいう。 23. "Dumping at sea" means the deliberate disposal of hazardous wastes at sea from vessels, aircraft, platforms or other

man-made structures at sea, and includes ocean incineration and disposal into the seabed and sub-seabed. 23. 「海上投棄」とは、船舶、航空機、プラットフォーム又は海上にあるその他の人工構造物から有害廃棄

物を海に故意に処分することをいい、海洋焼却並びに海底及び海底下への処分を含む。 Article 2 Scope of the Convention 第2条 条約の適用範囲 1. The following substances shall be "hazardous wastes" for the purposes of this convention: 1. この条約の適用上、次の物質は「有害廃棄物」とする。

(a) Wastes that belong to any category contained in Annex I of this Convention; (a) この条約の附属書 Iに掲げるいずれかの分類に属する廃棄物 (b) Wastes that are not covered under paragraph (a) above but are defined as, or are considered to be, hazardous

wastes by the domestic legislation of the Party of export, import or transit; (b) 上記(a)に規定する廃棄物には該当しないが、輸入国又は通過国の国内法令により有害であると定義

され又は認められている廃棄物 (c) Wastes which possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex II of this Convention; (c) この条約の附属書 IIに規定する特性のいずれかを有する廃棄物


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(d) Hazardous substances which have been banned, cancelled or refused registration by government regulatory action, or voluntarily withdrawn from registration in the country of manufacture, for human health or environmental reasons.

(d) 人の健康又は環境上の理由により、政府の規制上の措置によって禁止、取り消し若しくは拒否され

た、又は製造国での登録を任意に取り消した有害物質 2. Wastes which, as a result of being radioactive, are subject to any international control systems, including international

instruments, applying specifically to radioactive materials, are included in the scope of this Convention. 2. 放射能を有することにより、特に放射性物質について適用される国際文書による規制を含む国際的な規

制の制度の対象となる廃棄物は、この条約の適用範囲に含む。 3. Wastes which derive from the normal operations of a ship, the discharge of which is covered by another international

instrument, shall not fall within the scope of this convention. 3. 船舶の通常の運航から生ずる廃棄物であってその排出について他の国際文書の適用があるものは、この

条約の適用範囲に含まない。 Article 3 National Definitions of Hazardous Wastes 第3条 有害廃棄物に関する国内の定義 1. Each State shall, within six months of becoming a Party to this Convention, inform the Secretariat of the Convention

of the wastes, other than those listed in Annex I of this Convention, considered or defined as hazardous under its national legislation and of any requirements concerning transboundary movement procedures applicable to such wastes.

1. 各国は、この条約の締約国となった日から6箇月以内に、条約の事務局に対し、この条約の附属書 Iに掲げる廃棄物以外に自国の法令により有害であると認められ又は定義されている廃棄物を通報し、かつ、

その廃棄物について適用する国境を越える移動の手続に関する要件を通報する。 2. Each Party shall subsequently inform the Secretariat of any significant changes to the information it has provided

pursuant to Paragraph 1 of this Article.

2. 締約国は、更に、この条の1の規定に従って提供した情報に関する重要な変更を事務局に通報する。 3. The Secretariat shall forthwith inform all Parties of the information it has received pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of

this Article. 3. 事務局は、この条の1及び2の規定に従って受領した情報を直ちにすべての締約国に通報する。 4. Parties shall be responsible for making the information transmitted to them by the Secretariat under Paragraph 3 of this

Article available to their exporters and other appropriate bodies. 4. 締約国は、この条の3の規定に従い事務局によって送付された情報を自国の輸出者及びその他の適当な

団体に対し利用可能にする責任を有する。 Article 4 General Obligations 第4条 一般的義務 1. Hazardous Waste Import Ban 有害廃棄物の輸入禁止

All Parties shall take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures within the area under their jurisdiction to prohibit the import of all hazardous wastes, for any reason, into Africa from non-Contracting Parties. Such import shall be deemed illegal and a criminal act. All Parties shall: すべての締約国は、いかなる理由であれすべての有害廃棄物が非締約国からアフリカに輸入されることを


をとる。このような輸入は不法であって犯罪行為とみなす。すべての締約国は、 (a) Forward as soon as possible, all information relating to such illegal hazardous waste import activity to the

Secretariat who shall distribute the information to all Contracting Parties; (a) 可能な限り速やかにこのような不法な有害廃棄物の輸入活動に関するすべての情報を事務局に提供



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(b) Co-operate to ensure that no imports of hazardous wastes from a non-Party enter a Party to this Convention. To this end, the Parties shall, at the Conference of the Contracting Parties to this Convention, consider other enforcement mechanisms.

(b) この条約の非締約国から締約国への有害廃棄物の輸入がないことを確保するため協力する。この目的

のため、締約国は締約国会議において他の強制の仕組みについて検討する。 2. Ban on Dumping of Hazardous Wastes at Sea and Internal Waters 有害廃棄物の海上及び内水への投棄の禁止 (a) Parties in conformity with related international conventions and instruments shall, in the exercise of their

jurisdiction within their internal waters, territorial seas, exclusive economic zones and continental shelf, adopt legal, administrative and other appropriate measures to control all carriers from non-Parties, and prohibit the dumping at sea of hazardous wastes, including their incineration at sea and their disposal in the seabed and sub-seabed; Any dumping of hazardous wastes at sea, including incineration at sea as well as seabed and sub-seabed disposal, by Contracting Parties, whether in internal waters, waterways, territorial seas, exclusive economic zones or high seas shall be deemed to be illegal;

(a) 締約国は、関係する国際条約及び国際文書に従い、当該締約国の内水、領海、排他的経済水域及び大





す。 (b) Parties shall forward, as soon as possible, all information relating to dumping of hazardous wastes to the

Secretariat which shall distribute the information to all Contracting Parties. (b) 締約国は、可能な限り速やかに有害廃棄物の投棄に関するすべての情報を事務局に提供し、事務局は

その情報をすべての締約国に配布する。 3. Waste Generation in Africa アフリカでの廃棄物の発生 Each Party Shall: 締約国は、 (a) Ensure that hazardous waste generators submit to the Secretariat reports regarding the wastes that they generate in

order to enable the Secretariat of the Convention to produce a complete hazardous waste audit; (a) この条約の事務局が有害廃棄物の完全な監査を提示することができるように、有害廃棄物の発生者が

その発生者の発生させる廃棄物に関する報告書を事務局に提出することを確保する。 (b) Impose strict, unlimited liability as well as joint and several liability on hazardous waste generators; (b) 厳格な無制限の責任及び連帯責任を有害廃棄物の発生者に課す。 (c) Ensure that the generation of hazardous wastes within the area under its jurisdiction is reduced to a minimum

taking into account social, technological and economic aspects; (c) 社会的、技術的及び経済的側面を考慮して、その締約国の管轄の下にある地域内で有害廃棄物の発生

を 小限度とすることを確保する。 (d) Ensure the availability of adequate treatment and disposal facilities, for the environmentally sound management of

hazardous wastes which shall be located, to the extent possible, within its jurisdiction; (d) 有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理のため、可能な限りその締約国の管轄区内にある適当な処理又は処分

施設が利用できるようにすることを確保する。 (e) Ensure that persons involved in the management of hazardous wastes within its jurisdiction take such steps as are

necessary to prevent pollution arising from such wastes and, if such pollution occurs, to minimize the consequence thereof for human health and the environment;

(e) その締約国の管轄区内において有害廃棄物の処理に関与する者が、それらの廃棄物から生ずる汚染を

防止するため、並びに汚染が生じた場合には、人の健康及び環境についてその影響を 小のものにと

どめるために必要な措置をとることを確保する。 The Adoption of Precautionary Measures: 予防措置の採用


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(f) Each Party shall strive to adopt and implement the preventive, precautionary approach to pollution problems which entails, inter-alia, preventing the release into the environment of substances which may cause harm to humans or the environment without waiting for scientific proof regarding such harm. The Parties shall co-operate with each other in taking the appropriate measures to implement the precautionary principle to pollution prevention through the application of clean production methods, rather than the pursuit of a permissible emissions approach based on assimilative capacity assumptions;

(f) 締約国は、特に人又は環境に害を及ぼすおそれのある物質について、その害に関する科学的証拠の提




措置をとることにおいて協力し合う。 (g) In this respect Parties shall promote clean production methods applicable to entire product life cycles including: (g) この点において締約国は、次のような製品寿命全体に適用されるクリーンプロダクション方式を促進

する。 - raw material selection, extraction and processing; - 原料の選択、抽出及び加工 - product conceptualisation, design, manufacture and assemblage; - 製品の概念化、設計、製造及び組立て - materials transport during all phases; - すべての段階における材料の運搬 - industrial and household usage; - 産業用途及び家庭用途

- reintroduction of the product into industrial systems or nature when it no longer serves a useful function;

- 製品がもはや有用な機能を果たさない場合に、その製品をインダストリアル・

システムまたは自然に再導入すること Clean production shall not include "end-of-pipe" pollution controls such as filters and scrubbers, or chemical, physical or biological treatment. Measures which reduce the volume of waste by incineration or concentration, mask the hazard by dilution, or transfer pollutants from one environmental medium to another, are also excluded; クリーンプロダクションは、フィルター及びスクラバーなど「エンド・オブ・パイプ(排出前の



別の環境媒体へと汚染源を移転する措置も、除外される。 (h) The issue of preventing the transfer to Africa of polluting technologies shall be kept under systematic review by

the Secretariat of the Conference and periodic reports shall be made to the Conference of the Parties; (h) 汚染技術のアフリカへの移転を妨げる問題は、締結国会議の事務局が体系的に検討を続けており、

締約国会議に対し定期的に報告がなされる。 Obligations in the Transport and Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes from Contracting Parties: 有害廃棄物の締約国からの移転及び国境を越える移動における義務

(i) Each Party shall prevent the export of hazardous wastes to States which have prohibited by their legislation or international agreement all such imports, or if it has reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner, according to criteria to be decided on by the Parties at their first meeting;

(i) 締約国は、自国の法令若しくは国際協定により有害廃棄物の輸入を一切禁止している国に、又は、


ずるに足りる理由がある場合には、当該有害廃棄物の輸出を防止する。 (j) A Party shall not permit hazardous wastes to be exported to a State which does not have the facilities for treating

or disposing of them in an environmentally sound manner; (j) 締約国は、有害廃棄物を環境上適正な方法で処分する施設を有しない国へ輸出することを許可しな



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(k) Each Party shall ensure that hazardous wastes to be exported are managed in an environmentally sound manner in the State of import and transit. Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes subject to this Convention shall be decided by the Parties at their first meeting;

(k) 締約国は、輸出されることとなる有害廃棄物が輸入国及び通過国において環境上適正な方法で処


は、締約国の第1回会合において決定する。 (l) The Parties agree not to allow the export of hazardous wastes for disposal within the area South of 60 degrees

South Latitude, whether or not such wastes are subject to transboundary movement; (l) 締約国は、国境を越える移動の対象となるかならないかを問わず、南緯60度以南の地域における

処分のための有害廃棄物の輸出を許可しないことに合意する。 (m) Furthermore, each Party shall: (m) 締約国は、更に、次のことを行う。

(i) Prohibit all persons under its national jurisdiction from transporting, storing or disposing of hazardous wastes unless such persons are authorized or allowed to perform such operations;

(i) 有害廃棄物の運搬、保管又は処分を行うことが認められ又は許可されている者を除くほか、そ

の管轄の下にあるすべての者に対し、当該運搬、保管又は処分を行うことを禁止すること。 (ii) Ensure that hazardous wastes that are to be the subject of a transboundary movement are packaged,

labelled, and transported in conformity with generally accepted and recognized international rules and standards in the field of packaging, labelling, and transport, and that due account is taken of relevant internationally recognized practices;

(ii) 国境を越える移動の対象となる有害廃棄物が、こん包、表示及び運搬の分野において一般に



こと。 (iii) Ensure that hazardous wastes be accompanied by a movement document, containing information

specified in Annex IV B, from the point at which a transboundary movement commences to the point of disposal;

(iii) 有害廃棄物には、国境を越える移動が開始される地点から処分の地点まで、附属書 IV Bに明

記する情報を記載した移動書類が伴うことを確保すること。 (n) Parties shall take the appropriate measures to ensure that the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes

only are allowed if: (n) 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が次のいずれかの場合に限り許可されることを確保する

ため、適当な措置をとる。 (i) The State of export does not have the technical capacity and the necessary facilities, capacity or suitable

disposal sites in order to dispose of the wastes in question in an environmentally sound and efficient manner; or

(i) 輸出国が当該廃棄物を環境上適正かつ効率的な方法で処分するための技術上の能力及び必要

な施設、処分能力又は適当な処分場所を有しない場合、又は (ii) The transboundary movement in question is in accordance with other criteria to be decided by the Parties,

provided those criteria do not differ from the objectives of this Convention; (ii) 当該国境を越える移動が締約国全体として決定する他の基準に従って行われる場合。ただし、

当該基準がこの条約の目的に合致することを条件とする。 (o) Under this Convention, the obligation of States in which hazardous wastes are generated, requiring that those

wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner, may not under any circumstances be transferred to the States of import or transit;

(o) 有害廃棄物を発生させた国がこの条約の下において負う当該有害廃棄物を環境上適正な方法で処


い。 (p) Parties shall undertake to review periodically the possibilities for the reduction of the amount and/or the

pollution potential of hazardous wastes which are exported to other States;


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(p) 締約国は、他の国に対して輸出される有害廃棄物の量又は汚染力を減少させる可能性について定期

的に検討することを請け負う。 (q) Parties exercising their right to prohibit the import of hazardous wastes for disposal shall inform the other Parties

of their decision pursuant to Article 13 of this Convention; (q) 有害廃棄物の処分のための輸入を禁止する権利を行使する締約国は、この条約の第13条の規定に

従ってその決定を他の締約国に通報する。 (r) Parties shall prohibit or shall not permit the export of hazardous wastes to States which have prohibited the

import of such wastes, when notified by the secretariat or any competent authority pursuant to sub-paragraph (q) above;

(r) 締約国は、上記(q)の規定に従って事務局又は権限のある当局から通報を受けた場合には、有害廃棄

物の輸入を禁止している国に対する当該有害廃棄物の輸出を許可せず、又は禁止する。 (s) Parties shall prohibit or shall not permit the export of hazardous wastes if the State of import does not consent in

writing to the specific import, in the case where that State of import has not prohibited the import of such wastes; (s) 締約国は、輸入国が有害廃棄物の輸入を禁止していない場合において当該輸入国がこれらの廃棄物


又は禁止する。 (t) Parties shall ensure that the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes is reduced to the minimum consistent

with the environmentally sound and efficient management of such wastes, and is conducted in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such movement;

(t) 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、これらの廃棄物の環境上適正かつ効率的な処理に適

合するような方法で 小限度とされ、並びに当該移動から生ずる悪影響から人の健康及び環境を保

護するような方法で行われることを確保する。 (u) Parties shall require that information about a proposed transboundary movement of hazardous wastes be

provided to the States concerned, according to Annex IV A of this Convention, and clearly state the potential dangers of the wastes on human health and the environment.

(u) 締約国は、計画された有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する情報がこの条約の附属書 IV Aに従


とを義務付ける。 4. Furthermore 更に、

(a) Parties shall undertake to enforce the obligations of this Convention against offenders and infringements according to relevant national laws and/or international law;

(a) 締約国は、関連する国内法又は国際法に従い、違反者及び違反に対しこの条約の義務を強制するこ

とを請け負う。 (b) Nothing in this Convention shall prevent a Party from imposing additional requirements that are consistent with

the provisions of this Convention, and are in accordance with the rules of international law, in order to better protect human health and the environment;

(b) この条約のいかなる規定も、締約国が人の健康及び環境を一層保護するためこの条約の規定に適合

しかつ国際法の諸規則に従う追加的な義務を課すことを妨げるものではない。 (c) This Convention recognizes the sovereignty of States over their territorial sea, waterways, and air space

established in accordance with international law, and jurisdiction which States have in their exclusive economic zone and their continental shelves in accordance with international law, and the exercise by ships and aircraft of all States of navigation rights and freedoms as provided for in international law and as reflected in relevant international instruments.

(c) この条約は、国際法に従って確立している領海、水路及び領空に対する国の主権、国際法に従い排


に反映されている航行上の権利及び自由をすべての国の船舶及び航空機が行使することを認める。 Article 5 Designation of Competent Authorities, Focal Point and Dumpwatch


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第5条 権限のある当局、中央連絡先及び投棄監視局の指定 To facilitate the implementation of this Convention, the Parties shall: 締約国は、この条約の実施を円滑にするため、次のことを行う。 1. Designate or establish one or more competent authorities and one focal point. One competent authority shall be

designated to receive the notification in case of a State of transit. 1. 一又は二以上の権限のある当局及び一の中央連絡先を指定し又は設置すること。通過国の場合において

通告を受領するため、一の権限のある当局を指定すること。 2. Inform the Secretariat, within three months of the date of the entry into force of this Convention for them, which

agencies they have designated as their focal point and their competent authorities. 2. 自国についてこの条約が効力を生じた日から3箇月以内に、中央連絡先及び権限のある当局としていず

れの機関を指定したかを事務局に通報すること。 3. Inform the Secretariat, within one month of the date of decision, of any changes regarding the designations made by

them under paragraph 2 above. 3. 上記2の規定に従い行った指定に関する変更をその決定の日から1箇月以内に事務局に通報すること。 4. Appoint a national body to act as a Dumpwatch. In such capacity as a Dumpwatch, the designated national body only

will be required to co-ordinate with the concerned governmental and non-governmental bodies. 4. ある国家機関に投棄監視局を務めるよう任ずること。指定された国家機関のみが、投棄監視局としての

資格において関係する政府機関及び非政府機関と協力をすることを義務付けられる。 Article 6 Transboundary Movement and Notification Procedures 第6条 国境を越える移動及び通告手順 1. The State of export shall notify, or shall require the generator or exporter to notify, in writing, through the channel of

the competent authority of the State of export, the competent authority of the States concerned of any proposed transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. Such notification shall contain the declarations and information specified in Annex IV A of this Convention, written in a language acceptable to the State of import. Only one notification needs to be sent to each State concerned.

1. 輸出国は、書面により、その権限のある当局の経路を通じ、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動の計画を関


れ可能な言語により記載されたこの条約の附属書 IV Aに掲げる申告及び情報を含む。各関係国に対し送付

する通告は、1通のみで足りる。 2. The Party of import shall respond to the notifier in writing consenting to the movement with or without conditions,

denying permission for the movement, or requesting additional information. A copy of the final response of the State of import shall be sent to the competent authorities of the States concerned.

2. 輸入する締約国は、通告をした者に対し、書面により、移動につき条件付若しくは無条件で同意し、移

動に関する許可を拒否し又は追加的な情報を要求する旨を回答する。輸入国の 終的な回答の写しは、こ

の条約の締約国である関係国の権限のある当局に送付する。 3. The State of export shall not allow the transboundary movement until it has received: 3. 輸出国は、次のものを受領するまでは、国境を越える移動を許可してはならない。

(a) written consent of the State of import; and (a) 輸入国の同意書、及び (b) from the State of import, written confirmation of the existence of a contract between the exporter and the

disposer specifying environmentally sound management of the wastes in question. (b) 当該廃棄物について環境上適正な処理がなされることを明記する輸出者と処分者との間の契約の

存在についての、輸入国からの確認書 4. Each State of transit which is a Party shall promptly acknowledge to the notifier receipt of the notification. It may

subsequently respond to the notifier in writing, within 60 days, consenting to the movement with or without conditions, denying permission for the movement, or requesting additional information. The State of export shall not allow the transboundary movement to commence until it has received the written consent of the State of transit.

4. この条約の締約国である通過国は、通告をした者に対し通告の受領を速やかに確認する。当該通過国は、



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得るまでは、国境を越える移動を開始することを許可してはならない。 5. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes where the wastes are legally defined as or considered to

be hazardous wastes only: 5. 特定の国によってのみ有害であると法的に定義され又は認められている有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動

の場合において、 (a) By the State of export, the requirements of paragraph 8 of this Article that apply to the importer or disposer and

the State of import shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exporter and State of export, respectively; (a) 輸出国によってのみ定義され又は認められているときは、輸入者又は処分者及び輸入国について適

用するこの条の8の規定は、必要な変更を加えて、それぞれ輸出者及び輸出国について適用する。 (b) By the Party of import, or by the States of import and transit which are Parties, the requirements of paragraphs 1,

3, 4 and 6 of this Article that apply to the exporter and State of export shall apply mutatis mutandis to the importer or disposer and Party of import, respectively; or

(b) 輸入するこの条約の締約国によってのみ又はこの条約の締約国である輸入国及び通過国によって


する。 (c) By any State of transit which is a Party to this Convention, the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article shall

apply to such State. (c) この条約の締約国である通過国によってのみ定義され又は認められているときは、この条の4の規

定を当該通過国について適用する。 6. The State of export shall use a shipment specific notification even where hazardous wastes having the same physical

and chemical characteristics are shipped regularly to the same disposer via the same customs office of entry of the State of import, and in the case of transit, via the same customs office of entry and exit of the State or States of transit; specific notification of each and every shipment shall be required and contain the information in Annex IV A of this Convention.

6. 輸出国は、同一の物理的及び化学的特性を有する有害廃棄物が、輸入国の同一の入国税関を経由して、



附属書 IV Aの情報を記載する。 7. Each Party to this Convention shall limit their points or ports of entry and notify the Secretariat to this effect for

distribution to all Contracting Parties. Such points and ports shall be the only ones permitted for the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes.

7. この条約の締約国は、輸入地点又は輸入港を制限し、すべての締約国に知らせるためこの旨を事務局に


る。 8. The Parties to this Convention shall require that each person who takes charge of a transboundary movement of

hazardous wastes sign the movement document either upon delivery or receipt of the wastes in question. They shall also require that the disposer inform both the exporter and the competent authority of the State of export of receipt by the disposer of the wastes in question and, in due course, of the completion of disposal as specified in the notification. If no such information is received within the State of export, the competent authority of the State of export or the exporter shall so notify the State of import.

8. この条約の締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に責任を有するそれぞれの者が当該有害廃棄物の




場合には、輸出国の権限のある当局又は輸出者は、その旨を輸入国に通報する。 9. The notification and response required by this Article shall be transmitted to the competent authority of the States

concerned. 9. この条の規定により義務付けられる通告及び回答は、関係国の権限のある当局に送付する。


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10. Any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes shall be covered by insurance, bond or other guarantee as may be required by the State of import, or any State of transit which is a Party to this Convention.

10. 有害廃棄物の国境を越えるいかなる移動も、輸入国又はこの条約の締約国である通過国が義務付けるこ

とのある保険、供託金その他の保証によって担保する。 Article 7 Transboundary Movement from a Party through States which are not Parties 第7条 締約国から非締約国を通過して行われる国境を越える移動 Paragraph 2 and 4 of Article 6 of this Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to transboundary movements of hazardous wastes from a Party through a State or States which are not Parties. この条約の前条2及び4の規定は、必要な変更を加えて、締約国から非締約国を通過して行われる有害廃

棄物の国境を越える移動について適用する。 Article 8 Duty to Re-import 第8条 再輸入の義務 When a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes to which the consent of the States concerned has been given, subject to the provisions of this Convention, cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the contract, the State of export shall ensure that the wastes in question are taken back into the State of export, by the exporter, if alternative arrangements cannot be made for their disposal in an environmentally sound manner within a maximum of 90 days from the time that the importing State informed the State of export and the Secretariat. To this end, the State of export and any Party of transit shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return of those waste to the State of export. この条約の規定に従うことを条件として関係国の同意が得られている有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、





ならない。 Article 9 Illegal traffic 第9条 不法取引 1. For the purpose of this Convention, any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes under the following situations shall be deemed to be illegal traffic: 1. この条約の適用上、次の状況下での有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動は、不法取引とする。

(a) if carried out without notification, pursuant to the provisions of this Convention, to all States concerned; or (a) この条約の規定に従う通告がすべての関係国に対して行われずに実行された場合 (b) if carried out without the consent, pursuant to the provisions of this Convention, of a State concerned; or (b) 関係国からこの条約の規定に従う同意が得られずに実行された場合 (c) if consent is obtained from States concerned through falsification, misrepresentation or fraud; or (c) 関係国からの同意が偽造、虚偽の表示又は詐欺により得られている場合 (d) if it does not conform in a material way with the documents; or (d) 書類と重要な事項において不一致がある場合、又は (e) if it results in deliberate disposal of hazardous wastes in contravention of this Convention and of general

principles of international law. (e) この条約の規定及び国際法の一般原則に違反して有害廃棄物を故意に処分することとなる場合

2. Each Party shall introduce appropriate national legislation for imposing criminal penalties on all persons who have planned, carried out, or assisted in such illegal imports. Such penalties shall be sufficiently high to both punish and deter such conduct.

2. 締約国は、このような不法輸入を計画し、実行し又は援助したすべての者に刑事罰を課すため、適当な

国内法令を制定する。これらの刑事罰は、このような行為を罰しかつ防止するため十分重いものとする。 3. In case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as the result of conduct on the

part of the exporter or generator, the State of export shall ensure that the wastes in question are taken back by the exporter or generator or if necessary by itself into the State of export, within 30 days from the time the State of export


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has been informed about the illegal traffic. To this end the States concerned shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return of those wastes to the State of export and appropriate legal action shall be taken against the contravenor(s).

3. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が輸出者又は発生者側の行為の結果として不法取引となる場合には、輸




るものとする。 4. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as the result of conduct on

the part of the importer or disposer, the State of import shall ensure that the wastes in question are returned to the exporter by the importer and that legal proceedings according to the provisions of this Convention are taken against the contravenor(s).

4. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動が輸入者又は処分者側の行為の結果として不法取引となる場合には、輸


れることを確保する。 Article 10 Intra-African Co-operation 第10条 アフリカ内での協力 1. The Parties to this Convention shall co-operate with one another and with relevant African organizations, to improve

and achieve the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes. 1. この条約の締約国は、有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を改善し及び達成するため、相互にまた関連する

アフリカの機関と協力する。 2. To this end, the Parties shall: 2. 締約国は、この目的のため、次のことを行う。

(a) Make available information, whether on a bilateral or multilateral basis, with a view to promoting clean production methods and the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes, including harmonisation of technical standards and practices for the adequate management of hazardous wastes;

(a) 二国間であるか多数国間であるかを問わず、クリーンプロダクション方式及び有害廃棄物の環境上


進するため、情報を利用できるようにすること。 (b) Co-operate in monitoring the effects of the management of hazardous wastes on human health and the

environment; (b) 有害廃棄物の処理が人の健康及び環境に及ぼす影響を監視することについて協力すること。 (c) Co-operate, subject to their national laws, regulations and policies, in the development and implementation of

new environmentally sound clean production technologies and the improvement of existing technologies with a view to eliminating, as far as practicable, the generation of hazardous wastes and achieving more effective and efficient methods of ensuring their management in an environmentally sound manner, including the study of the economic, social and environmental effects of the adoption of such new and improved technologies;

(c) 有害廃棄物の発生を実行可能な限り除去するため、並びに有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を確保す



技術の開発及び実施並びに既存の技術の改善につき、自国の法令及び政策に従って協力すること。 (d) Co-operate actively, subject to their national laws, regulations and policies, in the transfer of technology and

management systems related to the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes. They shall also co-operate in developing the technical capacity among Parties, especially those which may need and request technical assistance in this field;

(d) 有害廃棄物の環境上適正な処理に関係する技術及び処理方式の移転につき、自国の法令及び政策に


する締約国の技術上の能力の開発について協力すること。 (e) Co-operate in developing appropriate technical guidelines and/or codes of practice; (e) 適当な技術上の指針又は実施基準の開発について協力すること。


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(f) Co-operate in the exchange and dissemination of information on the movement of hazardous wastes in conformity with Article 13 of this Convention.

(f) この条約の第13条に従う有害廃棄物の移動に関する情報の交換及び頒布において協力すること。 Article 11 International Co-operation 第11条 国際協力 Bilateral, Multilateral and Regional Agreements 二国間の、多数国間の及び地域的な協定 1. Parties to this Convention may enter into bilateral, multilateral, or regional agreements or arrangements regarding the transboundary movement and management of hazardous wastes generated in Africa with Parties or non-Parties provided that such agreements or arrangements do not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by this Convention. These agreements or arrangements shall stipulate provisions which are no less environmentally sound than those provided for by this Convention. 1. この条約の締約国は、締約国又は非締約国との間で、アフリカで発生した有害廃棄物の国境を越える移




する。 2. Parties shall notify the Secretariat of any bilateral, multilateral or regional agreements or arrangements referred to in

paragraph 1 of this Article and those which they have entered into prior to the entry into force of this Convention for them, for the purpose of controlling transboundary movements of hazardous wastes which take place entirely among the Parties to such agreements. The provisions of this Convention shall not affect transboundary movements of hazardous wastes generated in Africa which take place pursuant to such agreements provided that such agreements are compatible with the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes as required by this Convention.

2. 締約国は、この条の1に規定する二国間の、多数国間の又は地域的な協定又は取決め、及びこの条約が





フリカで発生した有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に影響を及ぼすものではない。 3. Each Contracting Party shall prohibit vessels flying its flag or aircraft registered in its territory from carrying out activities in contravention of this Convention. 3. 締約国は、自国の国旗を揚げる船舶又は自国の領域で登録された航空機がこの条約に違反する活動を実

行することを禁止する。 4. Parties shall use appropriate measures to promote South-South co-operation in the implementation of this Convention 4. 締約国は、この条約の実施において南南協力を促進するため適当な措置をとる。 5. Taking into account the needs of developing countries, co-operation between international organizations is encouraged in order to promote, among other things, public awareness, the development of rational management of hazardous waste, and the adoption of new and non/less polluting technologies. 5. 開発途上国の必要を考慮して、公衆の意識の向上、有害廃棄物の合理的な処理の発展並びに新たな無公

害/低公害技術の採用を特に促進するため、国際機関との間の協力が奨励される。 Article 12 Liabilities and Compensation 第12条 責任及び賠償 The Conference of Parties shall set up an Ad Hoc expert organ to prepare a draft Protocol setting out appropriate rules and procedures in the field of liabilities and compensation for damage resulting from the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. 締約国会議は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動から生ずる損害に対する責任及び賠償の分野において適当



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Article 13 Transmission of Information 第13条 情報の送付 1. The Parties shall ensure that in the case of an accident occurring during the transboundary movement of hazardous

wastes or their disposal which is likely to present risks to human health and the environment in other States, those States are immediately informed.

1. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動又はその処分が行われている間に、他の国の人の健康及び環


確保する。 2. The States shall inform each other, through the Secretariat, of: 2. 諸国は、相互に、事務局を通じ次の通報を行う。

(a) Changes regarding the designation of competent authorities and/or focal points, pursuant to Article 5 of this Convention;

(a) 権限のある当局又は中央連絡先の指定の変更に関するこの条約の第5条の規定による通報 (b) Changes in their national definition of hazardous wastes, pursuant to Article 3 of this Convention; (b) 有害廃棄物の国内の定義の変更に関するこの条約の第3条の規定による通報 (c) Decisions made by them to limit or ban the import of hazardous wastes; (c) 有害廃棄物の輸入を制限し又は禁止する旨の決定 (d) Any other information required pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article. (d) この条の4の規定に従って送付の義務を負うその他の情報

3. The Parties, consistent with national laws and regulations, shall set up information collection and dissemination mechanisms on hazardous wastes. They shall transmit such information through the Secretariat, to the Conference of the Parties established under Article 15 of this Convention, before the end of each calendar year, in a report on the previous calendar year, containing the following information: 3. 締約国は、自国の法令に従い、有害廃棄物に関する情報収集及び頒布の仕組みを設ける。締約国は、事


に関する報告書において次の情報を含む情報を送付する。 (a) Competent authorities, Dumpwatch, and focal points that have been designated by them pursuant to Article 5 of

this Convention; (a) この条約の第5条の規定に従い締約国によって指定された権限のある当局、投棄監視局及び中央連

絡先 (b) Information regarding transboundary movements of hazardous wastes in which they have been involved,

including: (b) 締約国が関係する有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する次の事項を含む情報

(i) The quantity of hazardous wastes exported, their category, characteristics, destination, any transit country and disposal method as stated on the notification;

(i) 輸出された有害廃棄物の量、分類、特性、目的地及び通過国並びに通告に記載された処分の方

法 (ii) The amount of hazardous wastes imported, their category, characteristics, origin, and disposal methods; (ii) 輸入された有害廃棄物の量、分類、特性、発生地及び処分の方法 (iii) Disposals which did not proceed as intended; (iii) 予定されたとおりに行われなかった処分 (iv) Efforts to achieve a reduction of the amount of hazardous wastes subject to transboundary movement; (iv) 国境を越える移動の対象となる有害廃棄物の量の削減を達成するための努力

(c) Information on the measures adopted by them in the implementation of this Convention; (c) この条約の実施のために締約国がとった措置に関する情報 (d) Information on available qualified statistics - which have been compiled by them on the effects on human health

and the environment of the generation, transportation, and disposal of hazardous wastes - as part of the information required in conformity with Article 4 Section 3 (a) of this Convention;


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(d) この条約の第4条3項(a)に従い求められる情報の一部として、有害廃棄物の発生、運搬及び処分


報 (e) Information concerning bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements and arrangements entered into pursuant

to Article 11 of this Convention; (e) この条約の第11条の規定に従って締結した二国間、多数国間の及び地域的な協定及び取決めに関

する情報 (f) Information on accidents occurring during the transboundary movements, treatment and disposal of hazardous

wastes and on the measures undertaken to deal with them; (f) 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動、処理及び処分が行われている間に発生した事故並びにその事故を

処理するためにとられた措置に関する情報 (g) Information on treatment and disposal options operated within the area under their national jurisdiction; (g) 管轄の下にある地域において用いられた処理及び処分の方法に関する情報 (h) Information on measures undertaken for the development of clean production methods, including clean

production technologies, for the reduction and/or elimination of the production of hazardous wastes; and (h) 有害廃棄物の発生を削減し又は無くすための、クリーンプロダクション技術などクリーンプロダク

ション方式の開発のためにとられた措置に関する情報、及び (i) Such other matters as the Conference of the Parties shall deem relevant. (i) 締約国会議が適当と認めるその他の事項

4. The Parties, consistent with national laws and regulations, shall ensure that copies of each notification concerning any given transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, and the response to it, are sent to the Secretariat.

4. 締約国は、自国の法令に従い、有害廃棄物の国境を越える一定の移動に関する各通告及びその通告に対

する回答の写しを事務局に対し送付することを確保する。 Article 14 Financial Aspects 第14条 財政的な側面 1. The regular budget of the Conference of Parties, as required in Article 15 and 16 of this Convention, shall be prepared

by the Secretariat and approved by the Conference. 1. この条約の第15条及び第16条において求められる締約国会議の通常予算は、事務局が作成し同会議が

承認する。 2. Parties shall, at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties, agree on a scale of contributions to the recurrent

budget of the Secretariat. 2. 締約国は、締約国会議の第1回会合において事務局の経常予算に対する拠出の規模について合意する。 3. The Parties shall also consider the establishment of a revolving fund to assist on an interim basis in case of emergency

situations to minimize damage from disasters or accidents arising from transboundary movements of hazardous wastes or during the disposal of such wastes.

3. 締約国は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動により又は有害廃棄物の処分中に発生する災害又は事故によ

る損害を 小のものにとどめるため、緊急事態における暫定的な援助を行うための回転資金の設立も検討

する。 4. The Parties agree that, according to the specific needs of different regions and sub-regions, regional or sub-regional

centres for training and technology transfers regarding the management of hazardous wastes and the minimisation of their generation should be established, as well as appropriate funding mechanisms of a voluntary nature.

4. 締約国は、各地域及び各小地域の特別の必要に応じ、有害廃棄物を処理し並びに有害廃棄物の発生を


また、任意の性質を有する資金調達のための適当な仕組みも確立すべきであることに同意する。 Article 15 Conference of the Parties 第15条 締約国会議 1. A Conference of the Parties is hereby established. The first meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall be convened

by the Secretary-General of the OAU not later than one year after the entry into force of this Convention. Thereafter,


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ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at regular intervals to be determined by the Conference at its first meeting.

1. この条約により、環境問題を担当する大臣で構成される締約国会議を設置する。締約国会議の第1回会


国会議の通常会合は、第1回会合において締約国が決定する一定の間隔で開催する。 2. The Conference of the Parties shall adopt Rules of Procedure for itself and for any subsidiary body it may establish, as

well as financial rules to determine in particular the financial participation of the Parties to this Convention. 2. この条約の締約国会議は、締約国会議及び締約国会議が設置する補助機関の手続規則並びに特にこの条

約の締約国の財政的な参加について定める財政規則を採択する。 3. The Parties at their first meeting shall consider any additional measures needed to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities with respect to the protection and the preservation of the marine and inland waters environments in the context of this Convention. 3. この条約の締約国は、その第1回会合において、この条約の規定の範囲内で海洋環境及び内水環境の保

護及び保全に関する責任を果たす上で役立つ必要な追加的措置を検討する。 4. The Conference of the Parties shall keep under continuous review and evaluation the effective implementation of this Convention, and in addition, shall: 4. 締約国会議は、この条約の効果的な実施について絶えず検討し及び評価し、更に、次のことを行う。

(a) promote the harmonisation of appropriate policies, strategies and measures for minimizing harm to human health and the environment by hazardous wastes;

(a) 有害廃棄物による人の健康及び環境に対する害を 小のものにとどめるための適当な政策、戦略及

び措置の調整を促進すること。 (b) consider and adopt, as required, amendments to this Convention and its annexes, taking into consideration, inter

alia, available scientific, technical, economic and environmental information; (b) 利用可能な科学、技術、経済及び環境に関する情報を特に考慮して、この条約及びその附属書の改

正を検討し及び採択すること。 (c) consider and undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the purpose of this

Convention in the light of experience gained in its operation and in the operation of the agreements and arrangements envisaged in Article 11 of this Convention;

(c) この条約の実施並びに第11条で想定する協定及び取決めの実施から得られる経験に照らして、こ

の条約の目的の達成のために必要な追加的行動を検討し及びとること。 (d) consider and adopt protocols as required; (d) 必要に応じ、議定書を検討し及び採択すること。 (e) establish such subsidiary bodies as are deemed necessary for the implementation of this Convention; and (e) この条約の実施に必要と認められる補助機関を設置すること。並びに (f) make decisions for the peaceful settlement of disputes arising from the transboundary movement of hazardous

wastes, if need be, according to international law. (f) 必要な場合は国際法に従い、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動から生ずる紛争の平和的な解決のため

決定を下すこと。 5. Organizations may be represented as observers at meetings of the Conference of the Parties. Any body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, qualified in fields relating to hazardous wastes which has informed the Secretariat, may be represented as an observer at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties. The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties. 5. 機関は、締約国会議の会合にオブザーバーを出席させることができる。有害廃棄物に関連のある分野に




則の適用を受ける。 Article 16 Secretariat


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第16条 事務局 1. The functions of the Secretariat shall be: 1. 事務局は、次の任務を遂行する。

(a) To arrange for, and service, meetings provided for in Article 15 and 17 of this Convention; (a) 前条及び次条に規定する会合を準備し及びその会合のための役務を提供すること。 (b) To prepare and transmit reports based upon information received in accordance with Articles 3, 4, 6, 11, and 13

of this Convention as well as upon information derived from meetings of subsidiary bodies established under Article 15 of this Convention as well as upon, as appropriate, information provided by relevant inter-governmental and non-governmental entities;

(b) この条約の第3条、第4条、第6条、第11条及び第13条の規定により受領した情報、前条の規


び非政府機関により提供される情報に基づく報告書を作成し及び送付すること。 (c) To prepare reports on its activities carried out in the implementation of its functions under this Convention and

present them to the Conference of the Parties; (c) この条約に基づく任務を遂行するために行った活動に関する報告書を作成し及びその報告書を締

約国会議に提供すること。 (d) To ensure the necessary co-ordination with relevant international bodies, and in particular to enter into such

administrative and contractual arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its functions; (d) 他の関係国際団体との必要な調整を行うこと。特に、その任務の効果的な遂行のために必要な事

務的な及び契約上の取決めを行うこと。 (e) To communicate with focal points, competent authorities and Dumpwatch established by the Parties in

accordance with Article 5 of this Convention as well as appropriate inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations which may provide assistance in the implementation of this Convention;

(e) この条約の第5条の規定に従い締約国が指定した中央連絡先、権限のある当局及び投棄監視局、


うこと。 (f) To compile information concerning approved national sites and facilities of Parties to this Convention available

for the disposal of their hazardous wastes and to circulate this information; (f) 有害廃棄物の処分及び処理のために利用可能なこの条約の締約国の承認された国内の場所及び施

設に関する情報を収集し及びその情報を広めること。 (g) To receive and convey information from and to Parties on: (g) 次の情報を締約国から受領し、締約国に伝達すること。

- sources of technical assistance and training; - 技術援助及び訓練の提供元 - available technical and scientific know-how; - 利用可能な技術上及び科学上のノウハウ - sources of advice and expertise; and - 助言及び専門的知識の提供元、並びに - availability of resources; - 資源の利用可能性

This information will assist them in, これらの情報は、次の分野において締約国を援助する。

- the management of the notification system of this Convention; - この条約の通告制度の管理 - the management of hazardous wastes; - 有害廃棄物の処理 - environmentally sound clean production methods relating to hazardous wastes, such as clean production

technologies; - クリーンプロダクション技術など、有害廃棄物に関する環境上適正なクリーンプロダクショ

ン方式 - the assessment of disposal capabilities and sites;


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- 処分能力及び処分場所の評価 - the monitoring of hazardous wastes; and - 有害廃棄物の監視、並びに - emergency responses; - 緊急事態への対応

(h) To provide Parties to this Convention with information on consultants or consulting firms having the necessary technical competence in the field, which can assist them with examining a notification for a transboundary movement, the concurrence of a shipment of hazardous wastes with the relevant notification, and/or whether the proposed disposal facilities for hazardous wastes are environmentally sound, when they have reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner. Any such examinations would not be at the expense of the Secretariat;

(h) この条約の締約国が、有害廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理されないと信ずるに足りる理由がある





局が負担するものではない。 (i) To assist Parties to this Convention in their identification of cases of illegal traffic and to circulate immediately to

the Parties concerned any information it has received regarding illegal traffic; (i) 不法取引の事実を確認するためこの条約の締約国を援助し及び不法取引に関して入手した情報を

関係締約国に対し直ちに送付すること。 (j) To co-operate with Parties to this Convention and with relevant and competent international organizations and

agencies in the provision of experts and equipment for the purpose of rapid assistance to States in the event of an emergency situation; and

(j) 緊急事態が発生した国に対し迅速な援助を行うため、専門家及び機材の提供につきこの条約の締約

国及び権限のある関係国際機関と協力すること。 (k) To perform such other functions relevant to the purposes of this Convention as may be determined by the

Conference of the Parties. (k) この条約の締約国会議が決定するところに従い、この条約の目的に関連する他の任務を遂行するこ

と。 2. The Secretariat's functions will be carried out on an interim basis by the OAU jointly with the United Nations

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) until the completion of the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties held pursuant to Article 15 of this Convention. At this meeting, the Conference of the Parties shall also evaluate the implementation by the interim Secretariat of the functions assigned to it, in particular under paragraph 1 above, and decide upon the structures appropriate for those functions.

2. 事務局の任務は、前条の規定に従って開催される締約国会議の第1回会合が終了するまでは、アフリカ



の任務に適した組織を決定する。 Article 17 Amendment of the Convention and of Protocols 第17条 この条約及び議定書の改正 1. Any Party may propose amendments to this Convention and any Party to a Protocol may propose amendments to that

Protocol. Such amendments shall take due account, inter alia, of relevant scientific, technical, environmental and social considerations.

1. 締約国は、この条約の改正を提案することができるものとし、また、議定書の締約国は、当該議定書の


的考慮を十分に払うこととする。 2. Amendments to this Convention shall be adopted at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Amendments to any

Protocol shall be adopted at a meeting of the Parties to the Protocol in question. The text of any proposed amendment to this Convention or to any Protocol, except as may otherwise be provided in such Protocol, shall be communicated


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to the Parties by the Secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption. The Secretariat shall also communicate proposed amendments to the Signatories to this Convention for their information.

2. この条約の改正は、締約国会議の会合において採択する。議定書の改正は、当該議定書の締約国の会合



約の署名国にも参考のために通報する。 3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Convention by consensus.

If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall, as a last resort, be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting, and shall be submitted by the Depository to all Parties for ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance.

3. 締約国は、この条約の改正案につき、コンセンサス方式により合意に達するようあらゆる努力を払う。

コンセンサスのためのあらゆる努力にもかかわらず合意に達しない場合には、改正案は、 後の解決手段


寄託者は、これをすべての締約国に対し批准、承認、正式確認又は受諾のために送付する。 Amendment of Protocols to this Convention この条約の議定書の改正 4. The procedure specified in paragraph 3 above shall apply to amendments to any protocol, except that a two-thirds

majority of the Parties to that Protocol present and voting at the meeting shall suffice for their adoption. 4. 上記3に定める手続は、議定書の改正について準用する。ただし、議定書の改正案の採択は、当該会合

に出席しかつ投票する当該議定書の締約国の3分の2以上の多数票による議決で行う。 General Provisions 一般規定 5. Instruments of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance of amendments shall be deposited with the

Depository. Amendments adopted in accordance with paragraph 3 or 4 above shall enter into force between Parties having accepted them, on the ninetieth day after the receipt by the Depository of the instrument of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance by at least two-thirds of the Parties who accepted the amendments to the Protocol concerned, except as may otherwise be provided in such Protocol. The amendments shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after that Party deposits its instrument of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance of the amendments.

5. 改正の批准書、承認書、正式確認書又は受諾書は、寄託者に寄託する。上記3又は4の規定に従って採





生ずる。 6. For the purpose of this Article, "Parties present and voting" means Parties present and casting an affirmative or

negative vote. 6. この条の規定の適用上、「出席しかつ投票する締約国」とは、出席しかつ賛成票又は反対票を投ずる締

約国をいう。 Article 18 Adoption and Amendment of Annexes 第18条 附属書の採択及び改正 1. The annexes to this Convention or to any Protocol shall form an integral part of this Convention or of such Protocol, as

the case may be and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Convention or its Protocols constitutes at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto. Such annexes shall be restricted to scientific, technical and administrative matters.

1. この条約の附属書又は議定書の附属書は、それぞれ、この条約又は当該議定書の不可分の一部を成すも




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2. Except as may be otherwise provided in any Protocol with respect to its annexes, the following procedures shall apply

to the proposal, adoption and entry into force of additional annexes to this Convention or of annexes to a protocol: 2. この条約の追加附属書又は議定書の附属書の提案、採択及び効力発生については、次の手続を適用する。

ただし、議定書に当該議定書の附属書に関して別段の定めがある場合を除く。 (a) Annexes to this Convention and its Protocols shall be proposed and adopted according to the procedure laid

down in Article 17, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this Convention; (a) この条約の附属書及び議定書の附属書は、前条の1から4までに定める手続を準用して提案され及

び採択される。 (b) Any Party that is unable to accept an additional annex to this Convention or an annex to any Protocol to which it

is Party shall so notify the Depository, in writing, within six months from the date of the communication of the adoption by the Depository. The Depository shall without delay notify all Parties of any such notification received. A Party may at any time substitute an acceptance for a previous declaration of objection and the annexes shall thereupon enter into force for that Party;

(b) 締約国は、この条約の追加附属書又は自国が締約国である議定書の附属書を受諾することができな




属書は、当該締約国について効力を生ずる。 (c) Upon the expiration of six months from the date of the circulation of the communication by the Depository, the

annex shall become effective for all Parties to this Convention or to any Protocol concerned, which have not submitted a notification in accordance with the provision of sub-paragraph (b) above.

(c) これらの附属書は、寄託者による採択の通報の送付の日から6箇月を経過した時に、上記(b)の規

定に基づく通告を行わなかったこの条約又は関連議定書のすべての締約国について効力を生ずる。 3. The proposal, adoption and entry into force of amendments to annexes to this Convention or to any Protocol shall be

subject to the same procedure as for the proposal, adoption and entry into force of annexes to the Convention or annexes to a Protocol. Annexes and amendments thereto shall take due account, inter alia, of relevant scientific and technical considerations.

3. この条約の附属書又は議定書の附属書の改正の提案、採択及び効力発生は、この条約の附属書又は議定


関連のある科学的及び技術的考慮を十分に払うこととする。 4. If an additional annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to this Convention or to any Protocol, the additional annex or amended annex shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to this Convention or to the Protocol enters into force. 4. 附属書の追加又は改正がこの条約又は議定書の改正を伴うものである場合には、追加され又は改正され

た附属書は、この条約又は当該議定書の改正が効力を生ずる時まで効力を生じない。 Article 19 Verification 第19条 検証 Any Party which has reason to believe that another Party is acting or has acted in breach of its obligations under this Convention must inform the Secretariat thereof, and in such an event, shall simultaneously and immediately inform, directly or through the Secretariat, the Party against whom the allegations are made. The Secretariat shall carry out a verification of the substance of the allegation and submit a report thereof to all the Parties to this Convention. いずれの締約国も、他の締約国がこの条約に基づく義務に違反して行動し又は行動したと信ずるに足りる



立ての内容の検証を行い、その報告書をこの条約のすべての締約国に提出する。 Article 20 Settlement of Disputes


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第20条 紛争の解決 1. In case of dispute between Parties as to the interpretation or application of, or compliance with, this Convention or any

Protocol thereto, the Parties shall seek a settlement of the dispute through negotiations or any other peaceful means of their own choice.

1. この条約又は議定書の解釈、適用又は遵守に関して締約国間で紛争が生じた場合には、当該締約国は、

交渉又はその選択する他の平和的手段により紛争の解決に努める。 2. If the Parties concerned cannot settle their dispute as provided in paragraph 1 of this Article, the dispute shall be

submitted either to an Ad Hoc organ set up by the Conference for this purpose, or to the International Court of Justice. 2. 関係締約国がこの条の1に規定するとおりに紛争を解決することができない場合に、紛争は、この目的

で締約国会議が設置する特別機関又は国際司法裁判所のいずれかに付託する。 3. The conduct of arbitration of disputes between Parties by the Ad Hoc organ provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be as provided in Annex V of this Convention. 3. この条の2に規定する特別機関による締約国間の紛争の仲裁は、この条約の附属書Vの規定に従って行

う。 Article 21 Signature 第21条 署名 This Convention shall be open for signature by Member States of the OAU in Bamako and Addis Abada for a period of six months from 30 January 1991 to 31 July 1991. この条約は、1991年1月30日から1991年7月31日までの6箇月間はバマコ及びアジスアベバにおいて、

OAU加盟国による署名のために開放しておく。 Article 22 Ratification, Acceptance, Formal Confirmation or Approval 第22条 批准、受諾、正式確認又は承認 1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance, formal confirmation, or approval by Member States of the

OAU. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, formal confirmation, or approval shall be deposited with the Depository. 1. この条約は、OAU加盟国によって批准され、受諾され、正式確認され又は承認されなければならない。

批准書、受諾書、正式確認書又は承認書は、寄託者に寄託する。 2. Parties shall be bound by all obligations of this Convention. 2. 締約国は、この条約に基づくすべての義務を負う。 Article 23 Accession 第23条 加入 This Convention shall be open for accession by Member States of the OAU from the day after the date on which the Convention is closed for signature. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depository. この条約は、この条約の署名のための期間の終了後は、OAU加盟国による加盟のために開放しておく。加

入書は、寄託者に寄託する。 Article 24 Right to Vote 第24条 投票権 Each Contracting Party to this Convention shall have one vote. この条約の各締約国は、一の票を有する。 Article 25 Entry into Force 第25条 効力発生 1. This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of the tenth instrument of

ratification from Parties signatory to this Convention. 1. この条約は、この条約の締約国署名者からの10番目の批准書が寄託された日の後90日目の日に効力を



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2. For each State which ratifies this Convention or accedes thereto after the date of the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, it shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit by such State of its instrument of accession or ratification.

2. この条約は、10番目の批准書が寄託された日の後にこれを批准し又はこれに加入する国については、当

該国による加入書又は批准書の寄託の日の後90日目の日に効力を生ずる。 Article 26 Reservations and Declarations 第26条 留保及び宣言 1. No reservations or exception may be made to this Convention. 1. この条約については、留保を付することも、また、適用除外を設けることもできない。 2. Paragraph 1 of this Article does not preclude a State when signing, ratifying, or acceding to this Convention, from

making declarations or statements, however phrased or named, with a view, inter alia, to the harmonisation of its laws and regulations with the provisions of this Convention, provided that such declarations or statements do not purport to exclude or to modify the legal effects of the provisions of the Convention in their application to that State.

2. この条の1の規定は、この条約の署名、批准又はこれへの加入の際に、国が特に当該国の法令をこの条



て、この条約の規定の法的効力を排除し又は変更することを意味しない。 Article 27 Withdrawal 第27条 脱退 1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Party, that Party may

withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification to the Depository. 1. 締約国は、自国についてこの条約が効力を生じた日から3年を経過した後いつでも、寄託者に対して書

面による脱退の通告を行うことにより、この条約から脱退することができる。 2. Withdrawal shall be effective one year after receipt of notification by the Depository, or on such later date as may be

specified in the notification. 2. 脱退は、寄託者が脱退の通告を受領した後1年を経過した日又はそれより遅い日であって脱退の通告に

おいて指定されている日に効力を生ずる。 3. Withdrawal shall not exempt the withdrawing Party from fulfilling any obligations it might have incurred under this Convention. 3. 脱退は、この条約のもと生じていたはずの脱退締約国の義務の履行を免除しない。 Article 28 Depository 第28条 寄託者 The Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity shall be the Depository for this Convention and of any Protocol thereto. アフリカ統一機構事務総長は、この条約及び議定書の寄託者とする。 Article 29 Registration 第29条 登録 This Convention, as soon as it enters into force, shall be registered with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) in conformity with Article 102 of the Charter of the UN. この条約は、効力の発生次第、国際連合機構(UNO)憲章第102条に従いUNO事務総長に登録される。 Article 30 Authentic Texts 第30条 正文 The Arabic, English, French and Portuguese texts of this Convention are equally authentic. この条約のアラビア語、英語、フランス語及びポルトガル語の原本は、ひとしく正文とする。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Convention. 以上の証拠として、下名は、正当に委任を受けてこの条約に署名した。 Adopted in Bamako, Mali, on 29 January 1991. 1991年1月29日にマリ バマコで採択された。


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添付資料19 OECD理事会決定



回収作業が行われる廃棄物の国境を越える移動の規制に関する理事会決定 C(92)39/FINAL の改正

THE COUNCIL, 理事会は、 1. Having regard to Article 5a) of the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

of 14 December 1960; 1960年12月14日の経済協力開発機構(OECD)条約第5条 a)を考慮し、 2. Having regard to the Decision of the Council of 30 March 1992 concerning the control of transfrontier movements

of wastes destined for recovery operations C(92)39/FINAL, as amended, which establishes an operational control system for transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations;


回収作業が行われる廃棄物の国境を越える移動の規制に関する 1992 年 3 月 30 日の理事会決定

C(92)39/FINALを考慮し、 3. Having regard to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and

their Disposal, which entered into force on 5 May 1992, as amended on 6 November 1998 with Annexes VIII and IX listing respectively wastes characterised as hazardous pursuant to Article 1(1)(a) of the Convention and wastes not covered by Article 1(1)(a) of the Convention;



いて、各々リスト化した条約附属書VIII及び IXが追加され、1998年11月6日に改正されたバーゼル

条約を考慮し、 4. Noting that most OECD Member countries (hereafter Member countries) and the European Community have

become Parties to the Basel Convention; 殆どのOECD加盟国(以下「加盟国」という)及び欧州共同体がバーゼル条約の締約国となっている

ことに留意し、 5. Noting that Member countries agreed at the Working Group on Waste Management Policy (WGWMP) meeting in

Vienna in October 1998 to further harmonisation of procedures and requirements of OECD Decision C(92)39/FINAL with those of the Basel Convention;


OECD 決定 C(92)39/FINAL における手続及び要件と、バーゼル条約におけるそれらとを更に調和させ

ることを加盟国が合意したことに留意し、 6. Noting that recovery of valuable materials and energy from wastes is an integral part of the international economic

system and that well established international markets exist for the collection and processing of such materials within Member countries;


又これらの物質の収集及び処理のために確立した国際市場が加盟国間に存在することに留意し、 7. Noting further that many industrial sectors in Member countries have already implemented waste recovery

techniques in an environmentally sound and economically efficient manner, thus increasing resource efficiency and contributing to sustainable development, and convinced that further efforts to promote and facilitate waste recovery are necessary and should be encouraged;




に留意し、 8. Recognising that the environmentally sound and economically efficient recovery of wastes may justify


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transboundary movements of wastes between Member countries; 廃棄物の環境上適正かつ経済上効率的な回収は、加盟国間の廃棄物の国境を越える移動を正当化しう

ることを認識し、 9. Recognising that the operational Control System established by Decision C(92)39/FINAL has provided a valuable

framework for Member countries to control transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations in an environmentally sound and economically efficient manner;

決定 C(92)39/FINAL により確立された機能的な規制システムが、回収作業が行われる廃棄物の国境を


認識し、 10. Desiring, therefore, to continue this agreement or arrangement under Article 11.2 of the Basel Convention; そのため、バーゼル条約第11条2の下でこの協定を継続することを希望し、 11. Recognising that Member countries may, within their jurisdiction, impose requirements consistent with this

Decision and in accordance with the rules of international law, in order to better protect human health and the environment; and


合しかつ国際法の規則に従う要件を課すことができることを認識し、 12. Recognising the need to revise Decision C(92)39/FINAL in order to improve certain elements of the Control

System and to enhance harmonisation with the Basel Convention, 規制システムの一部を改善しバーゼル条約との調和を拡大するために決定 C(92)39/FINAL を改正する

必要があることを認識し、 On the proposal of the Environment Policy Committee: 環境政策委員会の提案に基づいて、 DECIDES that the text of Decision C(92)39/FINAL is revised as follows: 決定C(92)39/FINALを次のとおり改正することを決定する。

Chapter I: 第 I章

1. DECIDES that Member countries shall control transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations within the OECD area in accordance with the provisions set out in Chapter II of this Decision and in the appendices to it.

加盟国がOECD 地域内の回収作業が行われる廃棄物の国境を越える移動の規制を本決定第 II章及びそ

の附属書において規定される条項に従って行うことを決定する。 2. INSTRUCTS the Environment Policy Committee in co-operation with other relevant OECD bodies, in

particular the Trade Committee, to ensure that the provisions of this Control System remain compatible with the needs of Member countries to recover wastes in an environmentally sound and economically efficient manner.

環境政策委員会に対し、関連する他の OECD の機関とりわけ貿易委員会と協力して、本規制システ


証されるよう指示する。 3. RECOMMENDS Member countries to use for the Notification Document and Movement Document the forms

contained in Appendix 8 to this Decision. 加盟国に対し、通告書類及び移動書類には本決定附属書8にある様式を使用するよう勧告する。 4. INSTRUCTS the Environment Policy Committee to amend the forms for the Notification Document and

Movement Document as necessary. 環境政策委員会に対し、必要に応じて通告書類及び移動書類の様式を改正するよう指示する。 5. INSTRUCTS the Environment Policy Committee to review the procedure for amending the waste lists under

Chapter II. B, (3) at the latest seven (7) years after the adoption of the present Decision. 環境政策委員会に対し、本決定採択後遅くとも7年以内に、第 II章B(3)に基づく廃棄物リスト改正の

手続を見直すことを指示する。 6. REQUESTS Member countries to provide the information that is necessary for the implementation of this

Decision and is listed in Appendix 7 to this Decision.


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る。 7. REQUESTS the Secretary General to transmit this Decision to the United Nations Environment Programme and

the Secretariat of the Basel Convention. 事務総長に対し、本決定を国際連合環境計画及びバーゼル条約事務局に送付することを要請する。 CAPTER II 第 II章 A. DEFINITIONS A. 定義

For the purposes of this Decision: 本決定の適用上、

1. WASTES are substances or objects, other than radioactive materials covered by other international agreements, which: 「廃棄物」とは、他の国際的な協定の適用対象となる放射性物質以外の物質又は物体をいい、

(i) are disposed of or are being recovered; or 処分作業がされ、又は回収作業が行われているもの、又は (ii) are intended to be disposed of or recovered; or 処分作業又は回収作業が意図されているもの、又は (iii) are required, by the provisions of national law, to be disposed of or recovered. 国内法の規定により、処分作業又は回収作業が義務付けられているものをいう。

2. HAZARDOUS WASTES are: 「有害廃棄物」とは、

(i) Wastes that belong to any category contained in Appendix 1 to this Decision unless they do not possess any of the characteristics contained in Appendix 2 to this Decision; and


特性も有しないものを除く)。及び、 (ii) Wastes that are not covered under sub-paragraph 2.(i) but are defined as, or are considered to be, hazardous wastes by the domestic legislation of the Member country of export, import or transit. Member countries shall not be required to enforce laws other than their own.



のものを執行しなければならない義務はない。 3. DISPOSAL means any of the operations specified in Appendix 5.A to this Decision. 「処分」とは、本決定附属書5.Aに掲げる作業をいう。 4. RECOVERY means any of the operations specified in Appendix 5.B to this Decision. 「回収」とは、本決定附属書5.Bに掲げる作業をいう。 5. TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT means any movement of wastes from an area under the national jurisdiction

of a Member country to an area under the national jurisdiction of another Member country. 「国境を越える移動」とは、一の加盟国の管轄にある地域から、他の加盟国の管轄の下にある地域へ

廃棄物が移動することをいう。 6. RECOVERY FACILITY means a facility which, under applicable domestic law, is operating or is authorised or

permitted to operate in the country of import to receive wastes and to perform recovery operations on them. 「回収施設」とは、輸入国において適用される法の下で、廃棄物を受領し回収作業を実施するために

作業している、若しくは作業することが承認又は認可されている施設をいう。 7. COUNTRY OF EXPORT means a Member country from which a transboundary movement of wastes is planned

to be initiated or is initiated. 「輸出国」とは、廃棄物の自国からの国境を越える移動の開始が計画され又は開始されている加盟国



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8. COUNTRY OF IMPORT means a Member country to which a transboundary movement of wastes is planned or takes place.

「輸入国」とは、廃棄物の自国への国境を越える移動が計画され又は行われている加盟国をいう。 9. COUNTRY OF TRANSIT means a Member country other than the country of export or import through which a transboundary movement of wastes is planned or takes place.


動が計画され又は行われている国をいう。 10. COUNTRIES CONCERNED means the countries of export and import and any country of transit, as defined above.

「関係国」とは、上で定義されている輸出国、輸入国、及び通過国をいう。 11. OECD AREA means all land and marine areas, under the national jurisdiction of any Member country.

「OECD地域」とは、加盟国の国家管轄下にあるすべての陸地及び海域をいう。 12. COMPETENT AUTHORITIES means the regulatory authorities of countries concerned having jurisdiction over

transboundary movements of wastes covered by this Decision. 「権限のある当局」とは、本決定の適用対象となる廃棄物の国境を越える移動に対して管轄権を有す

る関係国の規制当局をいう。 13. PERSON means any natural or legal person.

「者」とは、自然人又は法人をいう。 14. EXPORTER means any person under the jurisdiction of the country of export who initiates the transboundary

movement of wastes or who has, at the time the planned transboundary movement commences, possession or other forms of legal control of the wastes. 「輸出者」とは、輸出国の管轄下にある者で、廃棄物の国境を越える移動を開始する者、又は計画さ

れた国境移動が開始された時点で廃棄物に対する占有若しくは他の形態の法的支配を有する者をいう。 15. IMPORTER means any person under the jurisdiction of the country of import to whom possession or other form of

legal control of the waste is assigned at the time the waste is received in the country of import. 「輸入者」とは、輸入国の管轄の下にある者で、廃棄物が輸入国において受領される時点で、当該廃

棄物に対する占有若しくは他の形態の法的支配が託される者をいう。 16. RECOGNISED TRADER means any person under the jurisdiction of a Member country who, with appropriate

authorisation of countries concerned, acts in the role of principal to purchase and subsequently sell wastes; such a person may act to arrange and facilitate transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations. 「承認された貿易業者」とは、加盟国の管轄の下にある者で、関係国のしかるべき認可を得て、自ら


取決め及び促進するために活動する。 17. GENERATOR means any person whose activities create wastes.

「発生者」とは、その活動が廃棄物を発生させる者をいう。 18. A MIXTURE OF WASTES means a waste that results from an intentional or unintentional mixing of two or more

different wastes. A single shipment of wastes, consisting of two or more wastes, where each waste is separated, is not a mixture of wastes. 「混合廃棄物」とは、2 種類以上の廃棄物を意図的又は非意図的に混合した結果生ずる廃棄物をいう。

廃棄物の単一の運搬が、2 種類以上の廃棄物から構成され、それらが個別に分けられている場合には、

混合廃棄物には当たらない。 B. GENERAL PROVISIONS B. 一般規定 (1) Conditions 条件 The following conditions shall apply to transboundary movements of wastes subject to this Decision: 本決定が対象とする廃棄物の国境を越える移動に対し、以下の条件が適用される。 (a) The wastes shall be destined for recovery operations within a recovery facility which will recover the wastes

in an environmentally sound manner according to national laws, regulations and practices to which the facility is subject.


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施設内での回収作業に向けられる。 (b) All persons involved in any contracts or arrangements for transboundary movements of wastes destined for

recovery operations should have the appropriate legal status, in accordance with domestic legislation and regulations.


法令に基づく適当な法的地位を有する。 (c) The transboundary movements shall be carried out under the terms of applicable international transport

agreements. 国境を越える移動は、適用される国際的な運搬に関する協定の条件の下で実施される。

(d) Any transit of wastes through a non-member country shall be subject to international law and to all applicable national laws and regulations. 非加盟国を通過するいかなる廃棄物も、国際法及び適用されるすべての国内法令の対象となる。

(2) Control Procedures 規制手続 A two-tiered system serves to delineate controls to be applied to such transboundary movements of wastes: 2段階の制度により、廃棄物の国境を越える移動に適用される規制が具体化される。 a) Green Control Procedure: 「緑」級規制手続 Wastes falling under the Green control procedure are those wastes in Appendix 3 to this Decision. This

Appendix has two parts: 緑級規制手続の対象となる廃棄物は、本決定附属書 3 に掲げる廃棄物である。当該附属書は

2つの部分からなる。 • Part I contains the wastes in Annex IX of the Basel Convention, some of which are subject to a note

for the purposes of this Decision; • 第1部:バーゼル条約附属書 IXに掲げる廃棄物。この中のいくつかの物は、本決定の目

的に合致させるための注釈が適用される。 • Part II contains additional wastes that OECD Member countries agreed to be subject to the Green

control procedure, in accordance with criteria referred to in Appendix 6 to this Decision. • 第 2 部:本決定附属書 6 に引用されている基準に照らし、OECD 加盟国が緑級規制手続

を適用することで合意した追加の廃棄物。 The Green control procedure is described in Section C. 緑級規制手続は、C条に示されている。 b) Amber Control Procedure: 「黄」級規制手続 Wastes falling under the Amber control procedure are those wastes in Appendix 4 to this Decision.

This Appendix has two parts: 黄級規制手続の対象となる廃棄物は、本決定附属書4に掲げる廃棄物である。当該附属

書は2つの部分からなる。 • Part I contains the wastes in Annexes II and VIII of the Basel Convention, some of which are subject to

a note for the purposes of this Decision; • 第 1 部:バーゼル条約附属書 II 及びVIII に掲げる廃棄物。この中のいくつかの物は、本決

定の目的に合致させるための注釈が適用される。 • Part II contains additional wastes that OECD Member countries agreed to be subject to the Amber

control procedure, in accordance with criteria referred to in Appendix 6 to this Decision. • 第 2 部:本決定附属書 6 に引用されている基準に照らし、OECD 加盟国が黄級規制手続を

適用することで合意した追加の廃棄物。 The Amber control procedure is described in Section D. 黄級規制手続は、D条に示されている。 (3) Procedure for Amendments to the Lists of Wastes in Appendices 3 and 4 附属書3及び4に掲げる廃棄物リストへの修正手続


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Normally, and without any other formal decision, amendments made to Annex IX under the Basel Convention will be incorporated into Part I of Appendix 3 to this Decision and amendments made to Annexes II and VIII under the Basel Convention will be incorporated into Part I of Appendix 4 to this Decision, entering into effect from the date on which the amendment to the Basel Convention (hereafter the Amendment) becomes effective for the Parties to the Convention. On that same date any relevant change will be automatically made to Part II of Appendices 3 or 4.

通常、その他の公式な決定がなくても、バーゼル条約附属書 IX になされた修正は、本決定附属

書3の第1部に、バーゼル条約附属書 II及びVIIIになされた修正は、本決定附属書4の第1部に



動的に行われる。 In exceptional cases: 例外: a) A Member country that determines, in accordance with the criteria referred to in Appendix 6, that a different

level of control is justified for one or more wastes covered by the Amendment, may object in writing to the OECD Secretariat within sixty (60) days following the adoption of the Amendment by the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention. Such an objection, which shall provide an alternative proposal for inclusion into the relevant appendix or appendices to this Decision, will be immediately disseminated by the OECD Secretariat to all Member countries.



された日から 60 日以内に、OECD 事務局に対し書面により異議を申し立てることができる。こ


OECD事務局より全加盟国に即時に伝達される。 b) The notification of an objection to the OECD Secretariat suspends the incorporation of the waste(s)

concerned into the relevant appendix to this Decision. Pending examination of the objection by the appropriate OECD body, the waste(s) concerned shall be subject to the provisions of Section 6 (b) and 6 (c) hereunder.

OECD 事務局への異議に関する通報により、当該廃棄物の本決定附属書への適用は保留される。

適切なOECD の機関による審査が終了するまで、当該廃棄物には第 6 部(b)及び(c)の条項が適用

される。 c) The appropriate OECD body shall promptly examine the objection and the related alternative proposal and

shall reach a conclusion one month before the Amendment becomes effective for the Parties to the Basel Convention.

適当な OECD の機関は、提起された異議及び関連する代替的な適用案について迅速に審査し、

当該修正がバーゼル条約締約国について効力を生ずる1箇月前までに合意に達すること。 d) If consensus is reached within the appropriate OECD body during that period, the relevant Appendix to this

Decision will be modified as appropriate. Any modification becomes effective on the same date on which the amendment to the Basel Convention becomes effective for the Parties to the Convention.

適当な OECD の機関において期限までに合意に達した場合には、関連する本決定附属書は適切


る日と同日に発効する。 e) If no consensus is reached within the appropriate OECD body during that period, the Amendment will not

be applied within the OECD Control System. With respect to the waste(s) concerned, the relevant appendix to this Decision will be modified as appropriate. Each Member country retains its right to control such waste(s) in conformity with its domestic legislation and international law.

適当なOECD の機関において期限までに合意に達しなかった場合には、当該修正はOECD 規制


加盟国は、その国内法及び国際法に従い、当該廃棄物を規制する権利を有する。 (4) Provision for Specific National Control 特別な国の規制に関する条項


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a) This Decision does not prejudice the right of a Member country to control, on an exceptional basis, certain wastes differently, in conformity with domestic legislation and the rules of international law, in order to protect human health and the environment.


物に異なる規制を行う加盟国の権利を害するものではない。 b) Thus, a Member country may control wastes subject to the Green control procedure as if those wastes had

been subject to the Amber control procedure. 従って、加盟国は緑級規制手続が適用される廃棄物を、黄級規制手続が適用される廃棄物として

規制することができる。 c) A Member country may, in conformity with domestic legislation, legally define or consider a waste subject

to the Amber control procedure as subject to the Green control procedure because it does not exhibit any of the hazardous characteristics listed in Appendix 2 of this Decision, as determined using national procedures1




d) In the case of a transboundary movement of wastes where the wastes are legally defined as, or considered to be, wastes subject to the Amber control procedure only by the country of import, the requirements of section D that apply to the exporter and the country of export, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the importer and the country of import, respectively.



D条の要件は必要な変更を加えてそれぞれ輸入者及び輸入国に適用する。 (5) Information Requirements 情報の要求 Any Member country exercising the right to apply a different level of control shall immediately inform the OECD

secretariat citing the specific waste(s) and applicable legislative requirements. Member countries which prescribe the use of certain tests and testing procedures in order to determine whether a waste exhibits one or more of the hazardous characteristics listed in Appendix 2 of this Decision shall also inform the OECD secretariat concerning which tests and testing procedures are being so utilised; and, if possible, which wastes would or would not be legally defined or considered to be hazardous wastes based upon application of these national procedures. All the above information requirements are specified in Appendix 7 to this Decision.







(6) Wastes not Listed in Appendices 3 or 4 to this Decision 本決定附属書3又は4に掲げられていない廃棄物 Wastes which are destined for recovery operations but have not yet been assigned to Appendices 3 or 4 of this

Decision, shall be eligible for transboundary movements pursuant to this Decision subject to the following conditions:


に服することにより本決定に従った国境を越える移動に適するものとなる。 (a) Member countries shall identify such wastes and, if appropriate, make applications to the Technical

Working Group of the Basel Convention in order to amend the relevant Annexes of the Basel

1. In addition, certain Member countries have developed regulations used to determine whether or not wastes are controlled as hazardous wastes.



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Convention; 加盟国はこれらの廃棄物を特定し、適当である場合は、バーゼル条約の該当する附属書を修

正するために、バーゼル条約技術作業部会に対し申請を行う。 (b) Pending assignment to a list, such wastes shall be subject to the controls required for the transboundary

movements of wastes by the domestic legislation of the countries concerned in order that no country is obliged to enforce laws other than its own;



施を義務付けられないようにするためである。 (c) However, if such wastes exhibit a hazardous characteristic listed in Appendix 2 to this Decision as

determined by using national procedures2 and any applicable international agreements, such wastes shall be subject to the Amber control procedure



適用される。 (7) Generator of Mixed or Transformed Waste

混合又は変質した廃棄物の発生者 If two or more lots of wastes are mixed and/or otherwise subjected to physical or chemical transformation

operations, the person who performs these operations shall be deemed to be the generator of the new wastes resulting from these operations.

仮に、2 つ若しくはそれ以上の廃棄物が混合され、さらに/あるいは物理的若しくは化学的な変


新たな廃棄物の発生者と見なされる。 (8) Procedures for Mixtures of Wastes 混合廃棄物に係る手続 Having regard to paragraph 11 of the preamble of this Decision, a mixture of wastes, for which no individual

entry exists, shall be subject to the following control procedure: 本決定前文 11 項に関し、いずれにも該当しない混合廃棄物については、以下の規制手続が適用され

る。 (i) a mixture of two or more Green wastes shall be subject to the Green control procedure, provided

the composition of this mixture does not impair its environmentally sound recovery; 2つ若しくはそれ以上の緑級廃棄物の混合物は、この混合の構成が環境上適正な回収作

業を阻害しない場合には、緑級規制手続が適用される。 (ii) a mixture of a Green waste and more than a de minimis amount of an Amber waste or a mixture

of two or more Amber wastes shall be subject to the Amber control procedure, provided the composition of this mixture does not impair its environmentally sound recovery.



適用される。 C. GREEN CONTROL PROCEDURE C. 緑級規制手続 Transboundary movements of wastes subject to the Green control procedure shall be subject to all existing

controls normally applied in commercial transactions. 緑級規制手続が適用される廃棄物の国境を越える移動は、商取引に通常適用される現行のすべて

の規制に従う。 Regardless of whether or not wastes are included on the list of wastes subject to the Green Control Procedure (Appendix 3), they may not be subject to the Green control procedure if they are contaminated by other

2. In addition, certain Member countries have developed regulations used to determine whether or not wastes are controlled as hazardous




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materials to an extent which (a) increases the risks associated with the wastes sufficiently to render them appropriate for submission to the amber control procedure, when taking into account the criteria in Appendix 6 to this Decision, or (b) prevents the recovery of the wastes in an environmentally sound manner. 緑級規制手続が適用される廃棄物リスト(附属書 3)に掲げられているか否かにかかわらず、本




れない。 D. AMBER CONTROL PROCEDURE D. 黄級規制手続 (1) Conditions 条件 (a) Contracts 契約 Transboundary movements of wastes under the Amber control procedure may only occur under the terms of

a valid written contract, or chain of contracts, or equivalent arrangements between facilities controlled by the same legal entity, starting with the exporter and terminating at the recovery facility. All persons involved in the contracts, or arrangements shall have appropriate legal status.




又は取決めに関与するすべての者は、適当な法的地位を有する。 The contracts shall: 当該契約書は、

i) clearly identify: the generator of each type of waste, each person who shall have legal control of the wastes and the recovery facility;


的な支配を有する者及び回収施設。 ii) provide that relevant requirements of this Decision are taken into account and are binding on all

parties to the contracts. 本決定の該当要件が考慮され、かつ、契約の全当事者がこれに拘束されていることを

規定する。 iii) specify which party to the contract (i) shall assume responsibility for an alternative management

of the wastes in compliance with applicable laws and regulations including, if necessary, the return of the wastes in accordance with section D. (3) (a) below and (ii), as the case may be, shall provide the notification for re-export in accordance with section D.(3) (b) below.




に応じて、D 条下記(3)(b)に基づく第 3 国への再輸出に係る通告を行う当事者が特定さ

れていること。 Upon the request of the competent authorities of the countries of export or import, the exporter shall provide

copies of such contracts or portions thereof. 輸出国又は輸入国の権限のある当局の要求に従い、輸出者は当該契約書又はその一部の写しを送

付する。 Any information contained in the contracts provided under terms of the above paragraph shall be held strictly

confidential in accordance with and to the extent required by domestic laws. 上記条項の条件の下で作成された契約書に含まれる情報は、国内法に従って、そこで求められる

範囲において極秘扱いされる。 (b) Financial Guarantees 金銭的保証


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Where applicable, the exporter or the importer shall provide financial guarantees in accordance with national or international law requirements, for alternative recycling, disposal or other means of environmentally sound management of the wastes in cases where arrangements for the transboundary movement and the recovery operations cannot be carried out as foreseen. 国内法又は国際法の要件に従い、輸出者あるいは輸入者は、国境を越える移動及び回収作業に関


環境上適正な処理を行うための金銭的保証を担保する。 (c) Transboundary Movements of Amber Wastes for Laboratory Analysis 試験分析のための黄級廃棄物の国境を越える移動 Member countries may exempt a transboundary movement of a waste from the Amber control procedure, if it is

explicitly destined for laboratory analysis to assess its physical or chemical characteristics or to determine its suitability for recovery operations. The amount of such waste so exempted shall be determined by the minimum quantity reasonably needed to adequately perform the analysis in each particular case, but not more than 25 kg. Analytical samples must be appropriately packaged and labelled and they remain subject to the conditions set out in Chapter II Section B. (1)(c) and (d) of this Decision. Where a competent authority of a country of import or country of export is required to be informed under its domestic legislation, the exporter shall inform that authority of a transboundary movement of a laboratory sample.




るのに必要とする妥当な 低量によって決定されるが、25kg以下でなければならない。分析試料は、

適正に梱包及び表示されていなければならず、本決定第 II 章B 条(1)(c)及び(d)で規定されている条件



い。 (2) Functioning of the Amber Control Procedure: 黄級規制手続の機能 Procedures are provided under the Amber control procedure for the following two cases: 黄級規制手続の下では、以下の2つのケースに対し手続が用意されている。

Case 1: individual transboundary movements or multiple shipments to a recovery facility; ケース1:回収施設への個別の国境を越える移動あるいは複数回にわたる運搬 Case 2: transboundary movements to pre-consented recovery facilities ケース2:事前の同意が与えられている回収施設への国境を越える移動 Case 1: Individual transboundary movements of wastes or multiple shipments to a recovery facility. ケース1:回収施設への廃棄物の個別の国境を越える移動あるいは複数回にわたる運搬

(a) Prior to commencement of each transboundary movement of wastes, the exporter shall provide written notification (“single notification”) to the competent authorities of the countries concerned. The notification document shall include all of the information listed in Appendix 8.A to this Decision. In accordance with domestic laws, the competent authorities of the country of export, instead of the exporter, may themselves transmit this notification.




できる。 (b) In instances where competent authorities acting under the terms of their domestic laws are required to review

the contracts referred to in section D. (1) above, the contract(s) or portions thereof to be reviewed must be sent together with the notification document in order that such review may be appropriately performed.





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(c) The competent authorities of the countries concerned may request additional information if the notification is not complete. Upon receipt of the complete notification document referred to in paragraph (a) above, the competent authorities of the country of import and, if applicable, of the country of export shall transmit an acknowledgement to the exporter with a copy to the competent authorities of all other countries concerned within three (3) working days of the receipt of the notification.




に他のすべての関係国の権限のある当局に対し写しを送付しなければならない。 (d) The competent authorities of the countries concerned shall have thirty (30) days to object, according to their

domestic laws, to the proposed transboundary movement of wastes. The thirty (30)-day period for possible objection shall commence upon issuance of the acknowledgement of the competent authority of the country of import.

関係国の権限のある当局は、自国の国内法に従い、30 日以内であれば、計画された廃棄物の国境を

越える移動に異議を唱えることができる。この 30 日という期間は、輸入国の権限のある当局の受領

確認の発給の時点より起算する。 (e) Any objection by any of the competent authorities of the countries concerned must be provided in writing to

the exporter and to the competent authorities of all other countries concerned within the thirty (30)-day period. 関係国の権限のある当局による異議は、30 日という期間内に、輸出者及び他のすべての関係国の権

限のある当局に対し書面で示されなければならない。 (f) If no objection has been lodged (tacit consent), the transboundary movement of wastes may commence after

this thirty (30)-day period has passed. Tacit consent expires within one (1) calendar year from the end of the thirty (30)-day period.


動を開始してもよい。黙示の同意は、30日の期間の終了から起算して1暦年以内でその効力を失う。 (g) In cases where the competent authorities of the countries concerned do not object and decide to provide

written consent, it shall be issued within the thirty (30)-day period commencing upon issuance of the acknowledgement of the receipt of notification by the competent authority of the country of import. The transboundary movement of wastes may commence after all consents are received. Copies of the written consent(s) shall be sent to competent authorities of all countries concerned. Written consent is valid for up to one (1) calendar year from the date of its issuance.

関係国の権限のある当局は、輸入国の権限のある当局の通告の受領確認の発給時点から起算して 30日に満たぬ期間内であれば、国境を越える移動に異議を唱えず同意することを書面により示すことが



同意通知の発給日から起算して1暦年を上限として有効である。 (h) Objection or written consent may be provided by post, e-mail with a digital signature, e-mail without digital

signature followed by post, or telefax followed by post. 異議又は書面による同意は、郵送、デジタル署名入り電子メール、郵送に先立つデジタル署名なし電

子メール、又は郵送に先立つファックスによって示すことができる。 (i) The transboundary movement of wastes may only take place during the period when the consents of all

competent authorities (tacit or written consent) are valid. 廃棄物の国境を越える移動は、すべての権限のある当局の同意(黙示又は書面による同意)が有効で

ある期間中のみ行うことができる。 (j) Each transboundary movement of wastes shall be accompanied by a movement document which includes the

information listed in Appendix 8.B to this Decision. 廃棄物のそれぞれの国境を越える移動には、本決定附属書8.Bに掲げる情報を含む移動書類を伴うも

のとする。 (k) Within three (3) days of the receipt of the wastes by the recovery facility, the recovery facility shall return a signed

copy of the movement document to the exporter and to the competent authorities of the countries of export, transit and import. Those countries of transit that do not wish to receive a signed copy of the movement


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document shall inform the OECD Secretariat. The recovery facility shall retain the original of the movement document for three (3) years.




る。当該回収施設は、移動書類の原本を3年間保管しなければならない。 (l) As soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days after the completion of recovery and no later than one (1)

calendar year following the receipt of the waste, the recovery facility shall send a certificate of recovery to the exporter and to the competent authorities of the countries of export and import by post, e-mail with a digital signature, email without digital signature followed by post, or telefax followed by post.

可能な限り早急に、遅くとも廃棄物の回収作業の終了後 30 日以内、かつ廃棄物を受領してから 1 暦



つファックスによって送付しなければならない。 (m) In cases where essentially similar wastes (e.g. those having essentially similar physical and chemical

characteristics) are to be sent periodically to the same recovery facility by the same exporter, the competent authorities of the countries concerned may elect to accept one “general notification” for such multiple shipments for a period of up to one year. Each shipment must be accompanied by its own movement document, which includes the information listed in Appendix 8.B to this Decision.




運搬毎に本決定附属書8に掲げる情報を含む移動書類を伴わなければならない。 (n) Revocation of the acceptance in (m) above may be accomplished by means of an official notice to the exporter

from any of the competent authorities of the countries concerned. Notice of revocation of acceptance for transboundary movements previously granted under this provision shall be given to the competent authorities of all countries concerned by the competent authorities of the country that revokes such acceptance.




Case 2: Transboundary movements of wastes to pre-consented recovery facilities ケース2:事前の同意が与えられている回収施設への廃棄物の国境を越える移動

(a) Competent authorities having jurisdiction over specific recovery facilities in the country of import may decide not to raise objections concerning transboundary movements of certain types of wastes to a specific recovery facility (pre-consented recovery facility). Such decisions can be limited to a specified period of time and can be revoked at any time.




撤回することができる。 (b) Competent authorities that elect this option shall inform the OECD secretariat of the recovery facility name,

address, technologies employed, waste types to which the pre-consent applies, and the period covered. The OECD secretariat must also be notified of any revocations.



OECD事務局に対し通告されなければならない。 (c) For all transboundary movements of wastes to such facilities paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Case 1 shall apply. 当該回収施設への廃棄物の国境を越える移動すべてにケース1(a)、(b)及び(c)を適用する。 (d) The competent authorities of the countries of export and transit shall have seven (7) working days to object,

according to their domestic laws, to the proposed transboundary movement of wastes. The seven (7) working


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days period for possible objection shall commence upon issuance of the acknowledgement of the competent authority of the country of import. In exceptional cases where the competent authority of the country of export needs more than seven (7) working days in order to receive additional information from the exporter as necessary to meet the requirements of its domestic law, it may inform the exporter within the seven (7) working days that additional time is needed. This additional time may be up to thirty (30) days starting from the day of the issuance of the acknowledgement of the competent authority of the country of import.







30日以内とする。 (e) Paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of Case 1 shall apply with a period of seven (7) working days instead of thirty (30)

days but for the exceptional cases mentioned in paragraph (d) above, in which case the period shall remain thirty (30) days.

ケース 1(e)、(f)及び(g)においては、30 日という期間の代わりに 7 就業日を適用するが、上記(d)に記載されている例外の場合には、30日という期間をそのまま適用する。

(f) Paragraphs (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l) of Case 1 shall apply. ケース1(h)、(i)、(j)、(k)及び(l)を適用する。 (g) In the case of the acceptance of a general notification, paragraph (m) of Case l shall apply with the exception

that the shipments can cover a period of up to three (3) years. For the revocation of this acceptance, paragraph (n) in Case 1 shall apply.

包括的通告を受領した場合には、ケース 1(m)には、運搬の期間を 3 年間までとすることができ

るという例外を適用する。この受理の撤回にはケース1(n)を適用する。 (3) Duty to Return or Re-export Wastes Subject to the Amber Control Procedure 黄級規制手続が適用される廃棄物の返還又は再輸出の義務

When a transboundary movement of wastes subject to the Amber control procedure, to which countries concerned have given consent, cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the contract, for any reason such as illegal shipments, the competent authority of the country of import shall immediately inform the competent authority of the country of export. If alternative arrangements cannot be made to recover these wastes in an environmentally sound manner in the country of import, the following provisions shall apply as the case may be: 関係国の同意が得られている黄級規制手続が適用される廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、不法運搬など



ための代替措置をとることができないときは、以下の条項を場合に応じて適用する。 (a) Return from a country of import to the country of export: 輸入国から輸出国への返還 The competent authority of the country of import shall inform the competent authorities of the countries of

export and transit, mentioning in particular the reason for returning the waste. The competent authority of the country of export shall admit the return of those wastes. In addition, the competent authorities of the countries of export and transit shall not oppose or prevent the return of these wastes. The return should take place within ninety (90) days from the time the country of import informs the country of export or such other period of time as the concerned Member countries agree. Any new transit country would require a new notification.








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(b) Re-export from a country of import to a country other than the initial country of export: 輸入国から当初の輸出国以外の国への再輸出 Re-export from a country of import of wastes subject to the Amber control procedure may only occur

following notification by an exporter in the country of import to the countries concerned, as well as to the initial country of export. The notification and control procedure shall follow the provisions set out in Case 1 of Section D. (2) with the addition that the provisions concerning the competent authorities of countries concerned shall also apply to the competent authority of the initial country of export.



手続は、D条(2)のケース 1 の関係国の権限のある当局に関する条項を、当初の輸出国の権限のあ

る当局にも当てはめて適用するものとする。 (4) Duty to Return Wastes Subject to the Amber Control Procedure from a Country of Transit 通過国からの黄級規制手続が適用される廃棄物の返還の義務

When the competent authority of the country of transit observes that a transboundary movement of wastes subject to the Amber control procedure, to which countries concerned have given consent, does not comply with the requirements of the notification and movement documents or otherwise constitutes illegal shipment, the competent authority of the country of transit shall immediately inform the competent authorities of the countries of export and import and any other countries of transit. 関係国の同意が得られている黄級規制手続が適用される廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、通告書や



限のある当局に対して即時に通報する。 If alternative arrangements cannot be made to recover these wastes in an environmentally sound manner, the competent authority of the country of export shall admit the return of the shipment of these wastes. In addition, the competent authorities of the country of export and other countries of transit shall not oppose or prevent the return of the wastes. The return should take place within ninety (90) days from the time the country of transit informs the country of export or such other period of time as the concerned countries agree. 当該廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で回収されるための代替措置をとることができないときは、輸出



は、通過国が輸出国に対してその旨を通報した時から 90 日以内に又は関係国が同意する他の期

間内に行わなければならない。 (5) Provisions Relating to Recognised Traders 承認された貿易業者に関する規定 (a) A recognised trader may act as an exporter or importer for wastes with all the responsibilities associated with

being an exporter or importer. 承認された貿易業者は、廃棄物に対し、輸出者又は輸入者であることに伴う全責任を負って輸出

者又は輸入者として行動しうる。 (b) The notification document called for in Chapter II section D (2), case 1, a) above shall include a signed

declaration by the exporter that the appropriate contracts referred to in Chapter II section D (1) (a) are in place and are legally enforceable in all countries concerned.

第 II 章D 条(2)ケース 1 の a)で求められている通告書類は、第 2 章D 条(1)(a)に記載されている適


た宣言を含む。 (6) Provisions Relating to Exchange (R12) and Accumulation (R13) Operations 交換(R12)及び集積(R13)作業に関する規定 For transboundary movements of wastes destined for exchange (R12) or accumulation (R13) operations

paragraphs (a) to (j), (m) and (n) of Case 1 shall apply. In addition: 交換(R12)又は集積(R13)作業のための廃棄物の国境を越える移動には、ケース1の(a)から(j)、(m)

及び(n)を適用する。 (a) If wastes are destined for a facility or facilities where a R12 or R13 recovery operation as designated in


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Appendix 5.B to this Decision takes place, the recovery facility or facilities where the subsequent R1-R11 recovery operation as designated in Appendix 5.B takes place or may take place, shall also be indicated in the notification document.


合、附属書 5.B に指定されている R1 から R11 のその後の回収作業を行う又は行いうる回収施設

についても通告書類に記載する。 (b) Within three (3) days of the receipt of the wastes by the R12/R13 recovery facility or facilities, the facilit(y)ies

shall return a signed copy of the movement document to the exporter and to the competent authorities of the countries of export and import. The facilit(y)ies shall retain the original of the movement document for three (3) years.

R12 又はR13 の回収作業を行う回収施設が廃棄物を受領してから 3 日以内に、当該回収施設は、


1通提出する。当該回収施設は、移動書類の原本を3年間保管しなければならない。 (c) As soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days after the completion of the R12/R13 recovery operation

and no later than one (1) calendar year following the receipt of the waste, the R12 or R13 facilit(y)ies shall send a certificate of recovery to the exporter and to the competent authorities of the countries of export and import by post, e-mail with a digital signature, email without digital signature followed by post, or telefax followed by post.

可能な限り早急に、遅くとも R12 又は R13 の回収作業の終了後 30 日以内、かつ廃棄物を受領し

てから 1 暦年以内に、R12 又はR13 の作業を行った回収施設は輸出者に対し及び輸入国及び輸出


立つデジタル署名なし電子メール又は郵送に先立つファックスによって送付しなければならない。 (d) When an R12/R13 recovery facility delivers wastes for recovery to an R1-R11 recovery facility located in the

country of import, it shall obtain as soon as possible but no later than one calendar year following delivery of the waste, a certification from the R1-R11 facility that recovery of the wastes at that facility has been completed. The R12/R13 facility shall promptly transmit the applicable certification(s) to the competent authorities of the countries of import and export, identifying the transboundary movements to which the certification(s) pertain.

R12 又はR13 の回収作業を行った回収施設が、輸入国にあるR1 からR11 の回収作業を行う回収

施設へ廃棄物を輸送した時は、可能な限り早急に、遅くとも廃棄物の輸送後 1 暦年以内に、当該

施設における廃棄物の回収作業が完了した旨の証明書を R1 から R11 の回収作業を行う回収施設

より受領する。R12 又はR13 の作業を行った回収施設は、輸入国及び輸出国の権限のある当局に

対し、証明書の施設への国境を越える移動であることを特定し、当該証明書を速やかに送付する。 (e) When an R12/R13 recovery facility delivers wastes for recovery to an R1-R11 recovery facility located: R12又はR13の回収作業を行う回収施設が、回収目的で次の場所にあるR1からR11の回収作業を

行う回収施設へ廃棄物を輸送する時、 i) in the initial country of export, a new notification is required in accordance with Section D. (2); or 当初の輸出国にある場合、D条(2)に基づく新たな通告が必要となる。又、

ii) in a third country other than the initial country of export, a new notification is required in accordance with Section D. (3)(b).



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APPENDIX 1: 附属書1:


3. This Appendix is identical to Annex I of the Basel Convention. 規制する廃棄物の分類

Waste streams: 廃棄の経路

Y1 Clinical wastes from medical care in hospitals, medical centres and clinics Y2 Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products Y3 Waste pharmaceuticals, drugs and medicines Y4 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and phytopharmaceuticals Y5 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals Y6 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of organic solvents Y7 Wastes from heat treatment and tempering operations containing cyanides Y8 Waste mineral oils unfit for their originally intended use Y9 Waste oil/water, hydrocarbon/water mixtures, emulsions Y10 Waste substances and articles containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s)

and/or polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT’s) and/or polybrominated biphenyls (PBB’s) Y11 Waste tarry residues arising from refining, distillation and any pyrolytic treatment Y12 Wastes from production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints, laquers, varnish Y13 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, glues/adhesives Y14 Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching activities which are

not identified and/or are new and whose effects on man and/or the environment are not known Y15 Wastes of an explosive nature not subject to other legislation Y16 Wastes from production, formulation and use of photographic chemicals and processing materials Y17 Wastes resulting from surface treatment of metals and plastics Y18 Residues arising from industrial waste disposal operations Y1 病院、医療センター及び診療所における医療行為から生ずる医療廃棄物

Y2 医薬品の製造及び調剤から生ずる廃棄物

Y3 廃医薬品

Y4 駆除剤及び植物用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物

Y5 木材保存用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物

Y6 有機溶剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物

Y7 熱処理及び焼戻作業から生ずるシアン化合物を含む廃棄物

Y8 当初に意図した使用に適用しない廃鉱油

Y9 油と水又は炭化水素と水の混合物又は乳濁物である廃棄物

Y10 ポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)、ポリ塩化テルフェニル(PCT)若しくはポリ臭化ビフェニル


Y11 精製、蒸留及びあらゆる熱分解処理から生ずるタール状の残滓

Y12 インキ、染料、顔料、ラッカー及びワニスの製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物

Y13 樹脂、ラテックス、可塑剤及び接着剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物

Y14 研究開発又は教育上の活動から生ずる同定されていない又は新規の廃化学品であって、人又は環境に


Y15 この条約以外の法的な規制の対象とされていない爆発性の廃棄物

Y16 写真用化学薬品及び現像剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物

Y17 金属及びプラスチックの表面処理から生ずる廃棄物

Y18 産業廃棄物の処分作業から生ずる廃棄物


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Wastes having as constituents: 次に掲げる成分を含有する廃棄物

Y19 Metal carbonyls 金属カルボニル Y20 Beryllium; beryllium compounds ベリリウム、ベリリウム化合物 Y21 Hexavalent chromium compounds 六価クロム化合物 Y22 Copper compounds 銅化合物 Y23 Zinc compounds 亜鉛化合物 Y24 Arsenic; arsenic compounds 砒素、砒素化合物 Y25 Selenium; selenium compounds セレン、セレン化合物 Y26 Cadmium; cadmium compounds カドミウム、カドミウム化合物 Y27 Antimony; antimony compounds アンチモン、アンチモン化合物 Y28 Tellurium; tellurium compounds テルル、テルル化合物 Y29 Mercury; mercury compounds 水銀、水銀化合物 Y30 Thallium; thallium compounds タリウム、タリウム化合物 Y31 Lead; lead compounds 鉛、鉛化合物 Y32 Inorganic fluorine compounds excluding calcium fluoride ふっ化カルシウムを除く無機ふっ素化合物 Y33 Inorganic cyanides 無機シアン化合物 Y34 Acidic solutions or acids in solid form 酸性溶液又は固体状の酸 Y35 Basic solutions or bases in solid form 塩基性溶液又は固体状の塩素 Y36 Asbestos (dust and fibres) 石綿(粉じん及び繊維状のもの) Y37 Organic phosphorous compounds 有機りん化合物 Y38 Organic cyanides 有機シアン化合物 Y39 Phenols; phenol compounds including chlorophenols フェノール、フェノール化合物(クロロフェノ

ールを含む。) Y40 Ethers エーテル Y41 Halogenated organic solvents ハロゲン化された有機溶剤 Y42 Organic solvents excluding halogenated solvents ハロゲン化された溶剤を除く有機溶剤 Y43 Any congener of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan ポリ塩化ジベンゾフラン類 Y44 Any congener of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin ポリ塩化ジベンゾ-パラ-ジオキシン類 Y45 Organohalogen compounds other than substances この附属書(例えばY39及びY41からY44まで)

referred to in this Appendix に掲げる物質以外の有機ハロゲン化合物 (e.g. Y39, Y41, Y42, Y43, Y44)

APPENDIX 2: 附属書2:


4. Codes and hazardous characteristics are identical to those in Annex III of the Basel Convention. 有害な特性の表

Code5 : Characteristics 分類番号 特性

5. Corresponds to hazard classification system included in the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (11th Revised Edition, UN, New York, October 1999) for H1 through H9; omissions of H2, H7 and H9 are deliberate. Codes H10-H13 correspond to UN class 9.


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H1: Explosive An explosive substance or waste is a solid or liquid substance or waste (or mixture of substances or wastes) which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. H1: 爆発性




H3: Flammable Liquids The word "flammable" has the same meaning as "inflammable". Flammable liquids are liquids, or mixtures of liquids, or liquids containing solids in solution or suspension (for example, paints, varnishes, lacquers, etc. but not including substances or wastes otherwise classified on account of their dangerous characteristics) which give off a flammable vapour at temperatures of not more than 60.5°C, closed-cup test, or not more than 65.6°C, open-cup test. (Since the results of open-cup tests and of closed-cup tests are not strictly comparable and even individual results by the same test are often variable, regulations varying from the above figures to make allowance for such differences would be within the spirit of this definition.) H3: 引火性の液体







H4.1: Flammable Solids. Solids, or waste solids, other than those classed as explosives, which under conditions encountered in transport are readily combustible, or may cause or contribute to fire through friction. H4.1: 可燃性の固体



H4.2: Substances or Wastes Liable to Spontaneous Combustion. Substances or wastes which are liable to spontaneous heating under normal conditions encountered in transport, or to heating up in contact with air, and being liable to catch fire. H4.2: 自然発火しやすい物質又は廃棄物



H4.3: Substances or Wastes which, in Contact with Water, Emit Flammable Gases. Substances or wastes which, by interaction with water, are liable to become spontaneously flammable or to give off flammable gases in dangerous quantities. H4.3: 水と作用して引火性のガスを発生する物質又は廃棄物


H5.1: Oxidising. Substances or wastes which, while in themselves not necessarily combustible, may, generally by yielding oxygen


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cause, or contribute to, the combustion of other materials. H5.1: 酸化性



H5.2: Organic Peroxides. Organic substances or wastes that contain the bivalent-0-0-structure are thermally unstable substances which may undergo exothermic self-accelerating decomposition. H5.2: 有機過酸化物



H6.1: Poisonous (Acute) Substances or wastes liable either to cause death or serious injury or to harm human health if swallowed or inhaled or by skin contact. H6.1: 毒性(急性)



H6.2: Infectious Substances Substances or wastes containing viable micro-organisms or their toxins which are known or suspected to cause disease in animals or humans. H6.2: 病毒をうつしやすい物質



H8: Corrosives Substances or wastes that, by chemical action, will cause severe damage when in contact with living tissue, or, in the case of leakage, will materially damage, or even destroy, other goods or the means of transport; they may also cause other hazards. H8: 腐食性




H10: Liberation of Toxic Gases in Contact with Air or Water Substances or wastes which, by interaction with air or water, are liable to give off toxic gases in dangerous quantities. H10: 空気又は水と作用することによる毒性ガスの発生空気又は水との相互作用により、危険な量の毒性


H11: Toxic (Delayed or Chronic) Substances or wastes which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may involve delayed or chronic effects, including carcinogenicity. H11: 毒性(遅発性又は慢性)




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H12: Ecotoxic Substances or wastes which if released present or may present immediate or delayed adverse impacts to the environment by means of bioaccumulation and/or toxic effects upon biotic systems. H12: 生態毒性



H13: Capable, by any means, after disposal, of yielding another material, e.g., leachate, which possesses any of the characteristics listed above. H13:



Tests The potential hazards posed by certain types of wastes are not yet fully documented; objective tests to define quantitatively these hazards do not exist. Further research is necessary in order to develop means to characterise potential hazards posed to man and/or the environment by these wastes. Standardised tests have been derived with respect to pure substances and materials. Many Member countries have developed tests which can be applied to materials destined for disposal or recovery by means of operations listed in Appendices 5.A or 5.B in order to decide if these materials exhibit any of the characteristics listed in this Appendix. 試験









Regardless of whether or not wastes are included on this list, they may not be subject to the Green control procedure if they are contaminated by other materials to an extent which (a) increases the risks associated with the wastes sufficiently to render them appropriate for submission to the amber control procedure, when taking into account the criteria in Appendix 6, or (b) prevents the recovery of the wastes in an environmentally sound manner. 廃棄物が本リストに記載されているか否かにかかわらず、(a)本決定附属書6の基準を考慮にいれれば、黄





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Part I:

Wastes listed in Annex IX of the Basel Convention. For the purposes of this Decision: (a) Any reference to list A in Annex IX of the Basel Convention shall be understood as a reference to Appendix 4 of this Decision. (b) In Basel entry B1020 the term “bulk finished form” includes all metallic non-dispersible6 forms of the scrap listed therein. (c) The part of Basel entry B1100 that refers to “Slags from copper processing” etc does not apply and OECD entry GB040 in Part II applies instead. (d) Basel entry B1110 does not apply and OECD entries GC010 and GC020 in Part II apply instead. (e) Basel entry B2050 does not apply and OECD entry GG040 in Part II applies instead. (f) The reference in Basel entry B3010 to fluorinated polymer wastes shall be deemed to include polymers and co-polymers of fluorinated ethylene (PTFE). 第1部:



(a) バーゼル条約附属書ⅨにあるリストAに関する注釈は、本決定附属書4に関する注釈として理解され


(b) バーゼル条約のB1020中の用語「塊状のもの」には、全ての飛散性を有しない形状の金属スクラ


(c) 「銅の処理から生ずるスラグ」等に関するバーゼル条約のB1100は適用せず、代わりに第2部に


(d) バーゼル条約のB1110は適用せず、代わりに第2部にあるOECDのGC010及びGC020


(e) バーゼル条約のB2050は適用せず、代わりに第2部にあるOECDのGG040を適用するもの


(f) バーゼル条約のB3010にあるふっ化重合体の廃棄物に関する記載には、ふっ化エチレン重合体及


Part II:

The following wastes will also be subject to the Green control procedure: 第2部:次に掲げる廃棄物にも緑級規制手続が適用される。

Metal and Metal-Alloy Wastes in Metallic, Non-Dispersible6 Form 6. “Non-dispersible” does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids. 金属性、非飛散性形態の金属及び合金(注6)

GA300 ex 811220 Chromium waste and scrap クロムの廃棄物及びスクラップ Metal Bearing Wastes Arising from Melting, Smelting and Refining of Metals 金属の溶解、精錬又は精製に伴い生ずる金属を含む廃棄物 GB040 7112 Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining

262030 貴金属又は銅の高度精錬に伴い生ずるスラグ 262090


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Other Wastes Containing Metals 金属を含むその他の廃棄物 GC010 Electrical assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys.

金属又は合金のみから成る電気部品 GC020 Electronic scrap (e.g. printed circuit boards, electronic components, wire, etc.) and

reclaimed electronic components suitable for base and precious metal recovery. 電子スクラップ(例えば、プリント配線板、電子部品、電線等)及び卑金属又は貴

金属の回収に適した規格外の電子部品 GC030 ex 890800 Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and

other materials arising from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste 解体される船舶及び海上浮体構造物(貨物及び船舶の運航に伴い生ずる物であって

危険な物質又は廃棄物とされるものを除去したものに限る。) GC040 ex 8701-05 Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids 廃自動車(液状の物を除去したものに限る。)

ex 8709-11 GC050 Spent Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Catalysts (e.g.: aluminium oxide, zeolites)

使用済みの液体接触分解(FCC)触媒(例えば、酸化アルミニウム、ゼオライト) The following metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic dispersible form: 次の金属性、飛散性形態の金属及び合金 GC090 Molybdenum モリブデン GC100 Tungsten タングステン GC110 Tantalum タンタル GC120 Titanium チタン GC130 Niobium ニオブ GC140 Rhenium レニウム Glass Waste in Non-dispersible Form 非飛散性形態のガラスの廃棄物

GE020 ex 7001 Glass Fibre Waste グラスファイバーの廃棄物

ex 701939 Ceramic Wastes in Non-Dispersible Form 非飛散性形態の陶磁器の廃棄物

GF010 Ceramic wastes which have been fired after shaping, including ceramic vessels (before and/or after use) 成形後焼成されている陶磁器の廃棄物(セラミック製の容器を含み、使用前である

か否かを問わない。) Other Wastes Containing Principally Inorganic Constituents, Which May Contain Metals and Organic Materials 無機物を主成分とし、金属又は有機物を含むおそれのあるその他の廃棄物 GG030 ex 2621 Bottom ash and slag tap from coal fired power plants


GG040 ex 2621 Coal fired power plants fly ash 石炭火力発電所から生ずる飛灰

GG160 Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) from road construction and maintenance, not containing tar 道路の建設や補修から生ずるタールを含まない瀝青物質(アスファルトの廃棄物)


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Solid Plastic Wastes 固形状の廃プラスチック類 GH013 391530 Polymers of vinyl chloride 塩化ビニルの重合体

ex 390410-40 Textile Wastes 繊維の廃棄物

GJ140 ex 6310 Waste textile floor coverings, carpets 廃繊維製カーペット類

Wastes Arising from Agro-Food Industries 食品工業から生ずる廃棄物

GM140 ex 1500 Waste edible fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin (e.g. frying oils) 動物性又は植物性の食用油脂(例 揚油等)

Wastes Arising from Tanning and Fellmongery Operations and Leather Use なめし処理、皮革加工又は皮革利用から生ずる廃棄物

GN010 ex 050200 Waste of pigs’, hogs’ or boars’ bristles and hair or of badger hair and other brush making hair 豚毛、いのししの毛、あなぐまの毛その他ブラシ製造用の獣毛の廃棄物

GN020 ex 050300 Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material 馬毛の廃棄物(支持物を使用することなく、又は支持物を使用して層状にしてある


GN030 ex 050590 Waste of skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, of feathers and parts of feathers (whether or not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation 羽毛皮その他の羽毛付きの鳥の部分、羽毛及びその部分(縁を整えてあるか否かを




Part I: Wastes listed in Annexes II and VIII of the Basel Convention. 第Ⅰ部: バーゼル条約附属書Ⅱ及びⅧに掲げる廃棄物

For the purposes of this Decision: (a) Any reference to list B in Annex VIII of the Basel Convention shall be understood as a reference to

Appendix 3 of this Decision. (b) In Basel entry A1010, the term “excluding such wastes specifically listed on List B (Annex IX)” is a

reference both to Basel entry B1020 and the note on B1020 in Appendix 3 to this Decision, Part I (b). (c) Basel entries A1180 and A2060 do not apply and OECD entries GC010, GC020 and GG040 in Appendix

3 Part II apply instead when appropriate. Member countries may control these wastes differently in accordance with Chapter II B 6 of this Decision concerning wastes not listed in Appendices 3 or 4, and the chapeau of Appendix 3.

(d) Basel entry A4050 includes spent potlinings from aluminium smelting because they contain Y33 inorganic cyanides. If the cyanides have been destroyed, spent potlinings are assigned to Part II entry AB120 because they contain Y32, inorganic fluorine compounds excluding calcium fluoride.


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(a) バーゼル条約附属書ⅧにあるリストBに関する注釈は、本決定附属書3に関する注釈として理解され


(b) バーゼル条約のA1010中の用語「B表(附属書Ⅸ)に特に掲げるものを除く」は、附属書3の第


(c) バーゼル条約A1180及びA2060は適用せず、代わりに附属書3にあるOECDのGC010、




(d) バーゼル条約のA4050には、Y33の無機シアン化合物を含有することから、使用済みのアルミ




Part II: The following wastes will also be subject to the Amber control procedure:

第Ⅱ部: 次に掲げる廃棄物にも黄級規制手続が適用される:

Metal Bearing Wastes 金属を含む廃棄物

AA010 261900 Dross, scalings and other wastes from the manufacture of iron and steel7


7. This listing includes wastes in the form of ash, residue, slag, dross, skimming, scaling, dust, powder, sludge and cake, unless a material is expressly listed elsewhere.

AA060 262050 Vanadium ashes and residues バナジウムを含む灰及び残滓

AA190 810420 Magnesium waste and scrap that is flammable, pyrophoric or emits, upon contact ex 810430 with water, flammable gases in dangerous quantities



Wastes Containing Principally Inorganic Constituents, Which May Contain Metals and Organic Materials 無機物を主成分とし、金属又は有機物を含むおそれのある廃棄物

AB030 Wastes from non-cyanide based systems which arise from surface treatment of metals シアン化合物を使用しない金属の表面処理に伴い生ずる廃棄物

AB070 Sands used in foundry operations 鋳物砂

AB120 ex 281290 Inorganic halide compounds, not elsewhere specified or included ex 3824 無機ハロゲン化合物(他に掲げるものを除く。)

AB130 Used blasting grit 使用済みのブラスト砂

AB150 ex 382490 Unrefined calcium sulphite and calcium sulphate from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) 精製されていない脱硫石膏及び排煙脱硫石膏

Wastes Containing Principally Organic Constituents, Which May Contain Metals and Inorganic Materials 有機物を主成分とし、金属又は無機物を含むおそれのある廃棄物 AC020 Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) not elsewhere specified or included


AC060 ex 381900 Hydraulic fluids 水圧液体

AC070 ex 381900 Brake fluids ブレーキ用液体

AC080 ex 382000 Antifreeze fluids 不凍液


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AC150 Chlorofluorocarbons クロロフルオロカーボン類

AC160 Halons ハロン類

AC170 ex 440310 Treated cork and wood wastes 化学処理されたコルク及び木材の廃棄物 AC250 Surface active agents (surfactants) 界面活性剤

AC260 ex 3101 Liquid pig manure; faeces 豚のふん尿

AC270 Sewage sludge 下水汚泥

Wastes Which May Contain either Inorganic or Organic Constituents 無機物又は有機物を含むおそれのある廃棄物

AD090 ex 382490 Wastes from production, formulation and use of reprographic and photographic chemicals and materials not elsewhere specified or included



AD100 Wastes from non-cyanide based systems which arise from surface treatment of plastics シアン化合物を使用しないプラスチックの表面処理から生ずる廃棄物

AD120 ex 391400 Ion exchange resins イオン交換樹脂 ex 3915

AD150 Naturally occurring organic material used as a filter medium (such as bio-filters) ろ材として使用された自然由来の有機物(バイオフィルター等)

Wastes Containing Principally Inorganic Constituents, Which May Contain Metals and Organic Materials 有機物を主成分とし、金属又は無機物を含むおそれのある廃棄物

RB020 ex 6815 Ceramic based fibres of physico-chemical characteristics similar to those of asbestos 物理化学的に石綿と性状が類似しているセラミックファイバー


附属書5.A: 処分作業

8. The wording of D1 to D15 in Appendix 5.A is identical to that of Annex IV.A of the Basel Convention. Appendix 5.A is meant to encompass all such disposal operations that occur in practice, whether or not they are adequate from the point of view of environmental protection. D1 Deposit into or onto land, (e.g., landfill, etc.) D2 Land treatment, (e.g., biodegradation of liquid or sludgy discards in soils, etc.) D3 Deep injection, (e.g., injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring

repositories, etc.) D4 Surface impoundment, (e.g., placement of liquid or sludge discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.) D5 Specially engineered landfill, (e.g., placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from

one another and the environment, etc.) D6 Release into a water body except seas/oceans D7 Release into seas/oceans including sea-bed insertion D8 Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in this Appendix which results in final compounds or mixtures

which are discarded by means of any of the operations in Appendix 5.A D9 Physico chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in this Appendix which results in final compounds or

mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations in Appendix 5.A, (e.g., evaporation, drying, calcination, etc.)

D10 Incineration on land


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D11 Incineration at sea D12 Permanent storage (e.g., emplacement of containers in a mine, etc.) D13 Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the operations in Appendix 5.A D14 Repackaging prior to submission to any of the operations in Appendix 5.A D15 Storage pending any of the operations in Appendix 5.A



D1 地中又は地上への投棄(例えば、埋立て)

D2 土壌処理(例えば、液状又は泥状の廃棄物の土中における生物分解)

D3 地中の深部への注入(例えば、井戸、岩塩ドーム又は天然の貯留場所へのポンプ注送が可能な廃棄物


D4 表面貯留(例えば、液状又は泥状の廃棄物をくぼ地、池又は潟に貯留すること。)

D5 特別に設計された処分場における埋立て(例えば、ふたをされ、かつ、相互に及び周囲から隔離され


D6 海洋を除く水域への放出

D7 海洋への放出(海底下への挿入を含む。)

D8 この附属書において他に規定されていない生物学的処理であって、その結果生ずる 終的な化合物又


D9 この附属書において他に規定されていない物理化学的処理であって、その結果生ずる 終的な化合物



D10 陸上における焼却

D11 海洋における焼却

D12 永久保管(例えば、容器に入れ鉱坑において保管すること。)

D13 附属書5.Aに掲げるいずれかの作業に先立つ調合又は混合

D14 附属書5.Aに掲げるいずれかの作業に先立つ梱包

D15 附属書5.Aに掲げるいずれかの作業が行われるまでの間の保管


附属書5.B: 回収作業

9. The wording of R1 to R13 in Appendix 5.B is identical to that of Annex IV.B of the Basel Convention. Appendix 5.B is meant to encompass all such operations with respect to materials considered to be or legally defined as wastes and which otherwise would have been destined for operations included in Appendix 5.A. R1 Use as a fuel (other than in direct incineration) or other means to generate energy R2 Solvent reclamation/regeneration R3 Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents R4 Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds R5 Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials R6 Regeneration of acids or bases R7 Recovery of components used for pollution abatement R8 Recovery of components from catalysts R9 Used oil re-refining or other reuses of previously used oil R10 Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement R11 Uses of residual materials obtained from any of the operations numbered R1-R10


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R12 Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the operations numbered R1-R11 R13 Accumulation of material intended for any operation in Appendix 5.B




R1 燃料としての利用(直接焼却を除く。)又はエネルギーを得るための他の手段としての利用

R2 溶剤の回収又は再生

R3 溶剤として利用しない有機物の再生利用又は回収利用

R4 金属及び金属化合物の再生利用又は回収利用

R5 その他の無機物の再生利用又は回収利用

R6 酸又は塩基の再生

R7 汚染の除去のために使用した成分の回収

R8 触媒からの成分の回収

R9 使用済みの油の精製又はその他の再利用

R10 農業又は生態系の改良に役立つ土壌処理

R11 R1からR10までに掲げる作業から得られた残滓の利用

R12 R1からR11までに掲げる作業に提供するための廃棄物の交換

R13 附属書5.Bに掲げるいずれかの作業のための物の集積


A) Properties 1) Does the waste normally exhibit any of the hazardous characteristics listed in Appendix 2 to this Decision?

Furthermore, it is useful to know if the waste is legally defined as or considered to be a hazardous waste in one or more Member countries.

2) Is the waste typically contaminated? 3) What is the physical state of the waste? 4) What is the degree of difficulty of cleanup in the case of accidental spillage or mismanagement? 5) What is the economic value of the waste bearing in mind historical price fluctuations?

A) 特性

1) 通常、その廃棄物は本決定附属書2の有害特性を有しているか。さらに、一以上の加盟国において


2) その廃棄物は典型的に汚染されているか。

3) その廃棄物の物理的状態はどのようなものか。

4) 事故的漏洩あるいは管理の不備の際、浄化の困難度はどれぐらいか。

5) 歴史的価格変動を考慮した際、その廃棄物の経済的価値はどの程度か。

B) Management 6) Does the technological capability to recover the waste exist? 7) Is there a history of adverse environmental incidents arising from transboundary movements of the waste

or associated recovery operations? 8) Is the waste routinely traded through established channels and is that evidenced by commercial

classification? 9) Is the waste usually moved internationally under the terms of a valid contract or chain of contracts?

10) What is the extent of reuse and recovery of the waste and how is any portion separated from the waste but not subject to recovery managed?


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11) What are the overall environmental benefits arising from the recovery operations? B) 管理

6) その廃棄物を回収する技術力は存在しているか。

7) その廃棄物の越境移動、あるいはそれに伴う回収作業により環境への有害な事故が生じたことがあ


8) その廃棄物は、定期的に確立された経路によって取引されているか。また、商業分類による証明が


9) その廃棄物は有効な一つの、あるいは一連の契約の条件の下で、通常国際間を移動するか。

10) その廃棄物の再生利用及び回収利用の程度はどれぐらいか。また、その廃棄物の中で回収管理され


11) 回収作業から生じる総合的な環境上の利益はどれぐらいか。


(1) Competent Authority: indicates the address, telephone, e-mail and fax numbers of the regulatory authority having jurisdiction over transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations. If separate competent authorities are known to exist for different types of movements (e.g. different authorities for transit than for import/export), this is also indicated. When applicable, indicate the code number of the national competent authorities.

(2) Contact Point: provides the point of correspondence, including the address, telephone e-mail and fax numbers, through which individuals can, if desired, obtain additional or complementary information.

(3) Acceptable Languages: indicates the languages that can be used by the exporter so that the notification document is understandable for the competent authority receiving it.

(4) Required Points of Entry/Exit: notes if and when national regulations prescribe that shipments of recoverable wastes must enter or exit the territory through specific customs offices.

(5) Pre-consented Recovery Facilities: indicates if a Member country has granted pre-consent for certain wastes to be accepted by one or more pre-consented recovery facilities within its jurisdiction, in conformity with Chapter II, D, (2), Case 2. Details on the company, the location, the expiry of pre-consent, the relevant waste types, and total quantity pre-consented is also indicated when known.

(6) Classification Differences: this item is meant to indicate when divergent classifications exist between the OECD Appendices 3 and 4 and national waste lists, according to provisions of Section B(4) of this Decision. When known specific wastes and associated controls are cited.

(7) Prohibitions: provides information on wastes specifically banned or prohibited for import or export under the Member country’s pertinent national laws or regulations.

(8) Contractual Requirements: notes requirements concerning contracts between the exporter and the importer, including whether the competent authority shall review the contract.

(9) Written Consent: indicates if Member countries require written consent for exports or imports of wastes. (10) Information related to Environmentally Sound Management: Indicates additional information under

the terms of domestic legislation on environmentally sound management of wastes. (11) Notification for Export: Indicates whether notifications for export are transmitted by the competent

authorities instead of the exporter. (12) Movement Document: Indicates if a country of transit does not wish to receive a signed copy of the

movement document, indicating the receipt of wastes by the recovery facility in the country of import. (13) Financial Requirements: If Member countries require financial guarantees for transboundary

movements of recoverable wastes, such requirements would be specified under this entry. Information provided may inter alia include: the types of guarantee (e.g. insurance statement, bank letters, bonds, etc.),


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the amount of guarantee (minimum and maximum, if any), whether the guarantee varies according to amount and/or hazardousness of the waste, the damages to be covered.

(14) Pertinent National Laws/Regulations: provides citations to relevant domestic laws and regulations containing provisions that relate to the conditions of this Decision.

(15) Other is used to indicate: • additional differences between this Decision and national provisions; • pending amendments to pertinent national laws/regulations; and • other requirements or issues deemed relevant by the Member country.

(1) 権限ある当局:回収作業が行われる廃棄物の越境移動に対して管轄権を有する規制当局の住所、電話




(2) 中央連絡先:個人が望む場合には、そこを通じて追加的あるいは補完的情報を得ることができるよう


(3) 受け入れ可能な言語:通告書類を受け取る権限ある当局が理解可能な、輸出者が使用することができ


(4) 要求される輸出入地:回収作業が行われる廃棄物の輸送を行う場合、特定の税関を通関してその管轄


(5) 事前の同意が与えられている回収施設:第2章D条(2)のケース2に従って、加盟国がその管理下にあ




(6) 分類の相違:本決定B条(4)の規定に基づき、国のリストにOECD附属書3及び4と異なる分類があ


(7) 禁止事項:加盟国の適切な国内法規の下で、輸出入が特に禁止されている廃棄物に関する情報を提供


(8) 契約要件:権限ある当局がその契約について審査するか否かについても含む、輸出者と輸入者の間の


(9) 書面による同意:加盟国が輸出あるいは輸入の際に書面による同意を必要とする場合には記載する。

(10) 環境上適正な管理に関する情報:廃棄物の環境上適正な管理に関する国内法令の条項に基づく追加的


(11) 輸出通告:輸出者の代わりに権限ある当局が輸出通告を行うかを記載する。

(12) 移動書類:輸入国において回収施設により廃棄物が受領された旨記載した、署名入りの移動書類の写


(13) 金銭的要件:加盟国が回収される廃棄物の越境移動の際に金銭的保証を要求する場合には、その要件


の書簡、証書等)、補償額(もしあれば 低額及び 高額)、廃棄物の量あるいは有害性により補償


(14) 関係する国内法規:本決定の条件に関する条項を含む関連する国内法規の引用を記載する。

(15) その他は以下について記載するために使用される:





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A. Information to be Included in the Notification Document: 1) Serial number or other accepted identifier of notification document. 2) Exporter name, address, telephone, telefax, e-mail and contact person. 3) Recovery facility name, address, telephone, telefax, e-mail and technologies employed. 4) Importer name, address, telephone, telefax, e-mail. 5) Address, telephone, telefax, e-mail of any intended carrier(s) and/or their agents. 6) Country of export and relevant competent authority. 7) Countries of transit and relevant competent authorities. 8) Country of import and relevant competent authority. 9) Single notification or general notification. If general, period of validity requested. 10) Date(s) foreseen for commencement of transboundary movement(s). 11) Means of transport envisaged. 12) Certification that any applicable insurance or other financial guarantee is or shall be in force covering the

transboundary movement. 13) Designation of waste type(s) on the appropriate list (Part I or II of Appendix 3 or 4) and their description(s),

probable total quantity of each, and any hazardous characteristics. 14) Specification of the recovery operation(s) according to Appendix 5.B to this Decision. 15) Certification of the existence of written contract or chain of contracts or equivalent arrangement as required

by this Decision. 16) Certification by the exporter that the information is complete and correct to the best of his knowledge. A.通告書類に含まれる情報

1) 移動書類の連番もしくは他の識別番号

2) 輸出者の氏名、住所、電話番号、ファックス番号、電子メールのアドレス及び連絡責任者

3) 回収施設の名称、住所、電話番号、ファックス番号、電子メールのアドレス及び適用される技術

4) 輸入者の氏名、住所、電話番号、ファックス番号及び電子メールのアドレス

5) 予定される運搬者あるいはその代理人の住所、電話番号、ファックス番号、電子メールのアドレス

6) 輸出国及び所管の権限ある当局

7) 通過国及び所管の権限ある当局

8) 輸入国及び所管の権限ある当局

9) 個別的通告か包括的通告か。包括的通告である場合、要請された有効期間。

10) 越境移動開始の予定日

11) 予定される輸送手段

12) 適用可能な保険もしくはその他の金銭的保証が、現に有効である、もしくは将来発効することの証明

13) しかるべきリスト(附属書3又は4の第1部又は2部)への廃棄物の種類の指定及びその記述、各推


14) 本決定附属書5.Bに基づく回収作業の特定

15) 本決定により要求されている書面による単一あるいは一連の契約、もしくは契約相当の取り決めが存


16) 輸出者の知る限りにおいて、情報が完全かつ正確であることについての輸出者自身による証明

B. Information to be Included in the Movement Document: Include all information at A. above plus:

(a) Date shipment has commenced. (b) Carrier(s) name, address, telephone, telefax, e-mail.


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(c) Type of packaging envisaged. (d) Any special precautions to be taken by carrier(s). (e) Declaration by exporter that no objection has been lodged by the competent authorities of all countries

concerned. This declaration requires signature of the exporter. (f) Appropriate signatures for each custody transfer. B.移動書類に含まれる情報


a) 輸送が開始された日

b) 運搬者の名称、住所、電話番号、ファックス番号及び電子メールのアドレス

c) 梱包の形式

d) 運搬者によって講じられるべき、あらゆる特別な予防措置

e) 全関係国の権限ある当局から何ら反対が申し立てられていないとの輸出者による宣言。


f) 個々の保管の移転に際する適切な署名

C. Recommended forms for the notification and movement documents (see Chapter I paragraph 3) for transboundary movements of wastes destined for recovery operations within the OECD area and instructions for completing those forms: C.




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添付資料20 バーゼル条約


OF HAZARDOUS WASTES AND THEIR DISPOSAL 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分の規制に関するバーゼル条約

PREAMBLE 前文 The Parties to this Convention, この条約の締約国は、 Aware of the risk of damage to human health and the environment caused by hazardous wastes and other wastes and the transboundary movement thereof, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物並びにこれらの廃棄物の国境を越える移動によって引き起こされる人

の健康及び環境に対する損害の危険性を認識し、 Mindful of the growing threat to human health and the environment posed by the increased generation and complexity, and transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生の増加及び一層の複雑化並びにこれらの廃棄物の国境を越える

移動によってもたらされる人の健康及び環境に対する脅威の増大に留意し、 Mindful also that the most effective way of protecting human health and the environment from the dangers posed by such wastes is the reduction of their generation to a minimum in terms of quantity and/or hazard potential, これらの廃棄物によってもたらされる危険から人の健康及び環境を保護する も効果的な方法は、

これらの廃棄物の発生を量及び有害性の面から 小限度とすることであることに留意し、 Convinced that States should take necessary measures to ensure that the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes including their transboundary movement and disposal is consistent with the protection of human health and the environment whatever the place of disposal, 諸国が、処分の場所のいかんを問わず、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の処理(国境を越える移動及び


確信し、 Noting that States should ensure that the generator should carry out duties with regards to the transport and disposal of hazardous wastes and other wastes in a manner that is consistent with the protection of the environment, whatever the place of disposal. 諸国が、処分の場所のいかんを問わず、発生者が有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の運搬及び処分に関

する義務を環境の保護に適合する方法で履行することを確保すべきであることに留意し、 Fully recognizing that any State has the sovereign right to ban the entry or disposal of foreign hazardous wastes and other wastes in its territory, いずれの国も、自国の領域において外国の有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の搬入又は処分を禁止する

主権的権利を有することを十分に認め、 Recognizing also the increasing desire for the prohibition of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal in other States, especially developing countries, 有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動及びその処分を他の国特に開発途上国において行うことを禁止し



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Convinced that hazardous wastes and other wastes should, as far as is compatible with environmentally sound and efficient management, be disposed of in the State where they were generated, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物は、環境上適正かつ効率的な処理と両立する限り、これらの廃棄物の

発生した国において処分されるべきであることを確信し、 Aware also that transboundary movements of such wastes from the State of their generation to any other State should be permitted only when conducted under conditions which do not endanger human health and the environment, and under conditions in conformity with the provisions of this Convention, これらの廃棄物の発生した国から他の国への国境を越える移動は、人の健康及び環境を害するこ


ことを認識し、 Considering that enhanced control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes will act as an incentive for their environmentally sound management and for the reduction of the volume of such transboundary movement, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動の規制を強化することが、これらの廃棄物を環境

上適正に処理し、及びその国境を越える移動の量を削減するための誘因となることを考慮し、 Convinced that States should take measures for the proper exchange of information on and control of the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes from and to those States, 諸国が有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する適当な情報交換及び規制を行うた

めの措置をとるべきであることを確信し、 Noting that a number of international and regional agreements have addressed the issue of protection and preservation of the environment with regard to the transit of dangerous goods, 種々の国際的及び地域的な協定が危険物の通過に関する環境の保護及び保全の問題を取り扱って

いることに留意し、 Taking into account the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), the Cairo Guidelines and Principles for the Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes adopted by the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by decision 14/30 of 17 June 1987, the Recommendations of the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (formulated in 1957 and updated biennially), relevant recommendations, declarations, instruments and regulations adopted within the United Nations system and the work and studies done within other international and regional organizations, 国際連合人間環境会議の宣言(1972年ストックホルム)、国際連合環境計画(UNEP)管理理事会が




宣言、文書及び規則並びに他の国際的及び地域的な機関において行われた活動及び研究を考慮し、 Mindful of the spirit, principles, aims and functions of the World Charter for Nature adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations at its thirty-seventh session (1982) as the rule of ethics in respect of the protection of the human environment and the conservation of natural resources, 第37回国際連合総会(1982年)において人間環境の保護及び自然資源の保全に関する倫理的規範と

して採択された世界自然憲章の精神、原則、目的及び機能に留意し、 Affirming that States are responsible for the fulfilment of their international obligations concerning the protection of human health and protection and preservation of the environment, and are liable in accordance with international law,


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びに国際法に従って責任を負うことを確認し、 Recognizing that in the case of a material breach of the provisions of this Convention or any protocol thereto the relevant international law of treaties shall apply, この条約又はこの条約の議定書の規定に対する重大な違反があった場合には、条約に関する関連

国際法が適用されることを認め、 Aware of the need to continue the development and implementation of environmentally sound lowwaste technologies, recycling options, good house-keeping and management systems with a view to reducing to a minimum the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生を 小限度とするため、環境上適正な廃棄物低減技術、再生利

用の方法並びに良好な管理及び処理の体制の開発及び実施を引き続き行うことの必要性を認識し、 Aware also of the growing international concern about the need for stringent control of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes, and of the need as far as possible to reduce such movement to a minimum, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動を厳重に規制することの必要性について国際的な

関心が高まっていること並びに可能な限りそのような移動を 小限度とすることの必要性を認識

し、 Concerned about the problem of illegal transboundary traffic in hazardous wastes and other wastes, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える不法な取引の問題について懸念し、 Taking into account also the limited capabilities of the developing countries to manage hazardous wastes and other wastes, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物を処理する開発途上国の能力に限界があることを考慮し、 Recognizing the need to promote the transfer of technology for the sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes produced locally, particularly to the developing countries in accordance with the spirit of the Cairo Guidelines and decision 14/16 of the Governing Council of UNEP on Promotion of the transfer of environmental protection technology, 現地で発生する有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の適正な処理のため、カイロ・ガイドライン及び環境


上国に対する技術移転を促進することの必要性を認め、 Recognizing also that hazardous wastes and other wastes should be transported in accordance with relevant international conventions and recommendations, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物が、関連する国際条約及び国際的な勧告に従って運搬されるべきであ

ることを認め、 Convinced also that the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes should be permitted only when the transport and the ultimate disposal of such wastes is environmentally sound, and 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動は、これらの廃棄物の運搬及び 終的な処分が環

境上適正である場合に限り許可されるべきであることを確信し、 Determined to protect, by strict control, human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from the generation and management of hazardous wastes and other wastes, 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生及び処理から生ずることがある悪影響から人の健康及び環境を



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HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 次のとおり協定した。 Article 1 Scope of the Convention 第 1 条 条約の適用範囲 1. The following wastes that are subject to transboundary movement shall be "hazardous wastes"

for the purposes of this Convention: この条約の適用上、次の廃棄物であって国境を越える移動の対象となるものは、「有害廃棄物」


(a) Wastes that belong to any category contained in Annex I, unless they do not possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III; and 附属書Ⅰに掲げるいずれかの分類に属する廃棄物(附属書Ⅲに掲げるいずれの特性も有しな

いものを除く。) (b) Wastes that are not covered under paragraph (a) but are defined as, or are considered to be, hazardous

wastes by the domestic legislation of the Party of export, import or transit. (a)に規定する廃棄物には該当しないが、輸出国、輸入国又は通過国である締約国の国内法令

により有害であると定義され又は認められている廃棄物 2. Wastes that belong to any category contained in Annex II that are subject to transboundary movement

shall be "other wastes" for the purposes of this Convention. この条約の適用上、附属書Ⅱに掲げるいずれかの分類に属する廃棄物であって国境を越える移

動の対象となるものは、「他の廃棄物」とする。 3. Wastes which, as a result of being radioactive, are subject to other international control systems,

including international instruments, applying specifically to radioactive materials, are excluded from the scope of this Convention. 放射能を有することにより、特に放射性物質について適用される国際文書による規制を含む他

の国際的な規制の制度の対象となる廃棄物は、この条約の適用範囲から除外する。 4. Wastes which derive from the normal operations of a ship, the discharge of which is covered by another

international instrument, are excluded from the scope of this Convention. 船舶の通常の運航から生ずる廃棄物であってその排出について他の国際文書の適用があるもの

は、この条約の適用範囲から除外する。 Article 2 Definitions 第 2 条 定義 For the purposes of this Convention: この条約の適用上、 1. "Wastes" are substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are

required to be disposed of by the provisions of national law; 「廃棄物」とは、処分がされ、処分が意図され又は国内法の規定により処分が義務付けられて


2. "Management" means the collection, transport and disposal of hazardous wastes or other wastes, including after-care of disposal sites;


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理を含む。 3. "Transboundary movement" means any movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes from an area

under the national jurisdiction of one State to or through an area under the national jurisdiction of another State or to or through an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State, provided at least two States are involved in the movement; 「国境を越える移動」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物が、その移動に少なくとも二以上の国




4. "Disposal" means any operation specified in Annex IV to this Convention; 「処分」とは、附属書Ⅳに掲げる作業をいう。

5. "Approved site or facility" means a site or facility for the disposal of hazardous wastes or other wastes

which is authorized or permitted to operate for this purpose by a relevant authority of the State where the site or facility is located; 「承認された場所又は施設」とは、場所又は施設が存在する国の関係当局により、有害廃棄物


いう。 6. "Competent authority" means one governmental authority designated by a Party to be responsible, within

such geographical areas as the Party may think fit, for receiving the notification of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes, and any information related to it, and for responding to such a notification, as provided in Article 6; 「権限のある当局」とは、締約国が適当と認める地理的区域内において、第6条の規定に従って



されたものをいう。 7. "Focal point" means the entity of a Party referred to in Article 5 responsible for receiving and submitting

information as provided for in Articles 13 and 16; 「中央連絡先」とは、第13条及び第16条に規定する情報を受領し及び提供する責任を有する第5条に規定する締約国の機関をいう。

8. "Environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes or other wastes" means taking all practicable

steps to ensure that hazardous wastes or other wastes are managed in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such wastes; 「有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の環境上適正な処理」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物から生ず


保するために実行可能なあらゆる措置をとることをいう。 9. "Area under the national jurisdiction of a State" means any land, marine area or air space within which a

State exercises administrative and regulatory responsibility in accordance with international law in regard to the protection of human health or the environment; 「一の国の管轄の下にある地域」とは、人の健康又は環境の保護に関し、国際法に従って一の

国が行政上及び規制上の責任を遂行する陸地、海域又は空間をいう。 10. "State of export" means a Party from which a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other


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wastes is planned to be initiated or is initiated; 「輸出国」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の自国からの国境を越える移動が計画され又は開

始されている締約国をいう。 11. "State of import" means a Party to which a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other

wastes is planned or takes place for the purpose of disposal therein or for the purpose of loading prior to disposal in an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State; 「輸入国」とは、自国における処分を目的として又はいずれの国の管轄の下にもない地域にお


動が計画され又は行われている締約国をいう。 12. "State of transit" means any State, other than the State of export or import, through which a movement

of hazardous wastes or other wastes is planned or takes place; 「通過国」とは、輸出国又は輸入国以外の国であって、自国を通過する有害廃棄物又は他の廃

棄物の国境を越える移動が計画され又は行われているものをいう。 13. "States concerned" means Parties which are States of export or import, or transit States, whether or not

Parties; 「関係国」とは、締約国である輸出国又は輸入国及び締約国であるかないかを問わず通過国を

いう。 14. "Person" means any natural or legal person; 「者」とは、自然人又は法人をいう。

15. "Exporter" means any person under the jurisdiction of the State of export who arranges for hazardous

wastes or other wastes to be exported; 「輸出者」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の輸出を行う者であって輸出国の管轄の下にある

ものをいう。 16. "Importer" means any person under the jurisdiction of the State of import who arranges for hazardous

wastes or other wastes to be imported; 「輸入者」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の輸入を行う者であって輸入国の管轄の下にある

ものをいう。 17. "Carrier" means any person who carries out the transport of hazardous wastes or other wastes; 「運搬者」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の運搬を行う者をいう。

18. "Generator" means any person whose activity produces hazardous wastes or other wastes or, if that

person is not known, the person who is in possession and/or control of those wastes; 「発生者」とは、その活動が有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物を発生させる者をいい、その者が不明

であるときは、当該有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物を保有し又は支配している者をいう。 19. "Disposer" means any person to whom hazardous wastes or other wastes are shipped and who carries

out the disposal of such wastes; 「処分者」とは、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物がその者に対し運搬される者であって当該有害廃

棄物又は他の廃棄物の処分を行うものをいう。 20. "Political and/or economic integration organization" means an organization constituted by sovereign

States to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign,


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ratify, accept, approve, formally confirm or accede to it; 「政治統合又は経済統合のための機関」とは、主権国家によって構成される機関であって、こ



ものをいう。 21. "Illegal traffic" means any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes as specified in

Article 9. 「不法取引」とは、第9条に規定する有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動をいう。

Article 3 National Definitions of Hazardous Wastes 第 3 条 有害廃棄物に関する国内の定義 1. Each Party shall, within six months of becoming a Party to this Convention, inform the Secretariat of the

Convention of the wastes, other than those listed in Annexes I and II, considered or defined as hazardous under its national legislation and of any requirements concerning transboundary movement procedures applicable to such wastes. 締約国は、この条約の締約国となった日から6箇月以内に、条約の事務局に対し、附属書Ⅰ及



通報する。 2. Each Party shall subsequently inform the Secretariat of any significant changes to the information it has

provided pursuant to paragraph 1. 締約国は、更に、1の規定に従って提供した情報に関する重要な変更を事務局に通報する。

3. The Secretariat shall forthwith inform all Parties of the information it has received pursuant to

paragraphs 1 and 2. 事務局は、1及び2の規定に従って受領した情報を直ちにすべての締約国に通報する。

4. Parties shall be responsible for making the information transmitted to them by the Secretariat under

paragraph 3 available to their exporters. 締約国は、3の規定に従い事務局によって送付された情報を自国の輸出者に対し利用可能にする

責任を有する。 Article 4 General Obligations 第 4 条 一般的義務 1.

(a) Parties exercising their right to prohibit the import of hazardous wastes or other wastes for disposal shall inform the other Parties of their decision pursuant to Article 13. 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の処分のための輸入を禁止する権利を行使する締約国は、第13条の規定に従ってその決定を他の締約国に通報する。

(b) Parties shall prohibit or shall not permit the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes to the Parties which have prohibited the import of such wastes, when notified pursuant to subparagraph (a) above. 締約国は、(a)の規定に従って通報を受けた場合には、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の輸入を禁



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(c) Parties shall prohibit or shall not permit the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes if the State

of import does not consent in writing to the specific import, in the case where that State of import has not prohibited the import of such wastes. 締約国は、輸入国が有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の輸入を禁止していない場合において当該輸



2. Each Party shall take the appropriate measures to: 締約国は、次の目的のため、適当な措置をとる。

(a) Ensure that the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes within it is reduced to a minimum, taking into account social, technological and economic aspects; 社会的、技術的及び経済的側面を考慮して、国内における有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生

を 小限度とすることを確保する。

(b) Ensure the availability of adequate disposal facilities, for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes, that shall be located, to the extent possible, within it, whatever the place of their disposal; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の環境上適正な処理のため、処分の場所のいかんを問わず、可能


(c) Ensure that persons involved in the management of hazardous wastes or other wastes within it take such steps as are necessary to prevent pollution due to hazardous wastes and other wastes arising from such management and, if such pollution occurs, to minimize the consequences thereof for human health and the environment; 国内において有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の処理に関与する者が、その処理から生ずる有害廃


び環境についてその影響を 小のものにとどめるために必要な措置をとることを確保する。

(d) Ensure that the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes is reduced to the minimum consistent with the environmentally sound and efficient management of such wastes, and is conducted in a manner which will protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects which may result from such movement; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が、これらの廃棄物の環境上適正かつ効率的

な処理に適合するような方法で 小限度とされ、並びに当該移動から生ずる悪影響から人の


(e) Not allow the export of hazardous wastes or other wastes to a State or group of States belonging to an economic and/or political integration organization that are Parties, particularly developing countries, which have prohibited by their legislation all imports, or if it has reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner, according to criteria to be decided on by the Parties at their first meeting. 締約国特に開発途上国である国又は国家群(経済統合又は政治統合のための機関に加盟して




(f) Require that information about a proposed transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other


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wastes be provided to the States concerned, according to Annex V A, to state clearly the effects of the proposed movement on human health and the environment; 計画された有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が人の健康及び環境に及ぼす影響



(g) Prevent the import of hazardous wastes and other wastes if it has reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理されないと信ずるに足りる理由がある


(h) Co-operate in activities with other Parties and interested organizations, directly and through the Secretariat, including the dissemination of information on the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes, in order to improve the environmentally sound management of such wastes and to achieve the prevention of illegal traffic. 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を改善し及び不法取引の防止を達成するため、


直接及び事務局を通じ、他の締約国及び関係機関と協力する。 3. The Parties consider that illegal traffic in hazardous wastes or other wastes is criminal. 締約国は、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の不法取引を犯罪性のあるものと認める。

4. Each Party shall take appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to implement and enforce the

provisions of this Convention, including measures to prevent and punish conduct in contravention of the Convention. 締約国は、この条約の規定を実施するため、この条約の規定に違反する行為を防止し及び処罰


5. A Party shall not permit hazardous wastes or other wastes to be exported to a non-Party or to be imported from a non-Party. 締約国は、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物を非締約国へ輸出し又は非締約国から輸入することを許


6. The Parties agree not to allow the export of hazardous wastes or other wastes for disposal within the area south of 60゚ South latitude, whether or not such wastes are subject to transboundary movement. 締約国は、国境を越える移動の対象となるかならないかを問わず、南緯60度以南の地域におけ


7. Furthermore, each Party shall: 締約国は、更に、次のことを行う。

(a) Prohibit all persons under its national jurisdiction from transporting or disposing of hazardous wastes

or other wastes unless such persons are authorized or allowed to perform such types of operations; 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の運搬又は処分を行うことが認められ又は許可されている者を除



(b) Require that hazardous wastes and other wastes that are to be the subject of a transboundary movement be packaged, labelled, and transported in conformity with generally accepted and recognized international rules and standards in the field of packaging, labelling, and transport, and that


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due account is taken of relevant internationally recognized practices; 国境を越える移動の対象となる有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物が、こん包、表示及び運搬の分野




(c) Require that hazardous wastes and other wastes be accompanied by a movement document from the point at which a transboundary movement commences to the point of disposal. 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物には、国境を越える移動が開始される地点から処分の地点まで移


8. Each Party shall require that hazardous wastes or other wastes, to be exported, are managed in an environmentally sound manner in the State of import or elsewhere. Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes subject to this Convention shall be decided by the Parties at their first meeting. 締約国は、輸出されることとなる有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物が輸入国又は他の場所において環



9. Parties shall take the appropriate measures to ensure that the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes only be allowed if: 締約国は、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が次のいずれかの場合に限り許可さ

れることを確保するため、適当な措置をとる。 (a) The State of export does not have the technical capacity and the necessary facilities, capacity or

suitable disposal sites in order to dispose of the wastes in question in an environmentally sound and efficient manner; or 輸出国が当該廃棄物を環境上適正かつ効率的な方法で処分するための技術上の能力及び必要


(b) The wastes in question are required as a raw material for recycling or recovery industries in the State of import; or 当該廃棄物が輸入国において再生利用産業又は回収産業のための原材料として必要とされて


(c) The transboundary movement in question is in accordance with other criteria to be decided by the Parties, provided those criteria do not differ from the objectives of this Convention. 当該国境を越える移動が締約国全体として決定する他の基準に従って行われる場合。ただし、

当該基準がこの条約の目的に合致することを条件とする。 10. The obligation under this Convention of States in which hazardous wastes and other wastes are

generated to require that those wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner may not under any circumstances be transferred to the States of import or transit. 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物を発生させた国がこの条約の下において負う当該有害廃棄物及び他



11. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent a Party from imposing additional requirements that are consistent with the provisions of this Convention, and are in accordance with the rules of international law, in order better to protect human health and the environment.


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12. Nothing in this Convention shall affect in any way the sovereignty of States over their territorial sea established in accordance with international law, and the sovereign rights and the jurisdiction which States have in their exclusive economic zones and their continental shelves in accordance with international law, and the exercise by ships and aircraft of all States of navigational rights and freedoms as provided for in international law and as reflected in relevant international instruments. この条約のいかなる規定も、国際法に従って確立している領海に対する国の主権、国際法に従



機が行使することに何ら影響を及ぼすものではない。 13. Parties shall undertake to review periodically the possibilities for the reduction of the amount and/or the pollution potential of hazardous wastes and other wastes which are exported to other States, in particular to developing countries. 締約国は、他の国特に開発途上国に対して輸出される有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の量及び汚染

力を減少させる可能性について定期的に検討する。 Article 5 Designation of Competent Authorities and Focal Point 第 5 条 権限のある当局及び中央連絡先の指定

To facilitate the implementation of this Convention, the Parties shall: 締約国は、この条約の実施を円滑にするため、次のことを行う。

1. Designate or establish one or more competent authorities and one focal point. One competent authority shall be designated to receive the notification in case of a State of transit. 一又は二以上の権限のある当局及び一の中央連絡先を指定し又は設置すること。通過国の場合

において通告を受領するため、一の権限のある当局を指定すること。 2. Inform the Secretariat, within three months of the date of the entry into force of this Convention for them,

which agencies they have designated as their focal point and their competent authorities. 自国についてこの条約が効力を生じた日から3箇月以内に、中央連絡先及び権限のある当局とし


3. Inform the Secretariat, within one month of the date of decision, of any changes regarding the designation made by them under paragraph 2 above. 2の規定に従い行った指定に関する変更をその決定の日から1箇月以内に事務局に対し通報する


Article 6 Transboundary Movement between Parties 第 6 条 締約国間の国境を越える移動

1. The State of export shall notify, or shall require the generator or exporter to notify, in writing, through

the channel of the competent authority of the State of export, the competent authority of the States concerned of any proposed transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes. Such notification shall contain the declarations and information specified in Annex V A, written in a language acceptable to the State of import. Only one notification needs to be sent to each State concerned. 輸出国は、書面により、その権限のある当局の経路を通じ、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境



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2. The State of import shall respond to the notifier in writing, consenting to the movement with or without conditions, denying permission for the movement, or requesting additional information. A copy of the final response of the State of import shall be sent to the competent authorities of the States concerned which are Parties. 輸入国は、通告をした者に対し、書面により、移動につき条件付若しくは無条件で同意し、移

動に関する許可を拒否し又は追加的な情報を要求する旨を回答する。輸入国の 終的な回答の


3. The State of export shall not allow the generator or exporter to commence the transboundary movement until it has received written confirmation that: 輸出国は、次の事項を書面により確認するまでは、発生者又は輸出者が国境を越える移動を開

始することを許可してはならない。 (a) The notifier has received the written consent of the State of import; and 通告をした者が輸入国の書面による同意を得ていること。

(b) The notifier has received from the State of import confirmation of the existence of a contract between

the exporter and the disposer specifying environmentally sound management of the wastes in question. 通告をした者が、廃棄物について環境上適正な処理がされることを明記する輸出者と処分者


4. Each State of transit which is a Party shall promptly acknowledge to the notifier receipt of the notification. It may subsequently respond to the notifier in writing, within 60 days, consenting to the movement with or without conditions, denying permission for the movement, or requesting additional information. The State of export shall not allow the transboundary movement to commence until it has received the written consent of the State of transit. 締約国である通過国は、通告をした者に対し通告の受領を速やかに確認する。当該通過国は、



過国の書面による同意を得るまでは、国境を越える移動を開始することを許可してはならない。 However, if at any time a Party decides not to require prior written consent, either generally or under specific conditions, for transit transboundary movements of hazardous wastes or other wastes, or modifies its requirements in this respect, it shall forthwith inform the other Parties of its decision pursuant to Article 13. In this latter case, if no response is received by the State of export within 60 days of the receipt of a given notification by the State of transit, the State of export may allow the export to proceed through the State of transit. ただし、いかなる時点においても、締約国が、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の通過のための国境





5. In the case of a transboundary movement of wastes where the wastes are legally defined as or considered to be hazardous wastes only: 特定の国によってのみ有害であると法的に定義され又は認められている廃棄物の国境を越える


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移動の場合において、 (a) By the State of export, the requirements of paragraph 9 of this Article that apply to the importer or

disposer and the State of import shall apply mutatis mutandis to the exporter and State of export, respectively; 輸出国によってのみ定義され又は認められているときは、輸入者又は処分者及び輸入国につ

いて適用する9の規定は、必要な変更を加えて、それぞれ輸出者及び輸出国について適用する。 (b) By the State of import, or by the States of import and transit which are Parties, the requirements of

paragraphs 1, 3, 4 and 6 of this Article that apply to the exporter and State of export shall apply mutatis mutandis to the importer or disposer and State of import, respectively; or 輸入国によってのみ又は輸入国及び締約国である通過国によってのみ定義され又は認められ


えて、それぞれ輸入者又は処分者及び輸入国について適用する。 (c) By any State of transit which is a Party, the provisions of paragraph 4 shall apply to such State.



6. The State of export may, subject to the written consent of the States concerned, allow the generator or the exporter to use a general notification where hazardous wastes or other wastes having the same physical and chemical characteristics are shipped regularly to the same disposer via the same customs office of exit of the State of export via the same customs office of entry of the State of import, and, in the case of transit, via the same customs office of entry and exit of the State or States of transit. 輸出国は、同一の物理的及び化学的特性を有する有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物が、輸出国の同一



よる同意を条件として、発生者又は輸出者が包括的な通告を行うことを許可することができる。 7. The States concerned may make their written consent to the use of the general notification referred to in

paragraph 6 subject to the supply of certain information, such as the exact quantities or periodical lists of hazardous wastes or other wastes to be shipped. 関係国は、運搬される有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物に関する一定の情報(正確な量、定期的に作成



8. The general notification and written consent referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 may cover multiple shipments of hazardous wastes or other wastes during a maximum period of 12 months. 6及び7に規定する包括的な通告及び書面による同意は、 長12箇月の期間における有害廃棄物


9. The Parties shall require that each person who takes charge of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes sign the movement document either upon delivery or receipt of the wastes in question. They shall also require that the disposer inform both the exporter and the competent authority of the State of export of receipt by the disposer of the wastes in question and, in due course, of the completion of disposal as specified in the notification. If no such information is received within the State of export, the competent authority of the State of export or the exporter shall so notify the State of import. 締約国は、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動に責任を有するそれぞれの者が当該



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10. The notification and response required by this Article shall be transmitted to the competent authority of the Parties concerned or to such governmental authority as may be appropriate in the case of non-Parties. この条の規定により義務付けられる通告及び回答は、関係締約国の権限のある当局又は非締約


11. Any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes shall be covered by insurance, bond or other guarantee as may be required by the State of import or any State of transit which is a Party. 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越えるいかなる移動も、輸入国又は締約国である通過国が


Article 7 Transboundary Movement from a Party through States which are not Parties 第 7 条 締約国から非締約国を通過して行われる国境を越える移動

Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes from a Party through a State or States which are not Parties. 前条1の規定は、必要な変更を加えて、締約国から非締約国を通過して行われる有害廃棄物又は

他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動について適用する。 Article 8 Duty to Re-import 第 8 条 再輸入の義務

When a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes to which the consent of the States concerned has been given, subject to the provisions of this Convention, cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the contract, the State of export shall ensure that the wastes in question are taken back into the State of export, by the exporter, if alternative arrangements cannot be made for their disposal in an environmentally sound manner, within 90 days from the time that the importing State informed the State of export and the Secretariat, or such other period of time as the States concerned agree. To this end, the State of export and any Party of transit shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return of those wastes to the State of export. この条約の規定に従うことを条件として関係国の同意が得られている有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄







Article 9 Illegal Traffic 第 9 条 不法取引

1. For the purpose of this Convention, any transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes: この条約の適用上、次のいずれかに該当する有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動は、

不法取引とする。 (a) without notification pursuant to the provisions of this Convention to all States concerned; or


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この条約の規定に従う通告がすべての関係国に対して行われていない移動 (b) without the consent pursuant to the provisions of this Convention of a State concerned; or 関係国からこの条約の規定に従う同意が得られていない移動

(c) with consent obtained from States concerned through falsification, misrepresentation or fraud; or 関係国の同意が偽造、虚偽の表示又は詐欺により得られている移動

(d) that does not conform in a material way with the documents; or 書類と重要な事項において不一致がある移動

(e) that results in deliberate disposal (e.g. dumping) of hazardous wastes or other wastes in contravention

of this Convention and of general principles of international law, この条約の規定及び国際法の一般原則に違反して有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物を故意に処分す

ること(例えば、投棄すること。)となる移動 shall be deemed to be illegal traffic.

2. In case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as

the result of conduct on the part of the exporter or generator, the State of export shall ensure that the wastes in question are: 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が輸出者又は発生者の行為の結果として不法取


が合意する他の期間内に、当該有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物に関し次のことを確保する。 (a) taken back by the exporter or the generator or, if necessary, by itself into the State of export, or, if

impracticable, 輸出者若しくは発生者若しくは必要な場合には輸出国が自国に引き取ること又はこれが実際

的でないときは、 (b) are otherwise disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, この条約の規定に従って処分されること。

within 30 days from the time the State of export has been informed about the illegal traffic or such other period of time as States concerned may agree. To this end the Parties concerned shall not oppose, hinder or prevent the return of those wastes to the State of export. このため、関係締約国は、当該有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の輸出国への返還に反対し、及びそ


3. In the case of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes deemed to be illegal traffic as the result of conduct on the part of the importer or disposer, the State of import shall ensure that the wastes in question are disposed of in an environmentally sound manner by the importer or disposer or, if necessary, by itself within 30 days from the time the illegal traffic has come to the attention of the State of import or such other period of time as the States concerned may agree. To this end, the Parties concerned shall co-operate, as necessary, in the disposal of the wastes in an environmentally sound manner. 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動が輸入者又は処分者の行為の結果として不法取



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4. In cases where the responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be assigned either to the exporter or generator or to the importer or disposer, the Parties concerned or other Parties, as appropriate, shall ensure, through co-operation, that the wastes in question are disposed of as soon as possible in an environmentally sound manner either in the State of export or the State of import or elsewhere as appropriate. 不法取引の責任を輸出者若しくは発生者又は輸入者若しくは処分者のいずれにも帰することが



を環境上適正な方法で処分することを確保する。 5. Each Party shall introduce appropriate national/domestic legislation to prevent and punish illegal traffic.

The Parties shall co-operate with a view to achieving the objects of this Article. 締約国は、不法取引を防止し及び処罰するため、適当な国内法令を制定する。締約国は、この


Article 10 International Co-operation 第 10 条 国際協力

1. The Parties shall co-operate with each other in order to improve and achieve environmentally sound

management of hazardous wastes and other wastes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の環境上適正な処理を改善し及び達成するため、相互に


2. To this end, the Parties shall: 締約国は、この目的のため、次のことを行う。 (a) Upon request, make available information, whether on a bilateral or multilateral basis, with a view to

promoting the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes, including harmonization of technical standards and practices for the adequate management of hazardous wastes and other wastes; 要請に応じ、二国間であるか多数国間であるかを問わず、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の環境



(b) Co-operate in monitoring the effects of the management of hazardous wastes on human health and the environment; 有害廃棄物の処理が人の健康及び環境に及ぼす影響を監視することについて協力すること。

(c) Co-operate, subject to their national laws, regulations and policies, in the development and implementation of new environmentally sound low-waste technologies and the improvement of existing technologies with a view to eliminating, as far as practicable, the generation of hazardous wastes and other wastes and achieving more effective and efficient methods of ensuring their management in an environmentally sound manner, including the study of the economic, social and environmental effects of the adoption of such new or improved technologies; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生を実行可能な限り除去するため、並びに有害廃棄物及び他


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国の法令及び政策に従って協力すること。 (d) Co-operate actively, subject to their national laws, regulations and policies, in the transfer of

technology and management systems related to the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes. They shall also co-operate in developing the technical capacity among Parties, especially those which may need and request technical assistance in this field; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の環境上適正な処理に関係する技術及び処理方式の移転につき、



(e) Co-operate in developing appropriate technical guidelines and/or codes of practice. 適当な技術上の指針又は実施基準の開発について協力すること。

3. The Parties shall employ appropriate means to co-operate in order to assist developing countries in the

implementation of subparagraphs a, b, c and d of paragraph 2 of Article 4. 締約国は、第4条2の(a)から(d)までの規定の実施について開発途上国を援助するため、適当な協

力のための手段を用いる。 4. Taking into account the needs of developing countries, co-operation between Parties and the competent

international organizations is encouraged to promote, inter alia, public awareness, the development of sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and the adoption of new low-waste technologies. 開発途上国の必要を考慮して、公衆の意識の向上、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の適正な処理の



Article 11 Bilateral, Multilateral and Regional Agreements 第 11 条 二国間の、多数国間の及び地域的な協定

1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4 paragraph 5, Parties may enter into bilateral, multilateral, or

regional agreements or arrangements regarding transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes with Parties or non-Parties provided that such agreements or arrangements do not derogate from the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes as required by this Convention. These agreements or arrangements shall stipulate provisions which are not less environmentally sound than those provided for by this Convention in particular taking into account the interests of developing countries. 第4条5の規定にかかわらず、締約国は、締約国又は非締約国との間で有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄






2. Parties shall notify the Secretariat of any bilateral, multilateral or regional agreements or arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 and those which they have entered into prior to the entry into force of this Convention for them, for the purpose of controlling transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes which take place entirely among the Parties to such agreements. The provisions of this Convention shall not affect transboundary movements which take place pursuant to such agreements


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provided that such agreements are compatible with the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes as required by this Convention. 締約国は、1に規定する協定又は取決め及びこの条約が自国に対し効力を生ずるに先立ち締結し





協定又は取決めに従って行われる国境を越える移動に 影響を及ぼすものではない。

Article 12 Consultations on Liability 第 12 条 損害賠償責任に関する協議

The Parties shall co-operate with a view to adopting, as soon as practicable, a protocol setting out appropriate rules and procedures in the field of liability and compensation for damage resulting from the transboundary movement and disposal of hazardous wastes and other wastes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動及び処分から生ずる損害に対する責



Article 13 Transmission of Information 第 13 条 情報の送付 1. The Parties shall, whenever it comes to their knowledge, ensure that, in the case of an accident occurring

during the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes or their disposal, which are likely to present risks to human health and the environment in other States, those states are immediately informed. 締約国は、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動又はその処分が行われている間に、



2. The Parties shall inform each other, through the Secretariat, of: 締約国は、相互に、事務局を通じ、次の通報を行う。 (a) Changes regarding the designation of competent authorities and/or focal points, pursuant to Article 5; 権限のある当局又は中央連絡先の指定の変更に関する第5条の規定による通報

(b) Changes in their national definition of hazardous wastes, pursuant to Article 3; 有害廃棄物の国内の定義の変更に関する第3条の規定による通報

and, as soon as possible, また、できる限り速やかに、次の事項を通報する。 (c) Decisions made by them not to consent totally or partially to the import of hazardous wastes or other

wastes for disposal within the area under their national jurisdiction; 自国の管轄の下にある地域における有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の処分を目的とする輸入につ


(d) Decisions taken by them to limit or ban the export of hazardous wastes or other wastes; 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の輸出を制限し又は禁止する旨の決定


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(e) Any other information required pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article.


3. The Parties, consistent with national laws and regulations, shall transmit, through the Secretariat, to the Conference of the Parties established under Article 15, before the end of each calendar year, a report on the previous calendar year, containing the following information: 締約国は、自国の法令に従い、事務局を通じ、第15条の規定により設置する締約国会議に対し、

各暦年の終わりまでに、次の情報を含む前暦年に関する報告を送付する。 (a) Competent authorities and focal points that have been designated by them pursuant to Article

5; 第5条の規定に従い締約国によって指定された権限のある当局及び中央連絡先

(b) Information regarding transboundary movements of hazardous wastes or other wastes in which they have been involved, including: 締約国が関係する有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動に関する次の事項を含む情

(i) The amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes exported, their category, characteristics, destination, any transit country and disposal method as stated on the response to notification; 輸出された有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の量、分類、特性、目的地及び通過国並びに通告


(ii) The amount of hazardous wastes and other wastes imported, their category, characteristics, origin, and disposal methods; 輸入された有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の量、分類、特性、発生地及び処分の方法

(iii) Disposals which did not proceed as intended; 予定されたとおりに行われなかった処分

(iv) Efforts to achieve a reduction of the amount of hazardous wastes or other wastes subject to

transboundary movement; 国境を越える移動の対象となる有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の量の削減を達成するための


(c) Information on the measures adopted by them in implementation of this Convention; この条約の実施のために締約国がとった措置に関する情報

(d) Information on available qualified statistics which have been compiled by them on the effects on

human health and the environment of the generation, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes or other wastes; 有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の発生、運搬及び処分が人の健康及び環境に及ぼす影響について


(e) Information concerning bilateral, multilateral and regional agreements and arrangements entered into pursuant to Article 11 of this Convention; 第11条の規定に従って締結した二国間の、多数国間の及び地域的な協定及び取決めに関する


(f) Information on accidents occurring during the transboundary movement and disposal of hazardous


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wastes and other wastes and on the measures undertaken to deal with them; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動及び処分が行われている間に発生した事故並


(g) Information on disposal options operated within the area of their national jurisdiction; 管轄の下にある地域において用いられた処分の方法に関する情報

(h) Information on measures undertaken for development of technologies for the reduction and/or elimination of production of hazardous wastes and other wastes; and 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生を削減し又は無くすための技術の開発のためにとられた措


(i) Such other matters as the Conference of the Parties shall deem relevant. 締約国会議が適当と認めるその他の事項

4. The Parties, consistent with national laws and regulations, shall ensure that copies of each notification

concerning any given transboundary movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes, and the response to it, are sent to the Secretariat when a Party considers that its environment may be affected by that transboundary movement has requested that this should be done. 特定の有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動により自国の環境が影響を受けるおそれ



Article 14 Financial Aspects 第 14 条 財政的な側面

1. The Parties agree that, according to the specific needs of different regions and subregions, regional or

sub-regional centres for training and technology transfers regarding the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and the minimization of their generation should be established. The Parties shall decide on the establishment of appropriate funding mechanisms of a voluntary nature. 締約国は、各地域及び各小地域の特別の必要に応じ、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物を処理し並び

に有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の発生を 小限度とすることに関する訓練及び技術移転のための



2. The Parties shall consider the establishment of a revolving fund to assist on an interim basis in case of emergency situations to minimize damage from accidents arising from transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes or during the disposal of those wastes. 締約国は、有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の国境を越える移動により又は有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄

物の処分中に発生する事故による損害を 小のものにとどめるため、緊急事態における暫定的


Article 15 Conference of the Parties 第 15 条 締約国会議

1. A Conference of the Parties is hereby established. The first meeting of the Conference of the

Parties shall be convened by the Executive Director of UNEP not later than one year after the entry into force of this Convention. Thereafter, ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at regular intervals to be determined by the Conference at its first meeting.


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2. Extraordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties shall be held at such other times as may be deemed necessary by the Conference, or at the written request of any Party, provided that, within six months of the request being communicated to them by the Secretariat, it is supported by at least one third of the Parties. 締約国会議の特別会合は、締約国会議が必要と認めるとき又はいずれかの締約国から書面によ



3. The Conference of the Parties shall by consensus agree upon and adopt rules of procedure for itself and for any subsidiary body it may establish, as well as financial rules to determine in particular the financial participation of the Parties under this Convention. 締約国会議は、締約国会議及び締約国会議が設置する補助機関の手続規則並びに特にこの条約



4. The Parties at their first meeting shall consider any additional measures needed to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities with respect to the protection and the preservation of the marine environment in the context of this Convention. 締約国は、その第1回会合において、この条約の規定の範囲内で海洋環境の保護及び保全に関す


5. The Conference of the Parties shall keep under continuous review and evaluation the effective implementation of this Convention, and, in addition, shall: 締約国会議は、この条約の効果的な実施について絶えず検討し及び評価し、更に、次のことを

行う。 (a) Promote the harmonization of appropriate policies, strategies and measures for minimizing harm to

human health and the environment by hazardous wastes and other wastes; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物による人の健康及び環境に対する害を 小のものにとどめるため


(b) Consider and adopt, as required, amendments to this Convention and its annexes, taking into consideration, inter alia, available scientific, technical, economic and environmental information; 必要に応じ、利用可能な科学、技術、経済及び環境に関する情報を特に考慮して、この条約


(c) Consider and undertake any additional action that may be required for the achievement of the purposes of this Convention in the light of experience gained in its operation and in the operation of the agreements and arrangements envisaged in Article 11; この条約の実施並びに第11条に規定する協定及び取決めの実施から得られる経験に照らして、


(d) Consider and adopt protocols as required; and 必要に応じ、議定書を検討し及び採択すること。

(e) Establish such subsidiary bodies as are deemed necessary for the implementation of this Convention.


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この条約の実施に必要と認められる補助機関を設置すること。 6. The United Nations, its specialized agencies, as well as any State not Party to this Convention, may be

represented as observers at meetings of the Conference of the Parties. Any other body or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, qualified in fields relating to hazardous wastes or other wastes which has informed the Secretariat of its wish to be represented as an observer at a meeting of the Conference of Parties, may be admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present object. The admission and participation of observers shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Conference of the Parties. 国際連合及びその専門機関並びにこの条約の締約国でない国は、締約国会議の会合にオブザー







7. The Conference of the Parties shall undertake three years after the entry into force of this Convention, and at least every six years thereafter, an evaluation of its effectiveness and, if deemed necessary, to consider the adoption of a complete or partial ban of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes in light of the latest scientific, environmental, technical and economic information. 締約国会議は、この条約の効力発生の3年後に及びその後は少なくとも6年ごとに、この条約の

有効性について評価を行い、並びに必要と認める場合には、 新の科学、環境、技術及び経済



Article 16 Secretariat 第 16 条 事務局

1. The functions of the Secretariat shall be: 事務局は、次の任務を遂行する。 (a) To arrange for and service meetings provided for in Articles 15 and 17; 前条及び次条に規定する会合を準備し及びその会合のための役務を提供すること。 (b) To prepare and transmit reports based upon information received in accordance with Articles 3, 4, 6, 11 and 13 as well as upon information derived from meetings of subsidiary bodies established under Article 15 as well as upon, as appropriate, information provided by relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental entities; 第3条、第4条、第6条、第11条及び第13条の規定により受領した情報、前条の規定により設置さ


関により提供される情報に基づく報告書を作成し及び送付すること。 (c) To prepare reports on its activities carried out in implementation of its functions under this

Convention and present them to the Conference of the Parties; この条約に基づく任務を遂行するために行った活動に関する報告書を作成し及びその報告書


(d) To ensure the necessary coordination with relevant international bodies, and in particular to enter into such administrative and contractual arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its


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function; 他の関係国際団体との必要な調整を行うこと。特に、その任務の効果的な遂行のために必要


(e) To communicate with Focal Points and Competent Authorities established by the Parties in accordance with Article 5 of this Convention; 第5条の規定に従い締約国が指定した中央連絡先及び権限のある当局との間の連絡を行うこ


(f) To compile information concerning authorized national sites and facilities of Parties available for the disposal of their hazardous wastes and other wastes and to circulate this information among Parties; 国内の有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の処分のために利用可能な締約国の認められた場所及び施


(g) To receive and convey information from and to Parties on: 要請に応じ、締約国を援助するため、次の情報を締約国から受領し、締約国に伝達すること。

- sources of technical assistance and training; 技術援助及び訓練の提供元 - available technical and scientific know-how; 利用可能な技術上及び科学上のノウハウ - sources of advice and expertise; and 助言及び専門的知識の提供元 - availability of resources 資源の利用可能性

with a view to assisting them, upon request, in such areas as: 前記の援助は、次のような分野を対象とする。

- the handling of the notification system of this Convention; この条約の通告制度の運用 - the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の処理 - environmentally sound technologies relating to hazardous wastes and other wastes; such as lowand non-waste technology; 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物に関する環境上適正な技術(例えば、廃棄物低減技術及び廃棄物

無発生化技術) - the assessment of disposal capabilities and sites; 処分能力及び処分場所の評価 - the monitoring of hazardous wastes and other wastes; and 有害廃棄物及び他の廃棄物の監視 - emergency responses; 緊急事態への対応


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(h) To provide Parties, upon request, with information on consultants or consulting firms having the necessary technical competence in the field, which can assist them to examine a notification for a transboundary movement, the concurrence of a shipment of hazardous wastes or other wastes with the relevant notification, and/or the fact that the proposed disposal facilities for hazardous wastes or other wastes are environmentally sound, when they have reason to believe that the wastes in question will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner. Any such examination would not be at the expense of the Secretariat; 締約国が、有害廃棄物又は他の廃棄物が環境上適正な方法で処理されないと信ずるに足りる







(i) To assist Parties upon request in their identification of cases of illegal traffic and to circulate immediately to the Parties concerned any information it has received regarding illegal traffic; 不法取引の事実を確認するため要請に応じ締約国を援助し及び不法取引に関して入手した情


(j) To co-operate with Parties and with relevant and competent international organizations and agencies in the provision of experts and equipment for the purpose of rapid assistance to States in the event of an emergency situation; and 緊急事態が発生した国に対し迅速な援助を行うため、専門家及び機材の提供につき締約国及

び権限のある関係国際機関と協力すること。 (k) To perform such other functions relevant to the purposes of this Convention as may be determined by

the Conference of the Parties. 締約国会議が決定するところに従い、この条約の目的に関係する他の任務を遂行すること。

2. The Secretariat functions will be carried out on an interim basis by UNEP until the completion of the

first meeting of the Conference of the Parties held pursuant to Article 15. 事務局の任務は、前条の規定に従って開催される締約国会議の第1回会合が終了するまでは、

UNEPが暫定的に遂行する。 3. At its first meeting, the Conference of the Parties shall designate the Secretariat from among those

existing competent intergovernmental organizations which have signified their willingness to carry out the Secretariat functions under this Convention. At this meeting, the Conference of the Parties shall also evaluate the implementation by the interim Secretariat of the functions assigned to it, in particular under paragraph 1 above, and decide upon the structures appropriate for those functions. 締約国会議は、第1回会合において、この条約に基づく事務局の任務を遂行する意思を表明した




Article 17 Amendment of the Convention 第 17 条 この条約の改正

1. Any Party may propose amendments to this Convention and any Party to a protocol may propose

amendments to that protocol. Such amendments shall take due account, inter alia, of relevant scientific


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and technical considerations. 締約国は、この条約の改正を提案することができるものとし、また、議定書の締約国は、当該



2. Amendments to this Convention shall be adopted at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties. Amendments to any protocol shall be adopted at a meeting of the Parties to the protocol in question. The text of any proposed amendment to this Convention or to any protocol, except as may otherwise be provided in such protocol, shall be communicated to the Parties by the Secretariat at least six months before the meeting at which it is proposed for adoption. The Secretariat shall also communicate proposed amendments to the Signatories to this Convention for information. この条約の改正は、締約国会議の会合において採択する。議定書の改正は、当該議定書の締約



事務局は、改正案をこの条約の署名国にも参考のために通報する。 3. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Convention

by consensus. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority of the Parties present and voting at the meeting, and shall be submitted by the Depositary to all Parties for ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance. 締約国は、この条約の改正案につき、コンセンサス方式により合意に達するようあらゆる努力


は、 後の解決手段として、当該会合に出席しかつ投票する締約国の4分の3以上の多数票によ



4. The procedure mentioned in paragraph 3 above shall apply to amendments to any protocol, except that a two-thirds majority of the Parties to that protocol present and voting at the meeting shall suffice for their adoption. 3に定める手続は、議定書の改正について準用する。ただし、議定書の改正案の採択は、当該会

合に出席しかつ投票する当該議定書の締約国の3分の2以上の多数票による議決で足りる。 5. Instruments of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance of amendments shall be

deposited with the Depositary. Amendments adopted in accordance with paragraphs 3 or 4 above shall enter into force between Parties having accepted them on the ninetieth day after the receipt by the Depositary of their instrument of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance by at least three-fourths of the Parties who accepted them or by at least two thirds of the Parties to the protocol concerned who accepted them, except as may otherwise be provided in such protocol. The amendments shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after that Party deposits its instrument of ratification, approval, formal confirmation or acceptance of the amendments. 改正の批准書、承認書、正式確認書又は受諾書は、寄託者に寄託する。3又は4の規定に従って







6. For the purpose of this Article, "Parties present and voting" means Parties present and casting an


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affirmative or negative vote. この条の規定の適用上、「出席しかつ投票する締約国」とは、出席しかつ賛成票又は反対票を


Article 18 Adoption and Amendment of Annexes 第 18 条 附属書の採択及び改正 1. The annexes to this Convention or to any protocol shall form an integral part of this Convention or of

such protocol, as the case may be and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Convention or its protocols constitutes at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto. Such annexes shall be restricted to scientific, technical and administrative matters. この条約の附属書又は議定書の附属書は、それぞれ、この条約又は当該議定書の不可分の一部



2. Except as may be otherwise provided in any protocol with respect to its annexes, the following procedure shall apply to the proposal, adoption and entry into force of additional annexes to this Convention or of annexes to a protocol: この条約の追加附属書又は議定書の附属書の提案、採択及び効力発生については、次の手続を

適用する。ただし、議定書に当該議定書の附属書に関して別段の定めがある場合を除く。 (a) Annexes to this Convention and its protocols shall be proposed and adopted according to the

procedure laid down in Article 17, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4; この条約の追加附属書及び議定書の附属書は、前条の2から4までに定める手続を準用して提


(b) Any Party that is unable to accept an additional annex to this Convention or an annex to any protocol to which it is party shall so notify the Depositary, in writing, within six months from the date of the communication of the adoption by the Depositary. The Depositary shall without delay notify all Parties of any such notification received. A Party may at any time substitute an acceptance for a previous declaration of objection and the annexes shall thereupon enter into force for that Party; 締約国は、この条約の追加附属書又は自国が締約国である議定書の附属書を受諾することが




合において、これらの附属書は、当該締約国について効力を生ずる。 (c) On the expiry of six months from the date of the circulation of the communication by the Depositary,

the annex shall become effective for all Parties to this Convention or to any protocol concerned, which have not submitted a notification in accordance with the provision of subparagraph (b) above. これらの附属書は、寄託者による採択の通報の送付の日から6箇月を経過した時に、(b)の規定



3. The proposal, adoption and entry into force of amendments to annexes to this Convention or to any protocol shall be subject to the same procedure as for the proposal, adoption and entry into force of annexes to the Convention or annexes to a protocol. Annexes and amendments thereto shall take due account, inter alia, of relevant scientific and technical considerations. この条約の附属書及び議定書の附属書の改正の提案、採択及び効力発生は、この条約の附属書



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4. If an additional annex or an amendment to an annex involves an amendment to this Convention or to any protocol, the additional annex or amended annex shall not enter into force until such time the amendment to this Convention or to the protocol enters into force. 附属書の追加又は改正がこの条約又は議定書の改正を伴うものである場合には、追加され又は


Article 19 Verification 第 19 条 検証

Any Party which has reason to believe that another Party is acting or has acted in breach of its obligations under this Convention may inform the Secretariat thereof, and in such an event, shall simultaneously and immediately inform, directly or through the Secretariat, the Party against whom the allegations are made. All relevant information should be submitted by the Secretariat to the Parties. いずれの締約国も、他の締約国がこの条約に基づく義務に違反して行動し又は行動したと信ず



約国にその旨を通報する。すべての関連情報は、事務局が締約国に送付するものとする。 Article 20 Settlement of Disputes 第 20 条 紛争の解決 1. In case of a dispute between Parties as to the interpretation or application of, or compliance with, this

Convention or any protocol thereto, they shall seek a settlement of the dispute through negotiation or any other peaceful means of their own choice. この条約又は議定書の解釈、適用又は遵守に関して締約国間で紛争が生じた場合には、当該締


2. If the Parties concerned cannot settle their dispute through the means mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the dispute, if the Parties to the dispute agree, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice or to arbitration under the conditions set out in Annex VI on Arbitration. However, failure to reach common agreement on submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice or to arbitration shall not absolve the Parties from the responsibility of continuing to seek to resolve it by the means referred to in paragraph 1. 関係締約国が1に規定する手段により紛争を解決することができない場合において紛争当事国





3. When ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or acceding to this Convention, or at any time thereafter, a State or political and/or economic integration organization may declare that it recognizes as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation: 国及び政治統合又は経済統合のための機関は、この条約の批准、受諾、承認若しくは正式確認





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(a) submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice; and/or 国際司法裁判所への紛争の付託

(b) arbitration in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex VI. 附属書Ⅵに規定する手続に従う仲裁

Such declaration shall be notified in writing to the Secretariat which shall communicate it to the Parties. その宣言は、事務局に対し書面によって通告するものとし、事務局は、これを締約国に送付す


Article 21 Signature 第 21 条 署名

This Convention shall be open for signature by States, by Namibia, represented by the United Nations Council for Namibia, and by political and/or economic integration organizations, in Basel on 22 March 1989, at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland in Berne from 23 March 1989 to 30 June 1989 and at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 July 1989 to 22 March 1990. この条約は、1989年3月22日にバーゼルにおいて、1989年3月23日から同年6月30日まではベルン




Article 22 Ratification, Acceptance, Formal Confirmation or Approval 第 22 条 批准、受諾、正式確認又は承認

1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States and by Namibia,

represented by the United Nations Council for Namibia, and to formal confirmation or approval by political and/or economic integration organizations. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, formal confirmation, or approval shall be deposited with the Depositary. この条約は、国及び国際連合ナミビア理事会により代表されるナミビアによって批准され、受




2. Any organization referred to in paragraph 1 above which becomes a Party to this Convention without any of its members States being a Party shall be bound by all the obligations under the Convention. In the case of such organizations, one or more of whose member States is a Party to the Convention, the organization and its member States shall decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligations under the Convention. In such cases, the organization and the member States shall not be entitled to exercise rights under the Convention concurrently. この条約の締約国となる1の機関で当該機関のいずれの構成国も締約国となっていないものは、





3. In their instruments of formal confirmation or approval, the organizations referred to in paragraph 1 above shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention. These organizations shall also inform the Depositary, who will inform the Parties of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence.


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報し、寄託者は、これを締約国に通報する。 Article 23 Accession 第 23 条 加入

1. This Convention shall be open for accession by States, by Namibia, represented by the United Nations

Council for Namibia, and by political and/or economic integration organizations from the day after the date on which the Convention is closed for signature. The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary. この条約は、この条約の署名のための期間の終了後は、国及び国際連合ナミビア理事会により



2. In their instruments of accession, the organizations referred to in paragraph 1 above shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by the Convention. These organizations shall also inform the Depositary of any substantial modification in the extent of their competence. 1の機関は、この条約の規律する事項に関する当該機関の権限の範囲をこの条約への加入書にお


3. The provisions of Article 22, paragraph 2, shall apply to political and/or economic integration organizations which accede to this Convention. 前条2の規定は、この条約に加入する政治統合又は経済統合のための機関についても適用する。

Article 24 Right to Vote 第 24 条 投票権 1. Except as provided for in paragraph 2 below, each Contracting Party to this Convention shall have one

vote. 2の規定の適用がある場合を除くほか、この条約の各締約国は、一の票を有する。

2. Political and/or economic integration organizations, in matters within their competence, in accordance

with Article 22, paragraph 3, and Article 23, paragraph 2, shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their member States which are Parties to the Convention or the relevant protocol. Such organizations shall not exercise their right to vote if their member States exercise theirs, and vice versa. 政治統合又は経済統合のための機関は、第22条3の規定及び前条2の規定により宣言されたその




Article 25 Entry into Force 第 25 条 効力発生 1. This Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the day of deposit of the twentieth

instrument of ratification, acceptance, formal confirmation, approval or accession. この条約は、20番目の批准書、受諾書、正式確認書、承認書又は加入書の寄託の日の後90日目



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2. For each State or political and/or economic integration organization which ratifies, accepts, approves or formally confirms this Convention or accedes thereto after the date of the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation or accession, it shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit by such State or political and/or economic integration organization of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, formal confirmation or accession. この条約は、20番目の批准書、受諾書、承認書、正式確認書又は加入書の寄託の後にこれを批




3. For the purpose of paragraphs 1 and 2 above, any instrument deposited by a political and/or economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by member States of such organization. 政治統合又は経済統合のための機関によって寄託される文書は、1及び2の規定の適用上、当該

機関の構成国によって寄託されたものに追加して数えてはならない。 Article 26 Reservations and Declarations 第 26 条 留保及び宣言 1. No reservation or exception may be made to this Convention. この条約については、留保を付することも、また、適用除外を設けることもできない。

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article does not preclude a State or political and/or economic integration organization, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving, formally confirming or acceding to this Convention, from making declarations or statements, however phrased or named, with a view, inter alia, to the harmonization of its laws and regulations with the provisions of this Convention, provided that such declarations or statements do not purport to exclude or to modify the legal effects of the provisions of the Convention in their application to that State. 1の規定は、この条約の署名、批准、受諾、承認若しくは正式確認又はこれへの加入の際に、国





Article 27 Withdrawal 第 27 条 脱退 1. At any time after three years from the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Party,

that Party may withdraw from the Convention by giving written notification to the Depositary. 締約国は、自国についてこの条約が効力を生じた日から3年を経過した後いつでも、寄託者に対

して書面による脱退の通告を行うことにより、この条約から脱退することができる。 2. Withdrawal shall be effective one year from receipt of notification by the Depositary, or on such later

date as may be specified in the notification. 脱退は、寄託者が脱退の通告を受領した後1年を経過した日又はそれよりも遅い日であって脱退

の通告において指定されている日に効力を生ずる。 Article 28 Depository 第 28 条 寄託者


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The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the Depository of this Convention and of any protocol thereto. 国際連合事務総長は、この条約及び議定書の寄託者とする。

Article 29 Authentic texts 第 29 条 正文

The original Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts of this Convention are equally authentic. この条約のアラビア語、中国語、英語、フランス語、ロシア語及びスペイン語の原本は、ひと

しく正文とする。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Convention. Done at...........................on of..............................1989

以上の証拠として、下名は、正当に委任を受けてこの条約に署名した。 1989年3月22日にバーゼルで作成した。 Annex I CATEGORIES OF WASTES TO BE CONTROLLED 附属書Ⅰ 規制する廃棄物の分類 Waste Streams 廃棄の経路 Y1 Clinical wastes from medical care in hospitals, medical centers and clinics

病院、医療センター及び診療所における医療行為から生ずる医療廃棄物 Y2 Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products

医薬品の製造及び調剤から生ずる廃棄物 Y3 Waste pharmaceuticals, drugs and medicines

廃医薬品 Y4 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and phytopharmaceuticals

駆除剤及び植物用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Y5 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals

木材保存用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Y6 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of organic solvents

有機溶剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Y7 Wastes from heat treatment and tempering operations containing cyanides

熱処理及び焼戻作業から生ずるシアン化合物を含む廃棄物 Y8 Waste mineral oils unfit for their originally intended use

当初に意図した使用に適しない廃鉱油 Y9 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions

油と水又は炭化水素と水の混合物又は乳濁物である廃棄物 Y10 Waste substances and articles containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls

(PCBs) and/or polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) and/or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) ポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)、ポリ塩化テルフェニル(PCT)若しくはポリ臭化ビフェニル(PBB)を含み又はこれらにより汚染された廃棄物質及び廃棄物品

Y11 Waste tarry residues arising from refining, distillation and any pyrolytic treatment


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精製、蒸留及びあらゆる熱分解処理から生ずるタール状の残滓し Y12 Wastes from production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints, lacquers, varnish

インキ、染料、顔料、塗料、ラッカー及びワニスの製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Y13 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, glues/adhesives

樹脂、ラテックス、可塑剤及び接着剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Y14 Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching activities which are not

identified and/or are new and whose effects on man and/or the environment are not known 研究開発又は教育上の活動から生ずる同定されていない又は新規の廃化学物質であって、人

又は環境に及ぼす影響が未知のもの Y15 Wastes of an explosive nature not subject to other legislation

この条約以外の法的な規制の対象とされていない爆発性の廃棄物 Y16 Wastes from production, formulation and use of photographic chemicals and processing materials

写真用化学薬品及び現像剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物 Y17 Wastes resulting from surface treatment of metals and plastics

金属及びプラスチックの表面処理から生ずる廃棄物 Y18 Residues arising from industrial waste disposal operations

産業廃棄物の処分作業から生ずる残滓し Wastes having as constituents: 次に掲げる成分を含有する廃棄物 Y19 Metal carbonyls

金属カルボニル Y20 Beryllium; beryllium compounds

ベリリウム、ベリリウム化合物 Y21 Hexavalent chromium compounds

六価クロム化合物 Y22 Copper compounds

銅化合物 Y23 Zinc compounds

亜鉛化合物 Y24 Arsenic; arsenic compounds

砒ひ素、砒ひ素化合物 Y25 Selenium; selenium compounds

セレン、セレン化合物 Y26 Cadmium; cadmium compounds

カドミウム、カドミウム化合物 Y27 Antimony; antimony compounds

アンチモン、アンチモン化合物 Y28 Tellurium; tellurium compounds

テルル、テルル化合物 Y29 Mercury; mercury compounds

水銀、水銀化合物 Y30 Thallium; thallium compounds

タリウム、タリウム化合物 Y31 Lead; lead compounds

鉛、鉛化合物 Y32 Inorganic fluorine compounds excluding calcium fluoride

ふっ化カルシウムを除く無機ふっ素化合物 Y33 Inorganic cyanides


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無機シアン化合物 Y34 Acidic solutions or acids in solid form

酸性溶液又は固体状の酸 Y35 Basic solutions or bases in solid form

塩基性溶液又は固体状の塩基 Y36 Asbestos (dust and fibres)

石綿(粉じん及び繊維状のもの) Y37 Organic phosphorus compounds

有機りん化合物 Y38 Organic cyanides

有機シアン化合物 Y39 Phenols; phenol compounds including chlorophenols

フェノール、フェノール化合物(クロロフェノールを含む。) Y40 Ethers

エーテル Y41 Halogenated organic solvents

ハロゲン化された有機溶剤 Y42 Organic solvents excluding halogenated solvents

ハロゲン化された溶剤を除く有機溶剤 Y43 Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan

ポリ塩化ジベンゾフラン類 Y44 Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin

ポリ塩化ジベンゾ―パラ―ジオキシン類 Y45 Organohalogen compounds other than substances referred to in this Annex (e.g. Y39, Y41, Y42, Y43,

Y44) この附属書(例えば、Y39及びY41からY44まで)に掲げる物質以外の有機ハロゲン化合物

(a) To facilitate the application of this Convention, and subject to paragraphs (b), (c) and (d), wastes listed

in Annex VIII are characterized as hazardous pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention, and wastes listed in Annex IX are not covered by Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention. この条約の適用を容易にするため、並びに(b)、(c)及び(d)の規定に従うことを条件として、附属



(b) Designation of a waste on Annex VIII does not preclude, in a particular case, the use of Annex III to demonstrate that a waste is not hazardous pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention. 附属書Ⅷに掲げる廃棄物への指定は、特別の場合には、当該廃棄物がこの条約第一条1(a)の規定


(c) Designation of a waste on Annex IX does not preclude, in a particular case, characterization of such a waste as hazardous pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention if it contains Annex I material to an extent causing it to exhibit an Annex III characteristic. 附属書Ⅸに掲げる廃棄物への指定は、特別の場合において、当該廃棄物が附属書Ⅲの特性を示



(d) Annexes VIII and IX do not affect the application of Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention for the purpose of characterization of wastes.(1) 附属書Ⅷ及び附属書Ⅸは、廃棄物の特性を明らかにすることを目的とするこの条約第一条1(a)の規定の適用に影響を及ぼすものではない。


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Annex II CATEGORIES OF WASTES REQUIRING SPECIAL CONSIDERATION 附属書Ⅱ 特別の考慮を必要とする廃棄物の分類 Y46 - Wastes collected from households

家庭から収集される廃棄物 Y47 - Residues arising from the incineration of household wastes

家庭の廃棄物の焼却から生ずる残滓し Annex III LIST OF HAZARDOUS CHARACTERISTICS 附属書Ⅲ 有害な特性の表 UN Class(2) Code Characteristics 国際連合分類区分(注) 分類記号 特性 1 H1 Explosive 爆発性 An explosive substance or waste is a solid or liquid substance or waste (or mixture of substances or wastes) which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such speed as to cause damage to the surroundings. 爆発性の物質又は廃棄物とは、固体又は液体と物質又は廃棄物(又はこれらの混合物)であって、


発生することが可能なものをいう。 3 H3 Flammable liquids 引火性の液体 The word "flammable" has the same meaning as "inflammable." Flammable liquids are liquids, or mixtures of liquids, or liquids containing solids in solution or suspension (for example, paints, varnishes, lacquers, etc., but not including substances or wastes otherwise classified on account of their dangerous characteristics) which give off a flammable vapour at temperatures of not more than 60.5 C, closed-cup test, or not more than 65.6C, open-cup test. (Since the results of open-cup tests and of closed-cup tests are not strictly comparable and even individual results by the same test are often variable, regulations varying from the above figures to make allowance for such differences would be within the spirit of this definition.) 引火性の液体とは、液体、液体の混合物、固体を溶解した液体又は懸濁液(例えば、塗料、ワニ





え方の許容するところである。)。 4.1 H4.1 Flammable solids 可燃性の固体 Solids, or waste solids, other than those classed as explosives, which under conditions encountered in transport are readily combustible, or may cause or contribute to fire through friction. 固体又は固体廃棄物(爆発性に分類されるものを除く。)であって、運搬中に起こることのある条

件の下で、燃焼しやすく又は摩擦により、燃焼を引き起こし若しくは燃焼を助けるもの 4.2 H4.2 Substances or wastes liable to spontaneous combustion 自然発火しやすい物質又は廃棄物 Substances or wastes which are liable to spontaneous heating under normal conditions encountered in transport, or to heating up on contact with air, and being then liable to catch fire.


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により発火しやすい物質又は廃棄物 4.3 H4.3 Substances or wastes which, in contact with water emit flammable gases 水と作用して引火性のガスを発生する物質又は廃棄物 Substances or wastes which, by interaction with water, are liable to become spontaneously flammable or to give off flammable gases in dangerous quantities. 水との相互作用により、自然発火しやすくなり又は危険な量の引火性ガスを発生しやすい物質

又は廃棄物 5.1 H5.1 Oxidizing 酸化性 Substances or wastes which, while in themselves not necessarily combustible, may, generally by yielding oxygen cause, or contribute to, the combustion of other materials. それ自体には必ずしも燃焼性はないが、一般的に酸素を発生することにより他の物を燃焼させ

又は他の物の燃焼を助ける物質又は廃棄物 5.2 H5.2 Organic Peroxides 有機過酸化物 Organic substances or wastes which contain the bivalent-O-O- structure are thermally unstable substances which may undergo exothermic self-accelerating decomposition. 2価の―O―O―構造を含む有機物質又は廃棄物は、発熱を伴う自己加速的な分解を行うことの

ある熱に対して不安定な物質である。 6.1 H6.1 Poisonous (Acute) 毒性(急性) Substances or wastes liable either to cause death or serious injury or to harm health if swallowed or inhaled or by skin contact. えん下し、吸入し又は皮膚接触した場合に、死若しくは重大な傷害を引き起こし又は人の健康

を害しやすい物質又は廃棄物 6.2 H6.2 Infectious substances 病毒をうつしやすい物質 Substances or wastes containing viable micro organisms or their toxins which are known or suspected to cause disease in animals or humans. 動物若しくは人に疾病を引き起こすことが知られ若しくは疑われている生きた微生物又はその

毒素を含有する物質又は廃棄物 8 H8 Corrosives 腐食性 Substances or wastes which, by chemical action, will cause severe damage when in contact with living tissue, or, in the case of leakage, will materially damage, or even destroy, other goods or the means of transport; they may also cause other hazards. 化学作用により、生体組織に接触した場合に重大な傷害を生じ又は漏出した場合に他の物品若


又は廃棄物は、他の有害な作用も引き起こすことがある。) 9 H10 Liberation of toxic gases in contact with air or water 空気又は水と作用することによる毒性ガスの発生 Substances or wastes which, by interaction with air or water, are liable to give off toxic gases in dangerous quantities. 空気又は水との相互作用により、危険な量の毒性ガスを発生しやすい物質又は廃棄物

9 H11 Toxic (Delayed or chronic) 毒性(遅発性又は慢性) Substances or wastes which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may involve delayed or chronic effects, including carcinogenicity. 吸入し若しくは摂取し又は皮膚に浸透した場合に、発がん性を含む遅発性又は慢性の影響を及


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ぼすことのある物質又は廃棄物 9 H12 Ecotoxic 生態毒性 Substances or wastes which if released present or may present immediate or delayed adverse impacts to the environment by means of bioaccumulation and/or toxic effects upon biotic systems. 放出された場合に、生物濃縮により又は生物系に対する毒性作用により、環境に対し即時又は

遅発性の悪影響を及ぼし又は及ぼすおそれのある物質又は廃棄物 9 H13 Capable, by any means, after disposal, of yielding another material, e.g., leachate, which possesses

any of the characteristics listed above. 処分の後、何らかの方法により、この表に掲げる特性を有する他の物(例えば、浸出液)を生成す

ることが可 能な物 Tests 試験

The potential hazards posed by certain types of wastes are not yet fully documented; tests to define quantitatively these hazards do not exist. Further research is necessary in order to develop means to characterize potential hazards posed to man and/or the environment by these wastes. Standardized tests have been derived with respect to pure substances and materials. Many countries have developed national tests which can be applied to materials listed in Annex I, in order to decide if these materials exhibit any of the characteristics listed in this Annex. ある種の廃棄物がもたらす潜在的な危害は、まだ完全に立証されておらず、このような危害を








RECYCLING, RECLAMATION, DIRECT RE-USE OR ALTERNATIVE USES 資源回収、再生利用、回収利用、直接再利用又は代替的利用の可能性に結びつかない作業 Section A encompasses all such disposal operations which occur in practice. このA表は、資源回収、再生利用、回収利用、直接再利用又は代替的利用の可能性に結びつかな

い処分作業であって実際に行われるすべてのものを含む。 D1 Deposit into or onto land, (e.g., landfill, etc.)

地中又は地上への投棄(例えば、埋立て) D2 Land treatment, (e.g., biodegradation of liquid or sludgy discards in soils, etc.)

土壌処理(例えば、液状又は泥状の廃棄物の土中における生物分解) D3 Deep injection, (e.g., injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes of naturally occurring

repositories, etc.) 地中の深部への注入(例えば、井戸、岩塩ドーム又は天然の貯留場所へのポンプ注送が可能

な廃棄物の注入) D4 Surface impoundment, (e.g., placement of liquid or sludge discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.)

表面貯留(例えば、液状又は泥状の廃棄物をくぼ地、池又は潟に貯留すること。) D5 Specially engineered landfill, (e.g., placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated


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from one another and the environment, etc.) 特別に設計された処分場における埋立て(例えば、ふたをされ、かつ、相互に及び周囲から

隔離されている遮水された区画群に埋め立てること。) D6 Release into a water body except seas/oceans

海洋を除く水域への放出 D7 Release into seas/oceans including sea-bed insertion

海洋への放出(海底下への挿入を含む。) D8 Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in this Annex which results in final compounds or

mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations in Section A この附属書において他に規定されていない生物学的処理であって、その結果生ずる 終的


るもの D9 Physico chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in this Annex which results in final compounds

or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations in Section A, (e.g., evaporation, drying, calcination, neutralization, precipitation, etc.) この附属書において他に規定されていない物理化学的処理であって、その結果生ずる 終


なるもの(例えば、蒸発、乾燥、煆焼、中和、沈殿) D10 Incineration on land

陸上における焼却 D11 Incineration at sea

海洋における焼却 D12 Permanent storage (e.g., emplacement of containers in a mine, etc.)

永久保管(例えば、容器に入れ鉱坑において保管すること。) D13 Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the operations in Section A

このA表に掲げるいずれかの作業に先立つ調合又は混合 D14 Repackaging prior to submission to any of the operations in Section A

このA表に掲げるいずれかの作業に先立つこん包 D15 Storage pending any of the operations in Section A



Section B encompasses all such operations with respect to materials legally defined as or considered to be hazardous wastes and which otherwise would have been destined for operations included in Section A このB表は、有害廃棄物であると法的に定義され又は認められている物であって、このB表に掲


ての作業を含む。 R1 Use as a fuel (other than in direct incineration) or other means to generate energy

燃料としての利用(直接焼却を除く。)又はエネルギーを得るための他の手段としての利用 R2 Solvent reclamation/regeneration

溶剤の回収利用又は再生 R3 Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents

溶剤として使用しない有機物の再生利用又は回収利用 R4 Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds

金属及び金属化合物の再生利用又は回収利用 R5 Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials


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その他の無機物の再生利用又は回収利用 R6 Regeneration of acids or bases

酸又は塩基の再生 R7 Recovery of components used for pollution abatement

汚染の除去のために使用した成分の回収 R8 Recovery of components from catalysts

触媒からの成分の回収 R9 Used oil re-refining or other reuses of previously used oil

使用済みの油の精製又はその他の再利用 R10 Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement

農業又は生態系の改良に役立つ土壌処理 R11 Uses of residual materials obtained from any of the operations numbered R1-R10

R1からR10までに掲げる作業から得られた残滓しの利用 R12 Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the operations numbered R1-R11

R1からR11までに掲げる作業に提供するための廃棄物の交換 R13 Accumulation of material intended for any operation in Section B



1. Reason for waste export

廃棄物の輸出の理由 2. Exporter of the waste 1/

廃棄物の輸出者(注1) 3. Generator(s) of the waste and site of generation 1/

廃棄物の発生者及び発生の場所(注1) 4. Disposer of the waste and actual site of disposal 1/

廃棄物の処分者及び実際の処分の場所(注1) 5. Intended carrier(s) of the waste or their agents, if known 1/

判明している場合には、予定されている廃棄物の運搬者又はその委託を受けた者(注1) 6. Country of export of the waste

廃棄物の輸出国 Competent authority 2/ 権限のある当局(注2)

7. Expected countries of transit 予定されている通過国

Competent authority 2/ 権限のある当局(注2)

8. Country of import of the waste 廃棄物の輸入国

Competent authority 2/ 権限のある当局(注2)

9. General or single notification 包括的な通告であるか個別的な通告であるかの別

10. Projected date(s) of shipment(s) and period of time over which waste is to be exported and proposed itinerary (including point of entry and exit) 3/ 予定されている廃棄物の発送日及び輸出の期間並びに予定されている運搬経路(入国及び



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11. Means of transport envisaged (road, rail, sea, air, inland waters) 予定されている運搬手段(道路、鉄道、海路、空路及び内水航路)

12. Information relating to insurance 4/ 保険に関する情報(注4)

13. Designation and physical description of the waste including Y number and UN number and its composition 5/ and information on any special handling requirements including emergency provisions in case of accidents 廃棄物の名称及び性状(Y番号、国際連合番号及び組成(注5)を含む。)並びにその取扱いのた

めの特別の要件(事故の場合の緊急の措置を含む。)に関する情報 14. Type of packaging envisaged (e.g. bulk, drummed, tanker)

予定されているこん包の形態(例えば、ばら積み、ドラム缶入り、タンカー) 15. Estimated quantity in weight/volume 6/

重量及び体積の見積り(注6) 16. Process by which the waste is generated 7/

廃棄物が発生した過程(注7) 17. For wastes listed in Annex I, classifications from Annex III: hazardous characteristic, H number, and

UN class 附属書Ⅰに掲げる廃棄物については、附属書Ⅲによる分類(有害な特性、H番号及び国際連

合分類区分) 18. Method of disposal as per Annex IV

附属書Ⅳに従った処分の方法 19. Declaration by the generator and exporter that the information is correct

情報が正確である旨の発生者及び輸出者による申告 20. Information transmitted (including technical description of the plant) to the exporter or generator

from the disposer of the waste upon which the latter has based his assessment that there was no reason to believe that the wastes will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country of import. 廃棄物の処分者から輸出者又は発生者に送付された情報(施設に関する技術的な記述を含


ずるに足りる理由はないとの処分者の評価の根拠となったもの 21. Information concerning the contract between the exporter and disposer.

輸出者と処分者との間の契約に関する情報 Notes 注釈 1/ Full name and address, telephone or telefax number and the name, address, telephone, telex or telefax

number of the person to be contacted. 注1 正式の名称及び住所並びに電話、テレックス又はファクシミリの番号並びに連絡責任

者の氏名及び住所並びに電話、テレックス又はファクシミリの番号 2/ Full name and address, telephone, telex or telefax number.

注2 正式の名称及び住所並びに電話、テレックス又はファクシミリの番号 3/ In the case of a general notification covering several shipments, either the expected dates of each

shipment or, if this is not known, the expected frequency of the shipments will be required. 注3 複数回の運搬を対象とする包括的な通告の場合において、個々の運搬の予定日又はこ

れが不明のときは、運搬の予定回数を明記することが必要となる。 4/ Information to be provided on relevant insurance requirements and how they are met by exporter,

carrier and disposer. 注4 関連する保険の要件に関する情報並びに輸出者、運搬者及び処分者が当該要件をどの

ように満たしているかに関する情報 5/ The nature and the concentration of the most hazardous components, in terms of toxicity and other


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dangers presented by the waste both in handling and in relation to the proposed disposal method. 注5 廃棄物の取扱い及び予定されている処分の方法の双方において当該廃棄物がもたらす

毒性その他の危険性の観点から も有害な諸成分の性質及び濃度 6/ In the case of a general notification covering several shipments, both the estimated total quantity and

the estimated quantities for each individual shipment will be required. 注6 複数回の運搬を対象とする包括的な通告の場合には、総量の見積り及び個別の運搬量

の見積りの双方を明記することが必要となる。 7/ Insofar as this is necessary to assess the hazard and determine the appropriateness of the proposed

disposal operation. 注7 有害性を評価し及び予定されている処分作業の妥当性を判定するために必要な場合に



1. Exporter of the waste 1/

廃棄物の輸出者(注1) 2. Generator(s) of the waste and site of generation 1/

廃棄物の発生者及び発生の場所(注1) 3. Disposer of the waste and actual site of disposal 1/

廃棄物の処分者及び実際の処分の場所(注1) 4. Carrier(s) of the waste 1/ or his agent(s)

廃棄物の運搬者(注1)又はその委託を受けた者 5. Subject of general or single notification

包括的な通告であるか個別的な通告であるかの別 6. The date the transboundary movement started and date(s) and signature on receipt by each person who

takes charge of the waste 国境を越える移動の開始の日付並びに廃棄物に責任を有するそれぞれの者による受領の日

付及び署名 7. Means of transport (road, rail, inland waterway, sea, air) including countries of export, transit and

import, also point of entry and exit where these have been designated 運搬手段(道路、鉄道、内水航路、海路及び空路)並びに輸出国、通過国及び輸入国並びに

指定されている場合には入国及び出国の地点 8. General description of the waste (physical state, proper UN shipping name and class, UN number, Y

number and H number as applicable) 廃棄物の概要(性状、危険物の運搬に関する国際連合勧告に規定する正規の品名、国際連合

分類区分及び国際連合番号並びに該当するY番号及びH番号) 9. Information on special handling requirements including emergency provision in case of accidents

事故の場合の緊急の措置を含む取扱いのための特別の要件に関する情報 10. Type and number of packages

こん包の形態及び数 11. Quantity in weight/volume

重量及び体積 12. Declaration by the generator or exporter that the information is correct

情報が正確である旨の発生者又は輸出者による申告 13. Declaration by the generator or exporter indicating no objection from the competent authorities of all

States concerned which are Parties 締約国であるいずれの関係国の権限のある当局からも異議がないことを示す発生者又は輸



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14. Certification by disposer of receipt at designated disposal facility and indication of method of disposal and of the approximate date of disposal.


予定日の指定 Notes 注釈

The information required on the movement document shall where possible be integrated in one document with that required under transport rules. Where this is not possible the information should complement rather than duplicate that required under the transport rules. The movement document shall carry instructions as to who is to provide information and fill-out any form. 移動書類に必要な情報は、可能な場合には、運搬規則に基づく必要な情報とともに一の書類

に統合する。 これが可能でない場合には、移動書類に必要な情報は、運搬規則に基づく必要な情報と重複



1/ Full name and address, telephone or telefax number and the name, address, telephone, telex or telefax number of the person to be contacted in case of emergency. 注1 正式の名称及び住所並びに電話、テレックス又はファクシミリの番号並びに緊急の場合



Article 1 第1条

Unless the agreement referred to in Article 20 of the Convention provides otherwise, the arbitration procedure shall be conducted in accordance with Articles 2 to 10 below. 仲裁手続は、この条約第20条に規定する合意に別段の定めがない限り、この附属書の次条から

第10条までの規定に従って行われる。 Article 2 第2条

The claimant party shall notify the Secretariat that the Parties have agreed to submit the dispute to arbitration pursuant to paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 of Article 20 and include, in particular, the Articles of the Convention the interpretation or application of which are at issue. The Secretariat shall forward the information thus received to all Parties to the Convention. 申立国である締約国は、紛争当事国が、この条約第20条の2又は3の規定に従って紛争を仲裁に




Article 3 第3条

The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three members. Each of the Parties to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate by common agreement the third arbitrator, who shall be the chairman of the tribunal. The latter shall not be a national of one of the Parties to the dispute, nor have his usual place of residence in the territory of one of these Parties, nor be employed by


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any of them, nor have dealt with the case in any other capacity. 仲裁裁判所は、3人の仲裁人で構成する。各紛争当事国は、各1人の仲裁人を任命し、このよう






Article 4 第4条

1. If the chairman of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the appointment of the second arbitrator, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall, at the request of either Party, designate him within a further two months period. 第二の仲裁人が任命された日から2箇月以内に仲裁裁判所の議長が指名されなかった場合に


指名する。 2. If one of the Parties to the dispute does not appoint an arbitrator within two months of the receipt of

the request, the other Party may inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations who shall designate the chairman of the arbitral tribunal within a further two months' period. Upon designation, the chairman of the arbitral tribunal shall request the Party which has not appointed an arbitrator to do so within two months. After such period, he shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall make this appointment within a further two months' period. いずれかの紛争当事国が要請を受けた後2箇月以内に仲裁人を任命しない場合には、他方の紛






Article 5 第5条

1. The arbitral tribunal shall render its decision in accordance with international law and in accordance with the provisions of this Convention. 仲裁裁判所は、国際法及びこの条約の規定に従い、その決定を行う。

2. Any arbitral tribunal constituted under the provisions of this Annex shall draw up its own rules of procedure. この附属書の規定に基づき構成される仲裁裁判所は、その手続規則を定める。

Article 6 第6条

1. The decisions of the arbitral tribunal both on procedure and on substance, shall be taken by majority vote of its members. 手続及び実体に関する仲裁裁判所の決定は、いずれもその仲裁人の過半数による議決で行う。

2. The tribunal may take all appropriate measures in order to establish the facts. It may, at the request of one of the Parties, recommend essential interim measures of protection. 仲裁裁判所は、事実を確定するため、すべての適当な措置をとることができる。仲裁裁判所


できる。 3. The Parties to the dispute shall provide all facilities necessary for the effective conduct of the



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紛争当事国は、仲裁手続の効果的な実施に必要なすべての便益を提供する。 4. The absence or default of a Party in the dispute shall not constitute an impediment to the proceedings.


Article 7 第7条

The tribunal may hear and determine counter-claims arising directly out of the subject-matter of the dispute. 仲裁裁判所は、紛争の対象である事項から直接に生ずる反対請求について聴取し及び決定する


Article 8 第8条

Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by the Parties to the dispute in equal shares. The tribunal shall keep a record of all its expenses, and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the Parties. 仲裁裁判所が仲裁に付された紛争の特別の事情により別段の決定を行う場合を除くほか、仲裁


ての費用に関する記録を保持するものとし、紛争当事国に対して 終的な費用の明細書を提出


Article 9 第9条

Any Party that has an interest of a legal nature in the subject-matter of the dispute which may be affected by the decision in the case, may intervene in the proceedings with the consent of the tribunal. いずれの締約国も、紛争の対象である事項につき当該仲裁の決定により影響を受けるおそれの



Article 10 第10条

1. The tribunal shall render its award within five months of the date on which it is established unless it finds it necessary to extend the time-limit for a period which should not exceed five months. 仲裁裁判所は、設置の日より5箇月以内にその仲裁判断を行う。ただし、必要と認める場合に

は、5箇月を超えない期間その期限を延長することができる。 2. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons. It shall be final and

binding upon the Parties to the dispute. 仲裁裁判所の仲裁判断には、理由が付されなければならない。仲裁判断は、 終的なもので

あり、かつ、紛争当事国を拘束する。 3. Any dispute which may arise between the Parties concerning the interpretation or execution of the

award may be submitted by either Party to the arbitral tribunal which made the award or, if the latter cannot be seized thereof, to another tribunal constituted for this purpose in the same manner as the first. 仲裁判断の解釈又は履行に関し紛争当事国間で生ずるいかなる紛争も、いずれかの紛争当事


裁判所に付託することができない場合には、 初のものと同様の方法によりこのために構成



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Annex VIII LIST A 附属書Ⅷ A 表

Wastes contained in this Annex are characterized as hazardous under Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention, and their designation on this Annex does not preclude the use of Annex III to demonstrate that a waste is not hazardous. この附属書に掲げる廃棄物は、この条約第一条1(a)の規定に従い有害な特性を有する。この附属


することを排除しない。 A1 Metal and metal-bearing wastes

金属の廃棄物及び金属を含有する廃棄物 A1010 Metal wastes and waste consisting of alloys of any of the following:


を除く。) ・ Antimony チモン ・ Arsenic 砒素 ・ Beryllium ベリリウム ・ Cadmium カドミウム ・ Lead 鉛 ・ Mercury 水銀 ・ Selenium セレン ・ Tellurium テルル ・ Thallium タリウム

but excluding such wastes specifically listed on list B.

A1020 Waste having as constituents or contaminants, excluding metal waste in massive form, any of the following: 次のいずれかを成分又は汚染物質として含む廃棄物(塊状の金属のものを除く。)

・ Antimony; antimony compounds アンチモン、アンチモン化合物 ・ Beryllium; beryllium compounds ベリリウム、ベリリウム化合物 ・ Cadmium; cadmium compounds カドミウム、カドミウム化合物 ・ Lead; lead compounds 鉛、鉛化合物 ・ Selenium; selenium compounds セレン、セレン化合物 ・ Tellurium; tellurium compounds テルル、テルル化合物

A1030 Wastes having as constituents or contaminants any of the following: 次のいずれかを成分又は汚染物質として含む廃棄物 ・ Arsenic; arsenic compounds 砒素、砒素化合物 ・ Mercury; mercury compounds. 水銀、水銀化合物 ・ Thallium; thallium compounds タリウム、タリウム化合物

A1040 Wastes having as constituents any of the following: 次のいずれかを成分として含む廃棄物 ・ Metal carbonyls 金属カルボニル ・ Hexavalent chromium compounds 六価クロム化合物

A1050 Galvanic sludges めっき汚泥 A1060 Waste liquors from the pickling of metals 金属の酸洗いから生ずる廃液 A1070 Leaching residues from zinc processing, dust and sludges such as jarosite, hematite, etc.

亜鉛精錬の過程から生ずる浸出残滓し並びにジャロサイト、赤鉄鉱等の粉じん及び汚泥 A1080 Waste zinc residues not included on list B, containing lead and cadmium in concentrations

sufficient to exhibit Annex III characteristics


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で鉛及びカドミウムを含むもの A1090 Ashes from the incineration of insulated copper wire

絶縁銅線の焼却から生ずる灰 A1100 Dusts and residues from gas cleaning systems of copper smelters

銅精錬所のガス処理設備から生ずる粉じん及び残滓 A1110 Spent electrolytic solutions from copper electrorefining and electrowinning operations

銅の電解精錬及び電解採取工程から生ずる使用済み電解液 A1120 Waste sludges, excluding anode slimes, from electrolyte purification systems in copper

electrorefining and electrowinning operations 銅の電解精錬及び電解採取工程における電解液の浄化設備から生ずる汚泥(陽極スライ

ムを除く。) A1130 Spent etching solutions containing dissolved copper

溶解した銅を含む使用済みエッチング溶液 A1140 Waste cupric chloride and copper cyanide catalysts

塩化第二銅及びシアン化銅触媒の廃棄物 A1150 Precious metal ash from incineration of printed circuit boards not included on list B(4)

B表に掲げられていない印刷回路基盤の焼却から生ずる貴金属の灰(注1) A1160 Waste lead-acid batteries, whole or crushed

鉛蓄電池の廃棄物(破砕されているかいないかを問わない。) A1170 Unsorted waste batteries excluding mixtures of only list B batteries. Waste batteries not specified

on list B containing Annex I constituents to an extent to render them hazardous. 分別されていない電池の廃棄物(B表に掲げる電池のみの混合物を除く。)及びB表に掲げ

られていない電池の廃棄物で、有害なものとされる程度に附属書Ⅰの成分を含むもの A1180 Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap(5) containing components such as

accumulators and other batteries included on list A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors, or contaminated with Annex I constituents (e.g., cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) to an extent that they possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III (note the related entry on list B B1110)(6) 電気部品及び電子部品の廃棄物又はそのくず(注2)で、A表に掲げる蓄電池その他の電池、




B1110参照)(注3) 注1 B表の対象項目(B1160)は、例外を明記していない。 注2 この項目には、発電所から生ずる部品のくずは含まない。 注3 PCBについては濃度が1キログラムにつき50ミリグラム以上のもの

A2 Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials 無機物を主成分とし、金属及び有機物を含む可能性を有する廃棄物

A2010 Glass waste from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses 陰極線管その他の活性化ガラスから生ずるガラスのくず

A2020 Waste inorganic fluorine compounds in the form of liquids or sludges but excluding such wastes specified on list B 液状又は泥状の無機ふっ素化合物の廃棄物(B表に掲げるものを除く。)

A2030 Waste catalysts but excluding such wastes specified on list B 触媒の廃棄物(B表に掲げるものを除く。)

A2040 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes, when containing Annex I constituents to the extent that it exhibits an Annex III hazardous characteristic (note the related entry on list B


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B2080) 化学工業の工程から生ずる石膏の廃棄物(附属書Ⅲの有害な特性を示す程度に附属書Ⅰ

の成分を含む場合に限る。)(B表の関連項目B2080参照) A2050 Waste asbestos (dusts and fibres)

石綿の廃棄物(粉じん及び繊維状のもの) A2060 Coal-fired power plant fly-ash containing Annex I substances in concentrations sufficient to

exhibit Annex III characteristics (note the related entry on list B B2050) 石炭火力発電所の飛灰で附属書Ⅲの特性を示すのに十分な濃度で附属書Ⅰの物質を含む

もの(B表の関連項目B2050参照) A3 Wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials

有機物を主成分とし、金属及び無機物を含む可能性を有する廃棄物 A3010 Waste from the production or processing of petroleum coke and bitumen

石油コークス及びビチューメンの製造及び処理から生ずる廃棄物 A3020 Waste mineral oils unfit for their originally intended use

当初に意図した使用に適しない廃鉱油 A3030 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with leaded anti-knock compound sludges

鉛アンチノック剤の汚泥を含み、これから成り又はこれに汚染されている廃棄物 A3040 Waste thermal (heat transfer) fluids

熱交換用媒体として使用された液体の廃棄物 A3050 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, glues/adhesives

excluding such wastes specified on list B (note the related entry on list B B4020) 樹脂、ラテックス、可塑剤及び接着剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物(B表に掲

げるものを除く。)(B表の関連項目B4020参照) A3060 Waste nitrocellulose

ニトロセルロースの廃棄物 A3070 Waste phenols, phenol compounds including chlorophenol in the form of liquids or sludges


を含む。) A3080 Waste ethers not including those specified on list B

エーテルの廃棄物(B表に掲げるものを除く。) A3090 Waste leather dust, ash, sludges and flours when containing hexavalent chromium compounds or

biocides (note the related entry on list B B3100) 革の粉じん、灰、汚泥及び粉(6価クロム化合物又は駆除剤を含むものに限る。)(B表の

関連項目B3100参照) A3100 Waste paring and other waste of leather or of composition leather not suitable for the

manufacture of leather articles containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides (note the related entry on list B B3090) 革又はコンポジションレザーの削りくずその他の廃棄物で、革製品の製造に適しないも

の(6価クロム化合物又は駆除剤を含むものに限る。)(B表の関連項目B3090参照) A3110 Fellmongery wastes containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides or infectious

substances (note the related entry on list B B3110) 獣皮の廃棄物(6価クロム化合物、駆除剤又は病毒をうつしやすい物質を含むものに限

る。)(B表の関連項目B3110参照) A3120 Fluff - light fraction from shredding

寸断から生ずる軽量片(けば) A3130 Waste organic phosphorous compounds

有機りん化合物の廃棄物 A3140 Waste non-halogenated organic solvents but excluding such wastes specified on list B



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A3150 Waste halogenated organic solvents ハロゲン化された有機溶剤の廃棄物

A3160 Waste halogenated or unhalogenated non-aqueous distillation residues arising from organic solvent recovery operations 有機溶剤の回収作業から生ずる非水溶性の蒸留残滓(ハロゲン化されているかいないか

を問わない。) A3170 Wastes arising from the production of aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbons (such as

chloromethane, dichloro-ethane, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, allyl chloride and epichlorhydrin) ハロゲン化された脂肪族の炭化水素の製造から生ずる廃棄物(例えば、クロロメタン、ジ

クロロエタン、塩化ビニル、塩化ビニリデン、塩化アリル及びエピクロルヒドリン) A3180 Wastes, substances and articles containing, consisting of or contaminated with polychlorinated

biphenyl (PCB), polychlorinated terphenyl (PCT), polychlorinated naphthalene (PCN) or polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), or any other polybrominated analogues of these compounds, at a concentration level of 50 mg/kg or more(7) ポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCB)、ポリ塩化テルフェニル(PCT)、ポリ塩化ナフタレン(PCN)又はポリ臭化ビフェニル(PBB)若しくはこれらの化合物に類似のポリ臭化化合物を含み、


ラムにつき五十ミリグラム以上のもの(注) A3190 Waste tarry residues (excluding asphalt cements) arising from refining, distillation and any

pyrolitic treatment of organic materials 有機物の精製、蒸留及びあらゆる熱分解処理から生ずるタール状の残滓し(アスファルト

セメントを除く。) 注 1キログラムにつき50ミリグラムの濃度は、すべての廃棄物に対し国際的に実際的な濃度と


A4 Wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents 無機物又は有機物のいずれかを成分として含む可能性を有する廃棄物

A4010 Wastes from the production, preparation and use of pharmaceutical products but excluding such wastes specified on list B 医薬品の製造、調剤及び使用から生ずる廃棄物(B表に掲げるものを除く。)

A4020 Clinical and related wastes; that is wastes arising from medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, or similar practices, and wastes generated in hospitals or other facilities during the investigation or treatment of patients, or research projects 医療及びその関連廃棄物(医療、看護、歯科治療、獣医科治療又は類似の行為から生ずる


した廃棄物をいう。) A4030 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and phytopharmaceuticals,

including waste pesticides and herbicides which are off-specification, outdated,(8) or unfit for their originally intended use 駆除剤及び植物用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物(規格外の、使用期限を過

ぎた(注1)又は当初に意図した使用に適しない駆除剤及び除草剤のものを含む。) A4040 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood-preserving chemicals(9)

木材保存用薬剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物(注2) A4050 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following:

次のいずれかを含み、これから成り又はこれに汚染されている廃棄物 ・ Inorganic cyanides, excepting precious-metal-bearing residues in solid form containing traces

of inorganic cyanides


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むものを除く。) ・ Organic cyanides

有機シアン化合物 A4060 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions

油と水又は炭化水素と水の混合物又は乳濁物である廃棄物 A4070 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints, lacquers,

varnish excluding any such waste specified on list B (note the related entry on list B B4010) インキ、染料、顔料、塗料、ラッカー及びワニスの製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄

物(B表に掲げるものを除く。)(B表の関連項目B4010参照) A4080 Wastes of an explosive nature (but excluding such wastes specified on list B)

爆発性の廃棄物(B表に掲げるものを除く。) A4090 Waste acidic or basic solutions, other than those specified in the corresponding entry on list B

(note the related entry on list B B2120) 酸性又は塩基性の溶液の廃棄物(B表の対応項日に掲げるものを除く。)(B表の関連項目

B2120参照) A4100 Wastes from industrial pollution control devices for cleaning of industrial off-gases but excluding

such wastes specified on list B 産業排ガス浄化のための公害防止装置から生ずる廃棄物(B表に掲げるものを除く。)

A4110 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following: 次のいずれかを含み、これから成り又はこれに汚染されている廃棄物 ・ Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan

ポリ塩化ジベンゾフラン類 ・ Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin

ポリ塩化ジベンゾジオキシン類 A4120 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with peroxides

過酸化物を含み、これから成り又はこれに汚染されている廃棄物 A4130 Waste packages and containers containing Annex I substances in concentrations sufficient to

exhibit Annex III hazard characteristics 包装材又は容器の廃棄物で、附属書Ⅲの有害な特性を示すのに十分な濃度で附属書Ⅰの

物質を含むもの A4140 Waste consisting of or containing off specification or outdated(10) chemicals corresponding to

Annex I categories and exhibiting Annex III hazard characteristics 附属書Ⅰの分類に対応し及び附属書Ⅲの有害な特性を示す化学物質で、規格外の又は使

用期限を過ぎた(注1)ものから成り又はこれを含む廃棄物 A4150 Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching activities which

are not identified and/or are new and whose effects on human health and/or the environment are not known 研究開発又は教育上の活動から生ずる同定されていない又は新規の廃化学物質で、人の

健康又は環境に及ぼす影響が未知のもの A4160 Spent activated carbon not included on list B (note the related entry on list B B2060)


注1「使用期限を過ぎた」とは、製造業者が推奨する期間内に使用されなかったことをいう。 注2 この項目は、木材保存用薬剤で処理された木材を含まない。


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Annex IX LIST B 附属書Ⅸ B表

Wastes contained in the Annex will not be wastes covered by Article 1, paragraph 1 (a), of this Convention unless they contain Annex I material to an extent causing them to exhibit an Annex III characteristic. この附属書に掲げる廃棄物は、附属書Ⅲの特性を示す程度に附属書Ⅰの物を含む場合を除くほ

か、この条約第1条1(a)に規定する廃棄物に該当しない。 B1 Metal and metal-bearing wastes

金属の廃棄物及び金属を含有する廃棄物 B1010 Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible form:

金属及び合金の廃棄物で、金属状の及び飛散性を有しない形状のもの ・ Precious metals (gold, silver, the platinum group, but not mercury)

貴金属(金、銀及び白金族とし、水銀を除く。) ・ Iron and steel scrap 鉄鋼のくず ・ Copper scrap 銅のくず ・ Nickel scrap ニッケルのくず ・ Aluminium scrap アルミニウムのくず ・ Zinc scrap 亜鉛のくず ・ Tin scrap すずのくず ・ Tungsten scrap タングステンのくず ・ Molybdenum scrap モリブデンのくず ・ Tantalum scrap タンタルのくず ・ Magnesium scrap マグネシウムのくず ・ Cobalt scrap コバルトのくず ・ Bismuth scrap ビスマスのくず ・ Titanium scrap チタンのくず ・ Zirconium scrap ジルコニウムのくず ・ Manganese scrap マンガンのくず ・ Germanium scrap ゲルマニウムのくず ・ Vanadium scrap バナジウムのくず ・ Scrap of hafnium, indium, niobium, rhenium and gallium ハフニウム、インジウム、ニオブ、レニウム及びガリウムのくず

・ Thorium scrap トリウムのくず ・ Rare earths scrap 希土類金属のくず

B1020 Clean, uncontaminated metal scrap, including alloys, in bulk finished form (sheet, plate, beams, rods, etc), of: 次の清浄な及び汚染されていない金属(合金を含む。)のくずで、 終形状が塊状のもの(薄板、板、梁材、棒等) ・ Antimony scrap アンチモンのくず ・ Beryllium scrap べリリウムのくず ・ Cadmium scrap カドミウムのくず ・ Lead scrap (but excluding lead-acid batteries) 鉛のくず(鉛蓄電池を除く。) ・ Selenium scrap セレンのくず ・ Tellurium scrap テルルのくず

B1030 Refractory metals containing residues 残滓しを含む耐火性の金属 B1040 Scrap assemblies from electrical power generation not contaminated with lubricating oil, PCB or

PCT to an extent to render them hazardous 発電用の部品のくずで、有害なものとされる程度に潤滑油、PCB又はPCTで汚染されて


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いないもの B1050 Mixed non-ferrous metal, heavy fraction scrap, not containing Annex I materials in

concentrations sufficient to exhibit Annex III characteristics(11) 非鉄金属混合物の重量片のくず(附属書Ⅲの特性を示すのに十分な濃度で附属書Ⅰの物

を含むものを除く。)(注1) B1060 Waste selenium and tellurium in metallic elemental form including powder

金属状のセレンの廃棄物及びテルルの廃棄物(粉末を含む。) B1070 Waste of copper and copper alloys in dispersible form, unless they contain Annex I constituents

to an extent that they exhibit Annex III characteristics 飛散性を有する形状の銅又は銅合金(附属書Ⅲの特性を示す程度に附属書Ⅰの成分を含

むものを除く。) B1080 Zinc ash and residues including zinc alloys residues in dispersible form unless containing Annex

I constituents in concentration such as to exhibit Annex III characteristics or exhibiting hazard characteristic H4.3(12) 亜鉛の灰及び残滓し(飛散性を有する形状の亜鉛合金の残滓しを含むものとし、附属書Ⅲ


く。)(注2) B1090 Waste batteries conforming to a specification, excluding those made with lead, cadmium or

mercury 規格に適合する電池(鉛、カドミウム又は水銀を用いて作られたものを除く。)の廃棄物

B1100 Metal-bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals: 金属の溶解、精錬及び精製から生ずる金属を含有する廃棄物 ・ Hard zinc spelter ハードジンクスペルター ・ Zinc-containing drosses: 亜鉛を含むドロス

- Galvanizing slab zinc top dross (>90% Zn) 厚板の亜鉛めっきに伴い上部に生ずるドロス(亜鉛の含有率が90パーセントを超

えるもの) - Galvanizing slab zinc bottom dross (>92% Zn)


えるもの) - Zinc die casting dross (>85% Zn) 亜鉛のダイカストドロス(亜鉛の含有率が85パーセントを超えるもの)

- Hot dip galvanizers slab zinc dross (batch)(>92% Zn) 厚板の溶融亜鉛めっき(連続工程でないもの)に伴い生ずるドロス(亜鉛の含有率

が92パーセントを超えるもの) - Zinc skimmings 亜鉛のスキミング

・ Aluminium skimmings (or skims) excluding salt slag アルミニウムのスキミング(又はスキム)(ソルトスラグを除く。)

・ Slags from copper processing for further processing or refining not containing arsenic, lead or cadmium to an extend that they exhibit Annex III hazard characteristics


性を示す程度に砒素、鉛又はカドミウムを含むものを除く。) ・ Wastes of refractory linings, including crucibles, originating from copper smelting 銅の精錬に用いる耐火性の内張り(るつぼを含む。)の廃棄物

・ Slags from precious metals processing for further refining 貴金属の精錬を更に行うための処理工程から生ずるスラグ

・ Tantalum-bearing tin slags with less than 0.5% tin タンタルを含有するすずのスラグで、すずの含有率が0.5パーセント未満のもの

B1110 Electrical and electronic assemblies:


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電気部品及び電子部品 ・ Electronic assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys 金属又は合金のみから成る電子部品

・ Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap(13) (including printed circuit boards) not containing components such as accumulators and other batteries included on list A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCBcapacitors, or not contaminated with Annex I constituents (e.g., cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) or from which these have been removed, to an extent that they do not possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III (note the related entry on list A A1180) 電気部品及び電子部品(印刷回路基盤を含む。)の廃棄物又はそのくず(注3)で、A表に



れらを除去したもの(A表の関連項目A1180参照) ・ Electrical and electronic assemblies (including printed circuit boards, electronic components

and wires) destined for direct reuse,(14) and not for recycling or final disposal(15) 直接再利用(注4)を目的として再生利用又は 終処分(注5)を目的としない電気部品及

び電子部品(印刷回路基盤、電子機器の構成物及び電線を含む。) B1120 Spent catalysts excluding liquids used as catalysts, containing any of:

次のいずれかを含む使用済み触媒(触媒として利用される液体を除く。) Transition metals, excluding waste catalysts (spent catalysts, liquid used catalysts or other catalysts) on list A:


金属 Scandium スカンジウム Vanadium バナジウム Manganese マンガン Cobalt コバルト Copper 銅 Yttrium イットリウム Niobium ニオブ Hafnium ハフニウム Tungsten タングステン Titanium チタン Chromium クロム Iron 鉄 Nickel ニッケル Zinc 亜鉛 Zirconium ジルコニウム Molybdenum モリブデン Tantalum タンタル Rhenium レニウム Lanthanides (rare earth metals): ランタノイド(希土類金属) Lanthanum ランタン Praseodymium プラセオジム Samarium サマリウム Gadolinium ガドリニウム Dysprosium ジスプロシウム Erbium エルビウム


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Ytterbium イッテルビウム Cerium セリウム Neody ネオジム Europium ユーロピウム Terbium テルビウム Holmium ホルミウム Thulium ツリウム Lutetium ルテチウム

B1130 Cleaned spent precious-metal-bearing catalysts 貴金属を含有する浄化された使用済み触媒

B1140 Precious-metal-bearing residues in solid form which contain traces of inorganic cyanides 貴金属を含有する固形状の残滓しで、無機シアン化合物を微量に含むもの

B1150 Precious metals and alloy wastes (gold, silver, the platinum group, but not mercury) in a dispersible, non-liquid form with appropriate packaging and labelling 飛散性を有する非液状の貴金属(金、銀及び白金族とし、水銀を除く。)及び当該貴金属

の合金の廃棄物で、適切に梱包され及び表示されたもの B1160 Precious-metal ash from the incineration of printed circuit boards (note the related entry on list A

A1150) 印刷回路基盤の焼却から生ずる貴金属の灰(A表の関連項目A1150参照)

B1170 Precious-metal ash from the incineration of photographic film 写真用フィルムの焼却から生ずる貴金属の灰

B1180 Waste photographic film containing silver halides and metallic silver ハロゲン化銀及び銀を含む写真用フィルムの廃棄物

B1190 Waste photographic paper containing silver halides and metallic silver ハロゲン化銀及び銀を含む写真用の紙の廃棄物

B1200 Granulated slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel 鉄鋼の製造から生ずる粒状スラグ

B1210 Slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel including slags as a source of TiO2 and vanadium 鉄鋼の製造から生ずるスラグ(二酸化チタン及びバナジウムの原料となるスラグを含

む。) B1220 Slag from zinc production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron content (above 20%) and

processed according to industrial specifications (e.g., DIN 4301) mainly for construction 亜鉛の製造から生ずるスラグで、化学的に安定し、鉄の含有率が高く(20パーセントを超


もの B1230 Mill scaling arising from the manufacture of iron and steel

鉄鋼の製造から生ずるミルスケール B1240 Copper oxide mill-scale

酸化銅のミルスケール 注1 当初附属書Ⅰの物による汚染の程度が低い場合であっても、再生工程を含むその後の工程

により断片における当該附属書Ⅰの物の濃度を著しく高めることがある。 注2 亜鉛の灰の位置付けは、現在検討されており、亜鉛の灰は危険な物品ではないといぅ国際

連合貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)の勧告がある。 注3 この項目は、発電から生ずるくずを含まない。 注4 再利用には、修理、更新又は改良を含めることができるものとし、主要な再組立を含まな

い。 注5 一部の国においては、直接再利用を目的とする物は、廃棄物とみなされない。


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B2 Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and organic materials 無機物を主成分とし、金属及び有機物を含む可能性を有する廃棄物

B2010 Wastes from mining operations in non-dispersible form: 採掘作業から生ずる廃棄物で、飛散性を有しない形状のもの ・ Natural graphite waste 天然黒鉛の廃棄物 ・ Slate waste, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise


より単に切ってあるかないかを問わない。) ・ Mica waste 雲母の廃棄物 ・ Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste

白榴石、ネフェリン及びネフェリンサイアナイトの廃棄物 ・ Feldspar waste 長石の廃棄物 ・ Fluorspar waste ほたる石の廃棄物 ・ Silica wastes in solid form excluding those used in foundry operations

固形状のけい素の廃棄物(鋳造作業で使用されるものを除く。) B2020 Glass waste in non-dispersible form:

飛散性を有しない形状のガラスの廃棄物 ・ Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other

activated glasses ガラスくずその他のガラスの廃棄物(陰極線管その他の活性化ガラスから生ずるもの

を除く。) B2030 Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form:

飛散性を有しない形状のセラミックスの廃棄物 ・ Cermet wastes and scrap (metal ceramic composites) サーメット(金属とセラミックスの複合材)の廃棄物及びくず

・ Ceramic based fibres not elsewhere specified or included セラミックスファイバー (他に該当するものを除く。)

B2040 Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents: 無機物を主成分とする他の廃棄物 ・ Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue-gas desulphurization (FGD) 排煙脱硫(FGD)により生産される部分的に精製された硫酸カルシウム

・ Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings 建物の取り壊しから生ずる石膏板の廃棄物又はプラスター板の廃棄物

・ Slag from copper production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron content (above 20%) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g., DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications 銅の製造から生ずるスラグで、化学的に安定し、鉄の含有率が高く(20パーセントを超


DIN8201)に従って処理されたもの ・ Sulphur in solid form 固形状の硫黄 ・ Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9)

カルシウムシアナミドの製造から生ずる石灰石(水素イオン濃度指数が九未満のもの) ・ Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides 塩化ナトリウム、塩化カリウム及び塩化カルシウム

・ Carborundum (silicon carbide) カーボランダム (炭化けい素) ・ Broken concrete 壊れたコンクリート ・ Lithium-tantalum and lithium-niobium containing glass scraps リチウム―タンタル及びリチウム―二オブを含むガラスのくず

B2050 Coal-fired power plant fly-ash, not included on list A (note the related entry on list A A2060)


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石炭火力発電所の飛灰(A表に掲げるものを除く。)(A表の関連項目A2060参照) B2060 Spent activated carbon resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food

industry and vitamin production (note the related entry on list A A4160) 使用済みの活性炭(飲料水の処理、食品工業の加工及びビタミンの製造から生ずるも

の)(A表の関連項目A4160参照) B2070 Calcium fluoride sludge ふっ化カルシウムの汚泥 B2080 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes not included on list A (note the

related entry on list A A2040) 化学工業の工程から生ずる石膏こうの廃棄物(A表に掲げるものを除く。)(A表の関連項目

A2040参照) B2090 Waste anode butts from steel or aluminium production made of petroleum coke or bitumen and

cleaned to normal industry specifications (excluding anode butts from chlor alkali electrolyses and from metallurgical industry) 石油コークス又はビチューメンから成る陽極端で、鉄鋼又はアルミニウムの製造に伴っ


産業から生ずる陽極端を除く。)の廃棄物 B2100 Waste hydrates of aluminium and waste alumina and residues from alumina production excluding

such materials used for gas cleaning, flocculation or filtration processes アルミニウムの水和物の廃棄物、酸化アルミニウムの廃棄物又は酸化アルミニウムの生

産から生ずる残滓し(ガスの浄化、沈殿又は濾ろ過工程に使用された物を除く。) B2110 Bauxite residue ("red mud") (pH moderated to less than 11.5)

ボーキサイトの残滓し(「赤泥」)(水素イオン濃度指数が11.5未満に調整されたもの) B2120 Waste acidic or basic solutions with a pH greater than 2 and less than 11.5, which are not

corrosive or otherwise hazardous (note the related entry on list A A4090) 酸性又は塩基性の溶液の廃棄物で、水素イオン濃度指数が2を超え11.5未満のもののうち


B3 Wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and inorganic materials 有機物を主成分とし、金属及び無機物を含む可能性を有する廃棄物

B3010 Solid plastic waste: 固形状のプラスチックの廃棄物 The following plastic or mixed plastic materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes and are prepared to a specification: 次のプラスチック又はプラスチックの混合物で、他の廃棄物と混合されておらず、かつ、

規格に従って調整されたもの ・ Scrap plastic of non-halogenated polymers and co-polymers, including but not limited to the following(16): ハロゲン化されていない重合体及び共重合体のくずで、次のものを含むがこれらに限定

されない。 (注1)

- ethylene エチレン - styrene スチレン - polypropylene ポリプロピレン - polyethylene terephthalate ポリエチレンテレフタレート - acrylonitrile アクリロニトリル - butadiene ブタジエン - polyacetals ポリアセタール - polyamides ポリアミド - polybutylene terephthalate ポリブチレンテレフタレート - polycarbonates ポリカーボネート


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- polyethers ポリエーテル - polyphenylene sulphides ポリフェニレン硫化物 - acrylic polymers アクリル重合体 - alkanes C10-C13 (plasticiser) アルカンC10―C13 (可塑剤) - polyurethane (not containing CFCs) ポリウレタン (CFCsを含むものを除く。) - polysiloxanes ポリシロキサン - polymethyl methacrylate ポリメタクリル酸メチル - polyvinyl alcohol ポリビニルアルコール - polyvinyl butyral ポリビニルブチラール - polyvinyl acetate ポリビニルアセテート

・ Cured waste resins or condensation products including the following: 次のいずれかを含む硬化した樹脂又は縮合物の廃棄物

- urea formaldehyde resins 尿素ホルムアルデヒド樹脂 - phenol formaldehyde resins フェノールホルムアルデヒド樹脂 - melamine formaldehyde resins メラミンホルムアルデヒド樹脂 - epoxy resins エポキシ樹脂 - alkyd resins アルキド樹脂 - polyamides ポリアミド

・ The following fluorinated polymer wastes(17) 次のいずれかのふっ化重合体の廃棄物(注2) - perfluoroethylene/propylene (FEP) パーフルオロエチレン―プロピレン (FEP) - perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA) パーフルオロアルコキシアルカン (PFA) - perfluoroalkoxy alkane (MFA) パーフルオロアルコキシアルカン (MFA) - polyvinylfluoride (PVF) ふっ化ポリビニル (PVF) - polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) ふっ化ポリビニリデン (PVDF)

B3020 Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes 紙、板紙及び紙製品の廃棄物 The following materials, provided they are not mixed with hazardous wastes: 次の物で、有害廃棄物と混合されていないもの Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard of: 紙又は板紙の廃棄物及びくずで、次のもの ・ unbleached paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard さらしてない紙又は板紙のもの及びコルゲート加工をした紙又は板紙のもの

・ other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass その他の紙又は板紙(主としてさらした化学パルプから製造したものに限るものとし、

全体を着色したものを除く。)のもの ・ paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and

similar printed matter) 主として機械パルプから製造した紙又は板紙(例えば、新聞、雑誌その他これらに類す

る印刷物)のもの ・ other, including but not limited to 1) laminated paperboard 2) unsorted scrap.


ない。) B3030 Textile wastes 繊維の廃棄物

The following materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes and are prepared to a specification: 次の物で、他の廃棄物と混合されておらず、かつ、規格に従って調整されたもの ・ Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) 絹の廃棄物(繰糸に適しない繭、糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。)

- not carded or combed カード及びコームのいずれもしてないもの - other その他のもの


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・ Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock 羊毛、繊獣毛又は粗獣毛の廃棄物(糸くずを含むものとし、反毛した繊維を除く。)

- noils of wool or of fine animal hair 羊毛又は繊獣毛のノイル - other waste of wool or of fine animal hair 羊毛又は繊獣毛のその他のもの - waste of coarse animal hair 粗獣毛のもの

・ Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) 綿の廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。)

- yarn waste (including thread waste) 糸くず - garnetted stock 反毛した繊維 - other その他のもの

・ Flax tow and waste 亜麻のトウ及び廃棄物 ・ Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) 大麻(カナビス・サティヴァ)のトウ及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。)

・ Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie) ジュートその他の紡織用靱じん皮繊維(亜麻、大麻及びラミーを除く。)のトウ及び廃

棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。) ・ Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of

the genus Agave サイザルその他のアゲーブ属の紡織用繊維のトウ及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊

維を含む。) ・ Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of coconut ココやしのトウ、ノイル及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。)

・ Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) アバカ(マニラ麻又はムサ・テクスティリス)のトウ、ノイル及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反

毛した繊維を含む。) ・ Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of ramie and other vegetable

textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included ラミーその他の植物性紡織用繊維のトウ、ノイル及び廃棄物(糸くず及び反毛した繊維

を含むものとし、他に該当するものを除く。) ・ Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres 人造繊維の廃棄物(ノイル、糸くず及び反毛した繊維を含む。)で、次のもの

- of synthetic fibres 合成繊維のもの - of artificial fibres 人造繊維のもの

・ Worn clothing and other worn textile articles 中古の衣類その他の繊維製品 ・ Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine, cordage, rope

or cables of textile materials 使用されたぼろ及びくず(ひも、綱若しくはケーブル又はこれらの製品のものに限

る。)(紡織用繊維のものに限る。) - sorted 分別したもの - other その他のもの

B3040 Rubber wastes ゴムの廃棄物 The following materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes: 他の廃棄物と混合されていないもので、次の物 ・ Waste and scrap of hard rubber (e.g., ebonite) 硬質ゴム(例えば、エボナイト)の廃棄物又はくず

・ Other rubber wastes (excluding such wastes specified elsewhere) その他のゴムの廃棄物(他に該当するものを除く。)


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B3050 Untreated cork and wood waste: 処理されていないコルク又は木材の廃棄物 ・ Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar

forms 木くず(丸太状、ブリケット状、ペレット状その他これらに類する形状に凝結させてあ

るかないかを問わない。) ・ Cork waste: crushed, granulated or ground cork コルクくず及び破砕し、粒にし又は粉砕したコルク

B3060 Wastes arising from agro-food industries provided it is not infectious: 農業食品産業から生ずる廃棄物で、病毒をうつしやすいものでないもの ・ Wine lees ぶどう酒かす ・ Dried and sterilized vegetable waste, residues and byproducts, whether or not in the form of

pellets, of a kind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included 飼料用に供する種類の乾燥し又は殺菌した植物の廃棄物、残滓し及び副産物(ペレット

状であるかないかを問わないものとし、他に該当するものを除く。) ・ Degras: residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes デグラス及び脂肪性物質又は動物性若しくは植物性のろうの処理から生ずる残滓

・ Waste of bones and horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised 骨及びホーンコア(加工してないもの及び脱脂し、単に整え、酸処理し又は脱膠こうし

たものに限るものとし、特定の形状に切ったものを除く。)のもの ・ Fish waste 魚のもの ・ Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste カカオ豆の殻、皮その他のもの ・ Other wastes from the agro-food industry excluding by-products which meet national and

international requirements and standards for human or animal consumption 農業食品工業から生ずるその他のもの(人間又は動物による消費のための国内及び国

際的要件及び基準に合致する副産物を除く。) B3070 The following wastes:

次の廃棄物 ・ Waste of human hair 人髪のもの ・ Waste straw わらのもの ・ Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed


体 B3080 Waste parings and scrap of rubber ゴムの切りくず及び廃棄物 B3090 Paring and other wastes of leather or of composition leather not suitable for the manufacture of

leather articles, excluding leather sludges, not containing hexavalent chromium compounds and biocides (note the related entry on list A A3100) 革製品の製造に適しない革又はコンポジションレザーの切りくずその他の廃棄物(六価

クロム化合物又は駆除剤を含むもの及び汚泥を除く。)(A表の関連項目A3100参照) B3100 Leather dust, ash, sludges or flours not containing hexavalent chromium compounds or

biocides (note the related entry on list A A3090) 革の粉じん、灰、汚泥又は粉(六価クロム化合物又は駆除剤を含むものを除く。)(A表の

関連項目A3090参照) B3110 Fellmongery wastes not containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides or infectious

substances (note the related entry on list A A3110) 獣皮の廃棄物(六価クロム化合物、駆除剤又は病毒をうつしやすい物質を含むものを除

く。)(A表の関連項目A3110参照) B3120 Wastes consisting of food dyes



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B3130 Waste polymer ethers and waste non-hazardous monomer ethers incapable of forming peroxides 過酸化物を生成しない重合体エーテルの廃棄物及び有害でない単量体エーテルの廃棄物

B3140 Waste pneumatic tyres, excluding those destined for Annex IVA operations 空気タイヤの廃棄物(附属書ⅣAの作業が予定されるものを除く。)

注1 このようなくずは、完全に重合化されていると理解される。 注2 消費者によって捨てられた廃棄物は、この項目から除く。

廃棄物は、混合してはならない。 野外で行う焼却の方法から生ずる問題を考慮する。

B4 Wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents 無機物又は有機物のいずれかを成分として含む可能性を有する廃棄物

B4010 Wastes consisting mainly of water-based/latex paints, inks and hardened varnishes not containing organic solvents, heavy metals or biocides to an extent to render them hazardous (note the related entry on list A A4070) 主として水をもととする塗料、ラテックスの塗料、インキ及び硬化ワニスから成る廃棄


関連項目A4070参照) B4020 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, glues/adhesives, not

listed on list A, free of solvents and other contaminants to an extent that they do not exhibit Annex III characteristics, e.g., water-based, or glues based on casein starch, dextrin, cellulose ethers, polyvinyl alcohols (note the related entry on list A A3050) 樹脂、ラテックス、可塑剤及び接着剤の製造、調合及び使用から生ずる廃棄物で、A表




B4030 Used single-use cameras, with batteries not included on list A 使用済みのレンズ付きフィルムで、A表に掲げる電池を含まないもの


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添付資料21 バーゼル条約等の参加国一覧

国名/地域名(和) 国名/地域名(英) バー

ゼルBan 国連













アフガニスタン・イスラム国 Afghanistan △ ○

アルバニア共和国 Albania ○ ○ ○ ○

アルジェリア民主人民共和国 Algeria ○ ○ ○ ○

米領サモア American Samoa △

アンドラ Andorra ○ ○ ○

アンゴラ共和国 Angola ○ ○ A

アンチグア・バーブーダ Antigua and Barbuda ○ ○ C

アルゼンチン共和国 Argentina ○ ○

アルメニア共和国 Armenia ○ ○

オーストラリア Australia ○ ○ ○ ○

オーストリア Austria ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

アゼルバイジャン共和国 Azerbaijan ○ ○

バハマ Bahamas ○ ○ C

バーレーン Bahrain ○ ○ ○ ○

バングラデシュ Bangladesh ○ ○

バルバドス Barbados ○ ○ C

ベラルーシ Belarus ○ ○

ベルギー Belgium ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

ベリーズ Belize ○ ○ C

ベナン Benin ○ ○ ○ A

ブータン Bhutan ○ ○

ボリビア Bolivia ○ ○ ○

Bosnia and

Herzegovina ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ ○ ○ ○

○ ○ ボツワナ Botswana ○ ○ A

ブラジル Brazil ○ ○ ○

ブルネイ Brunei Darussalam ○ ○

ブルガリア Bulgaria ○ ○ ○

ブルキナファソ Burkina Faso ○ ○ ○ A

ブルンジ Burundi ○ ○ ○ A

カンボジア Cambodia ○ ○

カメルーン Cameroon ○ ○ ○ A

カナダ Canada ○ ○ ○

カーボベルデ Cape Verde ○ ○ ○ A

中央アフリカ共和国 Central African

Republic ○ ○ ○ A

チャド Chad ○ ○ ○ A

チリ Chile ○ ○

中国 China ○ ○ ○

コロンビア Colombia ○ ○

コモロ Comoros ○ ○ ○ A

コンゴ共和国 Congo ○ ○ A

クック諸島 Cook Islands ○ ○ ○ P

コスタリカ Costa Rica ○ ○


岸 Cote d'Ivoire ○ ○ ○ A


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国名/地域名(和) 国名/地域名(英) バー

ゼルBan 国連













クロアチア Croatia ○ ○ ○

キューバ Cuba ○ ○ C

キプロス Cyprus ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

チェコ Czech Republic ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Democratic People's

Republic of Korea

コンゴ民主共和国 Democratic Republic

of the Congo ○ ○ ○ A

デンマーク Denmark ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

ジブチ Djibouti ○ ○ ○ A

ドミニカ国 Dominica ○ ○ C

ドミニカ共和国 Dominican Republic ○ ○ C


The Democratic

Republic of



エクアドル Ecuador ○ ○ ○

エジプト Egypt ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

エルサルバドル El Salvador ○ ○

赤道ギニア Equatorial Guinea ○ ○ ○ A

エリトリア Eritrea ○ ○ A

エストニア Estonia ○ ○ ○ EU

エチオピア Ethiopia ○ ○ ○ ○ A

ヨーロッパ共同体 European Community ○ ○ ○ ●

フィジ- Fiji ○ ○ P

フィンランド Finland ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

フランス France ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

仏領ポリネシア French Polynesia △

ガボン Gabon ○ ○ A

ガンビア Gambia ○ ○ ○ ○ A

グルジア Georgia ○ ○

ドイツ Germany ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

ガーナ Ghana ○ ○ ○ ○ A

ギリシャ Greece ○ △ ○ ○ ○ EU

グレナダ Grenada ○ C

米領グアム Guam △

グアテマラ Guatemala ○ ○

ギニア Guinea ○ ○ ○ A

ギニアビサウ Guinea-Bissau ○ ○ ○ A

ガイアナ Guyana ○ ○ C

ハイチ Haiti △ ○ C

バチカン Holy See (Vatican


ホンジュラス Honduras ○ ○

香港 Hong Kong

ハンガリ- Hungary ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

アイスランド共和国 Iceland ○ △ ○ ○ EFTA

インド India ○ ○

インドネシア Indonesia ○ ○ ○

イラン(回教共和国) Iran(Islamic Republic

of) ○ ○ ○

イラク Iraq ○ ○


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国名/地域名(和) 国名/地域名(英) バー

ゼルBan 国連













アイルランド共和国 Ireland ○ △ ○ ○ EU

イスラエル Israel ○ ○ ○

イタリア Italy ○ △ ○ ○ ○ EU

ジャマイカ Jamaica ○ ○ C

日本 Japan ○ ○ ○

ヨルダン Jordan ○ ○ ○

カザフスタン Kazakhstan ○ ○

ケニア Kenya ○ ○ ○ A

キリバス Kiribati ○ ○ ○ P

クウェート Kuwait ○ ○ ○ ○

キルギスタン Kyrgyzstan ○ ○

ラオス人民民主共和国 Lao People's

Democratic Republic

ラトビア Latvia ○ ○ ○ EU

レバノン Lebanon ○ ○ ○

レソト Lesotho ○ ○ ○ A

リベリア Liberia ○ ○ ○ ○ A

リビア Libyan Arab

Jamahiriya ○ ○ ○ ○

リヒテンシュタイン Liechtenstein ○ ○ ○ EFTA

リトアニア Lithuania ○ ○ ○ EU

ルクセンブルク Luxembourg ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

マダガスカル Madagascar ○ ○ ○ A

マラウィ Malawi ○ ○ ○ A

マレーシア Malaysia ○ ○ ○

モルディブ Maldives ○ ○

マリ Mali ○ ○ ○ A

マルタ Malta ○ △ ○ ○ EU

マーシャル諸島 Marshall Islands ○ ○ ○ P

モーリタニア Mauritania ○ ○ ○ A

モーリシャス Mauritius ○ ○ ○ ○ A

メキシコ Mexico ○ ○ ○

ミクロネシア連邦 Micronesia(Federated

States of) ○ ○ ○ P

モナコ Monaco ○ ○ ○

モンゴル Mongolia ○ ○

モンテネグロ Montenegro ○ ○ ○ ○

モロッコ Morocco ○ ○ ○ ○

モザンビーク Mozambique ○ ○ ○ A

ミャンマー Myanmar ○

ナミビア Namibia ○ ○ ○ A

ナウル Nauru ○ ○ ○ P

ネパール Nepal ○ ○

オランダ Netherlands ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

仏領ニューカレドニア New Caledonia and


ニュージーランド New Zealand ○ ○ ○ ○

ニカラグア Nicaragua ○ ○

ニジェール Niger ○ ○ ○ A

ナイジェリア Nigeria ○ ○ ○ ○ A


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国名/地域名(和) 国名/地域名(英) バー

ゼルBan 国連













ニュージーランド領ニウ島 Niue ○ P

北マリアナ諸島 Northern Mariana


ノルウェー Norway ○ ○ ○ ○ EFTA

オマーン Oman ○ ○ ○ ○

パキスタン Pakistan ○ ○

パラオ Palau, the Republic of ○ ○ P

パナマ Panama ○ ○ ○

パプア・ニューギニア Papua New Guinea ○ ○ ○ P

パラグアイ Paraguay ○ ○ ○

ペル- Peru ○ ○

フィリピン Philippines ○ ○

英領ピトケイン諸島 Pitcairn Islands △

ポーランド Poland ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

ポルトガル Portugal ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

プエルトリコ Puerto Rico

カタール Qatar ○ ○ ○ ○

韓国 Republic of Korea ○ ○ ○

モルドバ Republic of Moldova ○ ○

ルーマニア Romania ○ ○ ○

ロシア連邦 Russian Federation ○ ○

ルワンダ Rwanda ○ ○ ○ A


ネイビス Saint Kitts and Nevis ○ ○ C

セントルシア Saint Lucia ○ ○ ○ C



Saint Vincent and the

Grenadines ○ ○ C

サモア Samoa ○ ○ ○ P

サンマリノ San Marino ○

サントメ・プリンシペ Sao Tome and


○ ○ A

サウジアラビア Saudi Arabia ○ ○ ○

セネガル Senegal ○ ○ ○ A

セルビア Serbia ○ ○ ○ ○

セイシェル Seychelles ○ ○ ○ A

シエラレオネ Sierra Leone ○ ○ A

シンガポール Singapore ○ ○

スロバキア Slovakia ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

スロベニア Slovenia ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

ソロモン諸島 Solomon Islands ○ ○ P

ソマリア Somalia ○ ○ A

南アフリカ South Africa ○ ○ A

スペイン Spain ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

スリランカ Sri Lanka ○ ○ ○

スーダン Sudan ○ ○ ○ A

スリナム Suriname


スワジランド Swaziland ○ ○ ○ A

スウェーデン Sweden ○ ○ ○ ○ EU

スイス Swiss Confederation ○ ○ ○ ○ EFTA

シリア Syrian Arab Republic ○ ○ ○ ○

タジキスタン Tajikistan ○


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国名/地域名(和) 国名/地域名(英) バー

ゼルBan 国連













タイ Thailand ○ ○



The former Yugoslav

Republic of


○ ○ ○

トーゴ Togo ○ ○ ○ A


ウ諸島 Tokelau

トンガ Tonga ○ ○ P

トリニダード・トバゴ Trinidad and Tobago ○ ○ ○ C

チュニジア Tunisia ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

トルコ Turkey ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

トルクメニスタン Turkmenistan ○ ○

ツバル Tuvalu ○ ○ P

ウガンダ Uganda ○ ○ ○ A

ウクライナ Ukraine ○ ○

アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates ○ ○ ○


United Kingdom of

Great Britain and

Northern Ireland

○ ○ ○ ○ EU

タンザニア United Republic of

Tanzania ○ ○ ○ ○ A

アメリカ合衆国 United States of

America △ ○ ○

ウルグアイ Uruguay ○ ○ ○

ウズベキスタン Uzbekistan ○ ○

バヌアツ Vanuatu ○ ○ P

ベネズエラ Venezuela ○ ○

ベトナム Viet Nam ○ ○


フツナ諸島 Wallis and Futuna

西サハラ Western Sahara ○

イエメン Yemen ○ ○

ザンビア Zambia ○ ○ ○ A

ジンバブエ Zimbabwe ○ ○ A

合計 Total ○:169 ○:63 192 8 23 ○:16 51 30 EU:

25 A: 48

△:3 △: 5

△: 8 EFTA

: 4 C: 16

注 1 注 2 注:3 P: 15

注 4 注 5

注 1:△は調印済みだが未批准

注 2:△は国としては未承認だが EU により実質○


注 3:△は調印はしていないが協定範囲に含まれる地域

注 4:EFTA は European Free Trade Association 参加国

注 5:ACP は African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States 参加国

時期および出典:バーゼル条約締約国および Ban は 2006 年 12 月 1 日現在:(バーゼル条約事務局ホームページより)、

国際連合参加国は 2006 年 10 月 1 日現在:(国際連合ホームページより)、#15~#18 は(バーゼル条


年 10 月 1 日現在(ACP ホームページより)を基に神鋼リサーチにて作成。


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添付資料22 環境省令第41号


我が国が規制を行うことが必要な物を定める省令 (平成十三年十二月二十六日)

(環境省令第四十一号) ※平五・一〇・七総厚通令二の全部改正 特定有害廃棄物等の輸出入等の規制に関する法律施行令第二条第一項に規定する、経済協力開発機構の





一 別表第一に掲げる物又はそのいずれかを含む物 二 前号に掲げる物及び別表第二に掲げる物のいずれにも該当しない物であって、条約附属書Ⅲ

に掲げる有害な特性のいずれかを有するもの 附則 この省令は、公布の日から施行する。 別表第一 一 条約附属書Ⅱ及びⅧに掲げる物(次に掲げる物を除く。)

一 条約附属書ⅧのA一一八〇に掲げる物

二 条約附属書ⅧのA二〇六〇に掲げる物

二 金属を含む物であって次に掲げるもの 一 灰、残滓、スラグ、ドロス、スキミング、スケール、ダスト、粉、汚泥及びケーキ(以下「灰等」という。)であって鉄鋼の製造に伴い生ずるもの(別表第二に掲げるものを除く。)


二 バナジウム又はバナジウム化合物を含む灰等 AA〇六〇

三 マグネシウムのくず(可燃性若しくは自然発火性のもの又は水と作用して引火性のガスを発生するものに限る。)


三 無機物を主成分とし、金属又は有機物を含むおそれのある物であって次に掲げるもの 一 金属の表面処理(シアン化合物を使用する場合を除く。)に伴い生ずる物 AB〇三〇 二 鋳物砂 AB〇七〇 三 無機ハロゲン化合物 AB一二〇 四 ブラスト砂 AB一三〇

五 排煙脱硫石こう(精製されていないものに限る。) AB一五〇 四 有機物を主成分とし、金属又は無機物を含むおそれのある物であって次に掲げるもの

一 アスファルト(別表第二に掲げるものを除く。) AC〇二〇 二 水圧液体 AC〇六〇 三 ブレーキ用液体 AC〇七〇 四 不凍液 AC〇八〇 五 クロロフルオロカーボン類 AC一五〇 六 ハロン類 AC一六〇 七 コルク及び木材であって化学処理されたもの AC一七〇 八 界面活性剤 AC二五〇 九 豚のふん尿 AC二六〇

十 下水汚泥 AC二七〇 五 無機物又は有機物を含むおそれのある物であって次に掲げるもの

一 複写用又は写真用の化学品又は材料の製造、調合又は使用に伴い生ずる物 AD〇九〇 二 プラスチックの表面処理(シアン化合物を使用する場合を除く。)から生ずる物 AD一〇〇


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三 イオン交換樹脂 AD一二〇 四 汚水処理施設のろ材として使用された物(人工的に合成されたものを除く。) AD一五〇

六 セラミックファイバー(性状が石綿に類似したものに限る。) RB〇二〇 備考 二から六までの項の下欄に掲げるものは、理事会決定附属書4の番号である。

別表第二 一 条約附属書Ⅸに掲げる物(次に掲げる物を除く。)

一 条約附属書ⅨのB一一〇〇に掲げる物(銅の処理又は製錬を更に行うための工程から生ずるスラグに限る。)

二 条約附属書ⅨのB一一一〇に掲げる物

三 条約附属書ⅨのB二〇五〇に掲げる物 二 クロム(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GA三〇〇 三 貴金属又は銅の高度製錬に伴い生ずるスラグであって金属を含むもの GB〇四〇 四 金属を含む物であって次に掲げるもの

一 金属のみから成る電気部品 GC〇一〇 二 プリント配線基盤、電子部品、電線その他の電子スクラップ及び規格外の電子部品であって卑金属又は貴金属の回収に適したもの


三 解体される船舶及び海上浮体構造物(貨物及び船舶の運行に伴い生ずる物を除去したものに限る。)


四 廃自動車(液状の物を除去したものに限る。) GC〇四〇 五 使用済みの流動触媒(液体を除く。)(例えば、酸化アルミニウム、ゼオライト) GC〇五〇 六 飛散性を有する金属のくずであって次に掲げるもの イ モリブデン(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GC〇九〇 ロ タングステン(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GC一〇〇 ハ タンタル(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GC一一〇 ニ チタン(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GC一二〇 ホ ニオブ(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GC一三〇

ヘ レニウム(合金であるものを含む。)のくず GC一四〇 五 グラスファイバー(別表第一に掲げるものを除く。) GE〇二〇 六 成形後焼成されている陶磁器のくず(セラミック製の容器を含み、

使用前であるか否かを問わない。) GF〇一〇

七 無機物を主成分とし、金属又は有機物を含むおそれのある物であって次に掲げるもの 一 燃え殻及びスラグタップから排出されるスラグ(石炭火力発電所から生ずるものに限る。)


二 石炭火力発電所から生ずる飛灰 GG〇四〇

三 道路の建設又は修繕に伴い生ずるアスファルトであって、タールを含まないもの GG一六〇 八 塩化ビニルの重合体のくず GH〇一三 九 じゅうたんその他の紡織用繊維の床用敷物 GJ一四〇 十 食品加工業において生ずる動物性又は植物性の食用油脂(例えば、揚げ油) GM一四〇

なめし処理、皮革加工又は皮革利用から生ずる物であって次に掲げるもの 一 豚毛、いのししの毛、あなぐまの毛その他ブラシ製造用の獣毛のくず GN〇一〇 二 馬毛のくず(支持物を使用することなく又は支持物を使用して層状にしてあるか否かを問わない。)


十 一

三 羽毛皮その他の羽毛付きの鳥の部分、羽毛及びその部分(加工していないもの及び単に清浄にし、消毒し又は保存のために処理したものに限るものとし、縁を整えてあるか否かを問わない。)並びに鳥の綿毛(加工していないもの及び単に清浄にし、消毒し又は保存のために処理したものに限る。)


備考 1 一の項に掲げる物のうち、条約附属書ⅨのB一〇二〇中「塊状のもの」とあるのは「塊状のもの(飛散性を有しない金属のくずを含む。)」と、B三〇一〇中「次のいずれかのふっ化重化合体」とあるのは「ふっ化エチレン重化合体及び共重化合体(PTFE)その他次のいずれかのふっ化重化合体」と読み替えるものとする。

2 二の項、五の項及び六の項に掲げる物については飛散性を有するものを除く。 3 二から十一までの項の下欄に掲げるものは、理事会決定附属書3の番号である。 4 この表に掲げる物には、条約附属書Ⅰに掲げる物のいずれかが付着し、又は混入したことにより、条約附属書Ⅲに掲げる特性を有することとなった物を含まないものとする。


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添付資料23 EU廃棄物輸出入に関する理事会規則 (EEC) No 259/93


COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 259/93 of 1 February 1993 on the supervision and control of shipments of waste within, into and out of the European Community THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, 前文 Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 130s thereof, ヨーロッパ経済共同体を設立する条約に、そして特に第130条代に注意を払うこと Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1), Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2), Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3), 委員会からの提案に注意を払うこと、欧州議会の意見に注意を払うこと、経済・社会委員会の意見に注意を払うこと Whereas the Community has signed the Basle Convention of 22 March 1989 on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal; 委員会は有害廃棄物の越境移動とその処理の管理に関して、1989 年3 月22 日のバーゼル条約に署名しました;

Whereas provisions concerning waste are contained in Article 39 of the ACP-EEC Convention of 15 December 1989;

廃棄物に関する規定は、1989 年12 月15 日の ACP-EEC 協定の第39 条に含まれます;

Whereas the Community has approved the Decision of the OECD Council of 30 March 1992 on the control of transfrontier movements of wastes destined for recovery operations;


Whereas, in the light of the foregoing, Directive 84/631/EEC (4), which organizes the supervision and control of transfrontier shipments of hazardous waste, needs to be replaced by a Regulation;

前述に照らしてみれば、指令 84/631/EEC(4)の、それは有害廃棄物の国境を越えた移動の管理と制御を組織します)は、規制と取


Whereas the supervision and control of shipments of waste within a Member State is a national responsibility; whereas, however, national systems for the supervision and control of shipments of waste within a Member State should comply with minimum criteria in order to ensure a high level of protection of the environment and human health;


の国家的なシステムは、環境と人間の健康の保護の高水準を確実にする 小限の基準を満たさなければならない;

Whereas it is important to organize the supervision and control of shipments of wastes in a way which takes account of the need to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment;


Whereas Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975 on waste (5) lays down in its Article 5 (1) that an integrated and adequate network of waste disposal installations, to be established by Member States through appropriate measures, where necessary or advisable in cooperation with other Member States, must enable the Community as a whole to become self-sufficient in waste disposal and the Member States to move towards that aim individually, taking into account geographical circumstances or the need for specialized installations for certain types of waste;

廃棄物に関する 1975 年7 月15 日の理事会指令75/442/EEC では、その第5 条(1)で規定している。廃棄物処理装置の統合されて


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Whereas Article 7 of the said Directive requests the drawing up of waste management plans, if appropriate in cooperation with the Member States concerned, which shall be notified to the Commission, and stipulates that Member States may take measures necessary to prevent movements of waste which are not in accordance with their waste management plans and that they shall inform the Commission and the other Member States of any such measures;




Whereas it is necessary to apply different procedures depending on the type of waste and its destination, including whether it is destined for disposal or recovery;



Whereas shipments of waste must be subject to prior notification to the competent authorities enabling them to be duly informed in particular of the type, movement and disposal or recovery of the waste, so that these authorities may take all necessary measures for the protection of human health and the environment, including the possibility of raising reasoned objections to the shipment;




Whereas Member States should be able to implement the principles of proximity, priority for recovery and self-sufficiency at Community and national levels - in accordance with Directive 75/442/EEC - by taking measures in accordance with the Treaty to prohibit generally or partially or to object systematically to shipments of waste for disposal, except in the case of hazardous waste produced in the Member State of dispatch in such a small quantity that the provision of new specialized disposal installations within that State would be uneconomic; whereas the specific problem of disposal of such small quantities requires cooperation between the Member States concerned and possible recourse to a Community procedure;

加盟国は接近の原則を実施することができるようになるべき、地域あるいは国レベルでの再生と自己処分に優先権を与え (指令、

75/442/EECに従う) 、処分のための廃棄物の出荷に対して、条約に従って全般的にあるいは部分的に禁止すあるいは系統的に反



ます; Whereas exports of waste for disposal to third countries must be prohibited in order to protect the environment of those countries; whereas exceptions shall apply to exports to EFTA countries which are also Parties to the Basle Convention;

第三国への処分のための廃棄物の輸出はそれらの国々の環境を保護するために禁止されなければならない; Basle協定の議定国

でもある EFTA の国への輸出には例外が適応されるもとします;

Whereas exports of waste for recovery to countries to which the OECD Decision does not apply must be subject to conditions providing for environmentally sound management of waste;

OECD の決定が当てはまらない国々への再生のための廃棄物の輸出は、環境上の廃棄物の管理に備える条件に従わなければ


Whereas agreements or arrangements on exports of waste for recovery with countries to which the OECD Decision does not apply must be subject to periodic review by the Commission leading, if appropriate, to a proposal by the Commission to reconsider the conditions under which such exports take place, including the possibility of a ban;

適切な場合、OECD の決定が当てはまらない国々との再生のための廃棄物の輸出についての合意か協定は、委員会リードにより


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Whereas shipments of waste for recovery listed on the green list of the OECD Decision shall be generally excluded from the control procedures of this Regulation since such waste should not normally present a risk to the environment if properly recovered in the country of destination; whereas some exceptions to this exclusion are necessary in accordance with Community legislation and the OECD Decision; whereas some exceptions are also necessary in order to facilitate the tracking of such shipments within the Community and to take account of exceptional cases; whereas such waste shall be subject to Directive 75/442/EEC;

OECD の決定の緑のリスト上でリストされた再生のための廃棄物の出荷は、(もし目的地の国で適切に再生されれば通常環境に危

険を提示しないだろう)廃棄物そのようなものはこの規則の管理手続から一般に除外されます。 この排除のいくつかの例外は共



Whereas exports of waste for recovery listed on the OECD green list to countries to which the OECD Decision does not apply must be subject to consultation by the Commission with the country of destination; whereas it may be appropriate in the light of such consultation that the Commission make proposals to the Council;




Whereas exports of waste for recovery to countries which are not parties to the Basle Convention must be subject to specific agreements between these countries and the Community; whereas Member States must, in exceptional cases, be able to conclude after the date of application of this Regulation bilateral agreements for the import of specific waste before the Community has concluded such agreements, in the case of waste for recovery in order to avoid any interruption of waste treatment and in the case of waste for disposal where the country of dispatch does not have or cannot reasonably acquire the technical capacity and necessary facilities to dispose of the waste in an environmentally sound manner;

Basle 協定の加担者でない国々への再生のための廃棄物の輸出は、これらの国々と共同体の間の特定の協定に従わなければな



には発送元の国が、環境に配慮したやり方で廃棄物を処分する技術的なキャパシティーおよび必要な設備を保有していないとき; Whereas provision must be made for the waste to be taken back or to be disposed of or recovered in an alternative and environmentally sound manner if the shipment cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the consignment note or the contract;



Whereas, in the event of illegal traffic, the person whose action is the cause of such traffic must take back and/or dispose of or recover the waste in an alternative and environmentally sound manner;



whereas, should he fail to do so, the competent authorities of dispatch or destination, as appropriate, must themselves intervene;


Whereas it is important for a system of financial guarantees or equivalent insurance to be established; それは金融保証のシステムまたは等価な保険を確立することが重要です;

Whereas Member States must provide the Commission with information relevant to the implementation of this Regulation;


Whereas the documents provided for by this Regulation must be established and the Annexes adapted within a Community procedure,




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TITLE I SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS TITLE I 範囲と定義 Article 1 第 1 条 1. This Regulation shall apply to shipments of waste within, into and out of the Community.

1. この規則は、共同体へ、共同体から、および共同体相互の廃棄物の出荷に適用されるものとします。 2. The following shall be excluded from the scope of this Regulation:


(a) the offloading to shore of waste generated by the normal operation of ships and offshore platforms, including waste water and residues, provided that such waste is the subject of a specific binding international instrument; (a)船および沖のプラットフォームの通常動作によって生成された、廃水と残留物を含んでいる、海岸へ降ろされた廃棄物、特定


(b) shipments of civil aviation waste; (b)市民活動による廃棄物の出荷

(c) shipments of radioactive waste as defined in Article 2 of Directive 92/3/Euratom of 3 February 1992 on the supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste between Member States and into and out of the Community (6)3; (c) 1992年2月3日の加盟国の間のそして共同体からあるいは共同体への放射性廃棄物の移動の監督およびコントロールに関

する指令(92/3/欧州原子力共同体)の第2 条の中で定義されるような放射性廃棄物の出荷;

(d) shipments of waste mentioned in Article 2 (1) (b) of Directive 75/442/EEC, where they are already covered by other relevant legislation; (d) 指令75/442/EECの第2条(1)(b)に規定される廃棄物の輸送、それらが他の適切な立法によって既にカバーされている場合;

(e) shipments of waste into the Community in accordance with the requirements of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.

(e)南極条約への環境保護に関するプロトコルの必要条件に従う共同体への廃棄物の輸送。 3. (a) Shipments of waste destined for recovery only and listed in Annex II shall also be excluded from the

provisions of this Regulation except as provided for in subparagraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e), in Article 11 and in Article 17 (1), (2) and (3).


だし、このサブパラグラフ(b)(c)(d) および(e)、第11 条そして、第17 条(1)(2) および(3)の中で規定された物を除く。

(b) Such waste shall be subject to all provisions of Directive 75/442/EEC. It shall in particular be: (b) 指令75/442/EEC のすべての条件に従うような廃棄物。それは特に次のとおりであるものとします:

- destined for duly authorized facilities only, authorized according to Article 10 and 11 of Directive 75/442/EEC, - 正当に認可された設備だけに使用予定された、指令75/442/EEC の、第10 条および 11 条によって認可した、

- subject to all provisions of Articles 8, 12, 13 and 14 of Directive 75/442/EEC. - 指令75/442/EEC の第8 条、12 条、13 条および 14 条のすべての条件に従う。

(c) However, certain wastes listed in Annex II may be controlled, if, among other reasons, they exhibit any of the hazardous characteristics listed in Annex III of Council Directive 91/689/EEC (7)4, as if they had been listed in Annex III or IV.

(c)しかしながら、添付資料Ⅱにリストされたある廃棄物は、他の理由の中で、それらが理事会指令 91/689/EEC(7)の添付資料

III にリストされた危険な特性のうちの何かを示す場合、管理されるかもしれない。あたかも、それらが付録 III あるいは IV にリ

3 OJ No L 35, 12. 2. 1992, p. 24. 4 OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 20.


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These wastes and the decision about which of the two procedures should be followed shall be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC. Such wastes shall be listed in Annex II (a).

これら、廃棄物と、2 つの手続きのどれに従うべきかに関する決定は、指令75/442/EEC の第18 条の中に規定さ


(d) In exceptional cases, shipments of wastes listed in Annex II may, for environmental or public health reasons, be controlled by Member States as if they had been listed in Annex III or IV. Member States which make use of this possibility shall immediately notify the Commission of such cases and inform other Member States, as appropriate, and give reasons for their decision. The Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC, may confirm such action including, where appropriate, by adding such wastes to Annex II.A.

(d) 例外的なケースとして付録 II にリストされた廃棄物の出荷は、環境上の理由あるいは公衆衛生理由で加盟国によってあ

たかもそれらが付録IIIあるいは IVにリストされたかのように管理される。この可能性を利用する加盟国は直ちにそのようなケ


75/442/EEC の第 18 条の中に規定された手続きに従って、適切なところで、添付資料 II.A にそのような廃棄物を加えるように


(e) Where waste listed in Annex II is shipped in contravention of this Regulation or of Directive 75/442/EEC, Member States may apply appropriate provisions of Articles 25 and 26 of this Regulation.

(e) 廃棄物のところで、添付資料IIにリストされた廃棄物がこの規則に、あるいは指令75/442/EECに違反した中で送られるば

あい、加盟国は、この規則の、第25 条および 26 条の適切な条件を適用してもよい。

Article 2 For the purposes of this Regulation: この規制の目的のために (a) waste is as defined in Article 1 (a) of Directive 75/442/EEC;

(a)廃棄物は、指令、75/442/EEC の第1 条(a)の中にあるように定義される;

(b) competent authorities means the competent authorities designated by either the Member States in accordance with Article 36 or non-Member States;

(b)権限ある当局は一方の加盟国によって第 36 条に従って指定された権限ある当局あるいは非メンバー国が述べる権限ある当


(c) competent authority of dispatch means the competent authority, designated by the Member States in accordance with Article 36, for the area from which the shipment is dispatched or designated by non-Member States;

(c)発送元の権限ある当局は、第 36 条に従って加盟国によって、出荷が非加盟国状態によって発送されるか指定されるエリアと


(d) competent authority of destination means the competent authority, designated by the Member States in accordance with Article 36, for the area in which the shipment is received, or in which waste is loaded on board before disposal at sea without prejudice to existing conventions on disposal at sea or designated by non-Member States;

(d)目的地の権限ある当局は第 36 条に従って加盟国によって出荷が受け取られるエリアとして指定されて、権限ある当局を意味



(e) competent authority of transit means the single authority designated by Member States in accordance with Article 36 for the State through which the shipment is in transit;

(e)通過国の権限ある当局は、出荷が通過中である国のための第36 条に従って加盟国によって指定された単一の機関を意味し


(f) correspondent means the central body designated by each Member State and the Commission, in accordance with Article 37;

(f)特派員は、第37 条に従って、各メンバー国によって指定された中央機関、およびヨーロッパ委員会を意味します;

(g) notifier means any natural person or corporate body to whom or to which the duty to notify is assigned, that is to say the person referred to hereinafter who proposes to ship waste or have waste shipped:


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(i) the person whose activities produced the waste (original producer); or その活動が廃棄物(オリジナルの生産者)を生産した人;あるいは

(ii) where this is not possible, a collector licensed to this effect by a Member State or a registered or licensed dealer or broker who arranges for the disposal or the recovery of waste; or



(iii) where these persons are unknown or are not licensed, the person having possession or legal control of the waste (holder); or


(iv) in the case of import into or transit through the Community of waste, the person designated by the laws of the State of dispatch or, when this designation has not taken place, the person having possession or legal control of the waste (holder);



(h) consignee means the person or undertaking to whom or to which the waste is shipped for recovery or disposal; (h)荷受け人は誰に、あるいは、廃棄物は再生または処分のどちらのために送られるかを意味します;

(i) disposal is as defined in Article 1 (e) of Directive 75/442/EEC; (i)処分は、指令75/442/EEC の第1 条(e)の中で定義される;

(j) authorized centre means any establishment or undertaking authorized or licensed pursuant to Article 6 of Directive 75/439/EEC (8)5, Articles 9, 10 and 11 of Directive 75/442/EEC and Article 6 of Directive 76/403/EEC (9)6;

(j)認可された中心は、認可されたどんな設立あるいは仕事も意味します、あるいは許可された、指令 75/439/EEC(8)の第 6 条と

指令75/442/EEC の第9 条10 条および 11 条指令76/403/EEC(9)の第6 条まで準ずること;

(k) recovery is as defined in Article 1 (f) of Directive 75/442/EEC; (k)再生は、指令75/442/EEC の第1 条の(f)中で定義される;

(l) State of dispatch means any State from which a shipment of waste is planned or made; (l)発送元の国は、廃棄物のことの出荷が計画されるかなされるすべての国を意味します;

(m) State of destination means any State to which a shipment of waste is planned or made for disposal or recovery, or for loading on board before disposal at sea without prejudice to existing conventions on disposal at sea;



(n) State of transit means any State, other than the State of dispatch or destination, through which a shipment of waste is planned or made;


(o) consignment note means the standard consignment note to be drawn up in accordance with Article 42; (o)貨物運送状は、第42 条に従って書き上げられた標準貨物運送状を意味します

(p) the Basle Convention means the Basle Convention of 22 March 1989 on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal;

(p)バーゼル条約は、有害廃棄物の国境を越える移動と処分の管理に関する 1989 年3 月22 日の Basle 協定を意味します;

(q) the fourth Lomé Convention means the Lomé Convention of 15 December 1989; (q)第4 の Lome 協定は 1989 年12 月15 日に締結された Lome 協定を意味します;

5 OJ No L 194, 25. 7. 1975, p. 23. Directive as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC (OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 48).

6 OJ No L 108, 26. 4. 1976, p. 41.


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(r) the OECD Decision means the decision of the OECD Council of 30 March 1992 on the control of transfrontier movements of wastes destined for recovery operations.

(r)OECD の決定は、再生オペレーションのために予定された廃棄物の国境を越す移動の管理に関する 1992 年 3 月 30 日の

OECD の会議の決定を意味します。


タイトルⅡ メンバー国間の輸送 チャプターA 廃棄物の処理のための

Article 3 1. Where the notifier intends to ship waste for disposal from one Member State to another Member State and/or

pass it in transit through one or several other Member States, and without prejudice to Articles 25 (2) and 26 (2), he shall notify the competent authority of destination and send a copy of the notification to the competent authorities of dispatch and of transit and to the consignee. 1.加盟国から別の加盟国に(1つあるいはいくつかの他の加盟国を通過して)廃棄物を処分するために出荷をするつもりの通知者

は、第25 条の(2)および 26 条の(2)を侵害することなく、目的地の権限ある当局に通知し、発送元、および通過地の権限ある当局

および荷受け人へ通知の写しを送るものとします。 2. Notification shall mandatorily cover any intermediate stage of the shipment from the place of dispatch to its

final destination. 2.通知は、出荷場所からその 終仕向地への輸送のどんな中間段階も義務的にカバーすること。

3. Notification shall be effected by means of the consignment note which shall be issued by the competent

authority of dispatch. 3.通知は、発送元の権限ある当局によって出される貨物運送状によって達成されるものとします。

4. In making notification, the notifier shall complete the consignment note and shall, if requested by competent

authorities, supply additional information and documentation. 4.通知を作る際に、通知者は貨物運送状を完成するものとし、もし権限ある当局によって要求されれば、追加情報と書類を提供しま

す。 5. The notifier shall supply on the consignment note information with particular regard to:


- the source, composition and quantity of the waste for disposal including, in the case of Article 2 (g) (ii), the producer's identity and, in the case of waste from various sources a detailed inventory of the waste and, if known, the identity of the original producers, - 処分をする廃棄物の発生源、構成および量、第 2 条の(g)(ii)場合には、生産者の身元、そして様々な発生源からの廃棄物の


- the arrangements for routing and for insurance against damage to third parties, - 通常業務と、第三者への損害に対する保険ための準備、

- the measures to be taken to ensure safe transport and, in particular, compliance by the carrier with the conditions laid down for transport by the Member States concerned, - 条件を備えたキャリアーによる、安全輸送および項目の中で従順を保証するために取られる手段は、関係のある加盟国による

輸送のために下へ置きました、 - the identity of the consignee of the waste, the location of the disposal centre and the type and duration of the

authorization under which the centre operates. The centre must have adequate technical capacity for the disposal of the waste in question under conditions presenting no danger to human health or to the environment, - 廃棄物の荷受け人、処分センターの位置およびタイプ、さらにセンターが稼動している認可の期間などの一致。中心は、人間



- the operations involving disposal as referred to in Annex II.A to Directive 75/442/EEC. -指令75/442/EEC の付録 II.A の中で引用されるような処分を含むオペレーション。


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6. The notifier must make a contract with the consignee for the disposal of the waste. The contract may include some or all of the information referred to in paragraph 5. The contract must include the obligation:

6. 通知者は廃棄物の処分のために荷受け人と契約をしなければならない。契約は、パラグラフ 5 の中で引用された情報のうち


- of the notifier, in accordance with Articles 25 and 26 (2), to take the waste back if the shipment has not been completed as planned or if it has been effected in violation of this Regulation, -通知者において、計画されたように出荷が終わっていない場合、あるいはそれがこの規則に違反して実施されている場合に、

第25 条および 26 条(2)に従って通知者に廃棄物を送り返するために

- of the consignee, to provide as soon as possible and no later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste a certificate to the notifier that the waste has been disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.

-荷受人において、できるだけ早く、廃棄物の受取に続く 180 日以内に通知者へ証明書、(それは廃棄物が環境に配慮したやり方


A copy of this contract must be supplied to the competent authority on request. この契約のコピーは、権限ある当局の要求があれば提供されなければならない。

Should the waste be shipped between two establishments under the control of the same legal entity, this contract may be replaced by a declaration by the entity in question undertaking to dispose of the waste.

万一廃棄物が、同じ法人の管理の下で 2 つの機関の間で送られれば、この契約は、廃棄物を処分する法人の宣言と置き換える

ことができる。 7. The information given in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 6 shall be treated confidentially in accordance with existing

national regulations. 7.パラグラフ 4 から 6 までに従って与えられた情報は、既存の国家規則に従って秘密に扱われるものとします。

8. A competent authority of dispatch may, in accordance with national legislation, decide to transmit the notification itself

instead of the notifier to the competent authority of destination, with copies to the consignee and to the competent authority of transit. The competent authority of dispatch may decide not to proceed with notification if it has itself immediate objections to raise against the shipment in accordance with Article 4 (3). It shall immediately inform the notifier of these objections.

8. 発送元の権限ある当局は、国家の規則に従って通知者に代わって自ら通知を目的地の権限ある当局に、荷受け人および通

過の権限ある当局へのコピーと共に送信することを決定してもよい。 発送元の権限ある当局は、通知を続けないことを決定してもよい、もし、それがそれ自から即時に、第 4 条(3)に従って出荷に対

して反対する場合。それは、直ちにこれらの異議を通知者に通知するものとします。 Article 4 1. On receipt of the notification, the competent authority of destination shall, within three working days, send an

acknowledgement to the notifier and copies thereof to the other competent authorities concerned and to the consignee.

1. 通知の受取においては、目的地の権限ある当局は、3 労働日以内に通知者に認識証を送り、そのコピーをそれの関係のある


2. (a) The competent authority of destination shall have 30 days following dispatch of the acknowledgement to take its decision authorizing the shipment, with or without conditions, or refusing it. It may also request additional information. 2. (a)目的地の権限ある当局は、条件付きで、あるいは無条件で、出荷を認可する、あるいはそれを拒絶する決定をおこなうため

認識証の送付に続いた 30 日を過ごすものとします。さらに、それは追加情報を要求するかもしれません。

It shall give its authorization only in the absence of objections on its part or on the part of the other competent authorities. The authorization shall be subject to any transport conditions referred to in (d). 権限ある当局の一部もしくは、あるいは他の権限のある当局の一部から反対がない状態でのみその認可を与えるものとします。


The competent authority of destination shall take its decision not earlier than 21 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement. It may, however, take its decision earlier if it has the written consent of the other competent authorities concerned. 目的地の権限ある当局は認識証の発送に後の 21 日目以降にその決定をするものとします。しかしながら、それが関係する他の


The competent authority of destination shall send its decision to the notifier in writing, with copies to the other competent


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authorities concerned. 目的地の権限ある当局は、書面で通知者にその決定を送るものとします。そしてコピーを関係のある他の権限ある当局へも送る


(b) The competent authorities of dispatch and transit may raise objections within 20 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement. They may also request additional information. These objections shall be conveyed in writing to the notifier, with copies to the other competent authorities concerned. (b)発送元と通過の権限ある当局は認識証の送付に続いた 20 日以内に反対してもよい。さらに、彼らは追加情報



(c) The objections and conditions referred to in (a) and (b) shall be based on paragraph 3. 上記(a)と(b)の中で引用された反対と条件は、下記のパラグラフ 3 に基づくものとします。

(d) The competent authorities of dispatch and transit may, within 20 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement, lay down conditions in respect of the transport of waste within their jurisdiction. (d) 発送元と通過の権限ある当局は、認識証の送付に続いた 20 日以内に、彼らの管轄内の廃棄物の輸送に関する条件を主張


These conditions must be notified to the notifier in writing, with copies to the competent authorities concerned, and entered in the consignment note. They may not be more stringent than those laid down in respect of similar shipments occurring wholly within their jurisdiction and shall take due account of existing agreements, in particular relevant international conventions. これらの条件は、文書で通知者に届け出られ、コピーが関係のある権限ある当局へ送付されなければならない。それらの条件


合致して責務を果たすことが求められる、特別に国際協定に関連する協定に。 3. (a) (i) In order to implement the principles of proximity, priority for recovery and self-sufficiency at Community and national

levels in accordance with Directive 75/442/EEC, Member States may take measures in accordance with the Treaty to prohibit generally or partially or to object systematically to shipments of waste. Such measures shall immediately be notified to the Commission, which will inform the other Member States.

3. (a) (i) 接近の原理を履行するために、指令75/442/EEC に従って地域や国レベルにおける再生や自家処分が優先される。加



(ii) In the case of hazardous waste (as defined in Article 1 (4) of Directive 91/689/EEC) produced in a Member State of dispatch in such a small quantity overall per year that the provision of new specialized disposal installations within that State would be uneconomic, (i) shall not apply. (ii) 発送元のメンバー国で生産された有害廃棄物(指令91/689/EECの第1条の (4) で定義された)では、年間の総発生量が



(iii) The Member State of destination shall cooperate with the Member State of dispatch which considers that (ii) applies, with a view to resolving the issue bilaterally. If there is no satisfactory solution, either Member State may refer the matter to the Commission, which will determine the issue in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC. (iii)目的地のメンバー国は発送元のメンバー国と 上記(ii)が当てはまると思う問題を双方で解決する目的で、協力するものと



(b) The competent authorities of dispatch and destination, while taking into account geographical circumstances or the need for specialized installations for certain types of waste, may raise reasoned objections to planned shipments if they are not in accordance with Directive 75/442/EEC, especially Articles 5 and 7: (b)それらがそうでない場合、発送元と目的地の権限ある当局は、あるタイプの廃棄物のために地理的な状況あるいは専門の装

置の必要を考慮に入れながら、もし、それらが指令75/442/EEC(特に第5条および7条) に従っていない場合、計画された出荷


(i) in order to implement the principle of self-sufficiency at Community and national levels; (i)地域や国レベルで自給自足の原理を履行するため;

(ii) in cases where the installation has to dispose of waste from a nearer source and the competent authority has given priority to this waste;




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(iii) in order to ensure that shipments are in accordance with waste management plans. (iii)出荷が廃棄物管理計画に従うことを保証するために

(c) Furthermore, the competent authorities of dispatch, destination and transit may raise reasoned objections to the planned shipment if:


- it is not in accordance with national laws and regulations relating to environmental protection, public order, public safety or health protection, それは環境保護、社会的秩序、公安あるいは健康保護に関係のある、国家の法則および規則に従わない場合、

- the notifier or the consignee was previously guilty of illegal trafficking. In this case, the competent authority of dispatch may refuse all shipments involving the person in question in accordance with national legislation, or 通知者または荷受け人が以前に不法運搬に対して有罪となった。この場合、輸送元の権限ある当局は国の法規に従って問


- the shipment conflicts with obligations resulting from international conventions concluded by the Member State or Member States concerned.

関係のある加盟国(複数可)によって締結された国際協定に起因する義務に矛盾する出荷。 4. If, within the time limits laid down in paragraph 2, the competent authorities are satisfied that the problems giving rise to their

objections have been solved and that the conditions in respect of the transport will be met, they shall immediately inform the notifier in writing, with copies to the consignee and to the other competent authorities concerned. 4.パラグラフ 2 に設定されたタイム・リミット内で、権限ある当局は、それらの反対を生じさせる問題が解決されており、輸送に関する



If there is subsequently any essential change in the conditions of the shipment, a new notification must be made. 出荷の条件で何らかの本質的な変更が続いてある場合、新しい通知が作られなければならない。

5. The competent authority of destination shall signify its authorization by appropriately stamping the consignment note. 5.目的地の権限ある当局は適切に貨物運送状に型押しをすることによりその認可を示すものとします。

Article 5 1. The shipment may be effected only after the notifier has received authorization from the competent authority of

destination. 通知者が目的地の権限ある当局から認可を受けた後にだけ、その出荷は実施されなければならない。

2. Once the notifier has received authorization, he shall insert the date of shipment and otherwise complete the consignment note and send copies to the competent authorities concerned three working days before the shipment is made. 2.一旦通知者が認可を受けたならば、彼は出荷の日付を挿入し貨物運送状を完成しなければならない、そして出荷がなされる 3日労働日前に、関係する権限ある当局へコピーを送るものとします。

3. A copy or, if requested by the competent authorities, a specimen of the consignment note, together with the stamp of authorization, shall accompany each shipment. 3.コピー、あるいは、もし権限ある当局によって要求されれば、貨物運送状の控えは、認可のスタンプと一緒に、各出荷に伴うもの


4. All undertakings involved in the operation shall complete the consignment note at the points indicated, sign it and retain a copy thereof. 4.オペレーションに含まれるすべての仕事は、示されたポイントで貨物運送状を完成し、それに署名し、それのコピーを保持する


5. Within three working days following receipt of the waste for disposal, the consignee shall send copies of the completed consignment note, except for the certificate referred to in paragraph 6, to the notifier and the competent authorities concerned. 5.処分のための廃棄物の受取に続く 3 労働日以内で、荷受け人は、通知者と関係のある権限ある当局に、パラグラフ 6 の中で引


6. As soon as possible and not later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste, the consignee shall, under his responsibility, send a certificate of disposal to the notifier and the other competent authorities concerned. This certificate shall be part of or attached to the consignment note which accompanies the shipment. 6.できるだけ早く、そして、廃棄物の受取に続く 180 日より遅くなく、荷受け人は、彼の責任の下で、通知者および関係のある他の



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します。 Chapter B Waste for recovery Article 6 1. Where the notifier intends to ship waste for recovery listed in Annex III from one Member State to another

Member State and/or pass it in transit through one or several other Member States, and without prejudice to Articles 25 (2) and 26 (2), he shall notify the competent authority of destination and send copies of the notification to the competent authorities of dispatch and transit and to the consignee. あるメンバー国から別のメンバー国に・そしてまた通過で1つあるいはいくつかの他の加盟国を通して、および第25条の(2)および

第26 条の(2)を侵害することなく、通知者が付録�にリストされる廃棄物を回復のために出荷する場合、彼は目的地の権限ある当局


2. Notification shall mandatorily cover any intermediary stage of the shipment from the place of dispatch to its final destination. 通知は、義務的に、発信地からその 終仕向地までの輸送のどんな中間期もカバーするものとします。

3. Notification shall be effected by means of the consignment note which shall be issued by the competent authority of dispatch. 通知は、発送元の権限ある当局によって出されるものとする貨物運送状によって達成されるものとします。

4. In making notification, the notifier shall complete the consignment note and shall, if requested by competent authorities, supply additional information and documentation. 通知を作る際に、通知者は貨物運送状を完成させなければならない、もし権限ある当局によって要求されれば、追加情報と書類を


5. The notifier shall supply on the consignment note information with particular regard to: 5.通知者は貨物運送状情報上で次のものに対する項目に関して供給するものとします:

- the source, composition and quantity of the waste for recovery, including the producer's identity and, in the case of waste from various sources, a detailed inventory of the waste and, if known, the indentity of the original producer, -回復のための廃棄物について、その発生源、構成および量、生産者の身元を含んでいること、そして、様々な発生源からの


- the arrangements for routing and for insurance against damage to third parties, -輸送と、および第三者への損害に対する保険ための準備、

- the measures to be taken to ensure safe transport and, in particular, compliance by the carrier with the conditions laid down for transport by the Member States concerned, -運送人による、安全輸送および、特に、関係のある加盟国による輸送のために求められた対応を備えたことを保証するため


- the identity of the consignee of the waste, the location of the recovery centre and the type and duration of the autorization under which the centre operates. The centre must have adequate technical capacity for the recovery of the waste in question under conditions presenting no danger to human health or to the environment, -廃棄物の荷受け人の身元、再生センターの位置およびタイプ、およびセンターが作動する認可期間。再生センターは当該廃



- the operations involving recovery as contained in Annex II.B to Directive 75/442/EEC, -指令75/442/EEC の付録 II.B に含まれているような回復に関するオペレーションに、

- the planned method of disposal for the residual waste after recycling has taken place, -再利用の後の残余の廃棄物のための処分について計画された方法、

- the amount of the recycled material in relation to the residual waste, -残余の廃棄物の内、再利用された材料の量、

- the estimated value of the recycled material. -再利用された材料の評価価格。

6. The notifier must conclude a contract with the consignee for the recovery of the waste. The contract may include some or all of the information referred to in paragraph 5. The contract must include the obligation:

6.通知者は、廃棄物の再生のため荷受け人との契約を結ばなければならない。契約は、上記パラグラフ 5 の中で引用された情報


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- of the notifier, in accordance with Articles 25 and 26 (2), to take the waste back if the shipment has not been completed as planned or if it has been effected in violation of this Regulation, -通知者は:第 25 条および第 26 条の(2)に従って、計画されるように出荷が終わっていない場合、あるいはそれがこの規則に


- of the consignee to provide, in the case of retransfer of the waste for recovery to another Member State or to a third country, the notification of the initial country of dispatch, -荷受け人は:別のメンバー国への、あるいは第三国へ回復のために廃棄を再転移する場合には、発送の 初の国の通知を


- of the consignee to provide, as soon as possible and not later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste, a certificate to the notifier that the waste has been recovered in an environmentally sound manner. -荷受け人は:、できるだけ早く、そして遅くとも廃棄物の受取に続くこと 180 日以内に、通知者へ廃棄物が環境に配慮したやり


A copy of this contract must be supplied to the competent authority on request. Should the waste be shipped between two establishments under the control of the same legal entity, this contract may be replaced by a declaration by the entity in question undertaking to recover the waste. この契約のコピーは、権限ある当局に要求のあり次第供給されなければならない。万一廃棄物が、同じ法人の管理の下で 2 つ


7. The information given in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 6 shall be treated confidentially in accordance with existing

national regulations. 7.パラグラフ 4 から 6 までに従って与えられた情報は、既存の国の規則に従って秘密に扱われるものとします。

8. A competent authority of dispatch may, in accordance with national legislation, decide to transmit the notification itself instead of the notifier to the competent authority of destination, with copies to the consignee and to the competent authority of transit. 8.発送元の権限ある当局は、国の規則に従って、通知者の代わり自体で、目的地の権限ある当局に通知を送信す

ることを決定してもよい。荷受け人へ、および通過の権限ある当局へのコピーの発送と共に。 Article 7 第7章 1. On receipt of the notification the competent authority of destination shall send, within three working days, an

acknowledgement to the notifier and copies thereof to the other competent authorities and to the consignee. 1.通知の受取においては、目的地の権限ある当局は、3 日労働日以内に、通知者への受領証を、他の権限ある当

局および荷受け人にそのコピーを送るものとします。 2. The competent authorities of destination, dispatch and transit shall have 30 days following dispatch of the acknowledgement

to object to the shipment. Such objection shall be based on paragraph 4. Any objection must be provided in writing to the notifier and to other competent authorities concerned within the 30-day period. The competent authorities concerned may decide to provide written consent in a period less than the 30 days. Written consent or objection may be provided by post, or by telefax followed by post. Such consent shall expire within one year unless otherwise specified. 2.目的地、発送元および通過の権限ある当局は出荷に反対するために受領証の発送元に続いて、30日を過ごすものとします。そ

のような反対はパラグラフ 4 に基づくものとします。どんな反対も 30 日以内に、通知者および関係のある他の権限ある当局に文章

で提供されなければならない。 関係のある権限ある当局は、30 日未満の期間で書面による承諾を提供することを決定してもよい。 書面による同意または反対は、郵送、あるいは郵送が後続するテレファックスによって提供されるかもしれません。そのような同意

は、1 年以内に別段の定めがない限り終了するものとします。 3. The competent authorities of dispatch, destination and transit shall have 20 days following the dispatch of the

acknowledgement in which to lay down conditions in respect of the transport of waste within their jurisdiction. These conditions must be notified to the notifier in writing, with copies to the competent authorities concerned, and entered in the consignment note. They may not be more stringent that those laid down in respect of similar shipments occuring wholly within their jurisdiction and shall take due account of existing agreements, in particular relevant international conventions. 3.発送元、目的地および通過の権限ある当局は、それらの管轄内の廃棄物の輸送に関する条件を述べるために、受領証の発送

に続いて、20 日を過ごすものとします。


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4. (a) The competent authorities of destination and dispatch may raise reasoned objections to the planned shipment: 4.(a) 目的地と発送元の権限ある当局は計画された出荷に(理路整然とて)反対してもよい:

- in accordance with Directive 75/442/EEC, in particular Article 7 thereof, or -指令75/442/EEC、特に第7 条に従って、あるいは

- if it is not in accordance with national laws and regulations relating to environmental protection, public order, public safety or health protection, or -それが環境保護、社会的秩序、公安あるいは健康保護に関係のある国の法規および規則に従わない場合、あるいは

- if the notifier or the consignee has previously been guilty of illegal trafficking. In this case, the competent authority of dispatch may refuse all shipments involving the person in question in accordance with national legislation, or -通知者または荷受け人が以前に違法取引に対して有罪であった場合。この場合、発送元の権限ある当局は、国の法規に


- if the shipment conflicts with obligations resulting from international conventions concluded by the Member State or Member States concerned, or -関係のある参加国か加盟諸国によって締結された国際会議に起因する義務との出荷矛盾のある場合、あるいは

- if the ratio of the recoverable and non-recoverable waste, the estimated value of the materials to be finally recovered or the cost of the recovery and the cost of the disposal of the non recoverable fraction do not justify the recovery under economic and environmental considerations. -廃棄物の再生および非再生の比率の推計値、 終的な再生材料の評価額、再生のためのコスト、非再生部分の廃棄物の

処理コストが、経済・環境配慮の下の妥当性に欠ける場合。 (b) The competent authorities of transit may raise reasoned objections to the planned shipment based on the second, third and fourth indents of (a).


5. If within the time limit laid down in paragraph 2 the competent authorities are satisfied that the problems giving rise to their objections have been solved and that the conditions in respect of the transport will be met, they shall immediately inform the notifier in writing, with copies to the consignee and to the other competent authorities concerned. If there is subsequently any essential change in the conditions of the shipment, a new notification must be made. 5.パラグラフ2で述べられた制約時間内には、それらの反対を生じさせる問題が解決されており、輸送に関する条件が満たされる



6. In case of prior written consent, the competent authority shall signify its authorization by appropriately stamping the consignment note. 6.事前の書面による承諾の場合には、権限ある当局が適切に貨物運送状に押印をすることによりその認可を示すものとします。

Article 8 第8章 1. The shipment may be effected after the 30-day period has passed if no objection has been lodged. Tacit consent, however,

expires within one year from that date. Where the competent authorities decide to provide written consent, the shipment may be effected immediately after all necessary consents have been received. 1.反対が呈されていない場合、30 日間の期間が過ぎた後、その出荷は実行されて良い。しかしながら、黙諾はその日付から 1 年

以内に終了します。 権限ある当局が書面による同意を提供することを決定した場合で、必要な同意がすべて受け取られた後には出荷は直に実行でき


2. The notifier shall insert the date of shipment and otherwise complete the consignment note and send copies to the competent authorities concerned three working days before the shipment is made. 2.通知者は、出荷の日付を挿入して貨物運送状を完成し、出荷がなされる 3 労働日前に関係がある権限ある当局へコピーを送る


3. A copy or, if requested by the competent authorities, a specimen of the consignment note shall accompany each shipment. 3.コピー、あるいは、もし権限ある当局によって要求されれば、貨物運送状の副本は、各出荷に伴うものとします。


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4. All undertakings involved in the operation shall complete the consignment note at the points indicated, sign it and retain a copy thereof. 4.オペレーションに含まれる仕事はすべて、示されたポイントでそれに署名して貨物運送状を完成し、それのコピーを保持するも


5. Within three working days following receipt of the waste for recovery, the consignee shall send copies of the completed consignment note, except for the certificate referred to in paragraph 6, to the notifier and to the competent authorities concerned. 5.再生のための廃棄物の受取に続く3労働日以内に、荷受人は、パラグラフ 6の中で引用された証明書を除いた完成した貨物運


6. As soon as possible and not later than 180 days following receipt of the waste the consignee, under his responsability, shall send a certificate of recovery of the waste to the notifier and the other competent authorities concerned. This certificate shall be part of or attached to the consignment note which accompanies the shipment. 6.できるだけ早く、そして、廃棄物の受取に続くこと 180 日より遅くなく、荷受人は、彼の責任の下で、通知者および他の関係のあ


あるとします。 Article 9 第9章 1. The competent authorities having jurisdiction over specific recovery facilities may decide, notwithstanding Article 7, that

they will not raise objections concerning shipments of certain types of waste to a specific recovery facility. Such decisions may be limited to a specific period of time; however, they may be revoked at any time. 1.特定の回復設備に対する管轄を持っている権限ある当局は、第 7 条にもかかわらず、特定の再生設備に、あるタイプの廃棄物



2. Competent authorities which select this option shall inform the Commission of the recovery facility name, address, technologies employed, waste types to which the decision applies and the period covered. Any revocations must also be notified to the Commission. The Commission shall send this information without delay to the other competent authorities concerned in the Community and to the OECD Secretariat. 2.このオプションを選択する権限ある当局は、再生設備名称、住所、使用された技術、決定が当てはまる廃棄物のタイプおよび認

可の期間について委員会に通知するものとします。どんな取り消しも委員会に届け出られなければならない。 委員会は、欧州共同体で関係のある他の権限ある当局および OECD の事務局へすぐにこの情報を送るものとします。

3. All intended shipments to such facilities shall require notification to the competent authorities concerned, in accordance with Article 6. Such notification shall arrive prior to the time the shipment is dispatched. The competent authorities of the Member States of dispatch and transit may raise objections to any such shipment, based on Article 7 (4), or impose conditions in respect of the transport. 3.そのような設備への意図した出荷はすべて、第6条に従って、関係のある権限ある当局への通知を要求するものとします。その

ような通知は、出荷が発送されるに先立って到着するものとします。 発送元と通過の加盟国の権限ある当局は、第7条(4)に基づいて任意のそのような出荷に反対するか、あるいは輸送に関する条件


4. In instances where competent authorities acting under terms of their domestic laws are required to review the contract referred to in Article 6 (6), these authorities shall so inform the Commission. In such cases, the notification plus the contracts or portions thereof to be reviewed must arrive seven days prior to the time the shipment is dispatched in order that such review may be appropriately performed. 4.権限ある当局がそれらの国内法の条件の下で、第 6 条(6)に参照した契約を調査することを要求され、行動する実例では、これ


ような見直しが適切に行なうことができるように出荷が実施される時の 7 日前に到着しなければならない。

5. For the actual shipment, Article 8 (2) to (6) shall apply. 5.実際の出荷のために、第8 条(2) から(6)は当てはまるものとします。

Article 10 第10条 Shipments of waste for recovery listed in Annex IV and of waste for recovery which has not yet been assigned to Annex II, Annex III or Annex IV shall be subject to the same procedures as referred to in Articles 6 to 8 except that the consent of the competent authorities concerned must be provided in writing prior to commencement of shipment.


は、出荷の開始に先立って書面による関係のある権限ある当局の同意を得なければならない点を除いて第 6 条~8 に引用される


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Article 11 第11条 1. In order to assist the tracking of shipments of waste for recovery listed in Annex II, they shall be accompanied by the

following information, signed by the holder: 1.付録 II にリストされた回復のための廃棄物の出荷のトラッキングを支援するために、それらには所有者によって署名された、次


(a) the name and address of the holder; (a)所有者の名前および住所;

(b) the usual commercial description of the waste; (b)廃棄物の通常の商用記述;

(c) the quantity of the waste; (c)廃棄物の量;

(d) the name and address of the consignee; (d)荷受け人の名前および住所;

(e) the operations involving recovery, as listed in Annex II.B to Directive 75/442/EEC; (e)指令75/442/EEC の付録 II. B にリストされるように、回復を含む処理方法;

(f) the anticipated date of shipment. (f)出荷の予期される日付。

2. The information specified in paragraph 1 shall be treated confidentially in accordance with existing national regulations. 2.指令75/442/EEC の付録 II. B にリストされるように、回復を含む処理方法;パラグラフ 1 の中で指定された情報は、既存の国の規


Chapter C Shipment of waste for disposal and recovery between Member States with transit via third States

Chapter C 第3 の国を通過国とする、加盟国の間の処分および回復のための廃棄物の出荷 Article 12 Without prejudice to Articles 3 to 10, where a shipment of waste takes place between Member States with transit via one or more third States,

第3 条~10 条を失うことなく、廃棄物の出荷が 1 以上の第3 国を通過国として持った加盟国の間で実施される場合、

(a) the notifier shall send a copy of the notification to the competent authority(ies) of the third State(s); (a)通知者は、第3 国の権限ある当局へ通知のコピーを送るものとします;

(b) the competent authority of destination shall ask the competent authority in the third State(s) whether it wishes to send its written consent to the planned shipment: (b)目的地の権限ある当局は、それが計画された出荷に対し書面による同意を送りたいかどうか第 3 国の権限ある当局に尋ねる


- in the case of parties to the Basle Convention, within 60 days, unless it has waived this right in accordance with the terms of that Convention, or -バーゼル協定の加担者の場合には、もしそれがこの権利を放棄していなければ、その協定の規定に従って 60 日以内に、


- in the case of countries not parties to the Basle Convention, within a period agreed between the competent authorities. -バーゼル協定の加担者国々でない場合には、権限ある当局で合意した期間内に。

In both cases the competent authority of destination shall, where appropriate, wait for consent before giving its authorization. いずれの場合でも、目的地の権限ある当局は、適切に、その認可を与える前に第3国の同意を待ななければならない。



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Article 13 第13 条

1. Titles II, VII and VIII shall not apply to shipments within a Member State. 1.タイトル II、VII および VIII はメンバー国の内の出荷には当てはまらないものとします

2. Member States shall, however, establish an appropriate system for the supervision and control of shipments of waste within their jurisdiction. This system should take account of the need for coherence with the Community system established by this Regulation. 2.しかしながら、加盟国は、それらの管轄内の廃棄物の出荷の監督および管理用の適切なシステムを確立するものとします。この


3. Member States shall inform the Commission of their system for the supervision and control of shipments of waste. The Commission shall inform the other Member States thereof. 3.加盟国は、廃棄物の出荷の監督および管理のためのそれらのシステムを委員会に通知するものとします。委員会はそれについ


4. Member States may apply the system provided for in Titles II, VII and VIII within their jurisdiction. 4.加盟国は、それらの管轄内においてタイトル II、VII および VIII の中で規定されるシステムを適用してもよい。

TITLE IV EXPORTS OF WASTE 第�編 廃棄物の輸出 Chapter A Waste for disposal A 章 処理のための廃棄物 Article 14 第14 条

1. All exports of waste for disposal shall be prohibited, except those to EFTA countries which are also parties to the Basle Convention. 1.EFTA 諸国向け以外の(彼らはまた Basle 協定の参加国でもある)、処分のための廃棄物の輸出はすべて禁止されるものとしま


2. However, without prejudice to Articles 25 (2), and 26 (2), exports of waste for disposal to an EFTA country shall also be banned: 2.しかしながら以下の場合、第25条(2)および26条(2)を失うことなく、EFTAの国への処分のための廃棄物の輸出もまた禁止される


(a) where the EFTA country of destination prohibits imports of such wastes or where it has not given its written consent to the specific import of this waste; (a)目的地の EFTA の国がそのような廃棄物の輸入品を禁止する場合、あるいは、それがこの廃棄物の特定の輸入にその書面


(b) if the competent authority of dispatch in the Community has reason to believe that the waste will not be managed in accordance with environmentally sound methods in the EFTA country of destination concerned. (b)共同体の発送元の権限ある当局がその廃棄物が関係のある目的地の EFTA の国において環境に配慮した方法に従って管


3. The competent authority of dispatch shall require that any waste for disposal authorized for export to EFTA countries be

managed in an environmentally sound matter throughout the period of shipment and in the State of destination. 3.発送元の権限ある当局は、EFTAの諸国への輸出のために認可された処分のためのどんな廃棄物も出荷の期間を通じての環境

に配慮した問題で、および目的地の国で管理されることを要求するものとします。 Article 15 第15 条 1. The notifier shall send the notificaion to the competent authority of dispatch by means of the consignment note in accordance

with Article 3 (5), with copies to the other competent authorities concerned and to the consignee. The consignment note shall be issued by the competent authority of dispatch. On receipt of the notification, the competent authority of dispatch shall within three working days send the notifier a written acknowledgement of the notification, with copies to the other competent authorities concerned.



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とします。 通知書の受取においては、発送元の権限ある当局は 3 労働日以内に通知者に通知書の書面にて受領証を送るものとします、


2. The competent authority of dispatch shall have 70 days following dispatch of the acknowledgement to take its decision authorizing the shipment, with or without conditions, or refusing it. It may also request additional information.


めに受領証の発送に続いた 70 日を過ごすものとします。さらに、それは追加情報を要求するかもしれません。

It shall give its authorization only in the absence of objections on its part or on the part of the other competent authorities and if it has received from the notifier the copies referred to in paragraph 4. The authorization shall, where applicable, be subject to any transport conditions referred to in paragraph 5.

それは、自分たちの部局、あるいは他の権限ある当局の部局からの反対がない状態でののみ且つ、通知者から、パラグラフ 4に基づいたコピーを受け取っている場合にその認可を与えるものとします。また、適用可能であれば、認可はパラグラフ 5 の中


The competent authority of dispatch shall take its decision no earlier than 61 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement. It may, however, take its decision earlier if it has the written consent of the other competent authorities. It shall send a certified copy of the decision to the other competent authorities concerned, to the customs office of departure from the Community and to the consignee.

発送元の権限ある当局はその決定を受領証の発送に続いて 61 日以前に行ってはならないものとします。しかしながら、それが



3. The competent authorities of dispatch and transit in the Community may, within 60 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement, raise objections based on Article 4 (3). They may also request additional information. Any objection must be provided in writing to the notifier, with copies to the other competent authorities concerned.

3.共同体の中の発送元および通過の権限ある当局は受領証の発送に続く 60 日以内に、第 4 条(3)に基づいて反対してもよい。



4. The notifier shall provide to the competent authority of dispatch a copy of: 4.通知者は次のものコピーを発送元の権限ある当局に提供するものとします:

(a) the written consent of the EFTA country of destination to the planned shipment; (a)計画された出荷への目的地の EFTA の国の書面による同意;

(b) the confirmation from the EFTA country of destination of the existence of a contract between the notifier and the consignee specifying environmentally sound management of the waste in question; a copy of the contract must be supplied, if requested. The contract shall also specify that the consignee be required to provide: (b)当該廃棄物の環境上に配慮した方法を指定する通知者と荷受け人の間の契約の存在についての目的地の EFTA の国から

の確認書;もし要求されれば、契約のコピーが供給されなければならない。 契約は、さらに荷受け人が以下を提供することを要求されることを取り決めます:

- within three working days following the receipt of the waste for disposal, copies of the fully completed consignment note, except for the certification referred to in the second indent, to the notifier and to the competent authority concerned,

-処分のための廃棄物の受取に続くこと 3 労働日以内に、完全に完成した貨物運送状の通知者、および関係のある権限ある

当局へのコピー、第2 段落を参照した証明を除いて、

- as soon as possible and not later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste, a certificate of disposal under his responsibility to the notifier and to the competent authority concerned. The form of this certificate shall be part of the consignment note which accompanies the shipment. The contract shall, in addition, stipulate that if a consignee issues an incorrect certificate with the consequence that the financial guarantee is released he shall bear the costs arising from the duty to return the waste to the area of jurisdiction of the competent authority of dispatch and its disposal in an alternative and environmentally sound manner; -できるだけ早く、そして、廃棄物の受取に続いて、180 日より遅くなく、通知者、および関係のある権限ある当局への彼の責





(c) written consent to the planned shipment from the other State(s) of transit, unless this (these) State(s) is (are) a Party


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(Parties) to the Basle Convention and has (have) waived this in accordance with the terms of that Convention. (c) 計画された出荷への通過の他の国からの書面による同意、もし、この(これら)国が Basle 条約の締結国であり、その協定の


5. The competent authorities of transit in the Community shall have 60 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement in which to lay down conditions in respect of the shipments of waste in their area of jurisdiction. These conditions, which shall be forwarded to the notifier, with copies to the other competent authorities concerned, may not be more stringent than those laid down in respect of similar shipments effected wholly within the area of jurisdiction of the competent authority in question.


て、60 日を過ごすものとします。 これらの条件は通知者へ、そのコピーで関係のある他の権限ある当局への転送されるものとする、それらの条件は、同様の出



6. The competent authority of dispatch shall signify its authorization by appropriately stamping the consignment note. 6.発送元の権限ある当局は適切に貨物運送状に型押しをすることによりその認可を示すものとします。

7. The shipment may be effected only after the notifier has received authorization from the competent authority of dispatch. 7.通知者が発送元の権限ある当局から認可を受け取った後だけ、その出荷が実行される。

8. Once the notifier has received authorization, he shall insert the date of shipment and otherwise complete the consignment note and send copies to the competent authorities concerned three working days before the shipment is made. A copy or, if requested by the competent authorities, a specimen of the consignment note, together with the stamp of authorization, shall accompany each shipment.

8.一旦通知者が認可を受けたならば、彼は出荷の日付を挿入して貨物運送状を完成し、出荷がなされる 3 労働日以前に関係が


は、認可のスタンプと一緒に、各出荷に伴うものとします。 All undertakings involved in the operation shall complete the consignment note at the points indicated, sign it and retain a copy thereof. A specimen of the consignment note shall be delivered by the carrier to the last customs office of departure when the waste leaves the Community.


とします。廃棄物が共同体を去る場合、貨物運送状の標本は運搬業者によって出発の 後の関税事務所に配達されるものとし


9. As soon as the waste has left the Community, the customs office of departure shall send a copy of the consignment note to the competent authority which issued the authorization.



10. If, 42 days after the waste has left the Community, the competent authority which gave the authorization has received no information from the consignee about his receipt of the waste, it shall inform without delay the competent authority of destination.



It shall take action in a similar way if, 180 days after the waste has left the Community, the competent authority which gave the authorization has not received from the consignee the certificate of disposal referred to in paragraph 4.

それは同様の方法で処置を講ずるものとします、廃棄物が共同体を去った 180 日後に、認可を与えた権限ある当局がパラグラ

フ 4 の中で言及した処分の証明書を荷受け人から受け取っていない場合。

11. A competent authority of dispatch may, in accordance with national legislation, decide to transmit the notification itself instead of the notifier, with copies to the consignee and the competent authority of transit. The competent authority of dispatch may decide to proceed with any notification if it has itself immediate objections to raise against the shipment in accordance with Article 4 (3). It shall immediately inform the notifier of these objections.


共に自から送信することを決定してもよい。 発送元の権限ある当局は、即時に、通知を実行することを決定してもよい、もしも、第4条(3)に従って出荷に対して自らすぐに反


12. The information given in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be treated confidentially in accordance with existing national regulations. 12.パラグラフ 1 から 4 までの中で与えられた情報は、既存の国の規則に従って秘密に扱われるものとします。


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Chapter B Waste for recovery B章 再生のための廃棄物

Article 16 (Council Regulation (EC) No 120/97 of 20 January 1997) 第16 条

1. All exports for recovery of waste listed in Annex V for recovery shall be prohibited except those to: 1. 以下を除外し再生のため付属資料V に記載する廃棄物の再生のための輸出はすべて禁止される:

(a) countries to which the OECD decision applies; (a)OECD の決定が当てはまる国 々

(b) other countries: (b)他の国々であり、

- which are Parties to the Basle Convention and/or with which the Community, or the Community and its Member States, have concluded bilateral or multilateral or regional agreements or arrangements in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention and paragraph 2 of this Article. Any such exports shall however be prohibited from 1 January 1998 onwards, -それは、Basle 条約の加盟国であるか、およびまたはそれと共同体、あるいは共同体およびその加盟国が Basle 条約の第


1 月1 日より禁止される。

- with which individual Member States have concluded bilateral agreements and arrangements prior to the date of application of this Regulation, in so far as these are compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention and paragraph 2 of this Article. These agreements and arrangements shall be notified to the Commission within three months of the date of application of this Regulation or of the date that such agreements are brought into effect, whichever is earlier, and shall expire when agreements or arrangements are concluded in accordance with the first indent. Any such exports shall however be prohibited as from 1 January 1998 onwards. -その国と、この規則の適用の日付に先立って個々の加盟国が、双務協約および協定(これらが共同体の規則および Basle協定の第 11 条と本条の第 2 項と競合しない)を締結した。これらの協約と協定は、この規則の適用の日から、あるいはそれら


に従って締結されている場合、終了するものとする。しかしながら、このような輸出は 1998 年1 月1 日より禁止される。

The Commission, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC, shall, as soon as possible, and at the latest before 1 January 1998, review and amend Annex V to this Regulation taking into full consideration those wastes featuring on the list of wastes adopted in accordance with Article 1 (4) of Council Directive 91/689/ EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste (1) and any lists of wastes characterized as hazardous for the purposes of the Basle Convention.


1 月1 日の前に、それら、に重要な役割を演じることを廃棄物する、1991 年12 月12 日の理事会指令91/689/EEC の第1 条の(4)に従って採用された廃棄物のリスト有害廃棄物(1)の上の、およびBasle協定のために危険なものとして特徴づけられた廃棄物の



Annex V shall be reviewed and further amended as appropriate under the same procedure. In particular, the Commission shall review the Annex in order to give effect to decisions of the Parties to the Basle Convention as to what waste should be characterized as hazardous for the purposes of the Convention and to amendments of the list of wastes adopted in accordance with Article 1 (4) of Directive 91/689/EEC.

付録 V は見直しされるものとし、同じ手続きの下で適切なようにさらに修正したものとします。委員会は特に Basle 協定の加担者



2. The agreements and arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 (b) shall guarantee an environmentally sound management of the waste in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention and shall, in particular:

2.パラグラフ 1 で(b)参照しました協約と協定は Basle 協定の第11 条に従う廃棄物の環境上健全な管理を保証するものとします、


(a) guarantee that the recovery operation is carried out in an authorized centre which complies with the requirements for environmentally sound management; (a)環境上健全管理用の必要条件に応じる、認可された処理センターで回復オペレーションが実行されるという保証;


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(b) fix the conditions for the treatment of the non-recoverable components of the waste and, if appropriate, oblige the notifier to take them back; (b)廃棄物の再生できないコンポーネントについての条件を固定し、適切な場合、それらを引き取ることを通知者に強います;

(c) enable, if appropriate, the examination of the compliance of the agreements on the spot in agreement with the countries concerned;


(d) be subject to periodic review by the Commission and for the first time not later than 31 December 1996, taking into account the experience gained and the ability of the countries concerned to carry out recovery activities in a manner which provides full guarantees of environmentally sound management. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament and the Council about the results of this review. If such a review leads to the conclusion that environmental guarantees are insufficient, the continuation of waste exports under such terms shall, on a proposal from the Commission, be reconsidered, including the possibility of a ban. (d) 環境に配慮した管理につき十分な保証を提供する方法で回復活動を実行する国々の能力と経験が増加したことを考慮に入

れ、委員会による定期的審査に従う、そして第1 回目は 1996 年12 月31 日より後でないこと。委員会はこの見直しの結果に関し



3. However, without prejudice to Article 25 (2) and 26 (2), exports of waste for recovery to the countries referred to in paragraph 1 shall be prohibited:

3.しかしながら以下の場合、第25条の(2)および第26条の(2) を失うことなく、パラグラフ 1の中で参照した国々への回復のため


(a) where such a country prohibits all imports of such wastes or where it has not given its consent to their specific import; (a)ここでそのような国がそのような廃棄物のすべての輸入を禁止すること、あるいは、それがそれらの特定の輸入にその同


(b) if the competent authority of dispatch has reason to believe that the waste will not be managed in accordance with environmentally sound methods in such a country.



4. The competent authority of dispatch shall require that any waste for recovery authorized for export be managed in an environmentally sound manner throughout the period of shipment and in the State of destination.


環境に配慮したやり方で管理されることを要求するものとします。 Article 17 第17 条

1. In respect of waste listed in Annex II, the Commission shall notify prior to the date of application of this Regulation to every country to which the OECD Decision does not apply the list of waste included in that Annex and request written confirmation that such waste is not subject to control in the country of destination and that the latter will accept categories of such waste to be shipped without recourse to the control procedures which apply to Annex III or IV or that it indicate where such waste should be subject to either those procedures or the procedure laid down in Article 15. If such confirmation is not received six months before the date of application of this Regulation, the Commission shall make appropriate proposals to the Council.

1.添付 II にリストされた廃棄物に関して、委員会はこの規則の適用の日付に先立って、その付録に含まれる廃棄物のリストを、す



入れる、添付資料の III または IV が適用されるそれへの廃棄物の統制手続なしで、または、この廃棄物はこれらの手続きか、ま

たは第 15 条に述べられた手続きの一方に従うべきかの表示による。そのような確認が、この規則の適用の日付の 6 か月前に得

られない場合、委員会は委員会への適切な提案を行なうものとします。 2. Where waste listed in Annex II is exported, it shall be destined for recovery operations within a facility which under

applicable domestic law is operating or is authorized to operate in the importing country. Furthermore, a surveillance system based on prior automatic export licensing shall be established in cases to be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC. Such a system shall in each case provide that a copy of the export licence be forwarded without delay to the authorities of the country in question.

2.付録 II にリストされた廃棄物が輸出される場合、それは、適用可能な国内の法則の下で作動しているか、輸入国で操業するこ



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3. Where such waste is subject to control in the country of destination or upon request of such a country in accordance with paragraph 1 or where a country of destination has notified under Article 3 of the Basle Convention that it regards certain kinds of waste listed in Annex II is hazardous, exports of such waste to that country shall be subjected to control. The Member State of export or the Commission shall notify all such cases to the committee established pursuant to Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC; the Commission shall determine in consultation with the country of destination which of the control procedures shall apply, that is those applicable to Annex III or IV or the procedure laid down in Article 15.


の国が添付資料 II にリストされたある種類の廃棄物が危険であると Basle 条約の第 3 条に基づいて通知した、その国へそのよう

な廃棄物の輸出は管理対象となる。 輸出をおこなう加盟国あるいは評議会は委員会にそのような場合をすべて指令 75/442/EEC の第 18 条に準じた届け出るものと

確立した; その委員会は、添付資料の�または�あるいは、第15 条に述べられる手続が適用可能とされる統制手続のどれが当


4. Where waste listed in Annex III is exported from the Community for recovery to countries and through countries to which the OECD Decision applies, Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 (1), (3), (4) and (5) shall apply, the provisions concerning the competent authorities of dispatch and transit applying only to the competent authorities in the Community.

4. 添付資料 III にリストされて廃棄物は、共同体から回復のため OECD の決定が当てはまる共国々へ、およびそれらの国々を

通って輸出される場合、第6 条、第7 条、第8 条および第9 条の(1)、(3)、(4)と(5)は以下のようにします、発送元と通過国の権限


5. In addition, the competent authorities of the exporting and Community-transit countries shall be informed of the decision referred to in Article 9.

5.さらに、輸出国および共同体の通過国々の権限ある当局に、第9 条に引用された決定が通知されるでしょう。

6. Where the waste for recovery listed in Annex IV and waste for recovery which has not yet been assigned to Annex II, III or IV is exported for recovery to countries and through countries to which the OECD Decision applies, Article 10 shall apply by analogy.


廃棄物は、OECD の決定が当てはまる国々へおよび国々を通って再生のために輸出されます、第10 条は類似によって当ては


7. In addition, where waste is exported in accordance with paragraphs 4 to 6: 7. それに追加して、廃棄物はパラグラフ 4~6 に従って輸出される、:

- a specimen of the consignment note shall be delivered by the carrier to the last customs office of departure when the waste leaves the Community,

-廃棄物が共同体を去る場合には、貨物運送状の標本は運輸業者によって出発の 後の関税事務所に配達されるでしょう、

- as soon as the waste has left the Community, the customs office of departure shall send a copy of the consignment note to the competent authority of export,


ます、 - if, 42 days after the waste has left the Community, the competent authority of export has received no information from the

consignee about this receipt of the waste, it shall inform without delay the competent authority of destination, -廃棄物が共同体を去った 42 日後に、輸出元の権限ある当局は、廃棄物の受取に関して荷受け人からの情報を得ていない


- the contract shall stipulate that, if a consignee issues an incorrect certificate with the consequence that the financial guarantee is released, he shall bear the costs arising from the duty to return the waste to the area of jurisdiction of the competent authority of dispatch and its disposal or recovery in an alternative and environmentally sound manner.




8. Where waste for recovery listed in Annex III and IV and waste for recovery which has not yet been assigned to Annex II, III or IV is exported to and through countries to which the OECD Decision does not apply:


のための廃棄物は、OECD の決定が適用されない国々へ、およびその 国々を通って輸出される場合:

- Article 15, except for paragraph 3, shall apply by analogy,


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-第15 条は、パラグラフ 3 を除いて、類似によって当てはまるものとします、

- reasoned objections may be raised in accordance with Article 7 (4) only, save as otherwise provided for in bilateral or multilateral agreements entered into in accordance with Article 16 (1) (b) and on the basis of the control procedure of either paragraph 4 or 6 of this Article or Article 15.

-第7 条の 4 に従ってのみ理由ある反対がされるかもしれません、 第 16 条の 1 の(b)に従って始められた、相互あるいは多国間協定の中で提供されるように、そしてこの条のパラグラフ 4 ある

いは 6 あるいは第15 条のいずれかの管理手続に基づいている場合は救われます。 Chapter C Export of waste to ACP States ACP7諸国( the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States:49 カ国)への廃棄物の輸出 Article 18 第18 条

1. All exports of waste to ACP States shall be prohibited. 1.ACP 諸国への廃棄物のすべての輸出は禁止される。

2. This prohibition does not prevent a Member State to which an ACP State has chosen to export waste for processing from

returning the processed waste to the ACP State of origin. 2.この禁止は、加盟国が ACPの国が選択した処理のための廃棄物の輸出に起源の処理された廃棄物を ACPの国に返すことを


3. In case of re-export to ACP States, a specimen of the consignment note, together with the stamp of authorization, shall accompany each shipment.

3.ACP の国への再輸出の場合には、貨物運送状の標本が、承認のスタンプと一緒に、各出荷に伴うものとします。 TITLE V IMPORTS OF WASTE INTO THE COMMUNITY 第Ⅴ編 共同体への廃棄物の輸入

Chapter A Imports of waste for disposal 第A 章 処分のための廃棄物の輸入

Article 19 第19 条

1. All imports into the Community of waste for disposal shall be prohibited except those from: 1.下記以外からの、共同体への処分のための廃棄物のすべての輸入は禁止される:

(a) EFTA countries which are Parties to the Basle Convention; (a)Basle協定の締約国であるEFTA8の国;

(b) other countries: (b)他の国々で:

- which are Parties to the Basle Convention, or -Basle 協定の締約国、あるいは

- with which the Community, or the Community and its Member States, have concluded bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention gauranteeing that the disposal operations carried out in an authorized centre and complies with the requirements for environmentally sound management, or


7 The ACP States are the countries that are signatories of the Lomé Convention.

ACP諸国はアフリカ・カリブ海・太平洋諸国でロメ協定に署名した49カ国 8 (EFTA:現在はアイスランド、ノルウェー、スイス、リヒテンシュタインの 4 カ国、2006/10)


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- with which individual Member States have concluded bilateral agreements or arrangements prior to the date of application of this Regulation, compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention, containing the same guarantees as referred to above and guaranteeing that the waste originated in the country of dispatch and that disposal will be carried out exclusively in the Member State which has concluded the agreement or arrangement. These agreements or arrangements shall be notified to the Commission with in three months of the date of application of the Regulation or of their date of application, whichever is the earlier, and shall expire when agreements or arrangements are concluded in accordance with the second indent, or -個々のメンバー国と、この規則の適用の日付に先立って双務協定あるいは協約(その協定は共同体立法と、Basle 協定の

第 11 条に従って互換性をもって、上に引用されるのと同じ保証を含んで、また次のことを保証すること、発送元の国で生産さ

れた廃棄物と、その処分はもっぱら協約や協定を締結したメンバー国の中で実行される)を締結している国。 これらの協定または協約は本規則の適用の日のあるいはそれら協約の適用の日のいずれか早いほうの3か月以前に委員会

に届け出られるでしょう、また協定または協約が第2 インデントに従って締結される場合、終了するものとする。または、

- with which individual Member States conclude bilateral agreements or arrangements after the date of application of this Regulation in the circumstances of paragraph 2. -個々のメンバー国は、パラグラフ 2 の状況により、この規則の出願日の後に双務協定または協約を締結した国。

2. The Council hereby authorizes individual Member States to conclude bilateral agreements and arrangements after the date of

application of this Regulation in exceptional cases for the disposal of specific waste, where such waste will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in the country of dispatch. These agreements and arrangements shall comply with the conditions set out in paragraph 1 (b), third indent and shall be notified to the Commission prior to their conclusion.



と協約は、パラグラフ 1(b)の 第 3 段落に明記した条件に応じるものとします、それらの締結に先立って委員会に通知されるもの


3. The countries referred to in paragraph 1 (b) shall be required to present a duly motivated request beforehand to the competent authority of the Member State of destination on the basis that they do no have and cannot reasonable acquire the technical capacity and the necessary facilities in order to dispose of the waste in an environmentally sound manner.

3.パラグラフ 1 の(b)で参照した国々は、環境に配慮したやり方で廃棄物を処分するための技術的な能力および必要な設備を



4. The competent authority of destination shall prohibit the bringing of waste into its area of jurisdiction if it has reason to believe that the waste will not be managed in an environmentally sound manner in its area.


いる場合、管轄地域の中への廃棄物を持ち込むことを禁止するものとします。 Article 20 1. Notification shall be made to the competent authority of destinations by means of the consignment note in accordance with

Article 3 (5) with copies to the consignee of the waste and to the competent authorities of transit. The consignment note shall be issued by the competent authority of destination. On receipt of the notification, the competent authority of destination shall, within three working days, send a written acknowledgement to the notifier, with copies to the competent authorities of transit in the Community.

通告は、第3 条(5 項)に従って貨物運送状により目的地の権限ある当局に宛ててなされなければならない、廃棄物の荷受け人と


に当たって、目的地の権限ある当局は、3 労働日以内に通告者に受領証を送るものとします、共同体の中の通過国の権限ある


2. The competent authority of destination shall authorize the shipment only in the absence of objections on its part or from the other competent authorities concerned. The authorization shall be subject to any transport conditions referred to in paragraph 5.


とします。認可は、パラグラフ 5 の中で引用された任意の輸送条件に従うものとします。

3. The competent authorities of destination and transit in the Community may, within 60 days of dispatch of the copy of the acknowledgement, raise objections based on Article 4 (3). They may also request additional information. These objections shall be conveyed in writing to the notifier, with copies to the other competent authorities concerned in the Community;




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4. The competent authority of destination shall have 70 days following dispatch of the acknowledgement to take its decision authorizing the shipment, with or without conditions, or refusing it. It may also request additional information.


続いて、70 日を過ごすものとします。さらに、それは追加情報を要求するかもしれません。

It shall send certified copies of the decision to the competent authorities of transit in the Community, the consignee and the customs office of entry into the Community. The competent authority of destination shall take its decision no earlier than 61 days following the dispatch of the acknowledgement. It may, however, take its decision earlier if it has the written consent of the other competent authorities. The competent authority of destination shall signify its authorization by appropriately stamping the consignment note.





5. The competent authority of destination and transit in the Community shall have 60 days following dispatch of the acknowledgement to lay down conditions in respect of the shipment of the waste. These conditions, which must be conveyed to the notifier, with copies to the competent authorities concerned, may not be more stringent than those laid down in respect of similar shipments occuring wholly within the jurisdiction of the competent authority in question.




6. The shipment may be effected only after the notifier has received authorization from the competent authority of destination. 通知者が目的地の権限ある当局から認可を受けた後だけ、その出荷は実行される。

7. Once the notifier has received authorization, he shall insert the date of the shipment and otherwise complete the consignment note and send copies to the competent authorities concerned three working days before the shipment is made. A specimen of the consignment note shall be delivered by the carrier to the customs office of entry into the Community.

一旦通知者が認可を受けたならば、彼は出荷の日付を挿入し、貨物運送状を完成して、出荷がなされる 3 労働日前までに、関



A copy or, if requested by the competent authorities, a specimen of the consignment note, together with the stamp of authorization, shall accompany each shipment. All undertakings involved in the operation shall complete the consignment note at the points indicated, sign it and retain a copy.




8. Within three working days following receipt of the waste for disposal, the consignee shall send copies of the completed consignment note, except for the certificate referred to in paragraph 9, to the notifier and the competent authorities concerned;

処分のための廃棄物の受取に続く 3 労働日以内に、荷受け人は、通知者および関係ある権威ある当局に、パラグラフ 9 の中で


9. As soon as possible and not later than 180 days following the receipt of the waste, the consignee shall, under his responsibility, send a certificate of disposal to the notifier and the other competent authorities concerned. This certificate shall be part of or attached to the consignment note which accompanies the shipment.

できるだけ早く、そして、廃棄物の受取に続く 180 日より遅くない、荷受け人は、彼の責任の下で、通告者および他の関係する権


ます。 Chapter B Imports of waste for recovery B章 再生のための廃棄物の輸入

Article 21 第21 条


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1. All imports of waste for recovery into the Community shall be prohibited, except those from: 次のもの以外からの共同体の中への回復のための廃棄物の輸入はすべて禁止される:

(a) countries to which the OECD decision applies; OECD の決定が当てはまる国 ;々

(b) other countries: 以下に述べる他の国 :々 - which are Parties to the Basle Convention and/or with which the Community, or the Community and its Member States,

have concluded bilateral or multilateral or regional agreements or arrangements compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention, guaranteeing that the recovery operation is carried out in an authorized centre and complies with the requirements for environmentally sound management, or Basle 協定の参加国あり、および/又は、共同体と、あるいは共同体とその加盟国と、共同体立法と等価な Basle 協定の第11 条に



- with which individual Member States have concluded bilateral agreements or arrangements prior to the date of application of this Regulation, where these are compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention, containing the same guarantees as referred to above. These agreements or arrangements shall be notified to the Commission within three months of the date of application of this Regulation or of their date of application, whichever is the earlier, and shall expire when agreements or arrangements are concluded in accordance with the first indent, or 個々のメンバー国と、この規則の適用の日付に先立て、Basle 協定の第 11 条に従って上に引用されるのと同じ保証を含んでい

る共同体立法と互換性を持つ、双務協定あるいは合意を締結した国。 これらの協定または協約は、この規則の適用の日付から、

またはそれらの適用の日付のいずれか早いほうから 3 か月の日付内にあるいは委員会に届け出られるでしょう、また協定また

は協約が 1 番目のインデントに従って締結される場合、終了するものとする。または

- with which individual Member States conclude bilateral agreements or arrangements after the date of application of this Regulation in the circumstances of paragraph 2. 個々のメンバー国と、パラグラフ 2 に関連し、この規則の適用の日付の後に双務協定または協約を締結した国。

2. The Council hereby authorizes individual Member States to conclude after the date of applications of this Regulation bilateral agreements and arrangements in exceptional cases for the recovery of specific waste, where a Member State deems such agreements or arrangements necessary to avoid any interruption of waste treatment before the Community has concluded those agreements and arrangements. Such agreements and arrangements shall also be compatible with Community legislation and in accordance with Article 11 of the Basle Convention; they shall be notified to the Commission prior to their conclusion and shall expire when agreements or arrangements are concluded in accordance with paragraph 1 (b), first indent.



断も回避するのに必要であると考える協定や協約を。そのような協定および協約は、Basle 協定の第11 条に従っており、さらに、

共同体立法と互換性をもつものとします、それらは締結に先立って委員会に届け出られ、パラグラフ 1(b)の 初のインデントに

従って協定または協約が締結される場合、終了するものとします。 Article 22 第22 条

1. Where waste is imported for recovery from countries and through countries to which the OECD Decision applies, the following control procedures shall apply by analogy:

OECD の決定が当てはまる国々から、あるいは国々を通って廃棄物が回復のために輸入される場合、次の統制手続が類似によ


(a) for waste listed in Annex III: Articles 6, 7, 8, 9 (1), (3), (4) and (5), and 17 (5); 付録 III にリストされた廃棄物のために:第6 条、7 条、8 条、9 条(1)(3)(4)および(5) 、また 17 条(5);

(b) for waste listed in Annex IV and waste which has not yet been assigned to Annex II, III or IV: Article 10. 付録 IV にリストされた廃棄物と、付録 II、III か IV にまだ割り当てられていない廃棄物は第10 条による。

2. Where waste for recovery listed in Annexes III and IV and waste which has not yet been assigned to Annex II, III or IV is

imported from and through countries to the OECD Decision does not apply: 付録 III と IV にリストされた回復のための廃棄物、および、付録、II、III あるいは IV にまだ割り当てられていない廃棄が OECDの決定が適用されない国々から、あるいはその国々を通って輸入される場合、それは:

- Article 20 shall apply by analogy, 類似によって第20 条を当てはめるものとします


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- reasoned objections may be raised in accordance with Article 7 (4) only, save as otherwise provided for the bilateral or multilateral agreements entered into in accordance with Article 21 (1) (b) and on the basis of the control procedures of either paragraph 1 of this Article or Article 20. 第 7 条の(4)のみに従って理路整然として反対されるかもしれません、ただし、第 21 条(1)(b)に従って始められた、相互あるいは


合には除外する。 TITLE VI TRANSIT OF WASTE FROM OUTSIDE AND THROUGH THE COMMUNITY FOR DISPOSAL OR RECOVERY OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY 第�編 共同体の外から、共同体の外での処分あるいは回復のために、共同体を通り抜ける廃棄物の通過 Chapter A Waste for disposal and recovery (except transit covered by Article 24) A 章 処分および回復のための廃棄物(第24 条でカバーされた通過を除く) Article 23 第23 条

1. Where waste for disposal and, except in cases covered by Article 24, recovery is shipped through (a) Member State(s), notification shall be effected by means of the consignment note to the last competent authority of transit within the Community, with copies to the consignee, the other competent authorities concerned and the customs offices of entry into and departure from the Community.

処分のためおよび第 24 条でカバーされたケース以外の回復のための加盟国を通って送られる廃棄物に関して、通告は、荷受

け人へ、他の権限ある当局へ、共同体へ入る、または出て行く関税事務所へのコピーの送付と共に、共同体内の通過の 後の

権限ある当局へ提出する貨物運送状によって達成される。 2. The last competent authority of transit within the Community shall promptly inform the notifier of receipt of the notification.

The other competent authorities in the Community shall, on the basis of paragraph 5, convey their reactions to the last competent authority of transit in the Community, which shall then respond in writing to the notifier within 60 days, consenting to the shipment with or without reservations; or imposing, if appropriate, conditions laid down by the other competent authorites of transit, or withholding information. Any refusal or reservations must be justified. The competent authority shall send a certified copy of the decision to both the other competent authorities concerned and the customs offices of entry into and departure form the Community.

共同体内の通過の 後の権限ある当局は、速やかに通知の受取の通告者に通知するものとします。共同体の他の権限ある当

局は、パラグラフ 5 に基づいて共同体の中の通過の 後の権限ある当局に彼らの反応を伝えるものとします。その後、それは

60 日以内に通知者に書面にて回答するものとします;条件を備えた、あるいは条件のない出荷に同意してする、又は(適切な場




3. Without prejudice to Articles 25 (2) and 26 (2), the shipment shall be admitted into the Community only if the notifier has received the written consent of the last competent authority of transit. This authority shall signify its consent by appropriately stamping the consignment note.

第 25 条(2)および第 26 条(2)を失うことなく、通知者が通過の 後の権限ある当局の書面による承諾を受け取った場合のみ、共



4. The competent authorities of transit within the Community shall have 20 days following notification to lay down, if appropriate, any conditions attached to the transport of the waste. These conditions, which must be conveyed to the notifier, with copies to the competent authorities concerned, may not be more stringent than those laid down in respect of similar shipments occurring wholly within the jurisdiction of the competent authority in question.

コミュニティー内の通過国の権限ある当局は、通告に続く 20 日を過ごすものとします、適切な場合に、廃棄物の輸送に付けられ

た任意の条件を述べるために。 通告者に通知される、また関係のある権限ある当局へのコピーで伝えられる、これらの条件は、それらが、全て権限ある当局の


5. The consignment note shall be issued by the last competent authority of transit within the Community. 貨物運送状は、コミュニティー内の通過の 後の権限ある当局によって発行されるものとします。

6. Once the notifier has received authorization, he shall complete the consignment note and send copies to the competent authorities concerned three working days before the shipment is made.


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A specimen of the consignment note, together with the stamp of authorization, shall accompany each shipment. A specimen of the consignment note shall be supplied by the carrier to the customs office of departure when the waste leaves the Community. All undertakings involved in the operation shall complete the consignment note at the points indicated, sign it and retain a copy thereof.

一旦通知者が認可を受けたならば、彼は貨物運送状を完成し、出荷がなされる 3 労働日以前に関係する権限ある当局へコピー




7. As soon as the waste has left the Community, the customs office of departure shall send a copy of the consignment note to the last competent authority of transit within the Community. Furthermore, at the latest 42 days after the waste has left the Community, the notifier shall declare or certify to that competent authority, with copies to the other competent authorities of transit, that it has arrived at its intended destination.

廃棄物が共同体を去ったらすぐに、出域地の関税事務所は、共同体内の通過の 後の権限ある当局へ貨物運送状のコピーを

送るものとします。更に、遅くとも、廃棄物が共同体を去った 42 日後までに、通知者は通過の他の権限ある当局へのコピーの提

出を含み、その権限ある当局に意図した目的地への到着を宣言するか保証するものとします。 Chapter B Transit of waste for recovery from and to a country to which the OECD Decision applies

B 章OECD の決定が当てはまる国からの、またはその国への回復のための廃棄物の通過 Article 24 第24 条

1. Transit of waste for recovery listed in Annexes III and IV from a country and transferred for recovery to a country to which the OECD Decision applies through (a) Member State(s) requires notification to all competent authorities of transit of the Member State(s) concerned.

1. OECD の決定が適用される国からの添付�および�にリストされた回復のための廃棄物の通過は、または回復のために

OECD の決定が適用される国へメンバー国を通る輸送には、関係のある加盟国の通過のすべての権限ある当局への通知を要


2. Notification shall be effected by means of the consignment note. 2.通知は貨物運送状によって達成されるものとします

3. On receipt of the notification the competent authority(ies) of transit shall send an acknowledgement to the notifier and to the consignee within three working days.

3.通知の受取においては、通過の権限ある当局は 3 労働日以内に通知者と荷受け人に受領証を送るものとします。 4. This competent authority(ies) of transit may raise reasoned objections to the planned shipment based on Article 7 (4). Any

objection must be provided in writing to the notifier and to the competent authorities of transit of the other Member States concerned within 30 days of dispatch of the acknowledgement.

4.通過のこの権限ある当局は、第 7 条(4)に基づいた計画された出荷に反対してもよい(理路整然とした)。どんな反対も、受領証

の送付後30 日以内に通知者および関係のある他の加盟国の通過の権限ある当局に書面で提供されなければならない。 5. The competent authority of transit may decide to provide written consent in less than 30 days. In the case of transit of waste

listed in Annex IV and waste which has not yet been assigned to Annex II, III or IV, consent must be given in writing prior to commencement of the shipment.

5.通過の権限ある当局は、30 日未満で書面による同意を提供することを決定してもよい。添付資料 IV にリストされている廃棄物

であり、それは添付資料 II、III あるいは IV にまだ指定されていない廃棄物の通過の場合には、同意は出荷の開始に先立って

文章で与えなければなければならない。 6. The shipment may be effected only in the absence of any objection.

6.その出荷は任意の反対がない状態でのみ実施されなければならない。 TITLE VII COMMON PROVISIONS Article 25 第25 条

1. Where a shipment of waste to which the competent authorities concerned have consented cannot be completed in accordance with the terms of the consignment note or the contract referred to in Articles 3 and 6, the competent authority of dispatch shall, within 90 days after it has been informed thereof, ensure that the notifier returns the waste to its area of jurisdiction or elsewhere within the State of dispatch unless it is satisfied that the


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waste can be disposed of or recovered in an alternative and environmentally sound manner. 関係のある権限ある当局が承諾した廃棄物の出荷が、貨物運送状の条件にあるいは第 3 条および第 6 条に参照した契約に従

って終わることができない場合、発送元の権限ある当局はそれについて通知されたその後の 90 日以内にするものとします、通



2. In cases referred to in paragraph 1, a further notification shall be made. No Member State of dispatch or Member State of transit shall oppose the return of this waste at the duly motivated request of the competent authority of destination and with an explanation of the reason.



3. The obligation of the notifier and the subsidiary obligation of the State of dispatch to take the waste back shall end when the consignee has issued the certificate referred to in Articles 5 and 8. 荷受け人が第5条および第8条に引用された証明書を出した場合、廃棄物を返送する通知者の義務、および発送元の国の補助の

義務は、終了するものとします。 Article 26 第25 条 1. Any shipment of waste effected:


(a) without notification to all competent authorities concerned pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation; or この規則の条件に応じた、全ての関係する権限ある当局への通知なしで;あるいは、

(b) without the consent of the competent authorities concerned pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation; or この規則の条件に応じた、関係する権限ある当局の同意なしで;あるいは、

(c) with consent obtained from the competent authorities concerned through falsification, misrepresentation or fraud; or 偽造、誤伝あるいは不正行為によって関係のある権限ある当局から得られた同意の下に;あるいは、

(d) which is not specified in a material way in the consignment note; or それが貨物運送状中の資料方法で指定された物でない場合;あるいは

(e) which results in disposal or recovery in contravention of Community or international rules; or それの処分あるいは回復の結果が、共同体の、または国際的な規定に違反する場合;あるいは、

(f) contrary to Articles 14, 16, 19 and 21 shall be deemed to be illegal traffic. 第14 条、16 条、19 条および 21 条に反したものは、不法な移動であると考えられるものとします。

2. If such illegal traffic is the responsability of the notifier of the waste, the competent authority of dispatch shall ensure that the waste in question is: そのような不法な運送が廃棄物の通知者の責任である場合、出荷元の権限ある当局は問題の廃棄物につき以下を保証するものと

します: (a) taken back by the notifier or, if necessary, by the competent authority itself, into the State of dispatch, or if impracticable;

(a)通知者あるいは(必要ならば) 出荷元の権限ある当局自体によって発送元の国へ返送する、あるいは、それが実行不可能な


(b) otherwise disposed of or recovered in an environmentally sound manner, within 30 days from the time when the competent authority was informed of the illegal traffic or within such other period of time as may be agreed by the competent authorities concerned.

処分または再生を、環境に配慮したやり方で実施する、権限ある当局に不法な輸送のことが通知された時から 30 日以内に、あ


In this case a further notification shall be made. No Member State of dispatch or Member State of transit shall oppose the return of this waste at the duly motivated request of the competent authority of destination and with an explanation of the reason.



3. If such illegal traffic is the responsibility of the consignee, the competent authority of destination shall ensure that the waste in question is disposed of in an environmentally sound manner by the consignee or, if impracticable, by the competent authority itself within 30 days from the time it was informed of the illegal traffic or within any such other period of time as may be


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agreed by the competent authorities concerned. To this end, they shall cooperate, as necessary, in the disposal or recovery of the waste in an environmentally sound manner.

そのような不法な輸送が荷受け人の責任である場合、目的地の権限ある当局は、不法な輸送が通知された時から 30 日以内に、





4. Where responsibility for the illegal traffic cannot be imputed to either the notifier or the consignee, the competent authorities shall cooperate to ensure that the waste in question is disposed of or recovered in an environmentally sound manner. Guidelines for this cooperation shall be established in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC.



指令75/442/EEC の第18 条の中に規定された手続きに従って確立される。

5. Member States shall take appropriate legal action to prohibit and punish illegal traffic. 加盟国は、不法な輸送を禁止し処罰するために適切な法的行為をとるものとします。

Article 27 第27 条 1. All shipments of waste covered within the scope of this Regulation shall be subject to the provision of a financial guarantee

or equivalent insurance covering costs for shipment, including cases referred to in Articles 25 and 26, and for disposal or recovery.

この規則の範囲内でカバーされた廃棄物の出荷はすべて、第 25 条および 26 に引用されたケースを含む出荷、


2. Such guarantees shall be returned when proof has been furnished, by means of: 次のものによって証明された場合、そのような保証が返されるでしょう:

- the certificate of disposal or recovery, that the waste has reached its destination and has been disposed of or recovered in an environmentally sound manner,

- 処分または回復の証明書、廃棄物はその目的地に到着し、あるいは環境に配慮したやり方で処分あるいは回


- Control copy T 5 drawn up pursuant to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2823/87 (10) that, in the case of transit through the Community, the waste has left the Community.

- 共同体を通過の場合には、廃棄物が共同体を去ったとの、委員会規則(EEC) 2823/87(10) に準じて書上げられた管理表 T 5 を。

3. Each Member State shall inform the Commission of the provision which it makes in national law pursuant to this Article. The Commission shall forward this information to all Member States.


盟国へこの情報を転送するものとします。 Article 28 第28 条

1. While respecting the obligations imposed on him by the applicable Articles 3, 6, 9, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23 and 24, the notifier may use a general notification procedure where waste for disposal or recovery having the same physical and chemical characteristics is shipped periodically to the same consignee following the same route. If, in the case of unforeseen circumstances, this route cannot be followed, the notifier shall inform the competent authorities concerned as soon as possible or before the shipment starts if the need for route modification is already known at this time. Where the route modification is known before the shipment starts and this involves other competent authorities than those concerned in the general notification, this procedure shall not be used.

適用可能な第 3 条、6 条、9 条、15 条、17 条、20 条、22 条、23 条および 24 条によって彼に課された義務を尊重している間、通







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2. Under a general notification procedure, a single notification may cover several shipments of waste over a maximum period of one year. The indicated period may be shortened by agreement between the competent authorities concerned.

包括的な通告手続きの下では、単一の通知が、 大の期間が 1 年の間廃棄物のいくつかの出荷をカバーするかもしれません。


3. The competent authorities concerned shall make their agreement to the use of this general notification procedure subject to the subsequent supply of additional information. If the composition of the waste is not as notified or if the conditions imposed on its shipment are not respected, the competent authorities concerned shall withdraw their consent to this procedure by means of official notice to the notifier. Copies of this notice shall be sent to the other competent authorities concerned.





4. General notification shall be made by means of the consignment note. 包括的な通告は貨物運送状によってなされる。

Article 29 第29 条

Wastes which are the subject of different notifications shall not be mixed during shipment. 異なる通告の主題である廃棄物は出荷の間に混合されないものとします。 Article 30 第30 条

1. Member States shall take the measures needed to ensure that waste is shipped in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. Such measures may include inspections of establishments and undertakings, in accordance with Article 13 of Directive 75/442/EEC, and spot checks of shipments.


段は、指令75/442/EEC の第13 条に従って、事業者とその業務にかんする検査と、および出荷の抜き打ち検査を含んでいるか


2. Checks may take place in particular: 検査は以下の場所で特に起こるかもしれません:、

- at the point of origin, carried out with the producer, holder or notifier, - 発生地点で生産者、所有者あるいは通告者と共に実行される

- at the destination, carried out with the final consignee, - 目的地で 終荷受け人と共に実行される

- at the external frontiers of the Community, - 共同体の入出域口で

- during the shipment within the Community. - 共同体の内部での輸送中に。

3. Checks may include the inspection of documents, the confirmation of identity and, if appropriate, the physical control of the waste.

3. 検査には、ドキュメントの照査、同一性の確認、また適切な場合には廃棄物の物的管理を含んでいるかもしれません。 Article 31 第31 条

1. The consignment note shall be printed and completed and any further documentation and information referred to in Article 4 and 6 shall be supplied in a language which is acceptable to the competent authority of:



- dispatch, as referred to in Articles 3, 7, 15 and 17, in the case of both a shipment of waste within the Community and the export of waste,


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- 発送、第3 条、7 条、15 条および 17 条で引用されるような、コミュニティー内の廃棄物の輸送および廃棄物の輸出の両方の場


- destination, as referred to in Articles 20 and 22, in the case of the import of waste, - 目的地、第20 条および 22 条に引用されるような、廃棄物の輸入の場合に、

- transit, as referred to in Articles 23 and 24. -通過、第23 条および 24 条に引用されるような、

A translation shall be supplied by the notifier at the request of the other competent authorities concerned in a language acceptable to them.


2. Further details may be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC. その他の詳細は、誘導75/442/EEC の第18 条の中に規定された手続きに従って決定されるかもしれません。


The provisions of the international transport conventions listed in Annex I to which the Member States are parties shall be complied with in so far as they cover the waste to which this Regulation refers.

欧州共同体加盟国が参加している国際輸送協定の付録 I にリストされた規定は、それらがこの規則の指す廃棄物をカバーする限り

では従わなければならないものとします。 Article 33 1. Appropriate administrative costs of implementing the notification and supervision procedure and usual costs of appropriate

analyses and inspections may be charged to the notifier. 通告および監督手続きを実施する適切な管理費、および適切な分析および検査の通常のコストは、通知者に課されるかもしれ


2. Costs arising from the return of waste, including shipment, disposal or recovery of the waste in an alternative and environmentally sound manner pursuant to Articles 25 (1) and 26 (2), shall be charged to the notifier or, if impracticable, to the Member States concerned.

第 25 条 (1)および 26 条(2) までに従った廃棄物の返送から発生するコスト、これには運送費、代案の環境に配慮した方法によ



3. Costs arising from disposal or recovery in an alternative and environmentally sound manner pursuant to Article 26 (3) shall be charged to the consignee.

第 26 条の(3)に従った代案および環境に配慮した方法の中で処分または回復から発生する費用は、荷受け人に課されるものと


4. Costs arising from disposal or recovery, including possible shipment pursuant to Article 26 (4), shall be charged to the notifier and/or the consignee depending upon the decision by the competent authorities involved.

第 26 条の(4)に従った可能な輸送を含む処分または回復から発生する費用は、通知者および(または)含まれていた権限ある当

局による決定に依存する荷受け人に課されるものとします。 Article 34 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 26 and to Community and national provisions concerning civil liability and

irrespective of the point of disposal or recovery of the waste, the producer of that waste shall take all the necessary steps to dispose of or recover or to arrange for disposal or recovery of the waste so as to protect the quality of the environment in accordance with Directives 75/442/EEC and 91/689/EEC.

第 26 条の条件を失うことなく、また共同体および国際的な民事責任に関係のある条件に、そして廃棄物の処分あるいは回復の


は、指令 75/442/EEC、そして、91/689/EEC に従って環境の質を保護するために、廃棄物の処分あるいは回復の調整をするもの


2. Member States shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the obligations laid down in paragraph 1 are carried out. 加盟国は、パラグラフ 1 に述べられた義務が実行されることを保証する必要なステップをすべて取るものとします。


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Article 35 All documents sent to or by the competent authorities shall be kept in the Community for at least three years by the competent authorities, the notifier and the consignee.


て、少なくとも 3 年間共同体内で保存されるものとします。 Article 36 Member States shall designate the competent authority or authorities for the implementation of this Regulation. A single competent authority of transit shall be designated by each Member State.


国によって指定されるものとします。 Article 37 1. Member States and the Commission shall each designate at least one correspondent responsible for informing or advising

persons or undertakings who or which make enquiries. The Commission correspondent shall forward to the correspondents of the Member States any questions put to him which concern the latter, and vice versa.

加盟国および委員会は各々、通知か助言に責任を負う少なくとも 1 人の代理人を指定するものとします、彼あるいはその機関は



2. The Commission shall, if requested by Member States or if otherwise appropriate, periodically hold a meeting of the correspondents to examine with them the questions raised by the implementation of this Regulation.



Article 38 1. Member States shall notify the Commission not later than three months before the date of application of this Regulation of

the name(s), address(es) and telephone and telex/telefax number(s) of the competent authorities and of the correspondents, together with the stamp of the competent authorities. Member States shall notify the Commission annually of any changes in this information.


号を、この規則の適用日の 3 か月以内に員会に通知するものとします。 加盟国は、この情報の如何なる変化も委員会に毎年通知するものとします。

2. The Commission shall send the information without delay to the other Member States and to the Secretariat of the Basle Convention. The Commission shall furthermore send to Member States the waste management plans referred to in Article 7 of Directive 75/442/EEC.

委員会は、他の加盟国および Basle 協定の事務局へ遅れなく情報を送るものとします。 委員会は、更に誘導75/442/EEC の第7 条に指した廃棄物管理計画を加盟国へ送るものとします。

Article 39 1. Member States may designate customs offices of entry into and departure from the Community for shipments of waste

entering and leaving the Community and inform the Commission thereof. The Commission shall publish the list of these offices in the Official Journal of the European Communities and, if appropriate, update this list.


通知します。 委員会は、欧州共同体の公式機関紙中にこれらのオフィスのリストを公表するものとし、適切な場合、このリストを更新します。

2. If Member States decide to designate the custom offices referred to in paragraph 1, no shipment of waste shall be allowed to use any other frontier crossing points within a Member State for entering or leaving the Community.

パラグラフ 1 で参照した関税事務所を加盟国が指定することを決定する場合には、廃棄物の出荷は、共同体に入るか去るため

に加盟国内の他の国境接点を使用することを許されないものとします。 Article 40 Member States, as appropriate and necessary in liaison with the Commission, shall cooperate with other parties to the Basle Convention and inter-State organizations directy or through the Secretariat of the Basle Convention, inter alia, via the exchange of information, the promotion of environmentally sound technologies and the development of appropriate codes of good practice.



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ードの開発のために、他の Basle 協定や、国際機関の締約国と直接あるいは Basle 協定の事務局経由によりと協力するものとしま


Article 41 1. Before the end of each calendar year, Member States shall draw up a report in accordance with Article 13 (3) of the Basle

Convention and send it to the Secretariat of the Basle Convention and a copy thereof to the Commission. 各暦年の終了する前に、加盟国は Basle 協定の第 13 条(3)に従って報告書を作成するものとします。また、それを Basle 協定の


2. The Commission shall, based on these reports, establish every three years report on the implementation of this Regulation by the Community and its Member States. It may request to this end additional information in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 91/692/EEC (11).

委員会はするものとします、これらの報告書に基づいて、3 年ごとに共同体とその加盟国によるこの規則の実行について報告し

ます。それは誘導91/692/EEC(11)の第6 条に従ってこの終了追加情報に要求するかもしれません。

Article 42 1. The Commission shall draw up not later than three months before the date of application of this Regulation and adapt if

appropriate afterwards, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC, the standard consignment note, including the form of the certificate of disposal and recovery (either integral to the consignment note or, meanwhile, attached to the existing consignment note under Directive 84/631/EEC) taking account in particular of:



84/631/EEC に従う既存の貨物運送状に付けられたいずれかの物)を策定するものとします、また適切な場合には後から追加す


- the relevant Articles of this Regulation, - この規則の適切な条項、

- the relevant international Conventions and agreements. - 適切な国際会議および協定。

2. The existing form of the consignment note shall apply by analogy until the new consignment note has been drawn up. The form of the certificate of disposal and recovery to be attached to the existing consignment note shall be drawn up as soon as possible.



3. Without prejudice to the procedure laid down in Article 1 (3) (c) and (d) regarding Annex II.A, Annexes II, III and IV shall be adapted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC only to reflect changes already agreed under the review mechanism of the OECD.

付録II.A に関する第1 条の(3) (c)および(d)中に規定された手続きを失うことなく、唯一OECD の調査メカニズムの下で既に同意

されていた変更を反映する誘導75/442/EECの第18条の中に規定された手続きに従って委員会によって、付録II、IIIおよび IVが適応されるものとする。

4. The procedure referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply also to define environmentally sound management, taking into account the relevant international conventions and agreements.

パラグラフ 1 の中で引用された手続きはさらに適切な国際会議および協定を考慮に入れて、環境上健全な管理を定義するため

に当てはまるものとします。 Article 43 Directive 84/631/EEC is hereby repealed with effect from the date of application of this Regulation. Any shipment pursuant to Articles 4 and 5 of that Directive shall be completed not later than six months from the date of application of this Regulation.

誘導、84/631/EEC は、この規則の適用の日付からのその効力で撤廃されます。その指令の、第 4 条および 5 まで準ずるどんな出

荷もこの規則の適用の日付から 6 か月以内に終わるものとします。 Article 44 This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply 15 months after publication. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. この規則は欧州共同体の公式機関紙中のその出版に続く 3 日目に効力を始めるものとします。それは出版の 15 か月後に適用するも



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Done at Brussels, 1 February 1993. For the Council The President N. HELVEG PETERSEN ブリュッセル、1993 年2 月1 日で行われました。 委員会のために 大統領N.HELVEG PETERSEN (1) OJ No C 115, 6. 5. 1992, p. 4. (2) OJ No C 94, 13. 4. 1992, p. 276 and opinion delivered on 20 January 1993 (not yet published in the Official Journal). (3) OJ No C 269, 14. 10. 1991, p. 10. (4) OJ No L 326, 13. 12. 1984, p. 31. Directive as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC (OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 48). (5) OJ No L 194, 25. 7. 1975, p. 39. Directive as amended by Directive 91/156/EEC (OJ No L 78, 26. 3. 1991, p. 32). (6) OJ No L 35, 12. 2. 1992, p. 24. (7) OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 20. (8) OJ No L 194, 25. 7. 1975, p. 23. Directive as last amended by Directive 91/692/EEC (OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 48). (9)OJ No L 108, 26. 4. 1976, p. 41. (10) OJ No L 270, 23. 9. 1987, p. 1. (11) OJ No L 377, 31. 12. 1991, p. 48.


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European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (1957). 2. Cotif:

Convention concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (1985). RID: Regulation on the international carriage by rail of dangerous goods (1985).

3. Solas Convention: International Convention for the safety of life at sea (1974).

4. IMDG Code (1): International maritime dangerous goods code.

5. Chicago Convention: Convention on international civil aviation (1944), Annex 18 to which deals with the carriage of dangerous goods by air (TI: Technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air).

6. Marpol Convention: International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (1973 to 1978).

7. ADNR: Regulations of the carriage of dangerous substances on the Rhine (1970). (1) This list contains those Conventions in force at the time of adoption of this Regulation. (2) Since 1 January 1985, the IMDG code has been incorporated in the Solas Convention.


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ANNEX II (Commission Decision 1999/816/EC of 24 November 1999) GREEN LIST OF WASTES (1) Regardless of whether or not wastes are included on this list, they may not be moved as green wastes if they are contaminated by other materials to an extent which (a) increases the risks associated with the waste sufficiently to render it appropriate for inclusion in the amber or red lists, or (b) prevents the recovery of the waste in an environmentally sound manner. GA. METAL AND METAL-ALLOY WASTES IN METALLIC, NON-DISPERSIBLE FORM (2) The following waste and scrap of precious metals and their alloys: (OECD Code, Custom Code and Waste description) GA 010 ex 7112 10 — Of gold GA 020 ex 7112 20 — Of platinum (the expression “platinum” includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium) GA 030 ex 7112 90 — Of other precious metal, e.g. silver

NB: Mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals or their alloys or amalgams. The following waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and their alloys: GA 120 7404 00 Copper waste and scrap GA 130 7503 00 Nickel waste and scrap GA 140 7602 00 Aluminium waste and scrap GA 150 ex 7802 00 Lead waste and scrap GA 160 7902 00 Zinc waste and scrap GA 170 8002 10 Tin waste and scrap GA 180 ex 8101 91 Tungsten waste and scrap GA 190 ex 8102 91 Molybdenum waste and scrap GA 200 ex 8103 10 Tantalum waste and scrap GA 210 8104 20 Magnesium waste and scrap (excluding those listed in AA 190) GA 220 ex 8105 10 Cobalt waste and scrap GA 230 ex 8106 00 Bismuth waste and scrap GA 240 ex 8107 10 Cadmium waste and scrap GA 250 ex 8108 10 Titanium waste and scrap GA 260 ex 8109 10 Zirconium waste and scrap GA 270 ex 8110 00 Antimony waste and scrap GA 280 ex 8111 00 Manganese waste and scrap GA 290 ex 8112 11 Beryllium waste and scrap GA 300 ex 8112 20 Chromium waste and scrap GA 310 ex 8112 30 Germanium waste and scrap GA 320 ex 8112 40 Vanadium waste and scrap

ex 8112 91 Wastes and scrap of: GA 330 — Hafnium GA 340 — Indium GA 350 — Niobium GA 360 — Rhenium GA 370 — Gallium GA 400 ex 2804 90 Selenium waste and scrap GA 410 ex 2804 50 Tellurium waste and scrap GA 420 ex 2805 30 Rare earth waste and scrap GA 430 7204 Iron or steel scrap GB. METAL BEARING WASTES ARISING FROM MELTING, SMELTING AND REFINING OF METALS GB 010 2620 11 Hard zinc spelter GB 020 Zinc containing drosses: GB 021 — Galvanising slab zinc top dross (>90 % Zn) GB 022 — Galvanising slab zinc bottom dross (>92 % Zn) GB 023 — Zinc die cast dross (>85 % Zn) GB 024 — Hot dip galvanisers slab zinc dross (batch) (>92 % Zn) GB 025 — Zinc skimmings GB 030 Aluminium skimmings (excluding those that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water, flammable gases in

dangerous quantities) GB 040 ex 2620 90 Slags from precious metals and copper processing for further refining GB 050 Tantalum bearing tin slags with less than 0,5 % tin GC. OTHER WASTES CONTAINING METALS GC 010 Electrical assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys GC 020 Electronic scrap (e.g. printed circuit boards, electronic components, wire, etc.) and reclaimed electronic

components suitable for base and precious metal recovery GC 030 ex 8908 00 Vessels and other floating structures for breaking up, properly emptied of any cargo and other materials arising

from the operation of the vessel which may have been classified as a dangerous substance or waste GC 040 Motor vehicle wrecks, drained of liquids Spent catalysts excluding liquids used as catalysts: GC 050 Spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts (e.g. aluminium oxide, zeolites) GC 060 Spent metal-bearing catalysts containing any of:


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— Precious metals: gold, silver. — Platinum-group metals: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinum. — Transition metals: scandium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, copper, yttrium, niobium, hafnium, tungsten,

titanium, chromium, iron, nickel, zinc, zirconium, molybdenum, tantalum, rhenium. — Lanthanides (rare earth metals): lanthanum, praseodymium, samarium, gadolinium, dysprosium, erbium,

ytterbium, cerium, neodymium, europium, terbium, holmium, thulium, lutetium. GC 070 ex 2619 00 Slags arising from the manufacture of iron and carbon steel (including low alloy steel) excluding those slags which

have been specifically produced to meet both national and relevant international requirements and standards (3) GC 080 Mill scale (ferrous metal) The following metal and metal alloy wastes in metallic dispersible form: GC 090 Molybdenum GC 100 Tungsten GC 110 Tantalum GC 120 Titanium GC 130 Niobium GC 140 Rhenium GC 150 Gold GC 160 Platinum (the expression “platinum” includes platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium) GC 170 Other precious metals, e.g. silver

NB: mercury is specifically excluded as a contaminant of these metals and their alloys or amalgams. GD. WASTES FROM MINING OPERATIONS: THESE WASTES TO BE IN NON-DISPERSIBLE FORM GD 010 ex 2504 90 Natural graphite waste GD 020 ex 2514 00 Slate waste, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise GD 030 2525 30 Mica waste GD 040 ex 2529 30 Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste GD 050 ex 2529 10 Feldspar waste GD 060 ex 2529 21 Fluospar waste

ex 2529 22 GD 070 ex 2811 22 Silica wastes in solid form excluding those used in foundry operations GE. GLASS WASTES IN NON-DISPERSIBLE FORM GE 010 ex 7001 00 Cullet or other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated (with

coatings) glasses GE 020 Fibre glass wastes GF. CERAMIC WASTES IN NON-DISPERSIBLE FORM GF 010 Ceramic wastes which have been fired after shaping, including ceramic vessels (before and/or after use) GF 020 ex 8113 00 Cermet waste and scrap (metal ceramic composites) GF 030 Ceramic based fibres not elsewhere specified or included GG. OTHER WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY CONTAIN

METALS AND ORGANIC MATERIALS GG 010 Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) GG 020 Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings GG 030 ex 2621 Bottom ash and slag tap from coal-fired power plants GG 040 ex 2621 Coal-fired power plants fly ash GG 050 Anode butts of petroleum coke and/or bitumen GG 060 ex 2803 Spent activated carbon, resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and

vitamin production GG 080 ex 2621 00 Slag from copper production, chemical stabilised, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed

according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications

GG 090 Sulphur in solid form GG 100 Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9) GG 110 ex 2621 00 Neutralised red mud from alumina production GG 120 Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides GG 130 Carborundum (silicon carbide) GG 140 Broken concrete GG 150 ex 2620 90 Lithium-tantalum and lithium-niobium containing glass scraps GG 160 Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) from road construction and maintenance, not containing tar GH. SOLID PLASTIC WASTES


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Including, but not limited to: OECD Code Custom Code Waste description GH 010 3915 Waste, parings and scrap of plastics of: GH 011 ex 3915 10 — Polymers of ethylene GH 012 ex 3915 20 — Polymers of styrene GH 013 ex 3915 30 — Polymers of vinyl chloride GH 014 ex 3915 90 — Polymers or copolymers, for example:

— Polypropylene — Polyethylene terephthalate — Acrylonitrile copolymer — Butadiene copolymer — Styrene copolymer — Polyamides — Polybutylene terephthalates — Polycarbonates — Polyphenylene sulphides — Acrylic polymers — Paraffins (C10 - C13) (4) — Polyurethane (not containing chlorofluorocarbons) — Polysiloxalanes (silicones) — Polymethyl metharcrylate — Polyvinyl alcohol — Polyvinyl butyral — Polyvinyl acetate — Polymers of fluorinated ethylene (Teflon, PTFE)

GH 015 ex 3915 90 — Resins or condensation products, for example: — Urea formaldehyde resins — Phenol formaldehyde resins — Melamine formaldehyde resins — Epoxy resins — Alkyd resins — Polyamides

GI. PAPER, PAPERBOARD AND PAPER PRODUCT WASTES GI 010 4707 Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard: GI 011 4707 10 — Of unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard GI 012 4707 20 — Of other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass GI 013 4707 30 — Of paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals and similar

printed matter) GI 014 4707 90 — Other, including but not limited to:

1. Laminated paperboard 2. Unsorted waste and scrap

GJ. TEXTILE WASTES GJ 010 5003 Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) GJ 011 5003 10 — Not carded or combed GJ 012 5003 90 — Other GJ 020 5103 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock GJ 021 5103 10 — Noils of wool or of fine animal hair GJ 022 5103 20 — Other waste of wool or of fine animal hair GJ 023 5103 30 — Waste of coarse animal hair GJ 030 5202 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) GJ 031 5202 10 — Yarn waste (including thread waste) GJ 032 5202 91 — Garnetted stock GJ 033 5202 99 — Other GJ 040 5301 30 Flax tow and waste GJ 050 ex 5302 90 Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) GJ 060 ex 5303 90 Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true

hemp and ramie) GJ 070 ex 5304 90 Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other textile fibres of the genus Agave GJ 080 ex 5305 19 Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of coconut GJ 090 ex 5305 29 Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) GJ 100 ex 5305 99 Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, not

elsewhere specified or included GJ 110 5505 Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres


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GJ 111 5505 10 — Of synthetic fibres GJ 112 5505 20 — Of artificial fibres GJ 120 6309 00 Worn clothing and other worn textile articles GJ 130 ex 6310 Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn-out articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables of textile

materials GJ 131 ex 6310 10 — Sorted GJ 132 ex 6310 90 — Other GJ 140 ex 6310 Waste textile floor coverings, carpets GK. RUBBER WASTES GK 010 4004 00 Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granules obtained therefrom GK 020 4012 20 Used pneumatic tyres GK 030 ex 4017 00 Waste and scrap of hard rubber (for example, ebonite) GL. UNTREATED CORK AND WOOD WASTES GL 010v ex 4401 30 Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms GL 020 4501 90 Cork waste; crushed, granulated or ground cork GM. WASTES ARISING FROM AGRO-FOOD INDUSTRIES GM 070 ex 2307 Wine lees GM 080 ex 2308 Dried and sterilised vegetable waste, residues and by-products, whether or not in the form of pellets, of a kind

used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included GM 090 1522 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes GM 100 0506 90 Waste of bones and horn-cones, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or

degelatinised GM 110 ex 0511 91 Fish waste GM 120 1802 00 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste GM 130 Waste from the agro-food industry excluding by-products which meet national and international requirements

and standards for human or animal consumption GM 140 ex 1500 Waste edible fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin (e.g. frying oils)


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GN. WASTES ARISING FROM TANNING AND FELLMONGERY OPERATIONS AND LEATHER USE GN 010 ex 0502 00 Waste of pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair or of badger hair and other brushmaking hair GN 020 ex 0503 00 Horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material GN 030 ex 0505 90 Waste of skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down, of feathers and parts of feathers (whether or

not with trimmed edges) and down, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation GN 040 ex 4110 00 Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather, not suitable for the manufacture of leather articles,


METALS AND INORGANIC MATERIALS GO 010 ex 0501 00 Waste of human hair GO 020 Waste straw GO 030 Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed GO 040 Waste photographic film and paper (including base and photo-sensitive coating), whether or not containing silver

and not containing silver in free ionic form GO 050 Single-use cameras without batteries.

1999/11/24 (1) Whenever possible, the code number of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, established by the Brussels

Convention of 14 June 1983 under the auspices of the Customs Cooperation Council (Harmonised System) is listed opposite an entry. This code may apply to both wastes and products. This Regulation does not include items which are not wastes. Therefore, the code — used by customs officials in order to facilitate their procedures as well as by others — is only provided here to help in identifying wastes that are listed and subject to this Regulation. However, corresponding official Explanatory Notes as issued by the Customs Cooperation Council should be used a interpretative guidance to identify wastes covered by generic headings. The indicative “ex” identifies a specific item contained within a heading of the Harmonised System code. The code in bold in the first column is the OECD code: it consists of two letters (one for the list: Green, Amber or Red and one for the category of waste: A, B, C,. . .) followed by a number.

(2) “Non-dispersible” does not include any wastes in the form of powder, sludge, dust or solid items containing encased hazardous waste liquids.

(3) This entry covers the use of such slags as a source of titanium dioxide and vanadium. (4) These cannot be polymerised and are used as plasticisers.


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ANNEX III (Commission Decision 1999/816/EC of 24 November 1999) AMBER LIST OF WASTES (1) Regardless of whether or not wastes are included on this list, they may not be moved as amber wastes if they are contaminated by other materials to an extent which (a) increases the risks associated with the waste sufficiently to render it appropriate for inclusion in the red list, or (b) prevents the recovery of the waste in an environmentally sound manner. OECD Code Custom Code Waste description AA. METAL-BEARING WASTES AA 010 ex 2619 00 Dross, scalings and other wastes from the manufacture of iron and steel (2) AA 020 ex 2620 19 Zinc ashes and residues (2) AA 030 2620 20 Lead ashes and residues (2) AA 040 ex 2620 30 Copper ashes and residues (2) AA 050 ex 2620 40 Aluminium ashes and residues (2) AA 060 ex 2620 50 Vanadium ashes and residues (2) AA 070 2620 90 Ashes and residues (2) containing metals or metal compounds not elsewhere specified or included AA 080 ex 8112 91 Thallium waste, scrap and residues AA 090 ex 2804 80 Arsenic waste and residues (2) AA 100 ex 2805 40 Mercury waste and residues (2) AA 110 Residues from alumina production not elsewhere specified or included AA 120 Galvanic sludges AA 130 Liquors from the pickling of metals AA 140 Leaching residues from zinc processing, duts and sludges such as jarosite, hematite, goethite, etc. AA 150 Precious metal bearing residues in solid form which contain traces of inorganic cyanides AA 160 Precious metal ash, sludge, dust and other residues such as: AA 161 — Ash from incineration of printed circuit boards AA 162 — Photographic film ash AA 170 Lead-acid batteries, whole or crushed AA 180 Used batteries or accumulatos, whole or crushed, other than lead-acid batteries, and waste and scrap arising

from the production of batteries and accumulators, not otherwise specified or included AA 190 8104 20 Magnesium waste and scrap that is flammable, pyrophoric or emits, upon contact with water, flammable


METALS AND ORGANIC MATERIALS AB 010 2621 00 Slag, ash and residues (2), not elsewhere specified or included AB 020 Residues arising from the combustion of municipal/household wastes AB 030 Wastes from non-cyanide based systems which arise from surface treatment of metals AB 040 ex 7001 00 Glass waste from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses AB 050 ex 2529 21 Calcium fluoride sludge AB 060 Other inorganic fluorine compounds in the form of liquids or sludges AB 070 Sands used in foundry operations AB 080 Spent catalysts not on the green list AB 090 Waste hydrates of aluminium AB 100 Waste alumina AB 110 Basic solutions AB 120 Inorganic halide compounds, not elsewhere specified or included AB 130 Used blasting grit AB 140 Gypsum arising chemical from industry processes AB 150 Unrefined calcium sulphite and calcium sulphate from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)


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AC 010 ex 2713 90 Waste from the production/processing of petroleum coke and bitumen, excluding anode butts AC 020 Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) not elsewhere specified or included AC 030 Waste oils unfit for their originally intended use AC 040 Leaded petrol (gasoline) sludges AC 050 Thermal (heat transfer) fluids AC 060 Hydraulic fluids AC 070 Brake fluids AC 080 Antifreeze fluids AC 090 Waste from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticisers, glues and adhesives AC 100 ex 3915 90 Nitrocellulose AC 110 Phenols, phenol compounds including chlorophenol in the form of liquids or sludges AC 120 Polychlorinated naphtalenes AC 130 Ethers AC 140 Triethylamine catalyst for setting froundry sands AC 150 Chlorofluorocarbons AC 160 Halons AC 170 Treated cork and wood wastes AC 180 ex 4110 00 Leather dust, ash, sludges and flours AC 190 Fluff — light fraction from automobile shredding AC 200 Organic phosphorous compounds AC 210 Non-halogenated solvents AC 220 Halogenated solvents AC 230 Halogenated or unhalogenated non-aqueous distillation residues arising from organic solvent recovery

operations AC 240 Wastes arising from the production of aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbons (such as chloromethanes,

dichloro-ethane, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, allyl chloride and epichlorhydrin) AC 250 Surface active agents (surfactants) AC 260 Liquid pig manure; faeces AC 270 Sewage sludge AD. WASTES WHICH MAY CONTAIN EITHER INORGANIC OR ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS AD 010 Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products AD 020 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and phytopharmaceuticals AD 030 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood-preserving chemicals Wastes that contain,

consist of or are contaminated with any of the following: AD 040 — Inorganic cyanides, excepting precious metal-bearing residues in solid form containing traces of

inorganic cyanides AD 050 — Organic cyanides AD 060 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions AD 070 Wastes from production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints, lacquers, varnish AD 080 Wastes of an explosive nature, when not subject to specific other legislation AD 090 Wastes from production, formulation and use of reprographic and photographic chemicals and materials

not elsewhere specified or included AD 100 Wastes from non-cyanide based systems which arise from surface treatment of plastics AD 110 Acidic solutions AD 120 Ion exchange resins AD 130 Single-use cameras with batteries AD 140 Wastes from industrial pollution control devices for cleaning of industrial off-gases, not elsewhere

specified or included AD 150 Naturally occuring organic material used as a filter medium (such as biofilters) AD 160 Municipal/household wastes AD 170 ex 2803 Spent activated carbon having hazardous characteristics and resulting from its use in the inorganic

chemical, organic chemical and pharmaceutical industries, waste water treatment, gas/air cleaning processes and similar applications.



(1) Whenever possible, the code number of the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, established by the Brussels Convention of 14 June 1983 under the auspices of the Customs Cooperation Council (Harmonised System) is listed opposite an entry.

This code may apply to both wastes and products. This Regulation does not include items which are not wastes. Therefore, the code — used by customs officials in order to facilitate their procedures as well as by others — is only


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provided here to help in identifying wastes that are listed and subject to this Regulation. However, corresponding official Explanatory Notes as issued by the Customs Cooperation Council should be used as interpretative guidance to identify wastes covered by generic headings. The indicative “ex” identifies a specific item contained within a heading of the Harmonised System code. The code in bold in the first column is the OECD code: it consists of two letters (one for the list: Green, Amber or Red, and one for the category of waste A, B, C, . . . ) followed by a number.

(2) This listing includes wastes in the form of ash, residue, slag, dross, skimming, scaling, dust, powder, sludge and cake, unless a material is expressly listed elsewhere.


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ANNEX IV (Commission Decision 1999/816/EC of 24 November 1999) RED LIST OF WASTES “Containing” or “contaminated with”, when used in this list, mean that the substance referred to is present to an extent which (a) renders the waste hazardous or (b) renders it not suitable for submission to a recovery operation. OECD Code Custom Code Waste description RA. WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY CONTAIN

METALS AND INORGANIC MATERIALS RA 010 Waste substances and articles containing, consisting of or contaminated with polychlorinated byphenyl

(PCB) and/or polychlorinated terphenyl (PCT) and/or polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), including any other polybrominated analogues of these compounds, at a concentration level of 50 mg/kg or more

RA 020 Waste tarry residues (excluding those listed in AC020) arising from refining, destillation and any pyrolitic treatment of organic materials


METALS AND ORGANIC MATERIALS RB 010 Asbestos (dusts and fibres) RB 020 Ceramic-based fibres of physico-chemical characteristics similar to those of asbestos RC. WASTES WHICH MAY CONTAIN EITHER INORGANIC OR ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following: RC 010 — Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan RC 020 — Any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin RC 030 Leaded anti-knock compounds sludges RC 040 Peroxides other than hydrogen peroxide



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ANNEX V (amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2557/2001 of 28 December 2001) INTRODUCTORY NOTES 1. Annex V shall apply without prejudice to Directive 75/442/EEC, as amended by Directive

91/156/EEC, and Directive 91/689/ EEC. 付属資料Vは適用されるものとする、誘導75/442/EEC、修正された誘導91/156/EEC、および誘導91/689/ EECを失うこと

なく。 2. This Annex consists of three parts, whereby Parts 2 and 3 only apply when Part 1 is not applicable.

Consequently, to determine if a specific waste is covered by Annex V to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93, one has to first check whether the waste features in Part 1 of Annex V, if this is not the case whether it features in Part 2, and if this is not the case whether it features in Part 3. この付属資料は、3つの部分から成ります、パート2およびパート3はパート1が適用可能でない場合にのみ適応される。


ト1に記載された廃棄物の特徴を有するか否かを 初にチェックしなければならない。もし、これがそうでない場合、それ



Part 1 is divided into two sub-sections: List A enumerating wastes which are classified as hazardous for the purposes of the Basel Convention and therefore are covered by the export ban and List B enumerating wastes which are not covered by the export ban. Thus, if a waste features in Part 1, one has to check if it is enumerated in List A or in List B. Only if a waste does not feature in either List A or List B of Part 1, one has to check if it features in Part 2 or 3 and if this is the case it is covered by the export ban. パート1は2つのサブセクションに分割されます: リストAはバーゼル条約の対象となる有害として分類される廃棄物を数え


棄物を数えあげる。 したがって、もし、パート1の廃棄物の特徴が、リストAの中に、あるいはリストBの中に数えあげられるかどうか一つはチェ




3. Member States may make provisions, in exceptional cases, to determine, on the basis of documentary evidence provided in an appropriate way by the holder, that a specific hazardous waste on this Annex is excluded from the export ban referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1, of Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 as amended, if it does not display any of the properties listed in Annex III to Directive 91/689/EEC, taking into account, as regards H3 to H8, H10 and H11 of the said Annex, the limit values laid down in Commission Decision 2000/532/EC as amended. 加盟国は所有者によって適切な方法で提供される証拠書類に基づき、異例的に、決定するために、条件を作ってよい、

この付録上の特定の廃棄物の、修正された規則(EEC) 259/93第16条の(1)を参照した輸出禁止から除外されることの、も



In such a case, the Member State concerned shall inform the envisaged importing country prior to taking a decision. Member States shall notify such cases to the Commission before the end of each calendar year. The Commission shall forward the information to all Member States and to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention. On the basis of the information provided, the Commission may make comments and, where appropriate, submit proposals to the Committee established pursuant to Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC with a view to adapting Annex V to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93. そのような場合で、関係のあるメンバー国は、決定をとるに先立った想定される輸入国に通知するものとします。加盟国



なところで、規則(EEC) No.259/93の付録Vを適応した視点からの誘導75/442(EEC)の第18条に準ずる提案を委員会へ

しても良い。 4. The fact that a waste is not listed in this Annex, or that it is listed in Part 1, List B, does not preclude,

in exceptional cases, characterisation of such a waste as hazardous and therefore subject to the export ban referred to in Article 16(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 as amended, if it displays


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any of the properties listed in Annex III to Directive 91/689/EEC, taking into account, as regards H3 to H8 of the said Annex, the limit values laid down in Decision 94/904/EC, as provided for in Article 1(4), second indent, of Directive 91/689/EEC and in the Header of Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93. 事実、1つの廃棄物、この付録にリストされない、またはそれはパート1のリストBにリストされる物は、例外的には、そのよう

な廃棄物の特性記述を危険なものとすることを排除しません、そしてしたがって、規則(EEC) 259/93の第16条の(1)に参



91/689/EEC第1条(4)の第2節に述べられること、規則(EEC) No.259 /93の付録IIのヘッダーの中で述べられることを考慮


In such a case, the Member State concerned shall inform the envisaged importing country prior to taking a decision. Member States shall notify such cases to the Commission before the end of each calendear year. The Commission shall forward the information to all Member States and to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention. On the basis of the information provided, the Commission may make comments and, where appropriate, submit proposals to the Committee established pursuant to Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC with a view to adapting Annex V to Regulation (EEC) No 259/93; そのような場合では、関係のあるメンバー国は、決定をとるに先立った想定される輸入国に通知するものとし



見を述べてもよい、また、適切なところで、規則(EEC) No.259/93の付録Vを適応した視点からの誘導75/442(EEC)の第18条に準ずる提案を委員会へしても良い。


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PART 1 List A (Annex VIII to the Basel Convention)

A1 Metal and metal-bearing wastes A1010 Metal wastes and waste consisting of alloys of any of the following:

— Antimony — Arsenic — Beryllium — Cadmium — Lead — Mercury — Selenium — Tellurium — Thallium but excluding such wastes specifically listed on list B A1020 Waste having as constituents or contaminants, excluding metal waste in massive form, any of the following: — Antimony; antimony compounds — Beryllium; beryllium compounds — Cadmium; cadmium compounds — Lead; lead compounds — Selenium; selenium compounds — Tellurium; tellurium compounds

A1030 Wastes having as constituents or contaminants any of the following: — Arsenic; arsenic compounds — Mercury; mercury compounds — Thallium; thallium compounds A1040 Wastes having as constituents any of the following: — Metal carbonyls — Hexavalent chromium compounds

A1050 Galvanic sludges A1060 Waste liquors from the pickling of metals A1070 Leaching residues from zinc processing, dust and sludges such as jarosite, hematite, etc. A1080 Waste zinc residues not included on list B, containing lead and cadmium in

concentrations sufficient to exhibit Annex III characteristics A1090 Ashes from the incineration of insulated copper wire A1100 Dusts and residues from gas cleaning systems of copper smelters A1110 Spent electrolytic solutions from copper electrorefining and electrowinning operations A1120 Waste sludges, excluding anode slimes, from electrolyte purification systems in copper

electrorefining and electrowinning operations A1130 Spent etching solutions containing dissolved copper A1140 Waste cupric chloride and copper cyanide catalysts A1150 Precious metal ash from incineration of printed circuit boards not included on list B (21) A1160 Waste lead-acid batteries, whole or crushed A1170 Unsorted waste batteries excluding mixtures of only list B batteries. Waste batteries not

specified on list B containing Annex I constituents to an extent to render them hazardous.

A1180 Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap (22) containing components such as accumulators and other batteries included on list A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors, or contaminated with Annex I constituents (e.g. cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) to an extent that they possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III (note the related entry on list B, B1110) (23)

A2 Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and

organic materials A2010 Glass waste from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glasses


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A2020 Waste inorganic fluorine compounds in the form of liquids or sludges but excluding such wastes specified on list B

A2030 Waste catalysts but excluding such wastes specified on list B A2040 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes, when containing Annex I

constituents to the extent that it exhibits an Annex III hazardous characteristic (note the related entry on list B, B2080)

A2050 Waste asbestos (dusts and fibres) A2060 Coal-fired power plant fly-ash containing Annex I substances n concentrations

sufficient to exhibit Annex III characteristics (note the related entry on list B, B2050) A3 Wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and

inorganic materials A3010 Waste from the production or processing of petroleum coke and bitumen A3020 Waste mineral oils unfit for their originally intended use A3030 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with leaded anti-knock compound

sludges A3040 Waste thermal (heat transfer) fluids A3050 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers,

glues/adhesives excluding such wastes specified on list B (note the related entry on list B, B4020)

A3060 Waste nitrocellulose A3070 Waste phenols, phenol compounds including chlorophenol in the form of liquids or

sludges A3080 Waste ethers not including those specified on list B A3090 Waste leather dust, ash, sludges and flours when containing hexavalent chromium

compounds or biocides (note the related entry on list B, B3100) A3100 Waste paring and other waste of leather or of composition leather not suitable for the

manufacture of leather articles containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides (note the related entry on list B, B3090)

A3110 Fellmongery wastes containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides or infectious substances (note the related entry on list B, B3110)

A3120 Fluff-light fraction from shredding A3130 Waste organic phosphorous compounds A3140 Waste non-halogenated organic solvents but excluding such wastes specified on list B A3150 Waste halogenated organic solvents A3160 Waste halogenated or unhalogenated non-aqueous distillation residues arising from

organic solvent recovery operations A3170 Wastes arising from the production of aliphatic halogenated hydrocarbons (such as

chloromethane, dichloro-ethane, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride, allyl chloride and epichlorhydrin)

A3180 Wastes, substances and articles containing, consisting of or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), polychlorinated terphenyl (PCT), polychlorinated naphthalene (PCN) or polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), or any otherpolybrominated analogues of these compounds, at a contration level of 50 mg/kg or more 50 mg/kg (24)

A3190 Waste tarry residues (excluding asphalt cements) arising from refining, distillation and any pyrolitic treatment of organic materials

A4 Wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents A4010 Wastes from the production, preparation and use of pharmaceutical products but

excluding such wastes specified on list B A4020 Clinical and related wastes; that is wastes arising from medical, nursing, dental,

veterinary, or similar practices, and wastes generated in hospitals or other facilities during the investigation or treatment of patients, or research projects

A4030 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of biocides and phytopharmaceuticals, including waste pesticides and herbicides which are off-specification, out-dated (325), or unfit for their originally intended use

A4040 Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals (26) A4050 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following:

— Inorganic cyanides, excepting precious-metal-bearing residues in solid form


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containing traces of inorganic cyanides — Organic cyanides

A4060 Waste oils/water, hydrocarbons/water mixtures, emulsions A4070 Wastes from the production, formulation and use of inks, dyes, pigments, paints,

lacquers, varnish excluding any such waste specified on list B (note the related entry on list B, B4010)

A4080 Wastes of an explosive nature (but excluding such wastes specified on list B) A4090 Waste acidic or basic solutions, other than those specified in the corresponding entry

on list B (note the related entry on list B, B2120) A4100 Wastes from industrial pollution control devices for cleaning of industrial off-gases but

excluding such wastes specified on list B A4110 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with any of the following:

— any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-furan — any congenor of polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin

A4120 Wastes that contain, consist of or are contaminated with peroxides A4130 Waste packages and containers containing Annex I substances in concentrations

sufficient to exhibit Annex III hazard characteristics A4140 Waste consisting of or containing off-specification or outdated (27) chemicals

corresponding to Annex I categories and exhibiting Annex III hazard characteristics A4150 Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching activities which are not identified and/or are new and whose effects on human health and/or the environment are not known

A4160 Spent activated carbon not included on list B (note the related entry on list B, B2060)

List B (Annex IX to the Basel Convention) B1 Metal and metal-bearing wastes B1010 Metal and metal-alloy wastes in metallic, non-dispersible form:

— Precious metals (gold, silver, the platinum group, but not mercury) — Iron and steel scrap — Copper scrap — Nickel scrap — Aluminium scrap — Zinc scrap — Tin scrap — Tungsten scrap — Molybdenum scrap — Tantalum scrap — Magnesium scrap — Cobalt scrap — Bismuth scrap — Titanium scrap — Zirconium scrap — Manganese scrap — Germanium scrap — Vanadium scrap — Scrap of Hafnium, Indium, Niobium, Rhenium and Gallium — Thorium scrap — Rare earths scrap

B1020 Clean, uncontaminated metal scrap, including alloys, in bulk finished form (sheet, plate, beams, rods, etc):

— Antimony scrap — Beryllium scrap — Cadmium scrap — Lead scrap (but excluding lead-acid batteries) — Selenium scrap — Tellurium scrap

B1030 Refractory metals containing residues


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B1040 Scrap assemblies from electrical power generation not contaminated with lubricating oil, PCB or PCT to an extent to render them hazardous

B1050 Mixed non-ferrous metal, heavy fraction scrap, not containing Annex I materials in concentrations sufficient to exhibit AnnexIII characteristics (28)

B1060 Waste Selenium and Tellurium in metallic elemental form including powder B1070 Waste of copper and copper alloys in dispersible form, unless they contain Annex I

constituents to an extent that they exhibit Annex III characteristic B1080 Zinc ash and residues including zinc alloys residues in dispersible form unless containing Annex I constituents in concentration such as to exhibit Annex III characteristics or exhibiting hazard characteristic H4.3 (29)

B1090 Waste batteries conforming to a specification, excluding those made with lead, cadmium or mercury

B1100 Metal-bearing wastes arising from melting, smelting and refining of metals: — Hard zinc spelter — Zinc-containing drosses: — Galvanizing slab zinc top dross (> 90 % Zn) — Galvanizing slab zinc bottom dross (> 92 % Zn) — Zinc die casting dross (> 85 % Zn) — Hot dip galvanizers slab zinc dross (batch) (> 92 % Zn) — Zinc skimmings — Aluminium skimmings (or skims) excluding salt slag — Slags from copper processing for further processing or mrefining not containing

arsenic, lead or cadmium to an extent that they exhibit Annex III hazard characteristics

— Wastes of refractory linings, including crucibles, originating from copper smelting

— Slags from precious metals processing for further refining — Tantalum bearing tin slags with less than 0.5 % tin

B1110 Electrical and electronic assemblies: — Electronic assemblies consisting only of metals or alloys — Waste electrical and electronic assemblies or scrap (30) (including printed

circuit boards) not containing components such as accumulators and other batteries included on list A, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors, or not contaminated with Annex I constituents (e.g. cadmium, mercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyl) or from which these have been removed, to an extent that they do not possess any of the characteristics contained in Annex III (note the related entry on list A, A1180)

— Electrical and electronic assemblies (including printed circuit boards, electronic components and wires) destined for direct re-use (31) and not for recycling or final disposal (32)

B1120 Spent catalysts excluding liquids used as catalysts, containing any of: — Transition Metals, excluding waste catalysts (spent catalysts, liquid used

catalysts or other catalysts) on list A: Scandium Vanadium Manganese Cobalt Copper Yttrium Niobium Hafnium Tungsten Titanium Chromium Iron Nickel Zinc Zirconium Molybdenum Tantalum


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Rhenium — Lanthanides (rare earth metals): Lanthanum Praseodymium Samarium Gadolinium Dysprosium Erbium Ytterbium Cerium Neody Europium Terbium Holmium Thulium Lutetium

B1130 Cleaned spent precious-metal-bearing catalysts B1140 Precious-metal-bearing residues in solid form which contain traces of inorganic

cyanides B1150 Precious metals and alloy wastes (gold, silver, the platinum group, but not mercury) in

a dispersible, non-liquid form with appropriate packaging and labeling B1160 Precious-metal ash from the incineration of printed circuit boards (note the related

entry on list A, A1150) B1170 Precious-metal ash from the incineration of photographic film B1180 Waste photographic film containing silver halides and metallic silver B1190 Waste photographic paper containing silver halides and metallic silver B1200 Granulated slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel B1210 Slag arising from the manufacture of iron and steel including slags as a source of TiO2

and Vanadium B1220 Slag from zinc production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron content (above

20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301) mainly for construction

B1230 Mill scaling arising from the manufacture of iron and steel B1240 Copper oxide mill-scale B2 Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents, which may contain metals and

organic metarials B2010 Wastes from mining operations in non-dispersible form:

— Natural graphite waste — Slate waste, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or

otherwise — Mica waste — Leucite, nepheline and nepheline syenite waste — Feldspar waste — Fluorspar waste — Silica wastes in solid form excluding those used in foundry operations

B2020 Glass waste in non-dispersible form: — Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass except for glass from cathode-ray

tubes and other activated glasses B2030 Ceramic wastes in non-dispersible form:

— Cement wastes and scrap (metal ceramic composites) — Ceramic based fibres not elsewhere specified or included

B2040 Other wastes containing principally inorganic constituents: — Partially refined calcium sulphate produced from flue-gas desulphurization

(FGD)— Waste gypsum wallboard or plasterboard arising from the demolition of buildings

— Slag from copper production, chemically stabilized, having a high iron content (above 20 %) and processed according to industrial specifications (e.g. DIN 4301 and DIN 8201) mainly for construction and abrasive applications


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— Sulphur in solid form — Limestone from the production of calcium cyanamide (having a pH less than 9) — Sodium, potassium, calcium chlorides — Carborundum (silicon carbide) — Broken concrete — Lithium-Tantalum and Lithium-Niobium containing glass scraps

B2050 Coal-fired power plant fly-ash, not included on list A (note the related entry on list A, A2060)

B2060 Spent activated carbon resulting from the treatment of potable water and processes of the food industry and vitamin production (note the related entry on list A, A4160)

B2070 Calcium fluoride sludge B2080 Waste gypsum arising from chemical industry processes not included on list A (note

the related entry on list A, A2040) B2090 Waste anode butts from steel or aluminium production made of petroleum coke or

bitumen and cleaned to normal industry specifications (excluding anode butts from chlor alkali electrolyses and from metallurgical industry)

B2100 Waste hydrates of aluminium and waste alumina and residues from alumina production excluding such materials used for gas cleaning, flocculation or filtration processes

B2110 Bauxite residue (‘red mud’) (pH moderated to less than 11,5) B2120 Waste acidic or basic solutions with a pH greater than 2 and less than 11,5, which are

not corrosive or otherwise hazardous (note the related entry on list A, A4090) B3 Wastes containing principally organic constituents, which may contain metals and

inorganic materials B3010 Solid plastic waste:

The following plastic or mixed plastic materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes and are prepared to a specification:

— Scrap plastic of non-halogenated polymers and co-polymers, including but not limited to the following (33):

— ethylene — styrene — polypropylene — polyethylene terephthalate — acrylonitrile — butadiene — polyacetals — polyamides — polybutylene terephthalate — polycarbonates — polyethers — polyphenylene sulphides — acrylic polymers — alkanes C10-C13 (plasticiser) — polyurethane (not containing CFCs) — polysiloxanes — polymethyl methacrylate — polyvinyl alcohol — polyvinyl butyral — polyvinyl acetate — Cured waste resins or condensation products including the following: — urea formaldehyde resins — phenol formaldehyde resins — melamine formaldehyde resins — expoxy resins — alkyd resins — polyamides — The following fluorinated polymer wastes (34): — Perfluoroethylene/propylene (FEP) — Perfluoroalkoxy alkane (PFA)


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— Perfluoroalkoxy alkane (MFA) — Polyvinylfluoride (PVF) — Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF)

B3020 Paper, paperboard and paper product wastes The following materials, provided they are not mixed with hazardous wastes:

Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard of: — unbleached paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard — other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured

in the mass — paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers,

journals and similar printed matter) — other, including but not limited to

1. laminated paperboard; 2. unsorted scrap

B3030 Textile wastes The following materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes and are prepared to a specification: — Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock)

— not carded or combed — other

— Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock

— noils of wool or of fine animal hair — other waste of wool or of fine animal hair — waste of coarse animal hair

— Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) — yarn waste (including thread waste) — garnetted stock — other

— Flax tow and waste — Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of true hemp

(Cannabis sativa L.) — Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) mof jute and other

textile bast fibres (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie) — Tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) of sisal and other

textile fibres of the genus Agave — Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garneted stock) of coconut — Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garneted stock) of abaca

(Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) — Tow, noils and waste (including yarn waste and garneted stock) of ramie and

other vegetable textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or included — Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres

— of synthetic fibres — of artificial fibres — Worn clothing and other worn textile articles — Used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of twine,

cordage, rope or cables of textile — sorted — other

B3040 R Rubber wastes The following materials, provided they are not mixed with other wastes:

— Waste and scrap of hard rubber (e.g. ebonite) — Other rubber wastes (excluding such wastes specified elsewhere)

B3050 Untreated cork and wood waste: — Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets

or similar forms — Cork waste: crushed, granulated or ground cork

B3060 Wastes arising from agro-food industries provided it is not infectious: — Wine lees


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— Dried and sterilized vegetable waste, residues and by products, whether or not in the form of pellets, or akind used in animal feeding, not elsewhere specified or included

— Degras: residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes

— Waste of bones and horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape), treated with acid or degelatinised

— Fish waste — Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste — Other wastes from the agro-food industry excluding by products which meet

national and international requirements and standards for human or animal consumption

B3070 The following wastes: — Waste of human hair — Waste straw — Deactivated fungus mycelium from penicillin production to be used as animal feed B3080 Waste parings and scrap of rubber B3090 Paring and other wastes of leather or of composition leather not suitable for the

manufacture of leather articles, excluding leather sludges, not containing hexavalent chromium compounds and biocides (note the related entry on list A, A3100)

B3100 Leather dust, ash, sludges or flours not containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides (note the related entry on list A, A3090)

B3110 Fellmongery wastes not containing hexavalent chromium compounds or biocides or infectious substances (note the related entry on list A, A3110)

B3120 Wastes consisting of food dyes B3130 Waste polymer ethers and waste non-hazardous monomer ethers incapable of forming

peroxides B3140 Waste pneumatic tyres, excluding those destined for Annex IV.A operations B4 Wastes which may contain either inorganic or Organic constituents B4010 Wastes consisting mainly of water-based/latex paints, inks and hardened varnishes not

containing organic solvents, heavy metals or biocides to an extent to render them hazardous (note the related entry on list A, A4070)

B4020 Wastes from production, formulation and use of resins, latex, plasticizers, glues/adhesives, not listed on list A, free of solvents and other contaminants to an extent that they do not exhibit Annex III characteristics, e.g. water based, or glues based on casein starch, dextrin, cellulose ethers, polyvinyl alcohols (note the related entry on list A, A3050) B4030 Used single use cameras, with batteries not included on list A

PART 2 Wastes listed in the Annex to Commission Decision 2000/532/EC, as amended. Wastes marked with an asterisk are considered to be hazardous waste pursuant to Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste (35). 01 WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERALS 01 01 wastes from mineral excavation 01 01 01 wastes from mineral metalliferous excavation 01 01 02 wastes from mineral non-metalliferous excavation 01 03 wastes from physical and chemical processing of metalliferous minerals 01 03 04* acid-generating tailings from processing of sulphide ore 01 03 05* other tailings containing dangerous substances


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01 03 06 tailings other than those mentioned in 01 03 04 and 01 03 05 01 03 07* other wastes containing dangerous substances from physical and chemical

processing of metalliferous minerals 01 03 08 dusty and powdery wastes other than those mentioned in 01 03 07 01 03 09 red mud from alumina production other than the wastes mentioned in 01 03 07 01 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 01 04 wastes from physical and chemical processing of nonmetalliferous minerals 01 04 07* Wastes containing dangerous substances from physical and chemical processing

of non-metalliferous minerals 01 04 08 waste gravel and crushed rocks other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 01 04 09 waste sand and clays 01 04 10 dusty and powdery wastes other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 01 04 11 wastes from potash and rock-salt processing other than those mentioned in 01 04

07 01 04 12 tailings and other wastes from washing and cleaning of minerals other than those

mentioned in 01 04 07 and 01 04 11 01 04 13 wastes from stone cutting and sawing other than those mentioned in 01 04 07 01 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified 01 05 drilling muds and other drilling wastes 01 05 04 fresh-water drilling muds and wastes 01 05 05* oil-containing drilling muds and wastes 01 05 06* drilling muds and other drilling wastes containing dangerous substances 01 05 07 barite-containing drilling muds and wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05

05 and01 05 06 01 05 08 chloride-containing drilling muds and wastes other than those mentioned in 01

05 05 and 01 05 06 01 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 WASTES FROM AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, AQUACULTURE,


02 01 wastes from agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, hunting and fishing 02 01 01 sludges from washing and cleaning 02 01 02 animal-tissue waste 02 01 03 plant-tissue waste 02 01 04 waste plastics (except packaging) 02 01 06 animal faeces, urine and manure (including spoiled straw), effluent, collected

separately and treated off-site 02 01 07 wastes from forestry 02 01 08* grochemical waste containing dangerous substances 02 01 09 agrochemical waste other than those mentioned in 02 01 08 02 01 10 waste metal 02 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 02 wastes from the preparation and processing of meat, fish and other foods of

animal origin 02 02 01 sludges from washing and cleaning 02 02 02 animal-tissue waste


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02 02 03 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 02 02 04 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 02 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 03 wastes from fruit, vegetables, cereals, edible oils, cocoa, coffee, tea and tobacco

preparation and processing; conserve production; yeast and yeast extract production, molasses preparation and fermentation

02 03 01 sludges from washing, cleaning, peeling, centrifuging and separation 02 03 02 wastes from preserving agents 02 03 03 wastes from solvent extraction 02 03 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 02 03 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 02 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 04 wastes from sugar processing 02 04 01 soil from cleaning and washing beet 02 04 02 off-specification calcium carbonate 02 04 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 02 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 05 wastes from the dairy products industry 02 05 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 02 05 02 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 02 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 06 wastes from the baking and confectionery industry 02 06 01 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 02 06 02 wastes from preserving agents 02 06 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 02 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified 02 07 wastes from the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (except

coffee, tea and cocoa) 02 07 01 wastes from washing, cleaning and mechanical reduction of raw materials 02 07 02 wastes from spirits distillation 02 07 03 wastes from chemical treatment 02 07 04 materials unsuitable for consumption or processing 02 07 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 02 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified 03 WASTES FROM WOOD PROCESSING AND THE PRODUCTION OF PANELS

AND FURNITURE, PULP, PAPER AND CARDBOARD 03 01 wastes from wood processing and the production of panels and furniture 03 01 01 waste bark and cork 03 01 04* sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood, particle board and veneer containing

dangerous substances 03 01 05 sawdust, shavings, cuttings, wood, particle board and veneer other than those

mentioned in 03 01 04 03 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 03 02 wastes from wood preservation 03 02 01* non-halogenated organic wood preservatives 03 02 02* organochlorinated wood preservatives 03 02 03* organometallic wood preservatives


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03 02 04* inorganic wood preservatives 03 02 05* other wood preservatives containing dangerous substances 03 02 99 wood preservatives not otherwise specified 03 03 wastes from pulp, paper and cardboard production and processing 03 03 01 waste bark and wood 03 03 02 green liquor sludge (from recovery of cooking liquor) 03 03 05 de-inking sludges from paper recycling 03 03 07 mechanically separated rejects from pulping of waste paper and cardboard 03 03 08 wastes from sorting of paper and cardboard destined for recycling 03 03 09 lime mud waste 03 03 10 fibre rejects, fibre-, filler- and coating sludges from mechanical separation 03 03 11 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 03 03 10 03 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 04 WASTES FROM THE LEATHER, FUR AND TEXTILE INDUSTRIES 04 01 wastes from the leather and fur industry 04 01 01 fleshings and lime split wastes 04 01 02 liming waste 04 01 03* degreasing wastes containing solvents without a liquid phase 04 01 04 tanning liquor containing chromium 04 01 05 tanning liquor free of chromium 04 01 06 sludges, in particular from on-site effluent treatment containing chromium 04 01 07 sludges, in particular from on-site effluent treatment free of chromium 04 01 08 waste tanned leather (blue sheetings, shavings, cuttings, buffing dust) containing chromium 04 01 09 wastes from dressing and finishing 04 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 04 02 wastes from the textile industry 04 02 09 wastes from composite materials (impregnated textile, elastomer, plastomer) 04 02 10 organic matter from natural products (e.g. grease, wax) 04 02 14* wastes from finishing containing organic solvents 04 02 15 wastes from finishing other than those mentioned in 04 02 14 04 02 16* dyestuffs and pigments containing dangerous substances 04 02 17 dyestuffs and pigments other than those mentioned in 04 02 16 04 02 19* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 04 02 20 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 04 02 19 04 02 21 wastes from unprocessed textile fibres 04 02 22 wastes from processed textile fibres 04 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 05 WASTES FROM PETROLEUM REFINING, NATURAL GAS PURIFICATION

AND PYROLYTIC TREATMENT OF COAL 05 01 wastes from petroleum refining 05 01 02* desalter sludges 05 01 03* tank bottom sludges 05 01 04* acid alkyl sludges 05 01 05* oil spills 05 01 06* oily sludges from maintenance operations of the plant or equipment 05 01 07* acid tars


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05 01 08* other tars 05 01 09* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 05 01 10 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 05 01 09 05 01 11* wastes from cleaning of fuels with bases 05 01 12* oil containing acids 05 01 13 boiler feedwater sludges 05 01 14 wastes from cooling columns 05 01 15* spent filter clays 05 01 16 sulphur-containing wastes from petroleum desulphurisation 05 01 17 bitumen 05 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 05 06 wastes from the pyrolytic treatment of coal 05 06 01* acid tars 05 06 03* other tars 05 06 04 waste from cooling columns 05 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified 05 07 wastes from natural gas purification and transportation 05 07 01* wastes containing mercury 05 07 02 wastes containing sulphur 05 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 WASTES FROM INORGANIC CHEMICAL PROCESSES 06 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (MFSU)of acids 06 01 01* sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid 06 01 02* hydrochloric acid 06 01 03* hydrofluoric acid 06 01 04* phosphoric and phosphorous acid 06 01 05* nitric acid and nitrous acid 06 01 06* other acids 06 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 02 wastes from the MFSU of bases 06 02 01* calcium hydroxide 06 02 03* ammonium hydroxide 06 02 04* sodium and potassium hydroxide 06 02 05* other bases 06 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 03 wastes from the MFSU of salts and their solutions and metallic oxides 06 03 11* solid salts and solutions containing cyanides 06 03 13* solid salts and solutions containing heavy metals 06 03 14 solid salts and solutions other than those mentioned in 06 03 11 and 06 03 13 06 03 15* metallic oxides containing heavy metals 06 03 16 metallic oxides other than those mentioned in 06 03 15 06 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 04 metal-containing wastes other than those mentioned in 06 03 06 04 03* wastes containing arsenic 06 04 04* wastes containing mercury 06 04 05* wastes containing other heavy metals 06 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified


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06 05 sludges from on-site effluent treatment 06 05 02* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 06 05 03 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 06 05 02 06 06 wastes from the MFSU of sulphur chemicals, sulphur chemical processes and

desulphurisation processes 06 06 02* wastes containing dangerous sulphides 06 06 03 wastes containing sulphides other than those mentioned in 06 06 02 06 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 07 wastes from the MFSU of halogens and halogen chemical processes 06 07 01* wastes containing asbestos from electrolysis 06 07 02* activated carbon from chlorine production 06 07 03* barium sulphate sludge containing mercury 06 07 04* solutions and acids, e.g. contact acid 06 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 08 wastes from the MFSU of silicon and silicon derivatives 06 08 02* wastes containing dangerous chlorosilanes 06 08 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 09 wastes from the MSFU of phosphorous chemicals and phosphorous chemical processes 06 09 02 phosphorous slag 06 09 03* calcium-based reaction wastes containing or contaminated with dangerous

substances 06 09 04 calcium-based reaction wastes other than those mentioned in 06 09 03 06 09 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 10 wastes from the MFSU of nitrogen chemicals, nitrogen chemical processes and

fertiliser manufacture 06 10 02* wastes containing dangerous substances 06 10 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 11 wastes from the manufacture of inorganic pigments and opacificiers 06 11 01 calcium-based reaction wastes from titanium dioxide production 06 11 99 wastes not otherwise specified 06 13 wastes from inorganic chemical processes not otherwise specified 06 13 01* inorganic plant protection products, wood-preserving agents and other biocides. 06 13 02* spent activated carbon (except 06 07 02) 06 13 03 carbon black 06 13 04* wastes from asbestos processing 06 13 05* soot 06 13 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 WASTES FROM ORGANIC CHEMICAL PROCESSES 07 01 wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use (MFSU)of basic

organic chemicals 07 01 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors 07 01 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors


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07 01 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 01 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 01 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 01 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 01 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 01 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 01 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 01 11 07 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 02 wastes from the MFSU of plastics, synthetic rubber and man-made fibres 07 02 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors 07 02 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 02 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 02 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 02 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 02 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 02 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 02 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 02 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 02 11 07 02 13 waste plastic 07 02 14* wastes from additives containing dangerous substances 07 02 15 wastes from additives other than those mentioned in 07 02 14 07 02 16* wastes containing dangerous silicones 07 02 17 waste containing silicones other than those mentioned in 07 02 16 07 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 03 wastes from the MFSU of organic dyes and pigments (except 06 11) 07 03 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors 07 03 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 03 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 03 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 03 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 03 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 03 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 03 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 03 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 03 11 07 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 04 wastes from the MFSU of organic plant protection products (except 02 01 08

and 02 01 09), wood preserving agents (except 03 02)and other biocides 07 04 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors 07 04 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 04 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 04 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 04 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 04 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 04 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 04 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 04 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 04 11 07 04 13* solid wastes containing dangerous substances 07 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 05 wastes from the MFSU of pharmaceuticals 07 05 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors


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07 05 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 05 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 05 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 05 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 05 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 05 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 05 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 05 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 05 11 07 05 13* solid wastes containing dangerous substances 07 05 14 solid wastes other than those mentioned in 07 05 13 07 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 06 wastes from the MFSU of fats, grease, soaps, detergents, disinfectants and cosmetics 07 06 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors 07 06 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 06 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 06 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 06 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 06 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 06 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 06 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 06 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 06 11 07 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified 07 07 wastes from the MFSU of fine chemicals and chemical products not otherwise

specified 07 07 01* aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors 07 07 03* organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 07 04* other organic solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors 07 07 07* halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues 07 07 08* other still bottoms and reaction residues 07 07 09* halogenated filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 07 10* other filter cakes and spent absorbents 07 07 11* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 07 07 12 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 07 07 11 07 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified 08 WASTES FROM THE MANUFACTURE, FORMULATION, SUPPLY AND USE


08 01 wastes from MFSU and removal of paint and varnish 08 01 11* waste paint and varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous

substances 08 01 12 waste paint and varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 11 08 01 13* sludges from paint or varnish containing organic solvents or other dangerous

substances 08 01 14 sludges from paint or varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01 13 08 01 15* aqueous sludges containing paint or varnish containing organic solvents or other

dangerous substances 08 01 16 aqueous sludges containing paint or varnish other than those mentioned in 08 01

15 08 01 17* wastes from paint or varnish removal containing organic solvents or other

dangerous substances


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08 01 18 wastes from paint or varnish removal other than those mentioned in 08 01 17 08 01 19* aqueous suspensions containing paint or varnish containing organic solvents or

other dangerous substances 08 01 20 aqueous suspensions containing paint or varnish other than those mentioned in 08

01 19 08 01 21* waste paint or varnish remover 08 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 08 02 wastes from MFSU of other coatings (including ceramic materials) 08 02 01 waste coating powders 08 02 02 aqueous sludges containing ceramic materials 08 02 03 aqueous suspensions containing ceramic materials 08 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 08 03 wastes from MFSU of printing inks 08 03 07 aqueous sludges containing ink 08 03 08 aqueous liquid waste containing ink 08 03 12* waste ink containing dangerous substances 08 03 13 waste ink other than those mentioned in 08 03 12 08 03 14* ink sludges containing dangerous substances 08 03 15 Ink sludges other than those mentioned in 08 03 14 08 03 16* waste etching solutions 08 03 17* waste printing toner containing dangerous substances 08 03 18 waste printing toner other than those mentioned in 08 03 17 08 03 19* disperse oil 08 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 08 04 wastes from MFSU of adhesives and sealants (including waterproofing products) 08 04 09* waste adhesives and sealants containing organic solvents or other dangerous

substances 08 04 10 waste adhesives and sealants other than those mentioned in 08 04 09 08 04 11* adhesive and sealant sludges containing organic solvents or other dangerous

substances 08 04 12 adhesive and sealant sludges other than those mentioned in 08 04 11 08 04 13* aqueous sludges containing adhesives or sealants containing organic solvents or

other dangerous substances 08 04 14 aqueous sludges containing adhesives or sealants other than those mentioned in

08 04 13 08 04 15* aqueous liquid waste containing adhesives or sealants containing organic

solvents or other dangerous substances 08 04 16 aqueous liquid waste containing adhesives or sealants other than those mentioned

in 08 04 15 08 04 17* rosin oil 08 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified 08 05 wastes not otherwise specified in 08 08 05 01* waste isocyanates 09 WASTES FROM THE PHOTOGRAPHIC INDUSTRY 09 01 wastes from the photographic industry 09 01 01* water-based developer and activator solutions


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09 01 02* water-based offset plate developer solutions 09 01 03* solvent-based developer solutions 09 01 04* fixer solutions 09 01 05* bleach solutions and bleach fixer solutions 09 01 06* wastes containing silver from on-site treatment of photographic wastes 09 01 07 photographic film and paper containing silver or silver compounds 09 01 08 photographic film and paper free of silver or silver compounds 09 01 10 single-use cameras without batteries 09 01 11* single-use cameras containing batteries included in 16 06 01, 16 06 02 or 16 06

03 09 01 12 single-use cameras containing batteries other than those mentioned in 09 01 11 09 01 13* aqueous liquid waste from on-site reclamation of silver other than those

mentioned in 09 01 06 09 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 WASTES FROM THERMAL PROCESSES 10 01 wastes from power stations and other combustion plants (except 19) 10 01 01 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust (excluding boiler dust mentioned in 10 01 04) 10 01 02 coal fly ash 10 01 03 fly ash from peat and untreated wood 10 01 04* oil fly ash and -boiler dust 10 01 05 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in solid form 10 01 07 calcium-based reaction wastes from flue-gas desulphurisation in sludge form 10 01 09* sulphuric acid 10 01 13* fly ash from emulsified hydrocarbons used as fuel 10 01 14* bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from co-incineration containing dangerous

substances 10 01 15 bottom ash, slag and boiler dust from co-incineration other than those mentioned

in 10 01 14 10 01 16* fly ash from co-incineration containing dangerous substances 10 01 17 fly ash from co-incineration other than those mentioned in 10 01 16 10 01 18* wastes from gas cleaning containing dangerous substances 10 01 19 wastes from gas cleaning other than those mentioned in 10 01 05, 10 01 07 and

10 01 18 10 01 20* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 10 01 21 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 10 01 20 10 01 22* aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing containing dangerous substances 10 01 23 aqueous sludges from boiler cleansing other than those mentioned in 10 01 22 10 01 24 sands from fluidised beds 10 01 25 wastes from fuel storage and preparation of coal-fired power plants 10 01 26 wastes from cooling-water treatment 10 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 02 wastes from the iron and steel industry 10 02 01 wastes from the processing of slag 10 02 02 unprocessed slag 10 02 07* solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances 10 02 08 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 07 10 02 10 mill scales 10 02 11* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil 10 02 12 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 11 10 02 13* sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances


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10 02 14 s Sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 02 13

10 02 15 other sludges and filter cakes 10 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 03 wastes from aluminium thermal metallurgy 10 03 02 anode scraps 10 03 04* primary production slags 10 03 05 waste alumina 10 03 08* salt slags from secondary production 10 03 09* black drosses from secondary production 10 03 15* skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water, flammable gases

in dangerous quantities 10 03 16 skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 03 15 10 03 17* tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture 10 03 18 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in

10 03 17 10 03 19* flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances 10 03 20 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 03 19 10 03 21* ther particulates and dust (including ball-mill dust) containing dangerous

substances 10 03 22 other particulates and dust (including ball-mill dust) other than those mentioned

in 10 03 21 10 03 23* solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances 10 03 24 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 23 10 03 25* sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances 10 03 26 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03

25 10 03 27* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil 10 03 28 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 03 27 10 03 29* wastes from treatment of salt slags and black drosses mcontaining dangerous

substances 10 03 30 wastes from treatment of salt slags and black drosses other than those mentioned

in 10 03 29 10 03 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 04 wastes from lead thermal metallurgy 10 04 01* slags from primary and secondary production 10 04 02* dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production 10 04 03* calcium arsenate 10 04 04* flue-gas dust 10 04 05* other particulates and dust 10 04 06* solid wastes from gas treatment 10 04 07* sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment 10 04 09* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil 10 04 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mmentioned in 10 04 09 10 04 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 05 wastes from zinc thermal metallurgy 10 05 01 slags from primary and secondary production 10 05 03* flue-gas dust 10 05 04 other particulates and dust 10 05 05* solid waste from gas treatment 10 05 06* sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment 10 05 08* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil


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10 05 09 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 05 08 10 05 10* dross and skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water,

flammable gases in dangerous quantities 10 05 11 dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 05 10 10 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 06 wastes from copper thermal metallurgy 10 06 01 slags from primary and secondary production 10 06 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production 10 06 03* flue-gas dust 10 06 04 other particulates and dust 10 06 06* solid wastes from gas treatment 10 06 07* sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment 10 06 09* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil 10 06 10 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 06 09 10 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 07 wastes from silver, gold and platinum thermal metallurgy 10 07 01 slags from primary and secondary production 10 07 02 dross and skimmings from primary and secondary production 10 07 03 solid wastes from gas treatment 10 07 04 other particulates and dust 10 07 05 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment 10 07 07* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil 10 07 08 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mmentioned in 10 07 07 10 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 08 wastes from other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy 10 08 04 particulates and dust 10 08 08* salt slag from primary and secondary production 10 08 09 other slags 10 08 10* dross and skimmings that are flammable or emit, upon contact with water,

flammable gases in dangerous quantities 10 08 11 dross and skimmings other than those mentioned in 10 08 10 10 08 12* tar-containing wastes from anode manufacture 10 08 13 carbon-containing wastes from anode manufacture other than those mentioned in

10 08 12 10 08 14 anode scrap 10 08 15* flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances 10 08 16 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 08 15 10 08 17* sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment containing mdangerous

substances 10 08 18 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10

08 17 10 08 19* wastes from cooling-water treatment containing oil 10 08 20 wastes from cooling-water treatment other than those mentioned in 10 08 19 10 08 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 09 wastes from casting of ferrous pieces 10 09 03 furnace slag 10 09 05* casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring containing

dangerous substances 10 09 06 casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring other than those

mentioned in 10 09 05 10 09 07* casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring containing dangerous


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substances 10 09 08 casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring other than those

mentioned in 10 09 07 10 09 09* flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances 10 09 10 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 09 09 10 09 11* other particulates containing dangerous substances 10 09 12 other particulates other than those mentioned in 10 09 11 10 09 13* waste binders containing dangerous substances 10 09 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 09 13 10 09 15* waste crack-indicating agent containing dangerous substances 10 09 16 waste crack-indicating agent other than those mentioned in 10 09 15 10 09 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 10 wastes from casting of non-ferrous pieces 10 10 03 furnace slag 10 10 05* casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring containing

dangerous substances 10 10 06 casting cores and moulds which have not undergone pouring other than those

mentioned in 10 10 05 10 10 07* casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring containing dangerous

substances 10 10 08 casting cores and moulds which have undergone pouring other than those

mentioned in 10 10 07 10 10 09* flue-gas dust containing dangerous substances 10 10 10 flue-gas dust other than those mentioned in 10 10 09 10 10 11* other particulates containing dangerous substances 10 10 12 other particulates other than those mentioned in 10 10 11 10 10 13* waste binders containing dangerous substances 10 10 14 waste binders other than those mentioned in 10 10 13 10 10 15* waste crack-indicating agent containing dangerous substances 10 10 16 waste crack-indicating agent other than those mentioned in 10 10 15 10 10 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 11 wastes from manufacture of glass and glass products 10 11 03 waste glass-based fibrous materials 10 11 05 particulates and dust 10 11 09* waste preparation mixture before thermal processing containing dangerous

substances 10 11 10 waste preparation mixture before thermal processing other than those mentioned

in 10 11 09 10 11 11* waste glass in small particles and glass powder containing heavy metals (e.g.

from cathode ray tubes) 10 11 12 waste glass other than those mentioned in 10 11 11 10 11 13* glass-polishing and -grinding sludge containing dangerous substances 10 11 14 glass-polishing and -grinding sludge other than those mentioned in 10 11 13 10 11 15* solid wastes from flue-gas treatment containing dangerous substances 10 11 16 solid wastes from flue-gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 11 15 10 11 17* sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment containing dangerous substances 10 11 18 sludges and filter cakes from flue-gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10

11 17 10 11 19* solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 10 11 20 solid wastes from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 10 11

19 10 11 99 wastes not otherwise specified


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10 12 wastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles and construction products

10 12 01 waste preparation mixture before thermal processing 10 12 03 particulates and dust 10 12 05 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment 10 12 06 discarded molds 10 12 08 waste ceramics, bricks, tiles and construction products (after thermal

processing)10 12 09* solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances

10 12 10 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 12 09 10 12 11* wastes from glazing containing heavy metals 10 12 12 wastes from glazing other than those mentioned in 10 12 11 10 12 13 sludge from on-site effluent treatment 10 12 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 13 wastes from manufacture of cement, lime and plaster and articles and products

made from them 10 13 01 waste preparation mixture before thermal processing 10 13 04 wastes from calcination and hydration of lime 10 13 06 particulates and dust (except 10 13 12 and 10 13 13) 10 13 07 sludges and filter cakes from gas treatment 10 13 09* wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture containing asbestos 10 13 10 wastes from asbestos-cement manufacture other than those mentioned in 10 13

09 10 13 11 wastes from cement-based composite materials other than those mentioned in 10

13 09 and 10 13 10 10 13 12* solid wastes from gas treatment containing dangerous substances 10 13 13 solid wastes from gas treatment other than those mentioned in 10 13 12 10 13 14 waste concrete and concrete sludge 10 13 99 wastes not otherwise specified 10 14 waste from crematoria 10 14 01* waste from gas cleaning containing mercury 11 WASTES FROM CHEMICAL SURFACE TREATMENT AND COATING OF

METALS AND OTHER MATERIALS; NON-FERROUS HYDROMETALLURGY 11 01 wastes from chemical surface treatment and coating of metals and other

materials (eg. galvanic processes, zinc coating processes, pickling processes, etching, phosphatising, alkaline degreasing, anodising)

11 01 05* pickling acids 11 01 06* acids not otherwise specified 11 01 07* pickling bases 11 01 08* phosphatising sludges 11 01 09* sludges and filter cakes containing dangerous substances 11 01 10 sludges and filter cakes other than those mentioned in 11 01 09 11 01 11* aqueous rinsing liquids containing dangerous substances 11 01 12 aqueous rinsing liquids other than those mentioned in 11 01 11 11 01 13* degreasing wastes containing dangerous substances 11 01 14 degreasing wastes other than those mentioned in 11 01 13 11 01 15* eluate and sludges from membrane systems or ion exchange systems containing

dangerous substances


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11 01 16* saturated or spent ion exchange resins 11 01 98* other wastes containing dangerous substances 11 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 11 02 wastes from non-ferrous hydrometallurgical processes 11 02 02* sludges from zinc hydrometallurgy (incl. jarosite, goethite) 11 02 03 wastes from the production of anodes for aqueous electrolytical processes 11 02 05* wastes from copper hydrometallurgical processes containing dangerous

substances 11 02 06 wastes from copper hydrometallurgical processes other than those mentioned in 11 02 05 11 02 07* other wastes containing dangerous substances 11 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 11 03 sludges and solids from tempering processes 11 03 01* wastes containing cyanide 11 03 02* other wastes 11 05 wastes from hot galvanising processes 11 05 01 hard zinc 11 05 02 zinc ash 11 05 03* solid wastes from gas treatment 11 05 04* spent flux 11 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified 12 WASTES FROM SHAPING AND PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL SURFACE

TREATMENT OF METALS AND PLASTICS 12 01 wastes from shaping and physical and mechanical surface treatment of metals

and plastics 12 01 01 ferrous metal filings and turnings 12 01 02 ferrous metal dust and particles 12 01 03 non-ferrous metal filings and turnings 12 01 04 non-ferrous metal dust and particles 12 01 05 plastics shavings and turnings 12 01 06* mineral-based machining oils containing halogens (except emulsions and

solutions) 12 01 07* mineral-based machining oils free of halogens (except emulsions and solutions) 12 01 08* machining emulsions and solutions containing halogens 12 01 09* machining emulsions and solutions free of halogens 12 01 10* synthetic machining oils 12 01 12* spent waxes and fats 12 01 13 welding wastes 12 01 14* machining sludges containing dangerous substances 12 01 15 machining sludges other than those mentioned in 12 01 14 12 01 16* waste blasting material containing dangerous substances 12 01 17 waste blasting material other than those mentioned in 12 01 16 12 01 18* metal sludge (grinding, honing and lapping sludge) containing oil 12 01 19* readily biodegradable machining oil 12 01 20* spent grinding bodies and grinding materials containing dangerous substances 12 01 21 spent grinding bodies and grinding materials other than those mentioned in 12 01

20 12 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 12 03 wastes from water and steam degreasing processes (except 11)


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12 03 01* aqueous washing liquids 12 03 02* steam degreasing wastes 13 OIL WASTES AND WASTES OF LIQUID FUELS (EXCEPT EDIBLE OILS, AND

THOSE IN CHAPTERS 05, 12 AND 19) 13 01 waste hydraulic oils 13 01 01* hydraulic oils, containing PCBs (36) 13 01 04* chlorinated emulsions 13 01 05* non-chlorinated emulsions 13 01 09* mineral-based chlorinated hydraulic oils 13 01 10* mineral based non-chlorinated hydraulic oils 13 01 11* synthetic hydraulic oils 13 01 12* readily biodegradable hydraulic oils 13 01 13* other hydraulic oils 13 02 waste engine, gear and lubricating oils 13 02 04* mineral-based chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils 13 02 05* mineral-based non-chlorinated engine, gear and lubricating oils 13 02 06* synthetic engine, gear and lubricating oils 13 02 07* readily biodegradable engine, gear and lubricating oils 13 02 08* other engine, gear and lubricating oils 13 03 waste insulating and heat transmission oils 13 03 01* insulating or heat transmission oils containing PCBs 13 03 06* mineral-based chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils other than those

mentioned in 13 03 01 13 03 07* mineral-based non-chlorinated insulating and heat transmission oils 13 03 08* synthetic insulating and heat transmission oils 13 03 09* readily biodegradable insulating and heat transmission oils 13 03 10* other insulating and heat transmission oils 13 04 bilge oils 13 04 01* bilge oils from inland navigation 13 04 02* bilge oils from jetty sewers 13 04 03* bilge oils from other navigation 13 05 oil/water separator contents 13 05 01* solids from grit chambers and oil/water separators 13 05 02* sludges from oil/water separators 13 05 03* interceptor sludges 13 05 06* oil from oil/water separators 13 05 07* oily water from oil/water separators 13 05 08* mixtures of wastes from grit chambers and oil/water separators 13 07 wastes of liquid fuels 13 07 01* fuel oil and diesel 13 07 02* petrol 13 07 03* other fuels (including mixtures) 13 08 oil wastes not otherwise specified 13 08 01* desalter sludges or emulsions 13 08 02* other emulsions 13 08 99* wastes not otherwise specified


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(EXCEPT 07 AND 08) 14 06 waste organic solvents, refrigerants and foam/aerosol propellants 14 06 01* chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFC 14 06 02* other halogenated solvents and solvent mixtures 14 06 03* other solvents and solvent mixtures 14 06 04* sludges or solid wastes containing halogenated solvents 14 06 05* sludges or solid wastes containing other solvents 15 WASTE PACKAGING; ABSORBENTS, WIPING CLOTHS, FILTER

MATERIALS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 15 01 packaging (including separately collected municipal packaging waste) 15 01 01 paper and cardboard packaging 15 01 02 plastic packaging 15 01 03 wooden packaging 15 01 04 metallic packaging 15 01 05 composite packaging 15 01 06 mixed packaging 15 01 07 glass packaging 15 01 09 textile packaging 15 01 10* packaging containing residues of or contaminated by dangerous substances 15 01 11* metallic packaging containing a dangerous solid porous matrix (e.g. asbestos),

including empty pressure containers 15 02 absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing 15 02 02* absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified), wiping

cloths, protective clothing contaminated by dangerous substances 15 02 03 absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those

mentioned in 15 02 02 16 WASTES NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THE LIST 16 01 end-of-life vehicles from different means of transport (including off-road

machinery)and wastes from dismantling of end-of-life vehicles and vehicle maintenance (except 13, 14, 16 06 and 16 08)

16 01 03 end-of-life tyres 16 01 04* end-of-life vehicles 16 01 06 end-of-life vehicles, containing neither liquids nor other hazardous components 16 01 07* oil filters 16 01 08* components containing mercury 16 01 09* components containing PCBs 16 01 10* explosive components (e.g. air bags) 16 01 11* brake pads containing asbestos 16 01 12 brake pads other than those mentioned in 16 01 11 16 01 13* brake fluids 16 01 14* antifreeze fluids containing dangerous substances 16 01 15 antifreeze fluids other than those mentioned in 16 01 14 16 01 16 tanks for liquefied gas 16 01 17 ferrous metal 16 01 18 non-ferrous metal


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16 01 19 plastic 16 01 20 glass 16 01 21* hazardous components other than those mentioned in 16 01 07 to 16 01 11 and

16 01 13 and 16 01 14 16 01 22 components not otherwise specified 16 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 16 02 wastes from electrical and electronic equipment 16 02 09* transformers and capacitors containing PCBs 16 02 10* discarded equipment containing or contaminated by PCBs other than those

mentioned in 16 02 09 16 02 11* discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons, HCFC, HFC 16 02 12* discarded equipment containing free asbestos 16 02 13* discarded equipment containing hazardous components (37) other than those

mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12 16 02 14 discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 13 16 02 15* hazardous components removed from discarded equipment 16 02 16 components removed from discarded equipment other than those mentioned in 16

02 15 16 03 off-specification batches and unused products 16 03 03* inorganic wastes containing dangerous substances 16 03 04 inorganic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 03 16 03 05* organic wastes containing dangerous substances 16 03 06 organic wastes other than those mentioned in 16 03 05 16 04 waste explosives 16 04 01* waste ammunition 16 04 02* fireworks wastes 16 04 03* other waste explosives 16 05 gases in pressure containers and discarded chemicals 16 05 04* gases in pressure containers (including halons) containing dangerous substances 16 05 05 gases in pressure containers other than those mentioned in 16 05 04 16 05 06* laboratory chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances including

mixtures of laboratory chemicals 16 05 07* discarded inorganic chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances 16 05 08* discarded organic chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances 16 05 09 discarded chemicals other than those mentioned in 16 05 06, 16 05 07 or 16 05

08 16 06 batteries and accumulators 16 06 01* lead batteries 16 06 02* Ni-Cd batteries 16 06 03* mercury-containing batteries 16 06 04 alkaline batteries (except 16 06 03) 16 06 05 other batteries and accumulators 16 06 06* separately collected electrolyte from batteries and accumulators 16 07 wastes from transport tank, storage tank and barrel cleaning (except 05 and 13) 16 07 08* wastes containing oil 16 07 09* wastes containing other dangerous substances 16 07 99 wastes not otherwise specified


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16 08 spent catalysts 16 08 01 spent catalysts containing gold, silver, rhenium, rhodium,palladium, iridium or

platinum (except 16 08 07) 16 08 02* spent catalysts containing dangerous transition metals (38) or dangerous

transition metal compounds 16 08 03 spent catalysts containing transition metals or transition metal compounds not

otherwise specified 16 08 04 spent fluid catalytic cracking catalysts (except 16 08 07) 16 08 05* spent catalysts containing phosphoric acid 16 08 06* spent liquids used as catalysts 16 08 07* spent catalysts contaminated with dangerous substances 16 09 oxidising substances 16 09 01* permanganates, e.g. potassium permanganate 16 09 02* chromates, e.g. potassium chromate, potassium or sodium dichromate 16 09 03* peroxides, e.g. hydrogen peroxide 16 09 04* oxidising substances, not otherwise specified 16 10 aqueous liquid wastes destined for off-site treatment 16 10 01* aqueous liquid wastes containing dangerous substances 16 10 02 aqueous liquid wastes other than those mentioned in 16 10 01 16 10 03* aqueous concentrates containing dangerous substances 16 10 04 aqueous concentrates other than those mentioned in 16 10 03 16 11 waste linings and refractories 16 11 01* carbon-based linings and refractories from metallurgical processes containing

dangerous substances 16 11 02 carbon-based linings and refractories from metallurgical processes others than

those mentioned in 16 11 01 16 11 03* other linings and refractories from metallurgical processes containing dangerous

substances 16 11 04 other linings and refractories from metallurgical processes other than those

mentioned in 16 11 03 16 11 05* linings and refractories from non-metallurgical processes containing dangerous

substances 16 11 06 linings and refractories from non-metallurgical processes others than those


SOIL FROM CONTAMINATED SITES) 17 01 concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics 17 01 01 concrete 17 01 02 bricks 17 01 03 tiles and ceramics 17 01 06* mixtures of, or separate fractions of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics containing

dangerous substances 17 01 07 mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics other than those mentioned in 17

01 06 17 02 wood, glass and plastic 17 02 01 wood 17 02 02 glass 17 02 03 plastic 17 02 04* glass, plastic and wood containing or contaminated with dangerous substances


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17 03 bituminous mixtures, coal tar and tarred products 17 03 01* bituminous mixtures containing coal tar 17 03 02 bituminous mixtures other than those mentioned in 17 03 01 17 03 03* coal tar and tarred products 17 04 metals (including their alloys) 17 04 01 copper, bronze, brass 17 04 02 aluminium 17 04 03 lead 17 04 04 zinc 17 04 05 iron and steel 17 04 06 tin 17 04 07 mixed metals 17 04 09* metal waste contaminated with dangerous substances 17 04 10* cables containing oil, coal tar and other dangerous substances 17 04 11 cables other than those mentioned in 17 04 10 17 05 soil (including excavated soil from contaminated sites), stones and dredging spoil 17 05 03* soil and stones containing dangerous substances 17 05 04 soil and stones other than those mentioned in 17 05 03 17 05 05* dredging spoil containing dangerous substances 17 05 06 dredging spoil other than those mentioned in 17 05 05 17 05 07* track ballast containing dangerous substances 17 05 08 track ballast other than those mentioned in 17 05 07 17 06 insulation materials and asbestos-containing construction materials 17 06 01* insulation materials containing asbestos 17 06 03* other insulation materials consisting of or containing dangerous substances 17 06 04 insulation materials other than those mentioned in 17 06 01 and 17 06 03 17 06 05* construction materials containing asbestos 17 08 gypsum-based construction material 17 08 01* gypsum-based construction materials contaminated with dangerous substances 17 08 02 gypsum-based construction materials other than those mentioned in 17 08 01 17 09 other construction and demolition wastes 17 09 01* construction and demolition wastes containing mercury 17 09 02* construction and demolition wastes containing PCB (e.g. PCB containing sealants,

PCB-containing resin-based floorings, PCB-containing sealed glazing units, PCB-containing capacitors)

17 09 03* other construction and demolition wastes (including mixed wastes) containing dangerous substances

17 09 04 mixed construction and demolition wastes other than those mentioned in 17 09 01, 17 09 02 and 17 09 03



18 01 wastes from natal care, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease in humans 18 01 01 sharps (except 18 01 03) 18 01 02 body parts and organs including blood bags and blood preserves (except 18 01



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18 01 03* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection

18 01 04 wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection (e.g. dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapers)

18 01 06* chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances 18 01 07 chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 01 06 18 01 08* cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines 18 01 09 medicines other than those mentioned in 18 01 08 18 01 10* amalgam waste from dental care 18 02 wastes from research, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease involving

animals 18 02 01 sharps (except 18 02 02) 18 02 02* wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order

to prevent infection 18 02 03 wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in

order to prevent infection 18 02 05* chemicals consisting of or containing dangerous substances 18 02 06 chemicals other than those mentioned in 18 02 05 18 02 07* cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines 18 02 08 medicines other than those mentioned in 18 02 07 19 WASTES FROM WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES, OFF-SITE WASTE


19 01 wastes from incineration or pyrolysis of waste 19 01 02 ferrous materials removed from bottom ash 19 01 05* filter cake from gas treatment 19 01 06* aqueous liquid wastes from gas treatment and other aqueous liquid wastes 19 01 07* solid wastes from gas treatment 19 01 10* spent activated carbon from flue-gas treatment 19 01 11* bottom ash and slag containing dangerous substances 19 01 12 bottom ash and slag other than those mentioned in 19 01 11 19 01 13* fly ash containing dangerous substances 19 01 14 fly ash other than those mentioned in 19 01 13 19 01 15* boiler dust containing dangerous substances 19 01 16 boiler dust other than those mentioned in 19 01 15 19 01 17* pyrolysis wastes containing dangerous substances 19 01 18 pyrolysis wastes other than those mentioned in 19 01 17 19 01 19 sands from fluidised beds 19 01 99 wastes not otherwise specified 19 02 wastes from physico/chemical treatments of waste (including dechromatation,

decyanidation, neutralisation) 19 02 03 premixed wastes composed only of non hazardous wastes 19 02 04* premixed wastes composed of at least one hazardous waste 19 02 05* sludges from physico/chemical treatment containing dangerous substances 19 02 06 s ludges from physico/chemical treatment other than those mentioned in 19 02 05 19 02 07* oil and concentrates from separation 19 02 08* liquid combustible wastes containing dangerous substances


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19 02 09* solid combustible wastes containing dangerous substances 19 02 10 combustible wastes other than those mentioned in 19 02 08 and 19 02 09 19 02 11* other wastes containing dangerous substances 19 02 99 wastes not otherwise specified 19 03 stabilised/solidified wastes (39) 19 03 04* wastes marked as hazardous, partly (40) stabilised 19 03 05 stabilised wastes other than those mentioned in 19 03 04 19 03 06* wastes marked as hazardous, solidified 19 03 07 Solidified wastes other than those mentioned in 19 03 06 19 04 vitrified waste and wastes from vitrification 19 04 01 vitrified waste 19 04 02* fly ash and other flue-gas treatment wastes 19 04 03* non-vitrified solid phase 19 04 04 aqueous liquid wastes from vitrified waste tempering 19 05 wastes from aerobic treatment of solid wastes 19 05 01 non-composted fraction of municipal and similar wastes 19 05 02 non-composted fraction of animal and vegetable waste 19 05 03 off-specification compost 19 05 99 wastes not otherwise specified 19 06 wastes from anaerobic treatment of waste 19 06 03 liquor from anaerobic treatment of municipal waste 19 06 04 digestate from anaerobic treatment of municipal waste 19 06 05 l iquor from anaerobic treatment of animal and vegetable waste 19 06 06 digestate from anaerobic treatment of animal and vegetable waste 19 06 99 wastes not otherwise specified 19 07 landfill leachate 19 07 02* landfill leachate containing dangerous substances 19 07 03 landfill leachate other than those mentioned in 19 07 02 19 08 wastes from waste water treatment plants not otherwise specified 19 08 01 screenings 19 08 02 waste from desanding 19 08 05 sludges from treatment of urban waste water 19 08 06* saturated or spent ion exchange resins 19 08 07* solutions and sludges from regeneration of ion exchangers 19 08 08* membrane system waste containing heavy metals 19 08 09 grease and oil mixture from oil/water separation containing only edible oil and

fats 19 08 10* grease and oil mixture from oil/water separation other than those mentioned in 19

08 09 19 08 11* sludges containing dangerous substances from biological treatment of industrial

waste water 19 08 12 sludges from biological treatment of industrial waste water other than those

mentioned in 19 08 11 19 08 13* sludges containing dangerous substances from other treatment of industrial waste

water 19 08 14 sludges from other treatment of industrial waste water other than those

mentioned in 19 08 13 19 08 99 wastes not otherwise specified


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19 09 wastes from the preparation of water intended for human consumption or water for industrial use

19 09 01 solid waste from primary filtration and screenings 19 09 02 sludges from water clarification 19 09 03 sludges from decarbonation 19 09 04 spent activated carbon 19 09 05 saturated or spent ion exchange resins 19 09 06 solutions and sludges from regeneration of ion exchangers 19 09 99 wastes not otherwise specified 19 10 wastes from shredding of metal-containing wastes 19 10 01 iron and steel waste 19 10 02 non-ferrous waste 19 10 03* fluff-light fraction and dust containing dangerous substances 19 10 04 fluff-light fraction and dust other than those mentioned in 19 10 03 19 10 05* other fractions containing dangerous substances 19 10 06 other fractions other than those mentioned in 19 10 05 19 11 wastes from oil regeneration 19 11 01* spent filter clays 19 11 02* acid tars 19 11 03* aqueous liquid wastes 19 11 04* wastes from cleaning of fuel with bases 19 11 05* sludges from on-site effluent treatment containing dangerous substances 19 11 06 sludges from on-site effluent treatment other than those mentioned in 19 11 05 19 11 07* wastes from flue-gas cleaning 19 11 99 wastes not otherwise specified 19 12 wastes from the mechanical treatment of waste (e.g. sorting, crushing,

compacting, pelletising)not otherwise specified 19 12 01 paper and cardboard 19 12 02 ferrous metal 19 12 03 non-ferrous metal 19 12 04 plastic and rubber 19 12 05 glass 19 12 06* wood containing dangerous substances 19 12 07 wood other than that mentioned in 19 12 06 19 12 08 textiles 19 12 09 minerals (e.g. sand, stones) 19 12 10 combustible waste (refuse derived fuel) 19 12 11* other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of

waste containing dangerous substances 19 12 12 other wastes (including mixtures of materials) from mechanical treatment of

wastes other than those mentioned in 19 12 11 19 13 wastes from soil and groundwater remediation 19 13 01* solid wastes from soil remediation containing dangerous substances 19 13 02 solid wastes from soil remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 01 19 13 03* sludges from soil remediation containing dangerous substances 19 13 04 s sludges from soil remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 03 19 13 05* sludges from groundwater remediation containing dangerous substances 19 13 06 sludges from groundwater remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 05 19 13 07* aqueous liquid wastes and aqueous concentrates from groundwater remediation

containing dangerous substances


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19 13 08 aqueous liquid wastes and aqueous concentrates from groundwater remediation other than those mentioned in 19 13 07



20 01 separately collected fractions (except 15 01) 20 01 01 paper and cardboard 20 01 02 glass 20 01 08 biodegradable kitchen and canteen waste 20 01 10 clothes 20 01 11 textiles 20 01 13* solvents 20 01 14* acids 20 01 15* alkalines 20 01 17* photochemicals 20 01 19* pesticides 20 01 21* fluorescent tubes and other mercury-containing waste 20 01 23* discarded equipment containing chlorofluorocarbons 20 01 25 edible oil and fat 20 01 26* oil and fat other than those mentioned in 20 01 25 20 01 27* paint, inks, adhesives and resins containing dangerous substances 20 01 28 paint, inks, adhesives and resins other than those mentioned in 20 01 27 20 01 29* detergents containing dangerous substances 20 01 30 detergents other than those mentioned in 20 01 29 20 01 31* cytotoxic and cytostatic medicines 20 01 32 medicines other than those mentioned in 20 01 31 20 01 33* batteries and accumulators included in 16 06 01, 16 06 02 or 16 06 03 and

unsorted batteries and accumulators containing these batteries 20 01 34 batteries and accumulators other than those mentioned in 20 01 33 20 01 35* discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20

01 21 and 20 01 23 containing hazardous components (41) 20 01 36 discarded electrical and electronic equipment other than those mentioned in 20

01 21, 20 01 23 and 20 01 35 20 01 37* wood containing dangerous substances 20 01 38 wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37 20 01 39 plastics 20 01 40 metals 20 01 41 wastes from chimney sweeping 20 01 99 other fractions not otherwise specified 20 02 garden and park wastes (including cemetery waste) 20 02 01 biodegradable waste 20 02 02 soil and stones 20 02 03 other non-biodegradable wastes 20 03 other municipal wastes 20 03 01 mixed municipal waste 20 03 02 waste from markets 20 03 03 street-cleaning residues 20 03 04 septic tank sludge 20 03 06 waste from sewage cleaning 20 03 07 bulky waste


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20 03 99 municipal wastes not otherwise specified PART 3 (amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 2557/2001 of 28 December 2001) Waste from Appendix 4, Part II of Decision C(2001) 107 of the OECD Council on the Revision of Decision C(92) 39/Final on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations. The wastes numbered AB 130, AC 250, AC 260 and AC 270 have been deleted since they have been considered, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 18 of Directive 75/442/EEC, to be non-hazardous and therefore not subject to the export ban laid down in Article 16(1). OECD Code Custom Code Waste description AA. METAL BEARING WASTES AA 010 ex 2619 00 Dross, scalings and other wastes from the manufacture of iron and steel (**) AA 060 ex 2620 50 Vanadium ashes and residues (**) AA 190 8104 20 Magnesium waste and scrap that is flammable, pyrophoric or emits, upon contact with water,

flammable gases in dangerous quantities ex 8104 30 AB. WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY

CONTAIN METALS AND ORGANIC MATERIALS AB 030 Wastes from non-cyanide based systems which arise from surface treatment of metals AB 070 Sands used in foundry operations AB 120 ex 2812 90 Inorganic halide compounds, not elsewhere specified or included ex 3824 AB 150 ex 3824 90 Unrefined calcium sulphite and calcium sulphate from flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) AC. WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY CONTAIN

METALS AND INORGANIC MATERIALS AC 020 Bituminous materials (asphalt waste) not elsewhere specified or included AC 060 ex 3819 00 Hydraulic fluids AC 070 ex 3819 00 Brake fluids AC 080 ex 3819 00 Antifreeze fluids AC 150 Chlorofluorocarbons AC 160 Halons AC 170 ex 4403 10 Treated cork and wood wastes AD. WASTES WHICH MAY CONTAIN EITHER INORGANIC OR ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS AD 090 ex 3824 90 Wastes from production, formulation and use of reprographic and photographic chemicals and

materials not elsewhere specified or included AD 100 Wastes from non-cyanide based systems which arise from surface treatment of plastics AD 120 ex 3914 00 Ion exchange resins ex 3915 AD 150 Naturally occurring organic material used as a filter medium (such as bio-filters) RB. WASTES CONTAINING PRINCIPALLY INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS, WHICH MAY

CONTAIN METALS AND ORGANIC MATERIALS RB 020 ex 6815 Ceramic based fibres of physico-chemical characteristics similar to those of asbestos ------- (*) Wherever possible, the code number of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, established by the Brussels Convention on 14 June 1983 under the auspices of the Customs Cooperation Council (Harmonized System) is listed opposite an entry. This code may apply to both wastes and products. This Regulation does not include items which are not wastes. Therefore, the code ─ used by customs officials in order to facilitate their procedures as well as by others ─ is only provided here to help in identifying wastes that are listed and subject to this Regulation. However, corresponding official Explanatory Notes as issued by the Customs Cooperation Council should be used as interpretative guidance to identify wastes covered by generic headings. The indicative `ex© identifies a specific item contained within a heading of the Harmonized System code. The code in bold in the first column is the OECD code: it consists of two letters (one for the list: Amber or Red, and one for the category of waste: A, B, C, . . .) followed by a number. (**) This listing includes wastes in the form of ash, residue, slag, dross, skimming, scaling, dust, powder, sludge and cake, unless a material is expressly listed elsewhere.


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添付資料24 米国 RCRA の輸出入部の抜粋 機械翻訳版 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA) TITLE 40 -- Protection of Environment CHAPTER I -- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY SUBCHAPTER I -- SOLID WASTES 262 Subpart E—Exports of Hazardous Waste Source: 51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, unless otherwise noted. §262.50 Applicability. This subpart establishes requirements applicable to exports of hazardous waste. Except to the extent §262.58 provides otherwise, a primary exporter of hazardous waste must comply with the special requirements of this subpart and a transporter transporting hazardous waste for export must comply with applicable requirements of part 263. Section 262.58 sets forth the requirements of international agreements between the United States and receiving countries which establish different notice, export, and enforcement procedures for the transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous waste for shipments between the United States and those countries. このサブパートは有害廃棄物の輸出品に適用可能な必要条件を確立します。§262.58 に提供する範囲以


また、輸出用有害廃棄物を輸送する運送者は、パート 263 の適用可能な必要条件に応じなければなり

ません。セクション 262.58 は説明する、アメリカと輸入国の間の国際協定の必要条件、それは、アメ


のための施行に関する手続きを確立します。 §262.51 Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth at 40 CFR 260.10, the following definitions apply to this subpart: 40 の CFR 260.10 で述べられた定義に加えて、次の定義がこのサブパートに適用される: Consignee means the ultimate treatment, storage or disposal facility in a receiving country to which the hazardous waste will be sent. 荷受け人は、有害廃棄物が送られる輸入国の 終の処理、貯蔵施設あるいは処分設備を意味します。 EPA Acknowledgement of Consent means the cable sent to EPA from the U.S. Embassy in a receiving country that acknowledges the written consent of the receiving country to accept the hazardous waste and describes the terms and conditions of the receiving country's consent to the shipment. 同意の EPA 確認応答は、有害廃棄物を受理する輸入国の書面による承諾を認めて、出荷に輸入国の同

意の条件について記述する輸入国に駐在する米国大使館から EPA に送られた電信を意味します。 Primary Exporter means any person who is required to originate the manifest for a shipment of hazardous waste in accordance with 40 CFR part 262, subpart B, or equivalent State provision, which specifies a treatment, storage, or disposal facility in a receiving country as the facility to which the hazardous waste will be sent and any intermediary arranging for the export. 主要な輸出者は、40 の CFR パート 262 やサブパート B または等価な国の規定など有害廃棄物が送られ





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Receiving country means a foreign country to which a hazardous waste is sent for the purpose of treatment, storage or disposal (except short-term storage incidental to transportation). 輸入国とは、処理、貯蔵あるいは処分(輸送に付帯的な短期の貯蔵施設以外の)の目的で有害廃棄物が送

られる外国を意味します。 Transit country means any foreign country, other than a receiving country, through which a hazardous waste is transported. 通過国は、輸入国)以外の、有害廃棄物がそれを通って輸送されるいかなる外国も意味します。 [53 FR 27164, July 19, 1988] §262.52 General requirements. Exports of hazardous waste are prohibited except in compliance with the applicable requirements of this subpart and part 263. Exports of hazardous waste are prohibited unless: このサブパートおよびパート 263 の適用可能な必要条件への従順以外においては有害廃棄物の輸出は


(a) Notification in accordance with §262.53 has been provided; §262.53 に従う通知が提供されました;

(b) The receiving country has consented to accept the hazardous waste; 輸入国は、有害廃棄物を受理することを承諾しました;

(c) A copy of the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent to the shipment accompanies the hazardous

waste shipment and, unless exported by rail, is attached to the manifest (or shipping paper for exports by water (bulk shipment)). 出荷への同意の EPA 認識のコピーは、有害廃棄物出荷に伴い、もし鉄道によって輸出されなかっ

たならばマニフェスト(あるいは、水運(混載貨物輸送)の場合は船積み書類)に付けられます。 (d) The hazardous waste shipment conforms to the terms of the receiving country's written consent

as reflected in the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent. 有害廃棄物出荷は、同意の EPA 確認応答に反映されているような輸入国の書面による承諾の条件

に一致することを確認します。 §262.53 Notification of intent to export.

(a) A primary exporter of hazardous waste must notify EPA of an intended export before such waste is scheduled to leave the United States. A complete notification should be submitted sixty (60) days before the initial shipment is intended to be shipped off site. This notification may cover export activities extending over a twelve (12) month or lesser period. The notification must be in writing, signed by the primary exporter, and include the following information: 有害廃棄物の主要な輸出者は、意図した輸出の廃棄物がアメリカを去る予定である前に、EPA に

通知しなければなりません。完全な通知は初回積出がサイトから送られるように意図される 60 日

以前に提出されるべきです。この通知は、12 か月以内の期間継続する輸出活動をカバーするかも


んでいるに違いありません: (1) Name, mailing address, telephone number and EPA ID number of the primary exporter; 主要な輸出者の名前、住所、電話番号および EPA ID 番号;

(2) By consignee, for each hazardous waste type: 各有害廃棄物タイプの荷受け人によって: (i) A description of the hazardous waste and the EPA hazardous waste number (from 40 CFR

part 261, subparts C and D), U.S. DOT proper shipping name, hazard class and ID number


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(UN/NA) for each hazardous waste as identified in 49 CFR parts 171 through 177; 有害廃棄物および EPA 有害廃棄物番号(40CFR261 のサブパート C および D からの)の記述、適

切な米国 DOT、49CFR パート 171〜177 で識別されるような各有害廃棄物のために名前、危険

クラスおよび ID 番号(国連/NA)を送ること (ii) The estimated frequency or rate at which such waste is to be exported and the period of time

over which such waste is to be exported. そのような廃棄物が輸出されることになっている推定された頻度か割合、およびそのような廃


(iii) The estimated total quantity of the hazardous waste in units as specified in the instructions to the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form (8700–22); 一定の有害廃棄物のマニフェストの様式(8700-22)への指示で指定されるような単位で有害廃

棄物の評価された量の合計 (iv) All points of entry to and departure from each foreign country through which the hazardous

waste will pass; 害廃棄物が通り抜ける個々の外国へ/からの、入国および出国のすべての地点;

(v) A description of the means by which each shipment of the hazardous waste will be

transported (e.g., mode of transportation vehicle (air, highway, rail, water, etc.), type(s) of container (drums, boxes, tanks, etc.)); 有害廃棄物の各出荷が害廃棄物が通り抜ける個々の外国へ/からの、入国および出国のすべて


トラック、鉄道、船など)のモード)手段の記述; (vi) A description of the manner in which the hazardous waste will be treated, stored or disposed

of in the receiving country (e.g., land or ocean incineration, other land disposal, ocean dumping, recycling); 輸入国有害廃棄物が扱われる、格納される、処分されるだろう方法の記述、 (例えば土地また


(vii) The name and site address of the consignee and any alternate consignee; and 荷受け人と任意の代替の荷受け人の名前およびサイト・アドレス;そして

(viii) The name of any transit countries through which the hazardous waste will be sent and a

description of the approximate length of time the hazardous waste will remain in such country and the nature of its handling while there; それを通じて有害廃棄物は送られる任意の通過国の名前、そして有害廃棄物がそのような国で


(b) Notifications submitted by mail should be sent to the following mailing address: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460. Hand-delivered notifications should be sent to: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Bldg., Room 6144, 12th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20004. In both cases, the following shall be prominently displayed on the front of the envelope: “Attention: Notification of Intent to Export.”. 郵便によって提出された通知は、次の住所に送られるべきです:施行および従順保証のオフィス、

連邦活動、国際的な従順保証部門(2254A)、環境保護局、1200 ペンシルバニア通り、NW ワシント

ン、DC の 20460 のオフィス。。手渡しされた通知は、次のものに送られるべきです:施行および従


ス・ビル、6144 号室、第 12 番街およびペンシルバニア通り、NW。ワシントン、DC の 20004。い



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(c) Except for changes to the telephone number in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, changes to paragraph (a)(2)(v) of this section and decreases in the quantity indicated pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section when the conditions specified on the original notification change (including any exceedance of the estimate of the quantity of hazardous waste specified in the original notification), the primary exporter must provide EPA with a written renotification of the change. The shipment cannot take place until consent of the receiving country to the changes (except for changes to paragraph (a)(2)(viii) of this section and in the ports of entry to and departure from transit countries pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(iv) of this section) has been obtained and the primary exporter receives an EPA Acknowledgment of Consent reflecting the receiving country's consent to the changes. このセクションのパラグラフ(a)(1)中の電話番号への変更を除いて、このセクションのパラグラフ


知の中で指定された有害廃棄物の量の評価のどんな exceedance も含んで)上で指定した時、このセ

クションのパラグラフ(a)(2)(iii)に準ずる主要な輸出者は、EPA に変更の書面の再通知を供給しなけ



同意が得られ、主要な輸出者が、輸入国の変更への同意を反映する同意の EPA 通知を受け取るま

で、その出荷は起こることができません。 (d) Upon request by EPA, a primary exporter shall furnish to EPA any additional information which

a receiving country requests in order to respond to a notification. EPA によるリクエストに際して、主要な輸出者は、EPA に輸入国が通知に応答するために要求す


(e) In conjunction with the Department of State, EPA will provide a complete notification to the receiving country and any transit countries. A notification is complete when EPA receives a notification which EPA determines satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. Where a claim of confidentiality is asserted with respect to any notification information required by paragraph (a) of this section, EPA may find the notification not complete until any such claim is resolved in accordance with 40 CFR 260.2. 国務省と共に、EPA は、輸入国および任意の通過国に完全な通知を供給するでしょう。通知がが

このセクションの(a)の必要条件を満たしたと EPA が決定し EPA が受理した場合、通告は完了する。


て主張される場合、どんなそのようなクレームも 40CFR 260.2 に従って解決されるまで、EPA はそ


(f) Where the receiving country consents to the receipt of the hazardous waste, EPA will forward an EPA Acknowledgment of Consent to the primary exporter for purposes of §262.54(h). Where the receiving country objects to receipt of the hazardous waste or withdraws a prior consent, EPA will notify the primary exporter in writing. EPA will also notify the primary exporter of any responses from transit countries. 輸入国が有害廃棄物の受取に同意するところで、EPA は、§262.54(h)の目的のための主要な輸出者

へ同意の EPA 認識を転送するでしょう。輸入国が有害廃棄物の受取に反対するか、事前の承諾を

取消しするところで、EPA は記述で主要な輸出者に通知するでしょう。EPA は、さらに通過国か


[51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, as amended at 56 FR 43705, Sept. 4, 1991; 61 FR 16309, Apr. 12, 1996; 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] §262.54 Special manifest requirements. A primary exporter must comply with the manifest requirements of 40 CFR 262.20 through 262.23 except that: 主要な輸出者は、それ以外の 40CFR 262.20〜262.23 のマニフェストの必要条件に応じなければなりま



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(a) In lieu of the name, site address and EPA ID number of the designated permitted facility, the primary exporter must enter the name and site address of the consignee; 主要な輸出者は指定の許可設備の名前、サイト・アドレスおよび EPA ID 番号、代替の荷受け人の


(b) In lieu of the name, site address and EPA ID number of a permitted alternate facility, the primary exporter may enter the name and site address of any alternate consignee. 許可された代替設備の名前、サイト・アドレスおよび EPA ID 番号の代わりに、主要な輸出者は、


(c) In the International Shipments block, the primary exporter must check the export box and enter the point of exit (city and State) from the United States. 国際輸送で、閉鎖する、主要な輸出者は輸出の□にチェック(レ)を入れ、アメリカからの出口(市と州)のポイントを入力しなければなりません。

(d) The following statement must be added to the end of the first sentence of the certification set forth in Item 16 of the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form: “and conforms to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent”; 一定の有害廃棄物のマニフェストな形式のアイテム 16 の中で述べられた証明の第 1 の文の終了へ

次のステートメントを加えなければなりません:「そして、同意の付属の EPA 認識の用語に一致す


(e) The primary exporter may obtain the manifest from any source that is registered with the U.S. EPA as a supplier of manifests (e.g., states, waste handlers, and/or commercial forms printers). 主要な輸出者は、米国 EPA でマニフェストのサプライヤーとして登録される任意の出所からマニ

フェストを得てもよい、 (例えば、州の、廃棄物の取扱い人の、または商用形式の印刷所)。

(f) The primary exporter must require the consignee to confirm in writing the delivery of the hazardous waste to that facility and to describe any significant discrepancies (as defined in 40 CFR 264.72(a)) between the manifest and the shipment. A copy of the manifest signed by such facility may be used to confirm delivery of the hazardous waste. 主要な輸出者は、その設備に有害廃棄物の配達を確認を、かつマニフェストと出荷された荷物の

間にのどんな著しい不一致(40 の CFR 264.72(a)に定義されたとともに)があったかを書面にて提出



(g) In lieu of the requirements of §262.20(d), where a shipment cannot be delivered for any reason to the designated or alternate consignee, the primary exporter must: §262.20(d)の必要条件の代わりに、任意の理由のために指定か代替の荷受け人に出荷を配達するこ

とができない場合、主要な輸出者は以下のことをしなければなりません: (1) Renotify EPA of a change in the conditions of the original notification to allow shipment to a

new consignee in accordance with §262.53(c) and obtain an EPA Acknowledgment of Consent prior to delivery; or §262.53(c)に従ってオリジナルの通知の条件に代えて、新しい荷受け人への出荷を許可するよう

に再度変更の EPA に通知します、かつ出荷に先立って同意の EPA 認識を得る;あるいは

(2) Instruct the transporter to return the waste to the primary exporter in the United States or designate another facility within the United States; and アメリカで主要な輸出者に廃棄物を返すかあるいはアメリカ内の別の設備を指定するように運


(3) Instruct the transporter to revise the manifest in accordance with the primary exporter's instructions. 主要な輸出者の指示に従ってマニフェストを改訂するように運送者に命じてください。


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(h) The primary exporter must attach a copy of the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent to the shipment to the manifest which must accompany the hazardous waste shipment. For exports by rail or water (bulk shipment), the primary exporter must provide the transporter with an EPA Acknowledgment of Consent which must accompany the hazardous waste but which need not be attached to the manifest except that for exports by water (bulk shipment) the primary exporter must attach the copy of the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent to the shipping paper. 主要な輸出者は、有害廃棄物出荷に伴うに違いないマニフェストへの出荷に同意の EPA 認識のコ



ては、発送の論文に主要な輸出者が同意の EPA 認識のコピーを付けなければならない以外はマニ

フェストに付けられる必要のない同意の EPA 認識を供給しなければなりません。

(i) The primary exporter shall provide the transporter with an additional copy of the manifest for delivery to the U.S. Customs official at the point the hazardous waste leaves the United States in accordance with §263.20(g)(4). 主要な輸出者は、有害廃棄物が§263.20(g)(4)に従うアメリカを去るポイントの米国の税関検査官へ


[51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, as amended at 70 FR 10818, Mar. 4, 2005] §262.55 Exception reports. In lieu of the requirements of §262.42, a primary exporter must file an exception report with the Administrator if: §262.42 の必要条件の代わりに、以下の場合、主要な輸出者は、管理者による例外報告書を提出しなけ


(a) He has not received a copy of the manifest signed by the transporter stating the date and place of departure from the United States within forty-five (45) days from the date it was accepted by the initial transporter; 彼は、それが 初の運送者によって受理された日付からの 45 日以内に、アメリカからの出発の日



(b) Within ninety (90) days from the date the waste was accepted by the initial transporter, the primary exporter has not received written confirmation from the consignee that the hazardous waste was received; 初の運送者によって廃棄物が受理された日付から 90 日以内に、主要な輸出者が、荷受け人から


(c) The waste is returned to the United States. 廃棄物がアメリカに返送された場合。

§262.56 Annual reports.

(a) Primary exporters of hazardous waste shall file with the Administrator no later than March 1 of each year, a report summarizing the types, quantities, frequency, and ultimate destination of all hazardous waste exported during the previous calendar year. Such reports shall include the following: 有害廃棄物の主要な輸出者は管理者により、前の暦年中に輸出されたすべての有害廃棄物のタイ

プ、多量、頻度および 終仕向地、を要約する報告書を毎年 3 月 1 日までにファイルするものと

します。そのような報告書は下記を含むでしょう: (1) The EPA identification number, name, and mailing and site address of the exporter;

EPA 識別番号、名前および郵送物、また輸出者のサイト・アドレス;


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(2) The calendar year covered by the report; 報告書によってカバーされた暦年;

(3) The name and site address of each consignee; 各荷受け人の名前およびサイト・アドレス;

(4) By consignee, for each hazardous waste exported, a description of the hazardous waste, the EPA hazardous waste number (from 40 CFR part 261, subpart C or D), DOT hazard class, the name and US EPA ID number (where applicable) for each transporter used, the total amount of waste shipped and number of shipments pursuant to each notification; 輸出された各有害廃棄物、有害廃棄物の記述、EPA 有害廃棄物番号(40 の CFR パート 261、サブ

パート C あるいは D からの)、DOT 危険クラス、名前および使用される各運送者の米国 EPA ID番号(ここで適用可能)の荷受け人によって、廃棄物のことの合計金額、送られた、また各通知に


(5) Except for hazardous waste produced by exporters of greater than 100 kg but less than 1000 kg in a calendar month, unless provided pursuant to §262.41, in even numbered years: 有害廃棄物を除いてもし輸出者によって輸出されたかったならば、暦月に 100kg 以上だが

1000kg 未満の作られた、偶数の番号が付けられた年の§262.41 に準ずる

(i) A description of the efforts undertaken during the year to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated; and 生成されて、廃棄物のことのボリュームおよび毒性を縮小するためにその年に試みられた努力


(ii) A description of the changes in volume and toxicity of waste actually achieved during the year in comparison to previous years to the extent such information is available for years prior to 1984.


された、そのような情報は、1984 に先立って何年も利用可能です。

(6) A certification signed by the primary exporter which states: 主要な輸出者によって署名された証明、それは以下を述べる:

I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. 私は個人的に検査した法則の罰の下で保証しこれおよびすべての添付書類の中で提出さ





(b) Annual reports submitted by mail should be sent to the following mailing address: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460. Hand-delivered reports should be sent to: Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division, Environmental Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Bldg., Room 6144, 12th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20004. 郵便によって提出された年次報告は、次の住所に送られるべきです:施行および従順保証のオフィ

ス、連邦活動、国際的な従順保証部門、環境保護局、1200 のペンシルバニア通り、NW(2254A)のオフィス。ワシントン、DC の 20460。手渡しされた報告書は、次のものに送られるべきです:施行



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ル・リオス・ビル、余地 6144、第 12 の聖およびペンシルバニア通り、NW。ワシントン、DC の

20004。 [51 FR 28682, Aug. 8, 1986, as amended at 56 FR 43705, Sept. 4, 1991; 61 FR 16309, Apr. 12, 1996; 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] §262.57 Record keeping.

(a) For all exports a primary exporter must: すべての輸出品については、主要な輸出者が以下のことをしなければなりません:

(1) Keep a copy of each notification of intent to export for a period of at least three years from the date the hazardous waste was accepted by the initial transporter; 有害廃棄物が 初の運送者によって受理された日付から、少なくとも 3 年の期間の間輸出する意

図の各通知のコピーを保存してください; (2) Keep a copy of each EPA Acknowledgment of Consent for a period of at least three years from

the date the hazardous waste was accepted by the initial transporter; 有害廃棄物が 初の運送者によって受理された日付から、少なくとも 3 年の期間の間同意の各

EPA 認識のコピーを保存してください;

(3) Keep a copy of each confirmation of delivery of the hazardous waste from the consignee for at least three years from the date the hazardous waste was accepted by the initial transporter; and 有害廃棄物が 初の運送者によって受理された日付から少なくとも 3 年間荷受け人からの有害


(4) Keep a copy of each annual report for a period of at least three years from the due date of the report. 報告書の期日から、少なくとも 3 年の期間の間各年次報告のコピーを保存してください。

(b) The periods of retention referred to in this section are extended automatically during the course

of any unresolved enforcement action regarding the regulated activity or as requested by the Administrator. 保持の期間は参照しました、に、このセクションの中で、規制された活動に関する任意の


もに。 §262.58 International agreements.

(a) Any person who exports or imports hazardous waste subject to Federal manifest requirements of Part 262, or subject to the universal waste management standards of 40 CFR Part 273, or subject to State requirements analogous to 40 CFR Part 273, to or from designated member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as defined in paragraph (a)(1) of this section for purposes of recovery is subject to Subpart H of this part. The requirements of Subparts E and F do not apply. パート 262 の必要条件に従う連邦のマニフェストの対象となる、40CFR パート 273 の普遍的な廃棄

物管理基準に従う、あるいは 40CFR パート 273 と類似した州必要条件に従う、、回復の目的のため



物、、このパートのサブパート H に従います。サブパート E および F の必要条件は当てはまりませ


(1) For the purposes of subpart H, the designated OECD Member countries consist of Australia, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United


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Kingdom, and the United States. サブパート H のために、指定の OECD メンバー国は、オーストラリア、オーストリア、ベルギ

ー、チェコ共和国、デンマーク、フィンラ・ 塔 h、フランス、ドイツ、ギリシア、ハンガリー、




(2) For the purposes of this Subpart, Canada and Mexico are considered OECD member countries only for the purpose of transit. この Subpart のために、カナダとメキシコは通過の目的でのみ OECD の加盟国と考えられます。

(b) Any person who exports hazardous waste to or imports hazardous waste from: a designated

OECD member country for purposes other than recovery (e.g., incineration, disposal), Mexico (for any purpose), or Canada (for any purpose) remains subject to the requirements of subparts E and F of this part.

有害廃棄物を輸出するすべての人、あるいは有害廃棄物を、OECD メンバー国からの回復(例えば焼

却、処分) 以外の目的で、メキシコから(任意の目的のための)、あるいはカナダから(任意の目的の

ための) 輸入する人は、このパートのサブパート E および F の必要条件に従わなければならない。

[61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006]


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262 Subpart F—Imports of Hazardous Waste §262.60 Imports of hazardous waste.

(a) Any person who imports hazardous waste from a foreign country into the United States must comply with the requirements of this part and the special requirements of this subpart. アメリカへ外国から有害廃棄物を輸入するいかなる人も、このパートの必要条件およびこのサブパ


(b) When importing hazardous waste, a person must meet all the requirements of §262.20(a) for the manifest except that: 有害廃棄物を輸入する場合、人は§262.20(a)のマニフェストの下記以外の必要条件をすべて満たさ

なければなりません: (1) In place of the generator's name, address and EPA identification number, the name and address

of the foreign generator and the importer's name, address and EPA identification number must be used. 発生者の名前住所および EPA 識別番号の代わりに、外国の発生者の名前と住所および輸入業者

の名前と住所および EPA 識別番号は使用されるに違いありません。

(2) In place of the generator's signature on the certification statement, the U.S. importer or his agent must sign and date the certification and obtain the signature of the initial transporter. 証明ステートメント中の発生者の署名の代わりに、米国の輸入業者あるいは彼の代理人は証明

書に署名し日付を付けて, 初の運送者の署名を得るに違いありません。

(c) A person who imports hazardous waste may obtain the manifest form from any source that is registered with the U.S. EPA as a supplier of manifests (e.g., states, waste handlers, and/or commercial forms printers). 有害廃棄物を輸入する人は、マニフェストのサプライヤーとして米国 EPA で登録されるすべての



(d) In the International Shipments block, the importer must check the import box and enter the point of entry (city and State) into the United States. 国際輸送ので、閉鎖する、輸入業者は輸入の□にチェック(レ)を入れ、アメリカへの入国(市と州)のポイントを入力しなければなりません。

(e) The importer must provide the transporter with an additional copy of the manifest to be

submitted by the receiving facility to U.S. EPA in accordance with §264.71(a)(3) and §265.71(a)(3) of this chapter. 輸入業者は、本章の§264.71(a) (3)および§265.71(a)(3)に従って受信設備によって米国 EPA に提出さ


[51 FR 28685, Aug. 8, 1986, as amended at 70 FR 10818, Mar. 4, 2005] 262 Subpart G—Farmers §262.70 Farmers. A farmer disposing of waste pesticides from his own use which are hazardous wastes is not required to comply with the standards in this part or other standards in 40 CFR parts 264, 265, 268, or 270 for those wastes provided he triple rinses each emptied pesticide container in accordance with §261.7(b)(3) and disposes of the pesticide residues on his own farm in a manner consistent with the disposal instructions on the pesticide label. 危険な廃棄物である自分の使用からの殺虫剤を処分する農業廃棄物は、このパート中の標準あるいは

それらのための 40 の CFR パート 264、265、268、あるいは 270 中の他の標準に応じることは要求され


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ません、廃棄物する、提供された、彼、3 倍のすすぎ各々§261.7(b)(3)に従う空になった殺虫剤コンテナ

ー、また殺虫剤ラベルについての処分指示と一致するやり方で自分の農場での残留農薬を処分します。 [53 FR 27165, July 19, 1988, as amended at 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] Subpart H—Transfrontier Shipments of Hazardous Waste for Recovery within the OECD Source: 61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, unless otherwise noted. §262.80 Applicability.

(a) The requirements of this subpart apply to imports and exports of wastes that are considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures and are destined for recovery operations in the countries listed in §262.58(a)(1). A waste is considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures if it meets the Federal definition of hazardous waste in 40 CFR 261.3 and it is subject to either the Federal manifesting requirements at 40 CFR Part 262, Subpart B, to the universal waste management standards of 40 CFR Part 273, or to State requirements analogous to 40 CFR Part 273. このサブパートの必要条件は、米国の連邦手続きの下で危険であると考えられ、§262.58(a)(1)にリ


まります。1 つの廃棄物が 40CFR 261.3 の中での連邦政府の定義により有害廃棄物とされている場

合、そしてそれが、40CFR パート 262 のサブパート B で連邦政府の明示する必要条件に従う場合、

もしくは 40CFR パート 273 の普遍的な廃棄物管理基準に、あるいは 40CFR パート 273 と類似した


(b) Any person (notifier, consignee, or recovery facility operator) who mixes two or more wastes (including hazardous and non-hazardous wastes) or otherwise subjects two or more wastes (including hazardous and non-hazardous wastes) to physical or chemical transformation operations, and thereby creates a new hazardous waste, becomes a generator and assumes all subsequent generator duties under RCRA and any notifier duties, if applicable, under this subpart.

2 つ以上の廃棄物(有害と非有害廃棄物との混合を含んで)を混合するか、そうでなければ 2 つ以上



ー)も、廃棄物発生者になり、RCRA の下の後の発生者の任務および適用可能な場合、このサブパ

ートの下で規定される通知者の任務もすべてを負います、。 §262.81 Definitions. The following definitions apply to this subpart. 次の定義はこのサブパートに当てはまります。

(a) Competent authorities means the regulatory authorities of concerned countries having jurisdiction over transfrontier movements of wastes destined for recovery operations. 権限ある当局は、回復オペレーションのために予定された廃棄物の国境を越える動作に対する管轄


(b) Concerned countries means the exporting and importing OECD member countries and any OECD member countries of transit. 関係のある国々、輸出し輸入する OECD メンバー国々および通過のどんな OECD メンバー国々も


(c) Consignee means the person to whom possession or other form of legal control of the waste is assigned at the time the waste is received in the importing country. 荷受け人は、廃棄物のものが輸入国で受け取られる時に所有あるいは廃棄物の法的支配の他の形式



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(d) Country of transit means any designated OECD country in §262.58(a)(1) and (a)(2) other than the exporting or importing country across which a transfrontier movement of wastes is planned or takes place. 通過の国は、§262.58(a)(1)の中の、および(a)(2)廃棄物の国境を越える移動が計画されるか起こる、

輸出するか輸入する国以外のどんな指定の OECD の国も意味します。

(e) Exporting country means any designated OECD member country in §262.58(a)(1) from which a transfrontier movement of wastes is planned or has commenced. 国の輸出は、廃棄物の国境を越える移動が計画されるか始まった§262.58(a)(1)の中のどんな指定の

OECD メンバー国も意味します。

(f) Importing country means any designated OECD country in §262.58(a)(1) to which a transfrontier movement of wastes is planned or takes place for the purpose of submitting the wastes to recovery operations therein. 国の輸入は、廃棄物の国境を越える移動が計画されるか、回復オペレーションへの廃棄物をそこに

提出する目的で起こる§262.58(a)(1)の中のどんな指定の OECD の国も意味します。

(g) Notifier means the person under the jurisdiction of the exporting country who has, or will have at the time the planned transfrontier movement commences, possession or other forms of legal control of the wastes and who proposes their transfrontier movement for the ultimate purpose of submitting them to recovery operations. When the United States (U.S.) is the exporting country, notifier is interpreted to mean a person domiciled in the U.S. 通知者は、持っている輸出国の管轄の下の人を意味するか、あるいは計画された国境を越える移動


レーションにそれらを提出する 終の目的のためにそれらの国境を越える移動を提案します。アメ


(h) OECD area means all land or marine areas under the national jurisdiction of any designated OECD member country in §262.58. When the regulations refer to shipments to or from an OECD country, this means OECD area. OECD のエリアは、§262.58 の中の任意の指定の OECD メンバー国の全国管轄の下の土地あるいは

海のエリアをすべて意味します。規則が OECD の国への、あるいはその国からの出荷に言及する

場合、これは OECD のエリアを意味します。

(i) Recognized trader means a person who, with appropriate authorization of concerned countries, acts in the role of principal to purchase and subsequently sell wastes; this person has legal control of such wastes from time of purchase to time of sale; such a person may act to arrange and facilitate transfrontier movements of wastes destined for recovery operations. 認識されたトレーダーは、関係のある国々の適切な認可で、廃棄物を購入し続いて売るのに主要な




(j) Recovery facility means an entity which, under applicable domestic law, is operating or is authorized to operate in the importing country to receive wastes and to perform recovery operations on them. 回復設備は、適用可能な国内の法則の下で、作動しているか、廃棄物を受け取り、かつそれら上で


(k) Recovery operations means activities leading to resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses as listed in Table 2.B of the Annex of OECD Council Decision C(88)90(Final) of 27 May 1988, (available from the Environmental Protection Agency, RCRA Docket, EPA/DC, EPA West, Room B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460 (Docket # F–94–IEHF-FFFFF) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Environment Direcorate, 2 rue Andre Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France) which include:


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あるいは、1988 年 5 月 27 日(環境保護局(RCRA 協議事項表、EPA/DC、EPA 西洋、部屋 B102、1301の憲法通り)から利用可能)の OECD 会議決定 C(88)90( 終)の付録のテーブル 2.B にリストされる

ように、選択肢は使用します、NW。ワシントン、DC の 20460(協議事項表#F?94?IEHF-FFFFF)、お

よびエコノミック協力および開発のための構成、環境 Direcorate、2 はアンドレ・パスカルを後悔

します、75775 のパリ Cedex 16、フランス、それは次のものを含んでいる:

R1 Use as a fuel (other than in direct incineration) or other means to generate energy 燃料(直接の焼却の中で以外の)あるいはエネルギーを生成する他の手段として使用します。

R2 Solvent reclamation/regeneration 溶解力のある開拓/再生

R3 Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents 溶剤として使用されない有機的な物質の/開拓の再利用

R4 Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds 金属と金属化合物の/開拓の再利用

R5 Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials 他の無機の材料の/開拓の再利用

R6 Regeneration of acids or bases 酸または基礎の再生、

R7 Recovery of components used for pollution control 汚染制御のために使用されたコンポーネントの回復

R8 Recovery of components from catalysts 触媒からのコンポーネントの回復

R9 Used oil re-refining or other reuses of previously used oil 用いられている油再精製あるいは以前に用いられている油の他の再使用

R10 Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement 農業あるいは生態学の改良への利益に帰着するランドの処理

R11 Uses of residual materials obtained from any of the operations numbered R1–R10 オペレーションのうちのどれからでも得られた残余の用品の用途は R1~R10 に番号を付けま

した。 R12 Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the operations numbered R1–R11

オペレーションのうちのどれへのサブミッションのための廃棄物の交換は R1~R11 に番号を

付けました。 R13 Accumulation of material intended for any operation in Table 2.B

テーブル 2.B の中の任意のオペレーションのために意図した資料の蓄積

(l) Transfrontier movement means any shipment of wastes destined for recovery operations from an area under the national jurisdiction of one OECD member country to an area under the national jurisdiction of another OECD member country. 国境を越える移動は、別の OECD メンバー国の全国管轄の下の 1 つの OECD メンバー国の全国管



[61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] §262.82 General conditions.

(a) Scope. The level of control for exports and imports of waste is indicated by assignment of the waste to a green, amber, or red list and by U.S. national procedures as defined in §262.80(a). The green, amber, and red lists are incorporated by reference in §262.89 (e). 範囲。廃棄物の輸出品および輸入品のためのコントロールのレベルは、緑か、黄色か、赤いリス





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(1) Wastes on the green list are subject to existing controls normally applied to commercial transactions, except as provided below: 緑のリスト上で廃棄物する、商行為に通常適用される既存のコントロールに従う、以外は、以


(i) Green-list wastes that are considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures are subject to amber-list controls. 緑のリストの廃棄物であっても、それらが米国の国内法の手続きに従うと危険であると考えら


(ii) Green-list wastes that are sufficiently contaminated or mixed with amber-list wastes, such that the waste or waste mixture is considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures, are subject to amber-list controls. 緑のリストはそれを廃棄物します、十分に汚染されるか、黄色のリストと混じり合っている、



(iii) Green-list wastes that are sufficiently contaminated or mixed with other wastes subject to red-list controls such that the waste or waste mixture is considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures must be handled in accordance with the red-list controls. 緑のリストはそれを廃棄物します、十分に汚染されるか、他のものと混じり合っている、廃棄



(2) Wastes on the amber list that are considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures as defined in §262.80(a) are subject to the amber-list controls of this Subpart. §262.80(a)に定義されるような米国の全国手続きの下で危険であると考えられる、黄色のリスト

上の廃棄物は、この Subpart の黄色のリストのコントロールに従います。

(i) If amber-list wastes are sufficiently contaminated or mixed with other wastes subject to red-list controls such that the waste or waste mixture is considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures, the wastes must be handled in accordance with the red-list controls. 黄色のリストが廃棄物する場合、十分に汚染されるか、他のものと混じり合っている、廃棄




(ii) [Reserved]

(3) Wastes on the red list that are considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures as defined in §262.80(a) are subject to the red-list controls of this subpart. §262.80(a)に定義されるような米国の全国手続きの下で危険であると考えられる、赤いリスト上


Note to paragraph (a)(3): Some wastes on the amber or red lists are not listed or otherwise identified as hazardous under RCRA (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls) and therefore are not subject to the amber- or red-list controls of this subpart. Regardless of the status of the waste under RCRA, however, other Federal environmental statutes (e.g., the Toxic Substances Control Act) may restrict certain waste imports or exports. Such restrictions continue to apply without regard to this Subpart. パラグラフ(a)(3)に注意してください:RCRA(例えばポリ塩化ビフェニル)の下で危険なものとし



従いません。RCRA の下の廃棄物のステータスにかかわらず、しかしながら、他の連邦の環境



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品を制限するかもしれません。そのような制限はこの Subpart に配慮をせずに適用され続けます。

(4) Wastes not yet assigned to a list are eligible for transfrontier movements, as follows: リストにまだ割り当てられない廃棄物は、国境を越える動作に以下のように有資格です: (i) If such wastes are considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures as defined in

§262.80(a), these wastes are subject to the red-list controls; or そのような廃棄物が§262.80(a)に定義されるような米国の全国手続きの下で危険であると考え


(ii) If such wastes are not considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures as defined in §262.80(a), such wastes may move as though they appeared on the green list. そのような廃棄物が§262.80(a)に定義されるような米国の全国手続きの下で危険であると考え



(b) General conditions applicable to transfrontier movements of hazardous waste. 有害廃棄物の国境を越える動作に適用可能な一般的な条件。 (1) The waste must be destined for recovery operations at a facility that, under applicable

domestic law, is operating or is authorized to operate in the importing country; その廃棄物は、適用可能な国内の法則の下で、作動しているか、輸入国で作動することを認め


(2) The transfrontier movement must be in compliance with applicable international transport agreements; and 国境を越える移動は適用可能な国際輸送協定に従ってあるに違いありません;そして Note to paragraph (b)(2): These international agreements include, but are not limited to, the Chicago Convention (1944), ADR (1957), ADNR (1970), MARPOL Convention (1973/1978), SOLAS Convention (1974), IMDG Code (1985), COTIF (1985), and RID (1985). パラグラフ(b)(2)に注意してください:これらの国際協定は含んでいます、しかし制限されない、

シカゴ条約、ADR、ADNR、MARPOL 協定、SOLAS 協定、IMDG コード、COTIF(1985) (1985) (1974) (1973 /1978) (1970) (1957) (1944)、また RID(1985)。

(3) Any transit of waste through a non-OECD member country must be conducted in compliance with all applicable international and national laws and regulations.

非 OECD メンバー国による廃棄物のどんな通過も、すべての適用可能な国際的な法律および国内


(c) Provisions relating to re-export for recovery to a third country. 第三国への回復のための再輸出に関係のある条件。 (1) Re-export of wastes subject to the amber-list control system from the U.S., as the importing

country, to a third country listed in §262.58(a)(1) may occur only after a notifier in the U.S. provides notification to and obtains consent of the competent authorities in the third country, the original exporting country, and new transit countries. The notification must comply with the notice and consent procedures in §262.83 for all concerned countries and the original exporting country. The competent authorities of the original exporting country as well as the competent authorities of all other concerned countries have 30 days to object to the proposed movement. 米国からの黄色のリストのコントロールシステムに従う廃棄物の再輸出、§262.58(a)(1)にリスト



知は通知に応じて、すべてのための§262.83 の中の手続きが国々およびオリジナルの輸出国に関


国々を輸出するオリジナルの権限ある当局も、提案された移動に反対するために 30 日を過ごし


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(i) The 30-day period begins once the competent authorities of both the initial exporting country and new importing country issue Acknowledgements of Receipt of the notification. 30 日間の期間は、 初に輸出する国、および新しい輸入国問題の両方の権限ある当局が通知


(ii) The transfrontier movement may commence if no objection has been lodged after the 30-day period has passed or immediately after written consent is received from all relevant OECD importing and transit countries.

30 日間の期間が過ぎた後、あるいは書面による承諾が、適・ リに OECD のをすべてに輸入する



(2) Re-export of waste subject to the red-list control system from the original importing country to a third country listed in §262.58(a)(1) may occur only following notification of the competent authorities of the third country, the original exporting country, and new transit countries by a notifier in the original importing country in accordance with §262.83. The transfrontier movement may not proceed until receipt by the original importing country of written consent from the competent authorities of the third country, the original exporting country, and new transit countries. §262.58(a)(1)にリストされた第三国への国を輸入するオリジナルからの赤いリストのコントロー


び§262.83 に従うオリジナルの輸入国の通知者による新しい通過国の権限ある当局の単に次の通



(3) In the case of re-export of amber or red-list wastes to a country other than those in §262.58(a)(1), notification to and consent of the competent authorities of the original OECD member country of export and any OECD member countries of transit is required as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section in addition to compliance with all international agreements and arrangements to which the first importing OECD member country is a party and all applicable regulatory requirements for exports from the first importing country. 黄色のことの再輸出あるいは赤いリストの場合は§262.58(a)(1)の中でそれら以外に国へ廃棄物し

ます、通知、に、また、 初の輸入する OECD メンバー国がパーティーおよびすべての適用可

能な規定する必要条件である、すべての国際協定および準備への従順に加えてパラグラフ(c)(1)の中で、および(c)(2)このセクションの指定されるように、輸出のオリジナルの OECD メンバー

国の権限ある当局の同意および通過のどんな OECD の加盟国も必要です。 [61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] §262.83 Notification and consent.

(a) Applicability. Consent must be obtained from the competent authorities of the relevant OECD importing and transit countries prior to exporting hazardous waste destined for recovery operations subject to this Subpart. Hazardous wastes subject to amber-list controls are subject to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section; hazardous wastes subject to red-list controls are subject to the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section; and wastes not identified on any list are subject to the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section. 適用可能性。この Subpart に従う回復オペレーションのために予定された有害廃棄物を輸出するに

先立って、適切な OECD の輸入国、および通過国の権限ある当局から同意を得なければならない。






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(b) Amber-list wastes. The export from the U.S. of hazardous wastes as described in §262.80(a) that appear on the amber list is prohibited unless the notification and consent requirements of paragraph (b)(1) or paragraph (b)(2) of this section are met. 黄色のリストの廃棄物。このセクションのパラグラフ(b) (1)かパラグラフ(b)(2)の通知と同意の必


米国からの輸出が禁止されます。 (1) Transactions requiring specific consent: 特定の同意を要求する処理:

(i) Notification. At least 45 days prior to commencement of the transfrontier movement, the

notifier must provide written notification in English of the proposed transfrontier movement to the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, with the words “Attention: OECD Export Notification” prominently displayed on the envelope. This notification must include all of the information identified in paragraph (e) of this section. In cases where wastes having similar physical and chemical characteristics, the same United Nations classification, and the same RCRA waste codes are to be sent periodically to the same recovery facility by the same notifier, the notifier may submit one notification of intent to export these wastes in multiple shipments during a period of up to one year. 通知。国境を越える移動の開始の少なくとも 45 日に先立って、通知者は、施行および従順保


ショナル従順保証部門(2254A)、環境保護局、1200 のペンシルバニア通り、NW のオフィス)を提供するに違いありません。ワシントン、言葉「注意を備えた DC の 20460 OECD 輸出通知」



び同じ RCRA の廃棄物のコードがある廃棄物が、同じ通知者によって同じ回復設備へ周期的

に送られることになっている時に、通知者は、1 年以内の期間に多数の出荷でのこれらの廃棄

物を輸出する意図の 1 つの通知を提出するかもしれません。 (ii) Tacit consent. If no objection has been lodged by any concerned country (i.e., exporting,

importing, or transit countries) to a notification provided pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section within 30 days after the date of issuance of the Acknowledgment of Receipt of notification by the competent authority of the importing country, the transfrontier movement may commence. Tacit consent expires one calendar year after the close of the 30 day period; renotification and renewal of all consents is required for exports after that date. 暗黙の同意。もし、輸入国の権限ある当局による通知の受取の認識の配給の日付の後の 30 日


まるかもしれません。暗黙の同意は、30 日の期間の終了の後に 1 つの暦年を吐き出します;すべての同意の再通知および一新はその日付の後に輸出品のために必要になります。

(iii) Written consent. If the competent authorities of all the relevant OECD importing and transit countries provide written consent in a period less than 30 days, the transfrontier movement may commence immediately after all necessary consents are received. Written consent expires for each relevant OECD importing and transit country one calendar year after the date of that country's consent unless otherwise specified; renotification and renewal of each expired consent is required for exports after that date. 書面による同意。全ての関連する OECD の輸入国、および通過国の権限ある当局が書面によ

る同意を 30 日未満の期間で提供すれば、必要な同意がすべて受け取られた後に、国境を越え

る移動は始まるかもしれません。、関連する OECD のを個々に輸入国および通過国の書面によ

る同意は別段の定めがないその国の同意の日付の後の 1 暦年を限りに終了します;各吐き出さ


(2) Shipments to facilities pre-approved by the competent authorities of the importing countries to


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accept specific wastes for recovery: あらかじめ承認された設備への出荷は輸入国の権限ある当局によって回復のために受理特効薬


(i) The notifier must provide EPA the information identified in paragraph (e) of this section in English, at least 10 days in advance of commencing shipment to a pre-approved facility. The notification should indicate that the recovery facility is pre-approved, and may apply to a single specific shipment or to multiple shipments as described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section. This information must be sent to the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, with the words “Attention: OECD Export Notification—Pre-approved Facility” prominently displayed on the envelope. 通知者は、英語で(あらかじめ良いとされた設備への出荷を始める進歩中の少なくとも 10 日)のこのセクションのパラグラフ(e)の中で識別された情報を EPA に供給するに違いありません。



報は、施行および従順保証、連邦活動、国際的な従順保証部門、環境保護局、1200 のペンシ


DC の 20460、単語を備えた、「注意、OECD の輸出通告、事前に承認された設備」と封筒に顕


(ii) Shipments may commence after the notification required in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section has been received by the competent authorities of all concerned countries, unless the notifier has received information indicating that the competent authorities of one or more concerned countries objects to the shipment. もし通知者が 1 以上の権限ある当局が出荷に国々オブジェクトに関心を持ったことを示す情



(c) Red-list wastes. The export from the U.S. of hazardous wastes as described in §262.80(a) that appear on the red list is prohibited unless notice is given pursuant to paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section and the notifier receives written consent from the importing country and any transit countries prior to commencement of the transfrontier movement. 赤いリストの廃棄物。もしこのセクションのパラグラフ(b)(1)(i)に準ずる通知が与えられかつ、輸




(d) Unlisted wastes. Wastes not assigned to the green, amber, or red list that are considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures as defined in §262.80(a) are subject to the notification and consent requirements established for red-list wastes in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. Unlisted wastes that are not considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures as defined in §262.80(a) are not subject to amber or red controls when exported or imported. リストに無記載の廃棄物。廃棄物する、緑色か、黄色か、赤色リストに割り当てられなかった、そ




いリストに無記載の廃棄物は、輸出入に際して黄色あるいは赤色の管理対象ではない。 (e) Notification information. Notifications submitted under this section must include:

通知情報。このセクションの下で提出された通知は次のものを含んでいるに違いありません: (1) Serial number or other accepted identifier of the notification form; 通し番号あるいは届出書のフォームの他の容認された確認者;


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(2) Notifier name and EPA identification number (if applicable), address, and telephone and telefax numbers; 通知者名および EPA 識別番号(適用可能な場合)、アドレス、および電話およびテレファックス番


(3) Importing recovery facility name, address, telephone and telefax numbers, and technologies employed; 輸入する回復設備の名称、アドレス、電話およびテレファックス番号のおよび使用された技術;

(4) Consignee name (if not the owner or operator of the recovery facility) address, and telephone and telefax numbers; whether the consignee will engage in waste exchange or storage prior to delivering the waste to the final recovery facility and identification of recovery operations to be employed at the final recovery facility; 荷受け人名前(回復設備の所有者かオペレーターではないにしても)アドレスおよび電話および

テレファックス数;荷受け人は、 終の回復設備で使用される回復オペレーションの 終の回復

設・ ・ a.識別に、廃棄物を配達するに先立った、廃棄物の交換あるいは貯蔵施設に従事するだろ


(5) Intended transporters and/or their agents; 意図した運送者および(または)それらの代理人;

(6) Country of export and relevant competent authority, and point of departure; 輸出国および適切な権限ある当局のおよび出国のポイント;

(7) Countries of transit and relevant competent authorities and points of entry and departure; 通過および適切な権限ある当局の国々、および入国と出国のポイント;

(8) Country of import and relevant competent authority, and point of entry; 輸入国および適切な権限ある当局のおよび入国のポイント;

(9) Statement of whether the notification is a single notification or a general notification. If general, include period of validity requested; 通知が単一の通知あるいは包括的な通知かどうかの表明。包括的な場合は、要求された有効性の


(10) Date foreseen for commencement of transfrontier movement; 国境を越える移動の開始のために予定された日付。

(11) Designation of waste type(s) from the appropriate list (amber or red and waste list code), descriptions of each waste type, estimated total quantity of each, RCRA waste code, and United Nations number for each waste type; and 適切なリスト(黄色あるいは赤く廃棄物のリスト・コード)からの廃棄物のタイプの指示、個々の

廃棄物のタイプの記述、RCRA の廃棄物のコードおよび国連の個々の廃棄物タイプの番号毎の評


(12) Certification/Declaration signed by the notifier that states: 通知者によって署名された証明/宣言:

I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that legally-enforceable written contractual obligations have been entered into, and that any applicable insurance or other financial guarantees are or shall be in force covering the transfrontier movement. 私は、上記の情報が私の知っている限りでは完全で正確であることを証明します。さらに、私は、法


もあるか、(国境を越える移動)カバーするように有効であるものとすることを証明します。 Name: ____________________


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Signature: ____________________ Date:____________________ Note to paragraph (e)(12): The U.S. does not currently require financial assurance; however, U.S. exporters may be asked by other governments to provide and certify to such assurance as a condition of obtaining consent to a proposed movement. パラグラフ(e)(12)に注意してください:米国は現在金融の保証を要求しません;しかしながら、米国の輸


されるかもしれません。 [61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] §262.84 Tracking document.

(a) All U.S. parties subject to the contract provisions of §262.85 must ensure that a tracking document meeting the conditions of §262.84(b) accompanies each transfrontier shipment of wastes subject to amber-list or red-list controls from the initiation of the shipment until it reaches the final recovery facility, including cases in which the waste is stored and/or exchanged by the consignee prior to shipment to the final recovery facility, except as provided in §§262.84(a)(1) and (2). §262.85 の契約条件に従うオール米国のパーティーは、 終の回復設備への出荷に先立った荷受け

人によって廃棄物が格納されかまたは交換される場合を含む 終の回復設備に達するまで、



以外は§§262.84(a)(1)の中で提供されたとともに、そして(2)。 (1) For shipments of hazardous waste within the U.S. solely by water (bulk shipments only) the

generator must forward the tracking document with the manifest to the last water (bulk shipment) transporter to handle the waste in the U.S. if exported by water, (in accordance with the manifest routing procedures at §262.23(c)). もっぱら水運(貨物輸送だけ)による米国内の有害廃棄物の出荷については、ジェネレーターが、


廃棄物を扱う 後の水運(貨物輸送)運送者へ、マニフェストなものを備えたトラッキング・ドキ


(2) For rail shipments of hazardous waste within the U.S. which originate at the site of generation, the generator must forward the tracking document with the manifest (in accordance with the routing procedures for the manifest in §262.23(d)) to the next non-rail transporter, if any, or the last rail transporter to handle the waste in the U.S. if exported by rail. 米国内の生成のサイトから始発する有害廃棄物の鉄道出荷については、ジェネレーターは §262.23(d)の中のマニフェストのためのルーティング手続きに従って作成されるマニフェストを


物を扱う 後の鉄道運送者へ転送するに違いありません。

(b) The tracking document must include all information required under §262.83 (for notification), and the following: トラッキング・ドキュメントは、§262.83(通知用の)の下で要求された情報および下記をすべて含

んでいるに違いありません: (1) Date shipment commenced. 出荷が始められた日付。

(2) Name (if not notifier), address, and telephone and telefax numbers of primary exporter. 主要な輸出者の名前(通知者では場合)、アドレスおよび電話、またテレファックス番号。

(3) Company name and EPA ID number of all transporters.


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すべての運送業者の会社名および EPA ID 番号。

(4) Identification (license, registered name or registration number) of means of transport, including types of packaging. パッケージングのタイプを含む輸送の手段の識別(ライセンス、公認の名前あるいは登録番号)。

(5) Any special precautions to be taken by transporters. 運送者によって講じられる任意の特別の予防措置。

(6) Certification/declaration signed by notifier that no objection to the shipment has been lodged as follows: 出荷に対する反対がそうでなかった通知者によって署名された証明/宣言は、以下のように泊ま


I certify that the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that legally-enforceable written contractual obligations have been entered into, that any applicable insurance or other financial guarantees are or shall be in force covering the transfrontier movement, and that: 私は、上記の情報が私の知っている限りでは完全で正確であることを証明します。さらに、私




1. All necessary consents have been received; OR 必要な同意がすべて受け取られました;又は

2. The shipment is directed at a recovery facility within the OECD area and no objection has been received from any of the concerned countries within the 30 day tacit consent period; OR その出荷は、OECD のエリア内の回復設備に向けられます。また、反対は、30 日の暗黙の同意期間内の


3. The shipment is directed at a recovery facility pre-authorized for that type of waste within the OECD area; such an authorization has not been revoked, and no objection has been received from any of the concerned countries.

出荷は回復設備に向けられます、あらかじめ OECD のエリア内のその種の廃棄物のために認可



(delete sentences that are not applicable) 適用可能でない文を削除します Name: ____________________ Signature: ____________________ Date:____________________

(7) Appropriate signatures for each custody transfer (e.g. transporter, consignee, and owner or

operator of the recovery facility). 各トランスファー管理者 (例えば回復設備の運送者、荷受け人、および所有者か、オペレーター)の適切な署名。

(c) Notifiers also must comply with the special manifest requirements of 40 CFR 262.54(a), (b), (c), (e), and (i) and consignees must comply with the import requirements of 40 CFR part 262, subpart F. 通知者は、さらに 40 の CFR((e))262.54(a)(b)(c)の特別のマニフェストな必要条件に応じるに違いあ

りません、また、(i)と荷受け人は、40 の CFR パート 262 の輸入必要条件、サブパート F に応じる



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(d) Each U.S. person that has physical custody of the waste from the time the movement commences

until it arrives at the recovery facility must sign the tracking document (e.g. transporter, consignee, and owner or operator of the recovery facility). 移動が始まる時から回復設備に到着するまでの廃棄物を物理的に管理する米国の人ごと(例えば回



(e) Within three working days of the receipt of imports subject to this Subpart, the owner or operator of the U.S. recovery facility must send signed copies of the tracking document to the notifier, to the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and to the competent authorities of the exporting and transit countries. この Subpart に従う輸入品の受取の 3 日の仕事日内に、米国の回復設備の所有者あるいはオペレー


護局、1200 のペンシルバニア通り、NW(2254A)。ワシントン、DC の 20460)、そして輸出および

通過国の権限ある当局に署名されたトラッキング・ドキュメントのコピー送らなければならない、。 [61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 40271, July 14, 2006] §262.85 Contracts.

(a) Transfrontier movements of hazardous wastes subject to amber or red control procedures are prohibited unless they occur under the terms of a valid written contract, chain of contracts, or equivalent arrangements (when the movement occurs between parties controlled by the same corporate or legal entity). Such contracts or equivalent arrangements must be executed by the notifier and the owner or operator of the recovery facility, and must specify responsibilities for each. Contracts or equivalent arrangements are valid for the purposes of this section only if persons assuming obligations under the contracts or equivalent arrangements have appropriate legal status to conduct the operations specified in the contract or equivalent arrangement. それらが、有効な書面契約の条件、契約のチェーンあるいは等価な準備(移動が、同じ企業あるい







(b) Contracts or equivalent arrangements must specify the name and EPA ID number, where available, of: 利用可能なところで、契約あるいは等価な準備は名前および EPA ID 番号を指定するに違いありま

せん、次のものの (1) The generator of each type of waste; 各タイプの廃棄物のジェネレーター;

(2) Each person who will have physical custody of the wastes; 廃棄物を物理的に保管する人ごと;

(3) Each person who will have legal control of the wastes; and 廃棄物の法的支配を持つ人ごと;そして

(4) The recovery facility. 回復設備。


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(c) Contracts or equivalent arrangements must specify which party to the contract will assume responsibility for alternate management of the wastes if its disposition cannot be carried out as described in the notification of intent to export. In such cases, contracts must specify that: 契約あるいは等価な協定は、輸出する意図の通知に記述されるようにその処分を行なうことがで


ません。そのような場合、契約はそれを指定しなければならない: (1) The person having actual possession or physical control over the wastes will immediately

inform the notifier and the competent authorities of the exporting and importing countries and, if the wastes are located in a country of transit, the competent authorities of that country; and 廃棄物の実際の所有あるいは物的に管理をおこなっている人は、直ちに通知者と輸出国および輸


その通過国の権限ある当局に;そして (2) The person specified in the contract will assume responsibility for the adequate management

of the wastes in compliance with applicable laws and regulations including, if necessary, arranging their return to the original country of export. 契約で指定された人は、準拠する法と規則に従って廃棄物の適切な管理に対する責任を負うでし


(d) Contracts must specify that the consignee will provide the notification required in §262.82(c) prior to re-export of controlled wastes to a third country. 契約は、荷受け人が、第三国への抑制された廃棄物の再輸出に先立って§262.82(c)の中で要求され


(e) Contracts or equivalent arrangements must include provisions for financial guarantees, if required by the competent authorities of any concerned country, in accordance with applicable national or international law requirements. もし任意の関係のある国の権限ある当局によって要求されれば、契約あるいは等価な準備は金融


必要条件。 Note to paragraph (e): Financial guarantees so required are intended to provide for alternate recycling, disposal or other means of sound management of the wastes in cases where arrangements for the shipment and the recovery operations cannot be carried out as foreseen. The U.S. does not require such financial guarantees at this time; however, some OECD countries do. It is the responsibility of the notifier to ascertain and comply with such requirements; in some cases, transporters or consignees may refuse to enter into the necessary contracts absent specific references or certifications to financial guarantees. パラグラフ(e)に注意してください:金融保証、したがって、要求された、交互の再利用、処分ある



期に要求しません;しかしながら、いくつかの OECD の国は行います。そのような必要条件を確認



(f) Contracts or equivalent arrangements must contain provisions requiring each contracting party to comply with all applicable requirements of this subpart. 契約あるいは等価な準備は、このサブパートのすべての適用可能な必要条件に応じることを各契約


(g) Upon request by EPA, U.S. notifiers, consignees, or recovery facilities must submit to EPA copies of contracts, chain of contracts, or equivalent arrangements (when the movement occurs between parties controlled by the same corporate or legal entity). Information contained in the contracts or equivalent arrangements for which a claim of confidentiality is asserted accordance with 40 CFR 2.203(b) will be treated as confidential and will be disclosed by EPA only as


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provided in 40 CFR 260.2. EPA によるリクエストに際して、米国の通知者、荷受け人あるいは回復設備は、契約の EPA コピ


ルされたパーティー間に生じる場合)に従うに違いありません。ただ 40 の CFR 260.2 の中で提供さ


めに 40 の CFR 2.203(b)を備えた主張された一致である等価な準備は扱われ、EPA によって公開さ

れるでしょう。 Note to paragraph (g): Although the U.S. does not require routine submission of contracts at this time, OECD Council Decision C(92)39/FINAL allows members to impose such requirements. When other OECD countries require submission of partial or complete copies of the contract as a condition to granting consent to proposed movements, EPA will request the required information; absent submission of such information, some OECD countries may deny consent for the proposed movement. パラグラフ(g)に注意してください:米国は契約のルーチン・サブミッションをこの時期に要求しま

せんが、OECD 会議決定 C(92)39/FINAL はメンバーがそのような必要条件を課することを可能に

します。他の OECD の国が、提案された動作に同意を与えることへの条件として契約の部分的か

完全なコピーのサブミッションを要求する時、EPA は必要な情報を要求するでしょう;そのような

情報の不在のサブミッション、いくつかの OECD の国は、提案された移動のための同意を否定し

てもよい。 §262.86 Provisions relating to recognized traders.

(a) A recognized trader who takes physical custody of a waste and conducts recovery operations (including storage prior to recovery) is acting as the owner or operator of a recovery facility and must be so authorized in accordance with all applicable Federal laws. 廃棄物の物理的な保護をとり、回復オペレーション(回復に先立った記憶を含んで)を導く、認識さ



(b) A recognized trader acting as a notifier or consignee for transfrontier shipments of waste must comply with all the requirements of this Subpart associated with being a notifier or consignee. 廃棄物の国境を越える出荷用の通知者か荷受け人がこの Subpart のすべての必要条件に応じなけ


しました。 §262.87 Reporting and recordkeeping.

(a) Annual reports. For all waste movements subject to this Subpart, persons (e.g., notifiers, recognized traders) who meet the definition of primary exporter in §262.51 shall file an annual report with the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Federal Activities, International Compliance Assurance Division (2254A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, no later than March 1 of each year summarizing the types, quantities, frequency, and ultimate destination of all such hazardous waste exported during the previous calendar year. (If the primary exporter is required to file an annual report for waste exports that are not covered under this Subpart, he may include all export information in one report provided the following information on exports of waste destined for recovery within the designated OECD member countries is contained in a separate section). Such reports shall include the following: 年次報告。この Subpart に従うすべての廃棄物の動作については、§262.51 の中で主要な輸出者の


国際的な従順保証部門、環境保護局、1200 のペンシルバニア通り(2254A)のオフィスのオフィスを

備えた年次報告をファイルするものとします。NW。ワシントン、DC の 20460、以内に、3 月 1日、タイプ、および・ O の暦年中に輸出された多量、周波数および 終仕向地のすべてのそのよ

うな有害廃棄物を要約する毎年の。(主要な輸出者がこの Subpart の下でカバーされない廃棄物の


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輸出品用の年次報告をファイルすることを要求されれば、彼は 1 つの報告書に輸出情報をすべて

含めてもよい、指定の OECD メンバー国の内の回復のために予定されて、廃棄物の輸出品につい



(1) The EPA identification number, name, and mailing and site address of the notifier filing the report; EPA 識別番号、名前および郵送物、また報告書を提出する通知者のサイト・アドレス;

(2) The calendar year covered by the report; 報告書によってカバーされた暦年;

(3) The name and site address of each final recovery facility; 個々の 終の回復設備の名前およびサイト・アドレス;

(4) By final recovery facility, for each hazardous waste exported, a description of the hazardous waste, the EPA hazardous waste number (from 40 CFR part 261, subpart C or D), designation of waste type(s) from OECD waste list and applicable waste code from the OECD lists, DOT hazard class, the name and U.S. EPA identification number (where applicable) for each transporter used, the total amount of hazardous waste shipped pursuant to this Subpart, and number of shipments pursuant to each notification; 終の回復設備によって、各有害廃棄物のために、輸出された、有害廃棄物の記述、EPA 有害廃

棄物番号(40 の CFR パート 261、サブパート C あるいは D からの)、OECD からの廃棄物のタイ

プの指示、OECD のリストからの廃棄物のリストおよび適用可能な廃棄物のコード、DOT はク

ラスを冒険する、各運送者の名前および米国 EPA 識別番号(ここで適用可能)は使用された、有害

廃棄物の合計金額は船で行った、この Subpart に準ずるまた各通知に準ずる出荷の数;

(5) In even numbered years, for each hazardous waste exported, except for hazardous waste produced by exporters of greater than 100 kg but less than 1000 kg in a calendar month, and except for hazardous waste for which information was already provided pursuant to §262.41: 奇数年で、各有害廃棄物のために、輸出された、有害廃棄物を除いて、暦月の月間 100kg 以上

の、しかし 1000kg 未満の輸出者によって作られた有害廃棄物を除いて、のために、その情報は

既に提供されました§262.41 に準ずる

(i) A description of the efforts undertaken during the year to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated; and 生成されて、廃棄物のボリュームおよび毒性を縮小するためにその年に試みられた努力の記


(ii) A description of the changes in volume and toxicity of the waste actually achieved during the year in comparison to previous years to the extent such information is available for years prior to 1984; and


た、そのような情報は、1984 に先立って何年も利用可能です;そして

(6) A certification signed by the person acting as primary exporter that states: 述べる主要な輸出者の役割をする人によって署名された証明: I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. 私は個人的に検査した法則の罰の下で保証しこれおよびすべての添付書類の中で提出された情


て、それを提出さ・ 黷ス情報と考えることは真実で、正確で、完全です。私は、罰金と監禁の可


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(b) Exception reports. Any person who meets the definition of primary exporter in §262.51 must file an exception report in lieu of the requirements of §262.42 with the Administrator if any of the following occurs: 例外報告書。 下記のうちのどれかが生じる場合、§262.51 の中で主要な輸出者のその定義に遭遇するどんな人も、

管理者を備えた§262.42 の必要条件の代わりの例外報告書をファイルしなければなりません: (1) He has not received a copy of the tracking documentation signed by the transporter stating

point of departure of the waste from the United States, within forty-five (45) days from the date it was accepted by the initial transporter; 彼は、それが 初の運送業者によって受理された日付からの 45(45)日以内に、送者によってアメ



(2) Within ninety (90) days from the date the waste was accepted by the initial transporter, the notifier has not received written confirmation from the recovery facility that the hazardous waste was received; 廃棄物が 初の運送者によって受理された日付から 90(90)日以内に、通知者は、回復設備から有


(3) The waste is returned to the United States. 廃棄物はアメリカに返されます。

(c) Recordkeeping. 記録保存

(1) Persons who meet the definition of primary exporter in §262.51 shall keep the following

records: §262.89 §262.51 の中で主要な輸出者のその定義に遭遇する人は次の記録をとるものとします:§262.89

(i) A copy of each notification of intent to export and all written consents obtained from the competent authorities of concerned countries for a period of at least three years from the date the hazardous waste was accepted by the initial transporter; 輸出する意図、および有害廃棄物が 初の運送者によって受理された日付からの、少なくとも



(ii) A copy of each annual report for a period of at least three years from the due date of the report; and 報告書の期日からの少なくとも 3 年の期間の各年次報告のコピー;そして

(iii) A copy of any exception reports and a copy of each confirmation of delivery (i.e., tracking

documentation) sent by the recovery facility to the notifier for at least three years from the date the hazardous waste was accepted by the initial transporter or received by the recovery facility, whichever is applicable.

任意の例外報告書のコピー、および、有害廃棄物が 初の運送者によって受理されたか、どち

らが適用可能でも、回復設備によって受け取られた日付から通知者に少なくとも 3 年間回復設


(2) The periods of retention referred to in this section are extended automatically during the course of any unresolved enforcement action regarding the regulated activity or as requested by the Administrator. 保持の期間は参照しました、に、このセクションの中で、規制された活動に関する任意の未決



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[61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 40272, July 14, 2006] §262.88 Pre-approval for U.S. Recovery Facilities. [Reserved] §262.89 OECD Waste Lists.

(a) General. For the purposes of this Subpart, a waste is considered hazardous under U.S. national procedures, and hence subject to this Subpart, if the waste: 概要。この Subpart の目的のために、廃棄物が危険であると考えられる、米国の全国手続きの下で

この Subpart に従った場合、もし、廃棄物が以下の場合: (1) Meets the Federal definition of hazardous waste in 40 CFR 261.3; and

40 の CFR 261.3 の中で有害廃棄物のその連邦政府の定義に該当するもの;そして

(2) Is subject to either the Federal RCRA manifesting requirements at 40 CFR part 262, subpart B, to the universal waste management standards of 40 CFR part 273, or to State requirements analogous to 40 CFR part 273.

一方の連邦 RCRA に従う、40 の CFR パート 262 の明示する必要条件、40 の CFR パート 273 の普

遍的な廃棄物管理基準への、あるいは 40 の CFR パート 273 と類似した州必要条件へのサブパー

ト B。

(b) If a waste is hazardous under paragraph (a) of this section and it appears on the amber or red list, it is subject to amber- or red-list requirements respectively; 場合、1 つの、廃棄物、このセクションのパラグラフ(a)およびその下で危険である、黄色か赤いリ


(c) If a waste is hazardous under paragraph (a) of this section and it does not appear on either amber or red lists, it is subject to red-list requirements. 廃棄物が、このセクションのパラグラフ(a)およびその下で危険であり、黄色リストあるいは赤色


(d) The appropriate control procedures for hazardous wastes and hazardous waste mixtures are addressed in §262.82. 有害廃棄物および有害廃棄物混合のための適切な統制手続は、§262.82 にアドレスされます。

(e) The OECD Green List of Wastes (revised May 1994), Amber List of Wastes and Red List of Wastes (both revised May 1993) as set forth in Appendix 3, Appendix 4 and Appendix 5, respectively, to the OECD Council Decision C(92)39/FINAL (Concerning the Control of Transfrontier Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations) are incorporated by reference. These incorporations by reference were approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51 on July 11, 1996. These materials are incorporated as they exist on the date of the approval and a notice of any change in these materials will be published in the Federal Register. The materials are available for inspection at: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, RCRA Information Center (RIC), 1235 Jefferson-Davis Highway, first floor, Arlington, VA 22203 (Docket # F-94-IEHF-FFFFF) or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and may be obtained from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Environment Direcorate, 2 rue Andre Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: 廃棄物(改訂された 5 月の 1994 年)、廃棄物の黄色のリストおよび付録の付録(4)3 の中で述べられ

るような廃棄物(・ シ方の改訂された 5 月の 1993 年)の赤いリストのOECDの緑のリストおよび付録

5 は、それぞれ、OECD会議決定C(92)39/FINAL(回復オペレーションのために予定された廃棄物の



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らの編入は、5 つのU.S.C.552(a)および 1 CFRパート 51 に従って官報の管理者によって 1996 年 7月 11 日に承認されました。それらが承認の日付に存在し、これらの材料の任意の変化の通知が官

報の中で公表さ・ 黷驍ナあろうとともに、これらの材料が組込まれます。用品は次のものの検査に

利用可能です:米国環境保護局、RCRAインフォメーション・センター(RIC)、1235 のジェファーソ

ン・デーヴィスハイウェー、一階、アーリントン、VA 22203(協議事項表#F-94-IEHF-FFFFF)あるい

は国立公文書館(NARA)で、また経済開発機構(OECD)、環境Direcorate、2 アンドレ・パスカル、

75775 パリCedex 16、フランスから得られるかもしれない。NARAのこの材料の有効性についての

情報については、202-741-6030 に電話をするか、あるいは次のページに行ってください:。

[61 FR 16310, Apr. 12, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]
